Jonah 1:1-4:11, Revelations 5:1-14, Psalm 133:1-3, Proverbs 29:26-27
Today is the 14th day of December, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It’s fantastic right, it’s wonderful to be here, wonderful to have this place to be around the Global Campfire, as we navigate through December together and the festivities before us, and the Scriptures before us. We’ve been working our way through the minor prophets in the Old Testament. That’s how the Old Testament ends.
Introduction to the Book of Jonah:
So, today we’re reaching another one of those minor prophet books, and this one has bit of a twist to it. We’ll be reading the book of Jonah and Jonah was a prophet who lived in the northern kingdom of Israel. Basically, just west of the southern portion of the Sea of Galilee during the reign of King Jeroboam. And we’ve read a number of the prophets in the Scriptures and we know that the Bible uses the prophets to call their own people, the Jewish people, the Hebrew people to repentance. Jonah’s mission was to go to a totally different city and a totally different people. He was to go to the city of Nineveh, which is one of the largest cities in the world at that time, the ruins of ancient and are still existent near the modern city of Mosul in Iraq. A lot of, a lot of those rooms were damaged in some of the unrest that has been in that region, but they still exist. And Jonah did not want to do this assignment whatsoever. God commanded him to go to a people who were enemies of Israel and enemies of God. So, so Jonah ran away, opposite direction. Total opposite direction, ran to the Mediterranean coast, got on a boat near Tel Aviv, what would be modern Tel Aviv, and took off, and it’s famous, this is a really famous story from Sunday school because Jonah ends up in the belly of a great fish. And after three days of repenting, he is spewed out on the shore alive. So, for we who believe in Jesus, we can see the aforesaid shadowing of Jesus in this story, but it also has so many parallels in our lives. When we let fear and arrogance and pride and all of the things that just pull us into darkness. We let those things lead us into darkness, we will find ourselves on the run from God. That’s probably, we probably already know that, but we probably don’t, maybe fully completely understand that there is no running from God. Jonah, he’s swallowed in the open sea by a great fish which is a tragedy, but the tragedy becomes his salvation. He would have died and drowned in that storm. The journey would’ve been terrifying inside of a fish. But God used the fish to deliver Jonah alive to dry ground to finish the mission which he does, and he doesn’t like it, right till the very end. But we’ll see that all because we’re gonna read the entire book of Jonah today.
Father, we thank You for Your word, we thank You for this is territory that we’re moving so rapidly through in the minor prophets, so quickly that we’re reading books in a day and absorbing that and we ask Your Holy Spirit to help us as we’ve gone through the book of Jonah today. We know the story of the great fish, Jonah in the whale, but often we don’t think about the implications of running away from You into a storm. May we take the lessons that are apparent before us and consider the ways that we just simply don’t want to obey You. And so, we’re going in the opposite direction, thinking we’re to get away with it, thinking we’re gonna out run or hide from You, as if. Help us to humble ourselves under Your mighty hand, that in due season You will lift us up. We pray this in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.
Announcements: that is home base, it’s the website, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here and it’s Christmas time around here. So, for Christmas this year, as I’ve been mentioning for the last couple of weeks, we printed vinyl albums of the Daily Audio Bible music and packaged them beautifully so that they’re like commemorative collector’s edition things in small quantities and made them beautiful. And all of the resources that come from the proceeds from this are invested into what’s coming next year, which is brand-new everything. A brand-new home for the Global Campfire, a brand-new Daily Audio Bible app, and a much more stable environment for us to operate from. And so, thank you for your partnership on that. You can find these at or in the app. Just go to the Shop, and in the Shop, you’ll find the Christmas Section and you can look at everything there. Thank you so much.
And if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible before the end of the year, thank you, profoundly, profoundly for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.
And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that’s little red button up at the top, or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that’s it for today, I’m Brian and I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Prayer and Encouragements:
Blessings dear Audio Bible Family. This is Rose. Today is December the 5th. I was going to call in for prayer today to seek for wisdom, to know how to deal with my brother who’s been addicted to drugs for 25 years. He’s been in-and-out of different rehabs and just at a loss to know how to help him. But more importantly, on my heart now is Blind Tony. I just heard his call in about the fire in his house. Thank God, Blind Tony, that you are okay, that your sister is okay. But we are standing in prayer for you and asking God to restore everything that the enemy has tried to steal. You are such a blessing to this community. And we will be praying so hard. Please, if you could, just put your email address again on the…on the prayer wall. I’d love to reach out.
Hey guys, this is Miranda from South Carolina. And I’m calling cause I actually nanny everyday, it’s my job. And one of my children has a prayer request that they would like to call into you guys. Cause you guys are the prayer warriors. So, his name is Ransom. And I’m calling in because my friend Sam, his parents are getting divorced and he needs some, and his brothers, and he needs some love and support. Thank you. Thank you guys. I know you guys can handle this prayer and send some love to this family. Hopefully God can bring them back together and build this family back and make it even stronger than before. Alright, thank you guys.
Hi, this is Sally from Alberta, Canada. I just want to lift up Delta Alpha Foxtrot. I can’t imagine what you’re going through, my friend. But I just know that our God is an amazing, amazing God. And that I just claim, in the name of Jesus, His mighty, mighty peace, that surpasses all understanding right over you today and all your loved ones. That you will have the strength to just step one foot in front of the other. That He will be a light unto your feet, and His help to take one step at a time moving forward. And I just pray that even though these things don’t make sense right now, you’ll just have the grace and the presence and the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ with you. Blind Tony, I’ve never heard you feel so down but you just sound, oh, my heart is breaking for you right now. And again, I just pray that our Lord, our Savior, to put His peace around you right now. That you find alternative accommodations, that your home is restored and just remember my brother that our Lord is a faithful Lord. You know that you don’t need me to tell you that. But He loves you. And I’m just so glad that His angels were around you and kept you safe in that fire. And that you still find a place to rejoice in this. And I just know that even __ and that He’s just got you in the palm of His hand.
Hey guys, it’s Eyes of a Dove. Angie, South Dakota, your grandfather is at stage 4 cancer, and he has passed away and you’re asking for our family to essentially sit in shiva. That your husband and your extended family, they’re suffering with this unexpected loss. I’m just praying that the father would come and wrap His mighty arms around all of you and give you comfort and peace during this time of loss. I’m surely coming up on your tail feathers my friend, as my father is getting close to the end of his life as well. Praying for you, my friend. Delta Alpha Foxtrot, I’m praying for you my friend for, as you have also ushered your father into the kingdom of God. I’m praying for you. What a bittersweet time. Flying Tony, so sorry about the fire. Blind Tony, I apologize. I’m so sorry for that fire in your house. Oh, my goodness. Praise God, you guys are all alive. I’m sorry for that destruction and that you can’t stay in there. And I’m asking God for those resources to come quickly so they can get back in their home. Pamela, we’re praying for you in Florida, that the enemy cannot kill, steal, and destroy anybody in your family, in the name of Yeshua. We pray for physical healing, we pray for mental healing and health, protection. Father God, would You come and just put your hand on all of them, right now. Lift up our dear Pamela. Praying for Rifka. And thank you for praying for me, sweet friend. As your father is also living the twilight phase of his life. So many of us our losing our fathers. Help her have a supernatural peace and joy. As she loves her father good. And it’s just a beautiful time for them to be together while he packs for eternity. In the Vine, I’m so happy to hear __ God is healing you, your heart and your mind. And what a wonderful ministry that your involved in, brother. So cool to hear all about it. Anyways, that’s it for now. I’ll call back with some more friends. I love you. Cherish yourself and each other. Bye.