09/06/2022 DAB Transcript

Song of Solomon 1:1-4:16, 2 Corinthians 8:16-24, Psalm 50:1-23, Proverbs 22:22-23

Today is the 6th day of September, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It is wonderful to be here with you today, as we gather around the Global Campfire and move forward together.

Introduction to the Book of Song of Solomon:

In the Old Testament, we have spent some time in the book of Job, and then in the book of Ecclesiastes. So, wisdom literature but very, very particular, dealing with some of the more darker, difficult topics that we face as human beings. But this leads us to some brand-new territory, unlike any other territory that we’ve been in the Bible, so far. And this territory is known as the Song of Songs or the Song of Solomon. And it’s pretty short, we will read it over the course of the next couple of days, but it is poetry and it’s potent poetry, beautiful poetry, that…that on the face of it, deals with human sexuality. And it’s a poem and so it’s poetry and so poetry is full of metaphor and allegory. And so, this book, the Song of Solomon, has been looked at a number of ways, which is totally fine, it’s poetry, we look through a certain lens when we understand what the genre is, what we’re reading. But we also need to take it at face value and understand that human sexuality and the joy of covenantal, marital relationship is important, important enough that we find it here in the middle of the Bible, that is literally what we will read in the poem: passionate, consummation of love between a man and a woman, who are lovesick and cannot get enough of each other. And it stands on its own for that sake. Ancient Jewish tradition, as well as Christian tradition has allegorical views of this poetry. So, like, from ancient Jewish perspective, it…it’s the story of God revealing how passionate He is and how passionately He loves His children, who are the Hebrew people. And that is totally supportable in the Scriptures. In the Christian tradition, it’s like an allegorical look at Christ’s, Jesus passionate love for His church, His bride, and foreshadowing of His desire for her. And we’re in one of the situations where we’re dealing with poetry. And so, it can speak to us in any of these ways. We can look at it through any of these lenses and all of these interpretations can be true. And so, as we read through this, just invite the Holy Spirit to allow you to see what you need to see and consider what you need to consider and hear what you need to hear. I love it when we get to this point in the year because it’s an opportunity for me to invite my wife Jill, to join us here, because Song of Solomon is largely poetry between a man and woman, her friends and his friends, sort of a male and female voice in the poetry. And so, we will read through this together. And so, let’s dive in together and enjoy the Song of Songs, today chapters 1 through 4.


Father, thank You, thank You for the Scriptures. Thank You for bringing us through the territory that we’ve come through, the wisdom literature in Job and Ecclesiastes and thank You for bringing us into the Song of Songs. And may we drink deeply from it, both in what it is saying literally and also in considering how passionate You are toward Your children. But even as we view that and see once again, an example of how deeply You love us, may we reflect upon whether or not, we feel the same way, we act the same way. If we are contemplating that You are lovesick over Your children, that You are deeply invested and committed, then we need to consider whether our hearts are aimed in the same direction. Or if often times we are users, not deeply lovesick with the one that we love but infatuated with what we might get. Reveal our hearts to us Lord, that we might change. We pray this in the precious and mighty name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s the website, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here. It’s home of the Global Campfire, so check it out. The Daily Audio Bible app is also available and does all the website does and you can download that from your app store, whichever app store is connected to your device, so check that out. Check out the different sections, like the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are a plethora of resources, in different categories in the Shop, for the journey that we are on, through the Bible in a year. And so definitely check that out, check out the different sections and just explore a little bit.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible. First of all, thank you, humbly, humbly, thank you, we wouldn’t be here and we…we, there would be no Global Campfire if we weren’t in this together and so thank you. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that’s the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I am Brian, I love you and I will be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hey guys, this is Bridget from New York City. I want to pray for Natalie from North Carolina. I just listened to everyone else’s prayer request, and I just felt led to pray for you, for your marriage, for your community. You know, being a mom and a wife and feeling alone, while you’re really truly not is one of the hardest things to really experience. I remember that. So, I just want to lift you up. And Lord, I just ask You, Father God, first and foremost, to speak to Natalie’s husbands’ heart, Lord God. That, Father, though he may work and have to travel, Father, I pray that You would continuously put his wife, in his heart, Lord. That he would call her, that he would text her, that he would send sweet nothings to her, Father God. I pray, Lord, that You would give her community, Father God. That You would surround her Father, introduce her to women that are in similar situations, women that can pray alongside her, women that can encourage her, women that can be a friend to her, Father God. And that Lord, she we would just remember, Lord, that Your word says that You never leave us, nor forsake us. And though she may feel alone, Father God, or feel discouraged Father God, that she would take time as Mary did and sit at Your feet and know that as she sits and as she waits and as she listens, God, that You are ever present with her Lord. That she may sense Your Spirit, just encouraging her. In Jesus name I pray for you my sister, have a good….

Good morning, Daily Audio Bible brothers and sisters. This is Sylvia from South Texas. I’m calling in to request prayers for all the people that live with alcoholics. I know what a hard life that is. I pray that everyone that is suffering this, will go to God and ask the Lord to touch the alcoholics hearts. And that they realize how much hurt and pain they’re bringing their families. I am one of those people that sit in silence, watching my husband go down with his choice of drinking, instead of being with the family. Just pray for everyone …

Hey DAB this is Nate in Washington. I’m requesting some prayer from the community today mostly for my wife. I am a recovering sex addict. And by God’s grace my wife is still with me. We’ve been together for about 10 years now and the majority of that time I have really just been lost in my addiction. More recently, I’ve really stepped into the battle of trying to recover from this and stop my unhealthy habits and it’s…it’s just been such a struggle. And I just really need to, I need God’s help to understand my wife’s pain; pain of the betrayal that I’ve done. I really need to, I just, I need, I pray for God to reveal himself to me. I know He’s the only way that I’m going to be free of this. And I, He has, it’s just when I talk to my wife, there’s still that betrayal, there’s no trust, which is understandable. But I, I’m just really, I know that prayers, God can do anything. So, I thought I would reach out and see if I could get more people involved in talking to God and see if I can really gain some real ground on this, by God’s grace and with his power.

Hey DAB family, this is Beloved in Texas, Sparky’s wife. I’ve kind of been MIA for a while. I’ve been listening, trying to catch up. I just wanted to come on and ask you all for prayer. I love my new job, but it does come with a lot of responsibilities. We’ve also had some financial setbacks that have been causing me some stress. And I just, I have been managing my anxiety and my bi-polar disorder, pretty well. Until recently and now it’s kind of like, the cork popped off the bottle and I’m spewing emotions everywhere. And I don’t, none of my regular coping mechanisms are working and I really don’t know how to handle this. And I don’t want to be this person whose either awake and agitated and angry or volatile and asleep all the time because I don’t know how else to shut my brain off. I just kind of feel like I’ve, I’ve hit a point where I’ve just crashed. And physically, er, earthly I know that’s inevitable when you have bipolar disorder. And it’s not that I don’t have faith that God can get me through this or that He could heal me. It’s just I don’t know how to get through this. I don’t know how to not be so tired of trying so hard to be okay. So, if you could pray for my family, I would really appreciate it. Thank you.

Hello Daily Audio Bible family, this is Kathryn calling from Maryland. I just want to call and thank you, Hands to Heaven for your beautiful prayer for the truckers. All those who serve us, bring things to us that we need. I hope that every, every traveler and trucker like that and is able to go to the transcript section, print it out and read that every day when you’re on the road. And I join you in lifting you up and praying for your safety, for your faith to deepen in those moments alone and for the opportunity for you to share that faith with others. I also want to lift up LOV and Kingdom Seeker Daniel; it was nice to hear your testimony. And you know, God can turn things for good that we initially don’t see. And that sounds like that what’s happened with you. So, pray for your marriage, pray for your love for each other, which has always been very inspiring. Joyful spirits. And wish that you can stay, stay together, stay in love, stay with the three chords, the two of you and God. Lifting up all those with long COVID and those caring for them and surrounding them as well.

09/06/2022 DAB Transcript

Song of Solomon 1:1-4:16, 2 Corinthians 8:16-24, Psalm 50:1-23, Proverbs 22:22-23

Today is the 6th day of September, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It is wonderful to be here with you today, as we gather around the Global Campfire and move forward together.

