9/16/2021 DAB Transcript

Isaiah 22:1-24:23, Galatians 2:17-3:9, Psalm 60:1-12, Proverbs 23:15-16

Today is the 16th day of September, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian, it’s wonderful to be here with you today, it is a joy and a privilege to come by my place around the Global Campfire together with you as we exhale and release all of the stress and all the stuff that’s going on and just allow the Scriptures to speak into our lives. Today, we will move back into the book of Isaiah, as well as the letter to the Galatians. We’re reading from the English Standard Version this week. Isaiah chapters 22 through 24 today.


Okay, super famous passage in the letter to the Galatians today. We probably have all heard it. Most of us probably can quote it. I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. That is, I mean, that is a statement of a reality, that is a statement of what Paul believes and what we as Christians believe. It’s a part of a paragraph though and it gets lifted out of the paragraph a lot. So, let’s explore just for a second because what Paul said there, that we are all shaking our heads up and down and going yep, yep, yep I know that verse and yes it is Christ who lives in me. This is an incredibly controversial statement, heretical statement even for Orthodox Hebrew believers. So, bringing just a…one sentence more context helps us a lot. So, I quote “forth through the law I died to the law so that I might live to God. I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me and a life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.” This is kind of an abbreviated version of things that Paul unpacks more at length in the letter to the Romans. So, Paul is saying that he died to the law, God’s law, the Mosaic law. The law that pulled the people together cohesively as Hebrews, the thing people were trying to live up to, or live into in order to be made righteous in some fashion before God, only to know that they couldn’t and so they would offer also sacrifices to atone for their sin to become made righteous before God. Paul is undermining that understanding and as was laid out in the book of Romans. Paul’s view is that the law revealed a person’s inability to obey it. The law revealed a person’s failures and their inability to become righteous before God and so the law condemned them because they couldn’t live up to it. So, if the law is what makes you righteous before God, then nobody could be righteous before God, because nobody could fulfill the law. But Jesus did and God raised Him from the dead, no longer to die. So, Paul responds by coming to the understanding that we’re to die to the law so that we can actually live for God. The old person that we were bound by sin and unable to achieve any kind of righteousness before God. That person dies, is judged by the law, guilty, dies and is resurrected in Christ who has fulfilled it all. We glory in these realities, we do all that we can to accept and live into these realities, it is Christ in me that animates me. It is Christ in me that restores me to God. It is by grace alone, through faith alone, that this is a reality and I believe it we…we rejoice in these things from the early people though hearing the good news. How would you even get your mind around not having the law when it’s all you’ve ever known, and you’ve aimed your entire life and your entire culture is aimed in that direction. It’s indeed, the good news but it’s also existentially disruptive, right, it up-ends a lot of things that have to then be rethought and even thinking those things would feel maybe even sinful. But in this case Paul is writing to a group of people, an established church. The churches in Galatia and saying “hey I never told you all that stuff, I didn’t entangle you in all of that stuff. It’s these people who are coming in behind me that are causing this disruption and confusion. I came with the message that showed you complete freedom and now you’re trying go back and become a slave to this thing that you died to.” And so, I quote Paul “O foolish Galatians who has bewitched you? It was before your eyes, that Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified. Let me ask you only this” and this is actually where the rubber meets the road on his argument, “did you receive the Spirit by works of the law?” in other words, did the Spirit of the Lord come upon you because you were so righteous by obeying the law, or was it by hearing, and then you had faith, “are you so foolish,” I’m quoting Paul again, “having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?” In other words, you receive this by faith. Are you not trying to be perfected by obeying the law, a law that you’ve not really been familiar with and those of you who have never been able to even come close to achieving and then once again we see Paul do a move that he does a lot which is to go back before Moses and go to the origin story with Abraham and unpack the fact that Abraham was made righteous before God through his faith in what God said, not in his adherence to a law that did not exist? That idea is a profoundly foundational tenet of what Paul teaches. And we can, I mean, this brings us up to speed on what we read today and will continue the journey forward in the letter tomorrow. It’s easy for us to get lost in the theology or the doctrine of it, trying to understand and unpack what this actually means for us. Ultimately, like we were talking about yesterday. Ultimately, what Paul is arguing for is spiritual freedom. The freedom to understand that you have been made righteous before God and so you can have a relationship with God personally, unmediated, directly. A relationship with God who has grafted you into His family. There aren’t hoops, there aren’t levers, there isn’t a law other than the law of love. And so, as believers we should rest in that, we have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer we who live, but Christ who lives within us, through Christ we have been made perfect before God, we have achieved what we could never achieve, through Christ who achieved it for us and gave it to us freely. All we have to do is believe it. This is the good news.


And so, Jesus, we thank You for this good news and it is definitely through this Hebrew centric lens that we read of it and unpack it and understand it. And for many of us, we don’t have that background and so thank You for allowing us all of the different context and all of the letters and all of the narratives found in the New Testament that allow us to understand how radical, what a shift in reality, in awareness and in understanding. It’s something that we very easily take for granted because we’ve only known it a certain way and yet the Scriptures show us the moving forward of the gospel, the good news that has come into our lives and shaped us and changed us irreversibly. So, come Holy Spirit and help us to dive more deeply, drink more freely from this precious gift of salvation. Come, Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com that’s home base, that’s the website, that’s where we find out what’s going on around here. It’s the home of the Global Campfire. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app then you’re holding it in your hand and you can access all these things from within the app as well. So, check out the Community section, check out the resources that are available in the Daily Audio Bible Shop. In the Community section, you’ll find the Prayer Wall. In the Shop, you’ll find a number of resources that are, well, there…there of this community, by this community, for this community. It’s us and so you can find a number of resources in a number of categories there, so check it out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you, thank you. If what we’re doing by showing up every day together around the Global Campfire and taking the next step forward in the Scriptures and just keeping stepping forward until we reach the conclusion of the year and in the entire Bible. If that matters, if that makes a difference than thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button that’s in the app the little red button up at the top and that’ll work wherever you are as long as you’re connected to the Internet. Or there are number of telephone numbers that you can dial: in the Americas 877-942-4253, if you are in the UK or Europe 44 2036 088078 is the number and in Australia or that part of the world 61 3 8820 5459 is the number to call.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian and I love you. I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hi this is Nelly calling in and I want to call in for a few people. First of all I wanted to call in for Susie. She was talking about the situation from Haiti and God I just pray for Your peace to be on that land. I pray that the gains would be dismantled. God, I pray for protection. I pray for Stanley who was killed on his way to work God, for his family. I pray you give them comfort in the name of Jesus. I also want to lift up Stephen John, John from Sudan had to put a restraining order on him God. That must’ve been such a difficult decision but God, I know you’re in the midst of it all and I just pray in the name of Jesus that You would just comfort that family for a complete transformation of the mind of John Stephen. John God, I pray that You would just touch him, that You would minister to him and that You would just be with those who are working with him. I also want to lift up Gary who is struggling with anxiety. God, I’ve been there. I know what it’s like to wake up in the night and thinking about things. God, I pray that you remove that heaviness and that You would replace it with Your comfort and Your peace, in the name of Jesus. God, You are a strong tower and I pray fear would be gone. I pray that You will give him direction. I pray that You would give him endurance and God that You give him rest. We love You, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Saul, one day was willing to kill his own son, but the next day he was unwilling to kill the heathen king, Agag, even though God demanded it. We must not be two sided. Plants must be tied to a stick as they grow to keep them straight. And likewise, we must remain tied to the Lord for it is only He that can keep us straight as we grow. It is the sail and not the Gail that determines our course. And don’t let comfort overshadow commitment for the tempting without works closely with the trader within to ensure our defeat. The spirit will always cry out for faith, while the soul will always reach for unbelief. What’s in your wallet? BlindTony1016@gmail.com. I like to give a shout out to Victoria Soldier, haven’t heard from you lately and also Michelle for LA, know that you are both in my prayer list daily and thought of often, very much loved. And once again, Brain and the Hardin Family, thank you for this wonderful podcast for God’s Holy Spirit to flow. Keep it flowing ya’ll. All right, bye bye.

Hi John Alpar, I heard your message about Stephen John and you needing to commit him to the hospital for mental health for bipolar. This is Radiant Rachel; I am praying for you and your family and I just wanted to let you know that you’re not alone. This weekend, this week, my dad is manic and he had to go on medical leave from work and we were scheduling a family meeting. And, you know, concerned, he’s not making proper decisions to be safe driving on the road, things like that. And, God did a miracle for us, He put it on my dad’s heart to want to commit himself to go into the hospital to spread the word of God to those inside the hospital. So, he is there now as well. And, God is working, I know that He is working on Stephen John also. And I just…Lord, we lift up all those who are struggling with mental health and all those who are caring for those with mental health. We pray that You will just guide them, work in their hearts, give them peace, give them rest, give them sleep. And, just use these trials for Your good. Have Your way Lord. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

[singing] Low in the grave He lay, Jesus my savior
Waiting the coming day, Jesus my Lord
Up from the grave He arose, with a mighty triumph for His foes
He arose a victor from the dark domain, 
now He lives forever with His saints to claim
He arose, He arose, Hallelujah, Christ Arose.

Good morning DAB, God Bless all of you, you’re all in my prayers constantly. This is Patrick from Seattle. If you could, I would appreciate your prayers. I have been a police officer in law enforcement for over 32 years. And right now, I am on the precipice of change and the message I keep getting from God is be still and I will fight for you. But as a driven, action-oriented person, that’s not easy for me. So, I ask for prayers for guidance and patience and discernment and courage as I try to find out and determine what I’m going to be doing next in my life to support my family and to continue to serve God. So, if you would please join me. Heavenly Father, I thank You so much for allowing me for the last several decades to be able to serve You in the capacity that allows me to support and honor my family and honor my faith, my beliefs and my ethics and now as I’m trying to figure out what I’m gonna do next and where I’m gonna go and where You need me I can’t hear what it is that you’re telling me if You’re speaking at all and I feel like Elisha in the cave waiting for all the storms to pass to hear Your quiet voice. So, I just ask that I can hear Your voice and I ask that You can help me to find a way to continue to serve You and support my family. Please help all those people out there that are in a similar circumstance asking for Your prayers. It’s in Your heavenly, holy name we pray. In the name of Jesus Christ our Savior and our King. Amen.

09/15/2021 DAB Transcript

Isaiah 19:1-21:17, Galatians 2:1-16, Psalms 59:1-17, Proverbs 23:13-14

Today is the 15th day of September, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it’s wonderful to be here with you today as it is every day as we come around the Global Campfire together and take the next step forward in the Scriptures which will lead us back into the book of Isaiah in the Old Testament and into the letter to the Galatians in the New Testament. And we’re just getting going in the letter to the Galatians. But first, we’re reading from the English Standard Version this week. Isaiah 19, 20, and 21.


