07/25/2021 DAB Transcript

2 Chronicles 14:1-16:14, Romans 9:1-24, Ps 19:1-14, Pr 20:1

Today is the 25th day of July, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is great to be here with you at the beginning of a week where we look out in front of us and realize it’s a reset. There is a week to be lived and we’re gonna live it but we’re out in front of it and we are learning that we’re a slave to whatever we obey. We’re learning that right out of the letter to the Romans that we’re in right now. And we can choose how that’s can gonna go in advance. And, so, let’s choose wisdom. Let’s choose wisely. Also, we’re in the last stretch of this seventh month. We’ll finish this week by finishing this month. One week from today will be the beginning of another month. So, let’s dive in and take this next step. This week we’ll read from the New English Translation, the Net Bible and picking up where we left off yesterday. Second Chronicles chapters 14, 15, and 16 today.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for the Scriptures. We thank You for this daily rhythm that leads us daily, step-by-step, day by day forward through the Scriptures allowing them to speak for themselves, allowing every word to enter our lives, and allowing the transformation that takes place as we are reoriented to You each day. So, as we move into this last week of this month we embrace it fully. Come Holy Spirit and lead us into all truth we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi DAB family this is Diane from Denver I’m asking for prayers tonight. I’m really struggling in my life right now. A few months ago, I posted on the wall a prayer request for my daughter who was in need of a liver transplant, and we went to Texas, and she was denied that transplant. We came home and 5 weeks ago tonight she passed away. And right now, I’m really struggling. People think I’m really brave, I’m really strong and I’m not doing so well. I do OK during the day I can put on a really good face but come nighttime I’m not sleeping well and all I do is wake up and…and relive holding her in my arms when she passed away. And I just find the pain overwhelming to the point that my heart just hurts. It’s five weeks right now and I don’t even know how…how to keep going some days. So, I just request your prayers. I thank you and God bless you.

Hello family this is Vonnie in California and it’s Wednesday July 21st and I just heard Cindy call out this morning to ask for prayer for her RSD. O Cindy, I…I don’t know what kind of pain is like but I’ve heard about it. I have a cousin, Cindy that has CRPS or other…or otherwise known as RSD. And, so, while I pray for my cousin Cindy, I’m going to pray for you Cindy. So my two Cindy’s who are battling this incredible unexplainable pain that can be debilitating I’ll be praying for you both lifting you up to the Lord and asking for His…His miraculous supernatural healing. In the midst of her suffering my cousin Cindy has just been…just drawn closer and closer to Christ and she just glows with the love of Jesus in spite of this suffering and it sounds like you have that same wonderful relationship with Jesus. Cling tightly my dear Cindy. I’ll be praying for you. DAB family let’s pray together for her, for both of these women of God. Heavenly Father we pray in Jesus’ name that you would reach into the bodies of these dear women who love you so to bring healing in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus we ask that you would heal their bodies calm the nerves alleviate the pain and the suffering and speak to them in the midst of this time. We pray Jesus precious name. Amen.

Hello DAB family it’s Ben the Brit here from Washington DC. It’s the first time I’ve called in. I’ve been listening for two years now, so all the way through COVID times and it’s really been such a blessing in my life. So, thank you Brian thank you family thank you for all that you do to make this happen and thank you everyone for participating. I’ve really been so encouraged by hearing all the prayer requests, all the prayers, and really hearing the range of human experience, you know, from joy to sorrow to grief to celebration to hope and it all comes through, and I love how we get to share in that together in be part of God’s family. And today I’m calling in for Cindy from California who called about her RSA pain in her arms and her legs. And in Cindy unbelieving as well with you that that God is your healer, and he will heal you. And, so, I pray for your healing and for relief pain in the name of Jesus and I pray for peace for you for hope for you and I pray for so many signs of God’s blessing and encouragement to you in these next days. And please do keep on hoping and praying and we’re with you, we’re encouraging you, we’re with you in the fight. Bless you everyone. Have a great day.