08/10/2021 DAB Transcript

Ezra 10:1-44, 1 Corinthians 6:1-20, Psalms 31:9-18, Proverbs 21:3

Today is the 10th day of August welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today as we come…come around the Global Campfire and get ready to take the next step forward together just releasing all of the stuff that’s swirling around us, giving our heart permission to just relax and allow God’s word to speak to us and guide our steps. And, so, let’s dive in. We’ve been working our way through the book of Ezra. Today we will conclude the book of Ezra by reading Ezra chapter 10. And we’re reading from a Christian Standard Bible this week.


Okay. So as we continue our…our journey through the letter, the letter to the Corinthians, known as first Corinthians we’re seeing that Paul is…is being pretty direct and confronting some things that he believes should not be present in the community of faith in Corinth or really for that matter, anywhere. So, basically he begins with disputes and he’s like, why are you taking each other to court basically. Isn’t there anybody wise among you? Is there no wise people? Is there no way to handle these matters? And what he’s ultimately getting at here is do you understand that you are the light, that you are the example, that you are setting the standard? And he’s pretty direct. I quote Paul, “as it is to have legal disputes against one another is already a defeat for you. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated? Instead, you yourselves do wrong and cheat, and you do this to brothers and sisters.” Paul’s point is that that sets a standard, that sets an example. That’s not the example that we as the body of Christ want to bear witness to in the world. We need to bear witness to the light. So, we can obviously…I mean we can take that on board and apply it to any kind of sets of circumstances in our own lives, but we can see he wouldn’t be addressing this if it weren’t going on in the church. So, we can look back and go even back at the beginning this stuff was going on. This has been a struggle all along. And sort of the underlying theme that’s going on here, as Paul confronts a couple of things is actual freedom. Are you actually free if you are entangled in some kind of very long-drawn-out lawsuit with a brother or sister? That’s basically his point. But then he turns to say like everything is permissible for me but not everything is beneficial. So, we are free to do what we want, but not everything that we do has any benefit. And some of the things that we do can be destructive and is that freedom? So, Paul says, “everything is permissible for me, but I will not be mastered by anything.” Why? Because that’s not freedom. And then Paul goes into the things that we do with our bodies and the ways that we sin against one another with our bodies. And again the underlying theme is freedom. He's…he’s saying your body is a part of Christ’s body, the body of Christ are those who believe in Christ on this world and you’re a part of that body. In fact, Paul says your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God. You’re not your own. You were bought at a price. So, glorify God with your body. So, we can look at the territory that we’ve been in for these first chapters of first Corinthians in this letter and go, a lot of confrontation and condemnation, but it's…the point is freedom. The point is freedom as perceived by the quote unquote world is upside down and backwards like everything else in this world, which is what Jesus taught and what the New Testament teaches. So, when we discover that we are free in Christ so often we think about that in terms of freedom…like I can say I can do whatever I want. I’m free. Sin has no control over me, has no claim to me. I’m free. And then we think of it in worldly terms, and this is what Paul’s bringing out in his letter. So, it kind of boils down to sexual immorality and the kind of confrontation that we have with each other and the ways that we fight against one another, diminishing the light, diminishing the witness that we are to be in this world for the rest of the world, to reveal that there’s a better way. If all we’re doing is the same way and overlaying words that say we’re Christians but we’re not different than we’re not revealing this kingdom and we’re not being the light. And, so, when we realize that true freedom is to understand that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit, God. We are housing the Spirit of God within us. So, anything that we would rather not include God in we shouldn’t be participating in because God is within us, the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, according to Paul. If we understood…like if we believed that, that’s a game changer, that’s a life changer, that’s a world changer, that we are walking around, and wherever we go the Spirit goes because the Spirit is within us. We bring the spirit of God into every situation that we walk into, or we should if we were aware of our true freedoms.


Holy Spirit well up from within. May we become aware of this reality that is never off and always on. We were bought with a price. That purchase was our freedom. We are free from the claims and the customs of this world. We are freed to be true. Come Holy Spirit and lead us into all truth we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


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So, be aware of the Community section. That is so important. That’s where the Prayer Wall is and lives and is always happening. So, there’s always somewhere to reach out for prayer, there’s always somewhere to go and pray for one another. I mean we are all living human lives. And, so, right? You never know what the days gonna bring exactly and we always are in need of prayer and just to know that we’re not alone. That makes such a difference, to know that this journey is not a solitary one. We are in this together. And, so, be aware of the Prayer Wall. In there in the Community section is also links to get connected on the different social media channels that we are involved in. So, be aware of that. Check that out. Like check out the Daily Audio Bible women’s page. Jill is continually posting encouragement there. It’s fantastic. So, if you’re a woman then there is a place to get connected and the DAB friends there is a place to get connected. There’s plenty of places to get connected. And also following the Daily Audio Bible channels so that whatever social media platform your on if there’s an announcement of some sort or whatever that you’re able to get that. So, check it all out in the Community section.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you. Thank you. I’m looking at the calendar and going…well…we do have a way to go in this year. It’s going faster than I thought. But we do have a ways to go this year but all of these years have been in this story day by day step-by-step together and it’s a beautiful thing because if we hadn’t been together we…we wouldn’t be making the next step forward. And, so, thank you. If what’s happening here, bringing the spoken word of God and being in community together around the Global Campfire that is life-giving to you than thank you for being life-giving. There is a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hey, DABbers it’s Kira Contrite Spirit. And for months and months maybe even a year I had seen this guy who lives in his car right off of the trail behind a house in the alley and just started waving to him and he waved back and so we’ve been waving at each other. And the other day the Holy Spirit put on my heart real strong to…well…it…it, you know, went for a couple days and then I said I better just listen to the Holy Spirit. And, so, it put…put on my heart to go and talk to him and then to give him some food and it was really, really hot. And, so, I got some eggs together and a beverage and just some fruit and…and I just, you know, went up to him and real friendly talked to him. He…for a little while told him my story. He said that he believes in Jesus, but he doesn’t necessarily believe Jesus is the only way to God. So, please pray for him. His name is You and he’s 75 and, you know, he’s really, really, you know, cool guy. And I just want to encourage anybody out there, you know, don’t be afraid to talk to people, you know, even if they’re down and out because, I don’t know, I think those are the folks that need it the most, need the light that we have. So, shine your light and spread the word. I love you, DABbers. Amen.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible family this is Daniel in Arizona. It’s been…it’s been a long time since I’ve called in but I have this burden on my heart because I’m going through it myself, but I’ve been praying for actually I say the men of this nation, but I mean maybe the men of this world. A lot of times we try to go it alone and we weren’t designed…we weren’t created to be alone we were created to be part of a tribe and I’m praying for the men who feel isolated and alone and don’t have good friends to lean on or to talk to, good male friends and I’m praying that for myself. I’m praying…I’ve been having this burden of just wanting good men in my life, good friends who are…not only push me to be better but to push me to be closer to God. And I’m praying for all the men on this group, all the men who listen, I’m praying encouragement and life and God has surrounded you with good men who are willing to serve the Lord, serve others, and serve their families. That’s just been a huge burden on my heart, and I pray that…I pray that we would all reach out together, that we are part of one family under God and that we’re not alone, that you don’t do this alone. Alright I love you. Be blessed.

