4/23/2022 DAB Transcript

Judges 1:1-2:9, Luke 21:29-22:13, Psalm 90:1-91:16, Proverbs 13:24-25

Today is the 23rd day of April, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian, like every day and it’s great to be here with you around the Global Campfire, like every day. It’s wonderful to bring to conclusion another one of our weeks together, even as we’re about to begin a new book and move into some brand-new territory together in the Old Testament.

Introduction to the Book of Judges:

So, today we will begin the Book of Judges and let’s talk about a little bit so we have a little bit of a fly over, at least an understanding about the territory that we’re moving into. I’ve known about the book of Judges since I memorize the books of the Bible when I was kid, but I always thought it was a book of judgment and I never read it. Judges, I mean, who wants to read that book. Although that’s not what the book is about, particularly. So, let’s just turn around and face backward and look at where we’ve come from, what we’ve read so far. We have met Abraham right, Isaac and Jacob. We remember that Jacob’s name was ultimately changed to Israel and so when he had children, they were Israel’s kids, the children of Israel. And we got to watch when they were born and each of those children became one of the tribes of Israel. And then, we follow the story of Joseph all the way into Egypt, saw a famine come upon the land and this reuniting of Joseph and his brothers in Egypt where they are rescued. And then four centuries past and the children of Israel are now slaves in Egypt. We met Moses, we saw the Exodus; the children of Israel being freed from slavery in Egypt and then we wandered in the wilderness with them, until Moses’ death. And then Joshua emerges as Israel’s leader, in the place of Moses, who leads the children of Israel across, into the Promised Land and then we read all of the conquest of the Promised Land and the division of the Promised Land and the settling of the Promised Land, right up until the end of Joshua’s life at 110 years of age. And that’s where we concluded the book of Joshua. So, as we move now into the Book of Judges, we’re not moving into a brand-new story with a whole new set of characters and a whole new group of people. It’s the same story, the same family, this is what happens after Joshua’s leadership. We’ll find that the people pretty well stick together and have a pretty good understanding of what is expected of them and how to operate etc. etc., as long as the people who were contemporary with Joshua who had seen the things that they had seen and who had crossed the Jordan River and fought for the land. Things kind of hold together for a while and then the tribes are the tribes and they begin to do whatever seems right in their own eyes. And sometimes what’s right in their own eyes is right, and sometimes what’s right in their own eyes is very wrong and eventually causes oppression upon the people and they return to God, crying out to God for rescue and God sends a judge to sort of, stand in as a ruler for such a time as this, and lead the people back to God, lead the people forward. Although, as we meet the different judges, we’ll see that their kind of, all over the map, in terms of their leadership. So, as we move through judges, we will move through the centuries that follow Joshua, the people in their life, in the Promised Land and the challenges of that in their slow, slide away from God. And by the time we get to the end of Judges, like I said, several centuries have passed, which will lead us from the beginning of their living in the Promised Land, until the time where they decide they need a king. So, before we can meet Israel’s first king, we need to meet Israel’s judges in the time between Joshua and the first king. So, with that, let’s begin, Judges chapter 1 verse 1 through 2 verse 9.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for bringing us successfully through another week together. We thank You for this brand-new territory that we’ve opened the book on today in the Book of Judges and as we see the…the difference between the times of the judges and the times of Moses and Joshua and we find the shifting sands of our own lives and our own hearts postures and may we very, very clearly see the roads and where they lead and may we seek the voice of wisdom in our lives, knowing that she is at every crossroads pointing the way, if we will but slow down and pay attention. Come, Holy Spirit into all of this we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, as well as the Daily Audio Bible app, which you can download from your app store, that’s connected to whatever device you use, then you’ll be at home base and you can find out what’s going on around here. So, check out the Community Section, there you will find different links to the social media channels that Daily Audio Bible participates in, you will also find the Prayer Wall, which this, it’s the only place to find it, it’s part of the Global Campfire here. It is of us and for us and we can always go there, any time of day or night, whether we can’t sleep and we want to pray for people or whether we can’t sleep because the anxiety won’t allow us to sleep. We can reach out for prayer and we can offer prayer and it doesn’t have to be nighttime when we can sleep. It is always on and never off and always available to us here around the Global Campfire, so check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible; if the mission that we share to bring the spoken word of God, read fresh every day and offered freely to whoever, wherever, whenever and to build community around that rhythm, which we call the Global Campfire so that, we know were not alone, not in our journey through the Bible and not in life, we have brothers and sisters, all over the world. If that is life-giving to you, then thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you are using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hi, DAB fam. This is Emma per Bella in Indiana calling. I don’t know if anybody is gonna get to hear this or not but I just need to ask for prayer. My husband and I have been trying to conceive now for over a year and we knew it would be difficult because of some pre-existing health conditions and now we’re at the stage where we’re at the fertility clinic and kind of moving forward with IVF and all sorts of fun things like that. I just got off the phone with my insurance and while I’m very, very highly blessed and have coverage on a lot of items, the actual medications themselves and the actual injections are not at all covered. And I’m finding very quickly that that’s where a lot of that cost comes from. And I’m scared and I don’t know, I don’t know how God’s gonna do this one. I know He always provides and my head is very aware that you know, He has a plan and He’s in control of it. But my heart is scared and doesn’t know how it’s gonna happen and doesn’t know if it’s gonna be able to happen. And I just, I’m asking for prayer. Thank you everyone. Have a great day.

So, I just listened to the message from Brian on the 19th about how Jesus is saying to us, “I wish today that you of all people would understand the way to peace,” and coupled, that message coupled with the prayer that I heard right after, the lady talked about how she had been kind of on both sides to that prodigal son message and how she had such a breakthrough by asking God to reveal to her in her heart you know why she was reacting certain ways. My goodness, I just feel like, I hope Brian selecting this on purpose or that was just the way it was supposed to be. It just feels like, I had some areas in my life where I’ve been really struggling with my own reactions to things and I know that the way I’m reacting is not the way that I should be. And it’s not the way I want to be and it upsets me and it upsets the people around me. And I just kind of felt like, that was like, straight to me. How I wish today that you, like it was me, of all people, why don’t understand the way to peace and then hearing that lady just talk about how she had this big breakthrough. It just really meant a lot. And so, I’m just really appreciative that you guys share your stories and that Brian placed them and I just hope that I’m gonna be able to really listen to God speaking. Cause I really want to search my, have Him search my heart and to know how to stop reacting the way I’ve been in these situations and that I’ve been struggling with, so. Anyways. Thanks for listening.

Hello Daily Audio Bible community, this is Davis in Kansas. It is Wednesday morning, April 20th, it’s the day before my surgery. I’m calling now cause in a few hours I’m gonna start taking meds and other fun stuff that will get me ready for my surgery tomorrow and then after that my surgery is like, first thing tomorrow morning. So, I’m not gonna get another chance to call. So, I figured, this would be my, it’s not gonna be my last call, it’s gonna be my last call until my surgery, obviously. For anybody that has been following along for the insurance and for those who have been praying for me, I definitely appreciate that, thank you. And just ask that you keep me in your prayers. I’ve been praying over and over that the Lord will guide the surgeons’ hands as if they were His own hands. Cause it is the Lord who stitched me together from the beginning and I think it’s the Lord who’s gonna get me through this now. I pray that I will get the best kind of outcome for my surgery. That I’ll, won’t have to have any type of attachments or extra things that will require a second surgery. That I’ll just be able to heal and go home in a couple days. And I pray that my recovering over the next few months is swift and that I am rebuilt better than ever and that the Lord is with me every step of the way. So, thank you everyone who has been praying for me and who will continue to pray for me. And I will update you in a few days when I’m feeling better.

Hi, it’s Shannon from Texas and I need you guys to help me pray. I have got myself into a little situation. I met a girl a while back in a work situation and I may have called in to pray for her, she had been, was confiding in me, I know the Lord sent her to me because she had been sexually assaulted, sexually abused in church growing up. Brutally violated, raped right before I had met her and she was, you know suicidal, had been you know, through a lot of things. And I know that the Lord, of course sent her to me. And then recently she called me on Easter, didn’t have anywhere to go and I’ve always felt that the Lord has told me, you know, when I give you, you know, things, they’re not yours, they’re mine to give. So, I was out, hesitation, said you could stay for a little bit and now she’s been with me for a couple of days and I am so beyond overwhelmed. She, you know, I knew her personality but I am just so beyond overwhelmed because of her personality. Because it reminds me of a lot of those years that my son was so elevated and it’s so triggering to me, the loudness, the talking, the drama/trauma all the time. It’s like, what have I got myself into. And, I just, I’m losing it and I’m like, how’s this ministering, how’s this helping her. And now, I’m getting to the point where I’m falling apart and I’m just kind of like, she has nowhere to go, she’s supposed to have somewhere to go coming up soon. So, I can’t start falling apart and then not be to her who God needs her to be and so, now I’m having some personal stresses of my own and starting to fall apart. It’s just a mess, it’s a literal mess. So, I need some prayers. I love you guys. Love you, love you  

04/22/22 DAB Transcript

Joshua 24:1-33, Luke 21:1-28, Psalms 89:38-52, Proverbs 13:20-23

Today is the 22nd day of April welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today as we take our next step forward which actually brings us to the conclusion of the book of Joshua. And, so, tomorrow we will be moving into some brand-new territory. But before we can do that we have to finish well what we’ve started which is the book of Joshua. So, we’re reading from the New Living Translation this week. Joshua chapter 24.


