The Daily Audio Bible Reading for Friday October 25, 2024 (NIV)

Jeremiah 48:1-49:22

What the Lord Says about Moab

48 (A) The Lord All-Powerful, the God of Israel, told me to say to the nation of Moab:

The town of Nebo is doomed;
Kiriathaim will be captured
and disgraced,
and even its fortress
will be left in ruins.
No one honors you, Moab.
In Heshbon, enemies make plans
to end your life.
My sword will leave only silence
in your town named “Quiet.”[a]
The people of Horonaim
will cry for help,
as their town is attacked
and destroyed.

Moab will be shattered!
Your children will sob
and cry on their way up
to the town of Luhith;
on the road to Horonaim
they will tell of disasters.

Run for your lives!
Head into the desert
like a wild donkey.[b]
You thought you could be saved
by your power and wealth,
but you will be captured
along with your god Chemosh,
his priests, and officials.
Not one of your towns
will escape destruction.

I have told your enemies,
“Wipe out the valley
and the flatlands of Moab.
Spread salt on the ground
to kill the crops.[c]
Leave its towns in ruins,
with no one living there.
10 I want you to kill the Moabites,
and if you let them escape,
I will put a curse on you.”

11 Moab, you are like wine
left to settle undisturbed,
never poured from jar to jar.
And so, your nation continues
to prosper and improve.[d]
12 But now, I will send enemies
to pour out the wine
and smash the jars!
13 Then you will be ashamed,
because your god Chemosh
cannot save you,
just as Bethel[e] could not help
the Israelites.

14 You claim that your soldiers
are strong and brave.
15 But I am the Lord,
the all-powerful King,
and I promise that enemies
will overpower your towns.
Even your best warriors
will die in the battle.
16 It won't be long now—
disaster will hit Moab!

17 I will order the nearby nations
to mourn for you and say,
“Isn't it sad? Moab ruled others,
but now its glorious power
has been shattered.”

18 People in the town of Dibon,[f]
you will be honored no more,
so have a seat in the dust.
Your walls will be torn down
when the enemies attack.

19 You people of Aroer,[g]
go wait beside the road,
and when refugees run by,
ask them, “What happened?”
20 They will answer,
“Moab has been defeated!
Weep with us in shame.
Tell everyone at the Arnon River
that Moab is destroyed.”

21 I will punish every town
that belongs to Moab,
but especially Holon,
Jahzah, Mephaath,
22 Dibon, Nebo,
Beth-Diblathaim, 23 Kiriathaim,
Beth-Gamul, Beth-Meon,
24 Kerioth, and Bozrah.[h]
25 My decision is final—
your army will be crushed,
and your power broken.

26 People of Moab, you claim
to be stronger than I am.
Now I will tell other nations
to make you drunk
and to laugh while you collapse
in your own vomit.
27 You made fun of my people
and treated them like criminals
caught in the act.
28 Now you must leave your towns
and live like doves
in the shelter of cliffs
and canyons.

29 I know about your pride,
and how you strut and boast.
30 But I also know bragging
will never save you.
31 So I will cry and mourn
for Moab
and its town of Kir-Heres.

32 People of Sibmah,
you were like a vineyard
heavy with grapes,
and with branches reaching
north to the town of Jazer
and west to the Dead Sea.[i]
But you have been destroyed,
and so I will weep for you,
as the people of Jazer weep
for the vineyards.

33 Harvest celebrations are gone
from the orchards and farms
of Moab.
I have silenced the shouts
of people making wine.
34 Weeping from Heshbon
can be heard as far
as Elealeh and Jahaz;
cries from Zoar are heard
in Horonaim
and Eglath-Shelishiyah.
And Nimrim Creek has run dry.

35 I will get rid of anyone
who burns incense
to the gods of Moab
or offers sacrifices
at their shrines.
I, the Lord, have spoken.

36 In my heart I moan for Moab,
like a funeral song
played on a flute.
I mourn for the people
of the town of Kir-Heres,
because their wealth is gone.

