2/5/2022 DAB Transcript

Exodus 21:22-23:13, Matthew 24:1-28, Psalm 29:1-11, Proverbs 7:6-23

Today is the fifth day of February, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian, it is awesome to be here with you today as we continue our journey forward, bringing ourselves to the conclusion of the another one of the weeks that we get to spend together. We’re in the place now, when there’s way more weeks that we still get to spend together than there are weeks that we’ve moved through but the weird thing is we keep doing this. We’ll reach the midway point and they’ll be fewer days. But right now, we’re still getting ourselves going but we are definitely far enough into see that there is plenty for us in the Bible this year and so let’s dive in. We’ve been reading from the Common English Bible this week, Exodus chapter 21 verse 22 through 23 verse 13 today.


Father, we thank You for Your word and as we bring another week to a close, we take to heart what we just read in the book of Proverbs and certainly this is got a lot of detail about a foolish man being cunningly seduced into adultery. And so that’s stark enough for us to clearly understand. And if we take one step back from just that particular activity alone, we realize that anything that will seduce us into evil is wrong, anything that will seduce us or skewer our relationship or connection to You is wrong, it will only lead us down a path that leads to destruction, and the truth is, most of the time, we know better. We just put ourselves in a position we can’t get back out of or we’ve allowed something to go too far. We need to counsel of Your Holy Spirit to save us, to rescue us. It is our hearts desire to be true and to be true before You so that we might be unashamed before You, made righteous by You by the blood of Jesus that we might have this permission to be true and that we might then live true, instead of in the shadows. Come Holy Spirit, we pray in the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


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And of course, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

This is Dr. John in Illinois, this message for Dave of the UK. Dave, I just want to tell you brother to hold fast, to stand still and watch God work and there is no better place for you to be right here than in this community, with DAB, with your brothers and sisters, listening to the word read fresh every day. God’s word is perfect and true, it’s just and it’s right, it’s life-giving, it’s healing, it’s restoration. And I’m just gonna tell you that God’s the same God yesterday, today and forever. We listen to today the story of Moses, fleeing the Egyptians and God providing a miracle but He provides a miracle every single day, a miracle hope and restoration and healing. And I just want to tell you that I can’t name all the names, I can’t remember everybody that’s called in but I do, you need to understand that there are millions of them, just like me, that every day we listen and every day we pray with you and we stand with you. And maybe we don’t mention all of our names but brother, there’s a whole army, there’s a whole family of brothers and sisters out here, there standing with you in your plight. And I would ask you even for my own family. My wife is going into surgery in two days, she’s been fighting breast cancer and six years ago they told us we had little chance to survive. And we started the DAB and it’s been life-giving. It’s been healing, it’s been restoration to us, it’s been wisdom and counsel and I thank God for this podcast for Brian, for Jill, for the Hardin family, for all they’ve done. But for all of you out there, for the DAB family. God bless you. So, stay right here brother, this is the best place you can be with people that love you, will support you every day. God bless.

Good morning this is Janus and I have a prayer request to submit for myself but also for all of us as we go through Exodus, I’m reminded of something. I know that it’s easy to see how the people are complaining and to even criticize and think that it’s just so unreasonable with everything they’ve experienced and all the miracles and you know, for them to be complaining seems crazy. However, I am a survivor of sex trafficking when I was a teenager. I’m in my 40s now. So, this has been some years past, but the trauma and the fallout, definitely has followed me in various ways and infiltrated in every aspect of my life and has caused me to, I guess it’s the root of it, to have such a low understanding or feeling of self-worth and that has caused a complaining spirit in my heart. I don’t think I verbalize it often. I’m glad that I don’t but I know I feel it in my heart. I just am generally quiet about it. The heart is what is important. So, I know that I all of have been or a lot of us can relate to being set free from some kind of slavery, whether it was actual slavery as I was or if it was some addiction or something else and my prayer is that we would be able to get past ourselves and past our trauma and not complain and wander in the wilderness and instead to believe the promises that are for us. I pray this for all of us and I ask for you to do the same. In Jesus name. Amen.

Hello DAB family this is Christina calling in from Kansas City, Missouri. I just want to say I’m a first-time caller, this is my first year listening in and I actually was invited by one of my clients, I’m a hairdresser, by my client, Laura. I told her I was struggling to figure out ways to get the word in and you know with my busy schedule and everything and she suggested this app to me and I started listening around January 20th and I have listened to every single one from the first all the way up until now. I had been listening probably 2 to 3, sometimes four times a day just to get caught up. I am caught up now. So, I’m excited you know, for the journey that God will have me on this year and I’m excited for this community. I’m blessed to hear all the prayers and just how tight this community is and I also want to say to Brian that your voice just captivated me and it just drew me in and I know that’s the Lord using you and I’m very thankful for that. So, this is really good for me. I listen going into work. I listen leaving work. I it's…it’s a really good thing. And so, I just want to say thank you to everyone and just everything you guys are doing here is such a beautiful thing and if you guys can lift me up in prayer. You know, I have you know, four children and I’m married and just lift up our family. We, we kinda fallen in our faith a little bit and I just want to get back on track with everything and I just want to serve God in and…and love others and just…just pray for us and thank you for all that you guys do. In Jesus name. Amen.

Hi, this message is for the Jackie out of Canada, I believe she said. This is New Envision Growth calling from New York and I just wanted to, if I could give you a virtual hug, I would. Your call just really just really resonated to me. I understand exactly where you’re coming from. And I just want to tell you to keep the faith. I know that seems a little corny and cliché, but it is the truth. I was diagnosed with endometriosis and 2017 so I understand that difficulty with having infertility issues and being surrounded by people who have, you know, your support and love you but to me, unless you’re really going through it you don’t know what it feels like. And I’m still believing and hoping on my miracle child, I’ll be 46 this year and I’m still believing. At the end of the day, I’m gonna believe the report of the Lord and I know that God can do the impossible. I know that He’s still in control and you, even said yourself, you have a mustard seed faith and that is all you need. I had to ask myself one day, if it never happens for me, if I’m never able to conceive, will I ever stop loving God? No, I will never stop loving Him. I will always give Him a yes because I know that His way is better than mine. I don’t know, but He knows all, He is all-knowing, all-powerful and all-loving. He is our Father and He will never leave us nor forsake us, even when it seems like no way out. And even with the relationship, maybe it didn’t work out for reason. Just continue to trust in Him. Continue to have that faith and I’m praying and believing for us all that have these issues, that it’s gonna happen.

Hey, DAB family. I just wanted to call in as a first-time caller. My name is Cody. I love for you guys to call me Phil 4:13, cause I love everyone’s usernames on this app. And look, today’s February 2, 2022, it’s 2 AM as I’m recording this and I just felt the urge to call, because it’s been a month since I started listening to the Daily Audio Bible. You know, January 2 was the first day and it was in a car, it was a road trip from Virginia down to Tampa Bay. So, pretty long one. Long story short, I actually was the one driving and we got into a car accident, my first every car accident. Luckily, everyone was okay and my car and the car in front of us. You know, we were still able to go down there, but Lord knows I was not the one who was gonna be in the driver seat anymore. So, with my brother in the driver seat, he decided to play the first day of the Daily Audio Bible and I absolutely loved it. So, from that point on, I made it a routine to listen to this every time I brush, usually it’s past midnight. So, I’d have the next day’s recording and it’s just so nice to end the day with that and yeah. Just a little praise offering for the Daily Audio Bible for just providing this opportunity to listen to the Bible all the way through and looking forward to the rest in this journey with ya’ll. I love you guys and God bless.