08/29/2021 DAB Transcript

Job 31:1-33:33, 2 Corinthians 3:1-18, Psalm 43:1-5, Proverbs 22:8-9

Today is the 29th day of August, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible, I am Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today. As we well, it’s like we’re coming in for a landing on another one of our months, let’s not get ahead of ourselves, but before this week, this brand-new shiny sparkly week that we get to walk into together before this is out, will be in another month. So, I feel like we just had the Daily Audio Bible long walk and yet that was almost like a couple months ago. So, we’re moving forward, step-by-step, day by day and sometimes when we take a look at it, it’s like, woah, we really are. It doesn’t stop day by day step-by-step. We continue forward. So, let’s move into our new week here so that we can move into a new month before the week is out. We have been working our way through the book of Job and we have a little ways to go but we will also conclude the book of Job before this week is out. So, let’s dive in and just be here, let’s just be here now today around the Global Campfire taking the next step forward. We’ll read from the New International Version this week, Job 31, 32 and 33 today.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for a brand-new week. We thank You for all that You will do in this week that will transition us into a new month, that will transition us into new territory in the Scriptures. We are in a week of transition and so come Holy Spirit and plant the Scriptures deep into our hearts and lives that we are immersed in right now and prepare our hearts for the territory that we will be heading into. As You continue to lead and direct our steps and challenge the postures of our hearts that we might be remade in Your image that we might continue this process of sanctification in our lives, work that only You can do and that we open ourselves fully too. Come Jesus, we pray, in your mighty name, we ask. Amen.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Good morning DAB family God Bless you all. Righteously Ransom, thank you for calling in. I am sorry that your wife and you are not living together under the same roof that you’re living apart under the same roof. I am sorry that your family is going through this, that your child is going through this but I am thankful that the Lord has you still under the same roof. I am thankful that the Lord is going to make a way where there doesn’t seem to be a way. That the Lord is going to restore all that has been taken from your marriage, in the name of Jesus. Ronnie I am praying for you nine-year-old Lilliana. I am sorry that your family has gone through this that there has been these divorces between you and your wife and the divorce between the pastor and his wife, in the name of Jesus. I am believing that there’s going to be forgiveness in all of this. I don’t know how God will work this out, in the name of Jesus. But I am believing that there’s going to be some sort of reconciliation, in the name of Jesus. I am believing for the Comforter to be upon you, each of you, in the name of Jesus. And that, this forgiveness that I’m going to believe that’s going to transpire that’s going to bring restoration, in the name of Jesus. A man from Tennessee, you grew up without your father he hung you from a 60-foot ledge and your mom remarried to someone who was burning your bed with cigarettes, I cannot imagine you going through that and then, the four surgeries you’ve had since 2015, losing your nose to cancer and yes I am believing with you that the reason that you are alive is cause God in heaven has been taken care of you. And I am believing in the name of Jesus, that even with all of that God can still heal you, in the name of Jesus. I am declaring that. Sarah, from London, I’m so glad you’re encouraged by all of us cause so am I girl, so am I. God bless you all, I love you. Esther from Kissimmee.

Hello this is Elliana I’m calling to pray for Cindy who called in about her chronic nerve pain and Cindy I just want to lift you up to the Lord right now and just ask him to perform a miracle to heal your body because I feel your pain. And as a person who has had nerve pain it is very debilitating. It is so painful and I just pray that Lord heals you. We all love you, we will all continue to pray for you Cindy. Lord, please give her some relief Lord Jesus with you, everything is possible. Please take away this pain. Cindy, I hope you feel better soon. The doctors may be very helpful, but everything is in the hands of the Lord Cindy. I pray for you and I lift you up in Jesus name. Amen.

Hello this is Win and today is April 25th and I am calling in for my friend Kate, she has brain surgery today. And I just pray that, I pray that all the doctors and the nurses will know what to do and that her family won’t get that stressed out with the long day and I ask for prayer for her. And please, please pray for her and her family and I am praying for all of you too. I hope you all have a great day. Thank you.

Hey family this is Eyes of a Dove in Snow, Washington. Just calling in for some prayer support my father, I told you guys, Jerry, is got late-term Alzheimer’s and he took a spill and strained his back early last week. His back has been healing but cognitively he took a dive and it’s really brought reality to my older brothers. Both of my older brothers do not have children, they are married and they have tooken over the medical and financial aspects of the process for my parents. My parents are, my mom’s a believer my dad acknowledges Christ but I’m not sure if he has a personal relationship with Christ where he’s out right now. When he was cognitive, he would talk about it but it just never, I don’t know, it’s hard to tell. But anyways, I need prayer, I got a, I am so tired. I’ve been working an hour early this whole week, it’s Wednesday. Both brothers are exhausted they’re staying at my oldest brother’s tear drop trailer in the driveway of my parent’s house that we have somebody watching out for my dad at nighttime. In case he spills out of his bed and needs help. We don’t have a care provider coming until a few more days so we’re kinda rotating the night shift. And then we all leave for my parent’s house to go to work so tonight’s my turn and also my employer said hey, by the way, we need you to come in at 545am to help do training so that means I need to get up at 4am to get to work on time and I’m exhausted, I just need you guys to pray and lift me up. Pray for my brothers, lift them up as we serve and minister to my mom and dad and that I also ask God to rise up my dad cognitively so I can make sure that he’s saved.

Hi Daily Audio Bible family this is Renzo in Florida and I just want to pray for Cindy in California. Father God, I just declare in the name of Jesus God that You would just take this RSD away from her in the name of Jesus God. I know You can do all, the impossible God, You’re a way maker and a miracle worker God and believe in the name of Jesus that this spreading will stop in the name of Jesus and be a miraculous healing in the name of Jesus. God You can do all and God that Your will be done, Comforter, Guider, Protector, let her find refuge in Your word. Thank You God let her continue to listen to the word and thank You for her prayers. In Jesus name we pray, Amen. And Father God just please pray for Carmen that called in God I just please pray that as she’s just going through this mourning for her son that she lost when he was 22 God I just please pray as she’s still struggling with that from June just, please pray that she just finds rest in You Lord. Even in the doubt even in the unknown, just like, with Job there’s some things that we just feel, we just struggle with, and in the same way we just thank You God for helping us to realize that You know that we may not know why this happened with her son but God You just know that, like she was saying, He’s in a better place. And I know it’s hard to grasp and hard to understand but God we just have faith in You God and we just thank You for everything that You do for us, in Jesus name we pray Amen. You guys, you have a blessed rest of your day. God Bless you, Jesus loves you. Bye.

08/28/2021 DAB Transcript

Job 28:1-30:31, 2 Corinthians 2:12-17, Psalms 42:1-11, Proverbs 22:7

Today is the 28th day of August, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today as we continue our journey forward through the Bible and through the year and through life together. And, so, we’ve been moving pretty rapidly, large chunks at a time because it’s a narrative conversation in the book of Job. And, so, we’re gonna continue the journey through the book of Job today. And we’re reading from the New Living Translation this week. Job 28, 29, and 30.


Thank You, Father for Your word, for another week to spend together in Your word, the last full week of this month. We’re just days ahead from moving into some new territory. And time moves by day by day, step-by-step. And we are thankful that as we go day by day and step-by-step the Scriptures are a part of that story. Every day it’s being tilled into the soil of our hearts. And, so, as we continue this journey forward may we be…may we be fertile soil that yields the fruit of the Spirit. Come Holy Spirit and tend this garden, the garden of our hearts we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, its where you find out what’s going on around here. So, certainly check it out. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can check it out there by pushing the Drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner. Open up…open up that drawer and you’ll see the different categories.

So, like check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are resources there for this journey, things like God of Your Story, which is a written resource that is…it’s kind of the gold, it’s kind of a 365-day devotional one year kind of book and it’s beautiful. It’s beautiful. But it contains some of the different kinds of commentary, the different kinds of stuff that we talk about every day as we navigate a year. And, so, it is a fantastic resource if you’re kind of offline for a while and continue the journey, but it’s also a fantastic resource to just take it deeper because we talk about different things all the time every day. And, so, it kind of brings it home, cements it. And we pray for that all the time, asking God to…to plant what we’ve heard, and we’ve processed into the soil of our lives. This is a way to…to kind of make that go deeper, kind of and fertilize that a little bit. So, yeah, resources like the God of Your Story as well as all of the other stuff that you would find at the Daily Audio Bible Shop are there for this journey, the journey that we are on right now. They exist or that journey. So, check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link on the homepage. If…if you use the app you can prep press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Good morning today is August 25th and I just finished listening to the Bible sermon for today. I heard the prayer of miss Cindy from California and I first want to say I’m very sorry for the pain you’re going through. I wish in some capacity we could take each other’s pain and kind of carry it for a little bit just to give you some peace and comfort, some relief. But I know that’s only God’s ability. So, I just want to pray for you and pray that He wipes your tears, our Father in heaven. And in the name of Jesus, that pain, that fire that you’re feeling, all the hurt that you’re feeling that the Holy Spirit covers you and cools that fire, that He cools everything in our lives to peace and comfort. I pray that the pain goes away in the name of Jesus. I pray that you don’t have to worry anymore in the name of Jesus, that his condition is healed the name of Jesus. That our Father who can grant miracles, who can grant healing, who knows all and sees all who is sovereign, His will…His will is immaculate, that You heal miss Cindy Father and that You protect her from harm within her body from any attacks within her body Father that You protect her children, her two wonderful children. I know You love Cindy Father and Cindy loves You more than ever. Hear her cries, hear her please and please protect her, please heal her, please comfort her. In Jesus’ name I pray for miss Cindy. And for all these blessings I ask in your son’s holy name Jesus. Amen.

Hello from beautiful Cincinnati OH it’s Daniel Johnson junior how the heck are you? Let’s throw another log on the Global Campfire, shall we? Alright let’s pray. And I just want to ask you for some prayer for me. My dad has had some issues this year with his alcoholism and right now he’s not speaking to me because of some issues related to all of that and I just…I pray for reconciliation and for his continued sobriety and recovery, but I also just want to lift up so many people here as other people have often prayed and…and shared. There are people that are that are writing down your prayer requests and praying for you that aren’t ever going to call in and I just really lift them up to you…to you right now Father, all of our prayer warriors that are silent and…but still praying. Thank you so much for all of that Lord. You are truly amazing and all that You do our Father. And Jesus we want to emulate you…

Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening DABbers it’s your girl Val in Vegas. Haven’t called in a while but oh best better believe I listen and pray every single day. Oh God I just want to praise God for all the amazing praise reports. Oh man you guys, God’s…God is healing eyes. Thank you, Lord for healing doctor John’s eyes. And then I just listened. Today is my sister’s birthday, it’s Aug 25th and some other gentleman just called while he was in the emergency room. It made me think of how God like literally grabbed some dirt, spit in his hands, and put it over that man’s eyes and Jesus is healing eyes today guys. Not only is he healing eyes, He’s healing hearts. I want to pray right now for all of the parents that have lost children. Lady of Victory you are line in my thoughts and prayers on this day. Also, there is another woman who…she’s looking for…oh God…hope and joy in the midst of grief. And while sister that might sound like an oxymoron, we know that all things are possible through God. With him we can do all things. So, sister please believe that even though you’re beautiful 22-year-old son’s not with us now you can have joy in that. I think back to our guy James from Dallas Fort Worth who called in with his testimony of losing his daughter and that blessed me. That blessed me. I sent it to my aunt who lost a child. And while that is not the natural course of things, I pray right now heavenly Father that every parent that has lost a child God that You give them grace and mercy. Above everything Lord give them peace and joy in the midst of grief in Jesus’ name.

