2/19/2022 DAB Transcript

Leviticus 7:28-9:6, Mark 3:31-4:25, Psalm 37:12-29, Proverb 10:5

Today is the 19th day of February, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is wonderful to be here with you today, as we bring to a close another one of our weeks and we’re seven weeks in now. So, let’s continue our journey with the next step forward together. Leviticus chapter 7 verse 28 through 9 verse 6.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for another week together in Your word, we thank You for all that You have spoken through Your word, we thank You for all the new complexions and territories we get to experience as we experience the Bible, we thank You for Your kindness and patience with us as we learn. We ask Holy Spirit, that You would come and seal everything that has come through our minds and into our hearts this week through the Scriptures, lead us on the narrow path that leads to life, lead us deeper into Jesus. We pray. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com and that’s home base, that is the website and it’s where you can find out what’s happening around here so do indeed, check it out. If you are using the Daily Audio Bible app, all you have to do is press the little drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner and open up the drawer and you can find the different sections of the Daily Audio Bible within the app. So, check out the Shop, all the different categories that are in the Shop, things to write with, things to write on, things to read, things to listen to, things to look at, things to wear, all for the journey through the Bible in a year. Also, check out the Community section, that is where the Prayer Wall lives and the Prayer Wall is a very, very important aspect of what we do in Community, as we move through the Scriptures together. So, just even knowing that it’s there, and knowing that there’s a Hotline button in the app, and knowing that there is a Prayer Wall at least, lets us know, that no matter what time of day or night it is, there is a way to reach out, we’re not alone. So, check those things out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you, thank you, humbly. We couldn’t do it, we couldn’t do any of it, if we didn’t do it together and so thank you, humbly for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, there are a number of ways to reach out, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that’s the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that is it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I will be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Good morning, Daily Audio Bible, it’s Julie in the UK. I did ring in last year and was so grateful for lots of prayer regarding me being in a bad place, sat in the same chair every day and crying and down. Thank you that your prayers lifted me a little bit out of that situation. I have had to leave where I was living and move back to my hometown. And then, I just desperately ask for your prayers again because I’m struggling. I’ve been here 3 months and I’ve got to find another house come April cause the land lady’s selling. And I’m so afraid, I’ve really got anxiety again. And I’m praying and I’m listening to sermons and I’m doing the Daily Audio Bible. And I can just relate to Jackie so much in Canada. She you know, feels she’s not being heard and I’m, you know, she’s not getting any better and that’s exactly how I feel. And I just ask for your prayers everybody and I thank you so much for this platform, it helps me every day, I listen to all the prayers and I pray for everybody. I just ask for your prayers again to get me out of this pit of anxiety and depression please. And I fear of taking medication because I have a fear of medication too which I know would probably help. So, thank you everybody, love you all.

Good morning, friends, Aaron from Vegas. Hope all is well. God is so good. I just want to reach out and pray for all those who are struggling in their faith, cause without faith it’s impossible to please God. And we want to please God in everything that we do and everything that we say. Father, in the name of Jesus, I want to pray for all those out there in the Campfire land, in the DAB world, Lord Father. All those that are struggling with their faith Lord, to believe in You, that You are rewarding them that diligently seek You. Lord, increase their faith. Lord, bless them and keep them. Lord, show them Your, shoe them Your hand Lord God. Show them Your mercy and Your grace. Show them who You are, make Yourself strong on their behalf Father. In the name of Jesus, they need You Lord God. They need You in these last evil days when the enemy is come in like a flood. Oh God, lift up Your standard oh God, in the name of Jesus. Oh God, close their eyes so they can see the army surrounding them Father God, the army of that You prepared to surround us on a daily basis. Lord, give them that peace that goes beyond their understanding and keep their hearts and their minds on Your son, Jesus Christ. Show them Yourself Lord, make Yourself known to them God. Hallelujah, in the name of Jesus. Lord, speak into their hearts and speak into their minds Lord, give them an encounter with You God. Give them a burning bush encounter Father God. In the name of Jesus, Lord, they need You, they can’t make it without You Lord. Those of the sick, Father God and You can heal them, Father God. Show Yourself strong again, Father God by Your stripes Lord, they are healed. Lord, heal and deliver and set free. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, and we thank You in advance in Jesus powerful name. Amen. God bless you DABers. Have an awesome and wonderful day.

Good morning, Daily Audio Bible family. February 16, 2022, this is, I am Michael in Scottsdale, Arizona and I’m calling for prayer. This is, this is desperate hour for the city of Phoenix. There is a rise of satanic worship going on in this town and Satan desires to make this town an example for the rest of the world. They just recently had a satanic conference of how to, their teaching people how to bring their families and their children into satanic worship openly. So, Father, not on my watch, not…not long as I am here, I will fight against that evil. I will stand against it. And I’m calling on all of you to pray with me in the name of Jesus. Lift the yoke of Satan off of this town and to humble the arrogance of these…these cultic worshipers. Please pray with me, my family that this evil will not spread and grow to the point of being a beacon for evil, for other cities to follow. We are definitely living in the last days, my friends. Come, Lord Jesus, come and put an end to this evil. Thank you, Jesus’s name I pray. Amen.

Hi, I just wanted to send out a blessing to you today. Blessing on your life in the name of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. Blessings on your day in the name of Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Blessings on your family, blessings on your health, blessings on your job and finances. Blessings on all aspects of your life in the name of Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Be blessed, be blessed, be blessed, be blessed. Blessings on you in the name of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Love you guys, this is Radiant Rachel have a great day, have a blessed day and I bless the Lord for you. I bless God, I bless Jesus and I bless the Holy Spirit for you. Blessings to you and for you to God the Father. In Jesus’s name. Bye now.

02/18/2022 DAB Transcript

Leviticus 6:1-7:27, Mark 3:7-30, Psalms 37:1-11, Proverbs 10:3-4

Today is the 18th day of February, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it’s great to be here with you today as we take the next step forward together. At this point we are working through the third book of the Torah or the Pentateuch, the book of Leviticus and we are sort of watching God reveal the law to Moses. The law, the Mosaic law would establish and govern the society or the culture or the people of God who had come out of slavery. Their identity was that of a slave. Their culture was that of the slave. Their understandings were that…those of slaves. God is creating a new people out of these former slaves and setting in place the rules and customs and holidays and rituals and laws that they are to obey. And, so, let’s take the next step. We’re reading from the New International Version this week. Leviticus chapter 6 verse 1 through seven 27.


Okay. Let’s talk for a minute about blasphemy. That word or that action, that sin is not something that is in the modern vernacular. Like we don’t really hear discussion about blasphemy all that often unless we’re talking about it out of the Scriptures. And yet within the Scriptures it’s all over the place. It is what Jesus is accused of, and ultimately what He’s found guilty of. It is also what Jesus is saying that the religious leaders are doing. So, is it just like he said she said? What are we talking about here? To blaspheme is to elevate someone or something to the place of the most high God. And as we know from history, both Old and New Testament many gods were worshiped. Like idolatry is something that we see a lot in the Old Testament, that giving your heart in worship to something that’s not real, but that is elevating that thing, putting your belief and hope and faith into that thing, and elevating it to the place of God in your life. And, so, the religious leaders accused Jesus of blasphemy because He elevated himself to the place of God blasphemy because they did not believe that He was God incarnate, or God made flesh or the human God. And, so, for anyone to make that claim about Jesus to their way of thinking and interpretation this is straight up textbook blasphemy. So, even though they were incorrect in their judgment this is what they were accusing Jesus of. Jesus in their view, was a man not a God and not a God made flesh, but how are they blaspheming? So, let me read just a couple of verses from our reading today. “Then Jesus entered a house and again a crowd gathered so that He and His disciples were not even able to eat. When his family heard about this thing want to take charge of Him, for they said He is out of His mind and the teachers of the law who came down from Jerusalem said He is possessed by Beelzebul, by the prince of demons He is driving out demons.” Jesus responds so that basically saying, “that doesn’t make any sense”, right? Like, “why would the devil throw out the devil? How can Satan drive out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. And if Satan opposes himself and is divided, he cannot stand. His end has come. In fact, no one can enter a strong man’s house without first tying him up then he can plunder the strong man’s house. Truly I tell you, people can be forgiven all their sins and every slander they utter. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven. They are guilty of an eternal sin.” He said this because they were saying He has an impure spirit. So, what the religious leaders who had come down from Jerusalem…we’re talking about the cream of the crop. We’re talking about powerful and educated Pharisees, Sadducees, scribes and those with religious authority. They see what Jesus is doing and they say He is possessed by Beelzebul. So, they are essentially saying that God made flash is possessed by the devil and it is the devil giving God made flash the power to do these signs and wonders. They are crediting the devil for what God is doing and they are calling God made flesh, Jesus, of the devil elevating the devil to the place of God. That is blasphemy. So, if we understand that then all of the sudden the gospel of Mark is becoming a mirror. What was happening with religious authorities saying Jesus is getting his power from Beelzebul, etc., etc., is that they’re seeing something that they do not understand. It is outside of their interpretations, and they think Jesus is a fraud. And, so, even though the work of God is accompanying Jesus everywhere he goes where else would the work of God be besides with God? So, even though Jesus is doing the work of God they don’t understand it, they don’t have a grid for it and so they label it of the devil. The mirror is that we do that too. If something is happening, the work of God, but it is outside of our framework, we don’t have an interpretation for it or a grid for it. It looks different than we think it should look. Then often we can find ourselves, whether we say it out loud or we think it in our hearts, of the devil. We should be supremely cautious about that because crediting the devil for something that God is doing, even if we don’t understand it is blasphemy. And we could say, “well…you know…there’s no way God could be involved in X, Y, and Z. There's…He just doesn’t do things that way.” That is exactly what the religious authorities in the time of Jesus thought. So, before we start labeling things, we may need to push pause and take a step backward and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit before we step into that territory because it doesn’t lead anywhere good. And, so, that’s worth giving some consideration to. It’s worth observing ourselves. It’s worth just thinking of what triggers us and why we begin to say the things that we do. If the Bible shows us anything, it’s God is all mighty and all powerful and He doesn’t really care about doing things according to the formulas that we create for Him. And He doesn’t really care about living in the boxes that we craft for Him. God is God. God is good. God is love. God will do what God will do. And whatever God does is right regardless of what label we put on it. And, so, let’s give it some thought.


