01/25/2022 DAB Transcript

Genesis 50:1-Exodus 2:10, Matthew 16:13-17:9, Psalms 21:1-13, Proverbs 5:1-6

Today is the 25th day of January welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian and it’s lovely as it always is to be here with you today as we move forward, taking the next step in the Scriptures. And today is a special day, kind of a milestone day because today we will be completing our first of 66 books. We will conclude the book of Genesis today and then move into the book of Exodus and when we get there we’ll talk about it and orient ourselves to the new territory that we’ll be heading into in the book of Exodus. But first, we’re reading from the English Standard Version this week. Genesis chapter 50.

Introduction to the book of Exodus:

Okay. So, that concludes the book of Genesis which brings us to the book of Exodus, the second book in the canon of Scripture. And, so, as we turn the page and begin this new book of Exodus, we need to understand that as we turned that page centuries past. We’re not entering into a new story. We’re entering into the same story centuries later. Joseph has been gone now for a long time. So, what he did centuries earlier to preserve life in Egypt has basically been forgotten. In fact, the children of Israel, Jacobs kids…well…we’re centuries in the future, so they have all lived their lives and passed away. But while they were living their lives, they had children and their children had children and they kept having children generation after generation after generation. So, now what started out as 70 people leaving Canaan for Egypt is now a massive population in Egypt, enough of a population to give the Egyptians pause. Like they could come up against us. And, so, the Hebrew people, Israel’s descendants, the children of Israel, the Hebrew people were enslaved in Egypt and things were on the decline. Things were not getting better. In fact, the king of Egypt, the Pharaoh of Egypt decided to enact some population control among the Hebrew people commanding that every Hebrew boy that was born be thrown alive into the Nile River where they would die and float away, but the girls could live. So, if you were at one point in your family genealogy free people with the promise of God over your life to have the land that was promised as well as progeny that were…would be as numerous as the sands on the seashore but now you are a slave in a foreign land, the land of Egypt, and at the command that if you have a boy he has to die, well then you can see there’s a dilemma. And they begin to cry out to God in their anguish. I mean, the Egyptians may have forgotten Joseph, but the Hebrew people know their story and they know this promise, even though it centuries later and it has not been fulfilled yet. They remember Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and Joseph. And very soon we will meet a baby boy that is supposed to be thrown into the Nile and is put into the water, but he doesn’t die in the water. He’s rescued and he grows to be a mighty leader in Israel, a leader that again is a rescuer, a redeemer, someone who is a great prophet among them. His name is Moses and we’ll be traveling a good stretch with Moses. And, so, we begin the book of Exodus chapter 1 verse 1 and we’ll read through chapter 2 verse 10 today.


Okay. So, we have talked about where were moving into in the book of Exodus and we have met Moses as we talked about a little bit ago.

Let’s look at Matthew for just a quick second because we’ve crossed sort of a climax point that happens in the synoptic Gospels that really is sort of…the narrative is leading us to this point. And we’ll talk about this in the future. But Jesus is on his way to Caesarea Philippi. It’s a pretty good, long, long walk. It’s a pagan place. And Jesus asks what people are saying about Him. And they tell Him what people are saying about Him and then He asks the poignant question. Probably the most poignant important question not only in the Gospels but in all of human life, “who do you say that I am?” And the answer to that question sets in motion a pathway, a full trajectory of life and the way that that life is conducted and lived. And it is worth continual consideration because our lives are saying something. We can say who we think we think Jesus is from our lips and that’s fine, but how we live our lives is truly our declaration of who we believe Jesus is. But the important question for us to consider is, what are we saying? “Who do you say that I am” was the question from Jesus. And that is a question to ponder. I know we have the right answers. I know we can say the right things, but it is still a question to ponder. Who are we saying that Jesus is in our thoughts? Who do we say Jesus is in our words? Who do we say that He is in our actions?


Jesus, we invite You into the…the question. You asked the question, and we must answer it. And, so, come Holy Spirit reveal our hearts and reveal to us what we are saying with our lives and lead us on a pathway that leads towards our sanctification and into the truth we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. We got a new shipment of the Promised Land, photographs from the land of the Bible in stock now so you can check that out. As we’re moving through the territory that we’re in it’s nice to be able to kind of look into the…the region, the land and see what things look like. And, so, you can check that out.