Introduction to the Book of Song of Solomon:

In the Old Testament, we have spent some time in the book of Job, and then in the book of Ecclesiastes. So, wisdom literature but very, very particular, dealing with some of the more darker, difficult topics that we face as human beings. But this leads us to some brand-new territory, unlike any other territory that we’ve been in the Bible, so far. And this territory is known as the Song of Songs or the Song of Solomon. And it’s pretty short, we will read it over the course of the next couple of days, but it is poetry and it’s potent poetry, beautiful poetry, that…that on the face of it, deals with human sexuality. And it’s a poem and so it’s poetry and so poetry is full of metaphor and allegory. And so, this book, the Song of Solomon, has been looked at a number of ways, which is totally fine, it’s poetry, we look through a certain lens when we understand what the genre is, what we’re reading. But we also need to take it at face value and understand that human sexuality and the joy of covenantal, marital relationship is important, important enough that we find it here in the middle of the Bible, that is literally what we will read in the poem: passionate, consummation of love between a man and a woman, who are lovesick and cannot get enough of each other. And it stands on its own for that sake. Ancient Jewish tradition, as well as Christian tradition has allegorical views of this poetry. So, like, from ancient Jewish perspective, it…it’s the story of God revealing how passionate He is and how passionately He loves His children, who are the Hebrew people. And that is totally supportable in the Scriptures. In the Christian tradition, it’s like an allegorical look at Christ’s, Jesus passionate love for His church, His bride, and foreshadowing of His desire for her. And we’re in one of the situations where we’re dealing with poetry. And so, it can speak to us in any of these ways. We can look at it through any of these lenses and all of these interpretations can be true. And so, as we read through this, just invite the Holy Spirit to allow you to see what you need to see and consider what you need to consider and hear what you need to hear. I love it when we get to this point in the year because it’s an opportunity for me to invite my wife Jill, to join us here, because Song of Solomon is largely poetry between a man and woman, her friends and his friends, sort of a male and female voice in the poetry. And so, we will read through this together. And so, let’s dive in together and enjoy the Song of Songs, today chapters 1 through 4.


Father, thank You, thank You for the Scriptures. Thank You for bringing us through the territory that we’ve come through, the wisdom literature in Job and Ecclesiastes and thank You for bringing us into the Song of Songs. And may we drink deeply from it, both in what it is saying literally and also in considering how passionate You are toward Your children. But even as we view that and see once again, an example of how deeply You love us, may we reflect upon whether or not, we feel the same way, we act the same way. If we are contemplating that You are lovesick over Your children, that You are deeply invested and committed, then we need to consider whether our hearts are aimed in the same direction. Or if often times we are users, not deeply lovesick with the one that we love but infatuated with what we might get. Reveal our hearts to us Lord, that we might change. We pray this in the precious and mighty name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s the website, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here. It’s home of the Global Campfire, so check it out. The Daily Audio Bible app is also available and does all the website does and you can download that from your app store, whichever app store is connected to your device, so check that out. Check out the different sections, like the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are a plethora of resources, in different categories in the Shop, for the journey that we are on, through the Bible in a year. And so definitely check that out, check out the different sections and just explore a little bit.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible. First of all, thank you, humbly, humbly, thank you, we wouldn’t be here and we…we, there would be no Global Campfire if we weren’t in this together and so thank you. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that’s the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I am Brian, I love you and I will be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hey guys, this is Bridget from New York City. I want to pray for Natalie from North Carolina. I just listened to everyone else’s prayer request, and I just felt led to pray for you, for your marriage, for your community. You know, being a mom and a wife and feeling alone, while you’re really truly not is one of the hardest things to really experience. I remember that. So, I just want to lift you up. And Lord, I just ask You, Father God, first and foremost, to speak to Natalie’s husbands’ heart, Lord God. That, Father, though he may work and have to travel, Father, I pray that You would continuously put his wife, in his heart, Lord. That he would call her, that he would text her, that he would send sweet nothings to her, Father God. I pray, Lord, that You would give her community, Father God. That You would surround her Father, introduce her to women that are in similar situations, women that can pray alongside her, women that can encourage her, women that can be a friend to her, Father God. And that Lord, she we would just remember, Lord, that Your word says that You never leave us, nor forsake us. And though she may feel alone, Father God, or feel discouraged Father God, that she would take time as Mary did and sit at Your feet and know that as she sits and as she waits and as she listens, God, that You are ever present with her Lord. That she may sense Your Spirit, just encouraging her. In Jesus name I pray for you my sister, have a good….

Good morning, Daily Audio Bible brothers and sisters. This is Sylvia from South Texas. I’m calling in to request prayers for all the people that live with alcoholics. I know what a hard life that is. I pray that everyone that is suffering this, will go to God and ask the Lord to touch the alcoholics hearts. And that they realize how much hurt and pain they’re bringing their families. I am one of those people that sit in silence, watching my husband go down with his choice of drinking, instead of being with the family. Just pray for everyone …

Hey DAB this is Nate in Washington. I’m requesting some prayer from the community today mostly for my wife. I am a recovering sex addict. And by God’s grace my wife is still with me. We’ve been together for about 10 years now and the majority of that time I have really just been lost in my addiction. More recently, I’ve really stepped into the battle of trying to recover from this and stop my unhealthy habits and it’s…it’s just been such a struggle. And I just really need to, I need God’s help to understand my wife’s pain; pain of the betrayal that I’ve done. I really need to, I just, I need, I pray for God to reveal himself to me. I know He’s the only way that I’m going to be free of this. And I, He has, it’s just when I talk to my wife, there’s still that betrayal, there’s no trust, which is understandable. But I, I’m just really, I know that prayers, God can do anything. So, I thought I would reach out and see if I could get more people involved in talking to God and see if I can really gain some real ground on this, by God’s grace and with his power.

Hey DAB family, this is Beloved in Texas, Sparky’s wife. I’ve kind of been MIA for a while. I’ve been listening, trying to catch up. I just wanted to come on and ask you all for prayer. I love my new job, but it does come with a lot of responsibilities. We’ve also had some financial setbacks that have been causing me some stress. And I just, I have been managing my anxiety and my bi-polar disorder, pretty well. Until recently and now it’s kind of like, the cork popped off the bottle and I’m spewing emotions everywhere. And I don’t, none of my regular coping mechanisms are working and I really don’t know how to handle this. And I don’t want to be this person whose either awake and agitated and angry or volatile and asleep all the time because I don’t know how else to shut my brain off. I just kind of feel like I’ve, I’ve hit a point where I’ve just crashed. And physically, er, earthly I know that’s inevitable when you have bipolar disorder. And it’s not that I don’t have faith that God can get me through this or that He could heal me. It’s just I don’t know how to get through this. I don’t know how to not be so tired of trying so hard to be okay. So, if you could pray for my family, I would really appreciate it. Thank you.

Hello Daily Audio Bible family, this is Kathryn calling from Maryland. I just want to call and thank you, Hands to Heaven for your beautiful prayer for the truckers. All those who serve us, bring things to us that we need. I hope that every, every traveler and trucker like that and is able to go to the transcript section, print it out and read that every day when you’re on the road. And I join you in lifting you up and praying for your safety, for your faith to deepen in those moments alone and for the opportunity for you to share that faith with others. I also want to lift up LOV and Kingdom Seeker Daniel; it was nice to hear your testimony. And you know, God can turn things for good that we initially don’t see. And that sounds like that what’s happened with you. So, pray for your marriage, pray for your love for each other, which has always been very inspiring. Joyful spirits. And wish that you can stay, stay together, stay in love, stay with the three chords, the two of you and God. Lifting up all those with long COVID and those caring for them and surrounding them as well.

09/05/2022 DAB Transcript

Ecclesiastes 10:1-12:14, 2 Corinthians 8:1-15, Psalms 49:1-20, Proverbs 22:20-21

Today is the 5th day of September welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it’s great to be here with you today just like it is every day as we gather together and move forward together through the Scriptures and through this year. And we have been working our way through the book of Ecclesiastes. And we have reached the point at which we will conclude the book of Ecclesiastes today and move forward tomorrow into some completely different territory known as the song of songs or the song of Solomon. But that’s tomorrow and we’re here. And, so, let’s finish well the book of Ecclesiastes. Today chapters 10, 11, and 12.