Hello DAB family this is Doctor Bob from Arizona. I am on my second year of listening to the DAB and Proverbs and Psalms and all of your prayers and requests. Lord knows I can use prayer myself. I guess we all can, but at this time I’m asking for prayer for my beautiful 19-year-old granddaughter Haley Mae who is being oppressed by the evil one, by darkness and not opening up her heart to our entreaties to…to listen to the light, come into the light, listen to Jesus, listen to our prayers. Let us pray for her. My wife, God bless her, is such a soldier for the Lord. She’s an inspiration to me but she’ll not be able to penetrate her…her…our granddaughter who just refuses to listen to our…our prayers for her, refuses to listen to the word of the Lord. Please pray for her if you will so that she can come into the light, come out of the darkness so that she can learn to cast off these evil spirits that seem to be attacking her every night. She’s a beautiful girl. She’s been very unstable all of your life. She’s now living with us so that we can hopefully give her some stability. Please DAB family, please pray for her, Haley Mae from Arizona. I’ll continue to listen, participate. I…I bless this family, bless Brian, bless you all. Thank you. Bye.

This message is for Carmen from Canada. This is Betty from upstate New York. Carmen I am so sorry that Christians feel that you should be getting over this…the loss of your son. I lost a son 52 years ago from a car accident, he was nine years old, and he lived for nine days and for 39 years I suffered each year during those nine days until an evangelist was given a prophetic word for me. And I didn’t know the Lord until I was 40 but he healed me of those nine days showing me the miracles that happened on those nine days which I didn’t understand. But I just want you to know that you will remember. But keep on seeking God. He is our comforter. Seek the word we’re He comforts us, He’s telling us He’s our husband, He’s our lover, He’s our…just…just turn to Him for your comfort. It’s been 52 years as I said and I still…apparently those Christians that say you should get over it haven’t lost a child. But it will ease up. You will find times when it will get better but it will stay on your mind. But I’m trusting the Lord to give you a complete miracle and a healing and a deliverance from the pain. And I just praise God and I just want you to know that I love you and that I…I know your pain and I know that you will…one day you will just thank God that He has brought you through the…the terrible pain. And I pray God bless you abundantly. And take care. God bless in Jesus’ precious name. Amen and Amen.

08/27/2021 DAB Transcript

Job 23:1-27:23, 2 Corinthians 1:12-2:11, Psalm 41:1-13, Proverbs 22:5-6

Today is the 27th day of August, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible, I’m Brian, it is great to be here with you today, man we are, we’re closing in, we’re closing in on another month. I don’t want to get ahead of ourselves but once in a while, I look at the calendar and see the date and wow, August just began, it feels like. And, here we are. And so, let’s just be here now and take the next step forward together. That’s gonna lead us back into the book of Job and today we’ll read chapters 23 through 27.


Alright, so as we continue our journey through Job and the conversation, which is what most of the book of Job is, a conversation between Job and his friends, they’re trying to set him right, he’s trying to set them right. Actually, he’s not really trying to set them right, he’s just trying to hold onto his integrity he’s trying to say, “you’re trying to correct me in ways that aren’t correcting me because I haven’t done what you’ve claimed I’ve done even though you have no grid for this, even though you think I must be, I must be worthy of this judgment. I must’ve done something. I must actually be a secret center. I must have evil in my heart somewhere. I don’t.” And that’s what Job is holding onto and so, it’s gets into a completely existential debate because Job is, you know, talking about things that he has observed about God and his comings and his goings, things that he has seen over time. And then his friends try to explain, why God does the things that he does. And so, it turns into this argument or this continued conversation about what God does and does not do and that also sounds quite familiar. For Job though, all these explanations about why God does what God does and doesn’t do what God doesn’t do. They didn’t answer Job’s ultimate questions. Like he’s still in that kind of zone where he’s like I know all the things that you’re saying, I’ve said all the things that you’re saying to other people. I know all this. This is a different situation. I don’t need your human wisdom. I’m telling you the things that I have seen about God and you’re trying to explain why. I need God, like I need God, not you. I need God to tell me what is going on and then Job says if, and I quote “if only I knew where to find God. I would go to his court. I would lay out my case and present my arguments and then I would listen to his reply and understand what he says to me.” So, Job and his friends are in the back and forth because generally, even in response to that they’re kinda saying, like only righteous people could ever hope to find God and so there’s a reason you’re not able to find Him. Job’s like this is not right. And I quote Job again “as long as I live, while I have breath from God, my lips will speak no evil, and my tongue will speak no lies. I will never concede that you are right, I will defend my integrity until I die. I will maintain my innocence without wavering. My conscience is clear for as long as I live.” Right, so there it is. They’ve tried everything to convince Job that in some ways he deserves whatever it is that he’s getting and Job is saying not so, that’s not true and you cannot change my mind. I am innocent before God and so it’s an impasse. I mean, they can keep going in circles, but it’s an impasse. Job wants to find God, even if finding God kills him. He will hope in God, even if that is a hopeless pursuit and there it kind of is, there’s where the mirror sort of goes up for us. Why are we charging hard after God? So, He can make life easier? So, He’ll fix something? So that a struggle will go away? So that something that makes us uncertain will make us certain? So that He’ll give us wisdom so we can make a bunch of money? I mean, we can, the things we have asked God for over a lifetime, it’s a myriad of things and all kinds of categories and we have to ask ourselves so why, when I have pursued the hardest after God was it because I needed Him to do something for me? What if he doesn’t do it? What if you don’t get the answer? What if the struggle doesn’t go away? And I’m not trying to say that’s what you can expect. Our Father is a loving Father, but He knows everything, a lot more than we know. And there’s a lot more going on than we know. And so, we have to ask ourselves, am I in hot pursuit of a relationship with God because of the benefits that brings me? Because we’re seeing something a little deeper in Job because Job is basically saying I will pursue God, even if that kills me, even if He kills me when I find Him. He is my only hope, that is the only place I will find my hope and if that’s hopeless, so be it. I will still hope in God, which is very different than trying to tow a specific line so that God feels obligated to be fair and give us what we want. So, we have an invitation here as we move into the weekend to just ponder, why are we doing this? And if it doesn’t work out the way that we want it to work out, will we be able to say, blessed be the name of the Lord, I will pursue God, even if that is the end of me, there is no other hope. Or are we more like children and we didn’t get what we want and so we go into the bedroom and shut the door and throw a fit, scream into the pillow. It's…it’s probably, the truth of the matter is probably we’re…we’re both, we’re both of those things, it just depends. And that just shows us how erratic we can be and so just to consider why we are pursuing God is helpful to bring up some things in us that probably need to be dealt with.


And so, Holy Spirit, we invite You into that, bring those things to the surface. Shine the light of truth into our hearts, even the dark recesses and the corners, shine the light of truth, so that we may see what is true and what is really going on within us so, that we might be transformed. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s the website. It’s where to check in, where to find out what’s going on around here. The app is also a place to do exactly that. So, if you have the Daily Audio Bible mobile app just push the drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner and that’ll open up the drawer and it fairly…you find things like the Community section and I mention it because that’s where to get connected and that’s where the Prayer Wall is and the Prayer Wall it…it never stops. It’s always on its…it’s never off. And so, you know, those times when you can’t sleep, maybe…maybe the Prayer Wall is the place to go and tell a little bit of your story so people can pray for you, but it’s also a place to face outward. There is no shortage of need and so to pray for one another and then just a little word of encouragement to each other is profoundly helpful and so deeply encouraging and so it’s easy enough. There’s a place we can encourage each other all the time and find encouragement around the Global Campfire and that is in the Community section at the Prayer Wall so check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you. Throwing a little log on the Global Campfire is well, it’s how we are here and so thank you profoundly if, what we do together, showing up every day and moving the next step forward together through the Scriptures and through a week and through life, if that makes a difference in your life than thank you for your partnership. So, there is a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner. Or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit Hotline button in the app, which is the little red button up the top. Or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hey guys it’s Sparky. Praying for all of ya’ll. I wanted to give some encouragement to Jerry from Duluth with your daughter that’s, I’m sorry to hear that. I’m sorry to know where you’re at right now but just to give you, give you a little hope. Five years ago, I lived in a camp trailer that my grandmother owned. And I was strung out, I had two kids, I’d been married twice, been to rehab to get off meth. It was a road and there was a point were screaming and hollering and being drunk and yelling at parents and breaking hearts and I was just so clouded and I want you to know that there’s hope, there’s hope for the pregnancy. I hope everything works out in the way that it’s supposed to and it will. And, I just want to let you know, all I have to say is but God. My wife that I met, met me when I was…I was a pretty rough fella and we started going to church. And she…she, she was an epic part of my life and she brought God into my life, it’s doable. I want to know that. And there’s roads that we all go down and I hear the trouble and the…on everybody’s heart and I’m praying for all of you guys but be encouraged. God does amazing things. And if you would’ve told me I would be working on a Master’s degree right now I would have laughed at you. So, thank you and I love you guys. Be blessed and God loves you too.

Dear loving family, this is GG from Gville. I want you all to know that you are my true friends. You guys are exactly like those friends of the paraplegic man who, do you remember in the gospels how he was brought down through the ceiling in order to be healed by God and couldn’t had gotten there on his own without those people coming alongside him to bring him down. And that’s what you guys did for me without knowing it I was stuck in fear and in self-pity. And there came a moment that I had this realization and I heard myself thinking man some kind of God, puts me through Lime disease, then seizures, then my dad dies and now I’m pregnant and I feel terrible. And I just realized immediately wait, no, those are all things that God didn’t put me through those are the things that He got me through. He is a good Father and He healed me of Lime, he healed me of seizures, He comforted me in the grief of my dad dying and he has blessed me with a child. And as I began to rejoice not in one day but over a course of days those physical systems began to disappear. When I think about the Lord how He saved me, how He raised me, how He filled me with the Holy Ghost, how He healed me to the uttermost, when I think about the Lord, how He picked me up and turned me around, how He set my feet on solid ground and makes me want to shout Lord, You’re worthy of all the glory, all the honor and all the praise. Amen. I love you.

Hey this message is for Trent from Rockwell, Tennessee, this is Mandy from Georgia. I just heard your encouragement and I just wanted to say that I, I totally understand. I was raised in an abusive situation also and the things that we grow through, people that have never been there can’t even fathom and even I, sometimes think about some of the stuff that happened when I was a kid and just can’t believe that it really happened but I’m with you. I know that, that God got us through it and I know that as crazy as it seems for these things to happen that you know, for me that stuff prepared me for things to come and it gave me and understanding, I guess, for what my three children that we adopted, had been through as well. It’s weird how things work, isn’t it? I just wanted to say that I totally get it, I understand and it just, thank you for calling.

Hello DAB family it is the 24th of August at 6:26 PM this is Sarah from London. I hope everyone is having a blessed week, just know that I am praying for each and every single one of you as your requests come in. But today I’m just calling to pray for Afghanistan because of just everything happening in that nation. I don’t watch the news. I try to limit the amount of times I do actually watch the news because I do find a lot of things that go on around the world quite distressing and it is to the point that I do get quite, it does affect my mood and my spirit. But it’s just so sad with what’s happening there with all the innocent families of children and just everyone that is just there that has been affected by what is happening. And just prayers for that nation. Prayers for Afghanistan because there’s nothing that God cannot do, just praying for God’s hand upon that nation, there’s nothing too big for our God. May His will be done for every single one in that country for people to know that there is only one true God our Abba Father. May His protection be upon all those suffering in Afghanistan. In Jesus name. And may all the prayer warriors on the Daily Audio Bible family continue to pray for that nation. There’s s nothing too big for our God. In Jesus name. I love you all, have a blessed rest.