Holy Spirit we can think all we want and maybe we can kind of catch ourselves in these kinds of postures but to truly get to the root of anything we need Your help. We can’t do this on her own. We’ve tried plenty to do all kinds of things in our own strength and by our own power and we are not capable. And we may be able to keep the plate spinning for a while, but we crash. We cannot survive without You. And when You are at work in our lives or You are or work in the world or around us in ways that we may or may not understand, and so we just listen to whatever the crowd is saying then we need to think that the crowd said to crucify Him. We need Your Holy Spirit to guide us and to help us keep our mouths closed until we understand what You are doing. We choose so many battles against each other that are not our battles. Help us Holy Spirit. We are so lost without You. And we are so lost when we are not paying attention to You. But we’re paying attention now. And, so, come. Lead us into all truth we pray and ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base and where you can find out what’s going on around here. The Daily Audio Bible app can help you with those very things as well. And the Daily Audio Bible app can be downloaded from wherever you download apps. Whatever device that you are using whatever app store that that is just search for the Daily Audio Bible and you can download the app for free. And, so, check that out.

Check out the resources that are in the Daily Audio Bible Shop. Whether that be in the app or on the web there are number of resources there for the journey that we are on.

Check at the Community section and is where links to get connected on social media are as well as where the Prayer Wall lives. And, so, check those things out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible…well…first of all, humble gratitude. Thank you. We would not be here if we were not in this together. And, so, if life and good news and the light and counsel, and community is part of the Daily Audio Bible story in your life than thank you for being life-giving. Thank you profoundly and humbly. So, there’s a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you are using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can at the Hotline button in the app, which is the little red button at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hey DAB family this is your sister Ashley from California and I want to come on here first and foremost and say thank You God for the goodness that comes through this app. Every day I am able to wake up and I have psalms to turn to, to have songs to sing. I have proverbs. The wisdom of the Lord is just poured out into my heart into my mind. And then I have the DAB and I get the chance to listen to that. And not only that I’ve been also able to invite my son into listening to the New Testament to develop the foundation of his faith with Ezekiel. So, Lord I just want to thank You so much for this app and for leading me here. Brian, Jill, Ezekiel, China, the whole Hardin family, thank you. Thank you for your faithfulness in the small things and being obedient and thank you for that. I’m coming on here to cry out for your help DAB family. My grandmommy Jody was just diagnosed with acute mass leukemia and she started chemo yesterday, Valentine’s Day and she’s having a reaction. We don’t have a lot of answers right now but last year diabi family when I called in and asked you for prayer and for help because I was scared about my dad you met me and you reached out and guys my dad is still doing the cha cha with his recovery but he is on the mend and I need you all to join me in prayer for my grandmommy Jody. So, I love DAB family. Bye.

Hi DAB family this is Cami I’m from Southern Oregon I’m a new listener and a first-time caller. I’ve been listening to all the prayer requests and often find myself so moved because I can relate to them. But I really wanted to reach out and pray for Daughter of Honor. I’m already getting emotional, but I related to so much of your prayer request. I have gone through miscarriage and stillbirths, and it really rocked my relationship with God for a while trying to come to terms with bad things happening. It sounds like you’ve had your fair share of trials lately with parents passing away and your mom having Alzheimer’s and…and on top of that that struggle with wanting another child so badly. And I just wanted to pray that Lord please give her family strength and peace and help them get through all of these hard times. It’s so hard to see the light sometimes when we are just beat down with everything going on in life. And I pray that You would bless them with a child that they so desperately want and would love so wonderfully. Lord above all let Your will be done but please bless these beautiful people who have been going through so much. In Your precious name we pray Lord. Amen.

Hello this is John from the UK. I’d like to pray for my daughter Hannah who’s 13-/12 who has anorexia nervosa. She was a perfectly healthy girl until about September and then just started restricting on her eating and drinking to the point where she was dehydrated and had to be admitted to hospital. She’s in hospital now with my wife Rachel who has been caring for her and she’s been in the hospital with her 24/7 most of the time and is quite exhausted. We’ve had a lot of prayer, but we ask that in Jesus’ name you would set Hannah free from any evil that is making her not eat or drink and free her to eat and drink normally like a healthy girl and be the healthy, happy, Hannah she was especially when she gave her heart to Jesus last summer at the church youth camp. So, I pray please agree with me in Jesus’ name that she would be healed. Thank you very much. And bless you all. Amen.

Hey everyone, this is Casey from Missouri and I’m currently 17 weeks pregnant. A few weeks ago, I had a blood test done which was a genetic screening and it came back positive for trisomy 13. I have two other kids, ones 6 and ones 2 and on Wednesday the 22nd is when I’m going to go in for a MEO test which we’ll tell me for sure whether the baby has trisomy 13 or not which I’m trying to stay calm and stay positive for my older kids but this is a very trying time and I could use all the prayers as possible all the prayers that I can get. Thank you all and have a good day.

Hello Daily Audio Bible family this is Ben from Minnesota. I’ve been a listener for about 2-½ years and I’m very grateful for…for the Daily Audio Bible. It makes a big difference and it’s like being served good food every day and you always know it’s gonna be good. You always know it’s gonna be there and you don’t have to think about it but it’s always delicious. So, thank you. Say it, my wife Sarah and I are traveling to Liberia in Africa to adopt A little boy and we leave tomorrow, which is January 7th…no February 17th. So, please pray for us as we go. We expect to be there three to four weeks. This process has been a long journey for us. It started in 2015 and lots of bumps along the way but we are excited and grateful and just really thankful to God for carrying us through this time and also the wonderful community of support that has walked with us. But just wanted to throw that out there for you all. And again, thank you to Brian and the family for all that you do and thank you to all of you who lift each other up in prayer. Blessings. All the best.

2/17/2022 DAB Transcript

Leviticus 4:1-5:19, Mark 2:13-3:6, Psalm 36:1-12, Proverbs 10:1-2

Today is the 17th day of February, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and it is awesome to be here with you today as we continue this journey of a lifetime, across a year through the Bible, deeper into one another’s lives, growing roots, together through our experience in the Bible. And so, let’s take that next step forward. We’re reading from the New International Version this week. Today, Leviticus chapters 4 and 5.


Okay so, in the book of Leviticus we are learning about the different sacrifices for different things and one of the primary things is the sin offering. And we can watch these instructions, they are very detailed on how to do what needs to be done and we can look at it as antiquated or barbaric or old or bloody, or any of the things and we could go like, is God just power-hungry here, like He just wants all these animals to be slaughtered and burned and sacrificed to Him because He likes that stuff. Let’s pause, take a step back so, that we can see what He wants. If there is no sin, there is no need for sacrifice. What God wants is no sin because sin separates us from God. The sin offering is for the one who has sinned and anyone going through this process because it’s tedious and it would take a bunch of time and you would actually have to go out to your flock and choose the smallest one. So, in every way, this act, tedious though it may be, time-consuming though it may be, is a continual reminder of what sin does. Because in this brand-new culture being formed in the wilderness, God wants them to be holy because He is holy. So, there is no way to depend on the fact that they could become sinless in their own strength. There was going to be sin. Sin continues to exist in this world today, but that is indeed what makes the good news of the gospel so important to us, with Christ being the final sacrifice in the sacrificial system, through Christ, we can become sinless because He covers us. Sin is no longer held against us. We can confess it, we do not have to sacrifice for it, but as we watch these things unfold in Leviticus and throughout the rest of the story, especially here in the law where we’re watching all of the things that are gonna shape them, we should begin to see or realize that everything that is being woven into the tapestry of this newly emerging culture, is pointing them to God. Their source of life and warning them against things that will destroy that bond or covenant or break that covenant. The Bible tells us that sin leads us to destruction and to death, that is what God does not want and God paid a price, very dear, to rescue us from it. And as an example, from the Scriptures about how off, how upside down, how backward things can get, we only need to look at what we read today from the gospel of Mark. Jesus is healing on the Sabbath day. That’s against the rules, the rules as they had interpreted the rules. Jesus asked the question, is it lawful, like what’s lawful on the Sabbath, to do good or to do evil, to save a life or to kill? They didn’t answer that question, Jesus heals this man and as it is told in the gospel of Mark, once the man was healed and restored, they went out and began to plot how they might kill Jesus. So, in response to God restoring a person, because he did not interpret the law the way that they had customarily interpreted it and we know that from the gospel of Mark because Jesus said the Sabbath was made for man, not the man for Sabbath, so the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath. They rejected all of this, the signs, the wonders, the explanation, or revelation and plotted how they might kill Jesus. I think we could agree that that’s really twisted, sin can twist you to the degree that you can’t even see what God is doing right in front of your face, sin is not only working against God in your life it’s working against God period. And what is the mission of God, if we could call it that, it is to restore you and sin can’t be a part of that restorative process. So, when we watch these sacrifices being implemented and kind of laid down in writing because we are reading the rules right, the laws and the laws aren’t always riveting narrative stories, they’re laws and rules and how to obey them. But God isn’t thirsty for animal blood. If He’s thirsty, it’s for righteousness, it’s for holiness because this is freedom. So, let’s remember that as we continue our journey.


Father, we thank You, we thank You for all of the Scriptures and all of the stories and all of the way that things have unfolded. But at the center of it all, there is this willingness inside of our hearts to rebel against what we know is right and this is sin and it, it is only going to one place, that is demonstrated over and over in the Scriptures. But what is also demonstrated over and over in the Scriptures is that You will not surrender us, You come for us, You rescue us and then You remind us that separation from You is something we want to have nothing to do with. And so, although we may not have to sacrifice an animal as a reminder all of the time, sin still does what sin does. Thankfully so does the sacrifice of Jesus. And so, may we walk in our freedom as you lead us by the power of Your Holy Spirit into freedom, onto the narrow path that leads to life. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com that is home base, it’s the website, it’s certainly where you can find out what’s happening around here and how to get connected. Check out the Community section, that would be where different links on the social media networks that we are on can be found and that’s good to know. The Prayer Wall is there in the Community section and gets mentioned a lot because it’s an invaluable resource, it's…it’s good to know that it’s there. Whether we need prayer or not, we can always pray for others. We can always ask for prayer and there’ always a place for that around the Global Campfire and so that can be found in the Community section, whether on the website or using the Daily Audio Bible app, so check that out.