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And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi this is T from Colorado. I have a 5-year-old granddaughter that is in my home one day and her drug addict mom pulls her out the next day. She sobbed last night, and…and it doesn’t want to go back there. I’ve reached out to social services. I’ve prayed. I’m discouraged. God’s not listening to me. I just need help. I need to keep this child in my home. I need prayers. I’ve never done this before. So, I really don’t know what I’m supposed to do. But anyway, God bless you. And thank you…

Hi this is Verlin from Alberta and I just heard a prayer request from grandma on the 19th who has COPD and bronchitis and I just want to pray for you right now. Lord Jesus, I just thank You for Your care and Your love and just the evidence that You’ve shown me in…in just personal things lately. But God I just pray for this lady. I pray that You would heal her and give her ability to glorify You with strength and whether You heal her fully or…or not I just pray God that that she would feel Your hands just lifting her up and baring her up and in her…in Your arms. I thank You in Jesus’ name. Amen.

This message is for Crystal. She called in today and it just reminded me of a story. I’m in a Men’s ministry and have been since 2008. But my name is Steve from Albertville AL. When I was living in Arizona studying to be a minister to men I come across this husband and wife and they gave their testimony. The wife started. She said her husband in his 60s left her for another woman, left the church, left everything but she was faithful, the wife was. And she set a place for his dinner every night at 6:00 o'clock. And then in the bed beside her, he was a commissioned man, and she laid his sword there. For 20 years this woman did this. And I’m not saying you have to go through this for 20 years. But she had faith that she prayed that God would restore everything. And one rainy night 20 years later there was a knock at the door. The wife said come on in suppers ready. And she's…he sat down and said I’m sorry. And she said it’s dinner time we’ll talk later. They they were still married when I left Arizona and he was in his mid-80s. But what I’m telling you sister is don’t lose faith. Don’t lose faith. Gather stories of encouragement. Gather everything you can to continue to pray for your husband and your children. Again, Steve Porter from Albertville AL. God bless you in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Good morning, everybody this is Madison from California. This is my first full year with the Daily Audio Bible. I was listening last year about halfway through. I’ve called in before. But this morning I really felt like I needed to share just a reflection I had. And actually, as I was listening to today’s Daily Audio Bible, today’s the 20th of January, I felt like I got two confirmations to share. And, so, I actually wanted to say in advance that to the woman who has been separated from her husband, I think that this might be especially for you but I think it’s for everyone else too. I was reading an article last night about how important it is to read the Bible as a story about God and to read these stories trying to see what God’s character is like. And today as we were reading about Joseph and how God brought him into this situation where, you know, this really big national disaster in Egypt was going to happen God was actually being so merciful not just to Joseph but to pharaoh and to the people of Egypt. And I guess the takeaway I had from that is that God is so kind that even when terrible things happen He lets us know what’s going on and He invites us to trust Him through the process. And that’s something I’m really holding onto in this season. And I encourage you to hold onto it as well. So…

Hey DAB it’s Refined by the Fire in Ohio. I wanted to take a minute. Just happy new year first of all. And I’ve called in since the beginning of the year but man, January is flying by. And welcome anybody who’s just started listening and congrats to everybody who’s made it this far already. Just hang in there. Just one day at a time. Keep going. Aside from marriages ‘cause I am praying for you guys in your marriages, that’s just huge in my heart this year, the other thing that God put on my heart this morning was just teenage parents. And it’s really funny at this point in my life but I forget sometimes that that’s where I came from. So, I became a mom at 16. I was a junior in high school. And it is amazing to me just how God continued to hold my hand and carry me through the years. My daughter had special needs. And gosh if you had asked me to sign up for any of that I would have bailed in the first, you know, anything…thought of medical is not in my wheelhouse. But you know what? He is faithful and He is good and no matter what your choices He is always waiting to pick you up and carry you on. So, just cling to Him and lean into Him and remember how good God is always good. So, gotta run. Love you guys. Talk to you soon…