Okay. So, in our reading from the letter to the Galatians today we were beginning to see the whole scenario be unpacked again, a scenario that we’ve seen before. The issue of the Jew Gentile, the Jewish believer in Jesus and that Gentile believer in Jesus and the incompatibility, at least in the understanding of things that this was and the tensions that arose because of it. Tensions that we’ve talked about before, right? Tensions to the point that the people were taking vows to assassinate Paul. So, pretty…pretty big tensions. So, let’s just at least get the lay of the land, because Paul does a bunch of disclosure about his own personal testimony, his own story in his own writing today. And according to Paul by the time that the letter to the Galatians was being written he had already been 17 years into his faith journey. And what he claimed was that the gospel he received he received from Jesus in person and not anybody else. In fact, he provides details that he only met Cephas or the apostle Peter once and that was 14 years prior. And then he claims that the only other apostle he ever met was Jesus’ brother James. So, the gospel that he received that he is teaching that we are reading from and deriving New Testament theology from, Paul claims was given to him by direct interaction, direct revelation from Jesus. At the same time, the church, the Jewish church, the Jewish believers in Jesus are also growing together as a community of faith. They have convictions. They are beginning to form doctrine and they’re not completely compatible. And, so, we see in the…in the book of Acts the Jerusalem Council which we talked about a number of times, deciding how and what a…a Gentile who wants to come to faith in Jesus, how they need to behave. And it’s…it’s different because they don’t have to stay in the traditional Judaism customs or rituals or holidays. They have to do different things. So, it’s like a couple of different ways to get there depending on your ethnicity. So, we can understand then why there would be a little bit of tension over who gets to be right, and we can see then why certain people traveling around the Roman Empire would visit some of Paul’s churches to at least bring the other side of the story. Of course, Paul thought it was inflammatory and divisive and wanted absolutely nothing to do with it in order to preserve the gospel that he had received by direct revelation from Jesus. Meanwhile the super apostles, as Paul calls them in second Corinthians, they’re kind of like, yeah, but we knew Him. We walked with Him. We saw Him do what He did. We have direct revelation from Jesus as well. And beyond just religious persuasion or faith conviction, Jews and Gentiles, they were not friendly toward each other on the regular, right? Jewish people were separate and separatists and they ended up marginalized because of it, but they also looked at Gentiles, especially Roman Gentiles, like Romans, the people in control of the land, they felt occupied. They felt segregated. Roman citizens had rights and privileges that the…the Jews did not. And, so, the Jews being separatist anyway had healthy or dismissed trust for the…the Gentiles, the Romans because they had power over them. So, opening your heart like that in faith to walk alongside somebody could be really risky. If a whole group of people in power are prejudiced against you and your people, then you kinda stay on guard. That’s true of a couple of thousand years ago. It’s true of a thousand years ago. It’s true today. So, as we look at this and see that it’s kinda convoluted and pretty messy we can go like, Okay. I get…I get it. What’s Paul after here? What’s he so worried about if people decide they want to get circumcised and want to kinda take their faith in that direction and still honor the Lord Jesus and revere him and worship him, but they also want to observe Purim or Yom Kippur? Like, what’s the big deal here? Ironically, the big deal is over freedom. All of the tension is about freedom. Paul’s gospel, the message that he’s preaching is that the Mosaic law was fulfilled in Jesus Christ and there is no need to try to live up to it anymore. You can observe it, but it’s not your way to salvation. It’s not going to make you righteous. Jesus did the job. Through Christ, through faith, through grace we are made righteous, which is the good news. The news that you are free and through faith you can be made righteous before God, and not just righteous but grafted into the family of God so that you might call God Father, Abba pappa, daddy. This is good news. We who are listening right now, we know this is good news. And yet this good news in a number of ways made some of the tenants, some of the core understandings of Judaism obsolete. And, so, that…that’s where we land today in our reading from the letter to the Galatians. We will continue forward tomorrow because now we’ve got the lay of the land. And, so, Paul’s argument about faith, freedom, justification, grace, these things have a backdrop now, a context as we continue to take steps forward tomorrow and the day after and the day after and the day after for all of the days that God will let us keep going.


Father, we pray that that’s many, many, many, many more days and years. We thank You so profoundly for knitting us together as a community around the rhythm of the Scriptures in our lives each day and we thank You for where we are in the year as we encounter these letters from Paul and as we explore what the people were thinking, what they had to wrestle with. Because so often we’re wrestling with doubt and anxiety and all kinds of stuff and we cast it upon You, but we often pick it back up and we have kind of an existential angst underneath it all the time. Are we doing this right? Are we believing this right? Are we on the right path? And it’s so helpful to see that this has been a struggle. Many people from the very beginning and asked these hard questions of their own hearts and looked deep, deep within for where You are leading and guiding and illuminating the truth. So, come Holy Spirit, that is our prayer, that the light of truth would shine deeply into our hearts, revealing what is false so that it might be removed, but also revealing what is true so that we might hold on for dear life. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com, that’s home base, that’s the website, it is indeed where the Global Campfire is and where you find what’s going on around here. So, certainly check it out as I say often. If you have the app…and if you don’t, download the app. It’s free and it's…it’s the best way to experience a whole year in the Bible for…for various reasons but check that out. And check out all the different things you can check on the website or on the app as well by pushing the Drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner.

But in the Drawer or on the web you’ll see the Community section and that’s a good place to be familiar with. There are links to the different social media channels that…that we participate in. And, so, you can find connection there. It’s a good thing to…to know. If we have an announcement or something, if you’re following along then you’ll probably get that in your feed and that’s a good thing. So, check that out. But the Prayer Wall lives there as well and the Prayer Wall is a very, very valuable resource in this community because it’s there and people are there all the time. And, so…and it is what it is, a Prayer Wall. Like if you’re carrying some things that…that are just too heavy of a burden you don’t have to drag it by yourself. You can reach out and the Prayer Wall is a great place to do that. Reach out. But it’s also a place to respond in prayer for those who have also reached out who are carrying burdens that are too heavy for them to carry alone. And what we begin to find is that we’re all carrying things and we don’t have to do this alone. And the Prayer Wall, if nothing more, and it’s much more, but if nothing more it reminds us that we’re not in this alone. But it’s always on, never off. You can always reach out. You can always reach back. So, be familiar with that.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app and share from there, no matter where you are in the world or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi everyone, it’s Christy from Kentucky I wanted to welcome our new sister Natalie from Arizona to our DAB family. Natalie it was no coincidence that this was the first app you saw because girl you are on an adventure of a lifetime here. We have been together for a long time, and we welcome you into our family. Look forward to hearing from you a lot. And, so, just wanted to tell you that you we love you sister and we’re glad you’re here. I also wanted to call in today to pray for our sister Lisa. Lisa your phone call broke my heart. And, so, I wanted to call in and pray specifically for you today. Father we love You. We praise You Father, God. We give You all praise and glory Father for waking up this morning. And Lord so many people find themselves in the midst of storms. But Lord Your word tells us that there will be trials in this world. And Father Lisa finds herself today in the midst of a storm where she feels alone. And Father I just pray that You will touch and comfort her Lord Jesus. I pray that she will be still in Your presence Father God, just feel Your love surrounding her. You’ll never leave us You’ll never abandon us. That assure promise. And Father I ask that You touch…heal her body Father. Bring her back to restoration the way she was before January Father before this horrid, horrid virus touched her body. Lord we ask that You annihilate away from her body. Father we ask You to take it from this earth in Your precious name Jesus. We thank You for our sister, Lisa and we pray that she feels the blessing that You have made her to be, not a burden. She is a blessing, and You have her here for this time for a reason. And, so, Lord, I just thank You Father that You are with her…

Hey DAB family this is Jasmine calling from New York now. I just wanted to call in today just to…just to speak on what I've…what’s been going on this week. So, I’ve recently just started my new school year this week, which is on September 8th, and I just knew I felt the Lord telling me that this is like the time where I will be testing my faith and how close I am to Him. And it really has come to pass, and I notice that I’ve been actually like slacking or procrastinating on reading the word and eating God’s word. So, I just wanted to tell you guys for those…I just wanted to pray for those who may be starting a new job or just school in the past coming month week or a couple of days. I just wanted to pray for you guys because it is hard when new things come up in your schedule for your daily life. So, Lord heavenly Father I just pray today that You just help us to refocus ourselves onto You Lord. Help us to not draw near other things but You Lord. I pray that You just comfort us give us peace and give us the courage to follow Your purpose and do Your will and obey You each and every day. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen. Bye.

Good morning family this is Kim from Kentucky and it’s Sunday morning September the 12th and I’m out walking and just been listening to DAB. And wow psalms 56 today. David a man after God’s own heart how he confessed that there was times when he was afraid but he chose to trust God. And yesterday a sister talked about, you know, trusting someone is just you learn that by spending time with them. And we do that day after day as we hear the faithfulness of God. That’s something that I…comes to me quite often. One of the attributes of God is God is faithful. And I remember today because it’s been 23 years since my husband passed away from a brain tumor and moved to heaven. And God has been faithful for 23 years and 365 days and 24 hours a day and 60 minutes out of an hour. And I have had some fears, but I have chosen to turn back to God and put my…all of my trust in him like David in his word. And He has proven himself faithful over and over again. So, wherever you’re at in this moment of time and whatever you’re going to I pray that you reach up to God because I know He will reach down with His faithful hand. He’s good like that. He is so good like that. Be blessed family. I love you all.

Good morning this is Denise from Cali and I’d just like to pray for that last caller. Today is August 12th, 2021, and the caller who prayer…who asked for prayer for his son who he had to commit into an institution for him threatening his brother. Father God I just lift up our brother to You Father, God and Lord I pray for strength, I pray for comfort and peace over him Lord. I pray for his son Father God, that You will restore his mind back to sanity Father God. I pray Lord that…for divine intervention to be in that situation Father God. And carry up Your guardian angels round about him Father God. I just come against these…this spirit of depression in the name of Jesus, this…this spirit of anxiety in the name of Jesus and I ask that it be loosed in Jesus’ name. And I released Father God. Father God I ask Lord that Your peace will be upon him Lord Father God and that You will restore his mind back to sanity and that You will restore this family Father God, the relationships, that You would just heal these…the relationships of the brothers and the father Father God. And I thank You Lord. I thank You that You are our healer, and You love us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Hello good morning DAB family my name is Victor here I’m talking from my country Nigeria I’m from Nigeria. Family I just joined the DAB new family. I…you know with the program __ in my country living in my country’s it’s just like __ and I’m still a youth. I found out like…I realized I’ve really __ from my Creator. So, I just have to…I just have to find my __ find my way back to God. That is when I downloaded the DAB family app. __. I just wanted you to know to put me in prayers because I really really have lost my way to God and I’m trying to bring myself back to him and I want children of God to put me in your prayers to be very successful. I tried everything every day of my life __ to make sure I’ve become successful, and I’ve achieved sometime in life. Please children of God __ DAB family and everybody just please put me in your prayers. I want you to put me in prayers. Help me find my way back to God and help me __ so I can know what I’m doing with my life, and I can be a successful person. Thank you DAB family. I really do appreciate. And it’s nice joining the family. Everything above the DAB app and every scripture and daily __ messages. And everything is just in moderation. I really appreciate it. Thank you so much I love you all and I love the author the publisher of this. Thank you.

