4/5/2022 DAB Transcript

Deuteronomy 28:1-68, Luke 11:14-36, Psalm 77:1-20, Proverbs 12:18

Today is the fifth day of April, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is wonderful to be here with you today as we take the next step forward, forward, of course, in our week, in our month, in our life for that matter. But forward in the Scriptures, which leads us back out into the book of Deuteronomy. This week we’re reading from the Christian Standard Bible and today, Deuteronomy chapter 28.


Okay, let’s do a little exercise today and think about what we are known for; think about that. What are you known for? And maybe that’s some kind of talent that you have or the occupation that you have, or the money that you have or don’t have or any of those kinds of things can go into all of those things but let’s just strip all that away. That’s, that’s what we do and certainly in this culture we are known by what we do. But if we strip it away, who are we, what kind of person are we? And we can think that we know ourselves, but how do people, what kind of a person do people think that we are? Are we argumentative and belligerent, are we kind, are we a peacemaker, are we a tough guy and nobody’s gonna get past us? Do we judge everybody and everything? Are we peaceful and the kind of person that people come to confide in for advice? Like, we can be all kinds of things. But if we think about how we would be known, the kind of person that we are, typically that’s going to come from the analysis of our words. If we are known as hateful, it’s probably because we speak that way, if we are known as kind, it’s probably because we speak that way; the power of life and death is in the tongue the Scriptures tell us but our one sentence from the Proverbs today tells us an awful lot as well. And I quote “there is one who speaks rashly like a piercing sword but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” So, if we speak rashly like a piercing sword that’s not like the tongue of the wise. The contrast is right here in the book of Proverbs for us to examine but wisdom is at the crossroads, at every crossroads saying go this way, walk this way and this is a crossroads, if we’re going to continue to speak rashly, we’re going to continue to wield a sword that slices and dices the hearts and souls of those that we love and those that we don’t. We’re just like a renegade with a weapon we don’t really know how to use but it’s a life and death weapon and we’re wielding it on whatever makes us upset. By contrast, the tongue of the wise brings healing. So, all we have to do is take like a few steps back, a few steps back enough to get perspective and ask ourselves, do I bring healing with what I say because we are certainly invited to do that and that is the path of wisdom. And so, if the answer is no, I don’t, I hurt everybody, then we aren’t walking the path of wisdom. It doesn’t have to be the we heap condemnation upon ourselves. It’s more of an awareness, I’m not going the direction that I should be going. I’m not going to end up where I want to cause we need to get off that road, which begin this with at least, at bare minimum listening to ourselves. We can say all kinds of horrible things as if we didn’t say them because we’re reacting in anger, we’re not listening to what we’re saying but in retrospect, we didn’t mean that, we don’t mean that, we didn’t have control, we swung a piercing sword and it didn’t lead us on the path of wisdom at all. And so, let’s allow the contrast, in the book of Proverbs to kind of spillover into our lives. This was penned thousands of years ago, thousands of years ago, people have been healing with this. And so, it’s no surprise that we still deal with this, these kinds of things as well. We have this contrast to at least locate where we are and if we’re not on the past wisdom, well we need to move in that direction as quickly as possible.


So, Holy Spirit, come because frankly for all the wisdom and experience we might think that we have, we know so very little. And yet You know everything and have invited us into intimacy with You. So, why we keep trying to go out there and do our own thing and react in anger and cause damage it’s well, now that we’ve taken a few steps back to look at it, it doesn’t make a lot of sense. We need You. Come, Holy Spirit, we humble ourselves, we repent. May we speak wise words that bring healing. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


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And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hello Ben from Minnesota. I just wanna tell you that we’re praying for you and your wife and the adoption out of the country. My daughter recently adopted here in America and that was, it took a long time. So many, so much paperwork and so many things you have to go through, so many hurdles you have to jump over, so I’m praying for you guys to get back to the states, safe and well with your new adopted child. And I wanted the say to Ezekiel, thank you for your April Fools fun reading with your dad today. That was so much fun. Seven years now, my husband and I have been listening to Daily Audio Bible. We look forward to, just the fun stuff that happens on that day on April 1st. I believe Jesus had humor and it’s good to have humor and the children are important. So, that was a perfect reading, that was for today, when Ezekiel was reading. Thank you all. God Bless.

