Deuteronomy 16:1-17:20, Luke 9:7-27, Psalms 72:1-20, Proverbs 12:8-9
Today is the 31st day of March. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I Brian. It’s great to be here with you. I can’t believe it but we’re about to end our third month of the journey this year today and this will conclude the first quarter of the year. So, well done. Look at all that has happened in three months time. We began the story in the beginning and we wound our way here and have covered some serious ground not only in the biblical narrative but also in our own hearts and we’re moving ourselves into the changing of the seasons. So, well done, well done for getting here. If you are hearing me now, chances are better than not that we’ll be talking to each other on December 31st. Well done. And the truth is, yes, we have come three months into the year, the first quarter has passed us, but oh the treasure that is out in front of us. So, let’s just take a moment here, take a deep breath and realize where we are in the year, where we are in the Bible as we take the next step forward. So, we are at the end of a month, but we are also smack at the threshold of a shiny and sparkly, new week that we’re stepping into together. This week we’ll read from the Christian Standard Bible, and we have indeed been working our way through the book of Deuteronomy. Moses is telling the people the last things that he’s going to tell them and they’re all important things that he feels like they must remember, or they will destroy themselves. And, so, we are reiterating and reviewing the law at this point. Today, Deuteronomy chapter 16 and 17.
Father, we thank You for this brand-new week. We thank You that this brand-new week will lead us into a brand-new month and this brand-new month will take us through the rest of the season of Lent where we are contemplating what it cost to give us our freedom. And this month will lead us to Easter where we will rejoice like never before at Your victory. So, we are thankful Father that You have brought us this far and we mark it as we have been doing all year. We take moments to look around at where we are in the year and in our lives and in Your word and we pray once again, come Holy Spirit into all the days that are out in front of us as You plant within us and make it bedrock all the days that have gone behind. Come Holy Spirit and lead us deeper into Jesus, lead us deeper into Your word, and lead us deeper into our relationship and Your work in this world. Come Holy Spirit we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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Ahhh, I’m just taking a moment to realize, three months, it really has gone by pretty fast and we have gone to the land of the Bible and we’ve done so much in the community and coming up just in a couple weeks is the More Gathering for women. So, we are certainly moving forward in time and moving through our year. And speaking of the More Gathering for women, today is the last day to register for the More Gathering for women and it’s coming up here in a couple of…well… like a week and a half, April 11th through the 14th and this will take place in the mountains of North Georgia outside of Atlanta about an hour and you can get all the details at or go to in the Initiatives section and you’ll find the same thing and you can get all the details and we hope to see you there. But this is it, this is the last day to register for the final More Gathering that will take place in the mountains of North Georgia. And, so, speaking of kind of marking things and remembering, that’s one of the things that we are doing with this More Gathering. The Lord’s inviting us forward and we don’t know exactly what that’s gonna look like. We just know last year that the Lord was saying next year’s the last year up on this particular mountain for now. So, that’s all…that’s it. So, hopefully you can come and be a part of this remembering so. So, yeah. Registration closes today. is the place to go to get the details and we do hope to see you.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at There is a link, it’s on the homepage and I thank you. I thank you humbly and profoundly for those of you who have clicked that link. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here next month.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi Daily Audio Bible family, this is Oscar out of Denver calling in. __ to say…guys I’m calling because I am reeally blessed, really blessed by God and His grace, His grace endlessly astounds me. I am currently having some issues with my wife. We’re expecting our first kid here in like anywhere from three weeks to six weeks and although my wife and I have been married for two years and change we’re sort of restless right now. We called __ with the service of chaplain with the Navy instead of the Marine core and I just feel that the enemies doing everything he can to stop that and to hinder that in and to __ our marriage. So, if you guys could just pray for unity for my wife and I that we can grow closer, that we can speak each other’s love language better and better and we can have better communication, that we can grow to be one, God as one __ that. I would really appreciate that. I know that she is the one for me, I’m the one for her. I’ve prayed for that many, many times, but I just know that there’s some barriers here that only He can break through, that only he can tear down those walls. So, I just pray for strength and I pray that these things will happen. Thank you, guys for what you do, and I will keep praying for you guys and encouraging you guys and please know that God’s got us and no matter we’re His children of the King of believers and that’s pretty awesome. I love you guys and keep being so mild to the world.