Okay. So, we finished the book of Ecclesiastes today and we can see how easy it would be to read the book as cynical or we could understand this is a really unique perspective. So, let’s say you go through your life accumulating what you accumulate - wealth, our stuff. And let’s say you gather it all together and you’re looking it over, you are reaching the end of your life and all of your stuff represents what you spent your life on. And you have to wonder, was it a good value? So, the writer of Ecclesiastes looks back over his life, all of the challenge and hardship that has been faced all the things that have had to have been endured, all of the pleasure, all of the stuff, all of the power, but also all of the witnessing of injustice and then looking at all that realizing that most of it was chasing the wind, right? So, a lot of energy was put into beauty and wisdom. A lot of energy was put into development and construction. Wisdom had been searched out throughout the known world, and the unanswerable questions were pursued but still he couldn’t find what he was looking for. And, so, in a sort of subtractive way, looking at all that have been accumulated and pulling away all of the things that probably didn’t matter brought a sobering view and a hopeful view. And, so, all that we’ve discussed as we’ve moved through the book of Ecclesiastes gets summed up in the final sentences of the book. “After having heard it all, this is the conclusion. Fear God and keep his commands because this applies to everyone. God will certainly judge everything that is done. This includes every secret thing, whether it is good or bad.” So, that conclusion isn’t really different than what the Bible concludes, that it is God who is our source, that we must offer ourselves and surrender to God, to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. Certainly, to love our neighbors as ourselves, but to honor God in all that we do, this is what everyone is supposed to do. This is the way to find meaning, not in the accumulation of things. And this is such a unique perspective because this is coming from a person who had no limits and was able to do whatever they wanted. And even then, with all of that arriving at these conclusions is so helpful in perspective and so helpful in allowing us to realize we are spending our lives. Are we spending our lives on things that matter? Because Ecclesiastes is concluding that fearing God, walking intimately with God, honoring and reverencing God, obeying God, this is what matters. So, how can we know? Like how can we know if we’re walking this out anywhere close to the right way? We have to ask ourselves, can I honor and reverence and obey God in whatever it is that I’m trying to accomplish or do? Can I worship God in this? Can I find God in this? If I subtract away everything else is God still in the center of whatever I’m doing? And it’s so helpful this territory in the Scriptures that we’ve just navigated. Job and Ecclesiastes really force us into some questions that don’t have answers and that we wrestle with, and we always look for something with a bow on top. But grappling with these things is part of…part of it. It’s part of life. The Bible leads us into wrestling with these things because everybody needs to take the time to wrestle through these things. And we begin to realize that our reverence for God is actually what dictates how we do what we do. And our lack of reverence for God also dictates how and why we do what we do. And beginning to observe ourselves and understand why we do what we do reveals our hearts. And a lot of what we do is to create some sort of structure that gives us meaning. Now we’re finding our reverence and awe and wonder and relationship with God is the source of meaning. It is through that lens that we are to live our lives.


Father, we thank You. Thank You for these last days moving through this territory. We thank You for all that it has brought up in us - some disruption, some comfort, always pulling us forward always leading us to grow - and we are deeply grateful for Your kindness and Your compassion and Your patience with us as we do that. As You Father us we grow up. And in these last days we have learned that we can spend our lives chasing the wind or we can actually build meaning walking with You. Come Holy Spirit into that. Reveal to us the pathways of our lives and how we might stop wasting our lives on things that don’t matter. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com, that is home base, and that is where you can find out what is going on around here. Alternatively, the Daily Audio Bible app will do that as well. And you can download the app from whatever app store is associated with whatever device that you carry around. So, check that out.

Check out the different sections like the Community section. There are links in the Community section that can get you connected on social media with the channels that the Daily Audio Bible participates in. But you can also find the Prayer Wall there in the Community section. And the Prayer Wall is an always on, never off resource that is available to the community here where we can always reach out and pray for each other. We can always reach out and ask for prayer, day or night no matter what time zone, no matter what continent. We can reach out to our brothers and sisters, both in asking for prayer and in offering prayer. So, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, first of all, humbly thank you. We honestly wouldn’t be here if we were not in this together and we’ve been in this together for a good many years now. And, so, thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Good morning Daily Audio Bible family this is Egbert by the way of California here in the country of Belize city. I greet you in the precious name of our Lord savior Jesus Christ. I want to thank the Hardin family for the work that they have been doing throughout the years. I pray God’s covering over their lives continually. Biola I’ve thought about you. I’ve been praying for you and your son keeping you guys covered. Tony. The many others too numerous to mention. I covet your prayers. I ask that you pray for me. We continue our sojourning here on this earth knowing that there’s going to be valleys and hills and the experience that we continue to have we know that Jesus is walking right beside us. You know, wherever these little pitfalls and these situations occur we know that He’s there and we know that we have each other to call in, you know, and to just let the community know if they are able to pray on the behalf of others as well as for us ourselves firstly. We’re not immune to the wilds of the devil our enemy. So, continue to lift each other up and edify each other. And God bless everyone. And there’s too many to mention but know that you are prayed for and cared for in the name of Jesus. I thank you and have a blessed weekend. Today is Friday the 2nd. God bless everyone. Thank you.

Hi DAB family this is Tosha in Virginia, and this is my second time calling but I just was basically brought to tears with the lady from North Carolina with the kids and the husband that’s traveling. I just want you to know you’re in my prayers. I’ve been through that with being lonely and I just pray God would fill you with hope and with peace and just that even…even just a random neighbor or someone would just bring just some uplifting peace to you uplifting…and that you would just be filled and truly feel God in a very tangible way that He is with you. And yeah, just…just know that I’m praying with you. In Jesus’ name.

Hello everyone, this is Nadine from Dubai. I’ve called in a couple of times and asked for prayed for my brother and myself and my family. It’s in a stage now where it’s month to month to month, where it’s just been going on for the last five months. My brother’s issue is not being resolved. My mother and I are fighting. My brother…it’s just…it’s just been really tough. Yesterday I listened to Job…Job…how would you say it in English? And it was amazing what Brian said on the 1st of September that, you know, we’re not alone, you know, it's…we should just believe in God, and everything is not gonna go sunshine and roses because, you know, we’re believers. And, so, just please pray for my mom, my brother, and I. You know it’s just very tough. Not gonna cry now. But anyway, it’s been a tough five months for everything. Just keep asking your prayers. Thank you. Have a great day.

Hey Daily Audio Bible family it’s Sheena from Saskatchewan and it’s been a while since I’ve called in and I…we’re still dealing with some of our legal stuff and it’s not looking good. The man that God put in my life will likely be spending some time in jail, in prison and I’m trying to help him. I’m trying to support him while he walks through this. And honestly this…this situation has brought us both back to God and I’m just trying to do what’s right and it’s just hard. So, listening to those people pray for those individuals in prison, I just…those prayers have been resonating with me over the last year and a half. So yeah, if you can pray for us for peace while we walk through this, we would really appreciate it. Thanks guys. Love you. Bye.

Hi this is Victoria Soldier just calling in to pray for some of the DABbers. First I just have to…I have to rejoice. I’ve been dancing ever since Kingdom Seeker called and said his precious wife came home. Gracious God our God is wonderful. And I also, I want to pray for those who are sick. And God gave me a word. He said healing is the children’s prayer. Gracious Father everyone who’s going through sickness, everyone who’s having challenges, going through operations, some has called about operations, some has called about sickness in their body, their mothers being sick. The Bible said God told me to tell you that healing is the children’s prayer. We thank You Lord for being so wonderful. We praise You we magnify You for who You are. I just praise God and thank Him for what He’s done and thank you Brian for bringing your heart out and doing what you do for us. I love you. Love you and China and Jill, lady Jill and even my sweetie Ezekiel. I just pray you all have a wonderful day. Love you all. Bye-bye.

09/05/2022 DAB Transcript

Ecclesiastes 10:1-12:14, 2 Corinthians 8:1-15, Psalms 49:1-20, Proverbs 22:20-21

Today is the 5th day of September welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it’s great to be here with you today just like it is every day as we gather together and move forward together through the Scriptures and through this year. And we have been working our way through the book of Ecclesiastes. And we have reached the point at which we will conclude the book of Ecclesiastes today and move forward tomorrow into some completely different territory known as the song of songs or the song of Solomon. But that’s tomorrow and we’re here. And, so, let’s finish well the book of Ecclesiastes. Today chapters 10, 11, and 12.


Okay. So, we finished the book of Ecclesiastes today and we can see how easy it would be to read the book as cynical or we could understand this is a really unique perspective. So, let’s say you go through your life accumulating what you accumulate - wealth, our stuff. And let’s say you gather it all together and you’re looking it over, you are reaching the end of your life and all of your stuff represents what you spent your life on. And you have to wonder, was it a good value? So, the writer of Ecclesiastes looks back over his life, all of the challenge and hardship that has been faced all the things that have had to have been endured, all of the pleasure, all of the stuff, all of the power, but also all of the witnessing of injustice and then looking at all that realizing that most of it was chasing the wind, right? So, a lot of energy was put into beauty and wisdom. A lot of energy was put into development and construction. Wisdom had been searched out throughout the known world, and the unanswerable questions were pursued but still he couldn’t find what he was looking for. And, so, in a sort of subtractive way, looking at all that have been accumulated and pulling away all of the things that probably didn’t matter brought a sobering view and a hopeful view. And, so, all that we’ve discussed as we’ve moved through the book of Ecclesiastes gets summed up in the final sentences of the book. “After having heard it all, this is the conclusion. Fear God and keep his commands because this applies to everyone. God will certainly judge everything that is done. This includes every secret thing, whether it is good or bad.” So, that conclusion isn’t really different than what the Bible concludes, that it is God who is our source, that we must offer ourselves and surrender to God, to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. Certainly, to love our neighbors as ourselves, but to honor God in all that we do, this is what everyone is supposed to do. This is the way to find meaning, not in the accumulation of things. And this is such a unique perspective because this is coming from a person who had no limits and was able to do whatever they wanted. And even then, with all of that arriving at these conclusions is so helpful in perspective and so helpful in allowing us to realize we are spending our lives. Are we spending our lives on things that matter? Because Ecclesiastes is concluding that fearing God, walking intimately with God, honoring and reverencing God, obeying God, this is what matters. So, how can we know? Like how can we know if we’re walking this out anywhere close to the right way? We have to ask ourselves, can I honor and reverence and obey God in whatever it is that I’m trying to accomplish or do? Can I worship God in this? Can I find God in this? If I subtract away everything else is God still in the center of whatever I’m doing? And it’s so helpful this territory in the Scriptures that we’ve just navigated. Job and Ecclesiastes really force us into some questions that don’t have answers and that we wrestle with, and we always look for something with a bow on top. But grappling with these things is part of…part of it. It’s part of life. The Bible leads us into wrestling with these things because everybody needs to take the time to wrestle through these things. And we begin to realize that our reverence for God is actually what dictates how we do what we do. And our lack of reverence for God also dictates how and why we do what we do. And beginning to observe ourselves and understand why we do what we do reveals our hearts. And a lot of what we do is to create some sort of structure that gives us meaning. Now we’re finding our reverence and awe and wonder and relationship with God is the source of meaning. It is through that lens that we are to live our lives.