And as always if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if the mission here to bring the spoken word of God, read fresh every day and offered to whoever will listen, wherever they may be on this planet, whatever time of day or night it might be, whatever the life circumstances may be. It is our mission to show up every day and be there to take the next step forward and if that has been life-giving to you then thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, there are a number of numbers that you can dial depending on where you are in the world. If you are in the Americas 877-942-4253. If you are in the UK or Europe 44 2036 088078. And if you are in Australia or that part of the world 61 3 8820 5459 is the number to dial. And of course, if you are using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can hit the Hotline button no matter where you are in the world that will get you to the right place anywhere that you have an Internet connection, so check that out as well.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Heavenly Father, Lord God, I want to thank You so much for Your love, You grace, and Your mercy. You are a God that does exceedingly, abundantly above all that any of us could ask or think. And Father, we just want to thank You, praise You, magnify Your name, worship You, for You are Holy. Thank You for Jesus, thank You for Your son and Jesus, for Your willingness to come. Thank You so much for doing more than we could ever imagine, giving us access to eternal life. Oh Father, thank You for Your son and Your Holy Spirit. Dear God, that you would anoint each of us with Your Spirit, that You would impower us through Your word that we hear, that we read, through the presence of Your Holy Spirit, transforming us. Empowering us to let go of those things that are not of You. And to embrace those things that You want to have us do in our lives. Breaking those bonds and embracing those truths of Your victory, Your freedom, Your deliverance. Dear God, whatever the needs are of those who are hearing this prayer, family, finances, emotional, relational, professional God, spiritual. Dear Father, I praise You, that You are everywhere present at the same time and that You know us, deeply, intimately because You are our creator. Thank You for answering our prayers. Amen.

Hello, Daily Audio Bible family. This is Patrick from Malta, I’m here with my wife Maria. I was tracking when we started listening, it was actually 2007 but we’ve been kind of on and off and have just come back to it at the beginning of this year, the 1st of January. I remember back then, writing to Brian to tell you how I felt you really nurture a community of love, even just by telling people you love them. And I can see how that’s just spread and grown. For anyone back there in 2009, I was writing to you to tell you my thoughts on how the community had grown and what a blessing it was and it’s grown even bigger and stronger. And I just really love the community work that you’re doing. And I love the fact that there’s a genuine community of people that love one another, care for each other, pray for one another. And we listen to those prayers and they’re as much a blessing to hear those as it is to hear the scriptures. And I just want to say, my wife Maria wants to say something. Well, today’s Valentine’s Day, right, 14th of February. And we don’t really celebrate it, do we? But I just want to ask the Lord to fill your heart with his love today afresh. May we, as we continue through the scriptures this year, as we continue in community, just know the love of God. Yes, that’s my prayer. And for all those prayers I hear so many broken people and suffering, there’s a richness in the suffering. And I just pray the Lord is with you in that suffering and comfort you with His love and come through and answer you. We love you all and bye from Malta. Bye.

Hello family, this is KD out of Atlanta. I’m calling in to give a praise report and an update and to say thank you for everyone who prayed for me. I went to the do doctor the other day and I did acupuncture so; it did help out with the pelvic issues and I’m feeling better. It’s only been a day or so but I’m feeling better. Also, for those who prayed for me back, I think it was around Christmas time or slightly before Christmas, when I prayed for my business to do better. So, it’s slowly picking up. It’s picking up but I just wanted to give everybody that update and to thank them for the prayers on that. And also, just to say that while I was going through all that I had, I’ve just been doing some self-evaluating and I kinda learned a lesson in this and it’s everything that I’m going through. My business is doing very bad, it’s a staffing company, people weren’t working or whatever. So, I was just trying to make it happen, you know, trying to. And what it taught me was that I just got to trust God. God is my source, not my business, not any of that, not the amount of people I have or anything, God is my source. And I have to trust and believe that He will do what He has always done. He has never failed me. He has always provided. He has always made sure that my family had so, I’ve heard in the community prayer a lot of people who are going through things and stuff. Trust and believe that God will see you through. ___ on His word. It is just so…

This is Candance from Oregon and I just have to say that I’m really grateful to the DABer who often tells us, the God who is able to save you and me will be able to save our children. I just love that, that’s really a bit of encouragement to me. My son, is finally, it looks like, this very moment as I speak, getting himself ready, talking to HR where he works so that he can put himself into drug and alcohol treatment. And you know, this will be where he can’t work. It’ll be from 7am to 7pm every day for at least two weeks. So please pray with me. Lord, I pray for Micah. Thank You that he has arrived at this decision and I pray that the hold that alcohol has had on him for over a decade, would now be cast into the pit of hell, along with all of its lies and destruction. And that what Micah will come into life that’s truly life and be done with this. I pray that he will find the natural high of being outside in the sunshine and going on hikes and enjoying friendships and all that life is meant to be, that You have given us Lord. Rather than the lies that alcohol has told him all this time. I pray that he’ll be involved in his community, in his church and most of all Lord, moment-by-moment with You. And I ask this in Jesus’ name.

Hey guys, it’s Val in Vegas. Today’s my birthday, it’s February 15th and I’m not feeling that great. I want to pray right now for everyone that is suffering from COVID or any upper respiratory issue. We need You Father. God, just one breath from You can heal our lungs, Lord. Father, we love You. I pray for healing for everyone listening to this Lord and a special prayer for upper respiratory issues, Lord. There’s nothing like not being able to breath Lord. Blow Your breath on us Father and heal our bodies Lord, like only You can God. Father, ___53rd chapter of life. The greatest thing about it is I’m taking you with me. I know that you’ll never leave me or forsake me. Heal my body, Lord and everyone listening Father God. In your precious and mighty name. We love You Jesus. Amen.    

02/16/2022 DAB Transcript

Leviticus 1:1-3:17, Mark 1:29-2:12, Psalms 35:17-28, Proverbs 9:13-18

Today is the 16th day of February, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it’s great to be here with you today around the Global Campfire as we gather each day taking the next step forward in the Scriptures. And we concluded the book of Exodus yesterday and began the book of Mark yesterday, which brings us to the opening of another book. So, we’re moving right along. This is the third book in the Old Testament or the Hebrew Scriptures. It is the third book in the grouping of five books known as the Pentateuch or the Torah. And we are following the story of the children of Israel and we’ve…we’ve looked at who they are and so we probably have that down by now. And we’ve spent a lot of time around Mount Sinai, the mountain of God where God has been speaking to Moses establishing the terms and the rituals and holidays and obligations that will form a culture, transforming these former slaves into God’s chosen people. And one of the things about these people is that they are to be a holy people. So, it’s been about a year since they’ve left Egypt. The law has been being given and we’ll start to see this theme of holiness emerging in all of the ways that God is aiming the hearts of His people because all of these laws and regulations and statutes, they’re aimed at shaping and governing this people. And they need this. They don’t know how to be anything but slaves. And, so, this is forming and establishing them and giving them an understanding of what it means to be in covenant with God. It’s like God saying, “I want to be known. I want to be known by you. I want to know you. If we’re gonna be in communion together, if we’re gonna fellowship with one another it will be through holiness.” And God even says, “I am holy therefore, you will be holy.”

Introduction to the book of Leviticus:

So, one of the things that we’ll notice as we get to Leviticus…and Leviticus…right…like I haven’t met too many people that say “that’s my favorite book of the Bible.” In fact, here we are now at this…this point where those of us who continue forward into this new month are very likely to take this journey. But this journey for people who are attempting to read the Bible through sometimes ends at Leviticus because it starts…it starts to get…well…it starts to get bloody. There’s a lot of sacrifice in this book. And we have to remember what we’re reading is thousands of years, millennia ago, in a truly different kind of world. The way that people understand their status in the world was very, very different from the one that we now live in. So, if we’re kinda back reading our culture into the Bible that came before right now then…then it’s gonna be irrelevant to us. If we put ourselves in the camp with the children of Israel understanding that we just came out of slavery and we don’t know anything else and begin to read what God is establishing, a covenant of holiness, an offer of intimacy through holiness then we begin to understand that God is showing the children of Israel that their sin costs something valuable, dear, important. And to cover their sin comes at great cost. And ultimately that great cost to something that we…we just finished reading about as we closed the Matthew with the sacrifice of Jesus. And, So, let’s remember that we’re turning the page, but we’re basically where we left off. The children of Israel. That’s the story that’s being told here, the story of the children of Israel. And so, let’s dive in. We’re reading from the New International Version this week. Leviticus chapters 1 through 3.


Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You for this new territory that we have come into Your word in the book of Leviticus as we’ve just begun today and the gospel of Mark which we began yesterday. And Father as we go through this portion of the Old Testament may we realize that holy is something we are to be. Because You are holy, we are to be holy. As we see the children of Israel being pointed in this direction with everything they do, including sacrifices, things that were costly to show that sin is costly and leads to death. These themes are themes that we are familiar with, but they are also throughout the entire Bible. And, so, may we immerse ourselves more deeply in what that looks like for each one of us. You are setting us apart and making us holy. This is known as sanctification. May we participate. May we collaborate by surrendering our hearts fully to You and trusting You and You alone. We pray this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com, that is home, that’s home base, it’s the website, of course. It’s where you find out what’s going on around here, which you can also do using the Daily Audio Bible app which you can download free from any…well…whatever app store is associated with the device that you use. You should be able to find it and download it free from there. So, check that out.

Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop and the resources that are there, things like the God of Your Story, which works well in conjunction with the journey that we are ongoing through the Bible in a year. If you are ever away from the Internet by choice or just because of where you are you can read your Bible and the God of Your Story is kind if there for keeping the story going like we do every single day and is a fantastic resource. Perhaps you listen to the Daily Audio Bible in the morning and then the God of Your Story is great reminder, a refresher, so that sinks down deep what we’ve read today, or any given day. So, check that out. There are a number of resources in a number of categories. So, the Daily Audio Bible Shop is available, and it is full of resources for the journey that we are on through the Bible in a year. So, check it out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if what we’re doing here showing up every day around the Global Campfire and allowing the Scriptures to wash into our lives, changing us, re-orienting us to God and informing what our day could look like and changing, perhaps some of the reactions that we would have, if that is meaningful to you thank you for your partnership we could not do this if we did not do this together. Thank you profoundly for your partnership. So, there is a link in dailyaudiobible.com on the homepage. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app which is little red button at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi this is Dawn Rising in Michigan, and this call is for Joanne and your campus ministry family. I pray that the Lord sends His armies to release any bind that the devil has over your group of coworkers and you and your husband. May he bless each one of you with children so they can follow in your footsteps. And of course, Satan would want to stop that. So, I just pray and the name of the Lord Jesus that He would help the situation. I’m also praying for Steve the man who only has three months to live who’s a radical atheist. I just pray that in these last few months that he will take this time to know the Lord and to fall in love with Him. That’s my prayer for him. So, I hope someone can be there to help guide him to the Bible, hopefully to the Daily Audio Bible and so that he can spend this time falling in love with our Lord Jesus and be welcomed home. So, that’s my prayer for this family. I love all of you and have a good day. Bye.

Hello DAB family today is February 13th and I just got through listening to the February 12th podcast about Moses’s continued faithfulness and interceding for God’s people, about Jesus’ passion having died for all of us. And Karen from Saint Louis came on asking for prayer for her friend Steve the atheist who’s in his final few months of life. Karen, I just lift up your friend Steve. I just pray that he is overwhelmed by a supernatural understanding of who our God is, how faithful He is. Not that He needs us as many atheists would think that He does, but that He wants us and longs for us and loves us. So, I pray that Steve would come to the end of himself even in this time and see that. And Karen your story touches me so deeply because of my own brother Danny who is such a hardhearted hardheaded atheist. I’m here in Ontario for having buried our father and still my brother refuses to believe that there is an afterlife. So, family I just pray for all the atheists in our lives, that they would know us by our love, that they would know Jesus by His unimaginable love for us.

Hi Tim, it is Bart from Kentucky. I want you to know that I heard your prayer, and I am praying for you. I can identify with much of __ you’ve gone through. I’ve never been bankrupt but have been close, but I can certainly identify with you. Brother you’re in the right spot. You’re praying to the Lord, you’re putting your best foot forward each day. The repercussions and consequences of our past never go away and the feelings, the anxiety and the angst and the depression that arise from those ebbs and flows, doesn’t it? But you know you’re in the right spot. You’re asking for help from your brothers and sisters, you’re praying to the Lord and you’re putting your best foot forward each day. So, to keep on doing that and know that thousands of us out here are praying for you. I pray a healing over you. I pray a restoration. I pray peace and joy as well as courage for you brother. It is in Jesus’ name that I pray these things. Amen. And this is Bart from Kentucky and I’m walking in the light. Keep the faith brother.

Shannon from Texas this is Shannon from Salem OR I just heard your recording, your testimony, your praise. God has delivered Jadrien and his life is totally transformed. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. We pray that you would continue to watch over Jadrien and bless his family, bless his child or children and future generations and we just praise you that what the enemy meant for evil you have turned around for good. And we are praying and faith for the saving of many lives, not only Jadrien’s. But we just pray that his life will become such a powerful testimony in Your hands and that You will give him the boldness and the opportunity to share that testimony with many people around him. And I pray that You would use him in lives like his own and that that many people would become redeemed and saved through the power of Your Holy Spirit working in him and through him to share that hope with others. And we thank You for the faithfulness of his mother and many others and…and those in the DAB family who have prayed for him over the years. We thank You. We bless You. You are mighty to save, and we give You all the glory and we continue to pray that You will redeem the lives of our family and friends who haven’t yet come to know You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Hi family, this is Dan calling from Adelaide South Australia. First time caller but longtime listener. Yeah, just wanted to call to ask for us to pray for my friend Zach who is a…a youth worker. We both are from the same community that works for an organization who does outreach…outreach for youth. And Zach was in an accident about three weeks ago while he was rock climbing, and he is in a really bad way. And, so, I would just ask that everyone could pray for him. He’s in a coma. He’s got a lot of broken bones and is not able to breathe by himself at the moment. And, so, we are all praying as a community that he would be able to start breathing by himself again and begin to regain consciousness. His…his bones are healing but, yeah, he really needs to begin to breathe on his own. So, I really appreciate it if you would all join with me and pray for Zach. Thanks everyone.

2/15/2022 DAB Transcript

Exodus 39:1-40:38, Mark 1:1-28, Psalm 35:1-16, Proverbs 9:11-12

Today is the 15th day of February, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian, it is wonderful to be here with you today, as we come in out of whatever is going on and let it go and come around the Global Campfire together and take the next step forward together and that next step will have us continuing our journey through the book of Exodus. And we will actually conclude the book of Exodus today in the Old Testament and then when we get to the New Testament, we will be moving into some new territory: the gospel of Mark. And we’ll talk about that when we get there. But first, Exodus, chapters 39 and 40.

Introduction to the Book of Mark:

Okay so, as we talked about a couple minutes ago were moving into new territory: the gospel of Mark. And the gospel of Mark is part of the grouping of books known as the synoptic Gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke and that is because they share so many of the same stories and events. And this has been studied and looked at and examined going back centuries and centuries and centuries because it seems like there is an original, like the source from which these came because the synoptic Gospels were written by different people at different times and yet, many of the phrases in these books are word for word comparisons. Whereas some of the stories have additional details, some of them less. It is widely believed by biblical scholars that the gospel of Mark is the first gospel written down, attesting to the ministry and life of Jesus Christ, and that it is the source for the similar stories in Matthew and Luke, which were written after Mark. And we should know that Mark wasn’t a disciple of Jesus during his earthly ministry, he wasn’t part of the 12 disciples, and he wasn’t an apostle. Ultimately, it’s believed that he was a long-term disciple of the apostle Peter and accompanied him but we see Mark or as he’s known, John Mark in the book of Acts and we’re given some details about him from the book of Acts, like he became from a pretty wealthy family, which means he at least probably had some education, his mother’s name was Mary. She had a large house. She welcomed the believers into her home. She had a servant named Rhoda, these things we glean from the book of Acts, we also have church tradition that that suggests that her home may have been the the place of the upper room where the Holy Spirit was poured out on the early believers. And if that’s true then it’s probably also the place of the Last Supper, which is territory we’ve just very recently moved through but the bottom line is that Mark or John Mark grew up around the faith, even when he was a boy. It’s a fascinating story in the book of Acts, that we’ll read when we get there, about the time that the apostle Peter was captured by Herod and Herod had killed some Christians and Jewish people were in favor of that and so he was planning to execute Peter as well. And so, Peter is waiting in jail for whatever his destiny will be but an angel comes and opens the jail and Peter is able to escape and he doesn’t even know if he’s dreaming or if this is really happening, but it was to John Mark’s home, to the home of Mary, Mark’s mother, that Peter first went when he was sprung out of jail. And there were a roomful of believers we’re told, they were praying earnestly for Peter for his rescue, for God’s providence and that was answered, and an angel came and got Peter out and so Peter comes to John Mark’s house and the servant Rhoda answers the door and then she sees Peter standing there and then she slams the door in his face because I guess because you can’t believe it’s Peter and she lets the people know inside and they come out and sure enough, it’s Peter and he gives them words and they sent them off into hiding. And so, that kind of gives us a little bit of a sense of who Mark is, as for what is in the gospel of Mark, well we remember Mark has been around the gospel pretty much his whole life. He has a cousin named Barnabas. Barnabas was a dear friend of the apostle Paul and so, Mark and Barnabas and Paul went on Paul’s first missionary journey but tradition tells us that he eventually became a disciple of the apostle Peter and began to travel and evangelize with Peter, even being an interpreter at times for Peter and so Peter moves around sharing the gospel of Jesus. Mark is with him and he hears the story over and over, everywhere they go, Peter is telling the story about Jesus and so Mark has heard this many times from Peter’s perspective, which makes some people think that this is really more the gospel according to Peter because Mark eventually was asked or just had the initiative to write these things down and the texture of Mark is well, it’s kind of roughly hewn. I mean, we’re gonna read it in English but it was written in Greek and Greek scholars look at the gospel of Mark and basically say this is…this is the grammar level of like elementary school person, so it’s kind of roughly hewn, especially compared to the gospel of Luke. For example, which is really beautifully written in really beautiful narrative form. Mark basically like there’s no birth story of Jesus, the Angels and the shepherds and all of this. Mark begins with words by John the Baptist and sort of the baptism of Jesus is where we begin in Mark since it’s it’s a way of looking at the story as it was earliest told, as the apostles are moving around and sharing the good news. And so, with that, we begin Mark chapter 1 verses one through 28.


Father, we thank You for Your word. And we thank You for bringing us several weeks into this brand-new year, with many weeks in front of us and we look forward to all that You will re-shape inside of us and root in us this year. And so, as we begin this second gospel, move back through this story, we open our hearts to You Jesus our Savior, that we might fall deeply in love with You. Understanding how deeply You have loved us, and even as we have concluded the book of Exodus and are preparing tomorrow to enter into new territory in the book of Leviticus, Holy Spirit come, lead us into all truth, this is our continual prayer, that You might lead us on the pathways of truth and on the narrow path that leads to life, we ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base and that is the website, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here, so find out what’s going on around here. Check out the Community section, either in the app or on the web, that is where links to get connected are as well is where the Prayer Wall lives a resource that is always on, always available, no matter the time zone, no matter where we are on earth, if we get to the Internet, we get to the Prayer Wall and we can always reach out and ask for prayer, day or night and receive it, as those who come into contact with what we’ve asked for pray for us and respond. It is also a fantastic resource for just going and offering prayers for our brothers and sisters who are struggling, we are all struggling in some sort of way. And it’s nice to know that we are not alone. We have brothers and sisters all over the world that are on the same page, literally same page of the Bible moving through the Scriptures together, sharing life together and so be familiar with the Prayer Wall.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link on the homepage. If you are using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayers and Encouragements:

Prayers will be posted later today.