9/14/2021 DAB Transcript

Isaiah 15:1-18:7, Galatians 1:1-24, Psalm 58:1-11, Proverbs 23:12

Today is the 14th day of September, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible, I’m Brian. It’s great to be here with you today and today and every day. Every day is a new day, every day is another step forward together, every day is a chance to come around the Global Campfire and be together as we take that next step forward so it’s great to be here with you today and every day. We are working our way through the book of Isaiah in the Old Testament. So, that’s where we’ll be today. When we get to the New Testament, we’ll be moving into some new territory. Paul’s letter to the Galatians and we’ll talk about that when we get there, but first Isaiah chapters 15 through 18.

Introduction to the Book of Galatians:

Okay, that brings us to the beginning of the letter to the Galatians and Galatians, as with all of Paul’s letters, is well known. Galatia was a province in the Roman Empire where Paul did his ministry all over the Roman Empire. Now Galatia’s in the modern country of Turkey back in Paul’s time and in previous times, the Galatians were known as Galls or Celts. This is kind of the lay of the land. Galatia isn’t a city it’s a region and in this region of Galatia, there are at least five churches named in the New Testament that we know about from the first missionary journey of Paul. So, churches in Posidea, Antioch, Acconium, Lystra and Derby, and since the letter to the Galatians is addressed to the churches in Galatia then that’s how we would safely assume that at least those five communities were recipients of this letter, there may have been, we don’t know, there may have been more communities of faith that were established. But this is what we know and so we can assume that those five churches received the letter to the Galatians. And we’ll see as we get into this why it is honored in the study of New Testament theology, but were also gonna see similarities because this same kind of thing Paul was dealing with in his letter to the Corinthians is happening in the church at Galatia. So, people had come to the churches in Galatia after Paul had established them and they taught what Paul thought was a nuanced or a different gospel and in specific, the Galatians were being taught that they needed essentially to convert to Judaism and then follow the Jewish law, the Mosaic law and the Jewish customs, including circumcision and the law and all that goes along with it, in order to follow Jesus and we’ve seen this before, and we’ve talked about this before. We talked about it quite a bit when we were reading second Corinthians about the super apostles. So, the same kind of things going on in the region of Galatia and Paul wants nothing to do with it. He’s completely against it, because Paul’s understanding of Jesus is that Christ fulfilled the law and established a new covenant through Jesus and His ministry and His coming, the world, everything had changed. Now when we…we will remember here that we’ve already read through the book of Acts and we did see that this issue was in the early church and we did see a council, the first council known as the Jerusalem Council to work through the issue of whether or not Gentiles were able to be included in…in following Jesus, and if so how. And we remember that it was decided that Gentiles did not have to obey the Mosaic law. Even Jewish people were not able to adhere to it and so they were going to burden people who had no background with the Mosaic law to learn this a whole new system. So, we’re not, I mean, it’s a matter of long-running debate among scholars whether Galatians was written before or after the Jerusalem Council. So, if…if Galatians was written before the Jerusalem Council, then we have people coming from the Jerusalem church or thereabouts, visiting these churches that Paul is establishing and undermining the message, trying to set the record straight that no, in fact, you do have to become Jewish, convert to Judaism and then you can follow Jesus. Of course, Paul finds out about this and he’s not happy. And it will be these kinds of things that inspire the Jerusalem Council. If that’s the case with the Galatians then, Galatians is one of the earliest Christian writings that there are and Paul’s writings are the earliest Christian writings that we have but Galatians would be one of the earliest of the early writings that exist. If the Jerusalem Council had already happened then Paul is using the letter to the Galatians just to simply reiterate what it already been decided at the Jerusalem Council. Although it seems like maybe be there would be some sort of reference to that document or that counsel in the letter. So, this is why we don’t know. The bottom line though, that they were wrestling with that we see in these letters is this kind of Jew/Gentile rub where Judaism is an exclusive religion for the Jews and Gentiles weren’t part of that. So, if we have this faith in Jesus who was a Jewish rabbi in a Hebrew context and Gentiles can…can be included, all they have to do is believe, then it’s not an exclusive thing anymore. It’s a incredibly inconclusive thing that everyone in the whole world is invited to so, we can understand why there’s the tension. And we’ll see some of this unpacked in the letter to the Galatians, things like the gospel of freedom, justification by faith, the doctrine of grace. Some of this is unpacked in Galatians, in the context of this kind of rift or this tension going on in the early church. So, we begin Galatians chapter 1.


Thank You father for Your word and thank You for the Council of the Proverbs; apply your heart to instruction and your ear to words of knowledge. So, we open ourselves asking Your Holy Spirit to plant what we’ve read today in our lives and to give us a heart that is open to instruction and ears that are open to words that bring us knowledge. As we continue our journey forward into this letter to the Galatians in the coming days. Come, Holy Spirit, we pray, lead us into all truth. We ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.


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If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There’s a link on the homepage, in the app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And of course, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hello family this is Anne calling from Arizona, this is September the 9th and I’m praying for Lisa. Lord, I pray that you would heal Lisa. Lisa who called in feels that she’s a burden to her family. She has medical bills that her family are paying for and that she’s concerned about. She’s also very concerned about her illness Lord, and she is feeling desperate. Father, I pray Lord, that you would comfort. First and foremost, I pray Lord, that your Holy Spirit will be a Spirit of comfort and that You would heal her Lord. We believe Lord, that You are able to heal so Father we ask for that healing upon her body. I also ask Lord that you would reassure her of Your Love. That Father, through her family that she would know that she is loved, that she’s not a burden, that’s she’s a precious child of God. And that Lord, You’re with her in this situation Lord. You’re with her through this illness Lord, so, I pray Lord, that this be a miracle that we may be able to rejoice and praise you Lord and exalt Your name as we see her being healed. Lord, so Father, I reassure her Lord today that all is well and that You are with her. In Jesus name. Amen.

Hello, this is Landa from New York and I just wanna say that I’m so grateful for this site, listening to the Bible every day. I am learning so much. But what really touched me so much were the people that were leaving encouragement and prayers. I just sat there quietly and I said Lord, You must be so glorified right now, and then I realized, I go Lord, this is the church. It’s all of us from all over encouraging one another, praying for one another, in raising your name and giving You glory. Thank You Jesus, thank You Jesus for this app, thank you very much and I love you all who are listening. Again it’s Landa from New York. Thank you.

Greetings to the church at the Daily Audio Bible. I’m just calling in because I just heard Dr. John’s call in when he was talking about just being grateful for this community and for our prayers and for the miracles that happen because we love one another. So, I just wanted to tell you guys I love you all, this is Delta Alpha Foxtrot, calling from the Central Texas Front.

Hello from beautiful Cincinnati, Ohio. This is your brother Daniel Johnson Junior, God bless you. Hey, I wanted to share something specifically for you today. I want you to know that whatever it is that you are dealing with right now that you are highly loved, highly favored and cherished. I want you to know that God holds you in his everlasting arms and that you are so loved. Yes, so loved even in fact that long before you were even created or even thought of, God thought of you. And He said, I want to make a way for you to be a part of my family and so what God did is He came down in the flesh and lived among us, and died just for the very hope that one day you would respond and listen to what He has done so that you could have eternal life in Him, and even though whatever it is that you’re going through right now is intense. Every day is filled with its own struggles, but every day, even right now it is brand-new. We have turned a blank page. Everything is clear. Everything is brand-new. There is new mercy for you. That is why every day, it is called the present a special divine gift for you and so from beautiful Cincinnati, Ohio, it is your brother Daniel Johnson Junior, I do love you make it a great day.

Hi, this is Victorious Soldier just calling to pray for some of the DABers. My heart really went out to my precious sister named Lisa. She said she was going through some desperate times and I wanted to pray for her because she said she was feeling like she was a burden to her family. And it seems like the enemy is trying to steal her joy and I say Lisa, I pray for you my sister because God has a blessing for you and you are the blessing by just your appearance just your being there is a blessing. And I want to let you know that you are somebody special. That you are a child of the King. You have, we all have the same Father who loves us very much and He loves You with all His heart. And Lord, I pray for my sister Lisa, I ask You to let her begin to praise You and begin to thank You for the victory, Lord. The victory is already hers. Lord, let her begin to praise and pray and pray and praise You and let You know that You come in the midst Father. Let her see you in the midst and know that You are God that can do anything but fail. That You are a God of joy. That You are a God of peace. That You are a God of victory. Oh Lord, let her begin to pray for the victory and I pray right now for the victory in her life and the life of our DABers, Lord. In the name of Jesus, oh Lord, this is Your precious, precious victory Father we have victory in the name of Jesus. Lord, You bless her, You strengthen her, You guide her, oh Father in the name of Jesus, You take away the wicked, You take away the, she draws nigh to You. Lord, we ask You to bless her in a mighty and special way. You lift her Lord, You lift those who are going through Father, You lift those who are feeling like they’re not important. But You also important that while we were yet sinners You died for us. Oh Lord, and I thank You.

Good morning family it is 426 on October 10th 2021. I’m sitting here watching the dry lightning. I live in Northern California. Over a year ago, on August 18th we had to evacuate from our home for 10 days due to the fires. They came within two miles of our home. The smell, the air, you’ll never smell anything like it again unless you live around here. And I just ask for your prayers, I beg you for your prayers. I’ve been praying to our Father, every single day, to bless His earth with rain. To bless the United Western United States with rain. We desperately need it. The trees are dying, we live amongst the Sequoias, the Redwoods around here. The most…the oldest trees on earth. We don’t want it to disappear. In the mighty name of Jesus, please pray for rain for the Western United States. And please pray that the dry lightning that is going on right now, that it will not start any new fires. I know our prayers are heard. I know this is a powerful family, I love you all. And God bless you all for your prayers. Please pray for rain. This is Kim in California. May you all be blessed.

09/13/2021 DAB Transcript

Isaiah 12:1-14:32, 2 Corinthians 13:1-14, Psalms 57:1-11, Proverbs 23:9-11

Today is the 13th day of September welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is great to be here with you today as we approach the middle…well…I mean we’ll get to the middle of the week, and we’ll be in the middle of the month. We’re working our way through the book of Isaiah in the Old Testament. We’re working our way through the second letter to the Corinthians in the New Testament and we will conclude that letter with today’s reading. So, let’s dive in. We’re reading from the English Standard Version this week. Isaiah chapters 12, 13, and 14 today.


