4/25/2022 DAB Transcript

Judges 4:1-5:31, Luke 22:35-53, Psalm 94:1-23, Proverbs 14:3-4

Today is the 25th day of April, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian, it is wonderful to gather around the Global Campfire together and find a place and relax and allow the Scriptures to speak to us. So, let’s do just that, we’re reading from the English Standard Version this week. We have been moving our way into the book of Judges, which we will continue to do, as we meet that the judges, the judges of Israel, people who rose up to defend and lead the Israelites in their oppression by their enemies. So today Judges chapters 4 and 5.


Okay, couple of things to take note of, from our reading today. First, from the Book of Judges. So, we’re only a couple of days into Judges but we should be now seeing sort of the rhythm of it, that the people are in bondage, they cry out to the Lord, the Lord raises up a leader, a judge of Israel. They don’t have any kings; they don’t have any of that. But the Lord leads up, raises up a leader, a judge for them, to lead them forward and we are meeting those judges, sort of, systematically, one after the other. Today, we met an anomaly, in an incredibly patriarchal world, we realize that God raised up a woman to judge Israel, a prophetess named Deborah. And she called a man named Barak to lead a charge to free Israel and even in the scriptural text itself we see the acknowledgment of the patriarchal…patriarchal nature of things because Barak does not want to go into battle on the advice or counsel of Deborah, unless she’s gonna go. In other words, she’s, her presence will give him the courage to obey and go, and she tells him, I’ll go, no problem, I’ll go, the Lord has delivered us. But if I go, there’s no glory for you, the way that the story will go is that God delivered Sisera, the general of King Jabin of Canaan and his army into the hands of a woman. Barak’s like, basically if you go, I go. And they went together and they defeated their enemies and Sisera, the general has to flee from one of his 900 iron chariots and he meets up with another woman. Jael and she knows he’s the enemy and he’s exhausted and he falls asleep and it’s like, she becomes a warrior. She takes a tent peg and drives it through the enemy’s temple like, that’s the end of Sisera. And so, we see in an ancient time, in an incredibly patriarchal time, valiant women changing the story under God’s leadership, once again setting his people free.

And then we turn into the book of Proverbs and we’re told something very poignant that essentially boils down to this - if we want a harvest in our lives that will require our willingness to shovel some crap at times. The Proverb tells us where there are no oxen the manger is clean. And we know what a manger is we, know Jesus was laid in it, it’s a feeding trough. So, yeah the barn, the manger, everything is clean without an ox. But the Proverb goes on to say but abundant crops come by the strength of the ox. So, we need the strength of the ox but the ox is going to make a mess and were going to have to clean it up and we’re gonna have to do the work of caring for and keeping healthy, what brings the strength to the table. Harvest time doesn’t just happen by accident, working for a harvest is what brings it into existence and sometimes shoveling poop is part of that. And so, let’s consider that today, especially when there’s a harvest that were expecting. If we feel like, all we’re doing is cleaning up messes, that might be an indication that we’re actually headed toward the harvest because it’s all part of it and it’s worth considering, as we reflect on our own stories.


So, Holy Spirit, come into that. We have lots of expectations and often we find out that to reach those expectations we might have to actually do some work. And so, we do some work, only to find out that maybe we’re gonna have to do some really, really, really hard sacrificial work to reach this point, this harvest. And then often, we throw up our hands in exasperation and feel like, you were supposed to make it easy. When actually you’re here fathering us and making us strong and making us wise, in giving us what we need to do what needs to be done. And so, with open hands, we humble ourselves before You with grateful hearts. Thanking You for all of it, all of that You are leading us to know, all that You are doing to mature us. May we not work against You. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.