Okay. So, we concluded the book of Joshua today realizing that Joshua lived 110 years before he passed. And we see Joshua gathering the people together in a similar fashion that his mentor Moses had done. He calls the people together and he says something very famous and very dramatic and very very powerful for our own lives. The children of Israel have finally made it. They’re in the promised land. Peace is around them. Prosperity is beginning to bloom. Joshua is in effect telling them that if they forget how they got there then they will be seduced away from who they belong to, which is the Lord God of Israel, and they will forget that they are His people, the children of Israel, and they will forget their covenant and then they will be destroyed. And, so, he tells them you need to choose, right? Choose you this day whom you will serve. Who is it that you’re going to serve? Because you need to make a decision and if it is not the Lord God and choose who you will serve. But as for me and my house, Joshua says, we will serve the Lord. He alone is our God. And of course, the people reaffirm their commitment to the Lord. Of course, they’ve done this before and have been rebellious and stiff-necked and stubborn before. And although Joshua can hear their confession, he’s not going to be there to re-hear it or reinforce it. And, so, he tells them, and this is really important to our lives. Joshua says, you are a witness to your own decision. You have chosen to serve the Lord. So, in other words, Joshua may not be there to see whether or not they honor their commitment. Nobody may be there to see whether or not they honor their own commitment in their own secret lives. They are their own witnesses. They are a witness just as we are. We are a witness of our own decisions. And, so, if we make a declaration, a promise, a covenant, a commitment to the Lord and we mean that and we say that with our mouths but then we go live in any other direction than we are witnesses to what we committed to. And we can become witnesses against ourselves based on our lives. And, so, yes what is happening in the book of Joshua is a dramatic gathering of the people who are reaffirming the covenant, but Joshua’s charge is no less poignant. Choose who you’re going to serve. If it is not going to be God, then choose who you will serve. As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.


Father, we invite You into that. It is certainly a poignant scene in the Old Testament, but it is a poignant thing to consider in each of our lives on a continual basis for we are witnesses of what we are declaring. And may what we are declaring about our allegiance and loyalty and surrender to You, be true. And we acknowledge that we will not be able to succeed on our own. We need You even for that. We are utterly dependent upon You for everything. And, so, we need You, but we love You. We humble ourselves before You and we declare with the Israelites, we will serve You Lord. You are the only God and we will serve You. And may that service the evident in our very lives with what we do and say, we pray in the precious mighty matchless name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base. That is indeed the website. You can kind of tell that when like this new thing of the Internet, when they put like a dot com after that, usually like that’s a website. I’m just kiddin’. How would you be here if you didn’t know some of this stuff, like the basics? But dailyaudiobible.com, that’s home base and it’s where you find out what’s going on around here. The Daily Audio Bible app will allow the same thing which you can download free from whatever app store is connected to the device, the phone, the tablet or whatever it is that you are using. And, so, check it out.

Check out the Community section. Get connected. Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop for resources for the journey through the Bible in a year together.

And if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if what we are together as a community brings good news and life and light into your world then thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app. That’s little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I will be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ we pray for the individuals that have called in for prayer, deliverance from addictions Lord, any kind of addictions. Lord, You know their struggles Father. You know the root cause of it Lord. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ Lord that You would go deep deep deep and find the root cause of the addiction Lord. Where did it start? How? When? And Lord I pray for courage for these individuals Lord. I pray Holy Spirit that You would give them clarity Lord, strength courage to look at the matter Father and Lord not to dismiss what comes up Lord but to go to You about it in every detail Lord. Strength, courage, and wisdom Lord. Thank You for Your mercy and Your grace Father. I believe Lord with You nothing is impossible. And Lord You know addictions can be anything. It’s not just sexual or drugs or alcohol. It can also be even fear. Lord God merciful Father God, we thank You Lord for Your faithfulness and Your promises Lord. We pray Father and hope that we will hear testimonies Father God of these individuals have been set free. Thank You, Lord. God bless you all.

Hello DAB brothers and sisters I need prayer. There’s a lot of tension in my marriage and I am on my second marriage. And today I listened to the word. I feel unworthy to be a husband to my wife. This is Steve from Texas. And the word of God today was how I wish you could know the…the way to peace. And I’m at the end of my rope here. I am at the end of my rope. I wish I could know the way to peace in my own marriage and my own life. I have no peace right now. I really need prayer from this end. I listen to Daily Audio Bible most of the day. But if the word does not transform me, it makes me like, Jesus what’s the point? Please pray for me. Pray for Veronica. I’m at the point where I don’t care if we stay together or we…we don’t. Please pray for me. Thank you, DABber. May God peace be with you.

Good morning it’s pastor Vince calling from Bermuda. I want to pray for the sister that called in on the 19th of April referring to herself as the prodigal daughter referring to the text of the prodigal son, the one that left home and now wandering in the wilderness. But I..just by heart pours out to you. I just want to just encourage you that, you know sometimes we have to go through a wilderness just to find God and let God be…touch us and the Holy Spirit renew your spirit. I just want to pray and just reach out to you that God loves you with an everlasting heart no matter what you’re going through, no matter what you may feel. I believe that you’re covering your father and will welcome you with open arms. But you have to trust in God. And I thank you that you’re right now with your grandmother. You just continue just to be faithful. Watch over and just be a blessing. Also, I declare over you that you said that you are working three days. I declare that God will give you 5 days of work in the name of Jesus. Father, we thank You and praise You for my sister. We ask You that You continue to bless her. Keep Your covering over her. Let her know that You love her with an everlasting heart and that Your hand of grace is always before her. Father we thank You for just saturating her with Your love. Let the Holy Spirit fill her, renew her spirit and know that God is in control of every circumstance and every situation. I just pray this blessing over You. You be encouraged and just like God be God one day at a time in Your life. Walk with Him, talk with Him. And Amen in Jesus name. Bless you.

Good morning, everyone it’s Susan from Canada God’s Yellow Flower calling and seven years ago my husband passed away rather suddenly and ever since then it’s been one thing after another without…it seems without any break. Yeah, it’s been a really rough rough seven years. Of course, the pandemic hasn’t helped anybody has it? Usually, I can pray and the tension sort of goes away and…or at least it releases anyways, and I can breathe more easily, and I have that piece. But I found out yesterday another disaster has hit. My nephew has brain cancer and of course he’s not saved, not brain cancer. He has a brain tumor we’re not sure what it’s all about right now. But…but it’s really…I can’t seem to get rid of the tension. So, I’m gonna go outside in the sunshine and go for a walk and praise God. But I think this is kind of the last straw if you know what I mean. So, pray for my family, for salvation for the lost ones especially Kenton who’s got the brain tumor now. And pray for strength for us all. Thank you, my love. I love you all so much and you encourage me so deeply. God bless.

4/21/2022 DAB Transcript

Joshua 22:21-23:16, Luke 20:27-47, Psalm 89:14-37, Proverbs 13:17-19

Today is the 21st day of April, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’ Brian, it is awesome, it is awesome to have a place to go and gather around the Global Campfire and just be here, together and let the Scriptures speak into our lives. So, what a joy to take the next step forward, which leads us back into the Book of Joshua, which I believe we will conclude tomorrow. But we were kind of left with a cliff hanger. The children of Israel have settled into the Promised Land. There is peace from their enemies. They have divided up the land and the two and a half tribes have been sent back across to the east side of the Jordan River, where their land had previously been given to them by Moses. And on their way back, when they neared the Jordan River, they erected an alter in the Promised Land before crossing over to the other side. Word got back, of course, that the people who met in Shiloh, their capital, and discussion of going to war with their brothers. Like, civil war is on the table and a delegation has been sent to confront this two and a half tribes. That’s where we pick up the story today, Joshua chapter 22 verse 21 through 23 verse 16.


Okay, so as we near the end of the Book of Joshua and start making preparations to move forward from there, we see how this talk of civil war is quelled. The reason that Reuben, Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh built that alter was not to dishonor God or to create another place of worship against what God had commanded. It wasn’t really there to be an alter or a functioning alter, in any way. It was there to be a memorial. It was there to be a reminder, a remembrance. It was there to stand as a witness between the people on the east side of the Jordan and on the western side of the Jordan so that, everyone would remember on both sides that they were brothers and sisters and that they each had claim to worship the God of Israel, their God. This is one of the many instances in the Bible that when we see something like this, some type of witness, some type of stones piled up so that, when people pass by those stones, they ask the question, “Why are those stones there?” And a story can be told, “This is what happened here, and these stones are here as a witness to what happened here and as a memorial so that, we will never forget.” It’s a common occurrence in the Bible and we do similar things today, things that we buy and put places or whatever to remember so, we won’t forget. Or something that we got from someone who is no longer with us, but we treasure that, cause it’s a little point of connection in our memory. We remember them. Even the institution of the Eucharist, right at the Last Supper. Communion is, do this in remembrance of me. And so, the idea that we should insert things into our lives that will assist us with actually being rooted in what God has done, instead of just hard charging forward as fast as we can in some sort of direction that we hope is good. When we could actually look back at our path and see that we have been rooted, we have witnesses, we have memorials, we have remembrances, then we can easily see the path that we have walked and God’s involvement in that path. And so, there are probably many ways to do that in your life in anyway that you want to do that in your life. But one way that’s certainly a common way to pile up some rocks, so that when you pass that way again you can look at them and there is a witness, there is a story there, is to journal. Journal your way through the bible, journal your way through well, life. But through a year in the Bible, and all that the Lord speaks to you and all that was going on in your life, then that little journal, perhaps written in your own hand, is a reminder for you but is a memorial and a witness for future generations of your people. Your people. There are people, when we think about things, we think yes, I will have, well, my children are the future, generation, their children, my grandchildren are the future of…of the human race. And all that has gone before but what we are mostly centered in what’s going on right now and we’re not often thinking about, what will the generation, what will my family line look like in 300 years. Who will they be? Because they will exist because I existed. And what my life represented how, will there be a witness if I don’t leave one. And so, we encourage, we participate, we do this. It’s not really a super big pitch for journaling, although journaling is a way of methodically piling up those rocks, that tell the story of our ups and downs and God’s faithfulness. And so, we have all the stuff for journaling in the Daily Audio Bible Shop, right down to the best pencils you can get in the world. I journal with a pencil myself, just fell in love with it when my mom got sick. So, it’s been like 5 years but since then, I like sharpening a pencil and writing with my own hand. It’s not typing or in some kind of digital journal that I really don’t go back to. To have some type of routine, understanding that we’re piling up the rocks. We’re creating a witness. It can be really, really helpful on our journey through the Scriptures.


