5/23/21 DAB Transcript

2 Samuel 2:12-3:39, John 13:1-30, Psalm 119:1-16, Proverbs 15:29-30

Today is the 23rd day of May, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible, I’m Brian it is wonderful, wonderful to be here with you today as we greet a brand new shiny sparkly week. And we get to live into together as we continue our journey, day-by-day, step-by-step moving through the scriptures. So, we greet a brand-new week. We’ll read from the Engelical Heritage Version, the EHV, this week. And we’re just getting going in 2 Samuel. We have crossed that threshold but…but we’re gonna be settling into 2 Samuel here now and 2 Samuel will lead us deeper into the story of David who is now King of the Tribe of Judah but that it’s, not the King of Israel. The tribe of Judah has named him their King but there are 2 kings now contending for this throne. Saul’s surviving son Ishbosheth has also been named king so it’s a bit complicated. 2 Samuel chapter 2 verse 12 through 3 verse 39.


Father, we thank You for Your word, we thank You for this brand new week that we get to move into and live into and live out together in community as we continue this journey through the last full week of this the 5thmonth of the year, it’s hard to believe but we’ll transition to the 6th month of the year next week and so we pay particular attention as we move through this week, this shiny sparkly week that we get to finish well, if we so choose, we can finish this 5th month well. So, come Holy Spirit lead us into all truths, lead us deeper into our relationship with Jesus we ask. In His mighty name we pray. Amen

Prayers and Encouragement:

Hey my loving DAB fam, this is Kingdom Seeker Daniel. Family I want to acknowledge a couple of DABers and ask for your prayers. First of all GG from Gainesville, my goodness, how timely your words of encouragement were for me personally and I speak for the entire Global Campfire thank you, thank you young lady. You are such a refreshment from the Lord. I appreciate you sister so much for your ministry. And then for my brother, Dwayne from Wisconsin man I am so with you like never before concerning Nathan. I am praying that the Lord will run Nathan down and bring him into full surrender in the name of Jesus, as well as for Nicholas. I pray that your heart will and your wife’s hearts will be strengthened and that God will show himself and prove himself as the great rescuer. And speaking of rescue, my son Daniel the II is in trouble big-time family. I just learned on last night that he was arrested for a strong robbery in California. He has been arrested on felony charges and he is being held in Fresno County jail awaiting trial and so I am asking that you would please pray for my son that first and foremost that he would hear the voice of God. That he will surrender and that he will turn to him. So, please family thank you so much in advance for your prayers for my son and we are believing that God will reach him. In Jesus name, love you all.

Hi Daily Audio Bible family this is Renzo in Florida and I just wanted to pray for somebody that I heard call in named Noah that recently for the past, I think he said 9 months that he’s been free from drug addiction and right now he’s going through pornography addiction and I just wanna tell you brother in…in December 2019 when I was in 8th grade, I mean December of 2018, I had a really bad addiction to pornography. It first started off and then it just got really, really bad and then I think in May of 2019 God completely changed my life. He completely healed me of it and I was just…I went into youth group one time and then 1 of my leaders was telling me about how it was bad and it ruins your marriage and it’s just not good. And it’s just so refreshing that God can heal us from anything. That’s how great, mighty and powerful and omnipresent our God is, he is everywhere at one time. And we just…I just want to pray for you. Father God, I just thank You for Noah. I just thank You for his heart for You Lord. And just let the Holy Spirit to guide him and be with him and fill us up and just protect him and any single time he has that thought Lord just let him pray and you will heal him from that God. You guide him, protect him and be with him always and Holy Spirit fill him up. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. Thank you, guys, for everything, thank you for this community where we can reach out and help our fellow believers in Christ. We just thank you for…I just thank you guys so much, I just thank you. You have a blessed rest of your day. Praying for you guys love you guys, Bye.

Hi this is Holly Heart I was calling in for Mom Tries she’s having a competition this coming weekend and I wanted to wish her the best of luck, triathlon and I am sure that you will bring glory to His name. You have already brought glory to his name by keeping the body that he gave you in good condition and clean for Him. So, great job and good luck.

Hi DAB it’s Alavia from New Mexico. I just…I really want to pray my co-worker. I had a very long conversation with my co-worker and she’s…I can’t believe the amount of things that she’s going through. She’s lost at least 4 family members within the last two years and she’s having financial struggles, spiritual warfare, everything you could think of. She lost her daughter; her daughter was murdered a couple months ago and I just…I really want to pray for her. So, Lord I just pray that You look after my co-worker right now. I pray that You lift anything bad that’s going on with her spiritually. I rebuke anything that’s not supposed to be with her right now. And Lord I pray that Your presence is with her more than ever now and that I pray that things come up from here because I know that she really needs it. I wanna pray for her entire family I know that their going through grief and struggle. I pray that they keep looking forward and keep looking towards You God and I pray that even…no matter who is going through this I pray that you know that I’m praying for you and a lot of people are praying for you. And I hope you know that you’re not alone and because these bad things are happening doesn’t mean that God has abandoned you. I know it seems weird and impossible but please don’t give up but thank you DAB for praying with me. And even if you’re going through anything that you don’t think is really a big problem trust me you could pray for anything. But just know that I love you guys and thank you for the family that I have here. Bye.