02/14/2022 DAB Transcript

Exodus 37:1-38:31, Matthew 28:1-20, Psalms 34:11-22, Proverbs 9:9-10

Today is the 14th day of February welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian Happy St. Valentine’s Day to all of you who will be expressing love in one way or the other today. What a…what a beautiful thing to do, what a wonderful thing to do, to express love. And, so, sure flowers and chocolates and nice dinners and all of these things, so appropriate for those that we are in love with and those that we love deeply, but let’s spread the love of Jesus to everyone we encounter today. And maybe if we make that a habit it will become a lifestyle and that would indeed be Christlike. So, happy Valentine’s Day. On this day, and every other day, we gather here around the Global Campfire to take the next step forward in the Scriptures, and that is what we will do today. We’ll move back into the book of Exodus. Many laws have been given. Many things have needed to be constructed and they are being constructed. We have the formation of a people happening in the wilderness. Today Exodus chapters 37 and 38.


Okay. A couple of things as we approach the center…I guess this is the center of our second month together. First from the book of Proverbs. Those of us who have been trying to make wisdom a category, something that we slow down and seek, something that we slow the…the whirlwind of the pace of life down enough to even see what’s going on, we’re told that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. It isn’t the entirety of wisdom. It’s where it all starts, that we fear in reverence and honor and humble ourselves before the Lord, that we also become aware of His overwhelming power and authority, that everything that we see and everything that we can understand He has made and everything that we are unaware of and all of the things that are in the vast extremes that we have no knowledge of, He has knowledge. So, on one hand, it’s this awe, even fear of that kind of authority. Like imagine standing next to a massive waterfall and you’re just watching this thing crash down around you and you see the power of it and the noise of it and it…it brings up this trigger of fight or flight. Like it’s overwhelming or a storm out on the ocean while you’re standing on the beach. This is awe-inspiring, but it’s also…well…we have the fear of it, the respect of it. We’re not gonna just go for a swim in the middle of a hurricane. So, we hold that knowing that that is God. And then we have this understanding and awareness that this almighty all-powerful God is our Father. This is the beginning of the story. This is the beginning of wisdom.

And then we look at the Gospel of Matthew from our reading today and we concluded our second book of the Bible and our first book in the New Testament. We concluded the Gospel of Matthew today with the resurrection of Jesus and His declaration – “all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” That is almighty. That is what we were just talking about. But Jesus goes on. “All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Father…in the name of the Father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” That’s how the gospel of Matthew ends. It ends with love. It ends with the bestowing of a mission. It ends with all authority in heaven and on earth given to Jesus.

Could we get any better news, any kind of better card than that on Valentine’s Day, to know that we are loved to this degree and have been welcomed into the family in this way, that we are children of God or as the Bible tells us, joint heirs with Jesus in this kingdom. That is good news. And may we celebrate this good news on this day where we give love.


Father, we offer You our hearts. We love You. We worship You. We adore You. We humble ourselves before You. We acknowledge Your authority, and we are grateful for Your love. A love that is beyond all love. A love that is a model of what pure love looks like. And may we carry this love to the world this day and every day we pray in Your name, the matchless name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is homebase, that is…that’s the website, it’s where you find out what’s happening around here. You can also do that by using the Daily Audio Bible app which you can download for free from the app store that is connected to whatever kind of device that it is that you’re using for a phone or a tablet. So, check that out.

Check out the Community section. That is a good place to get connected. That’s where links to the different social media channels that are Daily Audio Bible are. And, so, that’s good to know. And that is also where the Prayer Wall lives. And that is a fantastic resource. It’s such…such a relief just to know that it’s there. We can always go. There’s always a place to reach out and ask for prayer. There’s always a place to go and pray and reach back through prayer toward one another. And that is found in the Community section, either on the website or in the app.

If you want to partner the Daily Audio Bible, thank you. Thank you humbly with a grateful heart. Every day it is an amazing thing to me that we’re doing this, that we get to live in a time when this can even happen. I remember thinking about this when we started. This is the 17th year, so all those years ago this technology was just new. Not just the technology but just the ability to even do this in human history like this was a brand-new thing. And, so, that we live at this time where we can be bound together across geographical boundaries, across national boundaries, across cultural boundaries, all kinds of different things that separate us, we’re still drawn together centered around the rhythm of the Scriptures in our lives. So, if that is meaningful, if that is life-giving to you then thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage, at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you happy Valentine’s day I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hey good morning Daily Audio Bible family this is John calling from Bethlehem PA I hope everyone is doing well here on the 41st day of the year, February 10th 2022. I just got through listening to the podcast for today, the program for today and I wanted to pray for PA Chappie who called in from Pennsylvania. Thank you so much for your service, Chappie in the Army National Guard and congratulations on the vote that you got from your church for being able to pastor and continue to minister. What a great testimony. God is great and his faithfulness and His kindness and mercy is just overwhelming abundantly good isn’t it? Lord Jesus so cute so much for Chappie. Thank You for the work that he’s going to be doing in the community that he serves Father God to bring people to You Jesus so You can transform them and make them whole and make them new Father God and so they can live out a purpose that’s passionate for Your Kingdom. Thank You, Jesus for the opportunity that You give…that You’ve given him to do that Father. We…we’ll be praying for you Chappie and lifting you up in prayer and I can’t wait to hear the testimonies that you share of the transformation that’s happening in the area that you’re serving. Thank you so much for your service again in both for our country and…and for God and for His Kingdom and glory. And I also wanted to pray for John out of Louisiana. Father God, thank You that You’re doing a mighty work in John and that You’re making his legs usable…and not just usable God that You’re returning John’s legs to fullness of health and restoration Father God. He says he can’t walk half hour he used to You’re going to be able to double Lord Jesus how far he can walk in the future. Lord thank You so much for that healing thank You that this is a testimony that John is going to be able to share with us and with others. I love You Jesus. We pray it in Your name Amen.

Hi everyone, it’s Christy from Kentucky. I wanted to call today because I have a prayer request for a friend of ours who is a pastor. And his name is Jay and Amy his wife and their two children teenage boy and girl. Pastor Jay and his son were visiting family about 3 hours from their home, and they came home. It was late at night and there was hardly any traffic on the road. They were almost home when pastor Jay came upon a hover round with a man driving it in the middle of the highway. He didn’t have lights on the hover round and by the time pastor Jay saw him he swerved to miss him and clipped him. And it caused the hover round of course to turn over and the man was thrown. When pastor Jay got out of the car, he approached the man. He was facedown. Unfortunately, this man is deceased. I’m asking you family this pastor is such a loving pastor who preaches the gospel with so much fire and compassion and love and his goal is to see everyone saved. And to know that this tragic accident occurred and not knowing whether or not this man knew the Lord it’s just…it’s just very difficult for him and his son. So, I’m asking you if you would please pray for the man’s family. We pray that the man was saved. We pray for this family for peace and for comfort and we pray for pastor Jay and his son, his wife and his daughter, that they may also be consoled by our Lord in the way that only he can do. OK everyone I love you guys.

Hi Daily Audio Bible it’s Lorelei and Boynton Beach. I want to call in and pray for Brad and the gentleman who lost his wife to suicide. Heavenly Father thank You for Brad. Thank You for his brokenness. Thank You for my own brokenness. I related so much to… What took two months for me took years for him. But same thing period not Your…not our will, Yours’ be done. Lost a job. I have a vision for You. I thought it was time. It was not time. And it may never be time. I still don’t know but what I do know is You’re good. You hedge us in before and behind and lay Your hands upon us. We can argue with You, and we can do our own thing, but the condition of my heart was so strong. And I knew it was You. Even though darkness started to come, I knew it was You. I heard a voice behind me say don’t go the right or left, walk this way. So, thank You for Brad. Continue to restore and show him the way that You would like him to go. Give him a heart of service to You and fill him with Your joy, the joy of Your salvation. Restore, revive, renew like only You can. Lord the gentleman whose wife committed suicide. I pray that You comfort him with Your sovereignty. That You instill upon him that You’re even sovereign over this. And that is a doctrine that sometimes sounds cold. But You are never cold toward Your creation or Your people or Your children. This wasn’t a surprise to You, but I pray that You comfort him and draw him to Yourself through this. In Jesus’ name Amen.

[singing starts] Look what the Lord has done. Look what the Lord has done. What we’ve waited for has come to pass. Look what the Lord has done. Look what the Lord has done. Look what the Lord has done. What we’ve waited for has come to pass. Look what the Lord has done [singing stops]. Hello DAB family it is Sarah from London. It’s the 11th of February at 7:17 AM. I wanted to say I hope you’re having a wonderful, blessed week. Also, I wanted to say thank you to the Hardin family and Brian for this amazing ministry. It’s always a blessing. Also, to my wonderful, beautiful family on here I just want to just let you know that I am praying for each and every one of your prayers as they come in. May God meet each and every one of them in Jesus’ name. I’m calling to give a praise report. So, when I got back from Ghana, I was in Ghana for the Christmas new year, and I got back with a really bad lip infection. I had to be put on antibiotics and all sorts. And I also wanted to thank God for healing it. There were times I thought I’d never get healed. I became paranoid, and it was just really uncomfortable for me. So, I want to just thank God for healing that and it coming to pass. I know that it’s something small but sometimes we do forget the small things that happen in our lives. And this is just confirmation that, you know, that God does meet each and every one of our needs if we continue to trust. And, yeah, I just thought someone might want to hear this today, that God is in full and total control. Amen. Be blessed and I love you all.

Greetings DAB family this message is for Brad out of Livingston Mt. I’m praying for you. But I just couldn’t help to hear as you were talking about praying to God to bless a business that you knew was not for you and because of His grace He did. And now you’re having difficulty too of trying to get out of it because of fear. And as you’re talking about business, I’m actually saying the same prayer before a person. And I said to myself, how many times have we asked God to bless a business, a partnership, a relationship, that wasn’t for us, but we didn’t realize it until afterwards? And then I asked God like please get me out. Or how many of us stay in it because of fear? So, I thank you for your call and your vulnerability and your transparency. And I just pray that we would all be in a position where we pray for God’s will over our life. It may not be what we want or like, but I know it’s going to be what we need because God knows what we need. So, that’s my prayer specifically for you Brad for your business but for the world at large, that we just continue and believe and trust in God and pray God’s will over our life as it pertains to every subject in our life. Thanks.

