2/23/2022 DAB Transcript

Leviticus 14:1-57, Mark 6:30-56, Psalm 40:1-10, Proverbs 10:11-12

Today, is the 23rd day of February, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian, it’s great to be here with you here today around the Global Campfire as we gather and take the next step forward. Which leads us back to where we left off and that is in the Book of Leviticus where the law is being given and we’re learning about clean and unclean. And so, let’s dive in today, Leviticus 14.


Okay so, in the book of Leviticus as we said a few minutes ago, we’re learning about what is clean and what is unclean. And so yesterday, skin…skin diseases, open sores, that sort of thing boils, also fabric and mildew. And then today, we talked about mildew are like mold inside of a dwelling. And once again, we can read these things, think about these things in terms of how many thousands of years old they are, we can even think why is this in the Bible and what is it matter but these things that we are talking about right now, clean and unclean, we still pay attention to all of these things, we just do it differently. So, if mold is in your house, that’s a problem. And depending on what kind of mold it is, it’s a big problem. And if it’s a really, really bad kind of mold and it’s a really, really bad infestation and it’s spreading then it could and probably will affect the health and well-being of the people inside the home. And so, there’s all kinds of things we do to eradicate that but there are situations where that can’t happen and it has to get torn down, sort of like what was being talked about from thousands of years ago in the book of Leviticus today. But as I have been saying as we, we see the wall revealed we begin to understand that everything that they do, everything that they are required to do in their daily lives, roots them to spiritual truths and implications that ultimately remind them who God is, where they came from and who they are. And so, like yesterday, we’re talking about rash or an open sore where the sore has split the skin and so, there’s like raw flesh that appears and we talked about that being biohazard even today, like if there’s, certain correlations that are very relevant even today. One of the things that the priest was supposed to do when observing a skin rash or a sore or something like that was to determine whether or not it was more than skin deep. Like is this something on the surface of the skin or is this going down into the flesh and it’s below the skin, it’s more than skin deep, two different things, two different problems. If it’s gotten below the skin, if it’s more than skin deep it can be very, very serious, a very serious problem for that person. But also, something that they may be able to transmit throughout the camp that could cause devastation to everybody. So, if we think about this, though with a spiritual connection it's…it’s amazing how relevant this is because we are encountering interactions, thoughts, words and deeds, all day, every day, while we are consciously awake. We are continually interacting in some way and something can catch us. So, let’s just imagine, I don’t know, a coworker says something to you, you take it the right way or the wrong way, either way, you are offended by. So, now it’s on the surface of your skin. And if you let that kind of linger in your mind, you chew on and you start having imaginary conversations then it’s beginning to spread and you begin to notice that your morale is plummeting and your energy is affected and you are pouring so much energy into this offense that it is drawing energy from the good things in your life. It’s a problem. And you realize that it’s a problem but if you go on right, if you get consumed with this, it’s making you lose sleep, you are burning up the phones with all of your friends telling about this offense, maybe you’re even posting nasty things on social media, etc. etc. There comes a time where you’re gonna get sick with this thing, it’s going to really affect other relationships in your lives. It is getting to be more than skin deep and that can be serious and that can infect everyone around you. So, you see the Bible can become a mirror so quickly or our dwelling with mold in it, we can’t just leave it alone, it will only get worse. So, think about the places where mold grows right, it’s that dark wet, dank, untouched places where these things can thrive. So, think about your heart, think about the basement of your heart where a lot of these offenses have been stored, a lot of the wounds in life have been shoved, it’s not organized down there, it’s kind of a mess, we kind of don’t go down there unless we have to and when we do we think, I got a clean this out and we make a resolution but we don’t. And so, it just stays dark and dank down there and things can start growing and if we catch them, they can be made clean again. But if we leave them it’s gonna pull the whole thing down on top of our heads. Above all of this though, is what we’re learning, the distinction between what is clean and what is unclean. And we can see that it matters, it matters in the society that is being formed practically so, that people don’t die by catching what each other has. But the implication spiritually, are so profound that we have to pay attention, clean and unclean, they still exist, we actually have intuition about what they are, we typically know when we are stepping into something that is unclean. We typically understand as nuanced as it might be, generally speaking, what we’re doing. So, if we have something that is getting more than skin deep and we let it, that will become a serious disease, whether in our heart, our soul or whether in our body. If we leave things just grow and dwelling the dank, dark places of our dwelling, it’s gonna be a problem spiritually just the same. The goal is to be clean, that is the offer like, that is what they’re being commanded to be, which means that’s possible. And all of these laws, like, if people will remain clean in this context, they don’t ever have to do any of the ritual of purification, they’re already clean. But when a person becomes unclean there are processes to go through that are ritual but that identify that this person has been made clean again, clean is the goal and so let’s open ourselves to the Holy Spirit, on these things.


