9/3/2021 DAB Chronological Transcription

Ezekiel 22-23

Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological. I’m Jill, and it is the third day of September. It’s a brand new month. Let me just put this year into perspective. We are four months away from Christmas. I know it’s still hot for a lot of us. We can’t even think about it. But when you get to this time of the year, it just seems to fly by and we’ll go, how did we get to Christmas already? So here is your loving reminder that you have four months until Christmas. Okay. The third day of September, that’s been established. We are reading in Ezekiel and we’re reading Chapter 22 and 23 today. And we’re reading in the New International version this week. And if I didn’t say, I’m Jill. And it’s great to be here with you, today. Ezekiel chapter 22.


Oh, Father, we thank you for your word again. We thank you that you graciously, speak to us. You…through your people. Sometimes people. It doesn’t make sense to people You use to graciously warn us, to show us the dangers ahead. You show us the dangers of not following through. And you welcome us back if we would just swallow our pride, humble ourselves, let down our guard and come back to you. I thank you for the many, many times you spoke in my life to people, through other people, things that didn’t make sense. Things that did make sense out of the clear blue. It gave me hope- that renewed my hope again. That helped me endure a little longer. I pray, Father, that we would endure well, a little longer, as it gets dark and it gets bleak. Sometimes we look for the love of Christ and all we see is hate and division, hypocrisy, selfishness. But if we look deeper, we will find you. We will find your love. If we look in the mirror, we are reminded we bear the image of God. You are there. You are in us. Nothing can separate us. Nothing can separate us from the love of God. So we thank you for these words today. May we take heed. May we take notice. May we do inventory once again on our own hearts. Are we exuding the love of Christ to all we come into contact with? We pray this in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


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800-583-2164 or hit the red circle button, it’s up at the top right hand corner of your mobile device and make sure you hit submit. Turn the little dial to chronological and it’ll get off to the right place. Check out our social media platforms: Daily Audio Bible, DAB Friends, Daily Audio Bible Chronological, D-A-B-C Friends and a lot of emails coming in, can’t find Daily Audio Bible Women. Just go to the search bar up at the top and type in Daily Audio Bible Women that page will come up and if you just like the page, I think there’s a little thumb. You hit the little thumb or you hit the like. You will get all of the notifications, the daily encouragement there and you can connect with other women on that page as well. Daily Audio Bible Women. That’s going to do it for me today. I’m Jill. We will turn the page in our stories together tomorrow. Until then, love one another.

Community Prayer Line: 

Hi DABC, this is Emmy from Illinois. I am calling in requesting prayer for my dad today. He is going to turn 80 on Friday and was put on a ventilator yesterday due to COVID. He’s had it for a couple of weeks now and his oxygen levels were just not getting up there without massive help from the bypass machine and a couple of other things. So just asking for prayer that he’ll be able to relax into this and heal so that he can come out of it. I know he’s lived a long and healthy and prosperous life. And he would have no regret going home to the Lord. But selfishly, I want him here to meet my baby in three months, and I’m not ready to let him go. So if you can pray for us, that would be great.

Good morning, my DABC family. It’s Susan from Canada, God’s Yellow Flower calling. And I left a message in the DAB and I’m going to ask again here for prayer for President Biden, whether you agree with him or not. He’s the President of the United States of America, and he needs God’s wisdom right now. So, dear Lord, I just come before you with President Biden in my heart, and I bring him before the throne of Grace and ask that your wisdom be imparted on to him, that he would have the heart of God within Him, the wisdom of God and the courage and strength of God. And we pray that the decisions he makes concerning Afghanistan and how this bombing will affect the world. We pray dear God, that you would impart your wisdom on to him as he is burdened with this responsibility. I pray to your God that the supporters he has in the military will give good and Godly advice. I don’t know what the answer is, but you do, Lord. You know all things. I pray the light of Christ which shine upon Afghanistan and that God the one true God would be revealed and that many people would come to know you through this horrible situation. In Jesus precious and Holy name I pray. Amen.

Giving all praise, glory and honor to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who is the head of my life. This is Walking in the Wilderness in Georgia, Laura. And I just need to say, Jill, Jill, Jill my sister in Christ. Woman, what you said at the end of today, this would be August the 28th message was so on point. I receive that I’m not offended by it because I can have opinions all day long. But if it doesn’t line up with the word and the will of the Father, the Creator, the mighty King of King and Lord of Lords, it doesn’t matter. Thank you, Jill, for your obedience to speaking what God placed in your spirit to say. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Forgive my breathing heart. I’m walking on my treadmill. But I could not stop and get off to say what I had to say because I’m being obedient to the Spirit of the Lord. Peace and blessings to everyone. Love you.