2/13/2022 DAB Transcript

Exodus 35:10-36:38, Matthew 27:32-66, Psalm 34:1-10, Proverbs 9:7-8

Today is the 13th day of February, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and it is wonderful to be here with you today at this threshold of a brand-new week that is all out there in front of us, and no matter what is gone behind us and that is not happening that has passed and what is out in front of us is the future. What is happening is now and as we walk into this brand-new week and continue to learn and live into what we’re learning from the Scriptures we will be learning wisdom as well as how to be here and will be able to slow down and make the next right decision, making what is in the future bright. And so, let’s choose wisely our thoughts, words and deeds this week and our first step forward will be to take the next step forward in the Scriptures. We’ll read from the New International Version this week, Exodus chapter 35 verse 10 through 36 verse 38.


Okay so, in the gospel of Matthew today, we have reached this point that Jesus has been crucified, and the way we leave today’s reading He’s dead and there’s this terrible sense of loss from those who were following him and there is this tremendous sense of urgency to cover the tracks as quickly as possible. They don’t want anybody stealing Jesus body and creating a rumor that would be worse than the first and there’s just all of this going on, centered around the idea that God has come to His people and has allowed those people, his own creation to kill him. And of course, as the story goes of our faith, we understand that He won’t stay dead, but I have also found that we fast forward to that point where He’s not dead anymore really quickly. When this is the point at which we realize, if we’ll stay here for a moment, what it cost, which is a transformational moment when we are face-to-face with the fact that there is no way for us to get ourselves to God in our own righteousness, by our own good deeds, there’s none of us that are just so good, so good that He can’t deny us. The Bible tells us accurately, all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. And what we’re seeing with Jesus body hanging from a cross and then permission given to take his body and His burial, is a love that we don’t really have a cata-, I mean, this is an unconditional love that cannot be ended by death. And so, as we take this first step forward into this brand-new week, this is what we’re greeted with and this is where we’re left to meditate today, that Jesus died, He died. It was very confusing, it was all kinds of drama around it but He walked right into this, on purpose, for us.


And so, Jesus, gratitude words of gratitude words of worship humble, attitudes and hearts and postures, even falling to our knees, even falling to our faces, these are all appropriate responses when we come face-to-face with the fact that we were absolutely doomed and You absolutely rescued us. But our words of gratefulness and worship, they’re not enough. There’s nothing that we can do that would be enough, there isn’t some sort of act we can do that will make it all right and so we’re exempt from needing Your mercy and grace, we’ve just finally gotten there. We fall short all the time, we fall short. And yet, through what we’re seeing here this sacrifice, a bridge has been made, a pathway has been secured, we can come into Your presence boldly as children, knowing that You have mercy, knowing that You forgive, knowing that You are Fathering us, that You are maturing us, that we are growing and that our lives must represent You in this world. And so, we sit with that today. What does that look like in our story? Come, Holy Spirit into this we pray in the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hi, DAB family, this is the Farmers Wife from snowy upstate New York. I wanted just to say thank you. I have been in awe in the love and support that I hear from my family regarding myself and the farmer and our new child. I am ten weeks exactly today. So, the little munchkin is growing. I had a doctor’s appointment and so far, everything looks good. I got to see the little heart beating which was just so beautiful. And the prayers that you all have been praying have just really transformed my heart. I’m looking for God now in everything and I’m starting to see Him and it’s beautiful. So, thank you for that. So, stay strong and faithful and love you all.

Hi DAB, I’m Bell from Colorado. And I’d like to have your prayers please. I’m struggling to stay focused on God especially with college and all the homework and just my racing thoughts. There have been days when I’ve been unable to finish the DAB reading because I have to get all my homework done. Would you please pray that I would be able to seek God and even with all of my responsibilities? Thanks. And I love hearing all of your requests too. And thank you Brian for this super cool app. Bye.

Hi DAB family, this is Tammy from the Adirondacks. I just got done listening to the February 9th podcast and Ivy, you called in talking about Brian’s commentary on just taking things little-by-little. You lost your husband and sister I’m just lifting you up to the Lord right now. Grief is a, it’s a process that takes us down so many different roads. But each of those roads you’re not alone, the Lord is with us. And it’s okay that it’s been two years and your husband’s stuff is still where it is. I lost my mom in 2019 and my dad still has her stuff sitting on her side of the bathroom sink. It’s a process and there’s no timeline, there’s no, when you should or how you should, you do things in your time, what makes it feel good to you. What, I don’t know if it’ a good thing but, what works for you. But know during the whole process that you are loved. I lift you up in prayer and I ask Jesus to just lift you and fill you with His peace that passes all understanding. To fill you with His joy. And just know that you’re not alone. We all face so many different things and we’re blessed to have each other. But we’re blessed to have a might God that carries us through these storms, these trials that we go through. Be blessed and be encouraged sister. God bless you.

Hello family, this is Beloved Child in Takoma, Washington. And I’m requesting prayer for mother, my stepfather and I. There’s a lot going on right now. My mother has very advanced stages of Alzheimer’s but she has done a lot of very hurtful things my whole life and I have been doing things for her for the last 15 to 20 years and now she’s turned on me and thinks I’m being mean to her. Which I most certainly am not. But my stepfather is not a good caretaker and he does not want to put her in a home because he doesn’t want to pay for it. I’m stuck family, I don’t know what to do. There’s not, I just don’t know what to do. Please pray for me and my mom and stepfather. Thank you.

02/12/2022 DAB Transcript

Exodus 34:1-35:9, Matthew 27:15-31, Psalms 33:12-22, Proverbs 9:1-6

Today is the 12th day of February welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it’s great to be here with you today, today and every day. And we are reaching the conclusion of another one of our weeks together. But we are continuing our journey forward misleads us back into the book of Exodus where we are learning the customs and rituals and obligations and covenants and rituals and everything that will form and shape a new culture out in the wilderness. Today Exodus chapter 34 verse 1 through 35 verse 9.


Father, we thank You for Your word. And as we approach in the Gospel of Matthew Your death, today Your sentencing to death and You’re beating and being led away, the mockery, the slapping, the beating, the spitting, the betrayal, we are watching the worst of humanity, and we are watching You endure the worst of humanity, That we might have another option, rather than missing the fact that You are present we have been given permission at any time to come into Your presence because of what we are reading here. You endured our worst so that we could be restored to the way we were created to be, that there is a pathway for us. And we confess that although we walk that path we deviate and move in and out of it all of the time. And as we focus upon Your resoluteness to obey Your father and set us free, we are grateful. And we ask Holy Spirit that You help our lives to reflect our gratitude. And we pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is a home base, and that is certainly the website, and where you we find out what’s going on around here. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can do the same thing there. And the Daily Audio Bible app can be downloaded freely from wherever you get your apps for whatever kind of smart device that you have. And, so, check that out.

Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. It is full of resources that…well…that center us around the Global Campfire and invite us deeper into the Scriptures, but also things just to enjoy, to enjoy the journey of a year through the Scriptures together. So, check out…check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible thank you, thank you for your partnership. We wouldn’t be here if we weren’t in this together. And, so, humbly. Humble gratitude. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I will be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Good morning, everyone it’s Susan from Canada God’s Yellow Flower calling, and I want to respond to Ivy from Missouri. My dear sweetheart I have lost or outlived two husbands and believe you me the second is not…is not any easier than the first. And, yeah, it’s so painful, I know. I will never do it again. It took me 17 years to remarry and…and once he passed, I thought that’s it I’m done. It’s so difficult. But my dear sweetheart, you’re right. One step at a time, one day at a time, one little bit at a time. But you have to move on. I know it’s hard with COVID all over, but you have to cross that line, leave the past in the past and walk on faith and trust into the future and slowly build a life for yourself. Don’t let Satan win by keeping you down and…and depressed. Move forward dear sweet. I’m praying for you. Lord God encourage this young lady and just help her to take those steps on faith and trust in You leading the way dear God, just bless…bless her life with much goodness, much happiness, and much laughter. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Good morning, everyone it’s Karen and Saint Louis. Thanks so much Brian for this ministry. Thank you all for encouragement and prayers. I’m asking today if you would pray for an old friend of mine, Steve. I got a message from him letting me know that he has about three months left to live. He has had cancer for…gosh…I don’t know five years or so and he is a radical atheist. So, he went to church as a child. He got baptized when he was probably around 12 years old, and he turned away from it and he literally…it’s one of those things where he actually kind of disciple’s people for atheism. But he has a Bible. I hope he still has it. I know that a friend gave him one many years ago, talked to him about Jesus. And he was tight with that guy and eventually that person doesn’t have a relationship with him, and he thinks that it’s because he wasn’t able to convince him to be a Christian. I don’t think he understands the spiritual component of being a Christian. Anyway, just pray that the Lord would soften his heart, that he would be prepared to receive Him, that maybe he would get that Bible out and he would crack it open. I just think about what I became a believer. It was me getting my old Bible out that my grandma gave me as a child. And the word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword. So, please pray for Steve. Thank you so much. Thank you, Brian. God bless you and have a great week.

This call is for Ivy from Missouri. I heard your call today and I just want you to know that I relate to where you are at. I too lost my husband two years ago and my heart just goes out to you because I understand exactly what you’re going through. I’ll pray for you. My name is Karen. I’ll pray for you. You pray for me, that the Lord will sustain us little by little. I love the fact that you said that you are in His grip. I too am in his grip. And I appreciate Daily Audio Bible so much because it’s given me strength little by little, day by day to trust the Lord with all my heart and not to lean on my own understanding. Ivy, you have people praying for you.