Good morning DAB family, this is Dana and I’m calling in from South Carolina. This is my first time calling in; I have been listening for about seven, eight years and thank you Brian for all that you do. I was listening this morning to the prayer requests and the lady that called in about the chronic pain, the RIC that she’s suffering with, I’m praying for you that God completely heal you and deliver you and I pray that He would begin to place in you, the burden to pray for others to be healed, be it physical or emotional and as you are praying for others, God would begin to relieve the pain that you’re going through. I also want to pray for the lady that called in that lost her son and that she says there’s people that are around her feeling like that she needs to be getting past this at this point. I can’t imagine what that would be like to lose your child at any age. But I pray that God would surround you with people that would be a little more sympathetic to what you’re dealing with and going through and I pray that God would just give you peace and hope and that you completely put your trust in Him and I pray that He would wrap his arms of love around you and again just surround you with people that are there for you to support you and give you a shoulder to cry on when you need it. I thank You Lord for all that you do. I thank You for Your blessings. I thank You for Your healing touch, physically.

08/25/2021 DAB Transcript

Job 16:1-19:29, 1 Corinthians 16:1-24, Psalm 40:1-10, Proverbs 22:1

Today is the 25th day of August, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible, I am Brian. It is great to be here with you today as we do what we do, which is put one foot in front of the other and take the next step forward together. We are working our way through the drama of the book of Job and we’re in the middle of an argument basically between Job and his friends. Job has experienced a tragedy that he believes he is innocent of or innocent of deserving. This kind of judgment he wants to speak to God and his friends are kind of telling him that he doesn’t really want that because he’s only getting what he deserves. And so, it’s the back and forth and so we’ll pick up that story. Job 16 through 19 today.


Okay so in the book of Job today we really got a pretty good glimpse of Job’s heart like, how broken, how hopeless, just how completely distraught he is. And we can read the words, you know, if we’ve never experienced that kind of pain or…or it’s a distant memory or something and we just move past it. But if we…if we linger in what he saying man it's…it’s very, very deep and very, very painful and he wants answers that he can’t get and if we’ve ever felt like that then we can commiserate with what’s being spoken out of the Bible, commiserating with us back. We only are faced with questions we, we want answers, I do anyway. I mean gosh, the thing about questions is that when you get an answer, you have another question, usually right. Sometimes the answer is not enough. You need a follow-up question, and that only leads to more questions and so he’s kind of keep having questions and this is kind of where Job is, he wants an answer. He has asked the questions, he has friends there who are trying to give him the answers which bring up more questions and bring up more answers that he doesn’t agree with or that he already knows, like he already knows all this stuff. The answer he’s looking for is elusive. It’s beyond him because he believes the only one that has it is God. And he cries out to God, where is that answer. And in these times, and we do all face them, to varying degrees in different seasons in our lives. We can keep asking the questions because it doesn’t matter what we start with, we can start with any topic and start asking questions and we will eventually get to where nobody knows the answer anymore. The irony is, we cannot…like we don’t like that situation or that feeling at all, but that really is kind of the beginning of faith right because if you already have the answer, and you already know then you’re not reaching in faith. You are already holding the answer like you are already, you already have what you were looking for. Faith forces us to reach beyond into the mystery, or sometimes answers aren’t as clear as just an answer. There’s a whole lot going on and that’s hard. It’s hard, like if Job’s friends were there and they start talking about the mysteries of God. It’s a different kind of conversation but Job’s looking for answers and they’re trying to give answers and in so many ways with Job being so committed to his innocence, they’re starting to speak to their own fears and their own situations and the things that they think that they know which is human, which is what we do too in these kinds of situations. In the end, Job cries out and he says something very famous in the Scriptures, but also one of those riveting moments in the book of Job, and in response to his friend’s counsel, I mean he’s just basically going, I know what you’re saying. I know all this stuff it’s not giving me what I’m looking for but I know that my Redeemer lives and he will stand upon the earth, at last, and after my body has decayed, yet in my body, I will see God. I will see Him for myself. I will see him with my own eyes and it’s an overwhelming thought. Job doesn’t have answers. So, this declaration that is so riveting is spoken in faith and sometimes it’s when the answers aren’t there that faith begins and that is, that is a decent thing to meditate upon today.


So, Holy Spirit come into that, we want certainty, we…we might say we want the life of faith, but truly we would prefer certainty in most situations, especially tragic ones, and yet faith is out beyond what we think that we know and out beyond what we can control. And so, Holy Spirit come and help us locate where our faith is, help us look at the different circumstances and situations in our lives and be able to see clearly whether we really are reaching beyond in faith or if we are just doing everything, we can to achieve certainty. Come, Holy Spirit, we pray in the name of Jesus we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it is the website, it is where you find out what’s going on around here and so check it out. Also, the Daily Audio Bible app will let you connect to all these things as well. So, on the website you’ll find a little navigation thing across the top of the screen. That’s pretty normal. If you’re using the app, you can press the drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner, that will open the drawer with similar navigation and there you’ll see the Community section, and in the Community section find out ways to get connected. Whether that be links to different social media channels that we participate in or whether that be the Prayer Wall. The Prayer Wall lives in the Community section and the Prayer Wall is always there for us, day or night, rain or shine and allows us to pray for one another. There is so much going on in the world, which means there’s so much going on within our Community. So, focusing our hearts attention on others and interceding for them, this is a good thing, this is a healthy thing. But sometimes it needs to be us. Sometimes we need to reach out and either way both of those things can be done at the Prayer Wall and that is in the Community section so, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you humbly. If the Scriptures being served up every day is good news and life and encouragement in your life then thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you are using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if you prefer, is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that’s the little red button up at the top. Or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayers and Encouragements:

Hey family this is Pepper from Missouri enjoying a sunny morning. I just called because at the end of today’s reading which is August 20th, I believe your name was Julie. Wanting just one person to pray. Honey, we may not always call you out or any single person out but trust me there is a community of prayer covering you. There are people that never ever get on this app, they just simply write your name, your prayer request and then go pray for you. There are people that are behind that will catch up to this prayer and pray for you at a later time. There are just so many people, you will be so covered. This is not just for Julie; this is for anyone who doubts. Call in your prayer request, write them on the Prayer Wall. Write them on the DAB Friends Groups, there are people, that’s what we want to do. We are brothers and sisters in Christ and we want to pray for you. Like Brian said today, sometimes, you just have to stop praying about yourself and your needs and your dramas and start praying for others. It really does help. It has helped my depression immensely. There is truth in praying for other brothers and sisters. Love you family and I’ll continue to pray for each and every one of you.

Hi, I’m Cindy from California. And I have previously called before. I have RSD, it’s a nerve damage condition, it’s chronic pain and it’s getting worse. I went to my doctor yesterday and he said it’s spreading on my legs and my arms. I just want all of you to please pray. I just feel that the only one who can heal, right now it’s God. And I’m so blessed to have this family, my DAB family, Brian, you’re amazing. I want God to please listen to all of us. This pain is unbearable, it feels like needles, it’s burning all over my body. I have two angels in my life. My son, Christian and my angel Cathy. I just, please pray for this pain to go away. It’s getting so bad. I just hide in the bathroom; I pray for all of you. For us to, God to heal us. He is our Savior, He is our doctor, the doctor said it’s spreading I know He’ll stop the spreading. I love you all. Thank you, Brian. You’re a blessing to all of us. God Bless all of you.

Good morning DAB family thank you so much for your prayers, this is Praying Mama from SoCal. And I just wanted to thank you for your prayers over my daughter. And the thoughts and the things that she wrote in her journal. There was so many things that we were able to talk about. It was exposed and I think just exposing it was a big deal because it kind of lessens the just that darkness that can come over someone. She’s is coming out and having some hope for the future. And I know it’s because of your prayers and your love. I appreciate it so much. And for all those that are going through so much with their kids and their thoughts and just being delivered from just that darkness. Deja, thank you so much for your prayers and all of those DABers that prayed. She’s on a journey now in her 3rd year of college and she is going forward which is awesome and with hope I’m praying over those that she meets this year, those that she surrounds herself with. I moved her into her college dorm and met some praying mamas around her too and some other girls that are reaching out. So, thank you so much for your prayers and just knowing that my heart was just overwhelmed with thankfulness that I know that I can call this beautiful family. God bless all of you. Praying for you as well. And very thankful, thank you Brian and Jill again for this amazing campfire and this Global Campfire and family. God Bless you.

Hello, this is Carmen from Canada. I called back in the beginning of June after my son had passed away suddenly, my 22-year-old and I continue to struggle with…with his death. I’m finding it very difficult, as a Christian and having other Christians I know, well close family member in particular, and sort of the attitude that I should be getting better by now or okay because I need to just accept that he’s in a better place and that I’ll see him again and all of those things. And while I do believe those things, it’s still very hard for my…for my child to be gone and to know that, you know, that seeing him again in another place, it’s a very foreign concept that I have no true experience with even if in faith I believe it. I’m also young enough that it’s gonna be a long time, assuming I live to an old lady, before I get to see my child again, so, there’s that as well. And the way in which he died was also very sad and tragic and no family should have to go through that, so I guess I’m just asking for prayer for myself and I’ve heard others calling in speaking of death in their family, just for peace and for an understanding of sort of how…how to deal with that and how to have those feelings of hope and grief at the same time and how to just navigate that. I covet your prayers, thank you.

Hi DAB family, it’s Tom here calling from the UK and I’m just calling with a praise report because I called last week with an eye condition called recurrent corneal abrasions and it was really affecting me with lots of pain and really affecting my vision, so I called in to ask for prayer and I also had my godson’s baptism to attend and at that point, when I called and I was contemplating getting a flight back to England because my eye was so bad and by an absolute miracle, it was healed. I did end up going to the emergency department because I needed to see a doctor about it but I know that in the waiting room of the emergency department, my eye healed and it had gone from being red, swollen, and streaming to absolutely normal and even the triage nurse had to ask me which eye I had the complaint in, whether it was the left or the right because it had completely healed so well. So, I was able to attend my godson’s baptism and I’m just thanking Jesus for his healing. And also, to Dr. John, I’m praying for your vision as well. I can tell you first hand, that Jesus heals and I’m believing and I’m praying that Jesus will heal your vision and you will no longer have any problems with your eyesight. Thank you everyone. God bless.

Hi, this is Alta Lee Maxwell, Abiding in Jesus calling on the 20th of August. Really lifting up this precious child, that asked for her grandmother to be healed. That is so sweet and you know that’s how I got interested in spiritual things, I was going to a cultic church but I asked my Sunday school teacher to pray for my granddad and he got better. You know, God is so faithful. Then this young man mentioned his grandmother how she was so ill that she had done so many amazing things to raise money for pastors and hospitals and wow. Oh, Father just lay your hand on this precious mother and give peace and victory. And for the lady who is so anxious. She said she should go back home. Oh Lord, just hug her for me Lord. Just hug her, give her a big bear hug from you Lord. Take all the anxiety away and just hold her and just give her, give her your amazing love Lord. In the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. And there will be a lot of people praying for you lady, not just me. Lots of people listen to this, more than you could ask or think. So, expect God to hold you and you to feel it. In the might name of Jesus, Amen. Think. So, expect God to hold you your sealant the mighty name of Jesus. Amen

08/26/2021 DAB Transcript

Job 20:1-22:30, 2 Corinthians 1:1-11, Psalms 40:11-17, Proverbs 22:2-4

Today is the 26th day of August welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is a privilege and an honor and a joy, and an all-around good time to be here with you around the Global Campfire as we find our places and just relax and allow the Scriptures to speak into our lives. We are reading from the New Living Translation this week and working…working our way through the book of Job. Also, we concluded the book of first Corinthians yesterday in our reading and so today we will begin the letter, the second…the letter to the Corinthians known as second Corinthians. But first, Job 20 through 22.

