5/1/2022 DAB Transcript

Judges 13:1-14:20, John 1:29-51, Psalm 102:1-28, Proverbs 14:15-16

Today is May 1st, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is great to be here with you as we greet a brand-new, shiny, sparkly week and a brand-new shiny, sparkly month, the fifth month of the year. What a joy. It’s like a whole reset, it’s all out in front of us and we have been informed by the Scriptures for four straight months now, and if we’re still on this train, like if we’re still day-by-day, step-by-step we should be beginning to feel like we’re getting our bearings and feel like things are shifting inside of us. We’re starting to see things in a new light, in a different way. So today, is the 121st day of the year. Congratulations on making it to this point. There is so much adventure out in front of us, in the Scriptures. And so, let’s dive in, we’ll read from the Modern English Version this week. Picking up the story in the Book of Judges, which is introducing us to the generations of judges that followed Joshua’s leadership. And we’ve met some…some judges that only have like a couple of sentences and we’ve met judges like Gideon that have an entire story and back story and…and even the story that came after. Today, we will begin one such story, the story of the Judge Sampson, Judges chapters 13 and 14 today.


Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You for bringing us this far into the Scriptures this year. And we’re here, greeting a brand-new month and a brand-new week. And so, we take this time to reflect and look back at all that You have brought us through, even this year alone. And all that it is beginning to settle into our spirits, transforming us. And we look forward to all that You have yet to speak to us. We look forward to be being transformed. This is what we call sanctification, this is us being set apart as holy and made into the image of our Savior and we welcome this, we desire this, we need this. So, come Holy Spirit into this brand-new month, and lead us, as we surrender our will to You. In the name of Jesus, we pray this. Amen.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Good morning Daily Audio Bible family. This is Amanda Neel in Nebraska and I have a huge praise report. Ya’ll have been praying for our daughter Celia with her anxiety, intestinal issues. We have concluded that it is most likely anxiety related. This week, she missed all of last week cause we were trying to figure out which meds were working and which ones were not. Got that figured out but she missed an entire week of school because of the vomiting that the lack of med caused. Got ready to go to school yesterday, Monday and she was hysterical, bawling, said she couldn’t do it, couldn’t do it, couldn’t do it. I actually had to have the counselor help me get her out of the car. Made it through the day. Yesterday, it was a lot of work to get her into the car, get her to school but in the process, I was rebuking Satan off of her and praising God for what he had not done yet. And by the time we got other kids to school, got her some breakfast, she got out of the car and walked into the school on her own. And that is only by the grace of God and His almighty power and I just thank you for your prayers and ask you to continue to do so and we continue to praise her and praise God. It’s just, it’s amazing, God is so, so good. Thank you all.

This Abundantly Blessed Tanya from Massachusetts and I just would love to just give a prayer of thanksgiving to our beautiful Father, our gracious Daddy, our Abba. I listen to all these wonderful requests and testimonies and I know they go up to Him like a fragrant scent. Like a bouquet of flowers, I think of a time, I know it’s like oil, the oil of incense going to Him. Just if, if we would give it to Him, that we would give Him the praise and we would give Him the petitions, that we recognize who He is, He is Lord God. And I’m so grateful that He is. And we just thank You Daddy for this day and all that You’re doing and how You’re working on our behalf. We are never forsaken, You are always with us, Emmanuel, God with us. When things and the world is swirling about, we have an anchor, we need to hold onto the anchor and look at the anchor and not at what is going on around us. So, I am just so grateful Father that You are reminding us of that through this time that I am speaking to you but I’m also speaking before my brothers and sisters in Christ, to encourage as well. So, Father, thank You for this day, help us each to walk a little slower so that we can heart your voice, that we can hear how you’re directing us. Help us to stop for moments where we could receive Your hug, Your embrace. You know, that is there, that tangible feel that you can have if we just stop long enough to ponder Your word and what You say. So, Father, thank You for this day.

Good afternoon, everybody, this is God’s Smile here. It’s a beautiful day and the Lord blessed me to be able to get up, I’ve not done that for months and to come downstairs and spend a few hours, it was absolutely wonderful. I have on my mind to pray for the babies in the womb. I don’t know why, it’s been coming to me all day, so I’m just gonna pray. Father God, we thank You for the gift of life when we conceive Lord, and that child, You’re child, grows within us, Lord. Father, we pray for its protection. Father, if there is a mother worried about something going wrong within that womb, Lord, we…we turn to You. And the scripture that came to me was about the Lord knitting us together in the womb. So, Father, I pray as you knit those children together, that anything that would raise it’s head up against You, in regards to health, ill health, Lord, that You would knit it away, in the mighty name of Jesus. Thank You for the powerful blood of Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus, we pray for the mums, for their peace as they carry. We pray for their health too Lord and if anything is worrying them Lord, I would ask that, as they sit quietly with You, that You would fill them, Lord, with Your comfort, and grace and mercy. Lord, encourage them, speak to them in Your word, through songs Lord, and Your scripture Lord. Bless these moms and children. In the mighty name of Jesus, we pray. Bring them forth in safe delivery, Father, help them not to worry. Times ticking away, I better go. Kiss kiss everybody.

Hello DAB family, this is KD out of Atlanta. Calling in, asking for prayer for my youngest son, Kayden. Kayden is on the autism spectrum. He’s on the low end but he’s yet, still he’s been diagnosed with having autism and they are testing here in Georgia, the Georgia Milestone Test. And I just pray that he does well on the test and I’m asking for prayers for that as well. And also, he’s going through puberty now, he’s 12. As well as dealing with autism he has to deal with puberty and he’s just been dealing with a lot of issues right now. And I can just imagine his heart to try and navigate through all of that so, I’m just asking for prayer for that. And also, there’s a young man at school that’s been bullying him and we’ve been having a few instances with that so I’m praying, asking for prayer for both of them. The young man and my son and that we’re able to navigate through that as well. But I’ve been told the young man has anger issues which is why he picks on my child, I guess. So, yeah, I’m just asking for prayer and that you cover him, that he’s covered by the blood of Jesus as he goes to school everyday and that he does well on his testing. Thank you so very much. Love you family. Good night.