03/09/2022 DAB Transcript

Numbers 11:24-13:33, Mark 14:22-52, Psalms 52:1-9, Proverbs 11:1-3

Today is the 9th day of March I’m Brian it’s great to be here with you today as we gather around the Global Campfire and take the next step forward together, which leads us to where we left off yesterday, back into the book of Numbers. We are reading from the New Living Translation this week. And today Numbers chapter 11 verse 24 to 13 verse 33.


Okay, a couple of things for us to talk about today from our reading. In the book of Numbers, we now have seen spies appointed, one from each of the different tribes of the children of Israel, and they were sent into the promised land to spy it out. There’s a reason for this. It’s time to go in. Like the Lord has established a covenant. He has given laws and statutes, holidays, rituals, the way to worship and communicate with Him, the tabernacle in the center of the camp…like all of these things are ready and prepared and it’s time to go into the promised land. And, so, they’re moving toward that. And they’re in the wilderness of Zin, which is an actual place, and you can see the wilderness is that of Zin in the promised land, films, or in the promised land book. It is indeed a barren wilderness. I’ve been there several times and you can look out over the desert floor, imagining the smoke from the fires of what…like a moving city, of million people spread…spread across the desert valley. It’s interesting to imagine what that might have looked like. But the spies were sent into the land to find out what was going on and they did. There’s something really interesting embedded in here though because they follow a path, and they end up in the city of Hebron and they go to a place called the Valley of Eshchol. This is where they get the grapes from, and they carry them back on their shoulders. It’s just that we’ve been there already on our journey so far this year. We’ve already been there. Generations back when we were traveling along with Abraham his wife Sarah died and he needed a place to bury her. And, so, he bought a field from Ephron the Hittite and there was an associated cave that came along with this field, the cave of Machpelah in the valley of Eshchol. So, the spies ended up at the place where their patriarch Abraham, the one who originally received the promise of the land was buried with Isaac and Jacob and their wives. And then they carry grapes back and make their way back to the camp and give a report to the people who were eagerly waiting cause they’re ready to go. And the spies come back and Joshua and Caleb are on board that this is a beautiful land, there are people there, the Lord has delivered them into our hands, we can certainly do this, let’s go. But ten of the other spies said not so, that it’s not possible. We can’t take this land. There are giants in the land. We look like grasshoppers to them. They are too strong for us, which demoralizes the people. And will have to continue the journey tomorrow to find out what happens next. But there is enough here for it to be a supreme mirror in our lives because when we begin to sense a pull or a push from God in a direction and we begin to move in that direction and we begin to spy out the land, only to find out it’s gonna be hard, there are giants there, we look like grasshoppers there, they are walled cities there. It’s beautiful but we can’t do it, then we become demoralized as well. Oddly, the idea of this land of their own, this is the thing that is driving them forward and they are at the border, but they have decided that after all that they’ve gone through and actually all that God has sustained them through, including dismantling Egypt to set them free, that whatever is in this promised land is too big for them. And, so, there are plenty of things to think about there and apply to our own lives in our own journey.

And then we move into the gospel of Mark, and we are in the passion narrative again. And, so, it’s really important actually for us to pay…I mean this is the story of our salvation. This is the story of our Savior. And what we witnessed today was certainly the Last Supper and moving into the garden of Gethsemane for prayer and the disciples falling asleep and then the crowd, the mob coming to arrest Jesus, and we end our reading today with the fact that everyone abandoned Jesus. He was left alone with the mob. Everyone that was His friend abandoned Him and ran away. And this is kind of a thing. When the fire gets turned up, when it seems like it’s hot or there’s a risk involved then it’s so easy to just run away. But run away from God? And as ludicrous as it sounds to just say it we do it all the time. Sometimes in overt true denial sort of ways, but in other ways we just disappear into the wall work, we just run away. Kinda like Adam and Eve. They just ran away. They were naked and so they hid. When we do this in all kinds of ways we’re not the only ones. The idea of slinking back and withdrawing and running away and disappearing, these themes are all throughout the letters that we will read when we get to them in the Scriptures about staying true, about not fading or withdrawing, about not running away. And this also gives us plenty of opportunity for reflection upon our own lives. How have we run away? Where do we slink back and just become part of the wallpaper? Like how do we do the same things? It’s very easy for us to look at the disciples and watch them running away and thinking that…that’s pretty sad for Jesus and why are they doing this, but if we’re in the same situation who are we? Because even Peter was like, even if…even if I have to die with you, I’m not gonna deny you when will see that that wasn’t true. It’s important for us to examine our posture. It’s important for us to examine our hearts in this regard. This is what the gospel is leading us to do. This is what the Gospels do. They fundamentally want us to answer the question who we say Jesus is and whether or not we will be a disciple, whether or not we will follow. And, so, continually having the opportunity to check in with ourselves and invite the Holy Spirit to reveal things about ourselves that we may be hiding from ourselves or that we’re just ignoring is important because this is what it looks like to be vigilant and aware, not asleep, which is something that Jesus has been teaching us - to be awake, alert, aware, vigilant, paying attention or to say it more…more like Jesus did, to have eyes to see and ears to hear.

