10/03/2021 DAB Transcript

Jeremiah 1:1-2:30, Philippians 4:1-23, Psalms 75:1-10, Proverbs 24:17-20

Today is October 3rd welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it’s great to be here with you today as we greet a shiny sparkly new week. And this is the first time we get to do this in the month of October, the first time we’re moving into a full week in this month. And we have other new beginnings. We’re beginning a brand-new book today. We concluded the book of Isaiah yesterday, which brings us to the book of Jeremiah.

Introduction to the book of Jeremiah:

And we’ll find Jeremiah to be very intriguing. It’s one of the major prophets. So, we’ll kind of camp out for a while as we move through it, but we’ll see that it has a different complexion than Isaiah. It’s written by a different person. And part of what’s compelling about Jeremiah is Jeremiah. He was a prophet. He was devoted to God, but he didn’t like everything he was instructed to do, and he felt alone and unheard, and that nobody was listening. And there were definitely times that he was frustrated and wanted to just kinda check out, just be released and not have to speak to people who aren’t listening, to just wash his hands of it. And he wasn’t like delusional or needy or whatever. It was true. Nobody was listening. Israel did turn her back on God. And, so, for a couple of decades Jeremiah is this lone voice, warning of where they’re going and that it’s not where they want to end up. And for these warnings he got into a lot of conflict and arguments and was imprisoned because it didn’t look like what he was saying was true. Things were going really well for the people. It was a prosperous time. And, so, Jeremiah with this message is just a disruptive message that brings doom and gloom in a prosperous time and that isn’t good for business. And, so, Jeremiah just finds himself kind of in conflict. Most of the time. And as we will discover, what Jeremiah warned about for a couple of decades eventually came to fruition. The Babylonian Empire invaded, and they conquered Jerusalem in 587. And at this time…this is…Solomon’s Temple is in Jerusalem and the Babylonians wipe it out, destroy it completely. And, so, let’s dive in. We’ll read from the Common English Bible this week. Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 1 through 2 verse 30 today.


Father, we thank you for your word. We thank you for this new territory that we are entering into today into the book of Jeremiah. We look forward to the new territory that we will enter into tomorrow as we move forward in the New Testament. We thank you for this brand-new week, this first full week of the 10th month of the year of the final quarter of the year. We thank you for your faithfulness. We thank you for instructing and guiding us through your word every day. We thank you for your patience with us and your compassion toward us. And we invite you into everything that we do and say this week, all of the thoughts and intentions of our hearts. We invite your Holy Spirit, and we invite our spirits to be aware of your Holy Spirit that is always present to us, that we might walk in fellowship and friendship, but that we also submit ourselves to your authority and guidance. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi this is Victoria Soldier just calling to pray for some of the DABbers and I just wanted to let everyone know something that…that happened to me today. My precious brother died, the one who had COVID and just continue to pray for him. He was staring and…and everything for…for quite a few days and he finally closed his dies today about 6:00 o'clock. I just thank God that he…he’s in his destination and knowing that. I want to pray for Sharon. Also, I want to pray for my brother who had said that he had lost everything. I wanted to pray for him and let him know that…that God has…has some of the plans that he…he needs to consult God on what is his next move because God says…David said I’m young and I’m old, but I’ve never seen the righteous forsaken or seen begging for bread. I’m going to ask God to open up doors for him and him to begin to see. And Tara from Texas, I want to also pray for…for Maggie. I want to pray for those who are…Treasured Possession. I want to pray for those who…those who are going through, those who lost their precious son, my sister who lost her precious father. And I’m going to pray for Lisa who is supposed to be having surgery and…and it was good to hear Drew from the Bay Area and my sweetheart of a friend Blind Tony. It’s always so good to hear from you Tony and…and all the people of God and God’s Smile, all of my precious, precious sisters and brothers. And congratulations Jill and Brian on being a grandmother in grandfather again. Gracious father I just lift you up. What a wonderful day. Today is such a wonderful day because you made this day, and you have everything that every one of our DABbers need. You have life and favor. You have healing, you have hope…

