10/22/2021 DAB Transcript

Jeremiah 39:1-41:18, 2 Timothy 1:1-18, Psalm 90:1-91:16, Proverbs 26:1-2

Today is the 22nd day of October, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible, I’m Brian. It is a joy to be here with you today gathering around the Global Campfire, moving forward together. And, we’ve been moving forward for a while now through the book of Jeremiah, which is what we will continue to do today, Jeremiah, chapters 39 40 and 41.

Introduction to the Book of II Timothy:

Okay, so we are obviously continuing our journey through Jeremiah and we are in the last stretch in…in the book of Jeremiah. We finished I Timothy. This letter, personal letter, pastoral letter, yesterday, which brings us to a letter known as II Timothy. And like I Timothy, II Timothy is a personal letter, a pastoral letter, a personal letter to a pastor to encourage the ongoing ministry of the church and encourage the pastor which is Timothy. So, there are three of these letters in the New Testament that are known as personal pastoral epistles or letters and they are I and II Timothy and then Titus, which we’ll read next. So, the irony is that I Timothy and Titus were written before II Timothy. So, we’re about to read the last of what we know as the pastoral letters but we’re also reading the last account, the last writing of the apostle Paul, period. So, it’s not the last one that we’re going to read in the New Testament this year, but chronologically it is thought that this is the last writing of Paul. And in a lot of ways that makes it a pretty melancholy letter because we remember that Paul and Timothy were close. Timothy is a son in the faith, and Paul had been in prison, in Rome awaiting trial. And seems like Paul had some freedoms, maybe more like house arrest type things where he had some freedom of mobility while he’s awaiting trial. It also seems as if Paul may have been released from prison for a while and was able to travel again briefly and it’s during those travels that I Timothy and Titus were probably written. And then somewhere in the 60s probably around 66, mid 60s. A.D. then Paul was captured and incarcerated again under the Emperor Nero. And Nero, if you go into Roman Empire history Nero, Nero was known to be savage and he definitely savagely persecuted Christians. And so, Paul’s not kind of under a house arrest or just has a guard or has some mobility, he doesn’t have any of, he’s a true prisoner in a cold dungeon at this point, awaiting the end of his life, which is likely to happen. He’s likely going to be executed and he knows God can do anything, he’s seen God do many things that preserved his life, but at this point he seems to be hopeful but accepting of the fact that he’s probably not leaving the dungeon. He’s probably at the end of his story, his life on earth. So, in many ways, that makes the letter melancholy, even, it’s heartbreaking even. Because now, persecution is actively occurring and now those who had previously been around Paul have pretty much deserted him. He is pretty much alone, pretty much alone in a dungeon and only Luke, who was a doctor, whom we also believe was the author of the Gospel of Luke, as well as the book of Acts, stayed in Rome and was ministering to the needs of the apostle. And perhaps had access to him simply because he was a physician. So, with winter coming on and Paul in a dank Roman dungeon. And I gotta tell you, some of those dank Roman dungeons exist to this day in Rome. Including the one that it is thought that Paul was held in. So, I guess if you just imagine what a dungeon might be like, well then, there you go. This is the conditions of Paul; they didn’t have like central heating and central air. And winter is coming and Paul knows he’s not likely to survive, not so much the winter but survive with his head upon his shoulders. And he had hoped to be able to see Timothy face-to-face in life like one last time, which is pretty much the scenario that we have. This is the backdrop for this letter that we’re about to read and it’s a pretty short letter. Paul has some counsel for his son in the faith, he’d like to give it in person but if things don’t work out, and they never get to see each other again, which they don’t, then Paul wanted to encourage his son in the faith. And in his own way and in a heartbreaking fashion, tell him, tell him goodbye. And Paul will tell Timothy and through this letter he will tell us about vigilance. Vigilance about our faith to be true no matter what happens. And Paul is making himself the very example here, that he’s willing to hold onto his faith and what Jesus and told him, even if it costs him his life, which it does. So, that is kind of the central backdrop to this letter and why we encounter very famous passages like, I have fought the good fight of faith, I have finished the race, super famous passage of Scripture but yeah, when you add the context it’s very powerful indeed. So, this being the last writing attributed to Paul. Even though we have a couple of other letters to read, it’s important to appreciate the impact that Paul had on Christianity. I mean the writings of Paul are major portions of the New Testament and an incredible amount of theology around the Christian faith was developed by Paul and is contained in these letters that we find in the New Testament. Paul is highly regarded among Christian people, like a primary hero of the Christian faith. In fact, without Paul’s letters, without Paul’s impact, the faith in Jesus would be a totally different thing and so let’s appreciate this letter that we are turning into. II Timothy chapter 1.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for this new letter that we won’t spend a lot of days in but II Timothy and Holy Spirit help us to be in a position, holding with great gratitude and reverence this, these final words of a very important figure in the early church, one that reverberates until today and affects all of us who believe. That being Paul, the apostle. Help us to observe that our brothers and sisters, as this story began the story of the church era. They did not have an easy go of it, they had to endure and some very, very prominent people. People like Paul, had to endure and then had to endure execution. Of course, Jesus You endured these things as well and so, so often we’re looking for Your mighty power to make things easy for us so that we can have a overabundant life that has no resistance at all. When that is not the story that we’re finding in the Scriptures. It’s not the story of our spiritual ancestors, the brothers and sisters who came before us. Nor is it the story that’s being told to us that we must be prepared to endure. In fact, endurance is what makes us strong. So, we come face-to-face with that again as we move through II Timothy and Holy Spirit help us to examine our own lives. Are we fighting the good fight of faith? Are we finishing strong the race set before us? We invite You into those questions as we ponder them today. Holy Spirit come. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