So, in Numbers we have the opportunity to think about the giants that are too big and why we can’t. And in Mark we have the opportunity to think about the ways that we run away.


Father, that’s plenty to think about. Those are deep things. They may seem like kind of trivial things to think about, but as soon as we start following that path it goes very, very deep, and we invite Your Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth. Ad we pray this in the mighty name of our Savior, Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is homebase, that is the website, and it is where you can find out what’s going on around here, which you can also do using the Daily Audio Bible app. So, check that out.

Check out the different sections like the Daily Audio Bible Shop where there are a number of resources in a number of categories for the journey that we have embarked on an are in the process of moving through together.

Also, the Community section. This is where to get connected on social media. This is also where the Prayer Wall lives. And the Prayer Wall is always available to us. We can always ask for prayer of our brothers and sisters and we can also offer prayer for and on behalf of our brothers and sisters and let them know that they’ve been heard and that they are being prayed for. That’s the Prayer Wall. So, that’s in the community section and you can check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if this mission to bring the spoken word of God read fresh every day and given to whoever will listen to it wherever they may be in their life or on this planet, no matter what time of day or night it may be, to make it available so that anyone can hear, anyone at any time, and to build community around that rhythm so that we’re not alone and we know it. And it makes such a difference to know it. And we’re not alone. We have one another. We’re a family, we’re a body in this world. And we act like that when we pray for one another. So, if this has been life-giving for you in your life then thank you for being life-giving. Thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage, at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app. That’s little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Good morning family this is Soaring on Eagles Wings from Canada. Treasured to treasure you are…have had so much sorrow and anguish in your life because of what the enemy has stolen and now you’re needing the blessings of God to replace those. There’s a woman who called in from Oregon she’s driving to California to visit her mom Kathy who has probably had a stroke and lost her vision and her words. This morning I want to speak the name of Jesus over you both. Jesus, name is power, Jesus’ name is healing, and Jesus’ name is life. So, for you Treasured to treasure, I am praying the Lord…Lords abundant blessing in your life. You’re always blessing others with your prayers and today I speak Jesus’ blessings over you. Kathy, I speak healing over you in the name of Jesus, that whatever’s happened to you will be resolved. You have vision and words and I pray for your daughter not knowing what she is going to meet when she gets there, and I pray the name of Jesus that brings peace in our hearts and our minds. So, in both you ladies I am lifting you up and remembering you to our heavenly Abba Father. He loves you so much and He wants to pour His blessings on you Treasures to treasure and heal your mom…

Hey Daily Audio Bible family it’s doctor, John from Jordan New York. I need you prayer warriors to saddle up and help one of my patients. Amanda is pregnant at 10 weeks and the man that she’s going to marry, she didn’t know had a drug problem and he has gone off the deep end and he’s gone on a bunch of binges and ran away from rehab where he was supposed to be going into. So, Amanda needs prayers for peace. She needs prayers for wisdom and how to deal with this. She needs prayers to not feel alone as…as she’s going through this pregnancy. And Joe needs prayers for release from this addiction and from the legal troubles that he will be facing. So, if…if you all could gather together and pray for Amanda and Joe, I would really appreciate it. Thank you, folks. And yes, I did ask for permission to call and…and have prayers, which she really appreciated. She was tearful in her appreciation for having other people pray for her. So, thank you family. You guy’s rock. You’re the best. And love you guys. Make it a great day. Doctor John from Jordan New York signing off.

Hi, my name is Bob Kelly my wife and I Barbara are serving as missionaries in Nicaragua, and we’ve been listeners of the Daily Audio Bible for I don’t know how many years, many many years and we just want to express our gratitude to Brian for this ministry and for his faithfulness to do this day after day. It…it enriches our lives tremendously and we use a lot of the truths that he comments on in our classes in the school that we teach in Nicaragua. So, I just want to say thanks to Brian and alante to the members of this community.