Okay. So, we concluded the second letter to the Corinthians today. And as letters go, it's…it’s a good-sized letter, but we probably noticed that a bunch of this letter is Paul defending himself in part, and we’ve already gone over this. Other people were coming and visiting these churches and nuancing what Paul was teaching. He did not like that a bit. And they were associated with, you know, like some kind of pedigree, some kind of association to the actual disciples of Jesus in some form or another. And, so, they’re super apostles. And, so, he has to defend himself and spends a bunch of the letter doing that. Let’s just pause though and remember that Jesus Christ, the Savior, dealt with the same kinds of scenarios where he’s constantly being asked, “by what authority are you doing these things?” And all kinds of assumptions about Jesus were flying around. And we’ve explored that we went to the Gospels. So, let’s just notice here in this letter that these kinds of things were going on in the early church. They continue to go on until this day where we pick our favorites and then we defend our favorites and we’re always looking for a certain kind of pedigree or a certain kind of proof. And there’s nothing wrong with that. That’s in some ways called discernment. Paul essentially was saying, can’t you just…like…do I have to brag? Do I have to boast? Do I have to show how I have done more for God than these other people? Can’t you just look at what my life is? Can’t you look at the consistency of the message of the gospel? Can’t you see what we’ve been through to bring it to you? Can’t that matter? Do we have to actually get into a bragging contest? Is this what we’re doing here? And that’s fair. Jesus had the same kind of thing going on. Remember Jesus being accused of getting His…the source of His power to heal from the devil? And Jesus is like, what are we…what are we doing here? What are we talking about here? How can that even be? A house divided against itself can’t stand. So, we’ve had the opportunity to explore the ways in which we judge and what we’re looking for. But Paul ends this letter actually in a really pointed but very helpful way. And, so, if we think about the way that we discern or we judge, if we look at the way that Jesus was judged, if we look at the way that Paul was judged then we see how we do the things that we do and we might begin to realize that it’s mostly outward. Like, we are mostly outwardly judging without looking in the mirror and including ourselves in the equation. And that is how Paul rounds things out. And I quote. “Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you? Unless indeed you fail to meet the test.” So, we can watch the super apostle’s brag. We can watch Paul brag back and defend himself. And we can sit there and go okay well here’s my choice, I judge for Paul, or I judge for Apollos, or I judge for Cephas, right? Because we’ve seen all this going on in the early church. Paul is just suggesting as he closes this letter that maybe we just look at ourselves for a while, maybe we examine ourselves realizing that Christ Jesus is within us, and we don’t have to be the judge. We have the Spirit of truth. We should keep our eyes on our own lives and what God is doing in our beautiful wild life that we’ve been given, and then live that out into the world not worrying about the rest.


Holy Spirit come into that. We…we walk into so much distraction. We walk into so much stuff that just entangles us in one way or another, big or small. When we are given permission to become aware of Your presence in our very lives and to examine ourselves. So, come Holy Spirit with the light of truth and help us do that, examine ourselves. And lead us into all truth, we pray. In the name of Jesus we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home…home base, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here. It’s how to get connected around here. It’s how to find resources that are available for this journey around here.

So, like, check out the Community section. That’s where you will find links to the different social networks that we participate in. The Prayer Wall actually also lives in the Community section and that is a gift and a beautiful thing unto itself. It is always on, always active, always happening any time of day or night. No matter what you might be going through you can always go there and reach out to brothers and sisters, ask for prayer. But maybe even more importantly sometimes it’s a…it’s a place to go and pray, it’s a place that we have as a community here around the Global Campfire. These are the things that are going on in our lives and…and there’s a myriad of things going on. I mean, any given day in any one of our lives brings usually some sort of drama of some sort. It doesn’t have to be life altering drama. It’s just life. Life among other human beings. Life in all of the different cultures and all of our attempts to make it work, and to make it make sense. Every day that’s challenged and every day we…we need prayer, but maybe even more importantly, maybe we need to reach out in prayer and reach toward one another through prayer, as we reach to God for His intervention or His direction and clarity in the thoughts, words, and deeds of our lives. And, so, the Prayer Wall is a wonderful resource for that. And that can be found in the Community section whether you’re on the website or whether using…using the Daily Audio Bible app. So, be sure to check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if the mission…if the mission of the Daily Audio Bible, which is to bring the spoken scriptures read fresh every day and offered freely to anyone who will listen anywhere on this planet any time of day or night and to build community around that rhythm so that we know that we are not alone on this journey through the Bible or in life, if that is life-giving to you than thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that’s the little red button up at the top, or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Good morning DAB I’m going to go by His Farmer. This is the first time I’ve called in. I’ve been listening to DAB for a couple years now. I was inspired by Marked as His and I want you to know that we’re praying for you. I’m a farmer also and it is a struggle right now trying to find help to…to get all the work that we need to be done. I just want to encourage you that…keep praying, keep listening to the DAB. I’ve been listening to the DAB for about two years now since I was being treated for cancer about two years ago and I’ve never stopped listening since I…since I was in the bed listening…being treated for cancer and here we are today in remission, and I praise God give him all the glory and really love listening to the prayer requests and…and God’s scripture. It’s 6:00 o'clock in the morning here and I’m feeding my cows too. I understand the struggle. It’s tough. It is not easy this year. It’s never been harder I don’t think to be a dairy farmer that I can remember in my 40 years of working on our family farm. So, I just wanted to let you know that we’re…we’re definitely praying for you here and understand the struggle. It is tough.

Heidi Abby this is Amy and I just have a praise report and testimony, and everything wrapped up in one. Tonight, I was just about to have my shower tonight and I stepped out of the bathroom for less than a minute. And as I stepped out and was about to go back in the entire ceiling caved in. And, you know, I’m still kind of in shock right now because it just happened a few hours ago. But I’m just so thankful to God for my life because if I had stayed there a minute longer or had gotten into the shower already, I don’t know where I would be right now. So, I just want everybody to, you know, really praise God with me and for me because I’m just, you know, my life was just…I’ve just been thinking about this since it happened, that I am so thankful to God for my life but it’s just, you know, it’s just given me a new way of looking at God and that He actually is with me is with me because I stepped out into the hall in the middle of brushing my teeth. That never happens because I know needed me to get out of that bathroom before the ceiling caved in. I just want everyone to please thank God for me and just, you know, be encouraged. Keep praying even when it doesn’t look like anything is happening because God is truly working for you, and He will protect you. Thank you very much everybody and have a good day. Bye.

This is Jamie in New Jersey standing on the word of God. Dear Father in heaven we come to You in humility and prayer. We want to recognize our shortcomings to You and ask that You would help us. Your word tells us that we should take heed lest we fall. We confess that so many times we have given our promise to You Lord that we would do something only to regret it later when we lack the strength or courage to carry it out. When we think about our Christian life and how many things that we have pledged to do but have failed to do we realize that without Your Holy Spirit we have no strength to sustain any of it. Some of us have pledged to be bolder in our evangelism but when the moment came to be bold, we have lacked the courage we needed to speak out boldly. We have preached many things that we ourselves have failed to do. Our prayer lives are not what we have pledged to You that they would be. Prayer has easily been squeezed out of our schedules and the busyness of the day. Lord for these and so many more failings we confess. Create in us a new heart. Write Your commandments on the tablets of our hearts. We surrender our wills to You again and again. Lord write Your word on the palms of our hands. Remind us that You will do…that it will do us good to diligently devour and pay attention to it daily. It will bring light into the darkest places of our hearts like the dawning of the day and the rising of the morning star. Help us seek and wait on You every day. Father You know each and every one of us and You know our desire to walk in Your ways and bring glory to You and draw others out of darkness into Your loving Kingdom. Please take our frailties and turn them into power for Your purposes. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen. Thank You, my brothers, and sisters. I love You all dearly. God bless the…

Hi DAB family I’m a long-time listener, been seven years now and I wanted to thank Brian for all that he’s done for me and my family. My wife has also been listening for a couple years now. Listening to the Bible every day has truly been a life changing experience and it’s gotten me through some of the most difficult times of my life. But I’m not calling for myself today I’m calling for a close family friend. I’ve known him since he was a young boy and now, he’s grown up to be a very devoted and committed man. He’s traveled to India civil times to share the gospel and his family is committed to planting churches all across that country. He’s going to undergoing heart valve replacement surgery on the 21st and I’m just asking anyone who feels compelled to just pray for a smooth recovery and a smooth operation. His name is Prasanth. He lives in New York and I just hope that you would all keep him in your prayers. I’m also listening to your prayers and my wife, and I pray for all of you guys regularly. God bless.

Good morning DAB family this is Terry in Prattbull I just heard Lisa on September 9th. Lisa’s ill. She’s been ill since January and she’s struggling. She’s struggling with feelings of being a burden and…and fear. And I just want to lift her up to God in prayer. Heavenly Father I lift Lisa up to You and…and Father let her know how love she is by her family by her DAB family, by everyone around her. And Lord God help her to know that the brokenness of this world, through disease and all of the bad things in life, that’s Your will for our lives. Your will for our lives is how we respond to that. And heavenly Father I give You all the glory in the world for the help she’s receiving, the care and the love that she’s getting, the skill from the doctors. And Lord I…I just lift her up and I ask her Holy Spirit to fill her heart with joy and help her to realize Your love for her. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.

Good morning this is Tina from Texas coming on here to pray for miss Lisa who called in on September 9th…well I heard her on September 9th. And she says she’s been feeling sick from kind of like a chronic viral inflammation. And hearing her voice and hearing her say that she feels like a burden to her family because of her sickness, I just wanna say first and foremost you’re not a burden, you’re never a burden. With Christ on your side, you’re never a burden. I just want to pray that father God that you just heal her and keep her and let her know that you're…you’re never alone. Lisa…miss Lisa is never alone with in her sickness, within her burdens, that she casts all her burdens and her worries and her sorrows onto you and that you comfort her and take them over for her and that you surround her with people that you know love her and truly care for her, to banish those thoughts those negative thoughts out of her mind, to keep up the fight for her health and for the faith and for the Kingdom. I thank you for bringing her to Daily Audio Bible to ask for prayer and I just ask that we all continue to pray for her in the name of Jesus and bring a miraculous healing to her, so she feels no pain and only joy and peace and comfort. Lisa, we love you. God loves you more than ever and Christ and Jesus loves you just as much. Thank you for calling. Will be praying for you. These blessings I ask in your son’s holy name Jesus. Amen. Thank you. By miss Lisa.

9/12/2021 DAB Transcript

Isaiah 10:1-11:16, 2 Corinthians 12:11-21, Psalm 56:1-13, Proverbs 23:6-8

Today is the 12th day of September, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible, I’m Brian. It is a joy. I love when we come to the threshold of a brand-new sparkly week. Maybe that’s why I say it every week, I remind us, but I’m reminding myself like here it is, a new week, a new definition of time, new span of time that we get to live into, day-by-day, step-by-step, and nothing good or bad has happened yet. It’s all out in front of us and the things we may be worrying about or still looking forward to they’re still in the future. We are here now and our choices are gonna tell the story of this week. And so, let’s choose wisely. Let’s listen to the voice of wisdom, let’s listen to the counsel of Scripture. Let’s pay attention to what’s going on, let’s be proactive and not reactive. It’s always a good time to remember those things as we step through the threshold into a shiny sparkly new week and as we step into this new week, we will be continuing our journey through the book of Isaiah. One of the major prophets, one of the longer books in the Bible. We’ll also be continuing our journey, the second letter of…to the Corinthians, a letter by the Apostle Paul. During this week we’ll conclude that letter and move into another letter known as Galatians, but that’s out in our future and that’s what we are anticipating but we’re here now and let’s dive in for today. The book of Isaiah chapters 10 and 11, and we’ll read from the English Standard Version this week.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for life. We thank You for the gift of breath and oxygen. We thank You for our beating hearts. We thank You that You are our Father and that You know who we are and You love us and that You are leading us in so many ways. Sometimes we’re paying attention. Sometimes we’re not paying attention. Often, all too often we’re not but You are constantly Fathering us, You are constantly nurturing us, and You’ve given us the Scriptures to guide us and so as we move into this brand-new shiny week, Holy Spirit come, guide our steps, lead us into all truth, reveal the narrow path that leads to life, guide us deeper in our relationship with You that we might be more aware and more attentive that our intimacy and fellowship with You being just like our breath, always there, always pointing in the correct direction. We pray and ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hi, this is Whitney from Bama. I’m needing some prayer right now. Just getting tired and feeling my spirit just being down trodden. I’m a single mom of three, my dad is in hospice care for dementia. He is slowly decreasing. And that’s very hard to watch because I am a daddy’s girl and we’ve already lost my mom, we lost her in 2015. I have a young son who’s 14 with autism and I have a fur baby that has seizures regularly. So, it’s just a lot going on right now and I just ask for prayers for healing and what can be healed and strength to make it through to the other side of this valley and thank you all for the prayers that you’ve already given me my family and a thank you Brain for this amazing podcast that gives us the ability to reach out for prayer. Thank you everyone.