Father, we thank You. Thank You for these last days moving through this territory. We thank You for all that it has brought up in us - some disruption, some comfort, always pulling us forward always leading us to grow - and we are deeply grateful for Your kindness and Your compassion and Your patience with us as we do that. As You Father us we grow up. And in these last days we have learned that we can spend our lives chasing the wind or we can actually build meaning walking with You. Come Holy Spirit into that. Reveal to us the pathways of our lives and how we might stop wasting our lives on things that don’t matter. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com, that is home base, and that is where you can find out what is going on around here. Alternatively, the Daily Audio Bible app will do that as well. And you can download the app from whatever app store is associated with whatever device that you carry around. So, check that out.

Check out the different sections like the Community section. There are links in the Community section that can get you connected on social media with the channels that the Daily Audio Bible participates in. But you can also find the Prayer Wall there in the Community section. And the Prayer Wall is an always on, never off resource that is available to the community here where we can always reach out and pray for each other. We can always reach out and ask for prayer, day or night no matter what time zone, no matter what continent. We can reach out to our brothers and sisters, both in asking for prayer and in offering prayer. So, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, first of all, humbly thank you. We honestly wouldn’t be here if we were not in this together and we’ve been in this together for a good many years now. And, so, thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Good morning Daily Audio Bible family this is Egbert by the way of California here in the country of Belize city. I greet you in the precious name of our Lord savior Jesus Christ. I want to thank the Hardin family for the work that they have been doing throughout the years. I pray God’s covering over their lives continually. Biola I’ve thought about you. I’ve been praying for you and your son keeping you guys covered. Tony. The many others too numerous to mention. I covet your prayers. I ask that you pray for me. We continue our sojourning here on this earth knowing that there’s going to be valleys and hills and the experience that we continue to have we know that Jesus is walking right beside us. You know, wherever these little pitfalls and these situations occur we know that He’s there and we know that we have each other to call in, you know, and to just let the community know if they are able to pray on the behalf of others as well as for us ourselves firstly. We’re not immune to the wilds of the devil our enemy. So, continue to lift each other up and edify each other. And God bless everyone. And there’s too many to mention but know that you are prayed for and cared for in the name of Jesus. I thank you and have a blessed weekend. Today is Friday the 2nd. God bless everyone. Thank you.

Hi DAB family this is Tosha in Virginia, and this is my second time calling but I just was basically brought to tears with the lady from North Carolina with the kids and the husband that’s traveling. I just want you to know you’re in my prayers. I’ve been through that with being lonely and I just pray God would fill you with hope and with peace and just that even…even just a random neighbor or someone would just bring just some uplifting peace to you uplifting…and that you would just be filled and truly feel God in a very tangible way that He is with you. And yeah, just…just know that I’m praying with you. In Jesus’ name.

Hello everyone, this is Nadine from Dubai. I’ve called in a couple of times and asked for prayed for my brother and myself and my family. It’s in a stage now where it’s month to month to month, where it’s just been going on for the last five months. My brother’s issue is not being resolved. My mother and I are fighting. My brother…it’s just…it’s just been really tough. Yesterday I listened to Job…Job…how would you say it in English? And it was amazing what Brian said on the 1st of September that, you know, we’re not alone, you know, it's…we should just believe in God, and everything is not gonna go sunshine and roses because, you know, we’re believers. And, so, just please pray for my mom, my brother, and I. You know it’s just very tough. Not gonna cry now. But anyway, it’s been a tough five months for everything. Just keep asking your prayers. Thank you. Have a great day.

Hey Daily Audio Bible family it’s Sheena from Saskatchewan and it’s been a while since I’ve called in and I…we’re still dealing with some of our legal stuff and it’s not looking good. The man that God put in my life will likely be spending some time in jail, in prison and I’m trying to help him. I’m trying to support him while he walks through this. And honestly this…this situation has brought us both back to God and I’m just trying to do what’s right and it’s just hard. So, listening to those people pray for those individuals in prison, I just…those prayers have been resonating with me over the last year and a half. So yeah, if you can pray for us for peace while we walk through this, we would really appreciate it. Thanks guys. Love you. Bye.

Hi this is Victoria Soldier just calling in to pray for some of the DABbers. First I just have to…I have to rejoice. I’ve been dancing ever since Kingdom Seeker called and said his precious wife came home. Gracious God our God is wonderful. And I also, I want to pray for those who are sick. And God gave me a word. He said healing is the children’s prayer. Gracious Father everyone who’s going through sickness, everyone who’s having challenges, going through operations, some has called about operations, some has called about sickness in their body, their mothers being sick. The Bible said God told me to tell you that healing is the children’s prayer. We thank You Lord for being so wonderful. We praise You we magnify You for who You are. I just praise God and thank Him for what He’s done and thank you Brian for bringing your heart out and doing what you do for us. I love you. Love you and China and Jill, lady Jill and even my sweetie Ezekiel. I just pray you all have a wonderful day. Love you all. Bye-bye.

9/4/2022 DAB Transcript

Ecclesiastes 7:1-9:18, 2 Corinthians 7:8-16, Psalm 48:1-14, Proverbs 22:17-19

Today is the fourth day of September, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian, it’s great to be here with you as we greet, open the gate, throw open the threshold, walk into a brand-new week, it’s all shiny and sparkly for us. Our first full week of this brand-new month that we’re moving into. So, we got a brand-new week, we’ll read from the God’s Word Translation this week and will pick up where we left off yesterday. And as we move back into the Old Testament, that leads us back into the book of Ecclesiastes, today chapters 7, 8 and 9.


Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You that even to us, maybe even especially to us, as the Proverb says you have made wisdom known and so we are grateful for that we needed now, more than ever. And as the days increase, so does our need for wisdom and insight and discernment. We need You to lead and guide us, to lead us on the narrow path that leads to life, to lead us into all truth. And You are, it’s not as if you’re withholding from us. You are bountifully pouring these things out to us. So often we find ourselves unaware because we’re not paying attention. So, Holy Spirit, come, as we move into this first full week of this new month, we ask that You lead and direct us, deeper in intimacy with our Savior Jesus and Lord Jesus, we love You, we adore You, we worship You. And with grateful hearts, we offer ourselves to You, for your service and your glory. We pray this in Your name. The name above all names. Amen.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hi DAB family, this is a Testimony Covers calling, from UK. I just need some prayers for me and my son. My son is gonna be 4 in October. His name is Oliver. And I need some prayers for myself because I don’t, I don’t know how to be mum. I just feel like I’m failing at this. He seems like so difficult but it kinda not. And just, he doesn’t eat and then he’s like, gets frustrated and then he bites people and then some peoples say he’s having some issues or something but I know he doesn’t, he just can’t always express himself. I don’t know how to parent him. My husband doesn’t know as well and we are just like, at least I feel like I’m a bad parent because I don’t know how to discipline him, how to parent. I just need some prayers please. Thank you.

Hey Sparky, it’s Anette Alison from Oklahoma City. Oh man, your called resonated with me so much. This kind of thing has happened to me over and over and over all my life. And if you see my Facebook on the friends page, you go oh yeah, whatever. You know, you just look like a normal human being. And that’s probably true until you get to know me some. So, I mean, I grew up in motorcycle community. I still belong to motorcycle stuff. I mean, I’m not like in a group or anything. But you know, I build motorcycles, I ride motorcycles, I wear leather, I wear big ol boots on occasion. And I went to a church and man, I was having a great time and everything was good until a beautiful Spring Day and I rode one of my hand-built motorcycles that I had built. And it was like, I dressed in jeans and a nice like button down shirt but I carried my helmet in and it was like, the people that I had been going to church with, they didn’t even sit around me. Like I was in a pew by myself you know, kind of sorta up to the front, nobody sat behind me, nobody sat in front of me. It was like I was a paria. Ok, and I guess I forgot to wear deodorant that day or something, I don’t know. But that’s the way it was and I was like, I was so hurt, I was so hurt, that’s the, that’s the feeling and I sure understand you. But you know what, I also found out, is that, I relate to different kinds of people. Not everybody is meant to do the same job, okay. You are gonna relate to a certain group of people. That’s the way God made you and if people can’t recognize that, I’d say you’re probably in the wrong group. Okay. So, consider that, consider your gift and you are, you are to outreach a certain group of people. Alright, just like Jesus’s cousin was meant to be out there in the wilderness.