Good morning DAB friends. Hey, I’m just reaching out for some more prayer for my daughter. She’s just going through so much right now and her impulse control is just lacking. Lots of warning signs. You know, grades are dropping. Last two years she was bullied so badly and then now this year she just seems to…I don’t know if it’s in response to that, I don’t know if it’s an adoption issue because we adopted this sweet girl from the foster care system when she was a year and a half. I don’t feel like she’s adopted but I know that they have…I know that our adopted kiddos sometimes feel…you know, they have attachment things that come up, especially at this age. You know, she’s 12. But anyway, she’s just really really struggling. My husband though I think is struggling just as much as she is. He is having __ behavior and he can’t seem to separate himself from it and it has just become all-consuming, and he gets so very angry. And I just…I often feel caught in the middle. I was a peacekeeper growing up, you know. And, so, I’m trying not to step back into that mold __. I find it very difficult and I’m leaning on God and I’m just trying not to feel so out of wack and so unsettled. Anyway, I’m praying and praying and praying and praying and I’m like, well, let me get some help. Let me get some people on board that will help me pray. I love you guys. Always have, always will. Praying for you all the…

Hi DAB family this is Gigi from Gville and everything going is really good with me and the baby and Seth. I just finished the semester. So, that was totally a miracle. I…I remember saying in the beginning of this that if I make it through that…the spring semester it will be incredible testimony to God because I knew that there was no way I could do that. I’m actually calling in for prayer requests for my mom. I don’t know if you guys know this, but she hasn’t been able to walk well on her…I don’t know which leg it is actually but one of her foot…feet has plantar fasciitis and it's…it’s having a really hard time. It’s really hot right now and inflamed and it’s just not…she’s not really seeing improvement. And, so, we are just really asking for prayer and wisdom from God about this. Dear God thank You so much that You know exactly where mom is at with this foot and hot it’s been discouraging her and worrying her. I pray that You would give us Your peace. Thank You, Lord that You are with her right now and that You are ministering Your peace and Your comfort to her through the Holy Spirit. And I pray that what You would what we need to do to help her foot. If there’s something we don’t know, some treatment or some person that would be able to help her, pray that…that it would be aligned, and we would meet and we would understand what needs to happen. And we just pray supernatural healing over that foot that it would recover right now in the name of Jesus. Amen. Thank you, guys.

Hi, my name is __ from __ Nigeria I’m calling in for Sarah and John. I also get what you guys are going through a lot because I also struggle with masturbation and pornography and sometimes, I have issues with lying. But I just want you guys…I just want to encourage the three of us including myself that no matter what…so far we realize that what we’re doing is wrong and we’re able to repent of our sins He’s always willing to forgive us. And might fail today but I just want…there’s even a part in Psalms that says that even if they stumble they will not fall because…I think it’s Psalm 88 where even if they stumble they will not fall because His right hand is going to uphold them. I believe that God’s right hand is upholding us and strengthen us and guiding us. And there’s some days when it feels like sometimes, we’re so weak it’s been like a month that I couldn’t even read the Daily Audio Bible and that’s because it’s being a huge while. And sometimes things just block you off and does everything. But I just want to encourage you Sean, Sarah including myself that let’s just keep doing it, take it one day at a time, one step at a time and at the end of the race we’ll overcome it and we’ll be victors in it because we’re all victorious in Christ Jesus. And that’s just all I want to say and just to encourage you and to pray for everyone. I’m going to pray for you Sean and Sarah and if you could also pray for me just knowing that there’s someone else who’s going through the exact same thing, I’m going through…might not be the exact same problem is more than enough to be like encouraging and at the same time to know that people are praying for you. So, just keep praying for yourself. Keep praying for others. I’ll pray for you and at the end of the day the Holy Spirit will guide us through. Amen.

3/8/2022 DAB Transcript

Numbers 10:1-11:23, Mark 14:1-21, Psalm 51:1-19, Proverbs 10:31-32

Today is the eighth day of March, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian, it’s good to be here with you today. I trust that you are doing well. No matter how you are doing, here we are, around the Global Campfire and whatever is going on it can be set aside for a few minutes as we seek the Lord through the Scriptures and as we just kind of warm ourselves and rest together in our little oasis so that we can reenter the day, reenter life, maybe with some new perspective. And so, let’s dive in, we’ll pick up where we left off yesterday, which is what we do every single day. We’re moving our way through the book of Numbers today, chapter 10 verse 1 through 11 verse 23.