What is getting more than skin deep, what is growing up the walls in the basement of our hearts. And Holy Spirit, we confess that although even as we’re talking about it, some things may have been identified that we realize, now I really do have to go down in the basement and clean it, I have to deal with this or I can’t just keep letting this thing fester, it’s getting more than skin deep, we may know some of those things but there may be other things that we are just shut off to, it is in a box at the bottom of the pile in the back of the basement and we need Your help because we want to be clean, we want to be true, we want to be free. So, come Holy Spirit and help us as we begin to do the excursion, as we begin to open ourselves to considering things that are nothing more than poison to us and don’t belong in our lives anymore. Come, Holy Spirit, we pray in the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com that is home, that is home of the Global Campfire and that is where you go to find out what’s going on around here, as I say pretty much every day. The app is also a way to do that, if you don’t have the Daily Audio Bible app, you can download that for free wherever…wherever your app store is, whatever device is attached to an app store, you’ll find it there. So, just search for Daily Audio Bible. But check it out and while you’re at the web or on the app, check out the Community section, that is so important to know about. that’s were different links to the different social media channels were we participate are but that is also the home of the Prayer Wall and the Prayer Wall is a beautiful resource that is for us around the Global Campfire. We can always reach out no matter what time of day or night it is, we can reach out for prayer and that since we’re kind of a Global Campfire, we’re all over the world that means we’re also in every time zone, which means somebody’s always around praying or listening and it’s just a good thing to know and so we can reach out for prayer if it’s just becoming overwhelming, leave that prayer requests and when we wake up or we check next, it’ possible somebody’s already been there, praying for us. But it’s also the reverse like, the reverse is also very true. We can reach back in prayer, knowing how encouraging that is and pray for our brothers and sisters. Just kind of go through some pages and allow the Holy Spirit just to lead us to what to pray for and encourage some of our brothers and sisters that are going through things. We take turns, sometimes we’re getting crushed and we need our family, our spiritual family, to kind of come and shoulder some of the burden with us. And then at other times we’re strong and we can be the one doing some shouldering, knowing that together, together, we can be strong and so, check out the Prayer Wall. It’s in the Community section.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you, we could not be here, we would not be here if we hadn’t been in this together and so thank you, profoundly and with deep gratitude for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you are using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that’s the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hey guys, my name is Mary and I live in the United States. I’m a nurse. Hey, this message is specifically for two people from the UK. I apologize, I’m terrible with names but both of your messages really spoke to my heart. First, I wanted to pray for the dad who is the father to Hannah, who is suffering with anorexia nervosa. And secondly, I wanted to pray for the beautiful woman who had to move and now she’s having to move again because somethings going on with her land lady and she’s just really suffering from a lot of depression and anxiety. I just wanted to offer encouragement. I have also suffered with all three of these things, depression, anxiety and anorexia and God has delivered me from all of these things. That’s not to say I don’t still struggle. Sometimes I…I hate eating all over again, it’s just a time when I get back on my knees and ask God for mercy and the same with anxiety and depression. But just know that I am lifting you up in prayer and the Lord is there for you through every trial and every…every circumstance. You know that He never forsakes you and that I am praying for you and interceding for both of you. Love you guys. Bye.

Recindos, Gracandos, Inuendos and drills
It’s like my brother this bird has two bills
So many praises, coming out of one mouth
I haven’t seen anything like this since I’ve been in the South
Human, animal or anything else
When I listen to this songbird all the worldliness just melts
Because His praises continue and he’s bold, God, for thee
I thank You, my Father, for eyes that can see
That all of creation gives glory and praise
To the source of all life, the ancient of days
Multi-active warbles are paused and achieved
A twittly, twittly dee, a chirped and a beep
Stigatto, Legatto, a dot and a dash
Melodious harmonics, slow and then fast
Tremelous, pianist and most,
Swartandos, retarts sweet
His repetware of music if full and complete
This birds little light seems to never grow dim
Help me, my Father, to be more like him
Praising You continuous, empty of me
Yet filled up completely with all that is Thee
Because my cup runneth over, let praise overflow
Reflecting Your goodness wherever I go
And that all men who see me, in me, my Father, see You
Let praise be the trademark of everything I do
And even in darkness be a light shining bright
Praising You Father, from morning till night
A bird unconcerned and truly at peace
Even though necessities and problems don’t cease
Storms still assailing, strong winds still blow
But Your love’s always there, Father, wherever I go
Because when the praises go up, then the blessings come down
So help me to remember to smile and not frown
Because Your love’s always with me and You show me everyday
I thank You for the songbird that You sent my way
And once again Brian Hardin and Family, thank you

