10/2/2021 DAB Transcript

Isaiah 66:1-24, Philippians 3:4-21, Psalm 74:1-23, Proverbs 24:15-16

Today is the 2nd day of October, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible, I’m Brian, it is wonderful to be here with you today as we continued to drag all of our stuff over from the last month and move in to this brand-new month that we have just begun. As we…as we navigate the final quarter of the year together. And today, we will conclude the book of Isaiah and we’ve been camped out in Isaiah for a while. It’s one of the longer books, we’ll conclude Isaiah today, we’re reading from the Christian Standard Bible Isaiah 66.


Father, we thank You for Your word. I thank You for bringing us through this week and into this new month and even today, we thank You for bringing us through the book of Isaiah and we look forward to moving forward tomorrow into the book of Jeremiah and all that it has in store for us. So, we are grateful. Even though we think about all that’s out in front of us. We are grateful to be here now, worshiping You, glorifying Your name, inviting awareness of Your Holy Spirit, that we might glorify You in our bodies and every motivation and every word spoken and everything that we do. Holy Spirit, come and lead us, help us to pay attention, help us to obey. Help us to follow where You are leading. We ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base. It’s the website, it’s where the Global Campfire burns, it’s how you find out what’s going on around here, so check it out and stay connected in any way that you can. Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop while you’re there. There are a number of categories in the Daily Audio Bible Shop and we’ve kinda divided everything up into different categories, but these are all resources that have been created over the years and they are for the Community here around the Global Campfire and they are to take our journey deeper and wider to connect us even more to the Scriptures and to the way that they teach us how to live our lives and so, I mean not every single one of them, but for example the Daily Audio Bible Journal. We’ve fashioned that over time, picking the exact right paper to write with and the right size to be able to carry it around and so you may be like well, journaling isn’t gonna take my journey deeper and that may or may not be true, but when you write your journey down well, in my experiences, upon reflection. For example, if you journey your way through the Bible in a year. A lot of things are gonna happen in a year, in life that the Bible can certainly speak to and inform and help us to not react to, but a lot of things happen in a year of life and to be able to sort of chronicle some of that and then may be, take a couple of days at the end of the year, may be that space between Christmas and New Year’s, where we’re thinking about how we’re going to live a better life and make some significant changes in the coming year and get really reflective to just kind of look back over the year that God has brought you through, and to be able to see the way that the Scripture spoke and the way that you’re still here able to read this that you got through. Yeah, that takes the journey deeper. So, there are all kinds of ways to go about that but it’s part of the mission here to…to make it the journey of a lifetime because that’s what it is. So, check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop, you can do that on the web well, just the Shop link on the website or if you’re using the app, you can press the little drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner and you’ll find the Shop in there. So, check the resources out there.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, that can be done at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There is a link on the homepage. And thank you, thank you so profoundly, we would not…we would not be here if we were not here together and it's…it’s just…it’s an awe-inspiring thing that we are in this together. So, there is a link on the homepage, if you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that’s the little red button at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian. I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Good morning, it’s Eyes of a Dove here. If you guys are just waking up like I am and you’re getting ready to go to work join me in prayer this morning. Father God, good morning, thank You for waiting on the couch as we busy ourselves running back and forth with our clothing and brushing our teeth and getting our coffee and there You sit so eagerly waiting just to have a moment, thank You for loving us even when we make mistakes and we mess up and we do it on purpose knowing that we’re sinning. We do it with an intent of selfishness, pushing You aside and ignoring that we know that You’re there waiting for us, knowing that You’re always gonna be there waiting for us and taking our relationship with You for granted. Thank You for loving us through those things. We’re girded around like truth; we’re shot in the preparations of the gospel of peace. We put on the helmet of salvation which is Your mind, the mind of Christ. We put on the breastplate of righteousness, the sword of the Spirit, the shield of faith. Father, put a hedge of protection and a ring of fire around us Father, give us a legion of angels to protect us as we go, today. That no fiery dart that any coworker, any person shoots at our armor will penetrate our hearts and hurt us. But Father, that we would take that arrow and turn it around and make it love. Father, that they would be shocked by the love that we give. Maybe it’s the one that betrayed you at work that you hold bitterness towards. Maybe it’s time to go get them some coffee, just give them a surprise sandwich and tell them “I knew this was your favorite I just wanted to bless you today. I’m thankful to be your co-worker.” Help us to be like You Jesus, to be that example of You. I love You Lord. Amen.

