4/1/2022 DAB Transcript

Deuteronomy 18:1-20:20, Luke 9:28-50, Psalm 73:1-28, Proverbs 12:10

Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible, I’m Brian and today is April 1st, it is April Fools’ Day. So, I bet a lot of people are tricking each other. Today, on this very good day, today is the first day of April, it’s the month of Easter the day when Jesus rose from his tomb. Today, we are reading in the today we’re reading in Luke 9:28 through 50. And we’ll be doing that right after we read from the book of Deuteronomy in the Old Testament. Had to change my voice back from my childhood voice. Strange things happen around the Daily Audio Bible on the first day of April, so let’s dive into our reading for today, Deuteronomy chapters 18, 19 and 20.


Thanks for being here today’s Ezekiel. Ezekiel: You’re welcome. Brian: Do you think we fooled anybody? Ezekiel: I think so. Brian: I think we might have fooled people. They may be like, what is this, what’s going on here. But you’ve been reading for Daily Audio Bible Kids now and this is your second year. How’s that going? Ezekiel: Good. Brian: Things are going really, really well at Daily Audio Bible Kids. Have you learned a lot now that you’ve read through the whole New Testament? Ezekiel: Uh huh. Brian: A lot of things about Jesus. Ezekiel: Uh huh. Brian: I loved what you read from the Gospel today because Jesus was with little children and he took the little child and he had a little child stand beside him and then He said, whoever welcomes this little child in my name, welcomes me. And whoever welcomes me, welcomes the one who sent me. For it is the one who is least among you all, who is the greatest. And so, you are very, very valuable. All the kids out there very, very, very, very valuable in God’s kingdom. I like that part today. Ezekiel: Yeah, me too. Brian: Well, thank you for being here on April 1st. Ezekiel: You’re welcome. Brian: And sharing your reading with us. We love you. Ezekiel: You’re welcome. Brian: And we’ll have you back again soon. Ezekiel: Okay. Brian: All right, bye. Ezekiel: Byyyyye


And father, we thank You for Your word and an opportunity on this day to switch things up a little bit of fun. Thank You for that. Thank You for the rich reminder of children in your kingdom and how valuable they are and may we pay attention to that as grown-ups, as adults, as parents that we are holding the future of God’s kingdom in our hands. You have entrusted us in such a way that we love it, but we don’t deserve it and may we really truly embrace the fact that this is what comes next. These children of ours, they are what comes next, not only in this world, but in Your kingdom and so may we store this treasure well, we pray in the precious name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hello, this is Ben from Minnesota. Say I called about six weeks ago and was talking about how my wife and I are heading to Liberia to adopt a child. And we are still here and it’s taken quite a bit longer what we anticipated and there’s some, some challenges on the US immigration side and our case has been sent to Washington DC to be reviewed and we’re kind of holding steady here. We’ve had some health issues that my wife had a health scare and I had some health challenges probably partly because of the stress and we we’re really hoping that will hear something this week and it will be good news and we’ll be able to head home soon. Some things in DC are probably delayed because of the War in Ukraine so there’s, there’s lots of moving pieces but we’d appreciate prayer for the US consulate here and whoever’s reviewing our case in DC for favor and blessing and grace to move forward quickly and for good news soon. So, thanks very much, we appreciated it or we appreciate it again. We were, we were expecting to be here about 3 to 4 weeks and were at 5 ½ and kind of no end in sight or no clear end in sight. So, thanks again. All the best, love ya’ll, bye.