Introduction to second Corinthians:

Alright. So, as we mentioned at the beginning of our time together today, when we get to the New Testament, which is where we are, we’ll be getting to some new territory. So, we read a letter to the Corinthians that we know as first Corinthians, and concluded that yesterday, which brings us to a letter known as second Corinthians. Even though it’s probably at least Paul’s third letter to the Corinthian church, because in first Corinthians a letter was referenced that we don’t have. It’s not preserved, it hasn’t been discovered, it doesn’t seem to exist still. But there was another letter. And, so, this could be third Corinthians, but it’s second Corinthians. And among biblical scholars the authenticity of this letter is…is pretty secure. Most scholars agree there is some…some disagreement about whether it’s a complete letter or maybe it’s a combination of more than one letter. Some scholars even think maybe that first letter that was referred to is contained in second Corinthians, but this is conjecture. I mean there are reasons for these thoughts, but it’s not 100%. There’s no way to guarantee that any of these theories are correct. It’s just…there’s a very, very big difference between the beginning, the first part of this letter and then the…the last half of the letter. So, some have thought, well maybe this is more than one letter. So, second Corinthians, what we’re about to read probably was written on Paul’s third missionary journey and that would put it somewhere in the late 50s A.D. Again, just reminding us, the writings of Paul are the earliest Christian documents that we have, and they’re preserved in the New Testament, but there earlier. They were written before Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were written. And, so, they’re earlier than that. But anyway, Paul had a son in the faith, known as Timothy, but he also the son of faith known as Titus and Titus had visited the Corinthians and then met up with Paul while he was traveling and that let Paul get feedback both how the church in Corinth was doing, but also the impact of the letter that he had written, the one that we just read. And that feedback from Titus prompted Paul to write the letter that we’re about to start reading. No let’s just remember that Corinth, it is a cosmopolitan Roman Empire city, very secular, very sensual, a lot of ideas, a lot of persuasions, very secular, rebellious in a lot of ways. I mean, basically what you would expect of any metropolitan area where a lot of people are, especially if they’re a lot of people from all over the place. You got a kind of melting pot of ideas. And, so, some of that rebellion, though, was finding its way into the church. Some of the world was seeping in and there’s plenty of division. Paul talks about the division in first Corinthians, and I mean he has to talk about it again because there’s a small group of influential members in the church in Corinth that…just playin’ straight up church politics. Imagine that? I mean we think like 2000 years later, like that stuff goes on, but it certainly didn’t happen in the early church, but it did. It has always been a part of the story and we’ll read about that some in this letter. These influential members wanted power and they questioned Paul’s authority and the rules that he was putting down and whether or not he was really an apostle. And for that matter, even questions about what he taught, the gospel itself. So, that’s kind of the backdrop here. That’s what’s going on as Paul writes this letter. And, so, that’s how we need to read it. And we’ll find out that it’s an old letter that has pretty modern issues. I mean some things that are going…that were going on are going on now. It…it’s different, the cultures different. But it's…it’s the posture of heart, right? It’s the issues of our hearts that Paul talks about that are still with us until…until today. And, so, with that, we begin that second Corinthians chapter 1 verses 1 through 11.


Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You for where we are at in the Scriptures. Each new day, each new season, each new month, so many different complexions, so many different angles, so many different stories, so many different people to get to know. And in each instance, we find humanity and we find You in the middle of it all. Even when in our humanness we are crying out in agony or in question or in uncertainty, as we see the book of Job You are with us. So come Holy Spirit and plant what we’ve read. And even as we get going in the letter to the Corinthians, second Corinthians we ask that You encourage and rebuke, comfort and correct so that we might walk the narrow path that leads to life. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it is the home of the Global Campfire that we come around every day and so is the Daily Audio Bible app. So, be familiar with both or one of those. Check them out.

Check out the resources that are available in the Daily Audio Bible Shop.

Check out the Community section and get plugged in in any way that you can or want to. Of course, the Prayer Wall is there in the Community section as well. So, yeah, stop in pray for one another. That’s what we do well around here. So, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There is a link on the homepage, and I thank you profoundly. If we were not in this together, if we weren’t around the Global Campfire together the campfire would have gone out a long time ago. But thankfully we are in this together. And, so, thank you for your partnership. So, there’s a link on the homepage at…at the website. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, if you’re shouldering burdens that shouldn’t be shouldered alone, which we have a tendency to do more than we even realize, you don’t have to do that. They’re tens of thousands…tens of thousands of us out here that…that pray for one another every day. And, so, you don’t have to do this alone. That’s the beauty. We’re not in this alone. It’s not a solitary endeavor. We’re in this together. So, if that’s you than you can hit the Hotline button in the app. That’s the little red button up at the top or there are a number of numbers that you could call depending on where you are in the world. In the Americas 877-942-4253 is the number to dial. If you are in the UK or Europe 44-20-3608-8078 is the number to dial. If you are in Australia or the lands down under 61-3-8820-5459 is the number to call.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi everybody it’s Donna from California and it’s August 20th. I just listened to the podcast and the prayers and heard…the last prayer request was from Julie from the UK. And Julie, I want you to know that I will be praying for you. I’m sure many others will be too. I heard…I just heard the cry of loneliness and anxiety and despair coming out. And the verse…the…a verse just kept coming to my mind I thought well, I’ve gotta call this in. So, this is Psalm 34 verse 18. The Lord is near to the broken hearted and saved…saves the crushed in spirit. I just want you to know that we are praying for you and most importantly the Lord is close to you. He is close to you in your…whatever it is you’re going through, missing your family, having to move to a new…a new country. It’s just a very difficult time all over the world with everything that’s been going on. So many things. And Lord Jesus please, please rush to Julie’s side. Please let her know that You are close to her and that You love her with a love that is so deep and so far, and so wide. Let her know that You are there and that she is Your beloved child. Lord Jesus, we thank You for…for coming to us in the…in these moments. Thank You, Lord. Amen.

Good morning DAB family this is Ashley from California and I just wanted to give you a little update. I reached out for prayer in May for my dad who had a stroke, and it was a mini one, but he was in recovery for that and then come July he had another series of strokes. I took him to the hospital and then they released him and then he had another series of strokes and then he was in the hospital for about two or three weeks and then in rehab and it’s been an adventure to say the least. But I wanted to come on here and say thank you to all of you. You have blessed my heart; you have blessed my family by uplifting us in prayer and I just want to say thank you to all of you. You have been so good to us, and God has been so good to us by giving us the DAB and the community that comes along with it. So, DAB family I just want to thank you. And I am so grateful to Brian and Jill and your family for this ministry. And like Brian says, when we are able to get out of our own situation for a minute and lift others up, I feel like you’re able to take some of that anxiety that you have about your own situation and give it to God, and it’s worked out in a way that is honoring to Him. So, I love you DAB family. Have a great week.

Good morning DABbers this is my song that I sang on the first day of school and my grandma really wants me to sing it for you. So, here it is. [singing starts] when it feels like nothing’s there, when it feels like nothing’s there to protect you, you have the ore. Just start roaming the ore. Cause no matter how big the mountain __ you’re always gonna make it through and I will too because I know this very well. I know that God is with me. Even when I’m stuck in the middle of the valley and trying to go down. But cheetahs and hyenas and maybe even bobcats are all around me. But then Jehovah the great lion comes, his mentality scares them away and are ready to show that what I can do is nothing without God because no matter where I am I’ve seen the prettiest valleys and shadows. Sometimes God can be dark to hide what the devils to trying to show you. And no matter of what I have in my hand I can always trust in God…

Hello, my DAB family it is Doctor John from Jordan NY this is the glaucoma surgery sequel and I’m titling this one miracle number two. I…it’s just…it’s just flat out unbelievable. One of the brothers was talking about feeling undeserving and…and I know the feeling. So, long story. I was having headaches and the headaches were really high eye pressures and it was causing swelling in the cornea and that was excruciatingly painful over the course of a week or so. The ophthalmologist put in a contact lens which helped to calm down the cornea and helped immensely in terms of the headaches, but the problems was the pressure. And what had happened is that when I went blind the tube had gotten stuck in the iris and gotten plugged. So, there was this plug of iris material in the tube and the tube was not working. It wasn’t draining the way it was supposed to. So, I went back this Friday fully anticipating that the tube was still going to be plugged, I was going to need a second surgery to fix the plug. And she says your pressure is 11 and the tube is clear. God is so good. Your prayers have resulted in miracle number…miracle number two. There is no way that that cleared other than your prayers. I love you guys I’m running out of time.

Good morning DAB listeners I am Jen, and I am new to this community but I’m so thankful for it. It’s such an encouragement. I love hearing the scriptures daily, particularly the context of them. It just helps encourage my faith so much. And I love hearing the call ins both for prayer requests and encouragements and praise reports. I am calling in to say thank you to both of those of you who call in and vulnerable…vulnerably express your request to this community. Those are sources of encouragement. And for those of you who respond by praying for individuals, those are sources of encouragement as well. So, thank you to everyone who is listening to the Holy Spirit inside of you, the breath of God as I’ve recently learned it to be called, that is always with us and can never be lost. So, I just pray that you’re encouraged today where you’re at in your situation and know that the breath that is with you is the Holy Spirit inside of you and you’re never alone. Have a great day.

08/25/2021 DAB Transcript

Job 16:1-19:29, 1 Corinthians 16:1-24, Psalm 40:1-10, Proverbs 22:1

Today is the 25th day of August, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible, I am Brian. It is great to be here with you today as we do what we do, which is put one foot in front of the other and take the next step forward together. We are working our way through the drama of the book of Job and we’re in the middle of an argument basically between Job and his friends. Job has experienced a tragedy that he believes he is innocent of or innocent of deserving. This kind of judgment he wants to speak to God and his friends are kind of telling him that he doesn’t really want that because he’s only getting what he deserves. And so, it’s the back and forth and so we’ll pick up that story. Job 16 through 19 today.


Okay so in the book of Job today we really got a pretty good glimpse of Job’s heart like, how broken, how hopeless, just how completely distraught he is. And we can read the words, you know, if we’ve never experienced that kind of pain or…or it’s a distant memory or something and we just move past it. But if we…if we linger in what he saying man it's…it’s very, very deep and very, very painful and he wants answers that he can’t get and if we’ve ever felt like that then we can commiserate with what’s being spoken out of the Bible, commiserating with us back. We only are faced with questions we, we want answers, I do anyway. I mean gosh, the thing about questions is that when you get an answer, you have another question, usually right. Sometimes the answer is not enough. You need a follow-up question, and that only leads to more questions and so he’s kind of keep having questions and this is kind of where Job is, he wants an answer. He has asked the questions, he has friends there who are trying to give him the answers which bring up more questions and bring up more answers that he doesn’t agree with or that he already knows, like he already knows all this stuff. The answer he’s looking for is elusive. It’s beyond him because he believes the only one that has it is God. And he cries out to God, where is that answer. And in these times, and we do all face them, to varying degrees in different seasons in our lives. We can keep asking the questions because it doesn’t matter what we start with, we can start with any topic and start asking questions and we will eventually get to where nobody knows the answer anymore. The irony is, we cannot…like we don’t like that situation or that feeling at all, but that really is kind of the beginning of faith right because if you already have the answer, and you already know then you’re not reaching in faith. You are already holding the answer like you are already, you already have what you were looking for. Faith forces us to reach beyond into the mystery, or sometimes answers aren’t as clear as just an answer. There’s a whole lot going on and that’s hard. It’s hard, like if Job’s friends were there and they start talking about the mysteries of God. It’s a different kind of conversation but Job’s looking for answers and they’re trying to give answers and in so many ways with Job being so committed to his innocence, they’re starting to speak to their own fears and their own situations and the things that they think that they know which is human, which is what we do too in these kinds of situations. In the end, Job cries out and he says something very famous in the Scriptures, but also one of those riveting moments in the book of Job, and in response to his friend’s counsel, I mean he’s just basically going, I know what you’re saying. I know all this stuff it’s not giving me what I’m looking for but I know that my Redeemer lives and he will stand upon the earth, at last, and after my body has decayed, yet in my body, I will see God. I will see Him for myself. I will see him with my own eyes and it’s an overwhelming thought. Job doesn’t have answers. So, this declaration that is so riveting is spoken in faith and sometimes it’s when the answers aren’t there that faith begins and that is, that is a decent thing to meditate upon today.


