7/21/2019 DAB Transcript

2 Chronicles 4:1-6:11, Romans 7:1-13, Psalms 17:1-15, Proverbs 19:22-23

Today is the 21st day of July. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian it’s wonderful to be here with you as we begin a brand-new week together, which is always exciting. We get to switch translations and continue our journey and dive into a week that is a story waiting for us to tell. So, here we go. We’ll read from the English Standard Version this week and pick up the journey in second Chronicles. Today, chapter 4 verse 1 through 6 verse 11.


Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You for bringing us into a brand-new week as You continue to do day by day. And, so, we begin this week fresh and it’s waiting for us and we want to walk with You in it all. And, so, we surrender to You and ask that You be before us and behind us and above us and beneath us, hemming us in inside of Your grace and mercy and love and that Your Holy Spirit would lead and direct us as we move through and navigate this week. And we see Your kingdom. May we participate in Your kingdom, may we reveal Your kingdom, may we bring Your kingdom into all that we do and say and think this week. Come Holy Spirit, we pray as we ask every day, lead us into all truth in the name of Jesus we ask. Amen.


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And as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.

And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi family this is Sally from North Dakota. This is my first time calling in and I’m a new listener since January. Kristi in Kentucky, I’m lifting you and Barbara up in prayer for good reports and I’m thankful that you are choosing faith over fear. Joanne from Seattle, I am lifting you up in prayer with your husband, praying that he will have confidence and that God will direct his path from the job that he has and if possibly a new job. Sherry from Kansas, that is terrific that you are doing a 30-day cleanse and fast and I’ll be praying for you and I also really liked your Thanksgiving prayer. And I’d also like to have a prayer request. We know a family that they have a 14-year-old daughter, her name is Maddie, she ran away from the youth home and they don’t know where she is. Please pray that she would be found and that her parents would have peace. Thank you, family for praying. Thank you. I enjoyed hearing from all of you and praying for you. Lee in New Jersey, Blind Tony, Annette in Oklahoma City, Diana Brown from Newburgh Indiana, Angel in California, To Be a Blessing. John from Pennsylvania, Jared the Encourager. Kathy from Kentucky. It’s all good to hear your voices and I love being a part of this family. Thank you, Brian. Thank you, Jill. Bye for now.

Hi everyone, this is Kyla from California and I haven’t called in a while. This is my second time actually and I haven’t been listening or haven’t called is much as I would like to. I just would like to call, request for prayers. I’ve been just feeling spiritually attacked and it’s a lot __ right now and asking for prayer. Decided to fast this week and spend time with the Lord instead of making irrational decisions. I dealt with…coped with moving around finding a place to __ . I mean I found a place but it seems like again things are being shifted. So, just asking for protection and for me to find a place to be, a community, a church. I just recently moved to __ California and it’s been really tough. And just listening everybody’s messages, people losing families. I feel like I’m being attacked __. Even this prayer request is not big enough to even ask but I’m doing it anyway. Emotionally drained. If you guys could __ . Just a, seeking prayer. I don’t know what to do. Thank you everyone.

Our God is a God of infinite compassion and kindness. He understands all that we go through and sympathizes with our weaknesses and concerns. When we hurt He is moved. When we are troubled, He is sensitive to our predicament. He is not distant and far removed from our troubles. He came to live among us so that we could see how much He cares. He comforts us when we need to be comforted. He understands us and sympathizes with us in our pain and hurt. We can take all our troubles to Him today and let the gentleness of His presence bring us comfort and peace. To the hurting He is the great physician. To the confused He is the light. To the lost He is the way. To the hungry He is the bread of life. To the thirsty He is the water of life. Though the mountains be shaken, and the hills be removed yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed says the Lord who has compassion on all of us. Isaiah 54:10. Be blessed family, brothers and sisters in Christ. I just wanted to encourage our brother that has recently lost a little baby, I pray that God would comfort you as only He can, that He will install peace deeper than you, that He would wrap His arms tightly around you and that He would be there in your time of sorrow and grief…

Hi this is Krista Ratliff from__ . Hey, I’m just calling for some prayer from you guys. The last two years have been the worst two years of my life. So much turmoil, so much pain, so much just arguments and attacks and I am struggling with drugs and alcohol and seeing the devastation I’ve caused my kids and my family and I am so desperately wanting to recover and I just pray that you guys might say a prayer in support of helping me recover and my family heal from, you know, all of the powerful awful things  addiction does. I really appreciate you guys. Thank you.