Okay so, a couple mileposts along the way that we passed by that we should pay attention to and look at briefly. First, from the book of Numbers and I quote Moses who is having a conversation, not with just anybody, a conversation with God and I quote “If this is how you intend to treat me just go ahead and kill me, do me a favor and spare me this misery” I’m pausing on purpose for it to sink in. Moses said that to God. Maybe we’ve said something similar to God. But why would Moses say this to God? Because he is overwhelmed with the burden that he is carrying for God, the burden of the people. God certainly does show up for Moses, get him some help and reaffirm that He’s going to give everybody meat to eat, even though they don’t have meat to eat. They’ve been sitting around talking about how they used to eat free meat. Which was not free, it was at the price of their very lives. They were slaves and they were being fed but they got cucumbers and melons and now they’re out in the desert free but they’re missing the melons and cucumbers. So, on the one hand Moses is trying to figure out how God is going to supply meat, not for just a day but for a whole month for 600,000 people. But he’s also getting weary from hearing their complaining and grumbling. And I’m telling you this is a mirror into our own life experience. First of all, the fact that this is in the Bible for us to read, at will, anytime we want, is on purpose and Moses being overwhelmed, we’re talking about Moses here. One of the greatest of the figures in the Bible, is overwhelmed while doing the work of the Lord. And God is not displeased with Moses having an honest conversation about it. That is one thing we should remember because life can be overwhelming and when it becomes that way, we can immediately think that we’re being punished or we’ve done something wrong when that’s just how it works sometimes. And so, God came to Moses’ rescue and gave him elders, help, help among the people. But Moses had already spoke on behalf of God, about meat and he’s concerned about it. And I quote Moses, “There are 600,000-foot soldiers here with me and yet you say I will give them meat for a whole month. Even if we butchered all our flocks and herds would that satisfy them, even if we caught all the fish in the sea, would that be enough.” Right, so we come to places where we are overwhelmed, leadership is too difficult, we are being crushed by the weight of what we’re called to do and we’re trying to be faithful in it and it is so hard that we are overwhelmed by it and we’re overwhelmed by the fact that we don’t have what we need even though we believe God has promised it to us, that is where Moses is standing today. This is what he’s experiencing and it should be familiar enough that we understand. God responds to Moses and may we let this sink in “Has my arm lost its power? Now you will see whether or not my word comes true.” And so, the next time maybe we’re feeling bold over or just completely overwhelmed by whatever, maybe we, maybe we come back to the book of Numbers, of all books of the Bible. The book of Numbers to find our encouragement in the story of Moses.

Then we get to the book of Mark, and we are experiencing the Last Supper again and the betrayal of Jesus is upon us again and there is this beautiful scene. A woman, she comes in to this supper and she’s got the alabaster jar, and this is famous enough story. She breaks open the jar and she pours perfume on Jesus head and then everybody’s indignant about it because what she just did basically blew a bunch of money that could have been used for other things. Why such frivolous behavior by this woman? This woman, she, there is nothing in the Scriptures to indicate she had an invitation to be there at all. And so, we have all this upheaval going on and we just have to imagine her for a second. Like, what is she thinking in this moment? She is with the master, she’s trying to do something to show gratitude, she’s not invited. She’s getting picked on. What does Jesus do? He says, leave her alone. It’s so beautiful. I love this story for lots of reasons, but it’s so beautiful to watch Jesus stand up for the pure in heart, even if their lives are filthy lives. But He works against those who are not pure in heart, but look like they are, the hypocrisy of hiding and faking, the echoes of what we read in Genesis 3, I was naked and so I hid. Just one more of many, many, many examples that reveal to us how backward we are living and how free we could be. People making criticisms against this woman, for her extravagance, aren’t really saying anything that wouldn’t be said in this day and age in a similar type of circumstance. Jesus sees it all, He sees what’s actually going on. It’s not about the perfume, it’s about her heart. This is the way she is pouring out her heart and gratitude to Jesus. She doesn’t have another way. This is what she has, her most valuable possession and she is pouring it out before Jesus because where else would you pour out some extravagant display of gratitude. It’s a beautiful story and Jesus says, wherever the gospel is told she’ll be remembered and she’s in the Bible and so she’s being remembered and we are talking about her today. And there are many things that we could think about in this story. But one of those things would be what are we withholding from Jesus. It’s just too expensive. This is too valuable to us and again we can think those thoughts about physical materials or money or something like that. But what are we withholding in our hearts from Jesus? And if we’ll consider that question as we move through our day and invite the Holy Spirit into that question as we move throughout our day, we may find ourselves much lighter by the day, by the time this day is over.