So, Holy Spirit come into that, we want certainty, we…we might say we want the life of faith, but truly we would prefer certainty in most situations, especially tragic ones, and yet faith is out beyond what we think that we know and out beyond what we can control. And so, Holy Spirit come and help us locate where our faith is, help us look at the different circumstances and situations in our lives and be able to see clearly whether we really are reaching beyond in faith or if we are just doing everything, we can to achieve certainty. Come, Holy Spirit, we pray in the name of Jesus we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it is the website, it is where you find out what’s going on around here and so check it out. Also, the Daily Audio Bible app will let you connect to all these things as well. So, on the website you’ll find a little navigation thing across the top of the screen. That’s pretty normal. If you’re using the app, you can press the drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner, that will open the drawer with similar navigation and there you’ll see the Community section, and in the Community section find out ways to get connected. Whether that be links to different social media channels that we participate in or whether that be the Prayer Wall. The Prayer Wall lives in the Community section and the Prayer Wall is always there for us, day or night, rain or shine and allows us to pray for one another. There is so much going on in the world, which means there’s so much going on within our Community. So, focusing our hearts attention on others and interceding for them, this is a good thing, this is a healthy thing. But sometimes it needs to be us. Sometimes we need to reach out and either way both of those things can be done at the Prayer Wall and that is in the Community section so, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you humbly. If the Scriptures being served up every day is good news and life and encouragement in your life then thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you are using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if you prefer, is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that’s the little red button up at the top. Or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayers and Encouragements:

Hey family this is Pepper from Missouri enjoying a sunny morning. I just called because at the end of today’s reading which is August 20th, I believe your name was Julie. Wanting just one person to pray. Honey, we may not always call you out or any single person out but trust me there is a community of prayer covering you. There are people that never ever get on this app, they just simply write your name, your prayer request and then go pray for you. There are people that are behind that will catch up to this prayer and pray for you at a later time. There are just so many people, you will be so covered. This is not just for Julie; this is for anyone who doubts. Call in your prayer request, write them on the Prayer Wall. Write them on the DAB Friends Groups, there are people, that’s what we want to do. We are brothers and sisters in Christ and we want to pray for you. Like Brian said today, sometimes, you just have to stop praying about yourself and your needs and your dramas and start praying for others. It really does help. It has helped my depression immensely. There is truth in praying for other brothers and sisters. Love you family and I’ll continue to pray for each and every one of you.

Hi, I’m Cindy from California. And I have previously called before. I have RSD, it’s a nerve damage condition, it’s chronic pain and it’s getting worse. I went to my doctor yesterday and he said it’s spreading on my legs and my arms. I just want all of you to please pray. I just feel that the only one who can heal, right now it’s God. And I’m so blessed to have this family, my DAB family, Brian, you’re amazing. I want God to please listen to all of us. This pain is unbearable, it feels like needles, it’s burning all over my body. I have two angels in my life. My son, Christian and my angel Cathy. I just, please pray for this pain to go away. It’s getting so bad. I just hide in the bathroom; I pray for all of you. For us to, God to heal us. He is our Savior, He is our doctor, the doctor said it’s spreading I know He’ll stop the spreading. I love you all. Thank you, Brian. You’re a blessing to all of us. God Bless all of you.

Good morning DAB family thank you so much for your prayers, this is Praying Mama from SoCal. And I just wanted to thank you for your prayers over my daughter. And the thoughts and the things that she wrote in her journal. There was so many things that we were able to talk about. It was exposed and I think just exposing it was a big deal because it kind of lessens the just that darkness that can come over someone. She’s is coming out and having some hope for the future. And I know it’s because of your prayers and your love. I appreciate it so much. And for all those that are going through so much with their kids and their thoughts and just being delivered from just that darkness. Deja, thank you so much for your prayers and all of those DABers that prayed. She’s on a journey now in her 3rd year of college and she is going forward which is awesome and with hope I’m praying over those that she meets this year, those that she surrounds herself with. I moved her into her college dorm and met some praying mamas around her too and some other girls that are reaching out. So, thank you so much for your prayers and just knowing that my heart was just overwhelmed with thankfulness that I know that I can call this beautiful family. God bless all of you. Praying for you as well. And very thankful, thank you Brian and Jill again for this amazing campfire and this Global Campfire and family. God Bless you.

Hello, this is Carmen from Canada. I called back in the beginning of June after my son had passed away suddenly, my 22-year-old and I continue to struggle with…with his death. I’m finding it very difficult, as a Christian and having other Christians I know, well close family member in particular, and sort of the attitude that I should be getting better by now or okay because I need to just accept that he’s in a better place and that I’ll see him again and all of those things. And while I do believe those things, it’s still very hard for my…for my child to be gone and to know that, you know, that seeing him again in another place, it’s a very foreign concept that I have no true experience with even if in faith I believe it. I’m also young enough that it’s gonna be a long time, assuming I live to an old lady, before I get to see my child again, so, there’s that as well. And the way in which he died was also very sad and tragic and no family should have to go through that, so I guess I’m just asking for prayer for myself and I’ve heard others calling in speaking of death in their family, just for peace and for an understanding of sort of how…how to deal with that and how to have those feelings of hope and grief at the same time and how to just navigate that. I covet your prayers, thank you.

Hi DAB family, it’s Tom here calling from the UK and I’m just calling with a praise report because I called last week with an eye condition called recurrent corneal abrasions and it was really affecting me with lots of pain and really affecting my vision, so I called in to ask for prayer and I also had my godson’s baptism to attend and at that point, when I called and I was contemplating getting a flight back to England because my eye was so bad and by an absolute miracle, it was healed. I did end up going to the emergency department because I needed to see a doctor about it but I know that in the waiting room of the emergency department, my eye healed and it had gone from being red, swollen, and streaming to absolutely normal and even the triage nurse had to ask me which eye I had the complaint in, whether it was the left or the right because it had completely healed so well. So, I was able to attend my godson’s baptism and I’m just thanking Jesus for his healing. And also, to Dr. John, I’m praying for your vision as well. I can tell you first hand, that Jesus heals and I’m believing and I’m praying that Jesus will heal your vision and you will no longer have any problems with your eyesight. Thank you everyone. God bless.

Hi, this is Alta Lee Maxwell, Abiding in Jesus calling on the 20th of August. Really lifting up this precious child, that asked for her grandmother to be healed. That is so sweet and you know that’s how I got interested in spiritual things, I was going to a cultic church but I asked my Sunday school teacher to pray for my granddad and he got better. You know, God is so faithful. Then this young man mentioned his grandmother how she was so ill that she had done so many amazing things to raise money for pastors and hospitals and wow. Oh, Father just lay your hand on this precious mother and give peace and victory. And for the lady who is so anxious. She said she should go back home. Oh Lord, just hug her for me Lord. Just hug her, give her a big bear hug from you Lord. Take all the anxiety away and just hold her and just give her, give her your amazing love Lord. In the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. And there will be a lot of people praying for you lady, not just me. Lots of people listen to this, more than you could ask or think. So, expect God to hold you and you to feel it. In the might name of Jesus, Amen. think. So, expect God to hold you your sealant the mighty name of Jesus. Amen

08/24/2021 DAB Transcript

Job 12:1-15:35, 1 Corinthians 15:29-58, Psalms 39:1-13, Proverbs 21:30-31

Today is the 24th day of August welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is great to be here with you today as we come together and take the next step forward through the Scriptures through this month and through this year through our lives. We are obviously in the book of Job right now, making our way through. Things have started to get heated up in the conversation between Job and his friends. He’s been very much pouring out his heart and saying how he feels and confessing that he’s confused and frustrated and in pain and anguish and depressed. His friends have tried to comfort him, but he’s kinda stickin’ to his story. And the thing that he believes, you know, is making him so depressed and it’s not only the tragedy that he’s experienced, but why, right, why is God judging him, which is what he believes, that what has happened to him has happened at God’s hand and he doesn’t know why and he would like to be told. Like he would like an audience with God to be told. Of course, his friends are like, you know, you did something wrong and you need to humble yourself. And when he won’t listen to that that’s kinda what’s got them upset at him. And, so, we continue today with Job 12 through 15.


Okay. So, in the book of Job, we should be seeing kind of where the rub is, or where the tension is. He’s not like…Job’s fighting with his friends who had come to comfort him. And they are trying to comfort him, but they have…they are at an impasse of their understanding. Job believes God is righteous, just, true, merciful, good, holy, all of these things. And, so, do his friends. They all leave this about God. So, where they have divergent paths is why this is happening to Job. Job believes he is innocent and doesn’t deserve this suffering. He is confused. So, he believes in a righteous and just God, but he also in himself believes that he has been honorable and righteous before God. And, so, that this perceived judgment from God is unwarranted and he would like answers. His friends also believe God is righteous and just and cannot find an equation, right, some kind of formula that would work for God to be harsh upon Job if he didn’t deserve it. So, in a matter of speaking, we have human beings arguing about God’s justice. Imagine that. So, Job’s friends don’t really have a grid for impartiality, which is one of the things that Job is complaining about and he knows it. He knows like he’s the only one that thinks he’s innocent and no one else is an advocate, like nobody else is there. And his friends they…they don’t have a grid for God to be doing what Job is claiming and they have no way to just be impartial and go, well, let’s argue this out then because their sense of God’s justice is deeply, deeply ingrained, just as deeply as it is and to Job. And, so, they have to defend God. And Job even knows that if he could get an audience with God what would…what will he say? Like he’s got his case prepared, but God’s wisdom and might and power, like so far beyond any human capability. What’s he gonna say? Everything he says is gonna to get rebutted and he knows all this, and he feels like, although his friends are trying to argue this out and convince him that they don’t know anything that he doesn’t know, they’re human beings just like he is. They may be wise but he’s wise too and respected too. And that brings us to one of the most, for me, riveting passages of Scripture. There are a couple of them in Job that just make you step back and go what…what kind of posture of heart…like how do you get…how do you get that level of trust? Because Job is saying one way or the other I need to see God. God has the answers. Nobody else has the answers. I’ve got to find God, but I don’t know where and I don’t know what it would be like if I do. And, so, Job says, “even if he slays me still I will hope in him.” Or quoting from the translation that we’re reading from this week, “God might kill me, but I have no other hope.” He’s saying even if finding God proves hopeless I will still hope in God. And this is one of the keys to the territory that we are in, and what the book of Job is dealing with. What if we can’t get the answer were looking for? Where will we put our hope?


