10/24/2021 DAB Transcript

Jeremiah 44:24-47:7, 2 Timothy 2:22-3:17, Psalm 94:1-23, Proverbs 26:6-8

Today is the 24th day of October, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and it is wonderful, it’s exciting to be here with you today because, well, this is the day and we get 52 of these per year, but this is the day we begin a new week and so it’s out in front of us and together we open the threshold and step into it and remind ourselves, like we do probably 50 times a year, nothing’s happened yet. How we live this week is up to us. And all kinds of circumstances might come our way but the Scripture is coming our way as well and we have a seat around the Global Campfire to center ourselves in God’s word and in His leadership in our lives. And so, let’s, let’s live this life to the fullest. Let’s live this week to the fullest. Let’s be in a better place, one week from today than we are today. We simply have to head in that direction intentionally and part of that intentionality is certainly showing up around the Global Campfire every day for the next step forward together. And that next step forward will take us back into the book of Jeremiah which we will finish before this week is out as well as leading us into the letter, II Timothy which we will finish before this week is out. We’ll read from the New International Version this week. Jeremiah chapter 44 verse 24 through 47 verse 7.


Father, we thank You for this new week. We thank You that the days are out in front of us. We thank You that You’ve given us the opportunity to make choices and that those choices they, they get to matter. And so, when we make wise choices, they matter, and when we make foolish choices, they matter. And You have given us the Council of the Scripture and the power of Your Holy Spirit to help us make wise decisions and so often we’re not paying attention to either. But we’re paying attention now. And so, Holy Spirit, we invite You into this week and all the decisions we will need to make and to all the conversations that we will have and to all of the things that will go on inside of us. The inner monologue that is constantly going on that leads us into all kinds of things all kinds of bitterness and judgmentalism and all kinds of things. We’re inviting You into all of it. The motives of our heart, the actions of our lives, our thoughts, words and deeds. We ask for Your help as we navigate the days ahead. And we ask in Jesus name. Amen.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hi DABers. My name is Jen, I’m a long-time listener. I’ve called in a few times to lift you up in prayer, this is my first time calling to request prayer. I’m calling to ask if you would please lift up my husband Jeff in your prayer. He went through a hard time back in November. He had a lot of anxiety and depression that he battled with. He ended up going out of work in April and he’s just starting to go back to work now. But I feel like he’s starting to spiral down again and he’s just lost. He’s kind of walked away from his faith. He doesn’t know what he believes. It’s just hard, it’s hard to watch. And my daughter’s watching too and it’s just hard. She’s walked away from her faith also. They don’t really attend church with me anymore. So, I just ask that you would just lift him up, Jeff and my daughter Liz. I just, I thank you for listening. I know that there’s power in numbers. And I’m a prayer warrior myself. So, I battle on my knees everyday for the both of them and all of you as well. I thank you all for your prayers.

Good morning everybody this is Barb calling from Canada. I had something happen to me yesterday that I just wanted to share with everybody. Because it was really encouraging to me and I hope it is to you too. I have been going through a pretty stressful time probably at the highest stress levels of my entire life and that’s quite a few years. Anyway, I live in an area in a town now that is one of the highest crime rates in all of Canada. And to leave your car door unlocked is really silly because you know for sure that your car will have gone, been gone through and it happened to me probably three different times. So, I say that to say this during this stressful time yesterday I was getting ready for work and again it was just a stressful start to the morning and then I couldn’t find my car keys. Well, I can always find my car keys because I always put them right where I leave them at the front door. But they weren’t there. And so, I searched the entire house, couldn’t find them and realized I must have left them in my car. So, I went outside, my doors were unlocked so I opened my door expecting to see chaos. I didn’t see chaos but I did see my keys. And, I realized that you know, God is looking after me even when I don’t ask. So, imagine what He does when we do ask. And, I just thought that’s just such a mighty God that we serve. And I love Him so much. Just wanted to share that with ya’ll.

