02/14/2022 DAB Transcript

Exodus 37:1-38:31, Matthew 28:1-20, Psalms 34:11-22, Proverbs 9:9-10

Today is the 14th day of February welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian Happy St. Valentine’s Day to all of you who will be expressing love in one way or the other today. What a…what a beautiful thing to do, what a wonderful thing to do, to express love. And, so, sure flowers and chocolates and nice dinners and all of these things, so appropriate for those that we are in love with and those that we love deeply, but let’s spread the love of Jesus to everyone we encounter today. And maybe if we make that a habit it will become a lifestyle and that would indeed be Christlike. So, happy Valentine’s Day. On this day, and every other day, we gather here around the Global Campfire to take the next step forward in the Scriptures, and that is what we will do today. We’ll move back into the book of Exodus. Many laws have been given. Many things have needed to be constructed and they are being constructed. We have the formation of a people happening in the wilderness. Today Exodus chapters 37 and 38.


Okay. A couple of things as we approach the center…I guess this is the center of our second month together. First from the book of Proverbs. Those of us who have been trying to make wisdom a category, something that we slow down and seek, something that we slow the…the whirlwind of the pace of life down enough to even see what’s going on, we’re told that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. It isn’t the entirety of wisdom. It’s where it all starts, that we fear in reverence and honor and humble ourselves before the Lord, that we also become aware of His overwhelming power and authority, that everything that we see and everything that we can understand He has made and everything that we are unaware of and all of the things that are in the vast extremes that we have no knowledge of, He has knowledge. So, on one hand, it’s this awe, even fear of that kind of authority. Like imagine standing next to a massive waterfall and you’re just watching this thing crash down around you and you see the power of it and the noise of it and it…it brings up this trigger of fight or flight. Like it’s overwhelming or a storm out on the ocean while you’re standing on the beach. This is awe-inspiring, but it’s also…well…we have the fear of it, the respect of it. We’re not gonna just go for a swim in the middle of a hurricane. So, we hold that knowing that that is God. And then we have this understanding and awareness that this almighty all-powerful God is our Father. This is the beginning of the story. This is the beginning of wisdom.

And then we look at the Gospel of Matthew from our reading today and we concluded our second book of the Bible and our first book in the New Testament. We concluded the Gospel of Matthew today with the resurrection of Jesus and His declaration – “all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” That is almighty. That is what we were just talking about. But Jesus goes on. “All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Father…in the name of the Father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” That’s how the gospel of Matthew ends. It ends with love. It ends with the bestowing of a mission. It ends with all authority in heaven and on earth given to Jesus.

Could we get any better news, any kind of better card than that on Valentine’s Day, to know that we are loved to this degree and have been welcomed into the family in this way, that we are children of God or as the Bible tells us, joint heirs with Jesus in this kingdom. That is good news. And may we celebrate this good news on this day where we give love.


Father, we offer You our hearts. We love You. We worship You. We adore You. We humble ourselves before You. We acknowledge Your authority, and we are grateful for Your love. A love that is beyond all love. A love that is a model of what pure love looks like. And may we carry this love to the world this day and every day we pray in Your name, the matchless name of Jesus. Amen.


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If you want to partner the Daily Audio Bible, thank you. Thank you humbly with a grateful heart. Every day it is an amazing thing to me that we’re doing this, that we get to live in a time when this can even happen. I remember thinking about this when we started. This is the 17th year, so all those years ago this technology was just new. Not just the technology but just the ability to even do this in human history like this was a brand-new thing. And, so, that we live at this time where we can be bound together across geographical boundaries, across national boundaries, across cultural boundaries, all kinds of different things that separate us, we’re still drawn together centered around the rhythm of the Scriptures in our lives. So, if that is meaningful, if that is life-giving to you then thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage, at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you happy Valentine’s day I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hey good morning Daily Audio Bible family this is John calling from Bethlehem PA I hope everyone is doing well here on the 41st day of the year, February 10th 2022. I just got through listening to the podcast for today, the program for today and I wanted to pray for PA Chappie who called in from Pennsylvania. Thank you so much for your service, Chappie in the Army National Guard and congratulations on the vote that you got from your church for being able to pastor and continue to minister. What a great testimony. God is great and his faithfulness and His kindness and mercy is just overwhelming abundantly good isn’t it? Lord Jesus so cute so much for Chappie. Thank You for the work that he’s going to be doing in the community that he serves Father God to bring people to You Jesus so You can transform them and make them whole and make them new Father God and so they can live out a purpose that’s passionate for Your Kingdom. Thank You, Jesus for the opportunity that You give…that You’ve given him to do that Father. We…we’ll be praying for you Chappie and lifting you up in prayer and I can’t wait to hear the testimonies that you share of the transformation that’s happening in the area that you’re serving. Thank you so much for your service again in both for our country and…and for God and for His Kingdom and glory. And I also wanted to pray for John out of Louisiana. Father God, thank You that You’re doing a mighty work in John and that You’re making his legs usable…and not just usable God that You’re returning John’s legs to fullness of health and restoration Father God. He says he can’t walk half hour he used to You’re going to be able to double Lord Jesus how far he can walk in the future. Lord thank You so much for that healing thank You that this is a testimony that John is going to be able to share with us and with others. I love You Jesus. We pray it in Your name Amen.

