4/7/2022 DAB Transcript

Deuteronomy 31:1-32:27, Luke 12:8-34, Psalm 78:32-55, Proverbs 12:21-23

Today is the 7th day of April, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian, it is wonderful to be here with you today as we gather, like we do, around the Global Campfire and find a place and keep warm and exhale all the stress and cares of this life for a bit. And just let God’s word come washing into our hearts and minds. And so, let’s do that, we’re reading from the Christian Standard Bible this week, moving back out into the book of Deuteronomy and today we will read chapters 31 verse 1 through 32 verse 27.


Okay so, there are plenty of things we can talk about today but we really need to focus in on what Jesus said in the Gospel of Luke because what Jesus said today is very, very famous, very famous, but it is like it’s the key to living. It’s the posture that if we’re in that posture living from that space that He is describing if we’re living from there, then we are on the right path. And I wish, I wish there was, I wish, this might sound weird but I wish there was some way that Jesus could say this to us. His voice, I don’t know what His voice sounds like or sounded like but maybe we would listen, maybe we would listen, even though we’ve heard this a thousand times because when we revisit this, we’re going to know whether this is what our life looks like, or not. And if it’s not what our lives look like then…then…then some things need to change. This is one of the times in the Scriptures where me trying to bring context or explain what the meaning might be here is so irrelevant. He said it so clear and so I just want to repeat what Jesus said and in whatever voice Jesus speaks to you, I hope you hear it from Jesus because He said this and we have put all of our faith and hope in Him and we have believed that what we’re doing here is being transformed into His likeness, that we are being made Christ like, that what we’re supposed to look like is what He looked like, and so we simply need to listen to what He has to say and ask ourselves if our lives look like that. So, this is what Jesus has to say to us today. “I tell you, don’t worry about your life, what you will eat; or about the body, what you will wear. For life is more than food and the body more than clothing. Consider the ravens: they don’t sow or reap; they don’t have a storeroom or a barn; yet God feeds them. Aren’t you worth much more than the birds? Can any of you add one moment to his life span by worrying? If then you’re not able to do even a little thing, why worry about the rest? Consider how the wild flowers grow: they don’t labor or spin thread. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was adorned like one of these. If that’s how God clothes the grass, which is in the field today and is thrown into the furnace tomorrow, how much more will He do for you - you of little faith? Don’t strive for what you should eat and what you should drink, and don’t be anxious. For the Gentile world eagerly seeks all these things and your Father knows that you need them seek His kingdom and these things will be provided to you. Don’t be afraid, little flock, because your Father delights to give you the kingdom.” That is so beautiful and what that does not mean is that we just go oh, okay, great and exhale, I’m going to take a nap and shirk all my responsibilities and just let God take care of me. What Jesus is saying is, don’t strive after these things making them the focus, even the God of your life. Your heavenly Father already knows. Seek the kingdom where you are with what you have, do what you are doing, do what you can do knowing that it’s going to be okay and all of the stress and anxiety that are inside of you twisting your insides continually and making you lose sleep and making it even worse, doesn’t do anything, that doesn’t do anything. Your Father knows what you need. I hear this every year, every year, it’s one of the things that I take steps back and reflect upon my own life because it’s not my nature. My nature is to look out in front of me and find the 10 things that can go wrong and be prepared for them even though none of them happen. Then I have to examine how much anxiety goes into that, how much energy goes into that, when the Lord knows the 10 things and the thousand other things and He doesn’t have an upset stomach and He is not losing sleep because it’s all His and we are His children, heirs to this kingdom. So, it’s all ours too. This simply requires eyes to see and ears to hear, a different way of looking at things, looking at things from within inside out, not outside circumstances bubbling in and bringing us anxiety. It’s this depth of hope and love within that spills out into these situations and changes them. Otherwise, the circumstances are flying at us faster than we can even comprehend and what they are bringing to us is putting anxiety within, living backwards to the way that Jesus is modeling things for us. So, may we seek the kingdom and these things will be provided for us.