Father…Holy Spirit come into that. That…this is very, very deep within us. This is core stuff down deep within us because so often it is our lack of knowledge or understanding that sends us off on some kind of wild chase that leads us nowhere but a big circle. And we suffer so much more than we have to. Our hope is in You and we can declare this and we do declare this. Even if we’re for declaring it in faith our hope is in You because there is no other hope. And yet there are plenty of times that we find confusion and uncertainty. And in the book of Job, we see a person who has been stripped down to nothing, a person who has lost everything that can be lost and would find death as to be a relief. That’s about as far stripped away as a human being can get. And yet we see in Job, even though he’s stripped to bedrock he still has hope in You, even if there is no hope. Help us to ponder that, meditate upon that, consider that, till that into the soil of our hearts. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it is…it is the website, it’s where you can now find out what’s going on around here, plug-in, find resources. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can do all this in the app by pressing that little Drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner

So, check out the resources that are available in the Daily Audio Bible Shop. Yeah…over the years we’ve developed a number of resources, whether that be just fun things to have and accompany our journey, like the Global Campfire collector coin. I know that sounds weird, but I collect those things when I go to national parks and stuff like that. And, so, yeah, I had to have one of those in my pocket. Wherever I go I reach my hand in my pocket it doesn’t feel like coins, it doesn’t feel like change. As soon as I feel it…it’s a connection to the community here. Just all kinds of different resources there, things to take the journey deeper, things to read, things to write with, things to listen to. So, check it out at the Daily Audio Bible Shop.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible as we navigate the summertime thank you. Thank you, humbly and gratefully for your partnership. If this mission to keep doing what we’re doing, which is to show up every day and offer the scriptures read fresh to anyone who will listen anywhere on this planet any time of day or night and because it’s a rhythm, it’s a daily thing. We show up for every day to build community around the rhythm, which is what makes us this Global Campfire community. If that has made a difference in your life than thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can at the Hotline button in the app, which is a little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Family just come together with me as I pray for our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan. I’m reminded of the time I was in Israel with DAB a couple years ago. We were up on the Golan Heights and Brian shared how the brothers and sisters in Syria said they just felt forgotten sometimes and asked for prayer. And we are hearing of the deliverance of the Jews through Esther right now and there’s no coincidence with God. It’s for such a time as this. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. And just a couple days ago Brian read psalms 35 and that is my declaration, my decree that I am praying over the people of Afghanistan. My brothers and sisters there, the innocent there. And just agree with me. Father God oppose those who oppose them Lord and fight for those that fight against them Lord. Take Your shield and Your armor and come to their rescue. Lift up Your spear into war axe against those that pursue them and promise that You will save them. May those who try to kill them be defeated and disgraced in the name of Jesus. May those who plot against them be turned back and confused. May they be like the straw blown by the wind as the Angel of the Lord pursues them and may their path be dark and slippery while the Angel of the Lord strikes them down. Because without any reason they have laid a trap. But God I will say I am glad because of the Lord. I am happy because You have saved them. If their hearts will not turn to You Father God then just destroy them but rescue Your children in Jesus…

Dear DAB family this is Russell from superior. I’m just feeling sad about everybody that’s left behind in Afghanistan. You know, a lot of these people feel like they’re in a holy war. I don’t know. But, you know, they’re talking about Christians that are left behind over there, behind enemy lines and, you know, why they’re going to do what they do. I just would like to remind us all we need to be praying, you know, and using the only weapon that we have, the power of prayer. I know we all are strong in this prayer, and I’ve seen a lot of miracles happen with this prayer group. So, just if everybody could join me in a prayer. Dear heavenly Father God please protect those that are there, those that are willing to die for Your name. Please, you know, protect them, please watch over them, you know. It’s sad, You’re the only true God and these people are dying for nothing. Please protect those ones that You can dear heavenly Father. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Hey siblings it’s your little sis His Little Cherri in Canada. And I’m show glad we’re reading the story of Esther in the Old Testament. And I’m seeing something different in it that I’ve ever seen before because I’m in a different place then I’ve ever been before. Esther strikes me as someone who is quite shy and hesitant, at least that’s how she comes across in the story. And when Mordecai asks her to go before the king she doesn’t want to. And of course, no one would. Anyone would be freaked out. But I just I just see her as being like me. I am not a __ flamboyant person. I mean I have been at times in the past when I was passionate and on stage and on the ministry teams and blah blah blah. But since my health issues I’m in a very slow quiet place. A lot of my flamboyant friends have faded into the word work because I can’t keep up with them and most of my close friends now have health problems like I do. And, so, I find myself and the company of the afflicted and it’s a very different place to be. And yet it’s a good place, it’s such a good place to be. And the story of Esther just encourages me because I see that God used her in a powerful way even though she…she was hesitant. And, you know, she kept inviting king and Mordecai to dinner after dinner before she got around to the point. And if she’d done it any other way, I don’t think it would have worked out as well. So, I’m so encouraged that God can use me exactly where I am.

Greetings and salutations thanks and praise to the most-high this is Tim Pickle here from the corn state. If you could please be praying for my wife Bailey. Our baby is due October 6th woo. But my wife suffers from high blood pressure so they’re talking about even taking the baby out before 37 weeks. So, if you could please be praying for just peace and God’s hand to be over the situation and everything turns out the way that He wants it to be. Amen. Thank you all very much. I hope you have a…

Hello DAB my name is people on the water and I’m from Indiana calling in for a young man named Jonathan. It’s crazy for me to call him a young man because he’s two years older than me but I’m still assuming that 18 and 20 is still a young man. Either way, Jonathan as I was hearing your call even before you said pornography or lust that’s what I was thinking about. And you came in, you just said you feel disgusting. Although you are new here, I don’t know if it was a week or a month that you’ve been a part of the DAB but I’m glad you’re here man. I’m glad you’re here brother. I don’t have the words to encourage you right now, honestly but I just I…I lift you up in the name of the Holy Spirit. As someone on the 14th said, it’s as simple as just trusting God. And I pray that you see that simplicity through your trials and through your temptations, that you might submit yourself therefore to God and watch the devil flee because it is a free and it is a possible thing. Man, thank you for sharing. Love you DAB. In Jesus’ name I pray and I ask. Make it a great day. Amen.

Hello DABber family this is the Burning Bush that will not be devoured for the glory of our God and king. Today is Friday and I just heard a prayer request from one of our DABber kids and it sounded like we were praying for grandma who has multiple myeloma and praying for grandma to have energy to play with them in the pool. And that just put a big smile on my face. I am definitely praying for you dear. I am praying for your grandma. I’m praying that God will supernaturally heal her. I pray that she will have so much energy that she will have so much fun with you in the pool. I even pray for extra energy for her to do more stuff with you, play with you, run with you, whatever it is you need grandma to do. I am definitely praying for you. And I know that God heard your prayer even before I called. And I believe that He sent angels, that He released angels in heaven to execute to your request because He loves you so much. This just made my day. It’s exciting to know that we have kids listening. I have a 14-year-old now who came to me a couple days ago and said to me, mum can listen to DAB before I go to bed? And it just made my day because I used to play it for him from his birth. Like all his life I’d play it for him before bedtime. And, so, I’m glad that he’s picking it up again. I love you guys. Love all the kids out there. God bless. Bye.

08/23/2021 DAB Transcript

Job 8:1-11:20, 1 Corinthians 15:1-28, Psalm 38:1-22, Proverbs 21:28-29

Today is the 23rd day of August, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible, I’m Brian, it is wonderful to be here with you today. A joy, that we can come together like this around the Global Campfire. Find a place, exhale, let it go and just be here as we allow God’s word to speak and wash into our lives and wash our hearts and minds and carry us forward. So, let’s set dive in, we’re reading from the New Living Translation this week. We are a couple of days into the book of Job. We have found out what happened to Job. He lost everything systematically one thing after another, after another, after another in one day, until it was all gone and we can probably all say that we’ve felt like one thing after another, after another has happened in our own lives, but he lost his family, his fortune, his staff, his livestock, everything. One thing right after the other in the same day and we watched him, you just can’t even imagine the shock of something like that, anyone one thing that happened to Job on the day would’ve sent any of us into the depths and he had all these things happened and you just can’t imagine the just the shock of it, but he tore his robes and he threw ashes on his head and all of this, but he fell to his knees and worshiped God and took a posture that everything he had was from God and if God took away then blessed be the name of the Lord, but Job is really confused. He doesn’t know what he did wrong. He believes that God is judging him. He believes that what is happening to him is at the hand of the Lord. His friends have come to comfort him. They have started giving him advice and encouragement. Basically, like a something’s gotta be, there’s got to be more to the story, God…God is righteous. He’s not, you know, if he doesn’t punish people for no reason and then Job is just crying out. First of all, in anguish and very understandable ways. He’s saying things like I don’t want to live anymore like I can’t take this. I can endure it. I wish God would just come take me, things we’ve all heard other people say. Maybe we’ve even felt those things in the past but his main thing is that he doesn’t understand, he doesn’t know what he did wrong and he wants an audience with God. And that’s where we pick up and today we’ll read chapters 8 through 11.


Okay, so in our reading from 1 Corinthians today we’re watching Paul’s training kick in, let’s remember this is the apostle Paul and he is famous for being the apostle Paul, but he was Saul the Pharisee before he was the apostle Paul, so he had been trained and he was very zealous in his trait, like he was literally being devout and devoted to God through Judaism as a Pharisee, so when people came along and started saying Jesus is Lord, Jesus is equal to God, that’s blasphemy he was raging about this until he met the resurrected Christ and that is the centerpiece of what Paul is talking about today. But, it’s also the centerpiece of the apostles Paul of the apostle Paul’s understanding and teachings. So basically, at the time of Paul, you had what was called the Sanhedrin, the high counsel, made up of scholars and people who determined what the law was, how to contextualize it in the changing world, and how to govern and teach the people and the Sanhedrin was made up of two different schools. The Sadducees and the Pharisees; the Sadducees, this is like old-school, like these are the people that are claiming they have been descended from the original priests and Levites, very, very traditional, very Orthodox, very conservative, very powerful mostly situated in the holy city of Jerusalem. Whereas the Pharisees were generally out and among the people. So, a lot closer to the ground, a lot closer to where people actually lived. They were in it with the people and these two groups, the Sadducees and the Pharisees had different views on specific theological understandings and one of them that is key. Very key to what we’re talking about right now was the hope of the resurrection from the dead. So, the Sadducees believed that when a person dies they return to God, their spirit returns to God and then their body is eventually no more, and there will be no resurrection from the dead, people will not rise up from the grave. The Pharisees, on the other hand, had the hope that there would be bodily resurrection from the dead, that they rested when they died, rested, in hope of resurrection that would certainly come one day. And we watched Paul, when he was arrested in Jerusalem back in the book of acts, actually go before the Sanhedrin and say I’m on trial because I have a hope in the resurrection from the dead, which divided the Council and had the Pharisees kind of on Paul’s team. Paul hoped in resurrection, he could not get on board with these people who were following Jesus because they were saying Jesus is God. He's…that’s blasphemy for him but then he had the experience where he encountered Jesus and Jesus spoke to him on the road to Damascus. That right there was a profound game changer in Paul’s life and we could say yeah of course a blinding light from the heavens, in a voice and you fall down and you can’t see in this voice tells you it’s Jesus than you believe, but it’s more than that because Jesus was dead, that’s the thing Paul thought, He had been executed, He was dead and so these people that were following his teachings and believing in them, they needed to be wiped out so that you just disappear this…this heresy, would just disappear. But when he met Jesus, he met somebody who had risen from the dead, who had experienced resurrection. So, for him this made everything that he had hoped in true, he had seen it with his own eyes and it changed the whole game. Which is why in today’s reading he’s essentially saying if Jesus didn’t rise from the dead, then known of this is true and everything that you believe when you believed in Jesus is false and there is no hope of the resurrection and we’re all wasting our times and it’s hopeless. But then Paul says but he did, he did rise from the dead, and that has started something new which is directly at the heart of the gospel. At the heart of what is the good news that there is hope and it is eternal, that Christ’s resurrection indicates that we who believe in Him will also experience resurrection, a resurrection or a rebirth into something completely new that God is doing upon the earth, essentially a new version of humanity, of which Jesus is the firstborn. So,  Paul says it like this, and I’m quoting from our reading today “just as death came into the world through a man, now the resurrection from the dead is begun through another man, just as everyone dies, because we all belong to Adam, everyone who belongs to Christ will be given new life, but there is an order to this resurrection, Christ was raised as the first of the harvest, then all who belong to Christ will be raised when he comes back.” What’s interesting, I mean we that's…that’s fundamental Christianity, to believe these things, but if you have to step back and go, if I were in the Sanhedrin would I be a Sadducees or would I be a Pharisee because the hope of our faith is that we, those who have fallen asleep, those who have died physically will one day wake up and live again. And when we believe this is exactly what happens, spiritually, we die to who we were and are reborn, born again, resurrected into new life spiritually, where the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead indwells us, lives in us, it’s no longer. We who live, but Christ who lives within us. So, let’s, I mean this is a kind of a theological thing that Paul is talking about when he’s talking about resurrection today but let’s dwell upon it. Let’s meditate upon it. It is the fundamental thing in our faith that truly at a baseline, let’s just experience that everything is going to be okay, no matter what. We are in the hands of Christ Jesus and everything is going to be okay. No matter what. Forever. And so, let’s consider some of these bedrock things in our faith today.