Hello DAB family, this is Charlie from Houston. And I know my wife’s listening, Julie. Hi Julie. First, I’m a ten-year listener and first-time caller. I apologize for not calling before, I know I should have. It’s a pride not calling in as Brian has said we need others to help carry us through the hard times. Many times, over the past 10 years I’ve really needed that. So, before I get into my prayer request though I did want to just to say real quick how thankful I’ve been for so many people that have been so faithful over the years but particularly wanted to say thank you to Blind Tony and Victorious Soldier. You guys are amazing and just appreciate the love that you’ve shown this community over the years. I want to lift up my wife. She…we got some pretty difficult news last week. She’s had Lupus for many years and she’s got some…some things wrong with her heart and her lungs and some indications that there was some pretty severe, issues particularly with her heart. God has given us a verse, Judges 6:23 which says “peace, don’t be afraid you’re not going to die” but I also know we need to put the work in through prayer. And I know of no better group to do that then the DAB family, so I’m just asking you guys would pray for her, pray for the healing of her heart and of her lungs and I will keep you posted on the progress as we go along. Thanks.

Hey DAB family this is Byron out in Florida. I hope you all are doing well. We could use your prayers; my wife is back in the hospital. It seems she has some sort of internal infection and she’s gonna be there for a few days running a course of anti-biotics. But the Lord is still with us and I’ll tell you how I know. Rushing to get my kids to school and we’re running late and we’re gonna miss the bus. And that’s just gonna wreck the morning. And so, I’m sitting at the last red light and I’m like “Lord, I need a perfect two minutes, we’ve done everything that we can. I need you to carry us the rest of the way.” So, I drive and the trickiest part of getting to the bus stop is that you have to make a U-turn on a 6-lane road. And when I see the turn up there at the intersection there’s a semi-waiting to make to make the turn. I think, that’s it, we’re not gonna make it. And at the last moment I see the semi-about to inch up and I think maybe I can do this and sure enough the semi’s turning so slow that it blocks all three lanes of oncoming traffic and I get through that U-turn as quickly as if there were no cars there, even though there were a dozen. And we get there at the very last minute. And it was like the climax of the movie, I was like yes, yes did you see that, did you see what He did, He blocked the whole road. It was so awesome and I just praise Him for it. My wife is tired, she’s been sick for the better part of the decade and now we’re back to the hospital yet again. And she’s tired and we’re tired and I just need you guys to pray that God is gonna take us the rest of the way cause we don’t have much left that we can do. We know He’s there with us and we know that He will listen to your prayers. So, please keep us in your hearts. Love you guys.

Good morning my DAB family. It’s Joyful J in the Everglades. A voice you haven’t heard from in a while. I will say I do listen and I’m caught up on the daily postings, I am way far behind on the community prayers. But I just had to share. Sometimes Scripture not just steps on your toes but it will kick your behind. And today, in the reading in Proverbs, Proverbs 24:10 and I’m gonna…I don’t have it in front of me so I’m gonna butcher it a little but it said, if you do nothing in difficult times, your strength is a weakened. Oh, my goodness, in the last six months I find my job very difficult and I find myself wanting to run, wanting to quit. Throw up my hands, put my head in the sand. And that is not the way of Jesus Christ and of the Lord, God our savior. I love the Proverbs, very black and white and I need that and I needed that today. Thank you, Brian, thank you Jill, thank you all the behind-the-scenes people. I love you my DAB family. I love the prayers. I lift each and every one of you up when I hear those prayers and I'm…I am praying right now for the community in the community prayer the last one posted in July, so that’s how far behind I am but know, like a blanket, that never, that we’re never uncovered from, we are covered in prayer, no matter when we post. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Good morning, everybody it’s Susan from Canada, God’s Yellow Flower calling. And today I want to talk to Jonathan from Denver. Welcome back my son, welcome back. Kill the fattened calf, wear the ring and the robes of the son of God, you are back and we are rejoicing. And we will be praying for you Jonathan, continually to stand firm and to grow in the Lord every day and then you will be there for when we fall cause we all fall and we get up on the strength of the Lord and the help of fellow believers and we’re here for you. Just keep on going. Dear Lord Jesus, just be with Jonathan, pick him up, dust him off and walk with him through the miry clay. Dear Lord, help him not only to seek You but to forgive himself. As we all fall, we all sin and we all need Your grace. And I pray Lord God, that when I fall, he will be there to pick me up. In Jesus precious and Holy name, I pray. Amen.