Holy Spirit, that is a deep, deep desire and we continually wonder if we are doing it or if we’re doing it well, or how does look, what is it supposed to look like when you are continually telling us to be aware and vigilant and looking around us and bringing the good news, being Your hands and feet in this world to anyone. Being fully aware that everyone is invited. Come, Holy Spirit, into this we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


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And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements: 

Good morning family, requesting continued prayer for my daughter Genesis, she’s 12-years-old. As you know, she has a history of suicidal ideation. I did put her with professional counseling and recently she confessed to me that she was cutting. So, of course I, I’m, I looked at it and I was just really asking God to keep me together. I need prayer for family, prayer for her that God will rest her spirit and protect her and keep her from harming herself and will give her a sense of identity in Him. That He will grant her Godly friends, at least one or two, she doesn’t have friends and at age 12 that’s very difficult. She’s very angry family, very angry and I get it, but I need discernment and I really need a lot of discernment, wisdom to know how to handle her and love her through this process until God rescues her for me. I thank you, family for helping me pray for my daughter’s salvation and deliverance. Her name is Genesis. Thank you.

Hi, this is Susan from Mississippi. I’ve called back last year, Novemberish, I think. And I was calling about my son and his wife who are on drugs. We have adopted their baby who will be two at the end of this month, April. And I’m calling because they’re still struggling to get their act together but it’s better. But it’s not that that I’m calling about today, I’m calling about my other children. I have 4 boys and the other three I don’t know really what you could call it. I know they’re upset because their parents have had to take on a child at our age but they’re taking it out on the child. They don’t want to participate in activities with her, they don’t want us to even bring her over. They just want to pretend that she doesn’t exist and it’s not her fault and I don’t know what they expected us to do because we couldn’t just leave her for the system. So, my prayer is, not only to help us raise her but to also help my son and his wife to get better so that they would eventually will be able to take her back but also for my other three to be on board with us, not, not financially, not babysitting, just to be around her and to love her because again, it’s not her fault. So, I just ask for prayers for all around for all of us and I really do appreciate it. Thank you so much, God loves you. Bye.

My name is Dana from South Carolina and I’m calling in to pray for little girl Annie, that requested prayer for her brother. Lord Jesus, I pray Lord that You would surround him with people that know You and I pray dear Lord, that he would have a true encounter with You. And God, I pray Lord that You would remove the scales from his eyes God and draw him closer to You. And I pray Lord that You would just bring him home. In Jesus name. Amen.

Good morning DAB family, I wanted to call in and pray for Ben and Sarah who are in Liberia right now waiting on the adoption of their child. I heard them, Ben, call in several months ago and just felt called to pray. So, God, thank You so much for Ben and Sarah’s faithfulness God and willingness to be obedient in adopting this child God. We know that it’s a very hard and stressful thing to go through God but we know that You called them to it and we thank You that they’re willing to go across the world Lord because You told them to God. So, I just pray for peace over them, I pray joy over them God, I pray protection, I pray healing, pray against any attacks from the enemy, just keep them safe God, while they’re waiting. Keep their child safe Lord. And I just pray that You move the process along God. And we know it’s all in Your hands. I pray for the right people to get the right documents God for everything to flow smoothly God. I pray for yeah, just the process and I just pray for the waiting for Ben and Sarah. I know it has to be so difficult to just be waiting for their child and wondering and unsure God. But I just pray that they can just feel Your peace God and know that it’s all in Your hands. Cause this is what You ‘ve called them to. I pray these things in Jesus name. Amen.

You did it
You did it
You brought me through
You did it
You did it
You brought me through
Ah, I had a bad night last night but I was able to eventually get some sleep and when I woke up this morning, that’s the ditty that was going through my head. And when I walked out into the kitchen, the sun was just rising and the light, the light in the treetops was just gorgeous and I found myself saying “oh Daddy, the light, the light, it’s so beautiful.” And I realized that I was having a very prophetic moment because every sunrise is prophetic. It’s a promise that He will get us through, He will get all the way through to that resurrection morning and we will gasp “oh Daddy, the light, the light, it’s so beautiful” after all the darkness that we’ve been through. So, I just wanted to call in and share that, to encourage just that He will get us through. Love you guys.