08/11/2021 DAB Transcript

Nehemiah 1:1-3:14, 1 Corinthians 7:1-24, Psalm 31:19-24, Proverbs 21:4

Today is the 11th day of August, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible, I’m Brian. It is a wonderful day to be here with you around the Global Campfire as we take the next step forward and our next step forward is actually taking us into some new territory right off the bat we concluded the book of Ezra yesterday.

Introduction to the Book of Nehemiah:

Which brings us to the book of Nehemiah and interestingly enough, there was a time when Ezra and Nehemiah were one text, leading some scholars to believe that Ezra was also involved in penning Nehemiah, that he was at least one of the authors, we don’t know that for sure but it has definitely been a tradition. And, we’ll also notice that we’re pretty much gonna pick up where we left off in Ezra as we begin Nehemiah. And what we’ll learn is that Nehemiah was a Hebrew, he was exiled in Persia and he had a pretty high-ranking position. He was a servant but he was a servant to the Persian king, so he had access to the king of the Empire. So, a good job. But this job would’ve allowed him to kind of keep up with the latest updates about what was going on with the return of the exiles to Jerusalem, and the hope and the dream of rebuilding God’s temple in Jerusalem because the temple had been the place where God would dwell in would meet and commune with His people and so the temple meant more than just like…a like a home church or something. It was this symbol of their entire society. And so, for it to have been destroyed, it like destroys something in the heart of the culture and so for this to be revived and rebuilt had a lot of hope behind it, for a lot of people, even people who didn’t plan to return from exile. And Nehemiah, he would think about it, he would think about it, and then he would see the temple unprotected, the temple of God rebuilt, unprotected. So, in his heart began to boil a dream, even a calling, a hope that maybe he could be involved in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem to protect the temple of the most high God. And so, he began to consider it for months and intercede and pray until he got the courage to ask and then he was sent and we’ll see that that’s not the like…so often when we’re looking, when that dream begins to percolate when something in us is born and we’re like, that is where I need to go, that is where I am compelled, that is the direction I feel pulled toward. I feel like God is moving me in this direction. We think well, I’ll pray; I’ll ask and maybe I’ll be sent and that will be that. But that’s not that, and it never is that. So, we’ll see that Nehemiah does go through the preparation and is sent, but that’s not the end of his opposition. That’s not all that he will have to endure but we will also see that he did not deviate. He did not deviate from what he was sent to do, no matter what came against him and he never lost sight that the only hope was the mercy and power of the Lord of God in the situation. And so, I mean just not right there, all of that applies to our life right now. And then we’ll see that this wall does get built and it gets built quick, faster than anybody thoughts. Nehemiah returns to the king. He reports he resumes his role but he’s able to return. And what he finds is a strong wall in a weak people and he steps into that as a leader and restoration in repentance and revival begin to happen. So, there are a lot of books in the Bible that have a lot of really, really important things for us to understand and to live into toward our own freedom and toward our own destiny but Nehemiah just watching the steps watching the way the story plays out and understanding some of the principles that underlie his leadership. Truly, truly speak into our lives today. And so, with that, we begin. We’re reading from the Christian Standard Bible this week. Nehemiah chapter 1 verse 1 through 3 verse 14.


Okay we’ve already done kind of a little bit of an overview where were going in the book of Nehemiah. But the book of Nehemiah isn’t that long and so we’ll move through it pretty quickly. And, we can already see Nehemiah hears news, a passion begins to boil inside of him. He begins to intercede before the Lord about this thing that’s growing inside of him. It’s all quiet, he’s the only one that knows, he and God. And so, this passion grows until there is a bit of a plan in place because he saw him go before the king and when the king was like what’s wrong and what do you want, he had an answer. So, this had been planned. He didn’t just get a burning desire or some kind of wild hair and take off in that direction, just thinking that it’ll be made up as we go along. He planned it out and then he made the journey, got to Jerusalem and didn’t tell anybody for several days. He rested and then he went out and inspected everything himself before he got like an advisory team and all this, he went out and looked the whole thing over, so that he knew what he was facing and that he knew what he was going to be talking about before…before he got the team together to accomplish the goal. So, we see this kind of systematic approach and we’ll continue to see that which is one of the things makes Nehemiah so immediate. In some of the decisions and trajectories that we find ourselves on in our plans.


And so, Father, we thank You for Your words. Thank You for this book of Nehemiah that we’re getting into and we ask Holy Spirit that You use it as a form of template for us as we look at the systematic steps being taken and things being put in place that it sure forward movement toward the goal of the things that get put in place to diminish discouragements because sometimes we feel like we’re all alone out there trying to get something done and it’s discouraging in all the voices are discouraging us. When there is a burning passion inside. So come Holy Spirit into our reading of Nehemiah and into our best laid plans, we pray in the name of Jesus we ask. Amen.