So, Jesus, we invite You into that. We are complicated people. We don’t even understand ourselves. We don’t understand the reasons that things trigger us or the motivations that we have all of the time, and we do desire to be fully given over to You. A full heart that we love You with all of our heart, mind and strength and that we love our neighbor as ourselves. That is the goal, that is the desire but we are too complicated even figure out ourselves. Yet we feel so often that we are a master at figuring You out. But maybe it is quite simple. We give all that we are to You and You give all that You are to us and it’s an unfair trade in our favor. So, Holy Spirit, come as we consider our hearts, even our possessions and our ambitions, what are we withholding from You. We need to know that because we need to you stop doing that. So, come Jesus into this we pray, in your mighty name we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, that is where you can find out what’s going on around here. Alternatively, or as well, in addition to, you can download the Daily Audio Bible app from your app store for free, whatever app store is connected to your device and you can find out what’s going on around here from within the app by pushing the drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner. Check out like, the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are a number of categories in there, a number of written resources to kind of take aspects of what we’re doing in the Scriptures deeper or like the Promised Land films, to allow us to visually see the places that we are that we are visiting as we read the Bible or the other coffee table addition of that Promise Land, Photographs from the Land of the Bible, allowing us to just kind of thumb through and see some of the locations that we have visited so far or that we have yet to visit in the Scriptures. There are all kinds of resources in the Daily Audio Bible shop so check that out. Whether using the website or the app.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you, humbly, deeply, thank you. Every day, that is how I feel, this sort of awe like, this…this awareness that this shouldn’t, like how did this happen that we could be together like this, that we could live at this time on planet Earth when this kind of technology would emerge and that we could do this every day now going into 17 years and just continually, continually offering the Scriptures read fresh every day and just given to whoever will listen to them because this is the word of God, then whoever hears this is hearing from God in some sort of way in their lives. So, just it’s unbelievable that this exists in that we get to do this together, but that’s the thing, if we don’t do this together, we don’t do this at all. And so, thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And of course, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayers and Encouragements will be posted later today.

03/07/2022 DAB Transcript

Numbers 8:1-9:23, Mark 13:14-37, Psalms 50:1-23, Proverbs 10:29-30

Today is the 7th day of March, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today as we continue our journey, the journey that we’re on, the one that leads us through the Bible in a year and also leads us through a year of life together in community around the Global Campfire. So, welcome. Let’s dive in. We’re reading from the New Living Translation this week. And we’re working our way through the book of Numbers. Today chapters 8 and 9.


Okay. So, a few things for us to pay attention to from what we’ve read today. One from the book of numbers is basically just the marking of time. We were told that the children of Israel had reached their one-year anniversary from leaving slavery in Egypt. So, pretty much since we left Egypt with Moses it’s been a year that we’ve been traveling with the children of Israel, and at Mount Sinai and giving of the law and the setting up of the tabernacle how the camps would be established. All the stuff that we’ve been going through, that’s taken a year.

And then once we moved into the gospel of Mark, we encountered some territory that we have encountered before but it’s important for us to remember it because this is Jesus discussing the end of things and what that will look like, when it will happen, and how to approach it, which is definitely a popular topic of discussion among people of faith and has been for centuries and centuries. And there’s nothing really inherently wrong with that. There is a posture that Jesus gives and that is the posture of being alert and prepared. I just think it’s important for us to know that alert and prepared does not equal…like alert plus prepared does not equal speculation or conjecture, which is so often where the train kinda skips the track and move into mythology or really, really interesting ideas and stories and then eventually to dates. He’s coming on “this date” or we are in “these times”. We can certainly wonder about those things, and we certainly do wonder about those things but we must know, at least according to the Bible, we cannot reach a definitive conclusion. Jesus talks about how terrible certain time periods will be. He talks about how people will label other people Messiah. “There he is” or “he’s over here”, but that should be ignored, that should not be believe. There will be false messiahs, there will be false prophets, even those who can perform signs and wonders. And I’m quoting here, “so as to deceive, if possible, even God’s chosen ones.” So, these signs and wonders from false people give us an indication that this was going to happen, but they…they do not date anything they do not give us the clue about the specific time. As for the specific time, I quote Jesus. “No one knows the day or hour when these things will happen. Not even the angels in heaven, or the Son Himself. Only the Father knows. And since you don’t know when that time will come be on guard. Stay alert.” And that is pretty much the posture of our Savior on the future times of the end. Be alert, be on guard, right? Be prepared, be ready, be awake, be paying attention, which will invariably shape our lives id we’re living vigilantly and prepared like it can be today, I’m ready. It can be a year from now, I’ll be ready…like this is my life is to continually be awake and alert about what’s going on. That would be the proper posture. But trying to decide it’s going to be next week, we don’t know that. In the gospel Jesus says she doesn’t know that either. If that is true, then we should relax, which doesn’t mean we all of a sudden aren’t vigilant anymore or awake or aware, that means the anxiety that can be produced in trying to analyze things that Jesus is saying He doesn’t even know is probably not going to be fruitful. Is the Father going to tell you something He’s not gonna tell Jesus? Not likely. So, let’s at least have that. Remember that when we’re being bombarded by the news or any other source for information that is continually, continually trying to whip us into some sort of anxious fit about something.

