Job 37:1-39:30, 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:10, Psalms 44:9-26, Proverbs 22:13
Today is the 31st day of August. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It’s great to be here with you. Wow. Last day of the week, last day of the month, like everything’s coming together as we prepare to move into the next season. And, yeah, looking forward to tonight at the family reunion here in the rolling hills of Tennessee. So, yeah, a good ending to a good month. I hope it’s been good for you. What territory we have covered in the month of August and that we will continue to carry forward as we move into September. We’re reading from the book of Jon and we’ve got a little bit more…a little bit more to go. We’ve been reading from the New International Version this week. Today, Job, chapter 37 through 39. And just by way of reminder, you know, Job’s been talking to his friends, his friends have been talking to Job. We know all that. And there’s this Elihu, this other voice comes into the mix, a younger man whose been sitting and waiting and he’s talking now. What Job wanted all along was to talk to God. Today when Elihu gets done God’s gonna show up and God has some things to say of his own. And, so, let’s dive in. Job, chapter 37.
Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for another week that You have brought us through and we thank You for another month that You have brought us through. And even as we begin to close the chapter on this month and this week, we hear Your voice and the book of Job. All of the questioning, all of the advice, and then You have shown up with…with impossible questions that simply reveal we do not in any way know anywhere near all that we think that we know, and we have barely scratched the surface when it comes to knowing You. And yet, this is our desire, to know You, as Paul said, in spirit and in truth. This is our desire and we acknowledge that we, in our own strength, in our own minds we are only capable of so much and that is through a glass darkly, that is scratching the surface. And yet by Your Holy Spirit we can be led into all truth. This is what You’ve offered us, this is what You’ve given to us. And, so, we simply need to follow. Come, Holy Spirit, lead us into all truth we pray. In the name of Jesus we ask. Amen.
Announcements: is the website, its home base, and it’s where you find out what’s going on around here.
And man, tonight or actually this afternoon into night, into this evening we’ll be at the family reunion here in the rolling hills of Tennessee. So, we’re looking forward to that, looking forward to seeing everyone and praying safe travels over everyone who’s coming into the Nashville area today. We are eager and looking forward to shaking hands and hugging necks and telling stories and being together and making acquaintances and rekindling friendships and all of the things that happen when we come together as a community. So, looking forward to that.
Here’s a little bit of an announcement on the apps. We released a major update a couple days ago and we’ve been talking about that and immediately we were able to see a couple of little things that needed to be fixed. Those of you who experienced some checkbox issues and stuff like that…like…it’s really interesting because you can test and test and test but until you get something into the wild when thousands of people are starting to hit the system that you…you know…there’s like no way. And, so, we saw a couple of things there and the team worked very, very diligently to create what’s called a hot fix. So, there’s a little update, just update again and those issues will go away as well as a couple of other issues. Those of you who are Android users should be experiencing…ahh…for the first time really stable performance. And, so, we can see that because we used to see crash logs, you know, like over a thousand crashes a day that have gone down to just about zero. So, we are making massive steps forward. And this checkbox issue…this has been such a frustrating issue since the get go. And what we’ve done is put a pretty big fix in place, but the next major update that we do, that will eliminate that problem forever. Like, that will be a thing of the past to the point that no matter what you do, no matter where you do it, it’s in the cloud. So, it’ll will be responsive no matter where you are. We were playing with it the other day where I had two different browsers up and I could like check the box of “listened” and it would immediately check…I mean…it happens no matter where you are. So, that’s cool but that's…that’s close. We’re close to…like…that’s the next phase. But anyway, I think we got the bugs mostly worked out, the little bugs the kind of revealed themselves once we had lots of people in the system. So, there’s a new little update. Update and you’ll be fine.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at And I say every day, a humble word of gratitude and I think I always will because I…that’s what my heart is…humble gratitude that we can even be here, that this community even exists, that the Lord would allow us to share planet Earth at this point in history. That we could all be together around the world doing this, that’s humbling. The technology involved in doing this, like the effort in doing this is significant. And, so, I have humble gratitude that we do it together. It’s that this is a community and that what we’ve done we’ve done together. So, I thank you for your partnership as we prepare to move into the month of September. So, there’s a link on the homepage, at If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if that’s your preference, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment you can press the red “hot line” button that’s sitting right next to the give button in the upper right-hand corner of the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press that button and start talking or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hello DAB family, guess you? Terry the Trucker. Today’s our first day back in the truck. All has went well. Have not been nervous or scared. Maybe slightly, a couple percent, but I’ve gotta say it’s been a blessed day. It really has. Forgot to start my stopwatch so I’m gonna make this short and sweet. I just want to say thank you to everybody for all the prayers and the support over the last year and I know God’s got me. What will be will be because it will be his will. I want all of you to know that I continue to pray for each and every one of you and I hope to see you at the family reunion. I’ve got a truck I get a pickup in North Carolina. So, all I gotta do is get this one back to Texas by Friday, get reloaded, and head that way. So, y’all have a blessed week.