And so, Father, we thank You for Your word. And we thank You for all of the nuances and all of…all of the ways that it touches everything about us. We thank You that the good and the bad are in there, the struggle is in there, the hardship is in there. We’re not reading some kind of fantasy. We’re reading about people who put their trust in You and we’re also reading about people who did not. And we get to see where those pathway lead in great detail and we thank You for that because it informs our own path. And so, we thank You for these examples of witnesses or memorials being set up. Reminding us that some of these are very, very valuable because a lot happens in life and we forget most of it. And so, come, Holy Spirit, we pray, in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, that’s where you can find out what’s happening around here. The Daily Audio Bible app does the same thing as well, which you can download from your app store, so check that out. Check out the different sections, check out the Community Section, there are links there to get connected to social media, the Prayer Wall lives there in the Community Section and is a resource that is always available to us, whether we are offering prayers or whether we are in need of prayer. The Prayer Wall is always on, never off resource for us at this community, so check that out. Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop, there are resources there for the journey through the Bible in a year so, check that out as well.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you, humbly. If us, being around the Global Campfire each and every day is life giving to you, then thank you for your partnership. There is a link at the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is 1996 Springhill, Tennessee, 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, well you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that’s the little red button up at the top. Or there are a number of numbers that you can call if you wanna dial: in the Americas 877-942-4253 is the number to call, if you are in the UK or Europe 44 2036 088078 is the number to dial, and if you are in Australia or that part of the world 61 3 8820 5459 is the number to call.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I will be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Prayers and Encouragements:

Hey, Daily Audio Bible this is People on the Water from Indiana. And I just would like to reach out to Robby and anybody else. He said he is the possibly the worst Christian talking about how he’s just doing this or that and you know I kind of feel like I’m in that same boat. I used to have a strong stark in my faith, I used to desire God. But that has since falling apart, on my own accord. And it’s, yeah, it’s hard on me. So, that being said, I’m just praying for you brother. I love you and yeah.

Good morning, Daily Audio Bible family this is Jeff calling from Canada. I’m part of the DAB Audio Bible as well as the Daily Audio Bible Kids. It’s the 16th of April and just listening to the prayers, specifically to do with the child from the lady in New York that’s struggling and Ethen, A Work in Progress, your son. I just aw, touched my heart. Going to the Bible with my two sons, one of them is 7-years-old, and I just…I just couldn’t imagine. So, we want to lift them up in prayer. And we believe that God is a miracle working God and He’s gonna do something in each situation. So, Father, we thank You for the boy that’s struggling with anger and hurt. Lord, we ask You to heal his heart and change his situation, in the name of Jesus. Father, we lift up Ethen, oh God, we just thank You Lord, that You are a miracle working God. That Lord, we just speak to his body and we command healing to come, from the top of his head, to the souls of his feet, to the tips of his fingers, Father. Whatever’s causing the degeneration, we ask You for regeneration, in Jesus’ name. We speak to his body and we say be healed, in Jesus’ name. We bind any demonic __ or spirit or principality, anything that is not from You, God. We command it to leave his body, we command it to go. Lord, I thank You even right now for signs of regeneration, that as Work in Progress and her family, sees this young boy, that God, they would just see a change for the better, in Jesus’ name. So, we just ask for the grace to be poured on that family, the strength Father, everyone that is working with children. Whether they be sick, whether they be struggling, we just ask You for the grace to be upon them. So, we just bless them. May You keep them, let Your face and light shine upon them, in Jesus’ name. This is Jeff in Canada from the Daily Audio Bible, Daily Audio Bible Kids family. Be blessed.

Hello my DAB family this is Yours Truly, Debra from the East Coast. Today is Saturday, April 16th. Praying for my mother. I would like you to pray with me. Pray for her healing. She was admitted to the hospital this past Thursday with complications in her abdomen area. But we know God is a healer. Jehovah, our Raffa. Let us pray. Father God, in the name of Jesus, we come before You now Lord, to say thank You. Father God, You said ask in the Saviors name and we come asking in the name of Jesus for a healing for my dear mother on today. We pray that You would heal her body. Give her all that she stands in need of. And Father God, we pray and we believe and we trust You as the ultimate healer. In the name of Jesus. Thank you Brian and family for all that you do on the podcast. Love to each and everyone of you. Jesus loves you and so do I.

Candance from Oregon, it’s Easter morning. Can’t even tell you how grateful I am for all of you, listening to you, being with you this morning. In my 41 years with my husband Brad, we had our ups and downs but Easter morning, you know, sometimes he was out of town and that was just difficult. But I would sing over at the church I go to because of him, because of my husband that’s the church I go to and I still go there and they’re so precious to me. I’m singing with them again this morning. But you know, I was remembering so many Easters with Brad and we would celebrate with artists like Michael Card and John-Michael Talbot and 2nd Chapter of Acts. [Singing] Hear the Bells a ringing. [End Singing] I mean it was just glorious. We would wake up from our sleep and right from our beds start rejoicing in the Lord. And now, I got to do that with you and I’m so glad you were there. My Jewish son-in-law was not offended by my greetings. And I got good texts back even from him. And I’m hoping for text back from all my kids and grandkids, who will not probably be with me, any of them, at the church or at any church. But I pray that soon, one day, they will know the Lord. Thank you for all of your prayers, beloved family.

Good morning, this is Waterman Michael calling from Portugal, originally moved over from West Coast USA, Washington, Oregon and California. I’m asking for prayers, I’ve been in the wilderness for a very long time with my family, my toddler, my 15-year-old teenager. Prayer for, asking the whole DAB family, prayer warriors around the world, join me in prayer for family unity and consistency. We’re struggling financially, crammed into a small apartment, trying to find a bigger space. And just you know, in survival mode. I’ve been going through all kinds of interviews but not landing a new role. And my wife is just struggling to get enough sleep as she works a part-time job and also trying to run a hospitality business. And it just doesn’t seem like it’s enough. I know the Lord’s enough but it’s been really hard. I’m feeling depressed at times, warn out, weary. And we need strength. We need financial stability. We need independence in having our own living space apart from the in-laws we’ve lived with ever since we’ve been married for seven years. And also living with a mentally ill, alcoholic in law, is very, very difficult. So, we just ask for prayers of protection, health, provision, stability; I can’t name them all, I’m sure some of you can. Really appreciate your prayers. Thank you, Daily Audio Bible. Absolutely amazing community. I just, I’m a new listener as of a few months ago. So, God Bless, everyone there. Hello from Portugal. And I really believe in that mighty unity of the power of prayer. God Bless, Brian and your family. Cheers.

04/20/2022 DAB Transcript

Joshua 21:1-22:20, Luke 20:1-26, Psalms 89:1-13, Proverbs 13:15-16

Today is the 20th day of April welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian is wonderful to be here with you today, every day, but today because today is happening and it’s wonderful to be here together with you around the Global Campfire as we enjoy our next step forward. That next step forward certainly will lead us back to where we left off, which is in the book of Joshua. We’re reading from the New Living Translation this week. Joshua 21 verse 1 through 22 verse 20.


Okay. So, we are ending or reaching the conclusion of our journey through the book of Joshua. Couple days left and we will conclude the book of Joshua. So, we have been sort of immersed in the conquest of the promised land and then sort of the division of the land and what towns went to which tribe and what their borders were and all of this. And, so, this has all transpired in the promised land. So, we’ve been in the promised land for a little while. And now they…they are in control of the land to the point that they can dismiss the 2-½ tribes that were given land on the other side of the Jordan River. These men had been faithful, loyal warriors, for the Lord and for the people of Israel, and it was time for them to go home. And, so, that’s what happened. They were dismissed. They were blessed at Shiloh. And, so, Shiloh right now is the center…the central place. It’s like what Jerusalem will become in the future. Sort of the heartbeat, the central place where the Lord is worshiped. And, so, the children of Israel have been wandering around the wilderness, but they’ve had this tabernacle, right? And we watched all the ways that it was constructed, how it would be set up, how it would be torn down, who’s going to carry what, how it’s gonna be transported, the whole thing. That has been going on but now that tabernacle is permanently installed at Shiloh. So, this is like the central spiritual capital of the country and it will stay like that for well over 300 years before David’s time in the move to the city of David and the capture of Jerusalem by David’s men. So, from Shiloh, they are blessed and sent back home across the other side of the Jordan River. And they head back in that direction and as they near the banks of the Jordan River on the western side of the Jordan River, so in the promised land, in the land that they have been in they erect an altar to stand there as they are preparing to cross over to the other side. And it’s a large imposing altar that can be seen and is visible and word does get back to the rest of the tribes of Israel who gather back at Shiloh to discuss the matter and they determined that if this is true, and they built an altar while than its civil war. And that’s kind of what we’re at the precipice of right now and why I’m kinda going back through the history of the story here because we are at the very edge of civil war right now. After…like just after peace finally came to the land and the enemies were conquered, right after that we’re at the cusp of civil war. What is this altar about? Why did they make this altar? Why are they doing provocative things? So, a delegation is sent to find out why and they confront the people of the 2-½ tribes of Reuben, Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh. What is happening that has brought us to this point? And we will have to find that out of course tomorrow.


