02/22/2022 DAB Transcript

Leviticus 13:1-59, Mark 6:1-29, Psalms 39:1-13, Proverbs 10:10

Today is the 22nd day of February welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is wonderful, it is a joy and a privilege to be around the Global Campfire with you today as we release the stresses and strains that life brings our way every day and slumps our shoulders like we’re carrying a burden that is simply too heavy and the burden is life and sometimes it feels that way. But we have this place, a little oasis in all of it to just rest, exhale and allow God to speak through His word, reprioritizing and reorient…reorienting us to God. And, so, I am grateful, deeply, deeply grateful to be here around the Global Campfire with you today as we take the next step forward. And that will lead us back to the book of Leviticus. We’re reading from the Christian Standard Bible this week. Leviticus chapter 13.


Okay, in the book of Leviticus today we talked about skin problems and fabric problems. And we again can go, that’s why I always have stopped my journey when I got to the book of Leviticus. I don’t know what’s going on here. But actually we kinda do. And we talked about this some yesterday. But there are practical and spiritual implications here. What we are moving through in the law is the distinction between what is clean and what is unclean. So, for example, in the case of an open sore on a person’s body in their skin below the skin, that could be an infectious problem or a biohazard in some sort of way. It’s an open, oozing sore. And, so, we may think, okay, you get out the first day care or you go to the doctor, you run to the hospital, whatever what is. These people don’t have any of those options. Those things don’t exist. They didn’t have a ministry of disease control or anything like that. In fact, what we notice in this culture is that the priest is central. His job is not only spiritual. There are practical things that the priest does and declaring clean and unclean is one of those things for the protection of all of the people. Infection or disease that can spread in a closed community out in the wilderness with nowhere to go could be devastating. It could cause the annihilation of the people. It would be hard for us to not grasp the significance or the importance of this knowing what we have been through in the world for the last couple of years with all of our fancy advanced technologies. And then we get to the fabric portion of the law. And again, there isn’t a ministry of agriculture or a ministry of textiles. Like, they don’t have any of this, but they have experienced mildew. We still deal with that today. We just have fast ways to deal with it. They didn’t. They had water. And, so, we can understand the practical implications of what’s going on here, but there’s something greater also happening. Yes, they need practical measures to deal with certain things that will establish a cohesive people where everybody is generally on the same page and knows what they’re supposed to do and what they’re not supposed to do, but in this culture, what is being kinda woven in is the fact that practical things for living life as a human being in a human body are important, but they have correlations to spiritual life. There is clean. There is unclean. Clean leads to holiness. Unclean leads to destruction. And, so, let’s keep that kind of in mind and before us as we continue this portion of the law in the coming days.


Father, we love You. We thank You. We thank You for the practical things that we see here and understand here, and we ask that Your Holy Spirit come and help us to connect the dots between practical and our spiritual journey and how similar things work. We pray this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.


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And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that’s the red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi everyone, it’s Christy from Kentucky. I wanted to call today for a couple of reasons. My precious husband is sitting here in the hospital. And he has been having issues from a gallstone that passed into his bowel duct and it’s been giving him problems. His bilirubin has been high and has not come down. He had two scopes and his gall bladder removed and we sit here on day 6 waiting for those numbers to come down and other things to happen in his body that will clear us to go home. So, if you would please pray for my precious husband Tim. I also wanted to pray today for Val in Vegas. Sister, first of all happy belated birthday. I’m so sorry, so, so sorry that you are suffering from the symptoms of Covid. Lord, I'm…I’m asking You Jesus to breathe life, breathe Your breath of life into Val Father. Clear her lungs. And Father for all those who are suffering, my friend Carla who are all having issues with upper respiratory and with COVID. Father God having a hard time getting breath COPD, whatever it is Lord Jesus, I’m asking You to please breathe your breath of life father God into them. Give them a clear pathway to breathe in the precious name of Jesus. Alright everyone I love you guys. I pray each of you are having the most blessed and lovely day today.