Hey Daily Audio Bible family this is John Corrado calling from Bethlehem Pennsylvania. It’s been just way too long since I’ve called in, but I do want you to know that I absolutely listen every single day. It’s the first thing, generally speaking, that I do when I wake up after I discover that God has granted me another day that was never promised to me and I thank Him for it and I get my feet up on a bed and so on and so forth but shortly thereafter, the good Lord willing I listen to the Daily Audio Bible and I listen intently to you all every day. And I just want to reach out today and let you all know that. Like, every single one of your calls that come into this amazing program, this amazing platform, they’re being listen to, they’re being heard, there are people out there praying. You know that already, you hear people say that all the time. And, you know, today’s the 26th, I’m sorry…no…the 27th of March and there was a prayer that came in this morning from a woman and Chicago and your name…your name was just muddy…I couldn’t hear what it was but you were calling with regard to your son and how’s there’s just a lot of trouble and had to throw him out of the house and I just want to lift you in prayer right now. God knows your name, I don’t. I heard your prayer request and I’m praying with you. Heavenly, Father thank You so much for this day that You never promised to us. Father You are graceful, You are all grace, and You are all glorious and You are merciful and You are loving and we thank You. We thank You Father God so much for the work that You’re doing in our lives every day. The way that Your transforming us Father God. You heard our sister’s prayer from Chicago. You know the pain that she is in right now from having to turn her son away from her home Father, but You see the abuse that he’s verbally giving her his mother Father God and You know what’s right in that situation. We trust You we trust You Father God thank You for giving us the ability…
Good afternoon Daily Audio Bible. This is Scott from Alaska and I’m actually back in Alaska. Made my trip here. I’m actually about 80 miles from home overlooking a beautiful Matanuska glacier. It’s so incredible and so beautiful. An amazing, amazing story too. You know, I was thinking about what Brian said today on the podcast of we go through our desert times and then we go through our happier times or blessed times and it’s so important to remember the desert times that we don’t forget God. I don’t know about you guys but sometimes in the happy times it…well…I’m ashamed a little bit to admit it but it’s hard to always remember God. Really important when I’m in the desert times to take note of the desert time and take note of God’s provision. As beautiful as the day is today and as happy as I am, even in all of the hard times I know God has been with me just as much in the desert as here overlooking the beauty of the Chugach mountains and the Matanuska glacier. Thank you so much for keeping the podcast going Brian and I’ve been praying with all of you my trip up here and I know that some of you been praying for me and thank you very much. That’s an amazing thing with this technology that we can pray together to make this journey together. And for those of you in the desert times, well, look around at the manna that God is providing and call us back and tell us about it so we can remember and rejoice and pray with you and pray you through the desert too. Thank you, thank you, thank you. That’s all for now.
Hi DAB family it’s James here for the UK. I’m just calling back. I called you guys about a month ago to put in a prayer request for somebody called Ben. He’s a young man whose been really struggling with mental health issues and in any case the long and the short of it is this. Ben was released from the institution he was put into after a lot of time spent with myself…well…much more time spent with my friend Nigel praying with him and just bringing him to a place where he had a much better understanding of Jesus and the Christian faith, which was a huge help and we saw Ben really change over those weeks and months that he was in hospital. Ben was released from hospital and we’re not sure where he is now. So, it’s a burden on our hearts and we think he’s…he’s most probably, obviously, gone back to the old way of living but he’s someone who has such a potential in front of him and he’s such a character and he’s such a lovable person and he’s so vulnerable. And this is thing family, I don’t know want to pray anymore. I don’t know what to say. I’m not in…I just don’t know what else we can do and I just have to put all this back into Jesus hands. I hope desperately that we’ll see him again. I hope desperately that he’s okay. And I know some of you have been praying for him, you know. So, there you go. That’s my prayer request. Humbly just asking for Ben’s health, well-being, so that fundamentally there would be a change inside of him that would unlock…just unlock him from the way that he has been so tied to…