10/23/2021 DAB Transcript

Jeremiah 42:1-44:23, 2 Timothy 2:1-21, Psalms 92:1-93:5, Proverbs 26:3-5

Today is the 23rd day of October welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is fantastic to be here with you today as we round the corner on another one of our weeks together. As we continue to move through the Old Testament, we’re working our way through the book of Jeremiah, and we have…well…we’ll finish Jeremiah in about a week. We are also working our way through second Timothy which we’ll spend the next several days working through. So, let’s dive in. Jeremiah chapter 42 verse 1 through 44 verse 23.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for another week to spend interacting with the Scriptures, to be in…in Your word, to be together day by day step-by-step. We thank You for all of these steps that we’ve taken. And as we continue to step forward, we ask Holy Spirit that You continue to lead us into all truth, that we might receive from You and from the Scriptures what we need for our lives, that the fruit of the spirit might be planted in the soil of our hearts. Make us fruitful God. Help us to keep the soil of our hearts fertile and cared for, that we might continually yield a bountiful harvest for Your kingdom. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.


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So, yeah, check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are a number of resources there. Whether it’s something where or whether it’s the Daily Audio Bible journal and everything to write with, same…same things that I’m journaling with, same resources that I’m using. Or maybe it’s written resources. There are a number of books to take this journey deeper like a Reframe, “From the God we’ve made to God with us”, which is a deep dive into what it even means to be in a relationship with God and what that looks like, how it takes shape in our lives and the ways that we’ve misunderstood that over…well…maybe over our whole life. This is…this is a great resource for taking a look at that. Or Sneezing Jesus, which is a really deep dive into the humanity of Jesus, the things that compel us, the things that teach us how to live this human life and what it should look like, what it might look like to be Christ like. Or the God of Your Story, which is 365 day dated walk through the Bible, just like what we’re doing here the Daily Audio Bible. It's…well…at that point it was 13 years of looking through, back through everything we’ve talked about over all of the years as we’ve gone through the Bible and just kind of mining the gold and then writing it down in written form, which totally changes the complexion of things that were spoken aloud. And once they’re written down it’s not like you just kind of copied and pasted word for word the things that were said. That never reads well. But to have something that reads well and no matter whether you’re connected on the Internet or away from the Internet this rhythm can continue. And that can be found in the God of Your Story. Or our coffee and tea. We could go on and on. You can have fresh Windfarm coffee roasted at altitude in the mountains of Colorado and then shipped to your door for fresh, much more fresh than anything you can like buy at the grocery store or whatever. It’s a lot of resources that are all there, centered around this journey that we are on together. So, check out the daily audio Bible Shop.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There is a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hello loyal listeners this is Royal in the city of trees. Today is October 18th and the reason I’m specifically calling in today, this message is for as a follow up for Vicki in Northern California. Your prayer request that aired on September 17th you shared that you lost your precious son Shane on August 18th which means it’s been two months today since you had to say goodbye to him. And I just want to let you know in the days following when your call aired last month I had 5 customers throughout that week, this never happens, I had five customers by the name of Shane. So, every time I would see his name, I would think of you and pray for you again. And I also have a brother-in-law named Shane and we call him gentle giant because he is 6 feet 4 inches tall. So, I just wanted to let you know Vicki…yeah…just…it’s just really stuck out to me, just your voice and your heart and just lifting you up again today. I know…just…monthly and daily anniversaries can be super hard. So, I pray…continue to pray that God will comfort you and continue to bring the best memories and moments of the light of joy you had with your son. And I just pray for His covering over you and like you said for all the nurses. Amen.