Hi, DAB family, this is Tammy from the Adirondacks. I just got done listening to the February 19th podcast and I didn’t get your name sister but the lady that called in who’s dealing with anxiety and depression and fear of taking medication and has to move again. I get it, I get it, I understand it and just know that, just keep breathing scripture over yourself. Just keep, this too shall pass, Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever, just keep doing what you’re doing, sister. Because God will never leave us, He will never forsake us, He is with you, even when it doesn’t feel like He is, I know that feeling. You are not alone, you are so not alone. I understand and I pray that Jesus, we ask You Father to just come against this anxiety, to come against this depression, to come against the fear of medication Father, give her an answer. Give her an answer, Father God, to help her know whether to take the medication is what she should or shouldn’t do, Lord. And just come against this anxiety and depression, in Your might name, Jesus. Help her Father to fight this, this that she’s going through. You are our Protector, You are our Healer, You are our Strength, You are our Refuge, You are our Shield and all the glory and the honor and the majesty goes to You, Father God. So, I just lift our sister up to You, Father God and I ask You to just help her in the way that only You can, Father. We thank you Jesus, we give You the praise. Be encouraged my sister, you’re not alone, you’re so not alone. I’ve been where you are. Love you.

Hey everybody, this is John from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. I hope you’re doing well. It’s the 20th of February, it is a balmy 15 degrees here in Pennsylvania today. Bright and sunny, I think I’ll get the tanning oil out, probably not really. Family, this call is for Curious George from Georgia, it was great to hear your call George. And it’s also for anyone who’s interested in a resource that I find of tremendous, tremendous value. George, first of all, welcome, glad that you’re here, congratulations on your anniversary. I’ve been a listener since 2012. You’ve landed in a great space; this is an awesome community. You’ve joined a community of believers all over the world and you can already tell that you’re, you know, just really, really enjoying hearing so many different accents. You mentioned that you have a tough time remembering the names so, does everybody else, unless they’re writing them down. And that’s not possible sometimes while you’re listening to the program so, what we’ve got for you is this tremendous resource, The Daily Audio Bible transcripts. These are available both for the Daily Audio Bible and the Daily Audio Bible Chronological. And you can get to them at dailyaudiobible.tumblr.com. dailyaudiobible.t-u-m as in boy, not m as in boy, m as in Mary, b as in boy, l as in Larry, r as in Ralph.com. dailyaudiobible.tumblr.com and what you’ll get there is the daily transcripts. So, Brian’s opening, his commentary, if there’s commentary, his prayer, and then announcements and the best part of all George is that you got the prayer and praise – the community prayer and praise written down for you so, you can go back and look at those names and you can read what’s been spoken and you can reiterate those prayers. And pray them out loud yourself, as well. Listen, I love you family. George, I hope that’s helpful for you. People, I hope that’s helpful for you as well.

Hey, DAB family, this is Leeza calling from the West Coast. I wanted to pray over Julie from the UK and really anyone else who’s suffering from anxiety and depression, right now. I know it’s just such a beast to struggle with and I just wanted to pray for everyone who needs it right now. God, I just pray that You surround Julie and anyone who’s suffering from anxiety and depression. God, I just pray that You surround them with Your love. That you comfort them in those moments where it’s just hard to see the light. God, in those moments where it just seems like the walls are closing in. God, I pray that You push out any thoughts from the enemy of feeling unworthy or feeling hopeless or wondering what’s coming next. And I pray that You help them focus on You God to see Your love, to see how much You’ve protected them, to feel You’re comforting presence and to just feel thankful for one little thing, whether it’s the air in their lungs or the sun shining or the rain in England. God, I just pray that You show them just how much You love them and remind them just how much you’ve done in the past and that Your promises are something that You will fulfill. I pray that You shine a light into their lives on those moments, in those moments where it just seems like there is darkness everywhere and that You guide them to You. God, we love everyone who is calling in and not calling in and especially anyone who’s suffering from anxiety and depression right now. I’m thinking of all of you and I’m praying for each of you. I know how hard it is and I just, I hope that you remember that we are all thinking of you and praying for you. Bye all.