4/17/2022 DAB Transcript

Josh 15:1-63, Luke 18:18-43, Ps 86:1-17, Pr 13:9-10

Today is the 17th day of April, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and I love it that we can be around the Global Campfire today, on this most holiest of days that we commemorate the resurrection. This day is the game changer of all, this day changes everything, everywhere. So, rejoice with me, my brothers and sisters. He is risen!

Song: Easter Song by Encores – https://apple.co/35DZd3f

So, it’s Easter Sunday, which means it’s the beginning of the week means we will read from a new translation this week, the New Living Translation. And of course, we’re picking up right where we left off, so that we can take the next step forward together, that leads us back into the book of Joshua, today, chapter 15.


Okay so, on this Easter morning, afternoon, evening, this resurrection Sunday, where we celebrate that Jesus didn’t stay in the tomb, we read from the Gospel of Luke, from our reading today. Taking the 12 disciples aside, Jesus said listen, we’re going up to Jerusalem where all the predictions of the prophets concerning the Son of Man will come true. You will be handed over to the Romans and He will be mocked, treated shamefully and spit upon, they will flog Him with the whip and kill Him. But on the third day, He will rise again. So, Jesus that is a very, very short encapsulation of what we’ve been contemplating and carrying in our hearts over the last several days, trying to come face-to-face with what it cost to set us free and what our lives should look like in response. And the depth and breadth of love that…that would do such a thing is beyond our comprehension really, beyond our language, really beyond anything we can know or understand, for You are the Lord. But You have loved us, You have loved us where ever we have been, near or far, high or low, You have loved us and You have come to set us free. And so, with deep gratitude we thank You, knowing that we should be deeply challenged at the way that we conduct ourselves, knowing that we, who have believed, our living signposts to this truth and what we say with our lives is what that signpost is saying. Come, Holy Spirit, You have set us free. We are free indeed. May we walk forward into our salvation, may we share the good news wherever we stand, by the very force of our lives, which is Your life within. We pray this, in the name of the risen Christ. Amen.

Song: How Deep The Fathers Love for Us by Sherri Youngward - https://apple.co/34u4JoL