5/23/21 DAB Chronological Transcription

2 Samuel 24, 1 Chronicles 21-22, Psalm 30

Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological. I’m Jill, it’s the twenty third day of May. Can you believe it? We are quickly approaching the end of May. It is gonna end and June will be here before we know it. Is anybody else rejoicing that school is over? Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. Maybe school’s not done for you guys yet, but we are done and we survived. I survived being Ezequiel’s teacher this year. So we’re praising God that that’s over. He’s already upset only 90 days of summer vacation. I said, kid, you need to enjoy being young and having zero responsibilities while you can because that’ll slip like melted butter on hot bread just as much as everything else is going on these days. We’re in a brand new week. I already said that. Brand new translation. We are starting a brand new translation that we have not read from yet this year. I’m pretty excited about this. We’re reading from the Evangelical Heritage version this week. And today we’re reading 2nd Samuel Chapter twenty-four, First Chronicles, twenty one and twenty two and then Psalm thirty beginning today with Second Samuel Chapter twenty four.


Thank you once again for your word. Thank you for this day. Thank you for your mercy David spoke of today. Knowing that he had done wrong and knowing it was to pick his course of discipline after his awareness of what he had done and David even himself asking that he be handed over into your hands, God, because he knows that your mercy is great, not wanting to be handed over into the hands of a man, but knowing that your mercy is endless, father, that we would be as merciful with each other as you are to us. We can’t do it without you. So we’re asking for more. We’re asking for more of your mercy because we who have been given much, have much to give. So let it fill up in us and spill out and pour over so that we would extend the same mercy to each other God that you extended to David, your king and your servant. Thank you for your newness today, for this new week, this new mercy that’s awaiting us, this new chance to do the next right thing, to change the trajectory of our lives, to break the cycles of generational behaviors and patterns that we have followed for years and years so that we can put an end to the repeated patterns of behavior and words that have been handed down that we have just succumbed to. Thank you for every moment forward after that realization that we have the power to change, we have the power to break it off, and we can do that by the next different choice, different words, different action than what we have been participating in. And we thank you that you Holy Spirit are our great counselor, our great helper, our great convictor that compels us forward to change. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.


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Community Prayer Line: 

Hi, this is Valerie from Canada. I’m calling in for Emme from Illinois. You really touched my heart when you were asking for prayer, for wisdom about your marriage. And I just want to say that you are so loved and that God, God’s heart breaks with yours. And I’m so sorry to hear what is happening. I’m so sorry that you’re not receiving the love that you need,
especially in this time with your baby. And I pray for God’s love to cover you, his shepherding grace and power to shelter you and I and the decisions that you make in every area of your life. I pray his Shalom peace over you in Jesus name. Amen.

Good morning. DABC family. This is Bless Bermuda. This is my first time calling in. And Jill, I want to thank you. Today’s the 20th of May. I want to thank you for your message on repentance. It’s that heart felt turning away and asking for forgiveness. My husband and I are going through a difficult situation right now. And, you know, there’s there’s just been so many things that have been done and said and I just want to thank you that you made me look within and see where I have fallen short. And I’ve asked God and my husband for forgiveness and just, you know, want to move on. I just want to see healing. I want to be that vessel that God wants to use. And so I just thank you for your openness and I just thank you. So I ask for the prayer of the DABC family to just keep us in your prayers. And I know that God has this in control.

This is Protected by His Wings in Tennessee. I was going to give a praise report on baby Andrew, called in a couple of months ago requesting your prayers for this little baby had been born very prematurely, was having severe problems breathing, heart rate, temperature, you name it, digesting food. He was just having all sorts of medical issues. And praise be to God that he was discharged to go home a couple of weeks ago. And he’s doing well. His his parents, his grandparents. They all wanted, though, for anyone who out there pray for them, that they greatly appreciate your prayers. They know that this child, their baby, made it due to the love and grace of God’s healing hand. And I wanted to call and thank you for for praying for baby Andrew. Thank you.

Hey, my sweet DABC fam. This is Kingdom Seeker Daniel. Family, I am calling for your prayers, support. My son has been arrested on felony charges for strong arm robbery, I learned of this last night, which would have been the 19th, today’s the 20th. And he is in the Fresno State County Jail awaiting trial. I am believing that God is at work in my boy’s life like never before, and I’m praying and asking for your prayer, covering that Daniel Christopher Young, the Second will simply say yes to the Lord that he will surrender all of that pain, all of the hurt, all of the regret to the Lord. And that he will find himself walking in the perfect will of God, fulfilling the call that God has in his life. So family, will you please join me and Lady of Victory in  praying for him as well as for his mother? Her name is Viola Parker. She’s in need of prayer as well. Also needing to turn back to the Lord. So thank you. Thank you so much, family that. We can we can come here and share and I so appreciate you guys, you guys are truly amazing. Love you so much. God bless you guys.