2/11/2022 DAB Transcript

Exodus 32:1-33:23, Matthew 26:69-27:14, Psalm 33:1-11, Proverbs 8:33-36

Today is the 11th day of February, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is great to be here with you today as we gather around the Global Campfire. It is such a joy that we have this little oasis, this place in each day that we can come to and step away from the chaos or any of the drama that’s going on and just exhale, allow the Scriptures to speak to us, what a beautiful thing this is. So, it is a joy and a delight to be here together today as we take the next step forward, which continues our journey through the book of Exodus where the law, the Mosaic law is being revealed. The children of Israel are at the base of the mountain, Moses is at the top of the mountain and he’s been gone a long time and the people are getting antsy about it. So, we’re reading from the Contemporary English Version this week, Exodus chapters 32 and 33.


Okay so, in the book of Exodus today, we have a pretty crazy situation. For centuries God had been enacting a plan that He had promised to Abraham with a mighty hand of authority. He freed his people from Egyptian slavery, it could of been easy, they could have let them go, but it took all of those plagues systematically dismantling Egypt and the people saw this and then they were set free and they left free but laden down with treasure from the Egyptians. He had been feeding the people in the wilderness where there was no supply for that many people. He had been leading them with fire in the night and a cloud in the day. They had witnessed the presence of God coming down upon the mountain. Moses had gone up the mountain to speak with God and they knew hits but within 40 days, they are bowing down to the image of a calf made out of gold, gold that had been melted down, with the treasures that they carried out of Egypt, that had been given to them by God. But within just a little over a month they think Moses has disappeared and they need a god to lead them forward. So, they bowed down to this golden calf and say this is the god that brought us out of Egypt and they worshiped and had this massive party. And we can look at the story and go, what are you guys thinking? Which is a fair question and one that the text is leading us to ask, what were they thinking? It appears that they weren’t, other than thinking that they didn’t know what happened to Moses. So, we can look at the story go, yup, this is a rebellious people, they are stiff-necked, they are acting crazy. And then it becomes the mirror. What happens to us when we have to wait more than 40 days for something, what happens to us when we feel that God is distant or it’s smoke and fog and we can’t see and we don’t know where to go. And so, we go looking for life on our own, in our own strength. One of the great messages of the wilderness that the children of Israel are in and the wildernesses that we face in our lives is that we come to the end of ourselves, realizing that we are utterly dependent upon God and that God is sustaining us. But so often in our own strength, we are trying to arrange for life to happen on our terms. And even though none of us probably have fashioned a golden calf that we have in the backyard that we worship; we might have something in the backyard that we worship. Because we need to remember that whatever we give our heart to, expecting life in return, that’s worship. So, we may not be bowing down to a golden calf, but we can bow down to a car or house, or a bank account or another person or anything that we worship. And it’s good for us to kind of get that inside of us, understanding that idol worship isn’t a main thing, at least in most of the societies that we live in. But we do turn too many things in search of life and there is only one source. And this is a manger lesson of the wilderness and a major theme in the Bible: idolatry. And we will see up close and personal where that road goes and it doesn’t go anywhere that we want to go. So, putting our trust in giving our allegiance and loyalty and offering our hearts in any direction other than the most high God is not a path we want to be on.


And so Father, we invite You into that even as we watch what’s happening here in the book of Exodus with the children of Israel. It really is easy for us to go, that was a long time ago and what are those people thinking but then your word becomes immediate and then we realize it’s different but we have the same tendencies within us. So, Holy Spirit, come. Help us to realize yet again, You are our source of life and provision and getting that through our heads and into our hearts and surrendering to that, opening ourselves up to that and becoming openhanded to You, is the wisest thing we could ever do and the safest place for us to ever be. Come, Holy Spirit into this we pray, in the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


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And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Chelsea, you called in on February 6th and as I was listening to you, I felt the Lord put a verse on my heart from Habakkuk. And I’m in the car and I can’t look it up right now but it’s in the first chapter. And it comes after Habakkuk is calling out to the Lord and asking him for direction and asking where he is. And he responds by saying something like I hear you and you wouldn’t even believe what I’m about to do if I told you. So, that’s my prayer for you Chelsea, that you would have patience until the Lord intervenes and gives you wisdom and direction and shows you where to move and that He would surprise you with such a beautiful intervention in your life that when you look back, you’ll realize, you wouldn’t have even believed Him if He told you. That’s all.