Hi everyone, it’s Christy from Kentucky. I wanted to call today because I have a prayer request for a friend of ours who is a pastor. And his name is Jay and Amy his wife and their two children teenage boy and girl. Pastor Jay and his son were visiting family about 3 hours from their home, and they came home. It was late at night and there was hardly any traffic on the road. They were almost home when pastor Jay came upon a hover round with a man driving it in the middle of the highway. He didn’t have lights on the hover round and by the time pastor Jay saw him he swerved to miss him and clipped him. And it caused the hover round of course to turn over and the man was thrown. When pastor Jay got out of the car, he approached the man. He was facedown. Unfortunately, this man is deceased. I’m asking you family this pastor is such a loving pastor who preaches the gospel with so much fire and compassion and love and his goal is to see everyone saved. And to know that this tragic accident occurred and not knowing whether or not this man knew the Lord it’s just…it’s just very difficult for him and his son. So, I’m asking you if you would please pray for the man’s family. We pray that the man was saved. We pray for this family for peace and for comfort and we pray for pastor Jay and his son, his wife and his daughter, that they may also be consoled by our Lord in the way that only he can do. OK everyone I love you guys.

Hi Daily Audio Bible it’s Lorelei and Boynton Beach. I want to call in and pray for Brad and the gentleman who lost his wife to suicide. Heavenly Father thank You for Brad. Thank You for his brokenness. Thank You for my own brokenness. I related so much to… What took two months for me took years for him. But same thing period not Your…not our will, Yours’ be done. Lost a job. I have a vision for You. I thought it was time. It was not time. And it may never be time. I still don’t know but what I do know is You’re good. You hedge us in before and behind and lay Your hands upon us. We can argue with You, and we can do our own thing, but the condition of my heart was so strong. And I knew it was You. Even though darkness started to come, I knew it was You. I heard a voice behind me say don’t go the right or left, walk this way. So, thank You for Brad. Continue to restore and show him the way that You would like him to go. Give him a heart of service to You and fill him with Your joy, the joy of Your salvation. Restore, revive, renew like only You can. Lord the gentleman whose wife committed suicide. I pray that You comfort him with Your sovereignty. That You instill upon him that You’re even sovereign over this. And that is a doctrine that sometimes sounds cold. But You are never cold toward Your creation or Your people or Your children. This wasn’t a surprise to You, but I pray that You comfort him and draw him to Yourself through this. In Jesus’ name Amen.

[singing starts] Look what the Lord has done. Look what the Lord has done. What we’ve waited for has come to pass. Look what the Lord has done. Look what the Lord has done. Look what the Lord has done. What we’ve waited for has come to pass. Look what the Lord has done [singing stops]. Hello DAB family it is Sarah from London. It’s the 11th of February at 7:17 AM. I wanted to say I hope you’re having a wonderful, blessed week. Also, I wanted to say thank you to the Hardin family and Brian for this amazing ministry. It’s always a blessing. Also, to my wonderful, beautiful family on here I just want to just let you know that I am praying for each and every one of your prayers as they come in. May God meet each and every one of them in Jesus’ name. I’m calling to give a praise report. So, when I got back from Ghana, I was in Ghana for the Christmas new year, and I got back with a really bad lip infection. I had to be put on antibiotics and all sorts. And I also wanted to thank God for healing it. There were times I thought I’d never get healed. I became paranoid, and it was just really uncomfortable for me. So, I want to just thank God for healing that and it coming to pass. I know that it’s something small but sometimes we do forget the small things that happen in our lives. And this is just confirmation that, you know, that God does meet each and every one of our needs if we continue to trust. And, yeah, I just thought someone might want to hear this today, that God is in full and total control. Amen. Be blessed and I love you all.

Greetings DAB family this message is for Brad out of Livingston Mt. I’m praying for you. But I just couldn’t help to hear as you were talking about praying to God to bless a business that you knew was not for you and because of His grace He did. And now you’re having difficulty too of trying to get out of it because of fear. And as you’re talking about business, I’m actually saying the same prayer before a person. And I said to myself, how many times have we asked God to bless a business, a partnership, a relationship, that wasn’t for us, but we didn’t realize it until afterwards? And then I asked God like please get me out. Or how many of us stay in it because of fear? So, I thank you for your call and your vulnerability and your transparency. And I just pray that we would all be in a position where we pray for God’s will over our life. It may not be what we want or like, but I know it’s going to be what we need because God knows what we need. So, that’s my prayer specifically for you Brad for your business but for the world at large, that we just continue and believe and trust in God and pray God’s will over our life as it pertains to every subject in our life. Thanks.