Hi, thank you Daily Audio Bible for being so wonderful. I’m so happy to listen to the Bible and listen to the people praying in God’s name, in Jesus’ name. I wanted to give a message for God’s Daisy, God’s Crown of Daisy. It really touched my heart when I heard you speaking about wanting to reconnect with your dad and how much you have been touched by the Daily Audio Bible by the Bible by the people praying and how only in one year you've…not even…you found energy and resilience to come back towards your father and your mother-in-law…oh…I mean your stepmom. God bless you and I will keep you in my prayers that everything will go smoothly during your meeting, that the Holy Spirit will take possession of your heart and your mouth so that you know what to say and not say and to just say a prayer that the whole space that you guys are in in their house or wherever you meet that it be filled up with God’s holy power and His love and His peace and to really touch them both whether they believe or not in Christ. I want to say also that it…it brought some tears to my eyes, joyful tears because I’ve been struggling with my relationship with my sister for over a year now. And she has decided to not talk to me or my mom or my dad. They are very, very sad. I’ve been praying for her every single day, and I felt if it was God’s wink when I…

Good morning beautiful sons and daughters of our one true Father. My…I’ve been given the name of God’s Glory. Although it’s hard to receive I still claim it here every day. But this is my first year listening through the DAB, this is my first time calling but I’m calling __ morning just to respond to Jonathan in Denver. Brother man you’ve been in my thoughts, hearts, and prayers since the first time I heard you called several months ago. So, it’s good to hear your voice and just let me tell you like how encouraging that first call was because the amount of strength and courage that it took to make the call. Here I am making my first call. So…so, thank you again for being here. And I know all too well what it’s like to be the prodigal son that ran away. But let me tell you brother this Father is waiting for you looking searching and he runs out to meet you. God…ah…thank you. Brother, we lift you up in your struggles God and just be with…be with him. And…and let me tell you brother I join in the feast that God is preparing for you as you return home. I know there’s not much time but Val in Vegas you bring me so much joy. Thank you, sister. I’m praying the peace of Christ over you. Just know that there is healing in the scars, and I know it’s hard but your loved, you are beautiful. And just stay strong. So, thank you.

Hey this is Linda from Southwest Florida and calling in because I just heard Jonathan from Denver for the second time since I started listening to the daily audio Bible back in springtime, I can’t remember exactly when. But Jonathan from Denver you broke my heart. You’re a young man with an addiction that you’re very ashamed of and I’ve…I’ve been praying for you. You’re on my physical written prayer list in my little home office and when I heard your voice today, I just was awestruck. And I want you to know that I’ve been praying for you. And I wish there was a way that we could speak to one another. I’m an old woman. I could probably be your grandmother. I could be your grandmother. You’re young. But I understand your addiction and I hear the agony in your voice, and it breaks my heart. The fact that you’re a young man and you’re seeking in the right area brings me joy. So, it’s a big contrast between how it breaks my heart and how it brings me joy at the same time that you are seeking help, you are seeking to be right with God, and you will be right with God, and you will find peace. I can promise you that you’ll man. I love you. I love your heart. You will find the peace that you need. Don’t ever give up looking for it. In Jesus name. Amen.

Dear DAB family I want to continue to ask you to pray for my little boy. He’s not really little. He’s a big guy. He’s 45 years old but he has COVID. My sister-in-law has COVID, and I’ve got five kids 14 and under and I ask you to pray for him because he has bad respiratory issues, he has a bad heart, he has a lot of weight to lose, and Jesus loves him so much. And I was just thinking about the other day when we were talking about fasting and praying and everything and how, you know, we’re not supposed to brag about and everything. And I remember when my brother was a little baby and how my granddaddy because when my brother was born, he was born with a collapsed lung and so I remember my granddad praying for him and so it just brought back memories and brings back memories now. And anyways please…please keep my brother Lucas and his family in your prayers. And I thank you guys. I’m praying for you guys all the time. I keep little yellow tabs in my Bible to remember to pray for you guys all the time. And I love you guys. And I’m really thankful for you. And this is Heather from California by the way. Sorry I didn’t mention that. But anyways take care and thank you. Thanks for praying for Lucas and his family. God really loves him. He’s very special. He’s a real special guy. And we know that Jesus loves everybody and…and…and Lucas is one of those that just been around the block. But anyways I better go because I’m running out of time. Thank you. Thank you. We love you guys. Bye.