Hey, good morning brothers and sisters of the Daily Audio Bible it’s Tuesday, August 27th and I heard some fantastic calls today and I just want to lift up Wendy. Your voice is beautiful by the way. And I want to lift up the guy that works in the UPS in Columbia South Carolina the brother and I want to lift up the sister who’s having stomach problems. And I was just so moved by the last caller, the sister who has been clean from meth for nine days. Way to go! And I’m just praying over all of you and everyone else that calls in too. Father in Jesus’ name I lift up Your beloved children to You Lord God because You are able to do anything and there is nothing too hard for You. God with You all things are possible, and You have all power and You are able to heal and set free. You know what they need father God as we call out and lift them up father God. Please protect them, comfort them, give them exactly what they need as they cry out for You and we cry out for them. In Jesus’ mighty and precious name we pray. Amen.
Hello Daily Audio Bible family, this is Truly Thankful Taylor from the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex in Texas. I’m so excited. This is my first time calling apart from the Christmas card last year and I’ve been part of the Daily Audio Bible family, listening for about eight years now. I’ve been so encouraged through the years. I first want to say thank you to Brian Jill, Ben, China, Max, Ezekiel and the rest of the Hardin family as well as all the background individuals who consistently pour into this ministry and make it possible for us to listen daily and to be a part of this amazing family. I just wanted to reach out to some of my fellow people who have been a part for a long time. Joe the Protector, you’ve been on my heart lately. Praying for you, your daughter, and your granddaughter. Margo from Australia, my heart leaps every time I hear you call in. Know that you are consistently being prayed for throughout the week. Praying especially for your health lately. Love you my sweet sister and so many of you that are so thankful in calling. Annette, I’m praying for you. Just know you are loved, and your heart, it just brings so much joy to me as I hear you. Pastor Gene, His Little Cherry, Blind Tony, Victoria Soldier, and so many others of you I don’t have time to mention right now. But just know that I love you, I’m praying for you. For those of you that are new to this ministry and new this body, I just want to encourage you to continue to press in and seek the Lord. He is so faithful and will reveal Himself to you. God’s word does not return void. And just for those of you who have been on this journey a long time, I want to encourage you to keep going. It says in Philippians 3:14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize, which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. You can do it and you can through the power of Jesus Christ who gives you strength. So, bless you everyone. I love you my family. Talk to you soon. Truly Thankful Taylor. Bye for now.
Hi DAB family I wanted to call in with a confession and then a prayer request. I’ve been praying for healing of several different relations…broken relationships in my life for the last several months and recently I have been tempted and also have given into the temptation of really trying to manipulate those relationships and taking them into my own hands to try and heal those relationships, which is not something that I can do on my own. So, the Bible says that if we confess our sins to one another and then the Lord will be faithful in forgiving no sense. So, I confess to you that I have been trying to take these things into my own hands and manipulating and telling some…some untruths for trying to repair those relationships. I ask that you would just, join me in prayer with regards to that and for the healing of those relationships. I still want those relationships to be healed in my life and those friendships and relationships to be restored. So, thank you so much for this amazing podcast. It has really made a huge impact on my life and thank you all for being such an amazing community, all the prayer warriors and I will talk to you soon.
Hi Daily Audio Bible, one of our own is suffering with brain cancer right now and I would like him to be lifted up in prayer. His name is Oli and this voyage began, ironically, less than two weeks ago and he’s already incapacitated to the point of not being able to walk. So, please lift Oli up in prayer and his beautiful wife Jessica. They have 11 children and all the prayer that can be used to bring forth God’s kingdom here on earth through this tragedy would be appreciated. And, of course, they need answers and we aren’t giving up on the miracle for a complete healing. Thank you, Daily Audio Bible.