And Holy Spirit, we invite You into that. We invite You to plant the words that we’ve read from Job and from 1 Corinthians, and from Psalms and from Proverbs today. Plant these things in our lives and our hearts and our minds that we may consider them, that they may transform us, that they may help us to see a reality that is very different than the world, a reality of how things are supposed to be and an invitation to be a part of that story come Holy Spirit we pray. And all this we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s the website, its where you find out what’s going on around here and you can find out what’s going on around here using the Daily Audio Bible app just like, just like the web there’s a little drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner of the app screen and so yeah find the Community section that has links to different social media channels that we are participating on, Daily Audio Bible Women, Daily Audio Bible Friends, Daily Audio Bible, the different platforms like Instagram, Facebook, etc. etc. so you can find all those links in the Community section. Also, in the community section is the Prayer Wall and the Prayer Wall is…is something that is always happening. It’s always on, you can always come and share your story and ask for prayer. You can always come and read stories and pray and reach out in the spirit and pray for people who are going through significant challenges. We are all facing something and so it’s good to know we’re not alone in it, that we’re here to shoulder one another’s burdens and be in the Lord’s presence together on each other’s behalf so the Prayer wall is for that. So, check that out. It’s in the Community section as well.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at daily audio Bible.com there is a link on the homepage and I thank you, I thank you humbly for your partnership as we continue this journey through this year. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hello DAB family this is Clyde from Michigan. Calling in to really, I guess it’s more to speak directly to Lazarus, brother I know where you’re at. I’ve been there at least twice in my life. Being a contractor and losing a business and going through a divorce and all the ugliness. All I can tell you is to keep, keep keeping on. Your message really rattled me, I think you can tell. I know where your heart is right now. I know how broken you are. And I can just say that Jesus will pull you through, he always does. It may not be on the level or in the timeframe that we want but know that you’re not alone. There are countless people right where you’re at, we will come through it, as you will. And I know that it’s hollow words sometimes to hear it from other people but know that you’re in our prayers and that we will never ever fall away. We’re all here to listen to you. So, please Lord Jesus look out for our brother Lazarus. Fill him with the hope that he is so desperately seeking. And bless him in Your name. Thank you Lord, Amen.

This is God’s Life Speaker. Lazarus, I hear you on the 18th of August and I will stand as the DAB family will stand in the gap. We will speak to those things that bind you and we pray in the name of Jesus that they are bound and cast and we will ask the Lord Jesus in only the way that he can to miraculously stand, provide and send you comfort. Is there a place we can reach out to you other than just speaking into this microphone? Please let us know. Thank you for your reliance on Jesus. Which in these kind of times doesn’t seem like it’s enough. But when you get to a place where you can look back it is just so amazing to see everywhere that His hand has been. Lord Jesus, we thank You for Lazarus, we thank You for his life because his story is a testimony. His life is a witness, I mean he lives it out, I mean he speaks it out. May You rush into this and may he feel You, may he be centered on You. May You surround him with many Christians, maybe even DABers he doesn’t even know it yet because we don’t know where he is. But Lord, You do. We trust You, we trust You Lord. And I pray that he’s obedient and trusting you and walking this out. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Hi Daily Audio Bible family, hi, my name’s Crystal. I just want to start off by saying thank you to everyone. Thank you to you all. Thank you to this community. Thank you, Brian and Jill, for your commitment and dedication to this…this wonderful platform and community that’s been created and feeding us in such a powerful way every single day. I’m so eternally grateful honestly and my children listen to it as well so, I just love it and I am so appreciative for it and I thank you as well community. You know how everyone prays for one another and shares and tells testimonies, this is a wonderful family to be apart of so thank you to you all. I’m recording this today and wanting to ask for prayer. Family, I’ve been struggling for the past 4-5 years with misusing alcohol and I’ve had some really really bad times with it. Some really, really dark times. I am, really desperate for change. I’m in fear of my health, my body physically scared that I’m really damaging myself. I’m a homeschooling mom. And so, I’m educating my children I have to children and I’m scared of what they’re seeing me do. I do do my best to hide it but I’m scared of what they’re seeing. I’m also, I’ve tried, I feel like I’ve tried everything. I may not have but I’m just asking guys if you could pray with me. Pray with me to stand strong. I’m gonna start seeing a counselor from next week. Please pray with me to be honest and open. Guys, I’m so desperate for courage and strength. Please pray for me. Thank you all, I’m praying with you too. Love you, bye.

Hey faith fam it’s Holly Heart calling in with more prayers. I’m gonna start with the most recent one because I feel it’s timely. Lazarus, dear Lord, please bless and keep Lazarus as he is in a season of loss. He’s feeling hopeless but he still sings Your praises Lord. Please lift up our brother and do not let him harm himself. Stuff is just that, stuff. So please help him put it into perspective. I know these times are hard for Christians and especially for Christian men Lord, please just sustain Lazarus and bring him back up out of his darkness. Little Lee, dear Lord, our sister is facing a giant obstacle in her marriage. Everything in our culture screams dump the cheater, you Lord, however, are in the business of forgiveness. Marriage is hard, divorce is hard. There’s no easy route for her, please make a path for her Lord. Let it lead to Your will. Rose, dear Lord, please help Rosie’s son Charles, forgive his past offenders so that he can be a beacon of Your love again, please show him eternal love and peace so he can reflect that. Quiet Confidence, dear Lord, please meet our sister where she is, she need Your strength and love. She’s a prisoner to her own mind. Please Lord, deliver her from her bondage. LJ Lavender Dream, dear Lord, please help my sister and her chronic illness. You know what ails her Lord, please reach in her and fix her health. Also Lord, please watch over her son who is suicidal and speak to him and deliver him from these thoughts. Father, also encompass her extended family and bring healing and forgiveness, Amen.

Hey family, this is Maleesa from Albertville, Alabama. Brian and Jill, I love ya’ll so much and Ezekiel. Thank you Father for all you do for the body of Christ. I have a praise report, my daughter was married on July 16th. My oldest daughter, married in Paris France. We weren’t able to attend because of COVID restrictions and passport stuff, but praise God she’s married. Dr. John, you’ve been praying for us for year. I want you to know I’m praying for you. God is able to heal your eye. I am lifting you up brother. And there was a sister who called and I didn’t catch your name I was at work but you said, at the end of your call you were singing It’s Me Oh Lord, standing in the, I’m sorry I’m tongue tied, I just want you to know I have been lifting you up sister, I’m so sorry you’re in so much pain. I love you. And GG hang in there. And the 16-year-old who called tell GG she could do it, she can do all things, she…you encouraged me. I just loved it all the young people, Renzo, everybody that calls in. Lady of Victory, I’m still praying for you, I love you sister. And the sister who lost her daughter, she was waiting ona liver, I didn’t catch your name but know that you’ve been prayed for. I don’t call in much but I’m praying much. I love this community. Ya’ll keep praying for each other. Look up, the King is coming. Ya’ll have a great day.

I have been struggling with a lot lately and I know that God is here for me and I know that I’m not alone. I just ask for everybody to pray for me and pray for my family. And for us to get through whatever we’re going through. I’m going through depression, heartbreak and family issues. And I’m trying so hard to stay strong. I know that me and my family are in God’s hand. And I know that He’s here for me and that He will help me. I just need to keep looking up to Him and keep having faith and I will. Tomorrow supposed to be my birthday. And I don’t really feel excited for it. But 18 years ago, I started fighting for my life. And I’m still fighting today. I just ask everybody that is listening to continue to pray for one another, to help one another and to be there for one another. And to keep your head up, to keep going no matter how hard things may get, God will always be the first one to listen to you. He will always be there when you need Him. Just keep praying, keep your head up and keep going. Love and God Bless you guys.

08/22/2021 DAB Transcript

Job 4:1-7:21, 1 Corinthians 14:18-40, Psalms 37:30-40, Proverbs 21:27

Today is the 22nd day of August welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is great to be here with you today as we reach the point where we throw open the threshold and step into a brand-new week together, a chance to start over, a chance to look out in front of us and live into this week with all of our hearts. And, so, let’s do that. And one of the ways that we align ourselves with that is to allow the Scriptures to come and speak into our lives each and every day. And, so, today is no different. We’ve got a brand-new week. We’ll read from the New Living Translation this week. We have just begun the book of Job. Today will read chapters 4 through 7.


Father, we thank You for Your word and for this, a brand-new, shiny, sparkly week that we get to enter into and that…that we are here. We offer our gratitude humbly that we are here at all, that life remains, and that we continue on in Your presence. Thank You. And, so, we consecrate this week, we dedicate it, we submit before You, our time, our attitudes, our words, our motives, our actions. May we be able to do what we do in the name of Jesus. And may we be a light that shines brightly and attracts those in the darkness to come and see, to come and see what life can be in the presence of God, walking with God through each day. May we be that example. Come Holy Spirit we pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hello, I’m a first-time caller my name is…I’ll go by Righteously Ransomed. I need you to pray for me because my wife has decided that she no longer wants to be my wife. Our financial situation means that we must say in the same house, we must…neither one of us can afford to…to go anywhere at the moment and we want to do what’s best for our child. She has valid reasons for leaving. I was dealing with some stuff mentally that I felt God laid on me and I was going through that, but we had one big fight in the middle of it and that was the straw that broke her back. And, so, I feel like God it’s telling me to stay here and not run because that was my first instinct was to run away. But if you could just please pray for us maybe I don’t know maybe there’s a miracle in this. Who knows? Thank you for all that you do everyone.

Prayer for Eliana. Anna, Landy, Francisco, Pastor Rick my mother and father. My name is Ronnie Altine Georges. I was in Iraq for three years. I married a woman named Anna. Her and our church pastor had an affair. They now live together unmarried with my daughter. We have joint custody of my daughter. Eliana is 9. So, I’m asking for prayer for these people, but especially for my daughter. My 9-year-old daughter lives with an unmarried couple who had an affair, divorced their husband and wife so they could be together. He lives with my daughter now unmarried with my ex-wife and he was the pastor of our church. So, the church booted him out. Once he divorced his wife the church seen I was telling the truth. So, God bless you. Thank you. I’ve been listening to you for years. I was in Iraq and Afghanistan when I met her mother. I was bringing food and medicine. My name is Ronnie. I still go into the Monroe County jail. I’m a facilitator at the Harbor Light Salvation Army. I go and help in two women shelters and an adolescent foster care facility. I’ve been sober and clean for over 7 years July 7th. July 7th, 2014 was my last rehab. It was a Christian rehab, and I came out transformed, different. I’ve overcome gluttony, laziness, pride, and anger. God bless you. Thank you.

