10/13/2023 DAB Transcript pt2

So, assuming that Paul wrote this letter in his lifetime, then what we’re seeing is Paul’s desire to clarify things that he didn’t have time to clarify and answer questions that that are coming to him from the church and to offer correction when correction is needed, whether that be interpersonal correction in the church or whether there’s like an incorrect doctrine happening, and that is the case in second Thessalonians. For example, Paul’s teachings in his letters like, it’s not like an ambiguous thing, the early church believed that the arrival of Jesus, his return was imminent, literally imminent, literally like in their lifetimes, any day, any second. So that would make certain people that go well, I’m going to stop life as I have previously known it and wait because this could, I’m gonna be ready, this could happen at any time. So that will lead to is that people would stop working, quit their jobs ,stop providing for themselves. Stop being a contributor into the community. King of lean on everybody else and live idly which then led to boredom which then led to gossip and meddling in other people’s business. So, Paul in this letter, kind of lays it out. Like, yeah, you can’t leech off each other. That’s not how this works. If you don’t want to work, then I guess you don’t want to eat. And another thing will find this letter, when you think about this, these are baby Christians in Thessalonica and they didn’t have a lot of time to be poured into. And so, they have what they have and they’re trying to live into their faith and they’re trying to be ready and waiting for Jesus arrival and they get word, like communication comes in through the church that it already happened. Jesus came and they missed it. Which is a horrible thing to say to a baby congregation of baby Christians, like you missed it. And so, Paul of course sets the record straight that he didn’t say that he wouldn’t say that, it’s not true. And he really wants to encourage them. Again, he didn’t have a whole lot of time with them. They were persecuted from the get go. They are still being persecuted and marginalized, they aren’t particularly wealthy enough to really defend themselves in any kind of social way. They don’t have a lot. They just have a lot of love and a lot of hope in Jesus. So, he loves them and wants to encourage them. Encourage them to take the long view, justice is, belongs to God and God sees those who are faithful to him. And justice in the end will prevail. And so, we get this glimpse again, these letters really give us, since they’re like letters written to specific churches about specific things, we get this glimpse into what’s going on in the early church, and second Thessalonians gives us a view of baby Christians under fire trying to be faithful. And so we begin Second Thessalonians chapter 1.


Father, we thank You, we thank You for the Scriptures, we thank You for this tangible gift that we can actually hold in our hands if we so choose. We thank You that no matter how murky or cloudy things get, we have a tangible gift even if technology fails, we have a tangible gift. Thank You for this technology that binds us together and has allowed us to be together, every single day for these well, almost 16 straight years. Thank You, thank You for the Scriptures and the way that they speak into our lives and all the different nuances and complexions. Thank You for this letter. The second letter to the Thessalonians, come Holy Spirit and speak to us. Thank You for this book of Jeremiah that we are working our way through. Come, Holy Spirit, and speak to us, guide and direct our steps, transform us, change us we pray, in the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


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And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that’s the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hey DAB family, this is Lost in Texas. This is my first time calling. Little over a month ago, I was blindsided with losing my job, the day before my birthday. And I’ve been searching and struggling to understand the reason why God did this, what He has planned for me. And I keep finding something and then it falls through, finding something else and then it falls through. And then, I recently found a position that fits all of my needs with a strong Christian company and I made the application for it, I have a friend who knows my potential boss. He submitted a referral for it. And I’ve reached out to the boss myself and I hear nothing. If I heard a no, I’d be able to move on and understand that it’s not God’s plan, this is not God’s plan for me. If I heard a yes, it’d be amazing. But it’s the hearing of the nothing that is killing me and it’s making me question things and it’s bringing up all these coping mechanisms that rely on things that I’m trying. I’m trying to not fall back into. And I just need prayer to make sure that I can stay away from these things. And honestly, I think this job would be perfect if I could just have the opportunity. So, please any prayer you could help me with that, would be greatly appreciated.

Father God, we come before You this morning, worshiping You and thanking You in the beautiful morning sunrise. We lift up the prayer requests to You and we offer them as a sweet incense to You, Father God. We are lifting up Riding for Christ who needs a position close to home. He is serving and protecting the community around where he lives, Father, and we ask You to open up the opportunity for him to be able to be close to home and not waste so much time driving so far away to his job. His Little Song Bird, Wanda is in the hospital, Father God, and we are praying for strength and healing, Father God, over Wanda. On the Prayer Wall, Daryl has asked for prayers for his 14-year-old daughter with cyclic vomiting, Father God, we are asking You to pour healing into this young girls stomach. Heal her organs, Father God, allow this vomiting to stop. And let her body naturally work the way You have intended for it to be. Andrea is asking for prayers for her daughter Ray, who is not walking with God, for her son Jaden and his friend Ethan with bi-polar and her friend Antonia with the vision impairment. Father God, we call Ray back into the fold, Father God, she is a prodigal Lord, and we’re calling her name, Father God. We’re lifting that name. You see her, Father God, direct her back Lord and let her humble herself before You and ask for salvations plan and let her walk uprightly, righteous before You, Father God. Heal the bi-polar. And heal the vision, Lord I bow before You this morning with a few additional prayers for the weekly call-ins and the Prayer Wall. Father God, I’m lifting up His Little Sharie before the throne of grace today. She is experiencing fear, Father God, and I ask the Holy Spirit to permeate completely through her and dispel that fear that is not of God. And place it with peace that passes all understanding. I know this scripture is used many, many times. And we believe in its power. She is in fear of what’s going on in her body and has apprehension of the drugs they’re wanting to start. Father God, we are asking for wisdom to come to the doctors if there’s an alternative way to deal with this, we are asking for second opinions, we are asking Lord, for You to give His Little Sharie the assurance of what path she is supposed to go on next. Under Construction is looking for a part-time job for the weekend, Lord. I am asking for You to open up the opportunity for her to find the exact position and job and place that You want her to be in that will fulfill her financial needs, above and beyond what her bills are, so that out of her abundance she is able to help others from Your gracious provisions. And for the Prayer Wall, for JC of GA Father God, for a successful colonoscopy, guide the instruments and the doctors, let them be steady, let there be no mishaps or side effects or any causes other than having a successful procedure done with good results because of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Hey Liza, this is Spark. I haven’t particularly called in because I’m not gonna lie, I didn’t necessarily know how to call in. I’ve been praying for you. I’m walking through the grass in bare feet right now. And I wanted to tell you, I vividly remember when this journey started, and I was working. I can tell you exactly where I was when this journey started with you. Sister, your power and your strength is, is delivered by God. And I want you to know that I am so proud of you. I love you. My wife tells me I can talk to a fence post, but I haven’t necessarily know how to talk to you. So hear it goes, I don’t rehearse. I believe God has an utter calling for you. I believe that God has used you right now to reach out and touch people and make people think and make people love and make people care for each other. Sister, this life is temporary, all we can do is hope and strive to be good people. And we get to go see our Father. I want you to know that I pray for you every day. I love you. And what an inspiration you are and I will see you soon. Muah. I love you. Be with God.