03/23/2021 DAB Transcript

Numbers 36:1 – Deuteronomy 1:46, Luke 5:29-6:11, Psalms 66:1-20, Proverbs 11:24-26

Today is the 23rd day of March welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is great to be here with you today like it is great to be here with you every day as we come in from the swirl of life that can lead to chaos, or confusion, or whatever, just all kinds of challenge. This is a place we try to create together that is free from those things. We can’t insulate ourselves from every challenge of course, but in this place we can because this is a place where we let it go and can leave it at the door. This is a safe place where we’re here to hear the Scriptures to be together, to invite God to lead us, and then we regroup, and we go back into the world. And it’s amazing, at least for me how much, how different things can look after some…some deep breaths and just hearing the Scriptures and just reorienting to God how different things can look. And, so, let’s just take a deep breath and let it go. Let it go and let’s allow the Scriptures to speak. Today we are going to conclude the book of Numbers and then we are going to begin the final book of the Torah or the Pentateuch known as Deuteronomy. And when we get there in a couple minutes once we finish this 36th chapter of…of numbers we’ll talk about Deuteronomy. We’ll fly over it, get our bearings and then dive in. But first Numbers chapter 36.

Introduction to the book of Deuteronomy:

Okay. This brings us to…well…that brought us to the close…we close the book on Numbers and now we’re opening the book of Deuteronomy, which is the fifth book of the Bible. So, we’ve read four of the five books of the Torah and we’re moving into Deuteronomy. And Deuteronomy again might feel like, “haven’t I heard…didn’t I hear this already? Like, didn't…didn’t we cover this ground?” And it could seem like, “wait, did I? Did we cover this ground? Is this new ground? Are we reviewing? What’s happening here?” The truth is that we are going to be doing some reviewing and some looking forward. And to put ourselves in the right frame of mind, imagine that you know that your time upon the earth is limited. And of course, we all know that, but like extremely limited. Like…like it’s not an arbitrary thing, it…it’s coming very soon, and you have a lot left to say. And, so, you find a way to get everybody that you have anything to say to together and say it, that is the book of Deuteronomy. These are the last things that Moses has to say to the people that he has been leading since his calling at the burning bush. And Deuteronomy essentially breaks down into three different speeches or discourses where all of the people are brought together to hear what Moses has to say. He’s leaving nothing left unsaid. He’s saying everything that he needs to say because this is the last time he’ll be saying anything to any of them. And they need to be reminded. We’ve been traveling with them and we’ve been finding that we need to be reminded because we’re the same way. Moses wanted them to remember who they were and why and who God is and where they’re going. And aren’t these the things that we forget? Just like they…just like they forgot. And, so, in the same way that we kind of come around this Global Campfire together, we would have to imagine ourselves to put ourselves in the right perspective for Deuteronomy that we are in a throng of people. We have been wilderness dwellers our whole lives. Our ancestors who came out of Egypt. They’ve died off, but we know all those stories. We’re not so far removed. We know that we’re in a period of transition and that God is calling us forward but we’re gonna lose our leader and someone else is gonna take us into our destiny. And the leader who has been…who has been the leader of the people our whole lives has some final things to say and some final things to do. And, so, we take our seats, and we begin to listen. Deuteronomy chapter 1.


Father, as is our custom on a daily basis because it’s always true, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for the Scriptures, we thank You for the community that You’ve allowed to form around the rhythm that we share here of being involved and interacting with the Scriptures each and every day. We are grateful. And as we move through this transition into the final book of the Torah as we move into Deuteronomy and hear are the final discourses of Moses, this is somebody that we’ve gotten to know well because we’ve been traveling with the children of Israel for quite a while now along with Moses. And, so, understanding that we’ll be saying goodbye and moving into new territory, this gives gravity to what Moses is saying. And we have learned a lot in the wilderness, we’ve learned a lot about ourselves as we’ve gone through the wilderness territory here in the early books of the Bible. And so many times the stories have become a mirror into our own souls. And, so, Holy Spirit help us to pay close attention to the final things that Moses is saying in this book of Deuteronomy because they apply to us too. Help us to have eyes to see and ears to hear what You are saying to us in our lives. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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So, indeed, check out, especially be aware and be familiar with the Community section. That’s where the Prayer Wall lives. And, so, we are constantly praying for one another there on the Prayer Wall. That’s also where the different links to get connected in places like social media are. So, yeah, be familiar, check that out. Get connected.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if this Global Campfire mission that we share to bring the spoken word of God read fresh every day and just offered to whoever will listen to it wherever they are, anytime of day or night no matter where…where we are on this planet it’s available. And because we do this every day, every single day it becomes a rhythm, step-by-step, day by day we take the next step forward together. So, if that has been life-giving to you than thank you for your partnership. So, there’s a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hello, DABbers this is Rosie __ I haven’t called for a bit but I’m always __. This is my 5th year being with you guys and I gotta tell you every year it gets better, and I get more in. Those prayers at the end have been lifeline and I love to sit there and hear and get, you know, get filled by its hope and also be able to pay for one another. And __ I believe in the power prayer and I’m in need of a prayer. I have tried to do this myself and I just felt that I need to just put in prayer. I know that there’s a worldwide right know prayer. You know, I’ve come here before and I know God __ seen me through it. I know that with more prayers I can get through this. I don’t what it is but I’ve been having for two years a pain on my right side, by my liver and kidney and they’ve been saying things and I’ve been trying to just put it to the side. I just…I’ve been serving. I’m in ministry and I have to be made strong and I have __ of faith but it can seem like I’m falling apart at times. And I know my God is faithful and I know he doesn’t give us more to bear and it’s just nothing it just could be another stone that I had previously before, and I had surgery before. I don’t know. I had Covid. And…and ever since after that the pains are getting harder and you know from a 1 to 10 the pains about 6 or 7 and I just wake up and go to bed with the same pain. So, I just need you guys to pray. __ so well __ 4 to 7 is my promise that by His stripes I’m healed and everybody that is out there that is needing a healing __ we’re one father…