* 37-38 The people of Moab
mourn on the rooftops
and in the streets.
Men cut off their beards,
people shave their heads;
they make cuts on their hands
and wear sackcloth.[j]
And it's all because I, the Lord,
have shattered Moab like a jar
that no one wants.
39 Moab lies broken!
Listen to its people cry
as they turn away in shame.
Other nations are horrified
at what happened,
but still they mock her.

40 Moab, an enemy swoops down
like an eagle spreading its wings
over your land.
41 Your cities[k] and fortresses
will be captured,
and your warriors as fearful
as women giving birth.[l]
42 You are finished as a nation,
because you dared oppose me,
the Lord.
43 Terror, pits, and traps
are waiting for you.
44 If you are terrified and run,
you will fall into a pit;
and if you crawl out of the pit,
you'll get caught in a trap.
The time has come
for you to be punished.
I, the Lord, have spoken.

45 Near the city of Heshbon,
where Sihon once ruled,
tired refugees stand in shadows
cast by the flames
of their burning city.
Soon, the towns on other hilltops,
where those warlike people live,
will also go up in smoke.

46 People of Moab, you worshiped
Chemosh, your god,
but now you are done for,
and your children are prisoners
in a foreign country.
47 Yet someday, I will bring
your people back home.
I, the Lord, have spoken.

What the Lord Says about Ammon

49 (B) The Lord has this to say about the nation of Ammon:

The people of Israel
have plenty of children
to inherit their lands.
So why have you worshipers
of the god Milcom[m]
taken over towns and land
belonging to the tribe of Gad?
Someday I will send an army
to attack you in Rabbah,
your capital city.
It will be left in ruins,
and the surrounding villages
will lie in ashes.
You took some of Israel's land,
but on that day
Israel will take yours!

Cry, people of Heshbon;[n]
your town will become
a pile of rubble.[o]
You will turn here and there,
but your path will be blocked.[p]

Put on sackcloth[q] and mourn,
you citizens of Rabbah,
because the idol you worship[r]
will be taken
to a foreign country,
along with its priests
and temple officials.
You rebellious Ammonites
trust your wealth and ask,
“Who could attack us?”
But I warn you not to boast
when your strength is fading.[s]
I, the Lord All-Powerful,
will send neighboring nations
to strike you with terror.
You will be scattered,
with no one to care
for your refugees.
Yet someday, I will bring
your people back home.
I, the Lord, have spoken.

What the Lord Says about Edom

(C)(D) The Lord All-Powerful says about Edom:

Wisdom and common sense
have vanished from Teman.[t]
I will send disaster to punish
you descendants of Esau,[u]
so anyone from Dedan[v]
had better turn around
and run back home.[w]
People who harvest grapes
leave some for the poor.
Thieves who break in at night
take only what they want.
10 But I will take everything
that belongs to you,
people of Edom,
and I will uncover every place
where you try to hide.
Then you will die,
and so will your children,
relatives, and neighbors.
11 But I can be trusted
to care for your orphans
and widows.

12 Even those nations that don't deserve to be punished will have to drink from the cup of my anger. So how can you possibly hope to escape? 13 I, the Lord, swear in my own name that your city of Bozrah[x] and all your towns will suffer a horrible fate. They will lie in ruins forever, and people will use the name “Bozrah” as a curse word.

14 I have sent a messenger
to command the nations
to prepare for war
against you people of Edom.
15 Your nation will be small,
yet hated by other nations.
16 Pride tricks you into thinking
that other nations
look at you with fear.[y]
You live along the cliffs
and high in the mountains
like the eagles,
but I am the Lord,
and I will bring you down.
17 People passing by your country
will be shocked and horrified
to see a disaster
18 (E) as bad as the destruction
of Sodom and Gomorrah
and towns nearby.
The towns of Edom will be empty.