Father, we thank you for your word and we thank you, even for cliffhangers occasionally that allow us to simply ponder and think, think about who we would be in that story, think about what the posture of our heart might be. Come Holy Spirit as we continue our journey through the Scriptures and plant seeds, seeds of truth, seeds that will bountifully grow up and be the fruit of your Spirit in our lives as we continue our journey together. We pray in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s the website, it’s certainly where you find out what’s happening around here. The Daily Audio Bible app is also a great place for that. You can download the app from whatever app store is connected to your device. It’s free. Just search for Daily Audio Bible and you’ll find the best experience of traveling through the Scriptures, day by day step-by-step. The app lets us check off the days so that we can see if we’ve missed a day anywhere. It kind of keeps track of the different sections of the Bible that we’re and lets us know when we’ve concluded a section. It allows us to favorite or star a specific day. Maybe the Scriptures were speaking something that we need not forget and a month from now we can’t remember what day that was, but we’ve stared it and so we can go back and find it, or we can write some notes, some things that we were thinking as the Scriptures were being spoken, some things that we don’t want to forget that happened on that day. That’s all part of the Daily Audio Bible app and so much more and its free. So, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if finding a place around the Global Campfire each day is life-giving to you than thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you are using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, of course, if you have a prayer request or encouragement that is one of the things that is beautiful about the Global Campfire community, as that we know we’re on a journey and we know we’re all over the place, literally geographically all over the place, but we each have our own story and our own brokenness and our own strengths and we are on a journey together through the Bible, but we accept one another for where we are knowing this is a journey that we’re moving through and we love one another on this journey and the Scriptures speak so often to us about our lives and about the things that are broken in us and about the things that are full of strength within us. And, so, praying for one another, having each other’s back is so important in community. And, so, if you have prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Father God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob we come to you with Thanksgiving in our hearts. This…we lift up Work in Progress to you and her little son Ethan who has progressive generation disease who’s in a wheelchair and has difficulty speaking and the doctors are just not able to figure out how to solve all this. And Father we just plead the blood of Jesus over this family and for little Ethan. Lord God, we pray for Your miracle working power right now. Father God hear…hear our prayers Lord God. Please honor this family. Please find favor in Ethan and his mother and his father Lord God. Father God we just pray that You open up the eyes and the ears of the doctors that are…are working on Ethan’s behalf and Lord God that they would find the right medication to give him comfort. And Father God we just pray that you restore this little boy, restore every cell in his body from head-to-toe Lord God and we claim his life in Your name in Jesus’ name and we thank you Father. We thank You Abba Father. We thank You Father. In Jesus’ name we pray.

Hello Daily Audio Bible family this is Guardian calling from New England. It’s been a while since I’ve called. It’s been over a year now. It’s April 16th. I just listened to the prayer line today and first I wanted to call with a praise report. You may remember the last times that I called in a year and 18 months ago maybe was calling on behalf of my friend’s son Dylan in Florida and I just wanted to let you know that he’s doing well. He's…he’s recovering. The tides have turned. And, so, by the grace of God and everybody’s prayers he's…he’s back at home and starting to recovering his strength and starting to live the normal life of a teenage boy. So, thanks Peter God for that. Thanks to all of you who prayed for Dylan. Secondly, I guess I just wanted to call now and pray for…for Ethan. I just heard his mom call in today with…for prayers for him and the degenerative condition that he’s facing. And, so, Father I would ask that…that You bring healing to Ethan like You’ve done for Dylan and I pray that You would…You would do it in a way that’s so miraculous, that there’s no other explanation that the doctors…nobody can point to anything other than You. So, for Your glory that you would heal Ethan we pray, that…that we know that if You’re willing You can do anything just like You did for Dylan. So, we pray that You’d be willing, that it would be Your will to heal young Ethan in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

Hello, my wonderful DAB family this is Rosie also known as Great to be Free in Jesus. I’m calling in to request prayer for two of my grandsons. One of them is Daniel and he’s the oldest and we don’t know where he’s at or if he’s OK. I know that he has problems with drinking and drugs and that God would reach him. I know God can do it, that God would pursue him the same way He pursues us and that he would be surrounded by people who will help turn his life around and he will listen to people and stop being so angry. And my other grandson Ethan. We know where he is, but he just doesn’t talk to us or come around and I don’t know why. He and I used to be really really close, and I don’t know what happened there. He’s finally talking to his dad now which is good. So that you would guys would continue praying for both Daniel and Ethan and that God would do a mighty work in them. And I appreciate all of you and I’m still praying for your…your families, that God would do a work in your families as well in Jesus’ name. I love you my wonderful DAB family. God bless you. Bye.

Good morning DAB family this is Saved by Grace coming to you from California with a prayer request for my cousin who has had so many losses in her life. Her mom at 16 and one of her twin boys was killed very unexpectedly and her grandmother who raised her also passed away within four months of the passing of the son. And she is angry at God. And I just ask that you keep her in prayer. I cannot understand that pain that she feels. She just says she’s mad at God. Why? Why me? Why so many losses like that? So, I just want to take it to the throne of grace. Most gracious God, Lord we thank You and we praise You Father God, that You are a good God and that all things good come from You. And Father I just lay my cousin on Your altar Father and I pray Father God that You would heal her, comfort her and give her peace. Father we may never understand why but help her to trust You God, to lean on You. And Father to just voice her…her…her anger at You. And Lord comfort her because we are human Lord and forgive our human’s Father God. Forgive us for acting in such a way Father that is not of Christ. I thank You Father for what You’re doing in this situation in Jesus…

Hi Kami’s dad this is Emily of Jim and Emily in Cardiff Wales Jim Stone Texas. But I heard your story about your prodigal daughter, and I got excited because if she’s in the pigpen that means she’s gonna come home soon. And I just want to speak to that tortured Russian soul that she has. And I’m going to pray in Russian and then I’m going to translate it for everybody  __ [speaking Russian] __. And what I’ve said is dear Kami God loves you so much. Return! Return! Return to your heavenly Father and to your earthly father who both stand with open arms ready to hug you and love you and forgive you. God loves you so much. In the name of Jesus. Amen. Or something like that. God bless you. I look forward to hearing what God does in Kami’s life.

4/19/2022 DAB Transcript

Joshua 19:1-20:9, Luke 19:28-48, Psalm 88:1-18, Proverbs 13:12-14

Today is the 19th day of April, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian, it is great to be here with you today. We are already through the center of another month, feels like we didn’t begin that long ago. But we’re already through Easter, wow, day-by-day, step-by-step, we move very intentionally through the Scriptures and just shows us, this can be done and, imagine what can be done in our lives day-by-day, step-by-step, if we stay true, if we walk a straight path. And one of the things that illuminates that path, of course, the Scriptures and so we gather here around the Global Campfire, releasing the cares of this life, for a little while. We may not want to pick them back up but they’ll be there if we want them. But for now, we’re setting them aside to let the Scriptures illuminate our path. So, we’re reading from the New Living Translation this week, Joshua chapters 19 and 20.


Okay, so throughout our journey, so far, we have encountered some really, really sad scenes in the Bible. We’ve kinda talked about them as we passed by. I mean the Bible is full of humanity. It’s full of its ups and downs, it’s full of the stories of people going their own way and returning to God and then going their own way. Remember back within the first couple of days of the year, we’re in the Garden of Eden reading a very, very sad thing, “What have you done, what have you done?” And there’ve been other places like Moses, speaking directly to God and asking Him to send somebody else. We encounter another sad scene in the Gospel of Luke today. Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem, it’s a pretty big celebration, they have Him on a colt and they’re declaring Him King. And, of course, the religious people who were against Jesus are still really against Jesus and trying to get Him to shut this crowd down and try to figure out how they’re going to do away with this Guy. He’s too powerful among the people, they can’t, He can’t just disappear with nobody noticing. How are they going to do this? And Jesus has been carrying, well, I don’t know, we don’t know, but we can, can you imagine knowing that you are walking to your death and the kind of death you will die, will be that you will be tortured to death and then nailed up, hung up before people with nails through your hands and feet. So, He reaches the crest of the Mount of Olives, on His way into Jerusalem. The Mount of Olives, of course, is still in Jerusalem and it still has a crest and when you crest the Mount of Olives you can see down into the old city of Jerusalem. I have walked down that slop many, many times, There is a place there, that’s up on the slope, it’s actually where some of the most famous pictures of the old city of Jerusalem are taken because you’re looking across from the Mount of Olives and the Kedron Valley runs at the base of the Mount of Olives. You’re looking across into the old city and of course the Temple Mount. When Jesus crested of the Mount of Olives, He would’ve been looking down upon the Temple of God. A temple made to worship Him. And it seems like, it just, it just hit Jesus full force. And Jesus, according to the Gospel of Luke, began to weep. That is sad. That is sad to me, anyway. Jesus, who came and revealed the kingdom and ignited the hearts of people and healed and restored and set people free. But Jesus, the Son of the living God, is brought to tears. And He said, “How I wish today that you of all people would understand the way to peace. But now it is too late, and peace is hidden from your eyes.” And of course, we know how the story goes. We’ve literally just walked through the Easter celebration, and so we know how this story goes and us moving into this territory in Luke allows us to revisit what we’ve just visited. But it’s what Jesus says that just flattens me. There are some…there are some things in the Bible that just hit me between the eyes, no matter how many times I’ve read them. And so, personalize this, like take it on board in your own heart and consider that you, that Jesus is talking about, to be you and hear the words of Jesus, “How I wish today that you of all people would understand the way to peace.” It almost brings tears to my eyes, because Jesus is weeping because they should have known better. They should’ve seen this; they should have known. It was right in front of their faces the whole time and they were blinded to it. But then I think, we should know better too. This should be a very, very different place because we are here. We are image bearers, carrying the light of the world into the world and revealing the kingdom. And yet, so often we are participating in things that are anything but that, anything but that. And we should know better. And so, I hear those words of Jesus, “How I wish today that you of all people would understand the way to peace” because we should understand the way to peace. We have been given the path. So, as we continue to come forward out of Easter reveling in the gift of our salvation and the opportunity for an intimate relationship with the most high God, then we should also allow Jesus words to penetrate our hearts and continue to transform us.