Hello, this message is for a gentleman who called to show that he and his wife have been married 59 years. And I want to say congratulations and God bless the two of you. You asked for prayer for your, yourself and your wife because you’re up in age and you mentioned that you never know when you’re gonna go, but sir, I am praying for you and I and your wife and your family children your 38 grandchildren, that’s amazing. God bless you sir, God bless you, your health, body, mind and spirit, all that you are, you and your wife. And your children are so blessed to have the two of you together in their lives. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, you have longer days with your family. I pray for your heart. I pray peace for you and I pray that you just feel amazing renewal in your body. I pray for your heart and your mind, sir. God bless you. Also pray for Alisha, your father just passed away at 92 years old. That’s a long time. It’s a blessing to have your father in your life and you had a hard time with religion and violence and so forth. And I pray for your heart as well. Pray for restoration. I pray that your blessed with great memories. I pray for healing. I pray for your days ahead and that yes, you know, the Lord deeply more deeper as your father God in heaven and earth that you will be reminded your loved by our heavenly Father. Jesus name. Amen.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible family this is John O’Connor. I usually call in from South Sudan but right now I am at Heathrow airport in UK, in London to on my way back to South Sudan. I’ve spent two weeks in the US and two weeks in UK with my family and that has been glorious. Thank you for everyone who pray for me and the I am also following with the I am so excited to hear Michael the son of Diana Davis that passed away about two years ago. And I’m sorry that their struggling at this time with the Elijah having issues but I am standing with you guys in prayer and God is not asleep. He is awake and He will do what He does best. He will step into your situation and bring to bear the grace of God in your life. May God bless you and also I would like to announce that my retirement has been determined and that will be June 30 2024. So, I have a little over a year, two years to go and I need prayer for that.

Hello, Daily Audio Bible. So, I have been listening for over a decade and you can just call me, I’m a Lady and my mom is really, really not well. I’ve never called before, huge supporter of DAB. But I’m asking all the prayer warriors to please pray for her. She’s unable to eat and she is very weak. So, I would really appreciate if you guys would pray for her. I’m not ready to lose my mom ye. I’m fairly young, this came up kind of out of no where. But she’s also being heavily spiritually attacked and so I’ve been fasting and me and my sisters are really, really exhausted. Just up all night so I’m begging and asking for you guys to pray for her and that the power of prayer for a speedy recovery in a supernatural recovery and to release from spiritual attack. Ask the Lord, tell her to eat and to allow her to drink. She is a Devine Saint. And very amazing and loves us very much. So, this kind of came out of nowhere so I’m asking everybody for mercy please. Thank you, guys very much and thank you for the DAB, for all that you guys do. It’s been over a decade, I listen every morning, quietly. And so, yeah, for the first time calling. Cause I feel like I need a prayer warriors and step into this matter to ask the Lord to intervene. Okay, thank you.

Hi, Daily Audi Bible family. My name is Vicky from Texas. And first, I’d just like to tell everybody how much I appreciate being part of this community. There’s a number of you who have called in over the last few years and I’ve written your name down on my prayer list and I continue to pray for you, every time I look at that list. I’d also like to ask you please to hold me and my family up in prayers. My mom has mild Alzheimer’s. She wasn’t an easy lady to grow up with any way but the Alzheimer’s has definitely not made it any easier. Our family is living the path that God told us about in the Bible, about how the sins of the Father will be visited upon the children for generations. I don’t know how far back it stretches but I know my great-grandfather was an alcoholic who left his family and that scarred my grandfather. And those scars in turn, made him a rough person for my mom to grow up with, just emotionally unavailable and explosive. And so, my mom is a thousand times better than the parents she grew up with but she even admitted to me once, just after my father died that she walled off her heart, even to my father, even to my brother and I. So, now here she is with her mild Alzheimer’s which only accentuates a lot of the personality traits that she had and it’s very difficult. Her love is unconditional, but her affection is definitely. She’s always seen me as a rival and somebody to be jealous of instead of someone to be proud of. So, the harder I strived to do well and overachieve in life and gain her love and affection, the more it pushed her away. So now that I’m doing everything I can to take care of her, it’s just even harder to have that affection withheld. So, I would just ask you to hold my mom up, pray for restoration and pray please for me to have the strength to keep carrying on. I love ya’ll.