Greetings DAB family, this is my first time ever calling. And I am a pastor in southwest Ohio. And I just praised the Lord for this ministry. And for all the prayers being lifted up. And for those that leave their concerns before the Lord, the Bible is clear about how we are to present our requests before the Lord and to share our burdens with one another. So, everyone, let’s please as we probably do every day but not to repeat what’s being said but let’s agree together in Jesus’ name. And it will be accomplished. And I just want to say how much the Lord means to me and how much He has helped me through the years as He continuously does every day. I thank him also for His son Jesus and for the wonderful gift of salvation. And so, Heavenly Father, please be in Jesus’ name, with all these people who call. Every day, to believe in what you can and will and already have done. Continue to pour out Your Spirit upon this nation in every way. And may everyone have a blessed and joyous day. And I look forward to calling again some time. Until then have a blessed and joyous day. In Jesus name. Amen.

Hello my DAB family, this is Jamie in New Jersey Standing on the Word of God. I humbly ask you to please pray with me. Dear Father in Heaven, in the name of Jesus, we thank You for Your unfailing love. Thank You that nothing shall separate us from Your love. Thank You for calling us to love You and to love others. We release our hearts and our lives into Your hands today. Shape us, lead us, mold us, guide us and give us strength. You are love. Everyone who lives in love, lives in You. Help us to walk in love today and every day. Thank You that Your love has been put forth into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. Help us to practice love today in all we do and all we say, so that others may see You, in us. Fill our hearts with Your love and compassion. Help us to be kind to anyone we meet. We declare that perfect love casts out all fear in our lives. Remind us of the love You have poured out on us so that we could be called Your children. Help us to bring Your love to the world around us, that it may know You and find salvation. We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen. Thank you for praying my brothers and sisters. I love you all dearly. And I thank you for praying along with me. Have a good night.

9/4/2022 DAB Transcript

Ecclesiastes 7:1-9:18, 2 Corinthians 7:8-16, Psalm 48:1-14, Proverbs 22:17-19

Today is the fourth day of September, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian, it’s great to be here with you as we greet, open the gate, throw open the threshold, walk into a brand-new week, it’s all shiny and sparkly for us. Our first full week of this brand-new month that we’re moving into. So, we got a brand-new week, we’ll read from the God’s Word Translation this week and will pick up where we left off yesterday. And as we move back into the Old Testament, that leads us back into the book of Ecclesiastes, today chapters 7, 8 and 9.


Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You that even to us, maybe even especially to us, as the Proverb says you have made wisdom known and so we are grateful for that we needed now, more than ever. And as the days increase, so does our need for wisdom and insight and discernment. We need You to lead and guide us, to lead us on the narrow path that leads to life, to lead us into all truth. And You are, it’s not as if you’re withholding from us. You are bountifully pouring these things out to us. So often we find ourselves unaware because we’re not paying attention. So, Holy Spirit, come, as we move into this first full week of this new month, we ask that You lead and direct us, deeper in intimacy with our Savior Jesus and Lord Jesus, we love You, we adore You, we worship You. And with grateful hearts, we offer ourselves to You, for your service and your glory. We pray this in Your name. The name above all names. Amen.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hi DAB family, this is a Testimony Covers calling, from UK. I just need some prayers for me and my son. My son is gonna be 4 in October. His name is Oliver. And I need some prayers for myself because I don’t, I don’t know how to be mum. I just feel like I’m failing at this. He seems like so difficult but it kinda not. And just, he doesn’t eat and then he’s like, gets frustrated and then he bites people and then some peoples say he’s having some issues or something but I know he doesn’t, he just can’t always express himself. I don’t know how to parent him. My husband doesn’t know as well and we are just like, at least I feel like I’m a bad parent because I don’t know how to discipline him, how to parent. I just need some prayers please. Thank you.

Hey Sparky, it’s Anette Alison from Oklahoma City. Oh man, your called resonated with me so much. This kind of thing has happened to me over and over and over all my life. And if you see my Facebook on the friends page, you go oh yeah, whatever. You know, you just look like a normal human being. And that’s probably true until you get to know me some. So, I mean, I grew up in motorcycle community. I still belong to motorcycle stuff. I mean, I’m not like in a group or anything. But you know, I build motorcycles, I ride motorcycles, I wear leather, I wear big ol boots on occasion. And I went to a church and man, I was having a great time and everything was good until a beautiful Spring Day and I rode one of my hand-built motorcycles that I had built. And it was like, I dressed in jeans and a nice like button down shirt but I carried my helmet in and it was like, the people that I had been going to church with, they didn’t even sit around me. Like I was in a pew by myself you know, kind of sorta up to the front, nobody sat behind me, nobody sat in front of me. It was like I was a paria. Ok, and I guess I forgot to wear deodorant that day or something, I don’t know. But that’s the way it was and I was like, I was so hurt, I was so hurt, that’s the, that’s the feeling and I sure understand you. But you know what, I also found out, is that, I relate to different kinds of people. Not everybody is meant to do the same job, okay. You are gonna relate to a certain group of people. That’s the way God made you and if people can’t recognize that, I’d say you’re probably in the wrong group. Okay. So, consider that, consider your gift and you are, you are to outreach a certain group of people. Alright, just like Jesus’s cousin was meant to be out there in the wilderness.

Greetings DAB family, this is my first time ever calling. And I am a pastor in southwest Ohio. And I just praised the Lord for this ministry. And for all the prayers being lifted up. And for those that leave their concerns before the Lord, the Bible is clear about how we are to present our requests before the Lord and to share our burdens with one another. So, everyone, let’s please as we probably do every day but not to repeat what’s being said but let’s agree together in Jesus’ name. And it will be accomplished. And I just want to say how much the Lord means to me and how much He has helped me through the years as He continuously does every day. I thank him also for His son Jesus and for the wonderful gift of salvation. And so, Heavenly Father, please be in Jesus’ name, with all these people who call. Every day, to believe in what you can and will and already have done. Continue to pour out Your Spirit upon this nation in every way. And may everyone have a blessed and joyous day. And I look forward to calling again some time. Until then have a blessed and joyous day. In Jesus name. Amen.

Hello my DAB family, this is Jamie in New Jersey Standing on the Word of God. I humbly ask you to please pray with me. Dear Father in Heaven, in the name of Jesus, we thank You for Your unfailing love. Thank You that nothing shall separate us from Your love. Thank You for calling us to love You and to love others. We release our hearts and our lives into Your hands today. Shape us, lead us, mold us, guide us and give us strength. You are love. Everyone who lives in love, lives in You. Help us to walk in love today and every day. Thank You that Your love has been put forth into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. Help us to practice love today in all we do and all we say, so that others may see You, in us. Fill our hearts with Your love and compassion. Help us to be kind to anyone we meet. We declare that perfect love casts out all fear in our lives. Remind us of the love You have poured out on us so that we could be called Your children. Help us to bring Your love to the world around us, that it may know You and find salvation. We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen. Thank you for praying my brothers and sisters. I love you all dearly. And I thank you for praying along with me. Have a good night.

09/03/2022 DAB Transcript

Ecclesiastes 4:1-6:12, 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:7, Psalms 47:1-9, Proverbs 22:16

Today is the 3rd day of September welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is great to be here with you as we greet the close of another one of our weeks. So, we’re closing a week and we’re just getting started and moved into this brand-new month. So well have to wait until next week for the first full week of this month of September but this is where we are, and this is how the days fall and its wonderful. No matter what day it is, no matter where we are in the month, it is wonderful to be around the Global Campfire together with you as we take the next step forward. And that next step leads us back into the book of Ecclesiastes. And we talked quite a bit about Ecclesiastes yesterday, that it is a part of the grouping of wisdom literature in the Bible and that it gives this really unique perspective from a person who has had no limits, no limits to their resource, no limits to their desire, no limits to their ambition and has done it all. And what you do if you’ve done it all and you can’t think of anything left to do but you are now older and your life reflecting back? And of course, this isn’t all there is to Ecclesiastes but this gives us sort of a birds eye view of what we’re moving through as we continue our journey. And, so, let’s dive in. We’ve been reading from the English Standard Version this week, which is what we’ll do today. Ecclesiastes chapter 4, 5, and 6.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for this brand-new month. It’s flying by. But as we mark the days and mark the time it allows us to stay present in where we are and what You are doing in our lives. We are grateful for the territory that we are moving through in the Bible and we recognize now that we moved through several different kinds of territory that we see that it speaks to us in different ways, touches us in different ways, transforms us and invites us deeper. We are grateful and we are looking forward to all that You have to impart, all that You have to teach us in the Scriptures in this month. So, come Holy Spirit. We seal this week. We release it to You. It will become part of our past. It will become history and we will look forward to all that is laying in store for us as we live our days in community and walk in this life of faith with You. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In the name of Jesus we ask. Amen.


dailyaudibible.com is home base, it is the website, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here. So, check it out.