And that is our request Jesus. We understand that we don’t know all that we think we know, but so often, we think we still know it anyway. We think we are wise and we think we know what we’re doing and we think we’re defending You and standing up and fighting our brothers and sisters over You and over what we all think about You. “How I wish today that you of all people would understand the way to peace,” is what you’ve told us in Luke’s Gospel, and we should know it, we should know it by heart. But we confess that we don’t. And so even though You have given us gifts that are beyond imagination and rescued our very souls, we confess that we have much to learn and we will not learn it in our arrogance, we will learn it in our humility. And so, we humble ourselves before You and asked that You would come be the great comforter, lead us away from the things that are going nowhere, and lead us on the path, the narrow path that leads to life, we pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base and that’s where you can find out what’s going on around here, as well as the Daily Audio Bible app, which can download from your app store, where whatever app store you use; so, check that out.

Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are a number of categories, with a number of resources. As I’ve said before, there’s an entire Global Campfire line of fun stuff, just to feel that connection day-by-day. There are a number of books, written resources for taking this journey deeper. Then there’s our Wind Farm brand of coffee and boutique teas, that we roast fresh and send your way. You can find that in the coffee and tea section. For that matter, if you’re a coffee or a tea drinker and it’s a habit of yours, like me. I have a habit of drinking coffee every morning; I drink tea as well, usually later in the day. But that cup of coffee accompanies me, 9 out of 10 days, I guess, to my left here, as I’m coming in to do Daily Audio Bible and prepare. And so, that’s something that I do every day. Most people do. A lot of times, kinda going through a drive-through or whatever, we, many years ago, thought, not only because we’re a little bit of coffee snobs around here, but what if. And that’s how so many questions begin like, what if. What if we could actually source green coffee roasted to specification, ship it fresh, fresher than could be shipped to a supermarket or whatever. What if, we could deliver a better product that, in the end also harvested resources to continue this journey day-by-day, step-by-step. So, check that out or there is the Promised Land films. There is the Promised Land photography book. There is the music of the Daily Audio Bible. There’s just a bunch of stuff in the Daily Audio Bible Shop, so check it out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible. If this mission to bring the spoken word of God, read fresh every day and offered free to whoever may encounter it, any time of day, any time of night, anywhere in the world, if that has made a difference and been life-giving in your life, then thank you for your partnership. There’s a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that’s the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayers and Encouragements:

Hello, this is regarding parable of the prodigal son. That was just an amazing, such and I thank God for that. I was both, I was a prodigal daughter and the daughter living with the parents and that’s latest I’m living with my mother in her house. My father passed away three years ago. And I was there, I was, I was like, looking outside of myself at relatives and family members and judging and criticizing. You know, I just, anyway the message just…just spoke to me, big time. And again, for both…both siblings and I praise God, I thank Him, cause He is so gracious and He loves us. He definitely, just wants to love us more that we can imagine. And anyway, I was…I was gone for couple of months until recently. I was gone on a job assignment and I was…I was alone a lot. I had four days off. I only worked three days during that time and I praise God, I thank Him because He was calling me to draw closer, near to Him and he did. And He showed me so many things and He definitely answered my prayer when I asked Him to search my heart and why was I responding and reacting the way that I did, my attitude. And He helped me recover from that. Jeez, I was just so humbled and I had a breakthrough. This is more than two minutes what I would like to express about Him but I’m just so grateful for His word. And I’m grateful for His truth. Thank you Holy Spirit. God Bless you all, Amen.

Hello, Daily Audio Bible, it’s your girl Val in Vegas. I just wanna say, Happy Good Friday. It’s Friday the 15th, praise God everyone, we’ve made it. And this weekend ya’ll, He has risen. Right now, I just wanna pray for peace for anyone and everyone listening to this call. I tell ya, as I started to grow my relationship with the Lord, spending more time in prayer, talking to Him on a continuous basis. What I find is, it is true. There is a level of peace that surpasses all understanding. I mean the human mind can’t even grasp it. Admist the trauma and tragedy man, when you are just fully aligned with the Lord, there’s not any firing dart that comes to you, that the Lord doesn’t give you peace about it. And we know at the end of the day, what our Father does, is make crooked roads straight. So right now, Heavenly Father, I want to pray for Your peace Lord, for anyone that’s listening to this call, God right now rain on em, peace Lord, peace, peace, peace. Oh, it is truly priceless, Lord God. We thank You Lord Jesus, for Your peace God. One of your final words, my peace I bequeath, I give to you my peace. Lord Jesus, we take that peace, we run with that peace, we walk with that peace, we crawl with that peace. Lord Jesus, thank You for that peace, Lord. The peace that surpasses all understanding, right now God, rain peace on your family, Lord Jesus. Happy Good Friday. I love you guys and I’ll see you next month.

Yes, I want to take on the name, To God be the Glory in Minnesota. This is my first time calling in and I need prayer for my brother-in-law. His name is Nick. My sister and her two children live in Montana. And he is dealing with some issues at work, drug related. Doesn’t help his mood or his drinking. He is an alcoholic and he tends to be even more of a bad mood when he purchasing. So, if my DAB family could help me in praying for my brother-in-law, Nick, my sisters names Valerie and then she has her two children, Madison and Isabel. And that the Lord will work in mysterious ways and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit and know that Satan is trying to control him by his drinking. Thank you, I appreciate this family greatly. And for the blessings that Brian and his family has taken on. So, just thank you for everything again. To God be the Glory in Minnesota. Thanks.

Hey family, this is James in Fort Worth, Texas. It’s been a minute. I think the last time that I called was right around the same time last year for my daughters Ryan’s birthday. To those of you who don’t know, Ryan passed away January of 2020 from a severe asthma attack. That’s where I can describe my mental state at that time was just, pure insanity. I felt like I was going in sane. Nothing made sense. How can a father, raise his family, you know, support his family and raise his kids and I couldn’t save the one who looked to me in a moment of life and death? I wanted God’s power; I couldn’t save her. And I was angry with myself, I hated myself, I hated all of myself, I hated looking in the mirror. But I’m gonna tell you what, God’s delivered me from that. You can’t have refined goals without first going through the fire. And I went through that fire. And I praise the Lord and thank Him for bringing me on the other side of that. I look at today, I’m not the same person that I was, you know. I’ve been going strong in the word for the last two years trying to become the man that He meant me to be. I want to thank the Lord for my beautiful wife, Camille. The pure definition of one flesh. I want to thank Camille for sticking with me during the time that I obviously wouldn’t at my best. And I praise the Lord for her. We both DABers now. We both study the word together. There are so many of you that encouraged me on a daily basis. Thank you Brian and the Hardin Family, Victorious Soldier, Blind Tony, Little Sharie in Canada, Val in Vega, Sparky, Renzo – brother keep doing what you’re doing. I pray for all of you and I’m blessed to be in this community. Praise the Lord and thank you

Hey DAB brothers and sisters, this is Byron out in Florida. To Karen in New York, I heard your call. First of all, I just want to praise God for delivering you from the grip of alcohol, as a coping mechanism. I’m very thankful for what He’s been able to do in your life. Because it obviously directly impacts so many other, especially our most vulnerable. As the father of a special needs child, I can understand the challenges. I face people who step up to serve those kids who may be passed over by others. And this little boy that you mentioned, I want life him up specifically Lord. Because you’re right, he needs love, he needs grace, he needs mercy, he needs to be protected and not discarded or ignored or pushed aside or controlled Lord. He needs Your grace and mercy and I thank you Lord, that You have empowered Karen to serve this young man and to help him Lord. And so, give her the wisdom Lord, that she needs to approach him. Give her the understanding of Your child to relate to him. And raise up others, who can come around this little boy and get him to where he needs to be in You. Because he’s Your child. We saw what You did to the maniac that everyone had discarded and left in the tomb Lord. And we call back this boy to You, to Your family, to Your love and to Your heart. And so, we pray a protection, a blessing hedge around Karen and him and family. In Jesus name, Amen.

04/18/2022 DAB Transcript

Joshua 16:1-18:28, Luke 19:1-27, Psalms 87:1-7, Proverbs 13:11

Today is the 18th day of April welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it’s great to be here with you probably still kind of basking in Easter celebrations yesterday and being together with family maybe, friends. And every time we come to the first part of a new week we talk about it being a fresh start. We’re walking in. We’re gonna live the lives that we live and tell the story of the week. If there was ever a fresh start it’s like right now. Understanding that we are free and that our Easter celebrations tell us the story of walls being torn down between humanity and God and that we can freely come into His presence knowing that we are loved. And, so, it is a great week to live into as we continue our journey which will lead us in the Scriptures back into the book of Joshua. We’re reading from the New Living Translation this week. Joshua 16, 17 and 18 today.