Good morning DAB family it’s August 5th and this is Sally in Massachusetts Amazed by Grace. Just want to thank the Lord for this community and for all He’s doing and leading us. And thank you again for Brian and Jill and all the team that makes this ministry possible. I’m praying with you all each day and thanking the Lord that He hears us, that He answers. And today I wanna pray particularly for Gigi. Thank you so much for calling Gigi. Thank you for your honesty and your vulnerability. God does hear you and He does love you. And I would just encourage you to lay all your dreams on the altar, your dreams of going to nurses training, this pregnancy and all the future plans that you had in mind. Just give them all to God. He loves you. This baby is not an accident and if the plans you had for nurses training need to be put on hold for a little while, trust God. He loves you. He loves you. He loves this baby. He loves your husband and your family, and He wants you to know His joy and peace as you trust Him. So, hard to trust when things are different than we expected them to be but trust His love. Trust His grace. Trust His mercy because He does love you and want what’s best for you and that you may be to the praise of His glory. Blessings on you Gigi and your family. In Jesus’ powerful name I pray for you for grace and peace. Amen.

My name is All for Him in Alton IL. I’ve been listening for five years I’ve wanted to call in so many times just to kind of connect with everybody. I really do appreciate the ones that call in, but this is my first time and I think a lot of time people are just kind of shy like me but they’re out there. My heart resonated with the lady who called in requesting prayer for her son and daughter in law who are taking in their niece who had attempted suicide and was sad when she didn’t die. Our granddaughter also falls into this category, and I just wanted to pray for all these kids, these young people who are being taught not the truth about You, they’re being told things that turn them away from You and they feel hopeless, and they feel lost. Lord, I lift them up to You, just this younger generation that doesn’t really know you. And Father I just pray that Your Holy Spirit would pour out and that a miracle it happened and they would come to know You. And I pray this in Your precious name. Amen.

Good morning this is Jamie from Arizona, and I just heard the prayer of the young lady who’s pregnant and in nursing school and I just wanted to offer a word of encouragement. I’ve been in your shoes honey. I waited so long to go back to school, and I was so excited, and I wasn’t expecting to be pregnant but I was excited. But I want to tell you that God will work a way for you. I actually delivered the day of my organic chemistry lab exams, and I couldn’t even do them because I wasn’t allowed in the lab because I was pregnant, but I will tell you that God worked and my professors. I was allowed to take my exams at home. And the thing with nursing and nursing programs is that you don’t have to have an A, you just need to get through. And you’ll find your professors will encourage you and will work with you. And when that baby is born nursing school will be important but there is nothing as important as a child. And I just want to encourage you that when that way was so dark, and I didn’t know how I was ever going to finish God worked it out and He made a way and He’ll make a way for you too. I just want you to know I’m praying for you. I know pregnancy is overwhelming and nursing school is overwhelming but take it a day at a time don’t try to look all the way down the road because we never know what is down that road and I could tell you that that child was such a blessing, and my nursing degree was such a blessing. It wasn’t the way I planned it but it was the way that God planned it and I’ve been in nursing 30 years now I wouldn’t change a thing about how that course went. So, please just know that we’re praying for you and your hormones are surging and you know that…

He my outstanding DAB fam this is out of breath Kingdom Seeker Daniel having a little stroll after meal on this evening of August 5th. This message goes out to my dear sister Gigi. Oh dear sister I heard your cry. Listen I have this particular scripture posted on my TV so whenever I’m looking at the TV reminded of this verse of scripture. And I want to encourage your heart with Isaiah 41 and verse 10. God says to Israel and He’s saying to Gigi fear not for I am with you. Do not be dismayed Gigi for I am your God. Gigi, I will strengthen you. Gigi, I will help you. Gigi, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Dear daughter of the King lift up your head and know that the Lord is with you and in this glorious season of pregnancy. He sees everything going on with you and your life and He’s going to help you. He’s going to strengthen you and He is going to uphold you. Be encouraged. Be encouraged. Be encouraged daughter of the king. He’s got you and you will come through this victorious. Love you sis.