Good morning God, just want to thank You so much and praise Your holy name for being so good, so kind so generous. Thank You for Your provision and protection and for making all things new again in our hearts as we listen to the word, as we invite the Holy Spirit to take over those things that we know we can’t do on our own. Father there are so many hurts, so many disappointments, so many frustrations, so many sorrows. God so many of us don’t have a clue of what to do but we want to know. And Father we know that You have our best interest in mind. So, as we wait for You to reveal the…the plan for our lives or the direction we’re supposed to go or how we’re supposed to show up in our relationships, as we wait for You to do that marvelous thing empowering us, strengthening us, giving us hope and courage to move forward into today You tell us that today Your mercies are new in the morning., Today if we hear Your voice we are to not harden our hearts but to allow Your Spirit and the sweet rain of Your Spirit to soften our hearts. So today dear Jesus take us, mold us, make us, shape us and may we be used to Your names honor and glory. Thank You so much for hearing this prayer dear God, for Your son Jesus, and for the baptism of Your Spirit. We love You. Amen.

Dear heavenly Father, dear Jesus it’s February 19th and I just heard the beautiful blessing prayer that Radiant Rachel left for all of her DAB family. It was so dear and especially since I believe she is currently in the hospital suffering under a serious condition. Father, please reach down and be with her. Surround her with your healing love and make her whole again. She is so precious to us. I know she’s precious us to You, but she is one of our sweet sisters. Please watch over her and heal her and bring her back to us. And Father I also heard a disturbing prayer about a conference of Satan…Satan worshippers in Phoenix. Father, my own grandson has been told that you don’t exist. Please, Father help us to save our children and our grandchildren and our brothers and sisters from this evil, evil influence. Give us the strength and the courage to renounce his evil ways in Your name when they come anywhere near to us. Thank You, Father. Forgive us for taking You for granted sometimes. We don’t deserve You but we love You and we want to be…

Hi, DABbers this is Emily in…of Emily and Jim, Emily in Cardiff and Jim and Texas. First, I want to thank the sister back in January or December who prayed for us. We are so grateful. We got to spend a beautiful two weeks together. In January I flew out there. And it was so wonderful and so hard to leave. So, please pray as we continue to put the spouse application together and that his project would…would complete and he’d get the spouse visa at about the same time so he can come back to me. We miss each other so much. But I really have wanted to pray over the past month or so for marriages where one person is praying for the restoration of the marriage and the other one has…has left. And in the midst of this we had some friends who are going through exactly through that. I want to remind you first of all that Jesus requires us to forgive, to repay evil with blessing, evil with good and cursing with blessing. And also that we here all lift up our shields of faith together to stand with you in a turtle formation against those fire darts of the enemy that may be coming for your spouse but are really lies from the devil. So, Lord God we lift up to You marriages. Lord we lift up to You the brothers and sisters who have called in and have asked us to pray for the restoration of their marriages. We pray Lord that Your Holy Spirit will teach them and give them divine strategies how to stand for their marriages. But together we lift up our shields of faith and we stand with them against the fiery darts of the enemy trying to destroy their marriage and we proclaim in the name of Jesus these marriages restored. We look forward to hearing the testimonies. Bless you guys. Love you.

Hello, my beautiful DAB family this is Asia from the city of angels and this one goes out to the woman who called on February 19th from the UK who is just in the grip of fear and anxiety over her current situation. She has to move houses and she’s just crippled with anxiety. And I heard the fear in her voice as she weeped. And, so, I am just coming to you to offer this word that I had just read fresh that morning before I heard your prayer. So, I’m going to read it from you. It’s from Joshua 1:9 and it says, “have I not commanded you be strong and of good courage. Do not be afraid nor be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” And my sister, I just want you to write that down. Read it every day and commit your anxiety to the Lord. Put it in His hands. He will deliver you. My daughter also has anxiety and recently had a bad bout with it as well and we’ve talked it through, and we went through some scripture. And ultimately it is your choice whether you want to hand this over to God and ask Him to remove it from you and replace your fear with His faith and His hope. And I just give you all the encouragement that I can possibly muster in my heart and all my love sister. You can overcome this with God’s love and the faith in the Lord. So, please be encouraged today and know that I’m praying for you. Take care. God bless you.