Okay. So, in the Gospel of Luke today we have a really really famous Sunday school story. The short man, Zacchaeus climbing the sycamore tree to see what he could see and Jesus passing by. Super well-known story. So, let’s look at this story. We probably all kinda know the story. It’s pretty short. But let’s look for the kingdom of God in this story. So, Zacchaeus is a tax collector and his fellow Hebrew people despise him. They despise all tax collectors. For them for the most part the tax collectors that they would deal with were fellow Hebrew people working on behalf of an appointed tax collector on behalf of the Roman government. So, to be able to tax collect on behalf of the Empire required significant investment of money into the Empire to get the license or the right to collect taxes. And those were usually Roman people, or wealthy Hebrew people who would subsequently hire other Hebrew people to go out into the villages and be the tough man and collect the taxes. And, so, tax collection. People hated that and they hated those people and they hated the Hebrew people who were involved because it was like they were taking advantage of their own brothers and sisters, their own people for their own selfish gain on behalf of the Roman Empire. And, so, the people didn’t like them, and the religious leaders considered them sinners for the taking advantage of their own people. There’s just all of this swirling around. And yet these tax collectors had money, had resources, could buy influence. It’s like a very very convoluted thing. And Zacchaeus was one of the wealthy tax collectors. He had been at this for a while, had resources and he wants to see Jesus. Jesus calls them down from the tree and goes to his house, which causes an uproar or just quoting from Luke, “the people were displeased. He has gone to be the guest of a notorious sinner, they grumbled.” So, this good man Jesus is doing the things that the people are like, good men, godly men wouldn’t do those things. Godly men wouldn’t fraternize with tax collectors. This is a notorious sinner. So, they’re looking at that as an argument against Jesus. Meanwhile, inside Zacchaeus’s house Zacchaeus is saying to Jesus, and I quote from the Gospel of Luke, “I will give half my wealth to the poor Lord, and if I have cheated people on their taxes, I will give them back four times as much.” So, where is the kingdom of God being revealed and breaking the fourth in this story, among the people who believe they are the chosen ones, and they will restore the kingdom to God by defeating Rome or in the house of a notorious sinner? And Jesus said and I quote “salvation has come to this home today for this man has shown himself to be a true son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.” In a story like this one it’s very apparent, like we can see the situation and…and lean into the fact that wherever Jesus is is where the kingdom is. And certainly Zacchaeus is being transformed in the presence of Jesus. This story shows us so much about the world that we live in, and our own hearts posture because we will get ourselves together with, the people that think the same way that we do and we will make ourselves a group that is against others. And, so, it’s very easy for us to be in that position. We’re like, why would Jesus go there? That’s a notorious sinner. Why would the kingdom show up there? That is a den of sin and iniquity. Where else did Jesus ever show up? So, where is Jesus going to show up to reveal His kingdom? It’s goona be in the places that are open to it, the places where people know of their need, can see that they need Jesus. But the people walking around who feel like they own Jesus or have Jesus are the ones typically frowning down upon Jesus’ work among the lowly when that is all He’s ever done. The question is, where are we in this story? Because we can see the kingdom now. Who are we in this story? And that…that can really change things inside of us when we realize how judgmental we can be and how often we can thwart what God might want us to do. So, we’re coming off of Easter and we’re moving forward as we do, because that’s the only way to go. How are we moving forward though? Christ has come for us, even while we were his enemies loving us and restoring and rescuing us. How can…like how can we participate in anything less?


Holy Spirit come into that. This pricks at our prejudice and bias. It pricks at our stories and our wounds and our woundedness and the things that we need to protect and the things that we need to tear down. We have all kinds of opinions on all kinds of things. And, so, often we’re just doing what we’re doing hoping that You’ll bless it when we could be doing what You’re doing, and You will bless it. And what You have always done is rescued the one who needed rescuing. And, so, help us to remember that because that was us. We were that person. We must go and do likewise. Show us how Jesus we pray. In Your mighty name we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home, home of the Global Campfire. And the Daily Audio Bible app is also home of the same. So, either way check it out. Get connected in any way that you can or want to.

Check out the Community section. There are links there to the different social media channels that we are involved. So, certainly check that out for you if you’re out there as well. But the community section is also the home of the Prayer Wall, which is just here inside this community for those of us who are taking this journey through the Scriptures this year. And, so, it is a place to go and…and share the story and ask for prayer about what’s going on in your life, or it’s a place to go and read other people stories and have empathy and intercede for them and let them know that you’re praying for them. So, yeah, check out the Prayer Wall in the community section, either in the Daily Audio Bible app or on the website.

And if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you. If this mission that we have a show up every day around the Global Campfire and find a place and kind of create an oasis for ourselves for the Scriptures to speak, just this is little place where we can let go of the stresses for a minutes and maybe be retooled and come back out from the Scriptures with better clarity than we had going in. If that matters to you and is life giving to you then thank you for your partnership. We wouldn’t be able to be here if we weren’t in this together. So, thank you. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobile.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app. That’s the little red button up at the top break or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

This is Freedom Fighter from Michigan in America and just asking for prayer for our daughter or Cami. She’s decided to live the life of the prodigal son. And she’s 21 years old. She moved out of our home about a year ago and I think she’s still kind of angry and bitter at God and…for how her life story began. She was neglected for a couple years in Russia before she was sent to an orphanage where she spent a couple years. And that’s where God rescued her and sent her to us. But unfortunately, she still holds a lot of anger bitterness just as to how her life story began. And she’s not being able to see the redemption side of it. And…and she’s taken that, and she’s moved out and she’s pursued the world and she's…she’s trying to find the happiness there but now she’s really just…just living a broken lifestyle. She’s been evicted from her apartment. All of her earthly possessions are in a storage unit of which she’s being foreclosed on. She finds herself living on a couch in her boyfriend’s house with a dysfunctional family that. And it’s just she's…she’s living the life in the pig pen and it’s just breaking our hearts. So, we just pray that…that she’ll see God pursuing her, that…we’ve prayed that God would bring her to whatever it takes to win her back to you or to her to Him. And…and then I just pray that you’ll give us the patience to accept her back when she does turn to come home, that we’ll still be able to kill the fatted calf and receive her back into our arms with an open heart. So, pray for Cami.

Good morning DAB community my DAB family. my name is Geneva Thirsty for His Grace from Orlando FL. Today is April 14th, 2022. I just finished listening to today’s podcast with Brian. And Brian thank you for that powerful read from the word of God in Luke, that we are ordinary servants. Jesus owes us nothing. I have done my duty. Thank you for that. As I continue to journey and share during this passion week on this Maudie Thursday may we prepare our heart in the dark shadows of Good Friday and the bright dawn of Easter Sunday. Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane today on the darkest and most difficult night of his life. Gethsemane, family means olive press. Let us press into prayer. Abba Father You know that we would give almost anything for an easier less painful life. Help us to relinquish our will to Your will today. Father there are so many parts of this world are overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death today. As we remember particular people and places before You now every person on this prayer line, I pray that they will somehow know Your presence is with them and their suffering. Father if it’s possible please spare each of us from suffering. We want You to bless us, heal us, show us Your favor Father God. But we realize that You never promised us an easy life. And, so, we pray today sincerely as we know how let Your will be done. If it’s not our will, let Your will be done and Your Kingdom come. If it means sacrificing own discomfort our own comfort and losing control of our life. In Jesus’ name I ask. Amen. Be blessed fam…

[singing starts] it only takes a spark to get a fire going and soon all those around can warm up in its glowing. That’s how it is with God’s love once you’ve experienced it you spread God’s love to everyone you want to pass it on [singing stops]. Hey Sparky I was just listening to the DAB and I heard you and immediately this song came to mind. I think of you as a…as a glowing spark that is being transmitted to others. But here you are today, you’re feeling down in the dumps and you’re getting into a bit of depression. Your sons are getting older and so they don’t want to have anything to do have…to do with you right now. And I remember that so well. I had an only child, and we were great friends until she got to the teenage years. Her friends were more important than me. I know how sad it was. I cried. I thought we’ll never be the same. You know what? She grew up. She got married. She had her own kids. We are the best of friends. So, you and your sons, your relationship continues despite what it may seem. Abba Father I left Sparky to the throne of grace. I pray that You’d wrap Your arms around about him and draw him close. I pray in the new Jesus over any dark depression that’s wanting to come up on him. I pray that he would have life again and just sparkle for all the world to see, all those around him would see. I pray that whatever’s keeping him down will be removed and the name of…

Hello DAB family this is Daniel the Wholehearted calling from Maryland. Just had a quick story and a prayer request. My quick story is, the other day I got a robo-call from Spring Hill TN and I picked up the phone and was like, Brian? ‘Cause I thought that maybe Brian Hardin from Spring Hill TN was calling me. Brian, just wanna let you know it warmed my heart to think you might be calling me and it definitely warms my heart to hear you read and to talk about the scriptures with us. Appreciate what you’re doing. We keep on praying for you and just appreciate everything that your family’s doing. The prayer request is, I’ve got this car, I got a Ford Explorer that is the worst truck ever. It just breaks down all the time. And it broke down on my wife today picking up my son from school. And, so, I met the…I went to go meet the tow truck driver and turns out it was working when I got there. And I said, well I’m not gonna cancel the tow truck. I’m gonna still have the tow truck come because I don’t want to stop working on my way home. So, tow truck shows up and Ernest is driving it and Ernest is sharing with me while he’s a loading up the truck, sharing with me all these times that he’s almost died doing his job. And after about third or fourth time I said, Ernest do you believe in God? He said, well I want to, but it’s been hard. It’s been hard since my mom died. And we talked about that, how she died from cancer. And he…I told him about the DAB, said it’s a place where the bible’s read fresh every day. It’s a place where people pray. He said, well if you’re gonna pray, pray for my ex-girlfriend Jessica. She’s addicted to heroin and I can’t stand just watching her die. And, so, we prayed…I said let’s pray right now. And we prayed. I prayed for him and I prayed for Jessica and when we were done he said that’s the first time I prayed since I lost my mom. So, let’s pray for both of them right now. And I ask you to pray with me. God, I pray for Ernest. I pray you’d give him everything he needs to be the man of God you want him to be. I pray for Jessica, that you free her from heroin, that you give her a new mind in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Good morning DAB family this is Jimmy from the East Coast. I’m just calling to pray for some of the DABbers. I wanted to first mention Christy from Kentucky. I hear you. My heart goes out to all those who lose family members right now and are…are just…just feeling the pain. I am praying for you and…and I know it stays a long time, especially if you’re a deep…deep feeler. So, I’m praying for you guys. I wouldn’t pray for Robbie. Robbie, I…I hear you brother. I’ve been there. I am there. That’s my life. I…I've…sometimes it feels like DID dissociative identity disorder. It’s like you want to do well and you are doing well sometimes. And then you you’re just…if people just see behind the curtain. You know, I said exactly what you said just a week ago. I…God is good, but I don’t represent Him well. And a lot of that has to do with how I feel. So, just know I’m praying for you and it’s coming. And just keep…God hears you. He’ll meet you where you are. I’m praying also for Erin. Keep…keep fighting. I’m glad you’re standing up. And God…God will keep you straight, keep you walking straight. And we’re praying for you. I love you guys.

