03/19/2018 DAB Transcript

Numbers 28:16-29:40, Luke 3:23-38, Psalms 62:1-12, Proverbs 11:18-19

Today is the 19th day of March. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It’s a pleasure and an honor to spend this time together in community with you. As we launch ourselves into the new work week, we also center ourselves in the Scriptures, allowing them to speak the deep truths of the soul into our lives. So, we’re reading from the New Living Translation this week. And we’ll pick up where we left off yesterday. Numbers chapter 28 verse 16 verse 29 verse 40.


Father, we thank You for Your word. Thank You for another step, another day, as Your word washes into our lives and plants the fruit of the Spirit into our very hearts. We invite You to cultivate this as we collaborate with You in life. And we take to heart what we heard in Proverbs today. All of our instant gratification schemes, all of the things that we do, are but for the moment, but the reward of the godly will last. And so come Holy Spirit. We want to walk with You, a steady narrow path that leads to life. One that is day by day, making us whole and holy in Your presence. Come, Holy Spirit, we pray. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is the website. It’s home base. It’s where you find out what’s going on around here.  So, a few things that have been being mentioned.

The latest app update is available now. And that will allow you to manually check off the days that you have listened to in a couple of ways. On the player page, you’ll see at the bottom that you can check off that you’ve listened or if you’re looking at sort of the list of the different days that you can listen to. You can swipe right on any of those days and click that you’ve completed it or favorite from there. As well as a lot of engineering under the hood to make performance more quick and increased compatibility. So, every time we release an update we certainly announce it here so that you can update every single time we do this. We’ve gone back and made things better and refined things as we learn more and more. And as more and more people are using it. So be sure to update your app. It’s the Daily Audio Bible mobile app in all of the stores.

Looking at the calendar, the 25th of March, which is coming right up, I’ll be in Louisville Kentucky speaking. That’s this Sunday, at New Song Christian Fellowship Louisville.

The 8th of April we’ll be out in Washington state in the Tri cities at Columbia Community Church. The 12th of April is the More Gathering for Women. That’s when that begins. We thank you, indeed, for the prayers over all that will take place at the More Gathering this year. I’ve mentioned a couple times this year for the first time we have the ministry of signing. Those who can understand and interpret into sign language what’s being said for those who have hearing challenges. So, if that’s you or you want someone to come who has hearing challenges, we have this available for the first time this year and we’re looking forward to that. You can get all the details at moregathering.com, everything that you would want to know. And you can still register for now. That will be coming to a close soon, but you can still register now.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link on the homepage. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your partnership. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the give button in the upper right-hand corner. Or, if you prefer, the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial

And that’s it for today. I am Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi this is for Linda from New Hampshire. I’m Sue from Costa Rica and I have a grandson who is only three months old and his name is Dylan also. I pray for him every day and I will include your grandson too. Father, I come to You in the name of Dylan and I ask for protection for him. I ask that Your angels will encamp around him and protect him and that he may know and love and trust Jesus. Father please be his hiding place and keep them safe from trouble. Spread Your arms of protection over him. I thank You Lord that Dylan has made a cry for help. And, so, I ask that You put wise people in this place to counsel him and his parents. Open his father’s eyes Father and soften his heart and give him the desire to change. Heal their family. Father, please let Your love settle on their home. We stand against __ and anger and Lord we claim both of our sons for Your kingdom. I also ask God, that I just say that I’m in agreement with Annette for all of those who are in prison. Prison walls are not too thick that Your love can not pass through. Father, please comfort and make Yourself available and known to those who’ve never felt the love of a parent or friend. Comfort and hold and let them know how real You are and keep them free from fear. Please encourage men and women to call on You. Oh Lord put guards in there who would love You and want all men to know You. Father, I trust You and I ask all these things in the name of Your son, my Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank You Lord. Love never fails. God bless You all.