Good morning DAB family. I am really struggling with whether I should share this or not. But, yesterday, btw this is John R. from South Sudan, but yesterday was a very interesting day. It was my turn to minister to our church UN church in Juba and administer communion, but then after that night, night our time, but the evening in the U.S., my son, that I told you had bipolar became violent. He went to his brother’s room who is a computer programmer and trashed the room and took his computer that he use for work and…and that threatened to do more harm. So that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I had to consent for him to be served a restraining order and also to commit him for emergency mental evaluation. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do to send my own child out of the house, but I’m saying all this to say that I need your prayer. Thank you, his name is Stephen John. Thank you for praying.

DAB family, this is Susie from Colorado. I just returned last night from my Haiti trip with a layover in Florida and I…I got to listen to all your prayers and thoughts and wanted to thank you with all my heart. I know that I would not have been so protected without those prayers and my children as well. And I’m praying for you guys and so many of you, I can’t believe, you know, you even remembered my name to pray, but it just meant the world, I felt a sense of peace, almost the entire time I was there, which is difficult to do because there’s so many people, young men, gang members running around with hoods on their heads and automatic weapons and it’s very nerve-racking. I got to spend wonderful time with my children who are doing well for the most part. Unfortunately, this morning I got home, as I said last night, and heard that one of my employees was killed. His name was Stanley Pierre and I ask you to pray for his family. He was on his way to work. So please pray for that family and GG, I’ve been listening to the prayers for you. Do you realize how loved and adored you are by God? He just, I know he has wonderful plans for you and will give you wisdom. And those who’ve called in with friends and loved ones with breast cancer. I lift them up and dear God please, I beg for healing and wisdom. Thank you for this family. We love You so much God, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Good evening/good morning/good afternoon, DAB, it is People on the Water from Indiana. And I just wanted to maybe encourage someone, this is a little new, a little different for me but in my time spent with God I’ve been, I usually end my time, okay, God, what do You want? In these two words, maybe they’re add with three, maybe they’re added with five, but these two words always remain. These two words always remain, and that is unconditional love. Love me unconditionally. Maybe, and I’m asking for some prayer on this to see God’s way in this because that’s all I want to see honestly. But maybe I’m going into a season of loving unconditionally, just focusing on that word unconditionally. Maybe God’s trying to prompt us to love unconditionally. Cause golly, don’t we need that, so I just pray for wisdom and discernment. Pray you might do the same. Thanks for listening and I love you. I know a lot of people say that but, and I don’t know you but I love you, love unconditionally. Jesus’ name I pray and ask. Thanks, Amen.

Hey guys, I could really use your prayers today. My name is Garrett. Having some really bad anxiety. Just, I’m up late in the middle of the night and just really stressed out and thinking about the world. And I could really use your prayers to get closer to God, it’s been a long time and I feel like I’m separating and I just wanna get back to being positive and being closer to the Lord and so, please help me, give me some prayers please. Really appreciate it and I love you all.

9/11/2021 DAB Chronological Transcription

Ezekiel 44-45

Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological. I’m Jill. It’s the eleventh day of September. Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological. I’m Jill. I love being here with you every single day and we are turning through the Bible together in chronological order. We’ll do it every day till we get to the one year mark. And we are getting there little by little every single day. We’re one step closer. I hope you are enjoying this time being alone with God in His Word and letting it speak to you, letting it transform you from the inside out. I cannot wait to hear stories of how the Bible has changed your life and we’re just a few weeks away where we’re going to talk about an opportunity for you to let everyone know how the Bible has transformed you, but not yet. Right now we’re here to read the Bible and we’re reading in Ezekiel again today chapter 44 and 45. And today is the last day in The Voice translation. And tomorrow we will start a brand new translation and continue it throughout the week. Ezekiel, Chapter 44.


Father, we thank you for your word today and every day. And we thank you for this week. We thank you for all of the blessings that we take for granted. Thank you for breath and life and life more abundantly. We thank you for the sun that rose every day. And we thank you for the setting sun because as the sun rises and the sun sets, the name of the Lord shall be praised and we praise you. We thank you for your endless blessings for your miraculous work that is the gift of each of us. We close this week giving you thanks and giving you praise and letting you know that you alone are worthy. We pray this in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Daily Audio Bible That’s home base. That’s the website. Take a look around, if you haven’t. You can download the app that’s free, if you haven’t. Check out the prayer wall. It’s available on both. It is just simply at your fingertips. You can jump on real quick and just type out your prayer requests and there will be people there waiting to pray with you for you. If you’d like to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, we thank you so much for your partnership for every day that you say yes to the Word of God, going forth to all the world, not just the United States, all the world, brothers and sisters around the globe to participate and go through this journey in the Word individually and collectively, as a family and as a community of believers. If you’re giving by mail DAB PO, Box 1996, Spring Hill, Tennessee 37174 or you can click the Give icon at the top of your mobile device or look for the Give icon on the website as well. If you need prayer, reach out if you’d like to pray for someone that’s previously called in reach out 800-583-2164 or you can conveniently use that red circle button. It’s up at the top right hand corner of your mobile device on the app. Just click it. You’ve got two minutes and then hit submit. Turn your wheel to chronological and it will go to the right place. You can check out the social media platforms as well. Daily Audio Bible, DAB Friends, Daily Audio Bible Chronological and DABC Friends and of course, my favorite place to connect with women, Daily Audio Bible Women. Now, once in a while, I get an email sent saying, Where is this DAB Women’s podcast? Well, we don’t have it yet yet. Yet, but fingers are crossed. We’re hopeful it’s coming soon. Soon. For now, we can connect together at the Daily Audio Bible Women’s page, and it’s just a page and they send encouragement out. And then every night before bed, I try to answer every single woman that has commented or left a remark or has a question or it’s just struggling. Reach out there. That’s where you’ll find me on social media. That’s gonna do it for me today. I’m Jill. We will turn the page together tomorrow. I love you. I’m so honored to be on this journey with you every single day. Until tomorrow, love one another.

Community Prayer Line:

Hi DABC fam. This is Janel Calling from Arizona. I wanted to ask if you would please pray that God will help organize and get together a kid’s Christmas Caroling group that my children and I are starting. I’m putting out the notice for rehearsals that will be starting in October and go through November. And then I will be booking us places to go and sing in our community. And so I just want to pray that God will be in charge of that and that he will let His name be known and the truth about who Jesus is. And that kids lives will be changed and hearts will be opened. And people will just have a wonderful Christmas season when they hear the children sing. And also we want to be raising money for a mission in Kenya. So we’ll be asking for donations for that. And that’s it. Thank you for praying. I’m so excited. I will definitely share what God does with it. All right.
Love you. Thanks. Bye.

Well, Hello, my wonderful DAB/DABC family, Soaring on Eagles Wings from Canada, praying for all those in our family all over the world that are experiencing excruciating invisible nerve pain. This is something that no one can understand unless they’re having that experience. But God knows. God sees your tears and hears your prayers. And tonight I’m asking that the good Lord above, will grant sleep to you. And for those who are awake, a good day with relief from this pain. Lord, you created every area of our body and you know the nerve supplies. You know how the brain operates, what it tells the nerves to do. And nothing happens to us that is outside of your knowledge. So, Father, I pray and ask you that you would touch these nerves, individual nerves and you’d bring relief from all this pain. And I ask all our family members to join together and pray that at the end of this month, we will have some testimony of people who have experienced relief from that awful nerve pain. Thank you, Jesus, for hearing our prayers- for bringing us peace in the midst of the storm.

Hi DABC. This is Refined by the Fire. I wanted to take a minute and reach out to Jill and each of us who have experienced the loss of a loved one. I wanted to take out time just to sit with you in your ashes and just grieve with you. Share in that heartache and that loss. Recognize the struggle and the void that’s created when somebody is gone. And while we know the truths of God’s hope for the future and seeing them again, the pain and the grief has a job to do in our season. And we take the time to sit together to recognize the loss that it is, to recognize that while there’s work in this that will produce amazing fruit and flowers to share with other people down the road. This is an extremely difficult time and just to lift each other up. Thank you for your vulnerability and sharing your loss.

09/11/2021 DAB Transcript

Isaiah 8:1-9:21, 2 Cor 12:1-10, Ps 55:1-23, Pr 23:4-5

Today is the 11th day of September welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is a joy to be here with you today as we bring another week and our adventure through the Scriptures to a conclusion. And we are working through the book of Isaiah at this point in the Old Testament. Today we’ll read Isaiah chapters 8 and 9.


Father, we thank you for your word and we thank you for all of the different complexions and nuances that we get to encounter, all the personalities, all of the families, all of the geography and history, all of it coming together to shape and form us. And, so, as we continue through our journey in the days ahead through Isaiah, second Corinthians, and Psalms and Proverbs, every day there is something for us. Some days we search because you’ve hidden it like treasure for us to find. Someday it’s sitting there like a nicely wrapped gift just waiting for us to open and insight pours into our hearts, giving us clarity and direction for the choices that are facing us. And we are so grateful for your kindness, the kind gift of the Scriptures, the kind gift of your Holy Spirit’s guidance in our lives. And, so, come Holy Spirit and lead us forward, we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com, that is the home, home base, home of the Global Campfire. That's…that’s where you go to find out what’s happening around here and get connected in any of the ways that…that you can. So, be aware of that.

Check out the Community section. This is where you can find links to get connected on social media as well as the Prayer Wall that is always available. You can always…always ask for prayer. You can always go and offer prayer. Pray for one another. Let each other know that they’ve been heard and that they’re being prayed for. That makes a huge difference. So, that’s in the Community section.