4/17/2022 DAB Transcript

Josh 15:1-63, Luke 18:18-43, Ps 86:1-17, Pr 13:9-10

Today is the 17th day of April, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and I love it that we can be around the Global Campfire today, on this most holiest of days that we commemorate the resurrection. This day is the game changer of all, this day changes everything, everywhere. So, rejoice with me, my brothers and sisters. He is risen!

Song: Easter Song by Encores – https://apple.co/35DZd3f

So, it’s Easter Sunday, which means it’s the beginning of the week means we will read from a new translation this week, the New Living Translation. And of course, we’re picking up right where we left off, so that we can take the next step forward together, that leads us back into the book of Joshua, today, chapter 15.


Okay so, on this Easter morning, afternoon, evening, this resurrection Sunday, where we celebrate that Jesus didn’t stay in the tomb, we read from the Gospel of Luke, from our reading today. Taking the 12 disciples aside, Jesus said listen, we’re going up to Jerusalem where all the predictions of the prophets concerning the Son of Man will come true. You will be handed over to the Romans and He will be mocked, treated shamefully and spit upon, they will flog Him with the whip and kill Him. But on the third day, He will rise again. So, Jesus that is a very, very short encapsulation of what we’ve been contemplating and carrying in our hearts over the last several days, trying to come face-to-face with what it cost to set us free and what our lives should look like in response. And the depth and breadth of love that…that would do such a thing is beyond our comprehension really, beyond our language, really beyond anything we can know or understand, for You are the Lord. But You have loved us, You have loved us where ever we have been, near or far, high or low, You have loved us and You have come to set us free. And so, with deep gratitude we thank You, knowing that we should be deeply challenged at the way that we conduct ourselves, knowing that we, who have believed, our living signposts to this truth and what we say with our lives is what that signpost is saying. Come, Holy Spirit, You have set us free. We are free indeed. May we walk forward into our salvation, may we share the good news wherever we stand, by the very force of our lives, which is Your life within. We pray this, in the name of the risen Christ. Amen.

Song: How Deep The Fathers Love for Us by Sherri Youngward - https://apple.co/34u4JoL

04/16/2022 DAB Transcript

Joshua 13:1-14:15, Luke 18:1-17, Psalms 85:1-13, Proverbs 13:7-8

Today is the 16th day of April welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian and it’s wonderful to be here with you today on Holy Saturday. This is a day in between great loss and the great rejoicing. Yesterday being Good Friday and the day that we commemorated the death of Jesus, His sacrifice on our behalf. Today is Holy Saturday. It’s that day in between when we…when we think of something very, very difficult. We think of Jesus lying in a tomb. We think of Jesus dead, which is something we very rarely do. But in this day, the day that we’re commemorating here, Jesus was lying in a tomb His body cooling. He was dead. A very stark thought indeed. It's…it’s supposed to be a stark thought. This is the moment where it looked like all hope was lost, but it wasn’t because things are not always as they seem. And, so, for us to sort of focus our hearts in this season, tomorrow of course being resurrection Sunday, Easter Sunday, we want to remain in this posture of fully comprehending what it cost to set us free. And, so, let’s keep that in our hearts as we move throughout this day. And, of course, we come here every day. No matter what is being commemorated or what day it is we’ve come to take the next step forward, gather around the Global Campfire together, squeeze in tight, and let the Scriptures wash over us. So, we’re reading from the Good News translation this week, which is today. Joshua chapters 13 and 14.


Father, we thank you for your word and we thank you for this day, this in between day, this day between death and life, this holy Saturday where we continue to focus on your sacrifice as we commemorated yesterday and long deeply in our soul for hope against hope, that death would be swallowed up in victory. And we know that tomorrow’s coming but it’s just so often that we zoom right there to the celebration when this all commemoration, this whole process is to take our hearts through the journey and allow us to come face-to-face with what it cost. And, so, we are thankful, we are grateful. And as we said yesterday there are no words. It is us living our lives as a living sacrifice, being available to you and your service, that it is no longer we who live, but Christ who lives within us. And, so, as we think on these things, Holy Spirit come. Lead our hearts where they should go and allow this season to speak deeply about our reality. We pray this in the precious, precious name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home, it's…it’s the home of the Global Campfire, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here as we gather each and every day. And of course, the Daily Audio Bible app does this and more, but definitely can get connected that way.

And, so, check it out. Check out the Shop. Check out the resources that are available there.

Check out the Community section. Get connected in any way that you can. Maybe…maybe visit the Prayer Wall and pray for your brothers and sisters who are in need or maybe it’s you that needs to tell your story and receive prayer. You can find that in the Community Section in the Prayer Wall. So, check it out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if this mission to bring the Scriptures read fresh every day and offered freely to whoever will listen to them wherever they may be whatever time of day or night it is and to build community around that rhythm that we so lovingly call the Global Campfire, if that is life-giving to you then thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app you can compress the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, of course, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that is it for today on Holy Saturday as we sit in the tension, in the in between. And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

4/15/2022 DAB Transcript

Joshua 11:1-12:24, Luke 17:11-37, Psalm 84:1-12, Proverbs 13:5-6

Today is the 15th day of April, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and it is wonderful to be here with you today, as we take the next step forward on our journey, through the Scriptures today. Of course, it’s Good Friday and it is a Holy day on the Christian calendar, as has been this whole week. This is the day that we commemorate the death, the crucifixion of Jesus. A day like no other day. And so, let’s hold that in our hearts, as we take the next step forward together. So, our next step leads us back into the book of Joshua. We have seen all kinds of drama in the Promised Land. Many kings have aligned themselves against Israel. Many kings have been defeated in the process. We’ll continue the story with Joshua chapters 11 and 12 today.


Alright so, in the book of Joshua today, we continue with the narrative of the conquest of the Promised Land. And so, we are in the Promised Land, which is where we’ll spend most of the rest of the time that we have in the Bible. This is the conquest of the Promised Land. We’ve seen kings gathering together now, for the second time, the kings of the north, the great King’s coming down to simply join forces because Israel has recently come into the land and the land is turning upside down. They are conquering everything. So, all of these remaining kings in the nearby regions from the Jordan River, all the way the Mediterranean Sea, are coming together as one. And as one, they are defeated and all of their cities are conquered. One of the great cities of Hazor is burned by Joshua; this is the only mounded city, so the only like, fortified city burned. The remains of Hazor exist until this very, very day and there is a burn layer in the archaeology showing when this great city was burned and so we can look at these ash, well this kind of layer of ash. Understanding wow, this goes back to this…this detailed explanation in the Book of Joshua to what happened in this city. So, it’s deeply fascinating, as we continue what to watch the emerging kingdom of Israel.

But then in the Gospel of Luke, Jesus is talking about the Kingdom of Heaven and what he says today is profound indeed, but monumental in our understanding. So, if we think about the Kingdom of Heaven, a lot of the times we are thinking about something that is yet to come. Something that will eventually be here and it will look like some type of national governance, it will look something like what we understand in governing people. So, this will be the Kingdom of God that will usurp all of the kingdoms of the world and that this is a coming thing and certainly the fullness of all of God’s plans, at least the ones that are out in front of us are a coming thing. This goes to expectations. The people in Jesus’ time did know about a coming Messiah and did expect a coming Messiah and expected that Messiah to bring the Kingdom of God back, to restore Israel to God and boot out all the people that didn’t belong there anymore. So, when Jesus talks about the Kingdom of God, those kinds of expectations are in the fabric of the culture and those same kinds of feelings still exist with us in the world today. We have this expectation that at some point all will be made right and all that’s wrong will be done away with, there is this coming kingdom. It’s just that, that’s not what Jesus says about the Kingdom of God. And so, I want to quote Jesus, understanding what He’s saying, is a game changer. So, I quote from Luke, “Some Pharisees asked Jesus when the Kingdom of God would come. His answer was, “The Kingdom of God does not come in such a way as to be seen. No one will say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or, ‘There it is!’; because the Kingdom of God is within you.”” Within you! Because the Kingdom of God is within you, within you, friends. That’s where the Kingdom of God is. And if it’s a coming Kingdom then that’s where it’s coming and that’s how this whole thing changes. We realize that it is within us. We cultivate it within us, and it spills out. It’s the message Jesus has been giving all along, what is within you, is what matters and what is within you will spill out, into the world. And if the Kingdom of God is within us and spilling out into the world than it is coming, it is being revealed. It is being seen in our lives and not in buildings or power or taxes or the judicial system or whatever. It is within us and when it is being built up within us, it changes everything outside of us, it changes the way that we look at everything. And if we change the way we look at everything, then we are effectively changing our lives, which is what repentance is, to change.


And so, Father, we thank You for Your word in Jesus, on this day. There is no inappropriate day be grateful, but on this day, this Good Friday that we observe. The darkness, the darkness of it all, that Your creation could turn on You and kill You and that Your love is so vast and profound that You would allow it, in order to set us free. That is a mystery beyond our comprehension, a love that is deeper than anything we’ve ever experienced and brings hope, that nothing else can. That You are God and that You have demonstrated Your love for us so profoundly, that everything has changed. The trajectory of the human race is changed because of Your coming. And we pray that we can be involved, that we can walk with You, that we can enjoy this gift of salvation, but enjoy the work of sharing the good news throughout the world. So, we love You, and we thank You and we are grateful. And our words and our thoughts are gonna come up short. It’s our lives, given over to You as a living sacrifice, that is the absolute best we can offer and that is not enough, but it is what we have and You take that and make it something beautiful. And so, we humble ourselves before You, with deep gratitude for Your love for us. We pray this in Your precious name of Jesus. Amen.

Song by Trinity Music and Marty Reardon “Agnus Dei (feat. Jen Reardon) - https://apple.co/3L5wJjm

Jesus, Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Have mercy on us. Jesus, Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Have mercy on us. Oh, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, oh grant us your peace, oh grant us your peace.
Jesus, Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, oh grant us your peace, oh grant us your peace.
Oh, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy on us.
Jesus, Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Have mercy on us.
Have mercy on us. Have mercy on us. Have mercy on us. Have mercy on us.  