And then lastly, let’s look at Proverbs. “The way of the Lord.” “The way the Lord.” Isn’t that what we are all seeking? Like, isn’t that what this entire faith journey is aimed toward? “The way of the Lord is a stronghold to those with integrity, but it destroys the wicked.” So, the way of the Lord is a stronghold to those with integrity, but the way of the Lord destroys the wicked.” So, the way of the Lord is not something to be trifled with. It is a very powerful thing, and integrity is important. And I suppose we all know that. Do we live in though or are we situational about our integrity? And can we so easily step over into wickedness. Well, the way of the Lord is unchanged we choose which side of the way of the Lord were going to walk and wisdom simply tells us where the roads go. Where do we want to end up, destroyed or protected by a stronghold? That decision is made by our integrity.


Father, we love You, we worship You, we adore You, we are grateful, we thank You. There are no words to describe You. There’s nothing that we could say in any of the languages that we know that would be adequate worship for You, and yet we give what we have, which is ourselves and our hearts and then You say that’s good. And, so, we worship You and love You and adore You. But this must be more than our words. We must walk the way of the Lord. So, come Holy Spirit and show us the ways that we are not walking with integrity. We must walk in a different direction, which is fundamentally what repentance is. And, so, we repent of those gray areas that we can find ourselves in, areas that would not have integrity and ask Your Holy Spirit to lead us on the narrow path that leads to life. We ask this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it is where you find out what’s going on around here, which you can also do that using the Daily Audio Bible app. And if you don’t have that you can get it free from the app store…I guess the app store of your choice, the one that’s connected to whatever device you’re using should work fine. So, check that out.

Check out things like the Community section. That is certainly where to find links for social media and where we’re at on social media, but it’s also the home of the Prayer Wall, which is a beautiful resource that we have, it’s just a beautiful place that we have together where prayer is happening continually. And no matter what time of day or night it is we can go and share the story and ask for prayer. But it’s also a place where we can go and read other people’s stories and that they are asking for prayer and maybe our hearts are moved, and we respond, and it just moves like a circle. It’s always happening. And, so, it’s a beautiful resource for us here on the Global Campfire. So, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if the mission to bring the spoken word of God read fresh every day and offered freely to whoever will listen wherever they may be whatever time of day or night it may be, and to build community around that rhythm of showing up every day, if that is life-giving and meaningful to you than thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you are using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app. That’s the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hello, there it’s Sean here from London England UK. I just wanted to call in and pray for the lady who called in regarding someone called Patty who sort of lost the will to do anything and she’s remaining idle and she’s not really doing a lot and her friend was saying that she’s giving up, she’s not doing much. So, I’d just like to pray for Patty and just…just remind her that, Lord if you can remind her, you know, as it says in Isaiah 45:31, they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint. Lord, open her eyes to see the wonderful truths in your instructions. Let her know that life is worth living. Lord, in whatever way you can we ask that you can touch her heart Lord in whatever way that she may feel that, in whatever form it comes to her Lord. Let her be reinvigorated. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. Sean from London UK. God…

Hi, David the Blessed child of God and Preston for the Bay Area. I am lifting you up in prayer today and I just wanted to confirm it’s important what you identify yourself as, what you’re naming over yourself. So, don’t be ashamed of, you know, speaking out truth and life and, you know, don’t incorrectly label yourself. You know, you might be feeling one way like I think Preston you mentioned that you feel like a single dad, but you’re not a single dad you’re just going to be at home taking care of things on your own for some time but…but you're…you’re not a single dad. So, you know I…I don’t pray for that over you. I pray for unity in your…in your marriage and in your relationship and that you guys can’t support each other even when you’re not near each other. And, so, Lord I lift up Preston and I lift up David and I just I pray healing over them over their lives over their minds. I pray that she would just come and wash over them and that they would be able to reject the, You know, the fiery darts that are being shot at them and…and at their minds in that they would not accept those into them…into their beings, that they would be able to…to reject them and reflect You and invite You into their relationships with their children and their wives and I lift up all of the husbands out there and the men out there. I just pray blessings over them. I pray blessings over their minds and their thoughts and…and I just I just pray that You would bring them closer to You and their spouse…