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And as always if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit that Hotline button, it’s in the app, no matter where you are in the world. Or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian. I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hi yes, my name is Derek Claims, first time caller. I just dedicated my life to God this year. And today is the 15th of October but I dedicated my life back in January, January the 3rd 2021. And I’ve been listening to this podcast probably about, I wanna say, about 8 months now. I’m currently incarcerated. I just wanted to give out a few shout outs. Renzo from Florida, bro you’re doing you’re thing and I respect it. Esther from Kissimmee, it’s been a while since I heard from you, I’ve been trying to get my MB to call and call it in for it but I haven’t. Just heard you today. Lady, you have taught me how to pray. I thank you, thank God for you. Holly Heart, thank you so much for your prayers, you pray so much. For Junk to Treasures, I appreciate your prayers too, like you guys are putting patterns away from me. Like Christianity and also, I’m new to the podcast. I’m currently in jail and this is what gets me through. There are so many others; Diane Olive Brown, His Little Sharie, I’m thankful for you guys. You guys make my day. Every morning I start my day. Also, Rebecca from Michigan, thank you, thank you so much. Every time you call in, I’m inspired. I can’t actually make calls. Thank you though.

Good morning DABers, this is V from Mississippi. And this message is for Asia and the young lady and her husband that moved, packed there family up and moved them across country. And she’s having a really bad time. Sweetheart, please get some positivity in your life. Please start with just getting up saying Father God, I thank You, I thank You for today like I do every day. I need You Father. Father God, I just thank You for Your favor in my life. And I truly believe that good things are gonna start coming to you and your family’s way. But we need to still just step over the negative and walk right into the positive. That’s what I started doing and I don’t care what others say but my vision is improving and getting a whole lot better. And I just started thanking God for the thing that I do have. Then, I just, joy just came into my life. Just cause I started replacing that negativity with positive. And Asia, we’re all struggling right now sweetheart, just keep the faith and keep on praying honey cause I can see a breakthrough coming your way. Hang in there, this is V from Mississippi. I love you guys. Thank you, Brian and Jill, for this podcast.

Hello Daily Audio Bible family again. I have a request for my sister. Her name’s Kim. And, this is Just John. So, she’s continuing to struggle with alcoholism, physical problems, mental problems, marital problems and she’s weighing heavy on my heart. So, I’m just asking for prayer for her. Thank you so much. I’ll continue to listen. I appreciate everybody. Thank you.

Hi, I want to first thank God for all of you. Thank you, Brian, Jill and the whole team at DAB. Thank you for your faithful service and endurance for our Lord, Jesus Christ. Thank you for taking up your cross daily and following God’s call on your life. Thank you DAB family for doing the same through confessions, prayers, obedience and encouragements. Every one of you plays a unique part as you fill your spot in this community. Now, a special thank you to the unnamed caller who was obedient to the prompting of the Spirit to call and pray over us who needed to hear the message to stay strong in the Lord. Because yes, someone did need to hear that, it was me. I was in the middle of experiencing something that I asked God how will I ever heal from this. So, with Brian’s reading of today in culmination with the commentary and this prayer is how God answered my question. The best way I can describe what happened is he closed and healed that wound and sealed it with the balm of His Holy Spirit. So, thank you for being faithful and letting yourself be used by the Lord. Esther, it was so good to hear from you. We have been praying for you and want to bless you with a prayer from the unknown caller that aired on 10/16/21. God bless you and keep you.

Hey, Daily Audio Bible, this is Derek from Sandhill in Nebraska. I got a young man and his sister’s family on my mind. So bad accident, he’s got a very bruised heart and his sisters feeling real responsible. His family and doctors and everybody cares a lot. And I know y'all care, I just wanted to pray for my friend James, Lord. And, You have this handled and it’s hard being a human, we don’t understand Your plan. God, I don’t want my friends to lose their son. I know it’s supposed to be better there but it’s kind of hard here and he’s a big light for You. And pray for his sister Addie. And, pray for all of them Lord. I know people are suffering but this is a real prayer request. Amen. Thanks guys God Bless you. Thanks Brian.