04/14/2022 DAB Transcript

Joshua 9:3-10:43, Luke 16:19-17:10, Psalms 83:1-18, Proverbs 13:4

Today is the 14th day of April welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it’s wonderful to be here with you today as we gather around the Global Campfire and move forward together, which will lead us back into the book of Joshua. And now that the children of Israel are in the promised land they are definitely wreaking havoc on the way people think and we have a number of kings coming together to ally themselves against Israel. And that’s where we pick up the story. Joshua chapter 9 verse 3 through 10 verse 43.


Okay. So, in the book of Joshua today a large swath of the promised land is now under Israelite control and that happened because of a deception that in the end turned in the Israelites favor. It was the people of Gibeon who had traveled three days but had made it look like they had trouble months to make a treaty with the Israelites who did in fact make a treaty with them without consulting the Lord as the Scriptures say. And, so, a few days later, the Israelites figure out what’s going on and they confront them and now they’ve made a treaty that makes it impossible for them to obey what the Lord had told them to do in terms of conquering all of the cities and all of the people. And it’s not long before this treaty is known by the other kings of the lands. And, so, some very strong kings in the territory ally themselves to attack Gibeon because Gibeon was a formidable opponent for any of them. So, for them to make a treaty with Israel, this is not a good move. This is not a good political move. This is going to be destabilizing. And, so, they attack Gibeon and Gibeon then reaches out to the people there in treaty with saying come and save us we’re…we’re being destroyed here by the other kings, which is what sets it all up. The Israelite army then goes to defend the Gibeonites. They march all the way there and attack immediately defeating all of the kings that were allied against Gibeon. So, Gibeon’s deception ultimately brought all of these armies together and Israel was able to confront them and then chase them back toward their cities that were subsequently conquered. And, so, that’s what we’ve got going on in the promised land.

Then when we turn into the gospel of Luke we have Jesus doing several different small teachings, but there is one that’s at the very very end of our reading today, very short paragraph that gives a posture…oh…a posture for our hearts that if we understood this posture would then offer us the opportunity to be grateful in every circumstance, rather than being entitled in every circumstance and self-absorbed in every circumstance. And, so, I quote our Lord. “Suppose one of you has a servant to his plowing or looking after the sheep. When he comes in from the field, do you tell them to hurry along and eat his meal? Of course not. Instead, you say to them, get my supper ready and put on your apron and wait on me while I eat and drink. After that you may have your meal. The servant does not deserve thanks for obeying orders, does he? It is the same with you. When you have done all you have been told to do say, ‘we are ordinary servants. We have only done our duty.’” This is a very different posture then sort of the quid pro quo that we often have in our spirituality. Like, if I be a good boy or girl, then God has to, in turn, then pay me back for my goodness. The thing that the Bible is teaching us repeatedly over and over Old and New Testament, is that we have no claim to our own goodness. Everything that we have has come from God. In and of ourselves there is nothing good. God doesn’t need to pay us back for anything. And when we are serving God from this place of understanding that we don’t even deserve to be a servant like the story of the prodigal son. We don’t even deserve to be called that anymore. We just wonder if there might be a place for us to labor, someplace for us to being here. This posture keeps us squarely in reality. We don’t deserve anything. And obedience to God doesn’t really earn us anything. We are ordinary servants. We have only done our duty. God’s blessing comes from His love and His fathering not because we’ve backed Him into a corner and been so good that He’s gotta dole out goodies because we’ve earned them, we deserve them. He must do this. God operates out of love, whether we deserve it or not. We, on the other hand, are fortunate to even have a place in God’s family at all. We are ordinary servants. We have only done our duty.


Father, we invite Your Holy Spirit to bring this into our hearts, changing things around from our mentality of expectation and then maybe disappointment that we don’t get what we want every time that we want it. Help us to remember the words of our Savior, “we are ordinary servants, we have only done our duty.” And then with a grateful heart we receive all the blessings that You have given us. Come Holy Spirit set us aright. Help us to see clearly, we pray. In the precious name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home, home of the Global Campfire and the Daily Audio Bible app is also home of the same. So, either way check it out. Get connected in any way that you can or want to.

Check out the Community section. There are links there to the different social media channels that we are involved in. So, certainly check that out if you’re out there as well. But the Community section is also the home of the Prayer Wall which is just here inside this community for those of us who are taking this journey through the Scriptures this year. And, so, it is a place to go and…and share the story and ask for prayer about what’s going on in your life, or it’s a place to go and read other people stories and have empathy and intercede for them and let them know that you’re praying for them. So, check out the Prayer While in the Community section, either in the Daily Audio Bible app or on the website.

And if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you. If this mission that we have to show up every day around the Global Campfire and find a place and kind of create an oasis for ourselves for the Scriptures to speak, just this little place where we can let go of the stresses for a minute and maybe be retooled and come back out from the Scriptures with better clarity than we had going in. If that matters to you and is life giving to you then thank you for your partnership. We wouldn’t be able to be here if we weren’t in this together. So, thank you. There is a link on the homepage, at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re are using the app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app. That’s the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hello, my amazing Daily Audio Bible community. Hey, let’s throw another log on the Global Campfire. It’s Daniel Johnson junior here from beautiful Cincinnati OH and I haven’t chimed in in a little while, but I just wanted to say thank you to all of you prayer warriors. You know that maybe you’re not able to do a whole lot, you know, while you’re there in your life but boy can you pray. And it means the world to us that you do pray. And, so, thank you very so very much. Also, wanna give a big shout out to those of you who leave prayers in the prayer wall. It’s been encouraging for me to go over to the prayer wall sometimes and just offer to see what somebody is written and then pray for them. So, I’m so grateful that we have this community, this global campfire. I encourage you to support this ministry as much as you can even in any way that you can. First of all, pray for this community but also, you know, if you could support this financially. There was a time when I wasn’t doing it as regularly. And, so, now, you know, I’m making it a point to…near the beginning of every month, you know, as soon as I can to…to give some back to this community. But God bless you all. Here from beautiful Cincinnati OH it’s Daniel Johnson junior. I love you. That’s right I’m talking specifically to you right now. And make it a great day.

Hi DAB family this is Gigi from G-Ville. I just wanted to call and thank Soaring on Eagles Wings for that prayer for the blessing for me and Seth and baby Elise. We really…we listened to it all and we really appreciate yours and everyone’s prayers for us and for this new journey that we’re on. And she’s doing great. I am really grateful. I’m taking a little break off of nursing school. I’ll be back in the fall and I’m about halfway through. And yeah, it’s been really special time right now. Thank you all for…for keeping us in your prayers. We love you. Bye.

Hey family it’s Sparky. I try not to very often because I know there’s people with a lot bigger problems than mine, but I was going to see if you guys might be able to lift me up in some prayer. I’ve had a pretty good bought of depression for the past couple weeks and been real stressed at work and layoffs are coming and guys are stressed, and it’s just been…I think I’m missing my boys, my kids. They’re at the age…they…they want to hang out with friends and they’re just…I know it’ll pass and I just kind of feel as if I’m walking in the wilderness right now and God promises, you know, He will give you water when you’re thirsty but sometimes we can…we can not be looking at that big picture. And I just figured I’d come on and ask my family if they could pray over it and maybe help me lift this. I know it will pass and I just thank God for every one of your prayers. I keep praying for you all fervently. I love you guys.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible my name is Geneva I’m from Orlando FL I go by the name of Thirsty for His Grace. I am a quadruple listener. I’ve been listening for 2 ½ years. Thank you, Brian thank, you Jill thank you Ezekiel thank you China thank you everyone who’s responsible for putting this podcast together. Family I listened today’s reading April 13th, 2022 and just blessed by it but in my own daily meditation as we journey with Jesus to the cross I wanted to read this over our community. Jesus as we join You today on Your journey to the cross prepare each of our hearts to participate with You in the dark shadows of Good Friday in the bright dawn on Easter Sunday. Dear Lord Jesus, these are dark days. There’s so much brokenness all around. I think of those people I know whose health is broken whose relationships are broken whose faith in You is broken. Over these next few days as we approach each Easter may the message of Your brokenness somehow bring all of us a little wholeness and hope. May Your blood bring us the unexpected gift of new life. In the darkness of despair may the first rays of resurrection soon dawn. Love You Lord Jesus. Thank You that Your love endures forever. 2000 years after the Last Supper I eat the broken body and You make me whole. I drink Your blood and find forgiveness. Your loving doors forever. Help us not to distance ourselves today from the brokenness of the world. Break us and pour us out. Your love endures forever. We offer ourselves once again as living sacrifice to You the lamb who sacrificed Yourself, not just for me but for every single person I will meet today. Your love endures forever. Amen. Thank you love you family.

Hello, all my wonderful DABber brothers and sisters in Christ this is Sherry Mason from Kansas City MO. I have a prayer request. I had a delivery from a young woman named Baily and she was telling me how her back hurt because of the weather and I just spontaneously said can I pray for you and she just said yeah. So, I put my hand on her pray for healing, prayed for God’s spirit to come on her and when I was done…and I felt like I had to keep it short…she said to me no one has ever ask to pray for me before and I am really touched by that. So, I told her that God loved her and that all she had to do was call upon His name and she left. So, I am asking you all to pray for Bailey. I don’t think she’s saved. Pray for the spirit of God to come. Pray to her for her to have encounters with the Lord whether it’s through other people or simply by His spirit. But would you pray for her? I would so love to see somebody’s life changed. You know it’s a hard life sometimes and I don’t know how I would get through it without God. I can’t imagine the people in the world who don’t have Him in their life how they get through. So, thank you. Pray for Bailey. I love you all. God’s blessings to you in Jesus’ name. Amen. Bye.