Hi Daily Audio Bible this is Joanna from the Pacific Northwest. I just listened to an episode from February 9th and felt really encouraged by what Brian said and also by all of you who called in afterwards praying along with you. Thankful for you. And I have a prayer request I’d love to share with you all. My husband and I we’ve been married for a few years and have hoped to add to our family, but it hasn’t happened yet. And we’ve had a lot of words from the Lord, a lot of prayers about this in this season of life. And just it’s hard not to get discouraged and to keep hoping. And also, I would really love your prayers for my coworkers. I…we…my husband and I both work for a campus ministry and it feels a bit like there’s a…a dark cloud over a ministry in terms of having babies. In the last two years we’ve had four babies that were born either premature or right on their due date and then passed away and two miscarriages and lots of infertility. So…but divided among our few coworkers. And we’re not a huge team too so it…it’s felt like a big hit. So, if you could just, if you could pray for our team and for this to be lifted off of us, for the Lord to break off whatever Satan has attached to us and the way he’s trying to get at us we would be so grateful. So, love you all. Bye.

2/11/2022 DAB Transcript

Exodus 32:1-33:23, Matthew 26:69-27:14, Psalm 33:1-11, Proverbs 8:33-36

Today is the 11th day of February, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is great to be here with you today as we gather around the Global Campfire. It is such a joy that we have this little oasis, this place in each day that we can come to and step away from the chaos or any of the drama that’s going on and just exhale, allow the Scriptures to speak to us, what a beautiful thing this is. So, it is a joy and a delight to be here together today as we take the next step forward, which continues our journey through the book of Exodus where the law, the Mosaic law is being revealed. The children of Israel are at the base of the mountain, Moses is at the top of the mountain and he’s been gone a long time and the people are getting antsy about it. So, we’re reading from the Contemporary English Version this week, Exodus chapters 32 and 33.


Okay so, in the book of Exodus today, we have a pretty crazy situation. For centuries God had been enacting a plan that He had promised to Abraham with a mighty hand of authority. He freed his people from Egyptian slavery, it could of been easy, they could have let them go, but it took all of those plagues systematically dismantling Egypt and the people saw this and then they were set free and they left free but laden down with treasure from the Egyptians. He had been feeding the people in the wilderness where there was no supply for that many people. He had been leading them with fire in the night and a cloud in the day. They had witnessed the presence of God coming down upon the mountain. Moses had gone up the mountain to speak with God and they knew hits but within 40 days, they are bowing down to the image of a calf made out of gold, gold that had been melted down, with the treasures that they carried out of Egypt, that had been given to them by God. But within just a little over a month they think Moses has disappeared and they need a god to lead them forward. So, they bowed down to this golden calf and say this is the god that brought us out of Egypt and they worshiped and had this massive party. And we can look at the story and go, what are you guys thinking? Which is a fair question and one that the text is leading us to ask, what were they thinking? It appears that they weren’t, other than thinking that they didn’t know what happened to Moses. So, we can look at the story go, yup, this is a rebellious people, they are stiff-necked, they are acting crazy. And then it becomes the mirror. What happens to us when we have to wait more than 40 days for something, what happens to us when we feel that God is distant or it’s smoke and fog and we can’t see and we don’t know where to go. And so, we go looking for life on our own, in our own strength. One of the great messages of the wilderness that the children of Israel are in and the wildernesses that we face in our lives is that we come to the end of ourselves, realizing that we are utterly dependent upon God and that God is sustaining us. But so often in our own strength, we are trying to arrange for life to happen on our terms. And even though none of us probably have fashioned a golden calf that we have in the backyard that we worship; we might have something in the backyard that we worship. Because we need to remember that whatever we give our heart to, expecting life in return, that’s worship. So, we may not be bowing down to a golden calf, but we can bow down to a car or house, or a bank account or another person or anything that we worship. And it’s good for us to kind of get that inside of us, understanding that idol worship isn’t a main thing, at least in most of the societies that we live in. But we do turn too many things in search of life and there is only one source. And this is a manger lesson of the wilderness and a major theme in the Bible: idolatry. And we will see up close and personal where that road goes and it doesn’t go anywhere that we want to go. So, putting our trust in giving our allegiance and loyalty and offering our hearts in any direction other than the most high God is not a path we want to be on.


And so Father, we invite You into that even as we watch what’s happening here in the book of Exodus with the children of Israel. It really is easy for us to go, that was a long time ago and what are those people thinking but then your word becomes immediate and then we realize it’s different but we have the same tendencies within us. So, Holy Spirit, come. Help us to realize yet again, You are our source of life and provision and getting that through our heads and into our hearts and surrendering to that, opening ourselves up to that and becoming openhanded to You, is the wisest thing we could ever do and the safest place for us to ever be. Come, Holy Spirit into this we pray, in the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com that is home base and certainly the place to go find out what’s going on around here and get connected in any way that you can or desire to. The Community section of either the app or the websites will give you links to different social media channels that we are participating in and it is also the home of the Prayer Wall where we can always pray, always on, never not, like always on, never off. We can always pray, we can always ask for prayer, we can always be together in spirit in that way, so check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if the mission here to bring the spoken word of God read fresh every day and given to whoever will listen, wherever they may be, whatever time it is, no matter what’s going on in life and to build community around the rhythm so that we’re going through this together, we’re not going through it alone and it being the Bible and life, we don’t have to go through either one of them alone. So, check that out.

And of course, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, there is a little Hotline button in the Daily Audio Bible app, that sits up at the top and you can hit that Hotline button in share what’s going on, no matter where you are in the world or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Chelsea, you called in on February 6th and as I was listening to you, I felt the Lord put a verse on my heart from Habakkuk. And I’m in the car and I can’t look it up right now but it’s in the first chapter. And it comes after Habakkuk is calling out to the Lord and asking him for direction and asking where he is. And he responds by saying something like I hear you and you wouldn’t even believe what I’m about to do if I told you. So, that’s my prayer for you Chelsea, that you would have patience until the Lord intervenes and gives you wisdom and direction and shows you where to move and that He would surprise you with such a beautiful intervention in your life that when you look back, you’ll realize, you wouldn’t have even believed Him if He told you. That’s all.

Hey guys, this is Brad from Livingston, Montana. I haven’t called in, in a long time but I needed you guy’s prayers. So, briefly, it was about almost 12 years ago that I called in cause I had made a decision to start my own business and I asked for your prayers and it was amazing how God worked it. The day that I had to give my notice at my old job, that morning as I was listening to DAB, my call was played, right before I had to go in and talk to my boss. Well, that business was not something that God called me into. I decided to do that and I asked Him to bless it. And now, after that long in the business and it’s been nothing but a pain to me, it’s been really, really hard. I think I finally, God’s brought me to the place where I’m willing to give it up, but fear is really trying to creep in. So, I would ask your guy’s prayers that now that He’s pruned me enough that I’m willing, I’m so broken that I’m willing to do anything of course, but I want His perfect will. I don’t want my will. I want His is perfect will and I’m asking if you guys would stand with me in prayer, just as you did so long ago. And pray that God opens the doors that He wants me to walk-through and makes it evident to me. I love you guys and anybody else out there, don’t make the same mistake I did, wait on the Lord. Ask Him what He wants you to do. Love you guys. God bless you.

Good morning, good morning, everyone, this is my first time on this prayer line and I am just encouraged this morning and I’ve been having Ashley, the young lady that is pregnant, on my mind and I just wanted to voice my sincere concern about her. God has kept her on my heart because I was once that young lady in the same position. So, I, it is so relatable of the things that you’re going through and I just want to encourage you, you know, I’m closed to 50 years old now and I was once in your spot and God was with me. He protected me, He guided me and I want to refer back to one of our Bible studies when it talked about Hannah. I may have that wrong that name wrong and I’m so sorry, but it was the handmade as Sarah. When God comforted her after Sarah was being so mean to her and she ran away. And God, she named God, the God who sees her. So, I just wanted you to be encouraged from that particular scripture that we have gone through. That God see’s you, He’s there, He’s concerned, He sees your tears, He sees your heartache and He loves you and I love you and I want you to know that you know, we are here for you, we’re encouraging you and your child and God can bring about a miracle in your life. So, just know that I’m concerned and I’m praying for you. Have a wonderful day. God loves you and so do I.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible, this is Steve from Albertville, Alabama. I’m calling in today over a man I met over this past weekend at a conference. Who stated that he’s going through some heavy stuff. His wife committed suicide, two weeks and about 4 days ago. And every time he goes to church around people who knew his wife, all he sees is death. I pray against the attacks of the enemy. I pray against suicide. I pray against every firing dart that the enemy throws at us as a community and all those that we pray for. Guys this battle is real, it’s relentless and I pray that each and every one of you will be strong and stand firm in the faith. Brian and your entire family who produces and makes this possible, for us to have this platform, I thank you. It’s a way to share your faith, it’s a way to be in community with like-minded people and I just pray over Greg and his walk through the fire. Put your arm around somebody that is going through the fire and help them walk because sometimes we just need a little help, sometimes we need a little prayer, sometimes we just need someone to talk to. Steve from Albertville, Alabama. God bless you all and thank you so much.

My name is Tamika and I’m from Missouri. I’ve listened to DAB for years and this is my first-time calling in. I just got done with the February 9th prayers and I hear Ivy from Missouri too and my ears really perked. You were talking about your late husband and how you need to do things little by little. And I was reminded of the story of the woman who gave the one talent at the, at the temple. And Jesus said to his disciples, she has given everything. Know that your little by little is enough, it’s enough for Jesus. And to anyone who may be listening to this you are made in the image of God. And whatever you are struggling with, even if you can’t, if you feel like you can’t give it all to Jesus yet, little by little, that’s enough. The God who holds the whole universe still also holds you. Peace be with you.

02/10/2022 DAB Transcript

Exodus 30:11-31:18, Matthew 26:47-68, Psalms 32:1-11, Proverbs 8:27-32

Today is the 10th day of February welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian and it is wonderful…wonderful to be here with you today as we do what we do every day and move forward, the next step forward together. And that next up leads us back into the book of Exodus. As we know we’ve been kind of camping with the children of Israel around Mount Sinai where what will become known as the Mosaic law is being revealed. We’re reading from the Contemporary English Version this week. Exodus chapter 30 verse 11 through 31 verse 18 today.


