07/23/2023 DAB Transcript

2 Chronicles 8:11-10:19, Romans 8:9-25, Psalms 18:16-36, Proverbs 19:26

Today is the 23rd day of July welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it’s great to be here with you today. It’s always great, always, always, always great to be in the presence of brothers and sisters immersing ourselves in the Scriptures. I guess I’d have to say this is about my favorite place to be. So, I’m grateful to be here with you today. Hopefully we’re all grateful to be here together around the Global Campfire beginning a brand-new shiny sparkly week together. And may we remember as we so often do, it’s all out in front of us and we can make of it whatever we want. In fact, we will make of it whatever we want based on the thoughts, words and deeds of our lives in the next coming week. And, so, may we go into it with open hands and grateful hearts living into this gift of life, an experience that God has given to us. And we know these sorts of things because we are taught them from the Scriptures from the word of God. And, so, let’s turn our attention in that direction. This week we will read from the New International Version. And of course, we’ll be picking up where he left off and that leads us back into second Chronicles. And right now, second Chronicles is chronicling the life and reign of King Solomon. So, today second Chronicles chapter 8 verse 11 through 10 verse 19.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for bringing us into this brand-new week, all new, all shiny, all waiting for us. And we look forward to all that You will bring to us in the Scriptures in this coming week and all of the things that we will have an opportunity to talk about and meditate on and consider as the Scriptures are sowed into the soil and tilled into the soil of our hearts. And, so, come Holy Spirit, we open our hearts to You. Make the soil of our hearts fertile for Your word. May the fruit that comes from the time that we spend in the Scriptures, may it grow bountifully and bubble forth out into our lives. May be dispensed into the world, revealing Your glorious love and compassion for us and everyone. Holy Spirit, come. Lead us into all truth. Lead us on the narrow path that leads to life. Make Your word a lamp to our feet and a light to our path in this next week we pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi Daily Audio Bible family this is Derek in Oklahoma. I’m requesting prayer for my marriage. My wife has filed for divorce, and it looks like things are moving in that direction. We’ve had some trouble in the past. I think that she’s looking to move on and not wanting to work on where we’re at in our lives. I’ve got a lot of healing and growing to do, and I ask that you pray for me. I know my wife is a Christian and that she loves the Lord, but she seems to be running right now. I would pray that you guys would pray for her and just raise her up to the Lord in this time. Ask the lord to convict her, to touch her heart and to soften her heart and warm it towards me and to the Lord and that she would be brought the right news, the right messages at the right times from the right lips, that she would be open to look at doing things God’s way and to look at reconciliation. I thank you all guys…you guys for being there through this hard time with me and I love you guys and I appreciate hearing everyone’s prayers and I pray with you. Thank you. God…

Hi DABbers this is Kay from Ohio. I just want to pray. I think she said her name…I don’t know if she’s saying Wren or Friend. She didn’t really give details but she’s struggling with alcoholism. And my sister I can’t say I know how you feel but we’ve all had something that we had to be delivered from and give it over to God. And because you put it out in the air it’s so much easier to be free from…the devil can’t hold it over your head because you’ve already opened it up and you have other people praying for you. And when you have the prayers of the righteous there’s nothing God can do…can’t do for you. So, God I ask that You just touch my sister in ways that she hasn’t been touched before, that she will trust You like never before and totally surrender it all to You and let You do what You do best with no help from anyone else God. Be with her. Be with her in the midnight hours when no one else is looking when the struggle is the hardest because no one’s there to tell her no or to stop. Be with her when she sees it in the stores. God I pray that the smell of alcohol makes her literally sick to where she…just the thought of it makes her sick because she doesn’t want the taste on her tongue. And if she gets so far to get it on her tongue God, that she would just regurgitate it all and that she will pick up the word of God and the scriptures will start to flowing out of her mouth and she will be a living testimony of who You are and what You can do God. Keep her in Your blood in Jesus’ name. Amen. God bless you.

Hello DAB family this is Diana from Florida and I want to pray for the man who called in in the July 19th podcast requesting prayer for his brother who’s been released from prison after 24 years and is having trouble acclimating to society and the world around him. Dear God, I lift up this man right now into your hands. Lord God, he has been freed physically from prison but his mind, his heart, his soul, his spirit still remains bound. O Lord God, still remains in chains, still remains in prison. And Father God, I pray that he would have a supernatural encounter with you that would set him free. I pray that he would know the truth, the truth of your gospel, the truth of your word, the truth of who you are and that the truth would set him free. Lord Jesus, I pray O Lord God just as this man was saying that prison in many ways becomes a safe place. Father God, I think about the people of Israel. I think about the fact that they were grumbling and complaining in the wilderness, and they kept saying we want to go back to Egypt, we want to go back to Egypt because there was more variety of food, there was comfort there was the things they knew, there was everything. Even though they were enslaved and bound over there they still wanted to go back, and I think in many ways his brother may be experiencing that same thing because prison provided boundaries that he now no longer has. So, I pray that support would surround this brother or Lord God and this man who has just been released from prison to help him acclimate and get used to the world but at the same time to lead him to the __ grace of Jesus Christ, that he O Lord God would come to the repentance of his sins, turn away from them all and receive Jesus as his Lord and savior. And I pray that he would not be afraid to be vulnerable with God so that he could be set free.

Hey Daily Audio Bible my name is Zach I’m 21 years old. I’m in school. I live in Nashville TN. This is my first time calling actually. I’ve been listening for about a couple months now really trying to dive in and I really enjoy what this app has to offer. I’m calling today because my grandfather, one of the most amazing people I know, a man of God is in the hospital right now because he’s battling lymphoma cancer that we just got word today that has spread all over his body. It’s even to the point where it’s pressing against his brain and he’s not able to talk. He’s non responsive and this has been really really tough on my family over the past couple weeks. And today we just got news of all this new spread and it’s really heavy on us. So, I just…I just want to ask all the all the prayer warriors, all the amazing people out there, God’s people to really just keep my family and my grandfather on their minds. The power of prayer is an incredible thing. I’ve seen it move. I know God is a way maker and He’s a miracle worker. I know that He can do amazing things. So, I just wanna ask if you if you guys could pray for me and my family. That would be amazing. Anything will help. Thank you, guys.