03/19/2022 DAB Transcript

Numbers 28:16-29:40, Luke 3:23-38, Psalms 62:1-12, Proverbs 11:18-19

Today is the 19th day of March welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is great to be here with you as we bring another of our weeks to a conclusion. We have been spending our time in the Old Testament in the book of Numbers and there’s been a lot more to think about than Numbers although we have definitely moved through numbering people and their tribes and their capabilities and where they will camp and how they will march, but there’s been plenty for us to consider and we are continuing our journey through the book of Numbers. Today, chapter 28 verse 16 through 29, verse 40.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for another week. We thank You for another week together. We thank You for each other. We thank You for this journey that we’re on that leads us into the Scriptures and through the Scriptures together. What an amazing thing You have done to allow us, of all people that have ever been, to allow us to be here on this planet at this time with this technology to create a Global Campfire to spend time together in each other’s lives as we move through the Scriptures and are informed by the Scriptures in all of our relationships. Thank You. We worship You and we offer a heart of gratitude in the name of Jesus. Amen.


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And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hey Daily Audio Bible this is a Penny Saved from Missouri. I just listened to today which is March 15th recording and heard the wonderful call ins. So, first of all, Halo, good for you for setting boundaries. I wish I would have at your age. So, I’m very proud of you. Nothing matters more than your relationship with Jesus. And of course, we always just operate in love towards those we have to sever relationships with. But putting God first is always the best thing to do. And Vastia thank you for your call in. And I was praising God right along with you for managing and delivering me from anxiety. And, yes, thank you Jesus for taking care of our mental health. I can recall very clearly the struggle I had with binge drinking and an eating disorder and other ways I was in bondage. And for 16 years as I will say again, I still listen to Daily Audio Bible whether I felt loved by God or whether I loved my own self, which I didn’t. I hated myself. And I continued to listen to the word. Even at points I’m sure where I was drunk, I listened anyway. And God has delivered me. The word was always there for me and with me. There were days I didn’t have friends and I didn’t have family, but the word of God was consistent every single day. So, no matter what, whether you feel like it or not keep the word in your life and operate in grace towards others and towards yourself. I love you all.

Hi this is Pamela Refined by the Fire from Pennsylvania and today is a glorious day. I have to admit I never really thought I would ever see this day, but God is transforming my husband right in front of my eyes and this is amazing because I have shared with you before, people that I have gone to, professionals I’ve gone to, for help in dealing with my husband have given me names to describe his behavior…and pathological liar, narcissist, batterer, psychopath, and predator. And I am just seeing all of that be wiped away in the name of Jesus right in front of my eyes and I am in awe of what God is doing and I just…I just don’t have words to say how amazed I am and how faithful the Lord is. So, those of you who struggle with marriages, be faithful to the Lord and wait on Him. He’s taught me a lot of patience. He’s taught me a lot of things during the time that I’ve been waiting. And I’m just over the moon. I just can’t believe this day. I’ll never forget this day. Thank you, Lord. Thank you so much and thank you all for your prayers. May the Lord get the glory for everything.

Hey DAB family good afternoon this is Blessings Flow in Pennsylvania, and I had a testimony praise report. On Sunday March 13th I was riding with my husband and kids heading home from church and Impromptu we decided to go out to eat when we were almost home. So, our spirits were high and then my husband made a passing comment to which I disagreed. And he’s like, you know I wasn’t asking for an opinion, I was just sharing with you. And I thought, well, you know kind of failing I guess smug, like wanting to prove my point. And, you know, it was very brief, but it did get a little tense in the car. So, I turned on the DAB. And right when I turned on the DAB and Brian was reading about that purification laws the Lord just brought back a proverb to my mind. And at the time I thought, ah proverbs, but it was to stop quarrelling before it starts because it’s like releasing water from a dam and just to end the contention. Right after being convicted by that proverb then Brian read about the children of Israel in Meribah how they were quarreling and contending against God and against Moses. And I’m just so thankful for the word because not only do we have the word read fresh to us every day, but the word reads us as well and God knows how to bring it back to our remembrance or speak to us on the days that we need it and it really just calmly and humbled me and that moment. So, just so thankful to be on this journey through the word together with you guys and God bless everyone. I hope that encourages someone. Many blessings.

Hello DAB family this is Bubba D from Tennessee and ME. Today is the 15th of March and praying for Hannah. She was on the prayer section of the DAB podcast. Praying for her son today. Let’s do this community. Father God thank You for Hannah and her 21-year-old. And the fact that she’s praying in fear is not strange Lord. I pray that You would encourage her and allow her to feel and sense that her prayers are the most important prayers. Even though there’s a tiny speck of faith in them You are moving in response to a mother’s heart, and I know she’s praying with sincerity, with passion and that’s what counts Lord before You. Lord, we support our sister Hannah in prayer this morning, this afternoon, whatever time of day it is, and we say Lord increase her faith and we are standing in faith together with her for her son. In Jesus’ name Lord, break off the ungodly ties in Jesus’ name all the demonic influences, all the __ ties and codependences, anything that’s affected Hanna’s son in Jesus’ name we break it off through the Spirit. And Holy Spirit, would You invade Hannah’s son’s reality and bless him, envelop him with Your love, acceptance, and everything that he needs right now. Thank You, Lord God for giving us Your Spirit who dwells with us every day. Thank You, Lord for moving in response to this community’s prayer. In Jesus’ name. Amen. God bless everyone.

Hi, my Daily Audio Bible family this is Cheryl. Kingdom Seeker Daniel calls me his Fresno Angel. I’m the one that has been visiting on a weekly basis with D2 his son who is currently incarcerated in Fresno CA. I’m just asking that the family continue to pray for this young man as we continue to navigate and wait on the court process. He has a hearing this Friday. It’s been delay after delay and I just would ask that you would continue to pray for him, that the Lord is doing a work in his life as he is waiting in that place and that the Lord can use me in any way that He can to minister to him as I visit him on a weekly basis. Thank you and I love you all.