You can also check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are resources there in a number of different categories, all aimed at the journey that we are on together in the mission that we have to step-by-step day by day take the next step forward together until we complete a year of life and a revolution around the sun and the journey through every chapter and verse in the entire Bible. And we have crafted resources in the Shop, whether they be written resources to take the journey deeper or things that you can write your own journey like the Daily Audio Bible Journal. Journal your way to the Scriptures. Or music. Things to listen to things to take the journey deeper. Or the entire Global Campfire section of…of the Shop, things there to remind us that we’re doing this together, that this isn’t a solitary endeavor. We…we’re never alone. We were in this together every step of the way. And, so…yeah…check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There is a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if that’s your preference, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is a little button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hello, my sweet DAB family this is Ashley from California, and we live in a scary time right now. There is so much turmoil and scariness going on. And I just wanted to share with you all something I stumbled upon and it’s talking about the simple secret of trusting God and it’s talking about how to do that and how you learn to trust somebody is by spending time with them. And the way that we spend time with God is spending time in His word, listening to His voice, praying listening to worship and fellowship with other believers. And, you know, I just want to tell you that the DAB does that for us. We’re able to spend time with God in his word through listening to it, we pray with each other in community and on our own volition and then we get to worship God through these acts that we’re doing. So, I just wanted to let you know that we can live on the promises and not on explanations through this time that we spend together each day. And, so, we can trust things like when Jesus says do not be overcome by the world, but he’s overcome the world and we will have the victory. So, even though it’s scary right now everybody just keep chasing God. Choose to chase after Him and spend time with Him and get to know Him and listen for Him and pay attention to His presence. Alright y'all. I love you and have a great rest of your day. I am praying for you. Bye.

Hi DAB family this is Charlene from Akron OH. I had asked for prayer on the prayer wall back on April 25th I think it was due to my mom being admitted to the hospital. But anyway, she had passed on April 30th and I just never called to give an update and a lot of it was there was just so much I wanted to share but I had to narrow it down. There were so many God moments that were they’re at that time. There was the day before she was admitted to the hospital her last Facebook post had read when we draw the last breath only one thing will matter that our name is written the lambs book of life. Another thing that had happened to was us receiving thank you cards all at different times that she had sent out also the day before she was admitted to the hospital. And in a time when only my dad was allowed to see her we all knew different medical staff members from EEG tech to MI tech to nurse practitioner and the ICU doctor. And to know one of them would have been a miracle but to know four different people was just really comforting. And while we were making funeral…funeral arrangements my brother had remembered that she loved Psalm 91. And we decided to use that to represent her life. And when we came home to my parent’s house the Bible that she keeps open on the foyer table was open to Psalm 91. It’s been four months now. My dad is just struggling even though he knows it was meant to be. He’s lost 22 pounds since then and he just said even though he enjoys our company I know he feels a lot of emptiness. Just please continue to lift my dad up in prayer as he is…as we are all grieving this loss. Thank you so much.

Hello, my name is Imani Norman I’m 26 years old. I’m just coming on here. I’m new to this I’ve never done this before, but I’m just coming on here because I would like to have some prayers said for me. I’m going through financial hardship and the financial hardship that I’m going through is causing me to be delayed with like school and all of those things. It's…yeah…it’s like keeping me from a lot of things. And I’m not gonna lie, I’ve been a little bit sad about it. So, I just need some uplifting, some good prayers. I’ve been saying prayers too and talking to God. I just need a little more strength because this has been really, really hard. And I’m not sure what else I can do. It’s out of my control so I’m leaving it up to God. But if you can…if you can see a prayer for me that would be awesome. Thank you.

I wanted to call in for the little girl who…or the little child who called in asking for prayer because they were afraid but they didn’t want to be. Our father in heaven Lord we’ve all been in places like this where we’re afraid and we don’t know what to do. Lord I ask that you would remind this child of your word in the psalms, when I’m afraid I will trust in you. I ask that you would give us all the strength to do that especially this child right now in Jesus’ name I ask. Amen. I hope you’re encouraged by this prayer. And trust the Lord with all of your heart and don’t lean on your own understanding and that goes for me too.

Hi daily audio Bible this is Andy from Birmingham I wanted to share a quick verse which is Colossians 2:79. Have you roots planted deep in Christ. Grow in Him. Get your strength from Him. Let Him make you strong in the faith as you have been taught. Your life should be full of thanks to Him. And I’ve been thinking about that today because I’ve been digging up plant roots and these really strong plant roots are so hard that she broke two of my forks. It took me the whole day but they were really small plants so I said it doesn’t make sense, but the roots are so strong. So, I guess I felt like just calling in saying that maybe there’s someone out there that needs to hear that about these strong roots that can’t, you know, when, you know, think about when our lives we’re under attack, if you’ve got your strong roots in Christ then that's…that’s important. And again, in another version it says let your roots grow down into Him and let your lives be built on Him then your faith will be strong the truth we are taught and everything with thankfulness. Si, I hope that’s a blessing to someone today.

9/10/2021 DAB Transcript

Isaiah 6:1-7:25, 2 Corinthians 11:16-33, Psalm 54:1-7, Proverbs 23:1-3

Today is the 10th day of September, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible, I am Brian. It is wonderful to be here with you today as we gather together around this Global Campfire, find our place, take a deep breath and let everything else go and just relax into this space that we create together each and every day. An oasis of serenity, a protected place where the world and all of its pressures and cares, yeah we can drag them in here but this is a safe place. We can pick them all back up at the door if we want when we walkout, but this is our place. Just focus on the Scriptures allow them to wash over us, allow them to speak to us, allow them to carry us forward, and so, let’s dive in. We are still moving into the book of Isaiah because were about 10% through the book of Isaiah and so let’s continue our journey. Isaiah chapters 6 and 7 today.


Okay so, in the second letter to the Corinthians today we get to the…to the boasting part right where Pauls like, having to defend himself by boasting back against the super apostles or the great emissaries who have come in behind him, to the churches that he planted and are teaching nuances that he’s not teaching and they are bringing credibility like that they are associated with the actual apostles of Jesus. Paul can’t do that. So now he has to kind of state his credentials, essentially in a boasting fashion so I quote Paul “are they are Hebrews so am I, are they are true Israelites so am I, are they are the descendants of Abraham so am I, are they the servants to the anointed one, the liberating King I am even more so. I can’t believe how foolish I sound. I have worked harder for God’s kingdom, taken more beatings, been dragged in and out of prisons and have been eye to eye with death. Five times I withstood 39 lashes from Jewish authorities. Three times I was battered with rods, once I was almost stoned to death, three times I was shipwrecked and I spent one day and night adrift on the sea. I have been on many journeys and face the most extreme circumstances, perilous rivers, violent thieves and threats by my own people and by the Gentile outsiders alike. I have faced dangers in the city in the wilderness and at sea and danger from spies among our brothers and sisters. I have survived toil and hardships, sleepless nights, hunger and thirst without a crumb insight, bear to the cold. As if these external trials weren’t enough, there is the daily stress I feel and anxiety I carry for all the churches under my care.” Okay so, that’s Paul’s boasting his saying this is my pedigree. These are my credentials in the face of these super apostles. So, it’s safe to say that Paul faced a lot and that should indeed give him credibility among the people where he’s planted churches indeed. But beyond that, if he went through all of that stuff as the church is information at this early impetus of the church and its growth than what we need to understand is that resistance and hardship and difficulty and challenge have always, always been a part of the story and those challenging hardships are not easy, they weren’t easy then and they’re just hard now. It’s always been really, really hard. Our brothers and sisters who have carried this story forward to us today, did it through difficulty and hardship, just like we do and so often what we think is that somehow that’s not supposed to be the case. Somehow it’s supposed to be easy for us. Jesus is the easy maker not the way maker. He’s the way maker and he makes a way through the wilderness and rivers in the desert through the difficult times and we’re all going through them. We all will go through them. And when some of our brothers and sisters are going through really, really tremendous and peaceful times. Others of us are going through tremendous and difficult times and we help each other through these times together step-by-step. So, we can think of our challenges, things that we’re facing, things that are not letting us have enough sleep. Things that are keeping it difficult for us to fall asleep, things that we find ourselves staring out the window daydreaming thinking about, mulling over, chewing on trying to find solutions for. We need to know that this is part of it. Resistance in our lives is something that strengthens us. And it’s important that we become strong because we are revealing a kingdom. So, there are times where we feel like we can’t even put another foot in front of the other, we’re just burned out, we’re just absolutely exhausted. We have…life has just knocked us flat on our back, we’re just staring up at the sky, trying to figure out you if we even have the strength to stand back up. I know, I know what that feels like too. We all know what that feels like because we all face this. Jesus the anointed one, faced this. The apostle Paul, as we’re seeing in this letter, faced this. So, if there’s nothing more that I really could say to make it better. And there’s not. It’s just you are not alone. You are not the only one. And, at least in my experience, we can cave, we can buckle, we can throw in the towel, we can throw up our hands, we can walk away, but people have survived insurmountable odds when they believe, when they believe in what they’re doing, when they believe in what it means. People can endure just about anything. And we are the light of the world. We are the salt of the earth, we’re holding things together. If we could stop fighting each other, we could really, really do some damage to the darkness. If we would stop looking at our hardships and then looking at another brother and sister and going, why don’t they have to face…why aren’t they going through this thing? We just need to remember Jesus words at the very end of the gospel of John. What is that to you? You follow me. And so be encouraged. You can keep going. There is strength that you didn’t know about, that you can’t find until you get to the end of your own.


And so, Father, Holy Spirit come we’re very weary. Some of us are very, very weary and it’s been a hard season or a hard year or a hard life and we don’t have the strength to go on. We need Your strength and yet we look back into the Scriptures and see that this is the story. This is how the story goes. Everyone who’s ever stepped up to carry the light of the world forward has faced opposition and so we can take some comfort in that, doesn’t make it easier, but it lets us know we are a part of something that’s been going on a long time, and if we would come to the end of ourselves and surrender You would help us navigate. And maybe the circumstances aren’t going to change, but our perspective can radically shift so that the circumstances don’t have the power over us that they once did. Come Holy Spirit, help us to know that we’re becoming stronger and that we’re taking part in a process that has been going on since the very beginning. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

09/09/2021 DAB Transcript

Isaiah 3:1-5:30, 2 Corinthians 11:1-15, Psalms 53:1-6, Proverbs 22:28-29

Today is the 9th day of September welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today as we do what we do and take the next step forward together, the next step through the Scriptures of course, and the next step forward in our lives. We have just begun our journey through the book of Isaiah. And, so, we will continue that journey. Isaiah chapters 3, 4, and 5 today.