Hey this is Jerry calling from Duluth MN it’s Friday March 19th 1:45 in the morning day 78 of the year day 693 of my midnight journey of being in the DAB during the middle of the night or early in the morning. I was really moved today by Brian’s message on sitting in silence and trying to not spend prayer time just talking about myself and talking about things that we would like to make the world better or my life better but to take the time in silence. And I noticed at the end of the podcast they put 4 minutes of waves of rolling and putting us in such a state of being on the side of the ocean. For us in lake Superior living right on the tip of Lake superior. Lake Superior’s in inland ocean and we have the same type of atmosphere where you look over the water and there’s nothing but water and the waves rolling…rolling in. So I tried to spend those four minutes in silence. Had a difficult time so I backed it up and tried it again and what a great exercise to do to just take and stop talking and listen. May God help us to do this more and put this as part of our practice of our worship. In Jesus’ name.

Hi Daily Audio Bible brothers and sisters this is God’s Life Speaker. I just desire that we all magnify the Lord together and we do, and I just love the idea that could be anytime of the day and somewhere else there is a DABber with me praying and as you bring in your prayer requests, I’m praying with you. It could be anytime of the day or night there is just constant prayer. And we can continue it on our own when we magnify the Lord. Having been in the military I really enjoy the compass theory of true North and even just a degree of if you’re a pilot would take you somewhere totally outside of where your destination would be just if you were off by a degree. And I have prayed for conviction to live in awareness. We need to be standing in awareness in our spiritual lives so that we can always come back to true North. If there’s a shifting in our soul that we feel that we know what we come back with self-control and the fruit of the spirit magnifying the Lord being helped by the Holy Spirit and just going forward always in the direction of our true North as we magnify Him. Lord Jesus we love You. We just worship You. We praise Your name. You are the comforter You are the God of creation You are the God of our lives, author, knowing before time ever began what our stories would be and I pray Lord that we would die to self and be living in awareness so that we can always be directed towards You, towards true north magnifying You shining You drawing others towards You and always going higher and higher to the upward call. Amen. Bless you Brian. Bless you DABbers.

Good morning DAB family this is Walta the Burning Bush that will not be Devoured for the Glory of Our God and Our King. Today I listened to Radiant Rachel praying for her church family as the pastors being moved away on a mission’s trip to Norway. Radiant Rachel I love the compassion and love that you have for your home family and I felt that even more when you shared that your family has to move across country and basically start from scratch when it comes to your church family. I’m praying for you right now that wherever you’re going that God is already preparing a place for your family, spiritually speaking a wonderful family, just somewhere where you would never even imagine that existed. I pray to God that they will welcome you into their arms and I just challenge you to dig deeper into the DAB. I dug into the DAB when I moved my family from Arizona to Liberia West Africa. And that’s why I love this family. It’s just solid. Val in Vegas your praise report just warmed my heart. I had all kinds of feelings. I’m praising God for your healing and for your dream job. Your testimony is just why we’re here, is because no matter where you are in the world, no matter what continent you’re on, no matter what state of being you are in mentally, physically, emotionally God’s got you and the DAB family is always there for you. As long as you can get Internet and if you can’t download it before you leave. Love you guys. Have a blessed, blessed weekend.

Good morning this is Mary. I am on this for the first time. I just want to thank God for Brian and his family. I would like to just say this is my first time trying to complete this Daily auto Bible. I was on last year, but I did not complete it because of different circumstances but this year I am determined to finish. It is so helpful. It helped me with understanding the Bible verse by verse chapter by chapter. I get so excited every morning when I get up and put it on. And if I miss a day I go back and I listen to it. I am determined. It gives me the excitement of hearing what is being taught. Growing up I feel like I missed out on a lot in the word but just listening to this encourages my spirit. It makes me want to learn more about God and His word in depth and I wanted to thank you Brian and your family and what God has put you in this position to help those who can’t read or don’t understand the word. I praise God for you, and I ask God to bless you and your family. And for those that are listening God bless you and keep me in your prayer my family. Again, my name is Mary and continue to praise God and lift his name. No matter what is going on in the word…in the world put God first and everything else will __. In the name of Jesus. Love you all.