11/12/2023 DAB Transcript

Ezekiel 24:1-26:21, Hebrews 11:1-16, Psalm 110:1-7, Proverbs 27:14

Today is the 12th day of November, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian, it’s great to be here with you today and every day. Of course, here we are at the sparkly shiny threshold of a brand-new week. Looking at the week, we will continue to journey our way through the book of Ezekiel. And in the New Testament, we will conclude this week, the book of Hebrews, and move forward into James. And we will read from the Common English Bible this week. So, let’s dive in, Ezekiel chapter 24 verse 1, through 26 verse 21.


Okay, in our reading from Psalms today, we read Psalm 110, which refers to Melchizedek. One of the two only references to Melchizedek in the Old Testament, and we talked about that at length, when we began the book of Hebrews. So, I’m just pointing that out.

In the book of Hebrews, we turn the corner and begin to move into the next piece of what is being laid out in Hebrews. So, since we began Hebrews, we’ve been examining from a Hebrew context, a Jewish context, the sacrificial system, the way to get to God, and to be absolved of sin. And the writer of Hebrews is saying that in Jesus death, that system is completed, and is no longer necessary. We now have a high priest in heaven, a new covenant has been instituted, we can now ourselves go into the holy of holies. So, in other words, we can now ourselves as individuals stand clean and righteous before God and enter His presence ourselves. And we’ve talked about what a monumental paradigm shift that was for the Hebrews that this was written to. Today, we begin to talk about what enables all of that. The reality that we have to enter and live from within, in order for this to become true, and that reality is called faith. So, as we turn the corner and begin Hebrews chapter 11, we’re greeted with that, faith is the reality of what we hope for, the proof of what we don’t see. And then we spent the rest of our time in Hebrews today seeing examples of this from the Scriptures. And we started at the beginning and began to work our way forward. And we will continue with those examples as we read forward, as we go forward tomorrow. Some scholars call this the hall of faith, that the hall of faith in the Bible because it’s example, after example of people who lived by faith in order to move into a reality that would otherwise be impossible. And we should enjoy this because it’s kind of a fast motion move through a number of the stories that we’ve encountered as we’ve move through the Bible this year. But it also shows us this common thread, faith is a necessary part of our humanity, of our journey, and certainly is the rocket fuel of our relationship with God. So, we should enjoy ourselves as we move through these examples. But then Hebrews will lead us to a place where we realize okay, the examples are wonderful, but I can’t move into this on someone else’s faith, it’s going to come down to some choices and decisions that I have to make. And we’ll get to that over the next couple of days.


And so, Father, the Scriptures tell us that it’s impossible to please You without faith, and so now, as we begin to explore faith from the book of Hebrews, we invite Your Holy Spirit to strengthen and increase our faith in You, as we look at these examples of people who had faith against all odds, faith in a reality that they could not see, faith in You and You alone. Come Holy Spirit and make this a reality in our lives. We ask in Jesus name. Amen.


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And as always, if you have a prayer request or comment 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

DAB family, it’s KC the Single-Minded Plumber. I love you guys. It’s another beautiful sunny day in sunny aloha. I hope all you guys are having and awesome day and enjoying yourselves. Bless all of you. I wanted to call in, in particular to thank a few people in the DAB community. I know we have some law enforcement officers in our community. And it’s inspiring, law enforcement officers. I want to thank you, specifically. I grew up with a single mother on welfare in the poorest neighborhoods we could find. And a lot of my father figures were law enforcement officers. Anybody, any male figures in my family were on drugs or selling drugs. So, law enforcement officers made a big difference in my life. They taught me right from wrong. They let me know when I was doing something wrong. They brought me home and kept me safe a lot of nights. So, you never know when you’re in the community, what a difference and what an impact you make on…on the people you meet. God bless you guys. Thank you for doing what you do. You’re appreciated, you really are. Even if the people who you’re helping, don’t show it at the time, and I didn’t. But a lot of the law enforcement officers I knew when I was a child, still wonder how I’m doing. And reach out to me and hope I’m doing okay. So, I just want to say, I love you. God bless you. Bless your families. Bless everything you do. Byyyyeee

