05/24/2019 DAB Transcript

2 Samuel 4:1-6:23, John 13:31-14:14, Psalms 119:17-32, Proverbs 15:31-32

Today is the 24th day of May, the 144th day of the year and one week from today will be the last day of this month and we’re all here for one thing, I’m pretty sure, and that is to take the next step forward in the Scriptures that will lead us all the way through the Bible, front to back, every word, in a year. So, a portion of the Scriptures that we’ll be diving into today, at least in the Old Testament is in second Samuel. And, so, yesterday we saw and assassination of Israel’s army happen at the hands of David’s general and we watched David’s posture toward that because all the people were wondering whether David was up to the assassination and we’re beginning to see David’s leadership style contrasted with souls leadership style, which came before David. So, we’ll pick up the story. Second Samuel chapters 4, 5, and 6 today. And we’re reading from the Christian Standard Bible this week.


Okay. So, in our reading from second Samuel, David is now king over all of Israel. Saul’s son, an heir to the throne, the king of Israel, Ish-bosheth is assassinated and his head is brought to David and David saw the injustice again, same as it had been with Abner and he executed the murderers. And once again the people saw that David’s humility in character was present, that he was leading them from a place of humility and he wasn’t doing this…like…he wasn’t causing all this corruption and he wasn’t causing all these assassinations. It just wasn’t political maneuvering to take over. And, so, they came and they made him King of Israel and that’s where we leave things, David is now the King of Israel

And then in John’s Gospel, Jesus was finishing up His final meal that He would have with His friends before He was arrested, and freedom was taken away and the cross was before Him. And, so, understanding, this is the last time we’re gonna pass this way. And also understanding the gravity of the moment, we should we should give our honest full attention to what Jesus said during that meal because these are the final things Jesus wanted to say before He was separated from His friends. And we have to remember nothing will ever be the same for these people after this meal. Nothing will ever be the same for the rest of their lives. So, it’s into that situation, that kind of ness circumstance and reality that the Jesus words have an urgency that we don’t always appreciate, and we certainly don’t always apply. Jesus said, “I’m giving you a new commandment”, right? So, not like a posture or way to aim yourself, something your commanded to do. And that command is love each other. Love each other like I’ve loved you. So, don’t just love each other. Love each other like I’ve loved you. That’s how you should love each other. And He went on to say, that’s how you’ll prove to the world that you’re following me. It’s your love that’s the proof. It’s not you, walking around Bible thumping people. It’s not you, walking around trying to take people down theologically or corral them with doctrine or any other thing. It’s just one thing. You’ll be known by your love. So, are you? Am I? Like, it’s a poignant question. Are you known by your love for your brothers and sisters? If you’re not, then, according to Jesus, you’re not proving to the world you are His disciple. That’s kind of a big swift kick in the pants for your morning. Typically, I have a routine in the morning and it includes a big swig of apple cider vinegar. I’m told it’s very good for you. I’m certain it wakes you up in a hurry. That’s kind of how it feels to read these words, and say, am I known by my love for my brothers and sisters? A poignant, important, irreplaceable question because, according to Jesus, this is how we show the world. This is how we reveal Jesus to the world, through our love for one another. We’ve got all kinds of evangelism programs, right, all kinds of outreach methods. Nothing’s wrong with any of that stuff, but it’s like Paul will say when we get to first Corinthians, “if I do not have love, it does not matter at all.” And we should notice, this is a new commandment, right? So, the previous commandment, like, kind of in this vein, would be to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. But now Jesus is saying, we’re also to love each other like God loves us.


Father, we come into Your presence and confess straight up, in our own strength, by our own power, there’s no way we can do this. So, we acknowledge our powerlessness in our own strength right away because we can’t. And yet You have invited us to be in You and You and us and Jesus…Jesus said we can do all of the things that He was doing and greater things because He’s returned to You Father. And so, there’s so much in this reading from the book of John today that should make us take a step back and reflect as we compare our own lives and our experience of life up against what Jesus is saying we’re to do and what Jesus is saying is possible. So, this is one of those days where we really do have to slow down and consider the path that we are taking and we may realize that we’re not showing anyone that we are Your disciples by our love and that would be wrong because it’s a new commandment You gave us and it’s the only way the world will now. And that doesn’t just mean those who are in the world and have not accepted You, that is immediate as our spouse and family. Come, Holy Spirit and let us know that if we’re not showing Your love then the light is shining, which would mean that we’re in the shadows. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In Jesus’ name we ask. Amen.


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And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.