Check out the different sections like the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are a number of categories there with a number of resources for the journey that we are on. So, yeah, check it out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if being around the Global Campfire brings life and good news and hope into your life then thank you for your partnership profoundly. We certainly wouldn’t be here if we weren’t in this together. And, so, thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudibible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Coming soon…

09/03/2022 DAB Transcript

Ecclesiastes 4:1-6:12, 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:7, Psalms 47:1-9, Proverbs 22:16

Today is the 3rd day of September welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is great to be here with you as we greet the close of another one of our weeks. So, we’re closing a week and we’re just getting started and moved into this brand-new month. So well have to wait until next week for the first full week of this month of September but this is where we are, and this is how the days fall and its wonderful. No matter what day it is, no matter where we are in the month, it is wonderful to be around the Global Campfire together with you as we take the next step forward. And that next step leads us back into the book of Ecclesiastes. And we talked quite a bit about Ecclesiastes yesterday, that it is a part of the grouping of wisdom literature in the Bible and that it gives this really unique perspective from a person who has had no limits, no limits to their resource, no limits to their desire, no limits to their ambition and has done it all. And what you do if you’ve done it all and you can’t think of anything left to do but you are now older and your life reflecting back? And of course, this isn’t all there is to Ecclesiastes but this gives us sort of a birds eye view of what we’re moving through as we continue our journey. And, so, let’s dive in. We’ve been reading from the English Standard Version this week, which is what we’ll do today. Ecclesiastes chapter 4, 5, and 6.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for this brand-new month. It’s flying by. But as we mark the days and mark the time it allows us to stay present in where we are and what You are doing in our lives. We are grateful for the territory that we are moving through in the Bible and we recognize now that we moved through several different kinds of territory that we see that it speaks to us in different ways, touches us in different ways, transforms us and invites us deeper. We are grateful and we are looking forward to all that You have to impart, all that You have to teach us in the Scriptures in this month. So, come Holy Spirit. We seal this week. We release it to You. It will become part of our past. It will become history and we will look forward to all that is laying in store for us as we live our days in community and walk in this life of faith with You. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In the name of Jesus we ask. Amen.


dailyaudibible.com is home base, it is the website, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here. So, check it out.

Check out the different sections like the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are a number of categories there with a number of resources for the journey that we are on. So, yeah, check it out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if being around the Global Campfire brings life and good news and hope into your life then thank you for your partnership profoundly. We certainly wouldn’t be here if we weren’t in this together. And, so, thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudibible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Coming soon…

9/2/2022 DAB Transcript

Ecclesiastes 1:1-3:22, 2 Corinthians 6:1-13, Psalm 46:1-11, Proverbs 22:15

Today is the second day of September, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and it is wonderful to be here with you, as we continue moving into this brand-new month in front of us. And this brand-new month has brought us to a brand-new book.

Introduction to the Book of Ecclesiastes:

So, yesterday we concluded the book of Job, which brings us to the threshold and we will begin today, the book of Ecclesiastes. And just by way of reminders, both Job and Ecclesiastes, as well as Proverbs and Song of Solomon, some of the Psalms, these are a part of a grouping of books known as wisdom literature. This is the genre that they are written in. So, as strange as it’s going to seem as we begin the book of Ecclesiastes that we are studying wisdom, to think about the ways that we define things. In some cases, we could say that is wisdom and we would be making a definition. We could also say that is not wisdom and therefore make a definition of wisdom by it not being something. Or for that matter, even with the Lord. We could say God is like and then make some sort of metaphor description that says more than just a definition. Or you could say God is not like and then make a definition by subtraction. So, not like to get this all muddy and convoluted but like with wisdom, we could say all the things that wisdom are and it be true. We could also say everything that wisdom is not and it still be true, in defining what wisdom is. In Ecclesiastes, we have a little bit of that going on. And by the way, the…the sort of affirming what something is or defining it by what it is not, this is called apophatic and cataphatic ways of looking at things. The apophatic way being sort of the subtraction, the negation. Saying that something is not like this other thing. In many ways we have this kind of view in the book of Ecclesiastes, it’s just interwoven into a life. In this case, the life of Israel’s third King, King Solomon. And it should be said, that there are raging debates among scholars and have been for a long time about who wrote the book of Ecclesiastes. It is generally attributed to King Solomon. This has been debated for a very long time. I personally like to read it as if it’s from Solomon or about Solomon because it kind of book ends his life. We see Solomon arising to the throne of Israel and his humility before God and asking for wisdom and his rise to power and his unbelievable development of the land of Israel. The Bible speaks of him as the wisest man in the world his wisdom is still famous today. But we also know from the Scriptures that the latter years of his reign, he did not finish well. He was seduced away into complete idolatry. So, it’s easy to wonder like, what happened to this guy, things were going so swimmingly, it was perfect, he brought Israel to climax in their culture like, what happened? Well, we could say, well he was seduced away by his many, many wives. But maybe it’s even deeper than that. Solomon’s known to be the wisest man in the world. So, he should see through some of this stuff, we would think. He was powerful, he was a king, he had the power of life and death in his hands. He was wealthy, one of the most wealthy people in the world at that time. So, what we’re looking at, is a person that has peace all around him provided by his father, King David. He has all of the resources his heart could desire. He has anything that he wants, like nothing, pretty much, nothing is off-limits to him. So, in some ways, Ecclesiastes is almost a dark memoir, a look back at what has been accomplished and realizing its chasing the wind, it’s meaningless. Like, if we had the memoir of Solomon, we would think it would be full of his greatness, his epic greatness and the greatness that Israel achieved during his time. Ecclesiastes reads a little more depressing than that, and in some ways, it just looks hopeless and like he’s just a, just a rant. But if we’ll look below the surface, we’ll find that he’s not really saying things that we haven’t thought or that we don’t say ourselves, especially when we’re feeling hopeless. It’s just, everybody has goals and dreams, everybody pursues things, everybody achieves things, but not very many people in the world, there are people in the world, but not very many people in the world, have the resource and the energy to do whatever they want. Like, they can do whatever they want, whenever they want pretty much. We, most of us, on the other hand have to work really hard to achieve certain things and it’s much less than the people who have unlimited resources. And then we start thinking, through comparison, if I could just have that, my life would be complete. If I had the ability to do whatever I want, whenever I want, I would be overjoyed and full of happiness. It would be amazing. But what we read from the book of Ecclesiastes is…is the perspective of a person who has had every advantage, every resource, everything, he’s the king of Israel. He has developed the land; he has lots and lots of gold. He has lots and lots of glory. He has lots and lots of girls. Like, he has everything that he desires. And so, to have this person live their life and then kind of reflect back and be honest about the experience, that’s helpful because most of us aren’t going to achieve that, but we spend our entire lives in pursuit of it. So, what we ultimately find from the teacher in Ecclesiastes is that you can gain the whole world and lose your soul, that you can have everything and still be empty inside, that you can achieve whatever you set your hands to do, and it’s still not be enough. It’s meaningless without God. A human being, no matter their wealth or power cannot make meaning that lasts, there are voids within us that no matter what we try to cram into those holes in our lives and fill them with, it doesn’t last. We can run and chase life as hard as we can and realize that we’re creating experiences, but life is lived in relationship with God. We were made this way, He is the source, the true source of life. And so, Ecclesiastes gives is this rare view, and we’ll start reading this book and if you’ve never read Ecclesiastes before, it can be like what is, this is the Bible? This is in the Bible? And the answer is, of course it is. We all feel this way, we just don’t usually have an example like a person who has every resource and every strength and every power available to them. So, it gives us a perspective on what it might look like if we actually got everything that we claim that we want. And so, with that we begin Ecclesiastes 1, 2, and 3 today.