Okay. Have you ever encountered somebody who’s like…who really needs to prove they’re a better Christian than somebody else…like a superior Christ follower to somebody else? The answers probably yes. The answer probably should be yes. For all of us, all we really have to do is go on social media to find this sort of thing going on pretty much 24 hours a day battling with one another over doctrine, battling with one another over right posture, battling with one another over interpretation, all these kinds of things. This is part of our history. This has…this has been going on a while now. In fact, it was going on in the beginning of the church and that is what we are beginning to encounter in the letter, the second letter to the Corinthians. So, Paul referenced “great emissaries” in our reading today. In other translations “super apostles”. And who exactly we’re referencing here, that's…that’s been a matter of scholarly debate for a very long time but it’s pretty clear from Paul’s letter that he’s not pleased, and he doesn’t like that they are coming to the churched that he has founded. So, probably what’s happening here is that believers in Jesus who have a bit of a different understanding, or maybe different convictions about certain things about Jesus or His teachings have begun to visit the churched that Paul established. And to take it even further it…it wouldn’t be unlikely that these would be maybe Jewish believers who were not in agreement with things like the Jerusalem Council, allowing Gentiles like…in other words, allowing the gospel to be inclusive, including the Gentiles, including anyone in the world who believed. There were definitely in the early church people who were for sure not on board with that idea at all, believing rather that Jesus was Jewish, and you would need to convert to Judaism and then follow Jesus, the Jewish Messiah. But they weren’t the only ones coming up with ideas. Once Gentile people began to believe in Jesus, having had no background in Judaism, so having had no real understanding of like how the story came to be they started crafting stories of their own about what Jesus meant, and what His mission was, and what He ultimately was trying to do. Regardless, these super apostles, these great emissaries had some sort of association with the apostles of Jesus, some of the men who actually were disciples who walked with Jesus, which lends some credibility to the idea that these might have been those of the Jewish persuasion coming into the Gentile churches and trying to set things right, that they in association with the actual apostles of Jesus had higher validity in what they were saying, more authority than Paul who had established the church, they were the super Christians. They were the ones who had come to make things right. Well Paul has a bit of a problem here because he didn’t have the credibility some of these people might have having been maybe sent or having walked in close association with some of the apostles of Jesus. Paul had never met Jesus in his earthly life and wasn’t really in close association for that matter with the Jerusalem church. They were certainly aware of each other. But Paul was out doing work among the Gentiles all over the Roman Empire. The thing that was sort of putting Paul this weird situation is that when these people came in to visit churches and Paul, he’s out ministering all over the place, some these people come in, roll out their credentials, are accepted into speak to the people, they’re not saying the gospel that Paul had taught in the first place that he’s trying to standardize throughout the Roman Empire, at least in the church is that he is planting. But they seem to have legitimate credibility at least as much credibility as Paul in the eyes of the people. And, so, this creates this weird problem where Paul has done the work, risked his life, maybe been beaten up, maybe been thrown out of town to establish a church, a little baby church that he wants to nurture up. And after he’s done the hard work of risking and planting then there’s people coming in behind him, saying, we’re more credible, we should take this place over, here’s how you got to do this, and here’s how to believe in Jesus. It just felt self-serving. They weren’t there when…there when lives were on the line. They showed up afterward. So, now Paul has a situation where these people are kind of showing their credibility which then makes Paul’s little church look toward Paul and essentially say, so what’s your credibility? We need to decide who’s more credible. And, so, it’s like a boasting match about who is the best Christian. And boasting, especially like self-promotion style boasting. Most people don’t like that. If you can see it, if you can spot it, it’s a turnoff. But it’s definitely not a characteristic that we would associate with Jesus or his followers, at least in the Scriptures. Trust me, it happens plenty…plenty to plenty in the world today. So, Paul’s in a situation where he’s gotta like boast back in order to just find even ground with the people that he’s risked his life to bring the gospel to. So, Paul’s uncomfortable with this idea because who wins in these scenarios? So, Paul sort of sets up like, hey I don’t really don’t want to be talking about myself. I’m in a bad position here, but if they’re going to do this then if they think they’ve got credibility than I…I have to say my own credibility. But before all that gets going, he’s like, and I’m quoting here, “to be completely honest, I am extremely jealous for you. But it’s the same kind of jealousy God has for you. You see, like an attentive father I have pledged your hand in marriage and promise to present you as a pure virgin to the one who would be your husband, the Anointed one.” So, he’s like the thing that’s kinda getting me up in arms here about what’s going on and these people coming in and telling you the nuanced…a nuanced gospel that I didn’t teach you, is that you are my life’s work. Your life, your…presenting you to God is why I am alive now, why I risk my life everywhere I go. And, so, all of that is to sort of set up where we’re gonna be going here tomorrow as we read from this letter because we’ll be hearing Paul’s quote unquote boasting in his own defense against great emissaries who have association with the actual apostles of Jesus who have been coming in behind him into the churches that he has planted. And we’ll get some of that starting tomorrow. But let’s think today though about the names we try to drop to get validation or credibility toward ourselves, especially in Christian service. What is the goal here, that we become a super apostle? A celebrated Christian? A better servant of Jesus than anybody else? You see how kinda counterintuitive even an idea is especially in the face of Jesus saying, “make them one father as we are one”, or as we look at the apostle Paul describing us as a body where all parts are irreplaceable and completely necessary. So, let’s think about the ways in which…well…we try to be super apostles, which really just exposes our own insecurity and our own pride.


Jesus, we invite Your Holy Spirit into that because we all have insecurities and pride and they have never really served us well. They have lingered and been a part of our story. We have fed them and allowed them to live in our minds and in our hearts, but they were never actually our friends. They were just there to take what they could get from us, and we allowed it. Come Holy Spirit into those insecurities that then breed pride, that then lead us into competition, that then lead us into identity crisis, that then lead us into trouble, and then lead us in the circle of repentance that we keep circling. Come Holy Spirit and let us humble ourselves under Your mighty hand knowing that our identity is in You. There is no other identity. We do not need an identity as compared to somebody else. We don’t need to be a better Christian than somebody else. It’s not a competition. We are fortunate and grateful that You have grafted us into Your family, and we are Your children. May we live like that we pray. In the name of Jesus we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, that’s the website, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here. Of course, if you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can find out what’s going on around here from within the app. And the app, if you don’t have it can be downloaded from your app store. It’s free and it is a fantastic way to experience the Daily Audio Bible because it offers all kinds of things that help us on our journey and help us keep track of our journey and even give us a little pat on the back when we reach milestones in our journey. And, so, definitely check that out.

Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop either on the web or in the app. There are resources that have been crafted, really conceived and crafted over the years for this journey. It’s a journey that takes a year and it takes a year commitment and there’s a lot of things that happen in the Bible and a lot of stuff for us to remember. And, so, Daily Audio Bible Shop has resources for this like the Daily Audio Bible Journal. You can Journal your way through the Scriptures and man if you’re taking the journey through the Bible and listen to the things that God has to say through the Scriptures than not a bad idea to take notes along the way. Some those things we’re gonna need for life. So, there are resources like the Daily Audio Bible Journal, all of the Black Wing pencils. This is what I use to Journal with. I love the tactile nature of it. For a long time, I was digital, trying to Journal my way, you know, through life digitally, but several years ago, actually it was during the time that my…my mom is so ill before she passed away I just started journaling with a pencil. I just sort of found these pencils. I was told that these are the best pencils in the world. And I was like…ell…what’s the best pencil in the world? And whoever thought of that? And then I just kind of fell in love with sharpening a pencil, writing with pencil. It’d been since I was like in grade school basically. And I just found the act of sitting down, opening a journal, sharpening a pencil, writing in my own hand, which is not…my penmanship isn’t the greatest but it’s mine…and to write with my own hand my own journey, my own story and have that for the very bleak dark moments when the clouds descend and it feels like we’re in a fog and we can’t see anything and know, right now I have the Scriptures certainly, that’s a gift from God but I also have God’s faithfulness in my own hand. And when I didn’t think, it was going to work out I can see that somehow, I’m still here. And that makes a difference. And that’s just journaling. There’s all kinds of stuff, whether that be to take the journey deeper through written resources that you can read or things that you can listen to to go deeper or just the products that are in the Shop that are made to just connect us as we take this journey. So, check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop either at the website or using the Daily Audio Bible app.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There is a link on the homepage. And I thank you because the reality is if we weren’t in this together, we wouldn’t be in this at all. So, it’s a humbling thing to know that, but it’s also a beautiful thing to know God’s faithfulness and that this is…we’re down to…we’re down to a few months and we will have completed 16 years of this without missing a day. And, so, God has been faithful and we have been faithful to each other and that keeps…that keeps us here. So, thank you for your partnership.

If you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that’s the little red button up at the top or there are a number of numbers that you can use depending on where you are in the world. In the Americas 877-942-4253 would be the number to call. If you are in the UK or Europe, 44-20-3608-8078 is the number to dial. And if you are in Australia, the lands down under 61-3-8820-5459 is the number to dial.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you not be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Good morning, Jesus, good morning, DABbers, this is God’s Chosen from Georgia. Father we thank You for the gift of life. We thank You that You are God, and we are not. We thank You for Your mercies that are new every morning. We thank You for the peace that You give us each night to be able to sleep and rest and remold our bodies. Thank You for Your provision for this brand-new day. Thank You because You reign, and You listen to every single prayer request that is brought before Your throne of mercy. Thank You for all unspoken requests. Thank You for the words that we would never hear because You know them all and You add meet them. Thank You that You created each one of us equal, You are loving, You are kind, You are faithful, You’re our provider, and You listen to us. Sometimes we have needs that we want to bring before You but when we listen to other people’s needs, we put our own needs aside and we intercede for all that are urgent. So, this morning Lord we want to say thank You for You have been gracious, You have been faithful, You have been loving, You have been kind. We pray Lord heavenly Father Lord that You would come with Your might and Your power, You would as You reign in glory You continue to look down upon us Your children and bless us. Bless all of us this morning. Bless all who take time to intercede for others. Blessed their lives, bless everything they touch. Help us Lord to look up to You for we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Hey DABalonians shout out to my little sis it’s Doctor John from Jordan New York and I’m just calling in to let you guys know about how much I appreciate the outpouring of love. This community is just phenomenal. It…it really is a phenomenon that wraps its arms around people and loves unconditionally. I’ve witnessed it so many times through the years with different people where there’s this outpouring of prayer and love and people just saying, “hey we’ve got your back, we’ve got you.” And I actually never thought this would happen to me. And, so, it’s a little bit humbling, it’s very humbling but we have this community of heaven here on earth where we just…we just love each other and it’s phenomenal. So, I’m just saying thank you all for all the shout outs, all the prayers mentioned and unmentioned. And I'm…I’m humbled, completely humbled by everyone and what you’ve done. The funny part is when I listened to the first miracle call in that I made, I cried. You know, I just…it was so beautiful to me. And, so, I can imagine others of you tearing up…at at the miracles that we can accomplish here on earth. So, keep praying, keep the faith, keep it flowing y'all. OK? Make it a great day. Love you all. Bye bye.

Hey all this is Natalie all the way from phoenix AZ. I’ve only had this app for three days and I got it to listen to at night or whenever I’m cleaning around the house because I wasn’t making enough time to read my Bible and by the time I did I was exhausted, and I would fall asleep, and I just felt discouraged. So, I just randomly found this app. I picked the first one that looked interesting, and it has been such a blessing to hear all the other prayer requests from all around the world to hear all the encouragement and to hear how it’s really family on here. It’s just really encouraging to see that there is people struggling with the same things, there’s other people rooting for you that don’t even know you. This year for some reason has been especially hard for me and I’ve just been struggling recently but the messages and the readings that I’ve been listening to since September 1st, I believe, have just really changed my outlook and it’s starting to really affect me during the day. And that’s the purpose of God’s word. And I’m so thankful that I can have it on the go. It makes it so much easier to connect. And I’m just so thankful. So, thank you.