Hi DAB family, this goes out to Mike in New York City, this is Michelle, God’s Life Speaker. You are on a set filming and you have been witnessing to another gentleman that is hostile towards God and you felt the insult, you felt it, yes you did but praise God that you stood firm because you know who’s you are and who you are and I yes, I stand with you that God will use you as His vessel, you are a witness an ambassador. You are the aroma of Christ in a world that is lost and your opportunity exists in the name of Jesus, we are declaring into what is not a yet, we are just can speak that this man well just know Christ and that you are just privileged. I often just pray, Lord let me just be there when somebody accepts Christ as their Savior. So, Mike I pray that for you, I pray that God allow you to see the transformation, allow you just to have your hand working for His kingdom and just to bring glory to God. But your example, how you look, how you act, even nonverbally, what you say, how you consistently show His truth in the way you just do life is going to speak volumes. You know the old saying that your actions speak louder than your words and I, I believe this is true in the kingdom. So may you be blessed, may you have favor. May there be prosperity in you as you continue to witness and may we hear back of the transformation of this man in Jesus name.

This is Chris from York, Pennsylvania. Listening to the October 20th DAB and the prayers. And what a way to end the prayers today. Our sister who moved across the country calling in and just giving us a little bit of an update. Thank you so much for that. I’m so sorry that you went through that situation with your old church and so thankful that you heard your fellow DAB brothers and sisters praying for you and that that was an encouragement. We’ll just continue to pray for you that you would be encouraged and know that God is there that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are in your life, and that there’s a solid rock you can stand on. But my prayers today is for those of us who have been in that situation where we didn’t respond with the love of Christ, so let me pray for that. Lord, God, we just know that we have failed so many times to hear your prompting, to follow the way we should be with others who have shared hardships that they’re going through. And when your Holy Spirit is prompted us to reach out to somebody even if we don’t know what they’re going through. Lord we have failed so many times to do that. Forgive us for not wanting to leave the clean sidewalk and get down into the gutter where some of our brothers and sisters find themselves sometimes and just need the encouragement of someone close to them to help get them out of that situation. Lord, please forgive us for not following.

Good morning DAB community. This is Blessings Flow in Pennsylvania. I wanted to leave a prayer for our beloved and dear sister Victorious Soldier. Victorious Soldier, you’ve been on my heart and mind and ever since you left your message about your brother. Guess it’s been a few weeks now, but I just wanted to leave you a prayer. I’ve been praying on my own, but I wanted you to hear my voice. If you hear it. Lord, we thank You God and we bring to You Victorious Soldier, God, before Your throne of grace. Lord, we don’t come in our own strength, we come weak, we come as we are. We thank You for Your strength being made perfect in us. Lord, we lift up my sister God, asking that You will comfort her. Thank You Lord, for the blessedness of those who mourn for they will be comforted. God, thank You that You’re near the brokenhearted, to bind up all their wounds. God, we thank You that you’ve identified Yourself to be the God of all comfort. We thank You for comforting her heart and her loss. Lord, and all those who are grieving at this time, loss of loved ones, loss of mentors, loss of friends and pastors God, comfort us O Lord. Remember, your daughter, surround her with Your light, surround her with Your peace. Let her know that she will make it, God. Thank You for the gift of relationships Lord that surpasses anything that money could buy, we bless You, we love You and we thank You for Victorious Soldier, the life of her brother in Jesus name, amen. God bless you sister. We love and appreciate you so much and we’re standing with you.

Hi DAB family, my name is Yosinia, I’m from Burbank, California and I’m calling to request prayer for my dad. My dad and I have always had a strained relationship. He was very physically and verbally abusive toward me when I was growing up. And so, I ran away when I was 13 years old and I’m now 47. Anyways, my dad who’s 72 years old now had a stroke and they think he might have cancer and I’m not going to lie I didn’t feel anything when the doctor told me this, but I prayed upon it and I asked God to please soften my heart so that I can be there for him. And wow, God really answered my prayer. I feel like I love my dad and I forgive him and it hurts me to see him the way he is now, like a little child who needs help to be fed. And, so just pray for him that God gives him healing. Thank you, thank you.