Good morning DAB family this is Trent Oakville Tennessee. I’m just calling in prayers to give maybe a little encouragement. I grew up without a father. I can remember as a young child watching my father beat my mother. And he hung me off a bridge one time by my one leg, about a 60-foot drop. Told me he’s going to drop me if I didn’t quit crying. And then my mother remarried. I got a stepdad that used to put lit cigarettes in my bed, catch my bed on fire at nighttime. And the only thing that I can think of that kept me alive was my father in heaven. I think he was a father to me. He watched over me, took care of me. I’ve been through four back surgeries since 2015. Cancer cut off my nose, but you know what? I think He’s with me all the time. And as I look back at my past and my childhood, I think He was the only reason that I’m still alive today. He took care of me, watched over me and was a father to me since I didn’t have one. So, maybe that’ll encourage somebody today. And I pray for you all y'all on here for peace and blessings. And I just love being a part of the Daily Audio Bible. And I appreciate it. Thank you.

Hello DAB family it is 17th of August at 10:34 AM and this is Sarah from London. I just feel so encouraged today. I just finished listening to the 17th of August and the messages that follow the reading, and I…has really lifted my spirits and I just want to give God all the glory. The message from Jay in Nashville is just…just hit a spot because you talked about no matter how low, how depressed, the highs and, you know, everything that may go on. God is still good. He is still good. And it was just…it’s almost like there was a fire that got lit inside me when I heard that because I can relate to it so much even though, you know, this year I’ve grown, I’ve drawn close to God and there have been challenges, there have been challenges, but I know that God has been so good. So, thank you so much for your message and the…the young lady who sent the message about wanting to commit suicide years ago and how God delivered her from that. Honestly that just is…the testimonies are just so encouraging. And from Daniel Kingdom Seeker, escaping the gunfire that you were…you know, that you crossed paths with it and how God was there for you. I just feel so encouraged. I just feel like I needed to hear that today. So, God bless you all for your calls and thank God for all your lives on the DAB. May the God continue to guide your steps. May he be there for you in a way that you’d never imagined, that you never thought of. We just thank God for His grace, for His mercies because He will never let us down. He is always there for us. He will never leave us nor forsake us. Stay blessed all. Love you all.

Hello, it’s Dan and Arizona. Just needed some prayer for my family and that I can be a warrior for my wife. Been struggling with some things for a long time and time to step up. Just I need your prayers. I covet your prayers. Just…thanks for your…

08/21/2021 DAB Transcript

Job 1:1-3:26, 1 Corinthians 14:1-17, Psalm 37:12-29, Proverbs 21:25-26

Today is the 21st day of August, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible, I am Brian. It is wonderful to be here with you today as we bring to the close another one of our weeks together and even as we do that, we’re opening the books on a brand-new book, and some brand-new territory that we haven’t been in yet. So, we wound our way all the way in the book, from the book of Genesis and met Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all their children and the tribes and we’ve gone the journey with Moses. We have learned of the kings, we have met some of the prophets, we have learned of the exile, we have even learned of the return from exile and we have moved through the short story, but the potent story of Esther which we finished up yesterday and so now were turning into a new genre and some new territory.

Introduction to the Book of Job:

We’re moving into the book of Job, and Job is a part of a collection of books in the Bible, known as wisdom literature underneath its narrative are lessons for us to mind and meditate upon and this territory that we’re going into deals with some of the more difficult things that we face in life be, unexplained things. The things that leave us going, why? Why me and how is this just and how is this fair. And if God is all-powerful and why can this kind of evil exist? Theologically, this is known as the Odyssey, like the defense of the goodness and the power and might of God in the face of evil, unspeakable evil. And, this has obviously, since this is very old texts, then wrestled with for thousands and thousands and thousands of years and we continue to wrestle until today in an attempt to understand and even as we moved through Job, we still end up with plenty of questions about plenty of things but we’re given perspective and a place to aim our hearts in these situations. But as tragic as some of the story of Job is, is it is still considered one of the most beautiful pieces of literature in the Bible for sure, but it’s well-respected external to the Bible as well. And for as important of a topic where this text came from is disputed, mostly because there's…there’s not a lot, I mean, there’s plenty in the book but there’s not a lot of historical context, and there’s not a lot of names, there are names, but they’re hard to find historically to pinpoint, to have something to hold onto historically, which then leads to a lot of conjecture which happens so often in so many different parts of the Bible. So, some scholars accept that Job could be one of the more ancient books in the Bible if not the most ancient book in the Bible. But even in the Hebrew Jewish tradition, the opinions are varying. Some think that there’s archaic Hebrew being used, and so it’s very, very ancient. A lot of words are used in the book of Job. Hebrew words that aren’t found anywhere else in the Bible. So, some have concluded maybe this is old as Abraham. This is a story that goes back that far. Then there are other scholars that believe this was probably written from the exile, or just after, like a returning exile who…who didn’t speak Hebrew, might’ve been a Hebrew person but had grown up in exile and so didn’t speak Hebrew as native tongue. And so, that would explain this…this word use. Other scholars will hold to the tradition that Job was collected, or are even written by Moses and if that were the case then maybe he was writing down oral traditions like a story that had been passed down orally throughout the generations to deal with the issue of unexpected suffering and tragedy and evil. There aren’t a ton of characters in the book of Job, so we’ll meet the people as…as they, as they come to the story. We’ll meet some friends of Job who traveled pretty distant to comfort their friend who has really gone through worst things pretty much any of us ever, ever will. So, the bulk of the narrative really is a conversation between Job and his friends. And, Job will insist until the very end that he has done nothing wrong and that this is not just, and that he needs an explanation and he doesn’t want an explanation from his friends. He doesn’t want an explanation from another human being for that matter, he feels like he’s a human being and he’s not stupid, he’s wise, he’s always been considered wise and so he knows as much, as his friends who are also wise, have to tell him, and it’s not sufficient. He needs an answer from God and he doesn’t know how to get that or even what he would do if he did get that. And, his friends are counseling him and we’ll notice that the things that they say they don’t, it doesn’t seem like they’re crazy, it’s the kind of stuff that we might find ourselves saying as well, but it does get contentious and argumentative. Because Job will not relent that he is innocent and they can’t find any grid that would allow him to be innocent and his stories still make sense. And so, with all of that we dive into this new territory. Job chapters 1 through 3 today.


Father, we thank You for Your word, we thank You for bringing us through another week successfully together and as we turn into this new territory and Job, we invite Your Holy Spirit to come, speak to us, guide us, direct us, correct us, comfort us, lead us forward into all truth, we pray in the mighty name of Jesus we ask expectantly. Amen.


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If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, we thank you from the depths of our hearts from a grateful place. We thank you, we wouldn’t be here if we weren’t together as a community taking this journey and well, for all these years we have been exactly that. And so, thank you for your partnership, especially as we navigate the heat of the summer. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayers and Encouragements:

This is Protected by His Wings in Eastern Tennessee. Dear heavenly Father we pray for the country of Afghanistan today. Lord, we plead Your hand of mercy upon the people of Afghanistan who are fleeing for their lives. The government and security forces who are fleeing. Those who were assisting and helping Western governments and militaries in the past decades who now are in fear of their lives. If not, who are already fleeing for their lives. Lord, we ask Your hand of protection over these people. May Your will be done on earth as it is heaven and the country of Afghanistan. Lord, we pray that the countries of the world, including Afghanistan would seek Your face for the answers to the questions that they have on what to do next and how to rule such a country. Lord, protect Your people, provide a way where we see no way, provide a way, provide hope where we don’t see any hope. We pray this in Jesus precious name. Amen.

Hi this is Bonnie from Virginia. Today is Saturday August 14th. I just listened to the prayer request that Jonathan from Denmark called. I was so amazed to hear someone who is only 20-years-old and being so honest, expecting and requesting prayer from the group. And he said he has only started listening to DAB for about a month or over a month. But thank you for trusting us and requesting for your praise. We will be praying for you, my son. There are so many young adults or kids of your age who are still ___ and not realizing their sin or mistake. But you are at the right place now everyone will be praying for you and thank you for being honest. God loves those children. So, every time if you are being tempted to look at the pornography just think about God saying to that prostitute lady when pharisees brought her over to Jesus and told Jesus to stone her but Jesus did not stone her and told her that go and do not sin anymore. So, you just think of those words also anytime you get tempted. And I hope that will help you. We will be praying for you.

This is a word of encouragement for Dr. John. I am a Dr. John in Illinois and I pray for my brother; I pray for my fellow DABer and I ask Lord that he provide you supernatural healing restoration in your eyes. I pray for peace, sometimes even we grow weary and working with our patients, always being in the business of trying to help others and sometimes neglect of ourselves. So, I asked fellow DABers let’s stand together for our brother-in-the Lord, for this doctor. So often he has called in and prayed for the needs and concern for the needs of others in his practice and just in the business of supporting us. So, let’s lift our brother up and I say to you, Dr. John, God Bless you brother for your gifts that you willingly give to the Lord in your heart that you give to us and I pray the Lord will make you well from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. He provide you freedom from fear and freedom from pain and misery and that He can do all things. His timing is perfect in His ways are right so we trust in that above all else. God bless your brother and know that there’ll be a lot of __ praying for you daily and we pray for a good report. And we ask all these things in the name of Jesus and for His sake. Amen.

Hi, it’s Deborah, Sheltered in Maine. Oh, my word. So, I did not listen to the Daily Audio Bible for almost four months. A little intermittently in between. About five days ago I realized that I felt empty, I was empty. So, I started back listening and I tell you I am so grateful for this…this place because I felt like I was coming home. This is where is home. You guys, you…you…you help to fill me up. I don’t even know how to explain it. Jessica from California, God Bless you, my sister. I so love you; you are like, I don’t even know how to explain how I reacted to your message. I’m just so proud of you and so proud of what God is doing in you. And I pray my sister that you would continue in your walk and rejoice in all that He’s given you. Thank you, my family. You are wonderful. And I don’t think I’m gonna be able to leave this again for a very long. Praise the Lord in all you do, rejoice and be glad in Him. Thank you.

Good morning my DAB family. This is…I was getting ready to say DAB-C…good morning my DAB family, this is Lady of Victory. And it is Tuesday morning August 17th about 6:37 central standard time. Just wanted to come on, I know it has been way, way, way, way long. But I wanted to come on just to thank all of the DAB-Cs and the DABers for just all of your love, your prayers, your support. During a very, very, very, very difficult time for myself and Kingdom Seeker Daniel at the loss of my son on July 10th unexpectedly. And, just wanted to say I could not have and cannot walk this journey without your guy’s prayers and so I appreciate them. The support, the love and the care that you guys have expressed to Kingdom Seeker that he has expressed to me the journey is still long it’s only been about 6 weeks. Three weeks since we actually funeralized him on July 24th, so the journey is very, very long, very, very fresh. And so, I still need your guy’s prayers and just want you to know how much I appreciate you. Don’t want you to think that it’s gone unnoticed even though I have been MIA. Certainly, you can understand. But again, thank you so much for all of your prayers, your support and your concern and we appreciate you guys more than you’ll ever know. Be encouraged. And God Bless you.