04/16/2022 DAB Transcript

Joshua 13:1-14:15, Luke 18:1-17, Psalms 85:1-13, Proverbs 13:7-8

Today is the 16th day of April welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian and it’s wonderful to be here with you today on Holy Saturday. This is a day in between great loss and the great rejoicing. Yesterday being Good Friday and the day that we commemorated the death of Jesus, His sacrifice on our behalf. Today is Holy Saturday. It’s that day in between when we…when we think of something very, very difficult. We think of Jesus lying in a tomb. We think of Jesus dead, which is something we very rarely do. But in this day, the day that we’re commemorating here, Jesus was lying in a tomb His body cooling. He was dead. A very stark thought indeed. It's…it’s supposed to be a stark thought. This is the moment where it looked like all hope was lost, but it wasn’t because things are not always as they seem. And, so, for us to sort of focus our hearts in this season, tomorrow of course being resurrection Sunday, Easter Sunday, we want to remain in this posture of fully comprehending what it cost to set us free. And, so, let’s keep that in our hearts as we move throughout this day. And, of course, we come here every day. No matter what is being commemorated or what day it is we’ve come to take the next step forward, gather around the Global Campfire together, squeeze in tight, and let the Scriptures wash over us. So, we’re reading from the Good News translation this week, which is today. Joshua chapters 13 and 14.


Father, we thank you for your word and we thank you for this day, this in between day, this day between death and life, this holy Saturday where we continue to focus on your sacrifice as we commemorated yesterday and long deeply in our soul for hope against hope, that death would be swallowed up in victory. And we know that tomorrow’s coming but it’s just so often that we zoom right there to the celebration when this all commemoration, this whole process is to take our hearts through the journey and allow us to come face-to-face with what it cost. And, so, we are thankful, we are grateful. And as we said yesterday there are no words. It is us living our lives as a living sacrifice, being available to you and your service, that it is no longer we who live, but Christ who lives within us. And, so, as we think on these things, Holy Spirit come. Lead our hearts where they should go and allow this season to speak deeply about our reality. We pray this in the precious, precious name of Jesus. Amen.


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And that is it for today on Holy Saturday as we sit in the tension, in the in between. And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.