12/4/2023 DAB Transcript

Daniel 11:36-12:13, 1 John 4:1-21, Psalm 123:1-4, Proverbs 29:2-4

Today is the 4th day of December, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian, it's…it’s wonderful, wonderful to be here today. It’s wonderful to have a place to be here around the Global Campfire, as we gather again and take another step forward on our journey through the Scriptures. And our journey leads us, every day, it leads us right to where we left off because we’re reading every chapter, every verse, every book of the Bible and we’re working our way through the book of Daniel now. Today, chapter 11 verse 36, through chapter 12 verse 13 today.


Okay, so, as we’re working our way through this, this first letter of John, we’re seeing that it is powerful. There is so many incredible insights for us. And what we saw today in John’s writing is that people in this early church are being deceived and abandoned their faith in Jesus by following new teachings. And as we talked about earlier, there was a swirl of teachings about who Jesus was, what He meant, what He represented, what His work was. And so, some people follow new teachings, other people just got fed up of waiting, and became antagonistic to the Gospel, even antichrist, as the Scriptures say. And all of this swirl of many different teachings that were beginning to develop in the early church, one in particular claimed that Jesus wasn’t a person, He was, He was a spiritual apparition. He was not a flesh and blood human being. And so, this became a theological debate. What is the nature of Jesus Christ? And the question that was debated was whether or not Jesus was the divine simply made visible, or the divine made flesh. And that teaching that Jesus was a spiritual apparition, would later be called Docetism.