Hey fam, it’s Spark. I wanted to call. I was listening to community prayer. And I heard a call from Joe. Hey dude, I’m so glad that you’re on here. You were talking about your struggles, childhood and things like that. And how you can be bitter about that. But I’m gonna tell you right now, that’s okay. You’re seeing things that happened that changed your mind. And it’s different to listen to Proverbs, hard to listen to it sometimes. But I want to tell you dude, I want to urge you to get where I was. So, when I started listening to this, I was just so exhausted. I was exhausted with being frustrated, angry, down. Man, I’ve…I’ve had some upside downs in my life. I always tell you that. You know, where you’re left on your backside and can’t really make sense of all of it. And keep digging right now. And there’s gonna be a point, when you say you have trouble listening, I will tell you what God is, God is taking you right now, and He’s putting you in this situation, not to listen to His word out of fear or out of shame of things that have happened to you. Right now, He’s looking at you and telling you, you can be brand new. And here is my promise. And when that clicked, where I realized that everything that had beat the fire out of me. I didn’t have to take it anymore. This is a promise you’re listening to. And this is God telling you how much He loves you. And I started reading it like a nerd. I love you dude. Hang in there.

Hey DAB family, it’s Abba’s Daughter Sadie M. I’m listening to today’s reading, November 7th. And James from Nebraska, I think I got your moniker right, your wife Mary, you found on the floor after a couple hours of probably being unconscious after a fall. And I just, I wanna take her to the throne. You said it’s not looking good. And I just wanna take her to our Jehovah Raffa, our healer. I believe that He can heal. That’s what it takes for miracles to happen is belief and faith in our mighty God. So, let’s go to the throne for Mary. Abba Father, we come before You today in awe of Your power. We come before You today in awe of all the things You have done, miracle, miracle, miracle. Both in a time when Jesus was on earth, among us and even beyond that time. Lord, You have done so many miracles for so many. And so, we ask today that You would heal Mary. That You would heal her in such a way that the only way she would recognize it is You, Lord. That this healing would bring her to You, Lord, and Lord, when she comes to You, I know she will be welcomed with open arms in the most grand celebration in heaven. So, Lord, we ask for this miracle and this healing. And this coming to You Lord, we just pray and know that You can do it. We believe in the miracle, Lord. So, Abba Father, Jehovah Raffa have Your way with Mary and bless James with patience, kindness and gentleness as they work together in Mary’s healing. In your precious name. Amen. Abba’s Daughter Sadie M, bye for now.

Hello DABers, this is K from Ohio. I want to pray for Kyle from Pennsylvania. Praying for his daughter Rylee who’s 3 years old. Sir, this prayer request touched my heart so dearly. I have two children and I work with three-, four- and five-year-olds and it just, God knows the children touch my heart, and the pull and they tug until they can’t tug anymore. So, God I ask You, You heard my prayer before I even got on this call. We speak encouragement to the parent’s heart, that they will remember that You are the true living God. That You are Jehovah Raffa, besides You there is none other. There’s nothing that You can’t do. There’s nothing that’s too hard. God, I’m asking that You’d be right there and holding Rylee’s hand. Hold the parent’s hand, wrap them up in Your loving arms. And let them not feel that fear that tries to grip them and twist their hearts and they can’t talk, and they can’t breathe. They know how great You are, and they know You’re a healer and that You’re faithful. But it’s their child, God. Give them strength to stand on Your word and trust You beyond all understanding. And when no one else is sure, they are sure that You are the true and living God and that You’re holy and divine will, will be done. In the name of Jesus. Thank You for being faithful God. Do Your best for them. We’re looking for a miracle. It’s in Your son, Jesus name we pray. We count it all done. Amen.