Father, we love You, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for this new territory that we are entering into, as we move into the book of Ecclesiastes, it feels so different than so many of the other portions of Scripture. And it’s intriguing to consider what wisdom looks like if you’ve tried everything and done it all. Very, very few of us, have those experiences in our lives and yet You are giving us the wisdom from it, because almost all of us pursue any kind of comfort we can get our hands on. And so often, we are ignoring You, the comforter. So, may we learn the deep wisdom from the book of Ecclesiastes. We pray in the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com that is home base, that is where you can find out what’s going on around here. If you are using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can do the same thing and you can find the app from whatever app store is connected to your device, so check that out. Check out the different sections like the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are a number of categories with a number of different resources in there, all made for the community here, all made for this journey of going through the Bible together in community, so check out the resources in the Daily Audio Bible Shop. Check out the Community Section, become familiar with the Prayer Wall that lives there in the Community Section.

And if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if this has been life-giving to you, if being around the Global Campfire together, brings good news then thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you are using the app, you can press the Give button, in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that’s the little red button up at the top, or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Good morning, it’s Graced Filled Decastro here. It’s the 30th of August and I am just here listening; I’ve just finished listening to Kingdom Seeker Daniel. His testimony about his bride returning home. Oh, my goodness, praise God, hallelujah. I am so thankful and grateful to God for this restoration. I was thinking about you guys this morning, whilst I was listening to Brian. You were very heavily on my mind. And so, when I heard your voice towards the ending of the prayers that were coming through, I was just like, you know, oh my Gosh, please tell me this is what I want to hear, this is what I want to hear. And yes, you did. So, I am celebrating with you, my brother. And also, happy, happy, happy birthday. This truly has been a blessed birthday for you and God is good, He is merciful, He is kind and He, He does answer our prayers. He really does. I just wanna send a shout to Brian and family, thank you for doing what you do. This is such an amazing platform and I feel so grateful every single morning, that I’m blessed to open my eyes and listen to the DAB, the prayer requests, the testimonies, they’re amazing. I’m running out of time now guys. Have a wonderful, blessed day. Take care. Love you. Bye Bye.

Hello Daily Audio Bible, this is David from Houston, Texas. I’m calling today because I would like to request prayers for myself. On the 28th of August I decided to re-dedicate my life to Jesus. And I don’t know if this has been like the 10th time over in my, almost 40 years of living, that I’ve gone through this part. And somehow, I always fall back into sin, and I get away from the Lord. But I’m praying this time around that you know, and I’m seeking prayers from the community, this time around, I have to change position this time in my life. And I’m going to pursue Jesus like I’ve never before. And this will be the final time in my life, where I have to go through a re-dedication process. This time that I stick with Jesus. Thank you.

Hey Daily Audio Bible family, this is Billy from Montgomery with A Trinity Stone. I wanted to put a prayer request out there for Margo from Liberia, West Africa. Margo I just want to let you know that was a tragic, tragic thing that happened to the four-year-old child. Absolute travesty. I really don’t even know what to say other than we’re gonna keep you covered in prayer. Because I think you do need to finish your work over there, sounds like it’s very important. But it’s just a travesty, total tragic, tragic thing that happened. We just want to let you know we’re keeping you covered up in prayer over here. And want to let you know we’re washing you with the blood of Jesus. That’s all we can do over here is just a tragic, tragic thing that happened. And that is it. I just wanted to let you know that Margo. And we love you. And love to all you guys too, out there in DAB land. I will talk to you guys later. Bye

Hi DAB family, this is Natalie from North Carolina. I found the DAB community last year, January 1st. And almost finished out the year but life got a little crazy and I fell off the wagon a little bit. I actually, just recently started listening to this year’s series. I am coming to you all for prayers. It’s been a little tough lately. My husband travels for work. I have two little ones at home. And I work full time. We don’t really have any family or friends that I can rely on nearby. And I’ve just been feeling very overwhelmed a little lonely. So, I just was hoping to come to ya’ll for some prayers. And I just thank you all for this amazing community. It always helps, listening to Brian every day. And I look forward to it. Thank you.

Hello Daily Audio Bible family. I am calling in response to a prayer request that was sent in on the August 31st reading by, he said his name was Anonymous. He said his wife had symptoms of long COVID and that she was stuck in the house. And she can’t drive because of those symptoms. And that he was having a tough time separating himself from the world. I just wanted to just encourage you. I don’t quite understand, you know, quite understand the symptoms of long COVID but I know the feeling of being stuck inside and losing joy. And so, Lord, I just pray right now for his wife, Lord God, that You will just come into that home right now and just give her peace and joy, Lord Jesus. Restore to her the joy of her salvation, Lord God. And I thank You for healing every symptom that she has, Lord Jesus, and that no symptoms will remain, Lord God. That all these doctor appointments she won’t have to go to anymore because You are going to touch her body and make her whole and healed, in Jesus’s name. And Lord, I pray for him as well, Lord, we all waiver through the back and forth between the world and following You, Lord Jesus. Nobody is above that, Lord God. And Lord, I pray right now to just give him strength and direction, Lord Jesus, that he is not alone in this walk, Lord God, but he always has somebody to reach out to and that is You and the Daily Audio Bible family. So, Lord, I pray right now to just give them both strength, peace and joy, Lord God, and restore the love that they have for each other, Lord Jesus. Lord, we know that You’re in the miracle working business, and nothing is too hard for You, Lord Jesus. So, now we consider it done and in Jesus’s name. I hope everything is good and I can’t wait to hear for an update.

Hey everybody, it’s Margo in Liberia. And I just want to say such a heartfelt thank you to everyone that has been praying for me. Those of you that have called in and those that haven’t. I have felt many prayers. And I’m so grateful to know that I’m not alone in this. The day I called in I just, you know, I felt like I might never feel okay again. You know that grief where you just feel like you can’t even breath. And I heard your prayers, those of you that called in, and it’s amazing how comforting it is to know that someone else feels pain alongside you. Somebody that doesn’t even know you. And I’m just so grateful for this family. And I have felt your prayers. I feel as though the shock is just finally wearing off and that’s such a relief. The grief continues but at least that shock is wearing off. The little girl’s name was Winnie. I just want to share that, and she was a little darling, such a little darling. Little Winnie. Thank you for thinking of her, thank you that she meant something to you, even though you never met her. Thank you that you agree with me that this death is unjust and unfair. Thank you for being my brothers and sisters in walking beside me in this. I’m really, really grateful. Okay, bye for now.

9/2/2022 DAB Transcript

Ecclesiastes 1:1-3:22, 2 Corinthians 6:1-13, Psalm 46:1-11, Proverbs 22:15

Today is the second day of September, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and it is wonderful to be here with you, as we continue moving into this brand-new month in front of us. And this brand-new month has brought us to a brand-new book.

Introduction to the Book of Ecclesiastes:

So, yesterday we concluded the book of Job, which brings us to the threshold and we will begin today, the book of Ecclesiastes. And just by way of reminders, both Job and Ecclesiastes, as well as Proverbs and Song of Solomon, some of the Psalms, these are a part of a grouping of books known as wisdom literature. This is the genre that they are written in. So, as strange as it’s going to seem as we begin the book of Ecclesiastes that we are studying wisdom, to think about the ways that we define things. In some cases, we could say that is wisdom and we would be making a definition. We could also say that is not wisdom and therefore make a definition of wisdom by it not being something. Or for that matter, even with the Lord. We could say God is like and then make some sort of metaphor description that says more than just a definition. Or you could say God is not like and then make a definition by subtraction. So, not like to get this all muddy and convoluted but like with wisdom, we could say all the things that wisdom are and it be true. We could also say everything that wisdom is not and it still be true, in defining what wisdom is. In Ecclesiastes, we have a little bit of that going on. And by the way, the…the sort of affirming what something is or defining it by what it is not, this is called apophatic and cataphatic ways of looking at things. The apophatic way being sort of the subtraction, the negation. Saying that something is not like this other thing. In many ways we have this kind of view in the book of Ecclesiastes, it’s just interwoven into a life. In this case, the life of Israel’s third King, King Solomon. And it should be said, that there are raging debates among scholars and have been for a long time about who wrote the book of Ecclesiastes. It is generally attributed to King Solomon. This has been debated for a very long time. I personally like to read it as if it’s from Solomon or about Solomon because it kind of book ends his life. We see Solomon arising to the throne of Israel and his humility before God and asking for wisdom and his rise to power and his unbelievable development of the land of Israel. The Bible speaks of him as the wisest man in the world his wisdom is still famous today. But we also know from the Scriptures that the latter years of his reign, he did not finish well. He was seduced away into complete idolatry. So, it’s easy to wonder like, what happened to this guy, things were going so swimmingly, it was perfect, he brought Israel to climax in their culture like, what happened? Well, we could say, well he was seduced away by his many, many wives. But maybe it’s even deeper than that. Solomon’s known to be the wisest man in the world. So, he should see through some of this stuff, we would think. He was powerful, he was a king, he had the power of life and death in his hands. He was wealthy, one of the most wealthy people in the world at that time. So, what we’re looking at, is a person that has peace all around him provided by his father, King David. He has all of the resources his heart could desire. He has anything that he wants, like nothing, pretty much, nothing is off-limits to him. So, in some ways, Ecclesiastes is almost a dark memoir, a look back at what has been accomplished and realizing its chasing the wind, it’s meaningless. Like, if we had the memoir of Solomon, we would think it would be full of his greatness, his epic greatness and the greatness that Israel achieved during his time. Ecclesiastes reads a little more depressing than that, and in some ways, it just looks hopeless and like he’s just a, just a rant. But if we’ll look below the surface, we’ll find that he’s not really saying things that we haven’t thought or that we don’t say ourselves, especially when we’re feeling hopeless. It’s just, everybody has goals and dreams, everybody pursues things, everybody achieves things, but not very many people in the world, there are people in the world, but not very many people in the world, have the resource and the energy to do whatever they want. Like, they can do whatever they want, whenever they want pretty much. We, most of us, on the other hand have to work really hard to achieve certain things and it’s much less than the people who have unlimited resources. And then we start thinking, through comparison, if I could just have that, my life would be complete. If I had the ability to do whatever I want, whenever I want, I would be overjoyed and full of happiness. It would be amazing. But what we read from the book of Ecclesiastes is…is the perspective of a person who has had every advantage, every resource, everything, he’s the king of Israel. He has developed the land; he has lots and lots of gold. He has lots and lots of glory. He has lots and lots of girls. Like, he has everything that he desires. And so, to have this person live their life and then kind of reflect back and be honest about the experience, that’s helpful because most of us aren’t going to achieve that, but we spend our entire lives in pursuit of it. So, what we ultimately find from the teacher in Ecclesiastes is that you can gain the whole world and lose your soul, that you can have everything and still be empty inside, that you can achieve whatever you set your hands to do, and it’s still not be enough. It’s meaningless without God. A human being, no matter their wealth or power cannot make meaning that lasts, there are voids within us that no matter what we try to cram into those holes in our lives and fill them with, it doesn’t last. We can run and chase life as hard as we can and realize that we’re creating experiences, but life is lived in relationship with God. We were made this way, He is the source, the true source of life. And so, Ecclesiastes gives is this rare view, and we’ll start reading this book and if you’ve never read Ecclesiastes before, it can be like what is, this is the Bible? This is in the Bible? And the answer is, of course it is. We all feel this way, we just don’t usually have an example like a person who has every resource and every strength and every power available to them. So, it gives us a perspective on what it might look like if we actually got everything that we claim that we want. And so, with that we begin Ecclesiastes 1, 2, and 3 today.