This prayer is for brother Lazarus. I just listened to your plea and your prayer request and I’m here to encourage you, my brother. It’s never too late for new beginnings and the Lord sometimes takes us to the point where we become broken so that we can understand and more appreciate His power and His grace. So, this morning I’m going to ask that the Lord touch you Lazarus, touch you my brother, that the Lord lift you up, that the Lord give you grace, that the Lord grant you prosperity. May everything that your hands touch prosper. And don’t give up Lazarus. Depend on the Lord. Trust in Him. The Lord says trust in me in all things and lean not to your own understanding. Because sometimes we think we are finished but until God says it’s over it’s not over. Father God just touch my brother this morning Lord. Lift him up Father God. Encourage Him Lord God. Open his eyes Lord so that he may see the journey You have in front of him Father that you’ve placed him on. Father, God you know his needs, Lord. You know his issues. You know the mistakes he made. But Father God You said your sins I remember no more. So, Lord God I pray for brother Lazarus this morning and ask that You continue to guide him, Lord God, that You continue to place him on that path that You’ve laid out for him because You said Lord all things work out for the good of those who love the Lord and accord His purpose.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible this is Chip the Carpenter from Georgia, and this goes out to Lazarus. Lazarus buddy I've…I’ve heard you so many times on the morning prayer praying for people and I just want you to know you are a mighty man of God. You’re a man of steel when it comes to preaching the word and standing firm on what God has in plan for you. And sounds like you’re praying this morning was me speaking because Lord…Lazarus your 69 and on a new ram, a new day. And I’m 66 and I’m just about at the same place. And I just want you to know that God’s gonna keep you lifted up, He’s gonna keep me lifted up. You said you’ve done a lot of things stupid in your business and I have to say I mimic that too. And I can’t think of anybody I’d rather go through a firefight with than, somebody like you who’s been there and in that. And I just wanna speak blessings on your life. I know gods got you. He’s gonna give you the right direction and feel free to shoot me an email because I would love to talk to you more. You can reach me at chipshelton55@gmail.com. And I pray for so many that I never get on here and actually speak openly in prayers, but I pray every morning for so many on this Daily Audio Bible Global Campfire. Blessings to all of y'all.

Hey Lazarus, I just heard your call and I’m so sorry about your business being gone. I too have lost a couple of businesses to mismanagement and one because I didn’t pay the taxes that I needed to pay on time. My name is Mark by the way, Mark the truck driver and I’m in my late 60s and I’m going to be working for a while. And, so, I can really resonate with your…with your heartfelt request for prayer. So, I just wanna stop for a moment and pray for you. I’m not stopping the truck, but I am going to focus on…on this moment of lifting you up before the Lord. Lord, I bring my friend Lazarus to You as best I can in a moment of prayer. Give him a peace and a wisdom and actually a sense of joy in his circumstances knowing that he was never intended to be perfect and none of us are perfect and we all make mistakes. I pray that You would lift him up in his finances, lift him up in his future endeavors in whatever job he decides he needs to do to pay the bills and give him wisdom and guidance in that. Thank You for holding his hand and holding him up. And we all…we all agree together to lift up our brother and continue to pray for him as the days go by. Thank you, Lord for what you’re gonna do and we thank you in Jesus’ name. Amen.

3/6/2022 DAB Transcript

Numbers 6:1-7:89, Mark 12:38-13:13, Psalm 49:1-20, Proverbs 10:27-28

Today is the sixth day of March, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and it’s great to be here with you as we greet a brand-new week out in front of us, a fresh start, a new week, some fresh perspective, day-by-day, step-by-step. And so, let’s dive in, we’ll read from the New Living Translation this week and of course, pick up right where we left off yesterday. Today Numbers chapters 6 and 7.


Father, we thank You for Your word, we thank You for this brand-new week that we are stepping into. We thank You that you will lead and guide our steps if we will humble ourselves before You and walk with You. This is what we resolve to do every day, step-by-step, day-by-day, in a straight line as You continue to sanctify, set us apart as holy, cleanse us, guide us, direct us and we need you more than ever, we need You more than ever. And so, we run to You, fall at Your feet and worship in humility, asking that Your Holy Spirit guide us, all of the moments of this week. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hi, this is New in Vision Growth calling from New York, calling in praying along with the DAB family. I know we all are for the things just going on in the world, specifically out to Ukraine and Russia. And you know, I’m just remembered and just want to encourage and bring to everyone else remembrance who may not remember this verse in Matthew 24 verse 6 through 8 and it says you know, and I’m paraphrasing that we will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but when we see these things, we as believers are not to be alarmed. We are to know that the end is to come like, these are birthing pains that we see so, with birthing pains we are to be like the midwives so to speak. And pray and intercede and that’s what I’m doing. I know that I’m not the only one doing it. I’m also praying for those who are trying to flee to safety. And unfortunately, due to just color barriers, it’s like a war within a war, they’re people being denied just because of the color of the skin, to flee to safety, which made me just think again about our own salvation and I’m just so happy that Jesus saves no matter what color you are, no matter what we did, what we’re doing, Jesus knows and he gave up His spirit and died for all of us. So, I just want to, just have everyone be encouraged not to be alarmed, not to be scared, not to be fearful, but know that God’s word cannot come back void. So, these things are to come but as believers we are to stand firm, to pray and to intercede for everyone and be grateful and thankful that we have gotten, if you have which I pray everyone has, the gift of salvation. Okay, be blessed everyone.