Okay. So, yesterday we began to talk about the fact that we are encountering the passion narrative for the first time this year, for the first time in the Gospel of Matthew. And the passion narrative is the story of the last days and death of Jesus. So, we left Jesus praying in the garden of Gethsemane with a mob on their way yesterday. And, of course, today the mob arrives with clubs and swords and one of the men that Jesus, God made flesh, had poured himself into, instructed, and taught walked up to him and gave him the kiss of betrayal, Judas. And then Jesus was arrested with a good amount of drama in the process. He was then taken to the house of Caiaphas, the high priest at that time. So, let’s just understand the lay of the land here. The Mount of Olives is…well…it’s not a mountain like Mount Everest, but it’s a big swelling hill right outside Jerusalem. And when you reach the base of the Mount of Olives you have entered the Kedron Valley and on the other side of the Kedron Valley then is Jerusalem. There is a place there near the old city that is called St. Peter in Gallicantu. And GFallicantu means rooster crows. And there is a really really beautiful chapel for contemplation and consideration of the fact that Jesus was brought before the high priest and Peter had followed along at a distance and was in the courtyard outside trying to figure out what was gonna happen. And there are ruins their believed to be the high priest’s quarters. And it’s not unusual for the places, especially the places that surround the life and ministry of Jesus to have church built on top of them. Sometimes ruins of more than one church that is built on top of a location. And this has historically been for the protection of the place, the preservation of the place and also the just the honoring or veneration of the place. But also, Jerusalem and the entire land of Israel has been through all kinds of conflict over thousands of years and some of that has been a pretty significant religious conflict. And, so, there have been times when other nations with other belief systems have taken control and systematically destroyed or desecrated some of these places and then maybe they were rebuilt, maybe they were destroyed again and rebuilt. And, so, there’s a number of layers in a number of these places. This is also happened on the Christian side of things where Christians, maybe in medieval times during the Crusades, or other times of taking control of the land and destroyed or desecrated important places to other cultures. And, so, a lot of times when there’s a church that’s built over a church that’s built over a church you can go down. Like the bedrock of what was originally there and the ruins of what might’ve been there are preserved below…below the ground because that’s kind of how history goes. It starts one place and then another layer and another layer and another layer as time goes by and like cities grow up and the ruins of the original city are below the ground. So, St. Peter in Gallicantu is such a place preserving what is believed to be the priests, the high priests home dwelling. And at the time of Jesus that would’ve been Caiaphas. And it’s probably not the last time we’ll talk about this because from when we come to these passion narratives I think of this place more than most, because if you get below the ground and go down to the ruins you see ancient storerooms and a cistern, a place where supplies were certainly kept, but also a place where people were kept. And it is believed that this is where Jesus was stored while all the arrangements with the Roman authorities could be again to be developed. It’s actually a difficult place for me to be in. I can’t say why. It’s not like I haven’t been in a cave before or some kind of ruins like this. It’s just to think that Jesus was stored there awaiting his torture and crucifixion. And this is the place where we find ourselves today in our reading, where Jesus is being questioned and ridiculed and ultimately condemned as a blasphemer as someone who is attempting to elevate himself to the place of God, which is blasphemy. So, it’s ironic for God to be convicted of blasphemy. But once it had been determined that He was guilty and deserved to die than they mistreated Jesus. And that’s where we leave our reading today, with the image of our Savior bound, His freedom was taken from Him, He was in custody. He had spit dripping into His beard and dripping down onto His clothes because they were spitting in His face and they were hitting Him with their fists and slapping Him and ridiculing Him by saying basically, “if You’re a Messiah or a prophet than who hit You?” That’s a pretty difficult scene to imagine or hold in our hearts if…if we’re in love with the Savior. And that’s where our reading ends today. And, so, it gives us an opportunity just to take this piece by piece, meditate on it, consider it. Consider the humanity of it. Consider the divinity of it. And consider what people are capable of doing.

And then we really can’t leave today without going into the book of Proverbs for a second because the voice of wisdom is the voice that is speaking in the Proverbs today and she is saying some profound things. And, so, let’s revisit this for second understanding that this is wisdom speaking. “I was there when the Lord put the heavens in place and stretched the sky over the surface of the sea. I was with Him when he placed the clouds in the sky and created the springs that fill the ocean. I was there when He set boundaries for the sea to make it obey him when he laid foundations to support the earth. I was right beside the Lord helping Him plan and build. I made Him happy Each day, and I was happy at His side. I was pleased with His world and pleased with its people. Pay attention my children. Follow my advice and you will be happy.” What’s profound about this is that wisdom is a companion of God and wisdom saw the whole thing when he created all things, which is remarkable. What’s even more remarkable is that wisdom, the same wisdom is available to us. So, if there is a case to be made for making becoming wise a category in our lives, here it is. The voice of wisdom has told us that she is more desirable…it is more important that we obtain wisdom than riches or gold or anything else that we could desire, and now we’re told that wisdom has been a part of the story since the very beginning. If we could just not blow by this. If we could understand that this is the goal. This is the thing we need. Our lives aren’t going to work without wisdom. And, so, may we do exactly what the Bible says and seek it.


Father, we love You. Jesus, we worship You. And as we’re entering into this story of Your sacrifice on our behalf and not like You just sacrificed something that You hadn’t wanted but that You gave Your life for us. Holy Spirit, awaken us and make this real within ourselves. Help us to glimpse what true pure love looks like. And we also ask for wisdom. Help us to know when we are encountering wisdom. Help us to slow down in our decision-making to seek wisdom who says She is there at the crossroads shouting to us. Help us to slow down and seek wisdom in our choices and decisions that we might become wise, and that we might be a delight to You. We pray this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.


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And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Good morning DAB family my name is PA Chappy and I am a Pennsylvania Army National Guard chaplain and I just have an amazing huge praise report to report to you guys. I started listening to the DAB in January 2016 just two months before I got divorced and thought that my time as a minister was over and that I wouldn’t have any other opportunities to do ministry. But God has had a different plan for me, and I am now actually one week away becoming a full-on chaplain at the with the Pennsylvania Army National Guard. I’ve been to chaplain candidate. And just yesterday I preached a sermon at a church that I had been candidating at to be their pastor and they voted to take me on as their pastor and I will begin as their pastor full time on March the 1st. This is a huge praise report for me but it’s also a prayer request. Please keep me and my family in your prayers as we begin this time of ministry as a pastor. And I know that the devil isn’t going to be happy about what we’re gonna be doing in the town that we’re in, reaching people and helping people find hope and healing through Jesus Christ and God…God is going to be working through this, but I know that the devil is gonna be attacking our family as well. So, please keep us in your prayers. We have a mighty work, kingdom work ahead of us and we want to do some mighty great things on behalf of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Thank you DAB family for your support.

Hi I’m __ Wisdom. This is for Kira Contrite Spirit. I just got through listening to your beautiful spirit filled heart loving soul. I thank God because His word tells us but I say unto you love your enemies bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be the children of your Father which is in heaven for He makes the sun to rise on the evil and on the good and send the rain on the just and the unjust. Lord I just pray to You with thanksgiving in my heart. Thank you, Lord that you’re teaching us to not hold on to the trials and the troubles in this world with people because it’s not worth it. We are truly called the children of the most-high God. Therefore, we must ought to know in our hearts, mind, body, souls and spirit that there’s nothing on this earth that heaven cannot heal and there’s path…no path that He can’t make straight. He make the crooked path straight. And I just thank you Lord that we as your church can come to the throne of glory and find mercy and peace. Thank you, young woman. Thank you. And I thank the Lord for placing it in your heart because we’re all going through something. You know, the word of the Lord tells us because the __ shall abound the love of many will wax cold. But it doesn’t mean we have to wax cold. We have to rise up higher in our minds and understanding know that with Christ we live with with Christ we die. It’s not for __ but for him who endured to the end. Be blessed everyone and carry on in the spirit of the living God in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Afternoon DAB community. Thank you, Brian for keeping this going for all of us to join and hear God’s word daily. Such a blessing to so many around the world. I heard Kira Contrite Spirit sing a song to everyone who hurt her telling them she forgive them. I heard the voice of God. I heard the voice of women. I heard the voice of people who I’ve heard. And I just want to pray right now for people I’ve hurt and most likely because of hurt that I’ve experienced in my life. I’m just so sorry. Dear Lord, I just ask you to be with me. Help me Lord God to just show your love. First Corinthians 13:__ to the world around me fill me up with Your love Father God. Allow Your love to be what pours out in my life into the lives of those who I come into contact every day. I just ask You Lord God to be with anyone I’ve ever hurt in my life. Lord God just bless their lives. Help them to see maybe the reasons why I did it. Give me the opportunity to make amends if that opportunity still exists. Lord, please forgive me for all the times I didn’t know what I was doing, and I was hurting your people, hurting your children instead of blessing them and helping them to reconcile to you through your love. In Jesus’ name Amen.

Hi, it’s Shannon from Texas and I just want to say to Dorothy Jean from Fort Worth, wow what a testimony. What an anointing. You truly blessed me with your call. And I’m actually calling because I realize I haven’t given a true praise report for the many years since 2014 that I started calling in about my son Jadrien. And just a multitude of things, a rage issue, just violence, murder, speak…constantly speaking of death out of his mouth. It, you know, just so much. And I prayed and called in and toward the end of all this before his miraculous deliverance I really got down and prayed every single day. And you guys help me with that because I called in a lot. And now he has…he went to a rehab in prison for almost a year and when he got out it took him just a little bit to get back to himself. But let me tell you the miracle, the miracle that has taken place because he has been totally transformed. It’s providing for his son as a father. Got a job immediately and got a…like a supervisors’ position with a work truck. And it's…just…it blows my mind. I cry about it every single day. It’s just…it’s the most amazing thing I have ever witnessed in my life. And to see him being so bad on drugs and just…it’s almost like you just can’t even fathom that it’s possible. So, I want to encourage anyone that has a child or an adult child that’s struggling. It is not over. And you just keep praying. Keep calling in for prayer. There is hope and you will see deliverance and complete and total redemption. I love all you I’m praying for…

Good morning Daily Audio Bible this is John out of Louisiana. I’m calling in for prayer. It seems I’m slowly losing the use my legs. I can’t stand like I used to. I can’t walk half as far. And I went from my walking cane to a support cane and occasionally I have to go in a wheelchair. And, so, I’m just asking for prayer because I don’t wanna lose my legs. I’ve done lost enough. Well, that’s another story. But thank you all. I want to thank you all in advance for the prayers. Love you. OK. Later.