Father, we love You, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for this new territory that we are entering into, as we move into the book of Ecclesiastes, it feels so different than so many of the other portions of Scripture. And it’s intriguing to consider what wisdom looks like if you’ve tried everything and done it all. Very, very few of us, have those experiences in our lives and yet You are giving us the wisdom from it, because almost all of us pursue any kind of comfort we can get our hands on. And so often, we are ignoring You, the comforter. So, may we learn the deep wisdom from the book of Ecclesiastes. We pray in the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com that is home base, that is where you can find out what’s going on around here. If you are using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can do the same thing and you can find the app from whatever app store is connected to your device, so check that out. Check out the different sections like the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are a number of categories with a number of different resources in there, all made for the community here, all made for this journey of going through the Bible together in community, so check out the resources in the Daily Audio Bible Shop. Check out the Community Section, become familiar with the Prayer Wall that lives there in the Community Section.

And if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if this has been life-giving to you, if being around the Global Campfire together, brings good news then thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you are using the app, you can press the Give button, in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that’s the little red button up at the top, or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Good morning, it’s Graced Filled Decastro here. It’s the 30th of August and I am just here listening; I’ve just finished listening to Kingdom Seeker Daniel. His testimony about his bride returning home. Oh, my goodness, praise God, hallelujah. I am so thankful and grateful to God for this restoration. I was thinking about you guys this morning, whilst I was listening to Brian. You were very heavily on my mind. And so, when I heard your voice towards the ending of the prayers that were coming through, I was just like, you know, oh my Gosh, please tell me this is what I want to hear, this is what I want to hear. And yes, you did. So, I am celebrating with you, my brother. And also, happy, happy, happy birthday. This truly has been a blessed birthday for you and God is good, He is merciful, He is kind and He, He does answer our prayers. He really does. I just wanna send a shout to Brian and family, thank you for doing what you do. This is such an amazing platform and I feel so grateful every single morning, that I’m blessed to open my eyes and listen to the DAB, the prayer requests, the testimonies, they’re amazing. I’m running out of time now guys. Have a wonderful, blessed day. Take care. Love you. Bye Bye.

Hello Daily Audio Bible, this is David from Houston, Texas. I’m calling today because I would like to request prayers for myself. On the 28th of August I decided to re-dedicate my life to Jesus. And I don’t know if this has been like the 10th time over in my, almost 40 years of living, that I’ve gone through this part. And somehow, I always fall back into sin, and I get away from the Lord. But I’m praying this time around that you know, and I’m seeking prayers from the community, this time around, I have to change position this time in my life. And I’m going to pursue Jesus like I’ve never before. And this will be the final time in my life, where I have to go through a re-dedication process. This time that I stick with Jesus. Thank you.

Hey Daily Audio Bible family, this is Billy from Montgomery with A Trinity Stone. I wanted to put a prayer request out there for Margo from Liberia, West Africa. Margo I just want to let you know that was a tragic, tragic thing that happened to the four-year-old child. Absolute travesty. I really don’t even know what to say other than we’re gonna keep you covered in prayer. Because I think you do need to finish your work over there, sounds like it’s very important. But it’s just a travesty, total tragic, tragic thing that happened. We just want to let you know we’re keeping you covered up in prayer over here. And want to let you know we’re washing you with the blood of Jesus. That’s all we can do over here is just a tragic, tragic thing that happened. And that is it. I just wanted to let you know that Margo. And we love you. And love to all you guys too, out there in DAB land. I will talk to you guys later. Bye

Hi DAB family, this is Natalie from North Carolina. I found the DAB community last year, January 1st. And almost finished out the year but life got a little crazy and I fell off the wagon a little bit. I actually, just recently started listening to this year’s series. I am coming to you all for prayers. It’s been a little tough lately. My husband travels for work. I have two little ones at home. And I work full time. We don’t really have any family or friends that I can rely on nearby. And I’ve just been feeling very overwhelmed a little lonely. So, I just was hoping to come to ya’ll for some prayers. And I just thank you all for this amazing community. It always helps, listening to Brian every day. And I look forward to it. Thank you.

Hello Daily Audio Bible family. I am calling in response to a prayer request that was sent in on the August 31st reading by, he said his name was Anonymous. He said his wife had symptoms of long COVID and that she was stuck in the house. And she can’t drive because of those symptoms. And that he was having a tough time separating himself from the world. I just wanted to just encourage you. I don’t quite understand, you know, quite understand the symptoms of long COVID but I know the feeling of being stuck inside and losing joy. And so, Lord, I just pray right now for his wife, Lord God, that You will just come into that home right now and just give her peace and joy, Lord Jesus. Restore to her the joy of her salvation, Lord God. And I thank You for healing every symptom that she has, Lord Jesus, and that no symptoms will remain, Lord God. That all these doctor appointments she won’t have to go to anymore because You are going to touch her body and make her whole and healed, in Jesus’s name. And Lord, I pray for him as well, Lord, we all waiver through the back and forth between the world and following You, Lord Jesus. Nobody is above that, Lord God. And Lord, I pray right now to just give him strength and direction, Lord Jesus, that he is not alone in this walk, Lord God, but he always has somebody to reach out to and that is You and the Daily Audio Bible family. So, Lord, I pray right now to just give them both strength, peace and joy, Lord God, and restore the love that they have for each other, Lord Jesus. Lord, we know that You’re in the miracle working business, and nothing is too hard for You, Lord Jesus. So, now we consider it done and in Jesus’s name. I hope everything is good and I can’t wait to hear for an update.

Hey everybody, it’s Margo in Liberia. And I just want to say such a heartfelt thank you to everyone that has been praying for me. Those of you that have called in and those that haven’t. I have felt many prayers. And I’m so grateful to know that I’m not alone in this. The day I called in I just, you know, I felt like I might never feel okay again. You know that grief where you just feel like you can’t even breath. And I heard your prayers, those of you that called in, and it’s amazing how comforting it is to know that someone else feels pain alongside you. Somebody that doesn’t even know you. And I’m just so grateful for this family. And I have felt your prayers. I feel as though the shock is just finally wearing off and that’s such a relief. The grief continues but at least that shock is wearing off. The little girl’s name was Winnie. I just want to share that, and she was a little darling, such a little darling. Little Winnie. Thank you for thinking of her, thank you that she meant something to you, even though you never met her. Thank you that you agree with me that this death is unjust and unfair. Thank you for being my brothers and sisters in walking beside me in this. I’m really, really grateful. Okay, bye for now.