He DABbers this is Slave of Jesus in North Carolina. And alright Holy Spirit let’s roll. Lord we ask you to watch over Jacob in AIT and all the DABbers and DABbers families that have military people starting out. What a great adventure to learn some responsibility. And we ask this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. So, two weird topics today. I had a mole on my neck. This is what I love about God. He can use anything to get us to reach out to people. And it was kind of a black mole and then kind of went down and anyways I finally got checked out and the first medic comes, says yeah, I don’t think there’s nothing wrong with it. But the Holy Spirit kind of kept prompting me, and you kind of see that as an OK, here comes a story about saved by cancer because of this. But no, actually, what it was was I went back and I really wanted a doctor to look at this and they said well we can cut it off and send it off. And while I was waiting to have that done…in the military we have uniforms on…but you take off your top kind of jacket and somebody all the way across the room said, what’s that on your wrist? And I happen to have the DAB wristband that I wear pretty much 24/7 for years now. And, so, I was kind of able to share this is our listen to the Bible and stuff like that. And man, when I was sitting on the table the doctor had one of the other medics do the surgery. It was right near my throat, right near my artery in my throat. And he’s got to cut something off and I could tell it was one of the first times he did it. But hey, these guys have got to practice so if they come under combat they’re doing stuff. So, it was really neat how…I was awake for the whole thing…how they were tying the skin together…he was explaining the best way to do it. But then at that point he asked, hey, so what’s that on your writs? So, I was over the share with both from there, Daily Audio Bible and how it changed my life. Found out there’s nothing wrong with a the mole. Just a mole. But isn’t it amazing that God can use something like a illness or sickness to get us in contact with people to talk about Him. So, that’s my story. Love you guys. Have a great day. Bye.

Hi this is Victoria S. just calling to pray for some of the DABbers. I want to pray for Sharee and also for Joyful Noise having to do with their health. I also want to pray for Diane in Indiana. I just want to pray with you my sister. It was good to hear you. I want to pray for Michael M.’s son and also for Michael and the family. It’s always challenging when the enemy is trying to take our kids. And know you’re going to miss your son but God is faithful. He will bring you back together. We pray for a miracle for you my brother. Jan in New York who’s out of work, I’m praying that God will bless her tremendously because He said He would supply all of our needs according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus. David said He’s never seen the righteous forsaken nor seen begging for bread. So, hang in there my sister. I want to pray for Debbie in Texas whose daughter, Susie, and the challenges that the poor baby has been going through. The devil is trying to take our child, our children Debbie, but he is a liar because God is faithful in the prayers of the righteous avail us much. And we want to pray that she seek God and see God deliver in a mighty and special way. Gracious Father, we just praise You and we magnify You Lord. We give You the glory and the honor and praise. Lord I pray for Ryan and I pray for Susie Lord. I ask that You touch them today. Oh Lord You deliver with Your mighty hand. Lord You have a special plan and a purpose for their lives and I rebuke the devil right now in the name of Jesus. He can’t have it. Lord You release them and You give them the victory in Christ Jesus. Lord You touch my sister Sharee and Joyful Noise with the neurological and medical issues and…

All is well. I am Daniel. Nora of Canada. Praise God my sister in Christ. Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice. Nora all of heaven rejoices the moment you open the door to your heart and let Jesus Christ our Savior inside. Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice. We rejoice with you today Nora as the family in Christ we are because of your choice. Nora, you are blessed indeed. Choose today this new day to trust in His living word that lives inside you right now. Choose not to worry. Remember the good and overflowing abundance He has given to you in the past. Bring it with you into today and give Him praise. Father, You said, do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Thank You for the wisdom you give us Father, to choose to receive through faith all of what You have already given us, to choose to believe Your living word, Jesus Christ the son of God and receive everlasting life. Nora of Canada, trust in Him fully this day for you are without a doubt in the palm of His hand and there is no enemy bigger, no obstacle bigger, no mountain that is bigger than the most high God. And He is our father. Welcome to our family of Christ Nora. Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice. In Jesus name. Amen.