3/26/2022 DAB Transcript

Deuteronomy 5:1-6:25, Luke 7:11-35, Psalm 68:19-35, Proverbs 11:29-31

Today is the 26th day of March, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian, it’s fantastic to be here with you today as we bring another week to a close. And we’re working our way into and through the Book of Deuteronomy but we’ve just begun at this week. So, we’re kind of at the front end of it, which is, well, this is how we will end our week and can carry on forward. But reminding us that the Book of Deuteronomy is the last book of the Torah or the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible and what we are reading are the words of Moses, given in discourses or speeches, three different speeches to the children of Israel before we well, before we said goodbye. Because when this ends, we will be moving forward and saying goodbye to Moses and carrying on with the children of Israel into the next generation. And so, Moses is recounting where they’ve come from, who God is and where they are going. And we pick up the story, Deuteronomy chapters 5 and 6, today.


Father, we thank You, we thank You for another week together in Your word and we thank You for all that You’ve spoken this week and this is true of every week, every week, even every day. There is something to guide our steps, to illuminate our paths, to draw us deeper into relationship with You, to help us understand things that we don’t, to lead us deeper on this faith journey, as we are transformed to be like our Savior. And so, we are grateful for all that You have spoken and may all that we’ve read this week and talked about this week and considered and thought about and meditated upon be sealed in our hearts, planted deep and may it yield fruit, the fruit of the Spirit, we pray. In the mighty name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


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And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hi, this is Twylove from South Dakota, this is my third year through with you Brian and I want to thank you for everything you do every day for us, leader of that charge and keeping us together and being so dedicated. I’ve been so touched by the story of Grace and I didn’t hear Grace call in that day because I don’t always finish the broadcast and listen at the end. But it’s moved me beyond almost explanation, this circling of the wagons with the family and everyone coming together. I’ve been listening with a better ear now and made it so much, it’s just brought everything so closer to my heart. I heard one time, something about prayer being a sparkling thread that goes up to heaven and if multiple people, pray for the same thing it turns into a rope. And this rope for Grace has just got to be like 6 foot wide by now and I’m so thrilled that the family is surrounded around her to build her strength and my faith has been renewed in some way here and it’s not only believing that God can, it’s just knowing that He will. So, thank you for somehow out of this horrible happening in her life, it’s like blessed me in a weird way. And I just want you to know that and I’m praying for you Brian and I’m praying for Grace and thank you again for being there for all of us, it just means so much.

Good morning, everybody, it is His Sojourner here based in the UK. And I just wanted to come in, I’ve just finished the 21st of March and I think I listened to Michael, the taxi driver from Montreal. Anyway, as he was kind of praying for Diane and just thanking God for the Daily Audio Bible, it just brought such joy to my face and just such happiness. I kind of just woke up, you could say on the wrong side of the bed this morning but after listening to this and just listening to DAB anyway it just brought such joy and admit some of the sadness of you know, prayer points but I’m just so grateful for this community. I think this is basically going to be my hurt for you my first officially doing it from the beginning and to the end. And praise God, it’s March and I’m keeping it and I’m so grateful for that. And one day at a time, as Brian says. So, for everyone who has listened to this just know that ah, it is just such a blessing to be part of this and the fact that we don’t know each other but yet I feel connected. You know, there are certain people that come to my mind like Kingdom Seeker Daniel, Lorenzo, Victoria, oh I forgot the Victoria bit but that’s okay. The Blind Tony, oh, it’s just so amazing. Like, thank you guys for your consistency and for checking in and yeah, and even Sean from London, hey. Well yes, anyway, I started rumbling now but I just thought I would come in and just share that it’s just brought a smile to my face and I pray that you all have such a blessed day and the Lord will meet you at the point of your need. In Jesus name. Amen.

Good morning, everyone, it’s Susan from Canada, God’s Yellow Flower and I want to tell Angel Heart, wow I am so proud of you, giving up your bible in the hospital to a man who needs God. What a blessing you are, what an example to all of us you are. Praise the Lord. I want you to know that I’m praying for this gentleman and I’m praying for you too, that those voices will go away. So, yeah, keep up the good work, my dear. God is smiling down on you. Bless you.

Hi, Daily Audio Bible, this is Rifka, currently in Ohio. A lady just called in and said that she was in the hospital and there was a man next to her and that she told him to just give Jesus a chance and wow, what a great thing to say. So, I am go through phases where I witness to everybody and then I get to phases where I don’t witness at all. And so, just to be more consistent and really that thought of just saying that, what a way to open a new conversation. Have you thought about giving Jesus a chance? And you know that probably will bring you know, most people to tears or even be thought provoking. So, thanks guys, have a great day.

Hello, bye bye, I love you.

Hi, Daily Audio Bible family, this is Auday from everywhere and I’m calling to say hi and to check in with you all. I’m always listening and I’m always praying. But then I also specifically called for Michael. Michael you called to pray for your brother Elijah, today is the 22nd of March and I just want to say, first of all that I remember you and your brother and your mom and I do keep you in my prayers. Your mom such a bright light in this community and she’s loved and I missed and you all are loved and remembered in our prayers, even before you called. I’m so sorry to hear about everything that’s been going on with your brother and Michael, I want you to know that I’ll be praying for you and Elijah and your cousins. I’m so glad that you got to stay with your family after everything that happened with your mom passing. I remember praying for you guys then. I’ve prayed for you since and it’s great to hear from you. So, just wanted to say, I’ll continue to pray for you. Lord, be with Michael, be with the cousins. God, we thank You for them, being a part of this community. We thank You for their mom, who was such a bright light for all of us. God, we pray that You’ll be with Elijah in school, that You’ll help him to have the support that he needs, that You’ll support him and be with him, You’ll bring him calm and comfort, You’ll have him to remember Your words God, You’ll help implant Your seed and Your word into his heart so that he can be a bright light for others in his school and in his community. God, I pray that You be with Michael and Elijah and their family as they figure out how to get by and I pray that You’ll send lots of love and support their way. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. Thank you again for calling Michael, loved hearing and update from you. Say hi to your brother Elijah, tell him that we love you guys and Daily Audio Bible Family, I love you all.