19 (F) I, the Lord, will attack you
like a lion from the forest,
attacking sheep in a meadow
along the Jordan.
In a moment the flock runs,
and the land is empty.
Who will I choose to attack you?
I will do it myself!
No one can force me to fight
or chase me away.
20 Listen to my plans for you,
people of Edom.[z]
Your children will be dragged off
and your country destroyed.
21 The sounds of your destruction
will reach the Red Sea[aa]
and cause the earth to shake.
22 An enemy will swoop down
to attack you,
like an eagle spreading its wings
and circling over Bozrah.
Your warriors will be as fearful
as women giving birth.[ab]


  1. 48.2 silence … Quiet: In Hebrew the name of the town was “Madmen,” which sounds like the word for “silence.”
  2. 48.6 like a wild donkey: One ancient translation; Hebrew “like (the town of) Aroer” (see verse 19).
  3. 48.9 Spread salt … crops: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  4. 48.11 continues … improve: Or “remains as evil as ever.”
  5. 48.13 Bethel: It may refer to the Phoenician or Canaanite god of that name; or it may refer to the town where people of the northern kingdom worshiped at a local shrine (see 1 Kings 12.26-30).
  6. 48.18 Dibon: The capital city of Moab.
  7. 48.19 Aroer: A Moabite town located just north of the Arnon River.
  8. 48.24 Bozrah: Not the same Bozrah as in 49.13.
  9. 48.32 reaching north … Dead Sea: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  10. 48.37,38 sackcloth: See the note at 4.8.
  11. 48.41 Your cities: Or “Kerioth.”
  12. 48.41 as fearful … birth: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  13. 49.1 Milcom: The national god of Ammon, probably the same as the god Molech in 32.35.
  14. 49.3 Heshbon: See also 48.45; since Heshbon was near the border of Moab and Ammon, it was probably ruled by the country that was stronger at the time.
  15. 49.3 your town will become a pile of rubble: Or “because the town of Ai has been destroyed”; referring to an Ammonite town named Ai, not the town of that name near Bethel in the land of Israel.
  16. 49.3 You will turn … blocked: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  17. 49.3 sackcloth: See the note at 4.8.
  18. 49.3 the idol you worship: Hebrew “Milcom” (see verse 1 and the note there).
  19. 49.4 when … fading: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  20. 49.7,8 Teman: The name of a town in Edom, sometimes used as the name of the northern half of the nation of Edom; here it probably stands for the whole nation.
  21. 49.7,8 Esau: The ancestor of the nation of Edom.
  22. 49.7,8 Dedan: The name of a town in northwest Arabia, also used of the northwest region of Arabia along the Red Sea.
  23. 49.7,8 anyone … home: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  24. 49.13 Bozrah: The main city and capital of Edom.
  25. 49.16 Pride … fear: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  26. 49.20 Edom: The Hebrew text also uses the name “Teman” (see the note at 49.7,8).
  27. 49.21 Red Sea: Hebrew yam suph, here referring to the Gulf of Aqaba, since the term is extended to include the northeastern arm of the Red Sea (see also the note at Exodus 13.18).
  28. 49.22 as fearful … birth: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
Contemporary English Version (CEV)

Copyright © 1995 by American Bible Society For more information about CEV, visit and

2 Timothy 4

When Christ Jesus comes as king, he will be the judge of everyone, whether they are living or dead. So with God and Christ as witnesses, I command you to preach God's message. Do it willingly, even if it isn't the popular thing to do. You must correct people and point out their sins. But also cheer them up, and when you instruct them, always be patient. The time is coming when people won't listen to good teaching. Instead, they will look for teachers who will please them by telling them only what they are itching to hear. They will turn from the truth and eagerly listen to senseless stories. But you must stay calm and be willing to suffer. You must work hard, telling the good news and to do your job well.

Now the time has come for me to die. My life is like a drink offering[a] being poured out on the altar. I have fought well. I have finished the race, and I have been faithful. So a crown will be given to me for pleasing the Lord. He judges fairly, and on the day of judgment he will give a crown to me and to everyone else who wants him to appear with power.

Personal Instructions

Come to see me as soon as you can. 10 (A) Demas loves the things of this world so much that he left me and went to Thessalonica. Crescens has gone to Galatia, and Titus has gone to Dalmatia. 11 (B) Only Luke has stayed with me.

Mark can be very helpful to me, so please find him and bring him with you. 12 (C) I sent Tychicus to Ephesus.

13 (D) When you come, bring the coat I left at Troas with Carpus. Don't forget to bring the scrolls, especially the ones made of leather.[b]

14 (E) Alexander, the metalworker, has hurt me in many ways. But the Lord will pay him back for what he has done. 15 Alexander opposes what we preach, so you had better watch out for him.