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And as always if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app, the little red button up at the top. Or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayers and Encouragements:

Hi I’m calling in for the lady who is having a baby and everyone in her family supports it except for her I wanted to say, I’m only 16 so, I’ve never actually you know, been pregnant before or any of that but I wanted to say that one of the things that stuck out to me about your prayer is how you kept saying I can’t. And I realize that on my dresser I have the verse that says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me and I feel like in times we feel like we can’t. That verse is just one of those verses that sticks out to me. You’re right, in your strength you can’t but in God’s you can. So, I’m praying for you and I just ask that you’re encouraged by that, I obviously again have never had kids so I just wanted to say God can help you and He can do what you cannot do. And He can give you a heart and He can help you through this trial and I just really hope that you’re encouraged by this.

Hi DAB family this is Toni from Germany. I’ve been out of pocket for a while and some of you might have recognized that. So, I am leaving this message because the DAB family is on my mind and in my heart. And you are just so present before me. And I want to just give you a virtual hug. Wrap my arms around everyone of you around the world and embrace you and send prayers for whatever needs you have. And, I also want to of course, the Hardin Family, Brian, a special, special hug for each of you as you try to continue on and carry this ministry. I can’t imagine how the enemy works against and tries to block your efforts. So, I’d ask the family to join with me in praying for Brian and Jill and Ezekiel who are doing the readings and everybody else behind the scenes to rebuke the enemy. And to give the energy, the creativity, the inspiration and to carry forth this ministry. But I also, I feel specially, especially that we need to pray for Brian to give him that energy to renew his spirit to carry on and get into the Holy Spirit and proclaim it to us. God bless you all, I love you.

Hello this is Jayden. Can you please pray for me. This is Betsiada. We’ve been diagnosed with COVID. It’s been a couple of days, we’re laying in bed but we’re making it. We love you guys, keep us in your prayers. Amen.

Hi DAB, this is Candance from Oregon. Let’s pray for the nation of Haiti. Dear Lord, we pray for wisdom for those in power in Haiti to find peaceful solutions to ending the violence. We pray that gang leader’s will recognized violence is not the solution to ending the economic and political problem and instead strive for peace and unity. We pray that families who live in fear will find God’s peace to help them through despair. We pray that the hearts of the Haitian people will be filled with forgiveness for those involved in the recent assassination so they can move forward with compassion rather than anger and hate. We pray for the swift and fair administration of vaccines and that Haitians will take the necessary precautions to slow the spread of the virus. And Lord we pray for our dear Sussi from Colorado and all of those who work with her that they will remain healthy and safe as they work as they continue their work after so many years. And that there will be fruit. Lord, come, in Jesus name we pray.

Hey DAB family it’s Doctor John need urgent prayer. So, I had my glaucoma surgery on Tuesday, things were going okay, just some minor complications but then probably just probably about half an hour ago I was bending over and sharp shooting pain and my vision is gone to light and dark. I’m afraid there is bleeding in my eye. And that I might lose the vision in that eye, if you could please pray for me. I’d appreciate it, thanks. Bye Bye.

Hey this is PJ from NC I have called to encourage and to pray. Encouragement: when I was four years old and on a family vacation, I fell 15 feet landed on the pavement below on my head cracked my skull from the front to the back, spent two weeks in a out-of-state hospital ruining the family vacation. And what they told my parents, the neurologist said that if I walked again I would certainly never run like other kids that I would have headaches all my life. And I would probably never develop beyond a five or six-year-old. And for two years that’s exactly what my family saw, for two years, my family, my church family contended every day, every week, every month in prayer for the miraculous in my life and saw nothing. And then one day, just like a switch was flipped God did the miraculous and all of that was rectified and not only rectified but He did it so complete that not only did I learn to walk and run, but in high school I lettered in four sports. Not only did I develop beyond where they’ve said I’ve excelled in academics and career and today at 55 I find myself in ministry and beyond that, I’ve never had a headache day in my life ever. I don’t know what one feels like. And with that in mind, I want us to pray. God today we come before you and we contend for the people who have submitted prayer requests today. Lord, we contend for those who have submitted in the past, Lord do miracles in God’s Smile. God set Lauren’s emotions and mind in order. God, we pray for those who are sick with COVID, God we pray that you would bring healing to them. God, we pray for those who have broken relationships and emotional needs and financial needs. God, we pray that You would do miraculous. We contend as a DAB family today. And we pray this in Christ name. Amen.