Hello there, DAB family this is Kevin from England I’d like to give a prayer of encouragement to everyone who’s listening to this right now, all…everyone that has been going through pain, through suffering, losing anyone or just feeling lonely or any…any of the sorts. I just want to pray to each and every one of you. And I pray that the Holy Spirit is with you and that you are uplifted, and that Jesus is with you and carries you and…and holds your hand through all…everything that you go through in life. I pray that all that listen to this that your day becomes brighter than it was before and continues to be bright. And continue to pray to the Lord. Continue to pray to pray…pray to Him not just on here but pray to Him even when you’re done praying here go pray some more. Pray and pray and pray. And I pray that every single one of you feel the Holy Spirit and are uplifted in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Hi, I’m calling just because I feel like I'm…I’m desperate. My name is Lisa and I’ve been really quite sick since January, and I feel like I’m a real burden to my family and I’m costing a lot of money for my medical treatment and still not better. They won’t go as far as calling it COVID long haul but they’re calling it chronic viral inflammation. And I just…I’m growing impatient, and I just need prayer. I feel all alone, and I feel like I’m a burden to my family. And, so, please pray for me, pray from my healing, pray for my sense of peace. I…I just feel really worn out and I feel very overwhelmed. Thank you.

09/08/2021 DAB Transcript

Isaiah 1:1-2:22, 2 Corinthians 10:1-18, Psalm 52:1-9, Proverbs 22:26-27

Today is the 8th day of September, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian, it is wonderful to be here with you today as we take our next step forward and I’m glad we get to take that next step forward together…together is definitely better than alone. And we’re stepping into some new territories. So, the last couple of days we’ve been reading from the Song of Songs and that is always a joy to have my wife Jill, come and join us and read that together. And so, we concluded that yesterday, so today were moving into new territory.

Introduction to the Book of Isaiah:

The book of Isaiah. And so now, we’re kind of moving into the book of prophecy. And Isaiah is considered one of the books of major…one of the major prophets or the books of major prophecy which sort of indicates that there might be minor prophets as well and there are but the major and minor prophets aren’t because of like notoriety or importance, or influence it has a lot more to do with the content. For example, some of the minor prophets, when we get there, we’ll read through those in one day, there very short in content. Whereas the book of Isaiah, we’re gonna be camping out in Isaiah for a little while now, it’s 66 chapters long. So, it’s one of the longer of the books in the Bible. So. the other major prophets, besides Isaiah that we’re gonna encounter will be Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel and Daniel. So, Isaiah, his name means the Lord saves and as we begin to read through Isaiah, we’ll find that he’s very passionate about what he’s communicating and he’s very well quoted. So, during Jesus’ ministry, as portrayed in the Gospels, Isaiah is quoted eight times, including the announcement of his ministry, right, that’s fundamental in Isaiah chapter 61 the spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor, right, very, very famous passage. That’s Jesus quoting from the book of Isaiah and he lived eight centuries before Jesus and it seems that he was a man of some influence, maybe even some wealth, maybe he was a part of the nobles or aristocracy because royalty was available, like he had access to speak to royalty. That’s not, that’s not somebody just walking in from some backwater in Israel somewhere and he had a long career as a prophet. He was able to speak to five different kings, kings that, we’ve already read through the books of the kings. So, we’ve gone through a lot of these stories. He spoke to Usiah and Jothem and Ahas and Hezekiah and Manasseh, and then there’s a tradition both among the Jewish people and Christian tradition that Isaiah was martyred under King Manasseh. King Manasseh imprisoned him and eventually executed him by sawing him in half. That’s a tradition, so that’s not laid out in the Scriptures and we don’t have any other resources to know that…that it’s more than a tradition. Although the book of Hebrews does talk about Saints being martyred, some stoned, some sawed in half, some killed with the sword, so there may be a reference there to Isaiah. And as we get going, it’s 66 chapters and really like the first 39 chapters are chapters where the judgment of the Lord is being discussed and it’s a very sobering 39 chapters. And then the second, kinda half from chapter 40 through the end is some of the most comforting portions of the Bible, very, very hopeful portions of Scripture, and that kinda gives us a little…little bit of a template for what we encounter when we read the books of prophecy. Yes, there are times that God, through the prophets, comes and says some pretty harsh things that are going to happen or are potential future things that might happen if the people continue on the path that they seem to be determined to go on. Then certain things are going to happen because of that, but it’s also very, very typical to see in the prophets, God saying there’s a path out of this. You can come back, you could be restored, and he speaks with kindness and compassion, inviting fellowship and restoration of relationship and renewal of covenant. And so, will see that in Isaiah as well as throughout many of the other prophets, but with that, let’s go ahead and dive in, Isaiah chapters 1 and 2.


Father, we thank You for Your word. All of this transition happening here at the beginning of the month settles us in. So, as we move into this new territory of Isaiah, we invite Your Holy Spirit to speak to us: give us understanding, give us wisdom, guide us, direct our steps, lead us deeper into Jesus, reveal the narrow path that leads to life, light our path, we pray in the name of Jesus we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s the website. It’s where you find out what’s going on around here. Of course, the Daily Audio Bible app will get you into these places as well. One of the areas that we talk about on a regular basis is the Community section because that’s where the Prayer Wall is, so and we should all know about that, know that it’s there. There’s more there than just the Prayer Wall, of course, there are links to the different social media channels that we participate in, and so you can get connected and stay connected to there but of course, the Prayer Wall, that’s the home of the Prayer Wall, that’s something that is in continual use, it’s…it’s always available around the clock, no matter what time zone you’re in, no matter what part of the world you are in, no matter what’s going on in your part of the world, no matter what’s going on in your life. The Prayer Wall is intended to be there as…as a resource for…for reaching out for prayer and to share what’s going on, so that others might pray for you. It’s also there so that we can turn outward, at any point in our lives, at any time, we can turn outward and pray for one another, which is remarkable, actually remarkable, for how it can change the mindset of what we might be facing or change our mindset in the face of what we’re facing. So, the Prayer Wall is in the Community section. You can reach it at dailyaudiobible.com or using the Daily Audio Bible app, press the drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner and that will open the drawer and you’ll find the Community section in there.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you, thank you humbly. If this mission that we began so many years ago now, to read the Bible, fresh every day and give it to whoever will listen to it, wherever they may be on this planet, no matter what time of day or night it is, no matter what’s going on in life, that it’s available, that it’s happening, that it’s every day, that it’s a community experience that, we come around this Global Campfire and know that no matter when we press play, no matter when we press play, we’re never alone here, never the only one in the world listening, this is always happening. And if that has made a difference in your life then thank you for your partnership. There’s a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com, if you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner. The mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, the little red button that lives up at the top, it looks like a Hotline button, it’s hard to miss. You’ll find it, if you’re using the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Good evening DAB family. This is Learning to Let Go from North Carolina. It’s been a while since I called in, there’s been a lot of changes in my life. But I was mainly calling in because I believe I heard the message from August 31st for Ms. Mercy who had nine children and 22 grandchildren so far and there was a report of her husband being a pedophile, inappropriately touching the children and that just hit my heart. That’s just such a profound, traumatic event for everyone involved, I’m sure. And I just wanted to let you know, I’m believe it was Ms. Mercy, said, that she was praying for healing and restoration for faith for her children and grandchildren, so I just want to let you know that I am thinking of you, hoping for that for you. I was also hoping that you all could pray for me. Like I said, there’s been a lot of transition in my life and I know eventually it will be for the better, and it’s definitely difficult to go through break-ups and such. But and I’m just praying for patience and peace through this healing process. I’d like to pray for that other person, just that all of this can be resolved and done with and over. And, to discontinue the push-and-pull and the back-and-forth. And so, if you all could pray for me for that as I do also pray for you all. You’re often in my thoughts and I really just appreciate people calling in and being vulnerable. And also, the praise reports so thank you all very much for that.

So, let me first of all say, I listen every day. And I hear all of you with your issues, believe me, I have many issues too. But what I want to do is first of all say thank you God for everything. I don’t know, I know I don’t need to lay out all my problems because as the Roman soldier said you don’t need to come to my house. Say the word and it will be done. When we say Lord, You know all my issues, please help me with those issues. And once again I will not pray for everyone on DAB that say Lord you know who’s asking. I pray for everyone in DAB and their issues. I’ve been a long-time listener. And I was kind of caught off guard by the August 31 reading, when God said to Job, where you when I laid the foundations of the earth, when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy. So, this basically says that the Angels were here when God created the earth and then when you read Genesis and all of a sudden, the devil pops up, you have to kind of read the whole thing, then we learn about Lucifer. Anyway, I don’t think it matters. It’s a matter of my salvation. But it did spike my curiosity, God says, seek knowledge: Proverbs 2 verse 6. For the Lord gives wisdom from his mouth comes knowledge and understanding. As we speak about knowing the real story of creation, which is referring to our salvation. Let me pray, dear Heavenly Father please ease the burden of all my DAB brothers and sisters, please ease my burdens. As You know what they are. But let me also say thank You for everything You have done for me. Thank you, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

[Singing] Oh, I keep my mind upon Jesus. That’s just what I need to do. I don’t need no fancy fandangle solution, just keep my mind upon you. Oh, I keep my heart upon Jesus. That’s just what I need to do. I don’t need to turn to anyone else, I just keep my heart upon you. Oh, I keep my eyes upon Jesus. That’s just what I need to do. Oh, I don’t need to stare at the glitter of the world. I just keep my eyes upon you. [End singing] Thank You Jesus, for rescuing me from myself.

Hello DABers, this is Sandy from Florida. I’m calling in for Mercy. For her prayer request. For her nine children and her 21 grandchildren. And her husband who’s in prison. And Mercy, you’re so strong. You’re so strong to call in for prayer. To take care of all your children and your grandchildren and what you’re going through. And mercy, I just pray the blood of Jesus would cover each one of you and that God would give you peace, understanding, patience and give you strength to do what you need to do to take care of your children. To direct your path, to give you guidance. I pray everyday that your children would forgive, release, let go of the pain and that God would heal every, every painful moment that and thing that has happened to them. And every wound would be healed, in Jesus’ name. And I pray that for you, Mercy, I pray the blood of Jesus and forgiveness, in your hearts. And Father God, I just pray for the hedge of protection around this entire family, Lord God. Give them Your purpose and Your plan. Lead them and guide them. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Hi DABers, it’s Bren in Central Florida. Just wanted to call in and let Cat know, even though she does know that we’re all praying for her, my family is also lifting her up. And her father-in-law, comfort him and give him his total peace, asking him to let him know He’s there. And just for strength and comfort for her family for whatever God choses to do in this situation. And that the family would draw closer no matter what God choses to do in this situation and just know that you’re loved. You’re loved, God loves you all so much. And we all love you. And also, praying for Anonymous who called to pray for her sister who’s struggling with mental illness. And I understand and we pray for you too. I just want you to know how much, how beautiful it is that you’re just loving her like Jesus. That’s the best we all can do is love each other the way Jesus loves us. So, you’re being lifted in prayer as well. And to the beautiful wife who lost her, lost her love of 38 years, I just want you to know that God, I know you already know how much he loves you all and He, nothing is impossible, He definitely has a way for you all to come together in peace and healing. And that’s what we’ll be praying for you all. I’m so sorry for that tragic loss and just know all of you, how much I love you all and God loves you all. If you can keep my family lifted up, we’re still recovering from COVID and especially my lungs, please. Love you all, God Bless you.