04/04/2019 DAB Transcript

Deuteronomy 26:1-27:26, Luke 10:38-11:13, Psalms 76:1-12, Proverbs 12:15-17

Today is the 4th day of April. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It’s great to be here with you and just settle in and let the word of God be spoken over us and into our lives. What a joy, what a pleasure to come around the global campfire together with you. So, we’re reading from the Christian Standard Bible this week and we are kinda rounding the corner on the book of Deuteronomy and that will conclude the Torah. We’re not there, we’ve got a few days to go but we are rounding the corner and we’ll finish up within the next week. So, let’s dive. We’ll be reading Deuteronomy chapters 26 and 27 today. And again, from the Christian Standard Bible this week okay.


So, in the gospel of Luke today, we encounter this little brief story about Mary and Martha and we know from other gospels and other stories, Mary and Martha were sisters of Lazarus who was a friend of Jesus, and who has a story of his own in the Scriptures, but in this story, we have a well-worn visual, right? Martha is working and she’s busy serving and doing all the things that need to be done all around Jesus while Mary is sitting at his feet and listening to Him. And, so, the lesson that we can glean from this is apparent, right? All of our frantic activity and all of our motion and all of our addiction to the motion, even if it is in service to God and his people, this flurry of activity, isn’t the thing that’s going to draw us closer to Jesus, it’s actually being with Jesus. When we live our lives it seems at times, from crisis to crisis and activity to activity, and it’s just a continual perpetual motion and God is kind of whipped into that and off we go, when Jesus…Jesus speaks some things that we can remember here. “You are worried and upset about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary made the right choice and it won’t be taken away from her.” So, let’s remember that today as we go into the chaos of every day, of all of the unknowns of every day, and all of the flurry of activity and all of the obligations and responsibilities. You are worried and upset about many things, but one thing is necessary and that one thing is to sit at Jesus feet to actually be with Him. And if we think, “well maybe He doesn’t even want to be with me” He goes on to tell us, “look you who are evil know how to give good things to your children, do you not think that your Father knows how to take care of you. So ask and it will be given, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you.” And we have to ask ourselves, how much of our flurry of activity even if it’s on behalf of God is asking seeking or knocking because it fundamentally boils down to what we after here? What are we hoping for? What we trying to achieve? What is the goal here? If the goal is that God is an add-on, an upgrade to our lives, our ace in the hole to take care of the problems as they come then we’re going to find that to be lacking. If we understand that we are invited into life with God, that’s different. And if we ask and we seek and we knock we will find what we’re looking for or in the words of Jesus, “if you then who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?”


Father, we are asking, Holy Spirit come, well up from within us that we might sense Your presence and Your guidance and Your leadership and Your comfort in our lives that is always available but usually we’re so frantically busy that we’re not even aware. Come Holy Spirit, let us slow down, slow the whole thing down and see that You are present in leading us forward. We ask this in Your mighty name, the name of Jesus, the name above every name. Amen.


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And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

hi this is Kiki from Arizona. This is my first time calling. I’d like to ask for a prayer request for my husband. We’ve been married from just over 26 years. We both have some disabilities. He is not Christian, he’s agnostic. He has a very rare muscular dystrophy and he fell this last year and broke his leg very badly and it’s very hard for me because he had to go into surgery and to think that if something happened to him that he would not be in heaven. And I’ve prayed for a very long time that he’d become a Christian and I’ve been listening to the Daily Audio Bible since February and caught up all through January and I just thought if I called in, the more the merrier for praying for him. So, would you please pray for my husband, his name is Bob and also for his muscular dystrophy that it never get any worse than it is now. He’s had it for 12 years. That would sure be a blessing. It’s similar to ALS but not as fast progression. And my other prayer request would be for a friend I know that lives in Long Island and she’s also on disability. She’s had cancer several times. Her sister’s selling the house that she lives in with her daughter and her grandson and her daughter’s boyfriend and another woman who’s on disability and she was __ Social Security and she has no idea where she’s gonna live, her daughter and her boyfriend, and grandson are going to move into his parents. And for $500 a month in New York she has no idea. So, if you can help and pray for her and also that her cancer doesn’t come back, I greatly appreciate that. So, thank you very much and Brian I thank you for what you’re doing. It’s really made a difference in my life already…

Good morning Daily Audio Bible family, this is Terry from upstate New York, first time calling in, year and a half listener, just loving this community. I’m calling for a woman whose name I couldn’t quite make out but she was from the Pacific Northwest. This is April 1st that I heard her message. She said she was involved with a man of God that was not her husband. I just want to talk to her and speak to her heart about this because I have been on the wrong side of that type of thing. I’ve been the husband who my wife left for a supposed man of God, which was devastating to my children and myself, still is. I would question whether a man of God is a man of God if he is pursuing a married woman. I’m just reminding you that the heart is desperately wicked and deceitful, and I understand your emotions because I’ve seen my wife at the same thing, but the devastation left behind is not worth it. You asked for God’s will. It’s pretty clear in God’s will what the covenant of marriage is and I urge you to seek out Scripture on God’s will. I don’t have time to go into it all. And just know this, that the author of confusion is the devil and you said you were confused. So, please, just dive into the Scripture on the subject. I’m praying for you because I understand the emotion behind it all but it…knowing what God’s will on it, it is that you honor your vows and pray for your marriage and seek out people that will pray with you for that. So, I’d have to say, I know the devastation for being on your husband’s side of it…

Good morning family, it’s Monday morning, April the 1st and I heard a call from a sister who is being tempted right now by godly man and I just want to say thank you sister for being so open and honest and just calling in for prayer. And, so, I wanted to pray for you. Father God, I come to You in Jesus’ name Lord and I come on behalf of our sister Lord who just showed her heart to us God and was transparent to us and to You God that she is in a temptation right now God and we know that that is from the enemy Lord God and we know Father God that You are able God to strengthen her and show her way out of this Father. God I lift her up to You and I just pray Lord that You would be her husband right now God while You are doing that work in her earthly husband while she’s waiting for him to be transformed God by You God, that You would be the husband that she needs Father, that she would fall more deeply in love with You Father God and she would not look outside of a relationship with her earthly husband and with You for anything else God. What she is missing, what she is longing for God, that You would come and fill that void that’s in her heart right now Father. God, I know that You know all her needs Father. You know God the deepest places of her heart and I just ask that You would go there and bring healing and restoration Father and just help her Lord as she falls more in love with You God that she can see her husband from Your eyes and just be praying for him for his transformation Father. And Lord I just lift up all marriages that the enemy’s coming against, that You would bring healing and restoration Father. There was a man called Oscar who called for his marriage and there’s been others God and just restoration…

Good morning Daily Audio Bible family community, this is Ann from Charlotte North Carolina. I’m very thankful for all of you for Brian and Jill and the ministry and everybody that calls in and I wanted to ask for prayer about the 10th commandment, which I have been very convicted about lately about the sin of coveting. It’s a sin that really made the apostle Paul realize that he wasn’t the perfect pharisee that he thought he was, that he failed obeying the law in the area of coveting. And the Holy Spirit is opening my eyes to how infested I can so easily be with this sin of coveting, meaning wishing that I had what someone else has and it can be anything, everything, literally anything that they have or are or have achieved or…it’s just astonishing how easy it is for me to covet and I want so to be free of this sin and I know that the answer is contentment in a relationship with Jesus Christ and I just want to prayer for that and I imagine there’s others of you that have a similar struggle in looking at anything and at others and they have or are and wishing you could be that way or have that or whatever…it’s just endless what it can be. And, so, it robs us of being…