Resilient Rachel, Redeemed Rachel, I just heard the most precious prayer for you and encouragement, and I wanted to add my log onto the fire. I am lifting you up to our Lord, the most-high God. Dear God, we bring our sister to you, and we pray that You will continue to redeem her, continue to move in her family, in her life. Reveal Yourself to her Lord. Show her Your way. Show her where You are in her situations and her struggles Lord. Bring her through it and just enable her Lord to do Your work and to be firm and bold in her identity in You. And I pray that You will bless her family and her circumstances in Jesus’ name. Amen. This is your sister Radiant Rachel. Have a blessed…

Greetings to you my DAB family this is Walking in the Light in Tennessee still walking in the light in Tennessee. Going through some dark places. Of course, we all are but we can thank God for the light and we thank him for just being…being that light in everything that we do and everything that we say and for the DAB family our priceless priceless. I want to lift up…well…I want to encourage those of you who like myself have family members who are alcoholics, are drug addicted. And I say family members but I’m thinking particularly of one of my sons who this season has been a real real challenge. I don't…I don’t know why it has to be, but it is. And, so, I listen to so many calls of you who have problems with brothers and family members who are alcoholics. And, so, I just want to pray for the alcoholics, and I would I pray for those of us who are dealing with that problem. Father God in the precious name of Jesus we come collectively together Lord to lift up our loved ones who are bound by this addiction. Lord, we just ask You to intercede on their behalf. We ask You O Lord to give us the heart and the wisdom to deal with this. And Lord, we ask You that You will send Your angels to rescue…there’s a song we used to sing in the church called rescue the perishing. And, so, Father so many are perishing around us, but our hearts are always in belief that You are able Lord to change and to deliver. So, we trust You O Lord to do what only You can do. And I ask You all to continue to pray for one another, to love one another, to be kind to one another and encourage one another in Jesus’ name. Love you, Brian. Love you, DAB family. God is so good and together we stand. Amen.

Hey DAB family this is WC from Arizona. I have demons and temptations in my life that I ask all of you to pray for me to help me eliminate from my life. I have hurt people close to me and I need to gain their trust back ‘cause I love them so much. I ask God to accept me. It’s been close to 30 years since I accepted…accepted Him as my Father and the Holy Spirit and I’m looking to have Him back in my life. I’m asking for prayers that I can accept God back in my life. It’s been over a week now that I’ve been listening to this app, and it’s been very refreshing and it’s opening my mind and almost my life to new thought process and to new beginnings. So, please I ask for your prayers that God can help me, that the ones in my life that I’ve hurt, that He can help them to forgive me and to make me a better person and husband. Lord I pray to you. Amen.

Good morning DAB family this is Margaret. I’ll go by Immaculate Margaret. That’s my name on Instagram. But I’m calling…I’m out here in Louisiana in the South. I’m normally in New Orleans. Right now, I’m in Gray right outside of Homer. Anyway, first of all I just want to thank all of you who call in, listen, write down on the Prayer Wall whatever you do, all your contributions to us daily is…we’re blessed, I’m blessed, I’m grateful. Thank you. This is my first time calling in…well…not actually. I called in before and I called this for my same favorite person, my grandmother. First, she had COVID. Now she has in the hospital with pneumonia, and I am praying that she fights like she always do. She’s a trooper and I mean that’s all…pretty much all I want to say about that. But I’m just praying that we all have a blessed day and that…I don’t know…this is why I never call in, 'cause I never know what to say but I’m gonna try to call in more. So, you guys have a blessed day. Thank you.

Hey DAB family this is Veronica calling in from Oklahoma City. I’ve called in before about my younger 20-year-old brother. He and his twin brother and their younger sister, they’re all three adopted and have a kidney…a genetic kidney disease called Alport’s and both boys are on dialysis. One twin is already on the kidney transplant list but my other brother who has had significantly more issues has his meeting today with the doctors for them to make a decision on whether or not they will accept him to the transplant list. He has had a lot of seizures, a lot of heart problems which complicate things and make him less likely to be accepted to the transplant list. So, please just pray for a favorable outcome. He is 20. He is a child. So, yeah please just pray that the doctors will accept him to the transplant list. It’s very…there’s a lot of decisions that they have to make and they’re not easy decisions. And I understand why they have to make these difficult decisions because a lot of people need organs. So, anyways please pray for him his name is Trent. Thank you.