16 When I was first put on trial, no one helped me. In fact, everyone deserted me. I hope it won't be held against them. 17 But the Lord stood beside me. He gave me the strength to tell his full message, so that all Gentiles would hear it. And I was kept safe from hungry lions. 18 (F) The Lord will always keep me from being harmed by evil, and he will bring me safely into his heavenly kingdom. Praise him forever and ever! Amen.

Final Greetings

19 (G) Give my greetings to Priscilla and Aquila and to the family of Onesiphorus.

20 (H) Erastus stayed at Corinth.

Trophimus was sick when I left him at Miletus.

21 Do your best to come before winter.

Eubulus, Pudens, Linus, and Claudia send you their greetings, and so do the rest of the Lord's followers.

22 I pray that the Lord will bless your life and will be kind to you.


  1. 4.6 drink offering: Water or wine was sometimes poured out as an offering when an animal sacrifice was made.
  2. 4.13 the ones made of leather: A scroll was a kind of rolled up book, and it could be made out of paper (called “papyrus”) or leather (that is, animal skin) or even copper.
Contemporary English Version (CEV)

Copyright © 1995 by American Bible Society For more information about CEV, visit and

Psalm 95-96

Worship and Obey the Lord

Sing joyful songs to the Lord!
Praise the mighty rock[a]
where we are safe.
Come to worship him
with thankful hearts
and songs of praise.

The Lord is the greatest God,
king over all other gods.
He holds the deepest part
of the earth in his hands,
and the mountain peaks
also belong to him.
The ocean is the Lord's
because he made it,
and with his own hands
he formed the dry land.

Bow down and worship
the Lord our Creator!
(A)(B) The Lord is our God,
and we are his people,
the sheep he takes care of
in his own pasture.

Listen to God's voice today!
(C) Don't be stubborn and rebel
as your ancestors did
at Meribah and Massah[b]
out in the desert.
For forty years
they tested God and saw
the things he did.
10 Then God got tired of them
and said,
“You never show good sense,
and you don't understand
what I want you to do.”
11 (D) In his anger, God told them,
“You people will never enter
my place of rest.”

Sing a New Song to the Lord

Sing a new song to the Lord!
Everyone on this earth,
sing praises to the Lord,
sing and praise his name.

Day after day announce,
“The Lord has saved us!”
Tell every nation on earth,
“The Lord is wonderful
and does marvelous things!
The Lord is great and deserves
our greatest praise!
He is the only God
worthy of our worship.
Other nations worship idols,
but the Lord created
the heavens.
Give honor and praise
to the Lord,
whose power and beauty
fill his holy temple.”

(E) Tell everyone of every nation,
“Praise the glorious power
of the Lord.
He is wonderful! Praise him
and bring an offering
into his temple.
Everyone on earth, now tremble
and worship the Lord,
majestic and holy.”

10 Announce to the nations,
“The Lord is King!
The world stands firm,
never to be shaken,
and he will judge its people
with fairness.”

11 Tell the heavens and the earth
to be glad and celebrate!
Command the ocean to roar
with all its creatures
12 and the fields to rejoice
with all their crops.
Then every tree in the forest
will sing joyful songs
13 to the Lord.
He is coming to judge
all people on earth
with fairness and truth.


  1. 95.1 mighty rock: See the note at 18.2.
  2. 95.8 Meribah and Massah: See the note at 81.7.
Contemporary English Version (CEV)

Copyright © 1995 by American Bible Society For more information about CEV, visit and

Proverbs 26:9-12

A thornbush waved around
in the hand of a drunkard
is no worse than a proverb
in the mouth of a fool.

10 It's no smarter to shoot arrows
at every passerby
than it is to hire a bunch
of worthless nobodies.[a]
11 (A) Dogs return to eat their vomit,
just as fools repeat
their foolishness.
12 There is more hope for a fool
than for someone who says,
“I'm really smart!”


  1. 26.10 nobodies: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text of verse 10.

Cross references:

  1. 26.11 : 2 P 2.22.
Contemporary English Version (CEV)

Copyright © 1995 by American Bible Society For more information about CEV, visit and