Hey guys, this is Brad from Livingston, Montana. I haven’t called in, in a long time but I needed you guy’s prayers. So, briefly, it was about almost 12 years ago that I called in cause I had made a decision to start my own business and I asked for your prayers and it was amazing how God worked it. The day that I had to give my notice at my old job, that morning as I was listening to DAB, my call was played, right before I had to go in and talk to my boss. Well, that business was not something that God called me into. I decided to do that and I asked Him to bless it. And now, after that long in the business and it’s been nothing but a pain to me, it’s been really, really hard. I think I finally, God’s brought me to the place where I’m willing to give it up, but fear is really trying to creep in. So, I would ask your guy’s prayers that now that He’s pruned me enough that I’m willing, I’m so broken that I’m willing to do anything of course, but I want His perfect will. I don’t want my will. I want His is perfect will and I’m asking if you guys would stand with me in prayer, just as you did so long ago. And pray that God opens the doors that He wants me to walk-through and makes it evident to me. I love you guys and anybody else out there, don’t make the same mistake I did, wait on the Lord. Ask Him what He wants you to do. Love you guys. God bless you.

Good morning, good morning, everyone, this is my first time on this prayer line and I am just encouraged this morning and I’ve been having Ashley, the young lady that is pregnant, on my mind and I just wanted to voice my sincere concern about her. God has kept her on my heart because I was once that young lady in the same position. So, I, it is so relatable of the things that you’re going through and I just want to encourage you, you know, I’m closed to 50 years old now and I was once in your spot and God was with me. He protected me, He guided me and I want to refer back to one of our Bible studies when it talked about Hannah. I may have that wrong that name wrong and I’m so sorry, but it was the handmade as Sarah. When God comforted her after Sarah was being so mean to her and she ran away. And God, she named God, the God who sees her. So, I just wanted you to be encouraged from that particular scripture that we have gone through. That God see’s you, He’s there, He’s concerned, He sees your tears, He sees your heartache and He loves you and I love you and I want you to know that you know, we are here for you, we’re encouraging you and your child and God can bring about a miracle in your life. So, just know that I’m concerned and I’m praying for you. Have a wonderful day. God loves you and so do I.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible, this is Steve from Albertville, Alabama. I’m calling in today over a man I met over this past weekend at a conference. Who stated that he’s going through some heavy stuff. His wife committed suicide, two weeks and about 4 days ago. And every time he goes to church around people who knew his wife, all he sees is death. I pray against the attacks of the enemy. I pray against suicide. I pray against every firing dart that the enemy throws at us as a community and all those that we pray for. Guys this battle is real, it’s relentless and I pray that each and every one of you will be strong and stand firm in the faith. Brian and your entire family who produces and makes this possible, for us to have this platform, I thank you. It’s a way to share your faith, it’s a way to be in community with like-minded people and I just pray over Greg and his walk through the fire. Put your arm around somebody that is going through the fire and help them walk because sometimes we just need a little help, sometimes we need a little prayer, sometimes we just need someone to talk to. Steve from Albertville, Alabama. God bless you all and thank you so much.

My name is Tamika and I’m from Missouri. I’ve listened to DAB for years and this is my first-time calling in. I just got done with the February 9th prayers and I hear Ivy from Missouri too and my ears really perked. You were talking about your late husband and how you need to do things little by little. And I was reminded of the story of the woman who gave the one talent at the, at the temple. And Jesus said to his disciples, she has given everything. Know that your little by little is enough, it’s enough for Jesus. And to anyone who may be listening to this you are made in the image of God. And whatever you are struggling with, even if you can’t, if you feel like you can’t give it all to Jesus yet, little by little, that’s enough. The God who holds the whole universe still also holds you. Peace be with you.