Hey, this is Eyes of a Dove. And I’m actually sending a message to the gentleman that called and said he was a spiritual misfit. He felt that he didn’t quite fit into the fabric of what society would deem a Christian for he had been, earlier in his life a stout believer. But then he went into Pagan and other realms, I believe he said. And in his dark places, the thing that caused him to not want to harm himself was that thought that Christ Jesus had loved him and still does. And I want to tell you my friend, straight from Eyes of a Dove, we love you here too. And it’s okay if you don’t fit into that perfect fabric. This is a family and we’re willing to carry you along on our journey through the Bible and just allow the Lord to come in whatever capacity and just be a sponge and just let it come and consume you. And take it for where it’s at. The Lord will meet you where you’re at and He loves you. He loves every confusion, every broken piece. And just the thought that you’re knocking on His door again, that you’re asking for some spark of recognition from your Father’s eyes, not quite sure who your father is, just that you know and sense in your deep soul and spirit that He loves you, my friend. He loves you. He is mad, crazy, in love with you and I’m gonna be praying for you, my friend. You didn’t leave your name, you just said that you were a misfit. But man, you’re graphed into the vine and please stay. Put your log on the fire and be blessed and absorb the time that you stay with us. I hope it’s for good. Bye friend.

Hey, this is Rachel from North Carolina. I’m calling to pray for the Spiritual Misfit that called in on, well it was played on March 31st. Welcome, we are so glad you’re here. You are so welcome here. We, we are here for anyone who trying to get to know who God is. But the Bible says what truth is. I would encourage you, keep seeking, keep seeking to know God, to know what’s true about Him. Which may be different than what you’ve been told. And that’s okay. That’s why God gives us His word as something we can rely on, so we can learn about Him. So welcome. Let me pray for you. God, thank You for this new friend, this new log on our Global Campfire. Thank You for bringing him here. I ask that You would bless him to know You more and that You would continue to reveal Your love to them. Continue to guide them into all truth, like You say Your Holy Spirit does. And bless them to know You more as he or she draws near to You. Thank You. Amen.

Greetings, Daily Audio Bible family. This is Michael the Goldsmith from Washington State. Hey, I am calling in a response to a caller that called in the end of the podcast March 31st. You didn’t leave your name but you identified yourself with others as being a spiritual misfit. You were thankful for this community and that we’re here for you and we are here for you, I tell you. We, you said you tried many different roles in your Christian life from being a legalist to being a liberal. You even experimented with forces outside of God. You have doubts with your faith and where you fit in. And I tell you, I’ve been a listener for 15+ years and this is the 3rd time I’ve called in. And this is a kicker why I called in. God just really tugged on my heart strings here. You’ve been to different churches where they’ve used the bible to condemn people, to abuse people, in Jesus name. And we just want to say, we are so sorry, we are sorry as a community that you ever experienced that. We just want to affirm with you, Jesus knows you and loves you and you’ve seen that in your own life when you reached out to Him, He has been there for you. The Gospel is good, good news and its unbelievable news as we receive a free gift that is not of our own, so righteousness not of our own. I just pray that your faith with increase, that this, like the bible says this foolishness of preaching will transform you. You will grow, your reality will change to His view. Your view of yourself will change to His view, a loved child of His.

Hello Daily Audio Bible this is C from Mississippi. Today is April 1st 2022 and oh my land, it was such a blessing to hear Ezekiel. I thought we was going to hear China and Brian cause they always switch it up on April 1st, it was just wonderful hear that sweet little voice. I just wanna just thank the Hardin family for all that they do and I was just thinking about, about this time last year we was sitting around in a circle listening to Brian, ready to throw our log on the fire. And really we was just all waiting on the birth of baby Reagan Brave Brown. She’s about to be 1 in a couple of weeks. You guys, time just flies by. Everybody have a blessed day. I love you guys so much. This is C from Mississippi.