09/04/2021 DAB Transcript

Ecclesiastes 7:1-9:18, 2 Corinthians 7:8-16, Psalm 48:1-14, Proverbs 22:17-19

Today is the 4th day of September, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible, I’m Brian it’s great to be here with you as we bring to the close another one of our weeks together. This first close of the week, in this brand-new month and tomorrow we’ll start this first full-blown Sunday through Saturday week in the month of September. So, let’s dive in and take the next step forward that will lead us back into the book of Ecclesiastes, which we have been working our way through for the last few days. We’re reading from the New International Version this week, Ecclesiastes 7 through 9.


Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You for the Proverb that You teach even us, even us, You give us the ability to have wisdom, if we’ll slow down and pay attention. And so, as we continue our journey through Ecclesiastes and Proverbs and Psalms make us wise. It seems that becoming wise is to become aware and to observe and to learn and to be content and to be satisfied and to take the long view and pause and consider what You are saying before we react, those are life lessons to be sure, and they may take our entire life to learn but we want to be walking in the right direction and not have to retrace steps or go in circles anymore. We want to be moving in the right direction, intentionally, one foot in front of the other. The next step forward together toward wisdom. So come Holy Spirit, lead us into all truth, we ask in Jesus name. Amen.


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And as always if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can at the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hi everybody, this is Veronica calling in from Oklahoma City. I’ve called in a few times before to ask for prayer for this reason but my little brother is 20-years-old and has Outports which is a kidney disease. He is on dialysis; he had a handful of seizures yesterday before being transferred to the hospital via ambulance. It’s a very small town, they kept him there for a couple of hours and then transported him via helicopter to a larger town. He is currently in ICU, he is intubated, his blood pressure is still high. He has leisure’s on his brain that were caused by the consistent high blood pressure due to the kidney failure. My mom is there with him. Please ask for prayer for him, he has a twin brother who also is on dialysis and a little younger sister who is 17 who will eventually be on dialysis also. It is a genetic kidney disease that they all three have called Outports. So, please, please, please pray, we desperately need your prayers. My mom just lost her best friend and her father within the last six months so this is really difficult, really difficult time. Anyway, I’m running out of time.

Hey Daily Audio Bible, this is Susie from Colorado calling to tell my brothers and sisters in Christ that your prayers have lifted me up. Before I go any further I wanna just reach out to Dr. John. Dr. John, me and the kids are praying for you and your eyesight. Please don’t be discouraged, my brother, we love you so much. I’m actually in Haiti and I’m starting to feel a lot more encouraged because of your prayers. I was really down, as you all know, quite depressed, but I’m seeing my kids and that just makes me so happy. My little kids actually packed over 300 aid relief boxes for the earthquake victims here and then we took them with trucks and went to the epicenter of the earthquake and my little kids passed out, we passed out 40,000 meals and so we just feel like God has blessed us. I’m sitting here with son Ronald and he wanted to say something to you all. Hello guys, my brothers and sisters in Christ. May God bless you. So thank you for supporting us in your prayers that help us to know who we are in God. So, your prayer, just helping us to be safe. You know our country has a lot of big stuff happen, like the earthquake. And your prayers has made great miracles in our life. So, my brothers, my sisters, my mom feed the people that have no house, no where to stay.

Hello Brian, it’s Righteously Ransomed. I wanted to share something that I feel like God has laid on my heart cause this is something that has happened to me a long time ago. But I was at the very end of my rope, feeling this massive weight on my chest. Desperate in search for just a change at a breath. A pain in distress, a life full of regret. All that awaits me is death. As the coldness enclosed a whisper speaks to my soul – “Don’t give up, not just yet, you are Mine, don’t forget that debt paid for in full by the blood of My Son, blood so pure it can clean the soul.” And I feel a weight begin to pull slowly away. At last, a new breath I can take. My heart no longer to ache from all these mistakes for they are gone by his namesake. By his namesake. That was something that God put me on me 24 hours before I was in a hospital bed fighting for my life. Maybe somebody else needs it. You guys have a great one. Love you. Bye.

Hello, hello beautiful DAB family. This is Christian Fletcher in Oceanside, California. I listen to you every day I’m here I’m here I’m here. I prayed a couple months back to bring women of faith into my life. They came into my life. Now, I just I have no time. But I listen to the DAB every day, all day. So, I work, I deliver mail and so I work six days a week and its 60 hour weeks, so I just work and so that entire time, I am listening to you and I cry with you while I’m working and I’m just praying, I’m in the truck. I hear you I hear you. I wanted to let you know I love you. I am here, I am listening. I don’t call in, I want to, every second, but I’m finally sending this so you all can know I hear you, I am right there with you, I feel what you are going through and I thank you, I thank you so much, you impact my life so positively. I feel the love, I feel the encouragement and I just I’m so thankful for you and I just am finally getting on here to tell you all. So, thank you so much for everything you do. Love you, bye family.

Hello my DAB family, this is Walking in the Light in Tennessee. I haven’t really called in for sometime now. A lot going on in my life and in my family. And in my spirit as well as I’m sure many of you understand. But I heard the commentary on Job from the 24th I think it was of August, just heart it. And it really spoke to me because I know I haven’t gone to the depths of Job but it seems like my life has been one issue after another, after another, one heartbreak, one headache, one this, one that. And you know it just gets to be a little overwhelming so, I come asking for prayers on behalf of me and my sons, my family. And I pray for so many of you. I love you all, I listen to the stories, the requests, the discipline that you know it just gets to be a little overwhelming, so I come asking for prayers on behalf of me and my sons my family and I pray for so many of you I love you all on this to the stories the requests, the situations, everything and so I know that we’re all going through and so I know that I also don’t get a pass, but life can get a little overwhelming, so Brian I wanted to say to you that the commentary on Job was spectacular. I go to Job a lot as I read and it seems like to be one of the places that I’m drawn to in the Scriptures, and it goes so deep in so many ways and so it really spoke to me tonight and I just want to say thank you for pouring yourself into the Daily Audio Bible to your family, to all of you for the grace and the for the privilege of listening is so special to me and so I asked for your prayers ask all of you for the prayers. Remember, my son, Marcus, who is struggling so much with alcoholism and is just really taken a toll on me. Love you guys. Love you all dearly and Audio Bible, Daily Audio Bible, that’s where it’s at. God bless you all.