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And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hi, Daily Audio Bible, my name is Ruska and I’m just calling about, there was a man who just called in and he was talking about another guy who called in who was just struggling with his faith, saying he was the worst Christian ever, which [giggling] there’s no such thing. So, but anyways, yeah, I guess loved that he said I love you brother. To me, that’s just so cool, to hear a man, just openly saying “I love you” to his fellow Christian brother. So, I just think that just shows strength, yeah. Strength, in a man, that’s so powerful to have your strength is in God. So, I just thank both of you guys for your honesty and yeah, just loving each other, in the Lord, that’s so amazing. And so, for me, I work full time, so, and I also have this business that I’ve been trying to get it off the ground for yeah, gosh, over the past year but I’m just still struggling. And I’m in an amazing internship and I’m still struggling. So, God, what, what are you doing? So, I just need prayer for, to know what is God doing. So, thanks friends and __ love you guys.

Hi, neighbors, it’s Lisa the Encourager. I just wanted to call today and just encourage you in finding a very quiet place today to just spend time with the Lord and just to be still and quiet and just take time out of your day to just listen. Sometimes that’s really hard for me to just stop, I’m just, you know, on the go a lot, busy demands with my job and home, all good but busy. And so, I have recently just tried to take more time on my knees and I just wanna really encourage all of you to do the same. And just have the quiet place, that quiet space with you and God alone and just listen, in your pain, in your sorrow, in your loss, maybe a break-up with a loved one, or just financial stress, maybe you’re having trouble with teenagers. Just take that time to be alone with God.

Oh, dear Susan from Canada, God’s Yellow Flower, I hear you about Kenton. Dearest Poppa, please take care of Kenton. Please lead him to You, please call him and tell him about Yourself. Please send him people who will tell him about You and guide him to You. And please call him in his heart, please enlarge that God’s sized hole in his heart so that, he hears you when You call him. Please heal him from his tumor if it’s Your will but most importantly, please call him to You so that he will answer the call and belong to You. Please comfort Susan, she’s sounds so, so discouraged. She needs You more than ever, Lord. So many things have happened in her life and she needs you, Lord. Please comfort her and walk with her and stay with her, step-by-step, day-by-day, breath-by-breath. This is His Mighty Tortoise from Maryland. I love you so much Susan.

Hey DAB family, this is Pastor V in Kirkland, Washington. I’ve been listening for a couple years now and I would really like you to ask you to pray for a member of our congregation, Amy. She woke up a couple of weeks ago with chronic back pain. Turns out she has deteriorating disks in her back. She’s faced, her and her husband are faced with a big decision about surgery or wait it out and see if healing will come. I’d like to ask that you’d give them wisdom in making their decision. I’d like you to ask, I’d like to ask that you would pray for them for complete healing. She’s a wonderful mom of two little kids, she’s a very vibrant person, both of them serve our community doing Bible study with all kinds of folks. They just really need prayer for healing, for wisdom and I would appreciate if you would join us in praying for them. Thank you so much.

Hey DAB family, this is your Sister Ashley from California. And I’ve just finished listening to April 22nd and I wanted to call and encourage a couple of my brothers and sisters. First, I want to pray, reach out to Steve from Texas. Brother, when you’re at the end of your rope that’s when God can do what He’s known for, making a way. I want to encourage you to stay faithful in the small things and God will bless your obedience. I hear the fruit of humility in your cry out for help. God tells us to call upon him in the day of trouble and He will deliver us and then we will glorify Him. He is faithful and He provides. Don’t lose hope Steve, keep holding on. And then, Susan, God’s Yellow Flower, first of all, you bless my socks off every time I hear you pray. But, I wanted to let you, share with you, April is what I call an Ebeneezer month, so a witness to God’s help in my life too. Nine years ago, my life turned upside down and went in a whole other direction when I found out I was pregnant with my son. Sometimes, in my life, there’s a calm but right now I’m in the storm too. Like Peter did on the water, I can start out the day strong with my eyes on the Lord with that Shalom, Shalom. But then, the circumstances draw my eyes and I start to drown. My sweet sister, God bless you for calling for help and having a plan. Your worship is your greatest weapon in the fight. Keep raising that Hallelujah, heaven is coming to fight for you. And I just wanted to also share a praise with you all. My dad Doug, did have, was in the hospital last week, and we found out had another stroke and another infection but he is now in rehab so please pray for him. I love you DAB family, bye.