I’ve been thinking a lot about labor pains and the thought of having my first child came back to me. I remember vowing never to have another child because it was much too painful. But in God’s mercy, He allows us to forget that pain only until we’re in the same situation again and when I was having my second child as soon as I felt that first labor pain, I was terrified because I recognized it and I knew what I was in for. And the same thing with my third child. It wasn’t until my fourth child that I decided that I needed to embrace the pain, I needed to take control over it and to stop looking at it as an adversary but to look at it as a blessing and that new life will come forth from it. And so, I did and as a result my fourth and fifth deliveries were amazing, absolutely amazing. And so, I know that God can do the same thing in our marriages and I’m speaking of my marriage in particular, the pain of it. I just really am praising God for it because I know that it brings me closer to Him and I know that He’s going to bring forth new life. I don’t know when but I know He will. I am hopeful and I am so thankful for my Lord. This is Danny from Southern Oregon.

Hello Daily Audio Bible family. This is Karen from Washington State. This is my first-time calling in. I’ve been doing DAB for the last year or so but I served many years as a missionary in the nation of Ukraine and I just wanted to call in and ask that you would intercede for our brothers and sisters and the church there right now, is there undergoing so much. And there is so much fear among people but there’s also so much strength and faith in the church and I just pray for the protection of my friends there, my brothers and sisters in Christ that this would be a time that people would just be turning to God like never before. And as people are crying out like never before that God would hear their prayers. So, if you would just pray for protection for my friends, people still trying to get to safety and just pray that all bombing would cease and that this war would cease. Thank you, brothers and sisters, around the world. Just keep lifting up the body of believers in Ukraine and throughout the world and just pray for peace. Thank you.

Hi, this is Randy from Phoenix. And I’m calling to pray for Joel from the Bay Area. I can only imagine the challenges you may be having with your wife away and taking care of a one-year-old and dealing with financial insurance matters and all kinds of other stuff and not having that support and proximity with each other, with your wife. And pray that God would strengthen you and bring brothers alongside you that can help support you and be a blessing to you and your son. And also, others to support your wife and her time away. In Christ name. Amen.    

3/6/2022 DAB Transcript

Numbers 6:1-7:89, Mark 12:38-13:13, Psalm 49:1-20, Proverbs 10:27-28

Today is the sixth day of March, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and it’s great to be here with you as we greet a brand-new week out in front of us, a fresh start, a new week, some fresh perspective, day-by-day, step-by-step. And so, let’s dive in, we’ll read from the New Living Translation this week and of course, pick up right where we left off yesterday. Today Numbers chapters 6 and 7.


Father, we thank You for Your word, we thank You for this brand-new week that we are stepping into. We thank You that you will lead and guide our steps if we will humble ourselves before You and walk with You. This is what we resolve to do every day, step-by-step, day-by-day, in a straight line as You continue to sanctify, set us apart as holy, cleanse us, guide us, direct us and we need you more than ever, we need You more than ever. And so, we run to You, fall at Your feet and worship in humility, asking that Your Holy Spirit guide us, all of the moments of this week. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hi, this is New in Vision Growth calling from New York, calling in praying along with the DAB family. I know we all are for the things just going on in the world, specifically out to Ukraine and Russia. And you know, I’m just remembered and just want to encourage and bring to everyone else remembrance who may not remember this verse in Matthew 24 verse 6 through 8 and it says you know, and I’m paraphrasing that we will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but when we see these things, we as believers are not to be alarmed. We are to know that the end is to come like, these are birthing pains that we see so, with birthing pains we are to be like the midwives so to speak. And pray and intercede and that’s what I’m doing. I know that I’m not the only one doing it. I’m also praying for those who are trying to flee to safety. And unfortunately, due to just color barriers, it’s like a war within a war, they’re people being denied just because of the color of the skin, to flee to safety, which made me just think again about our own salvation and I’m just so happy that Jesus saves no matter what color you are, no matter what we did, what we’re doing, Jesus knows and he gave up His spirit and died for all of us. So, I just want to, just have everyone be encouraged not to be alarmed, not to be scared, not to be fearful, but know that God’s word cannot come back void. So, these things are to come but as believers we are to stand firm, to pray and to intercede for everyone and be grateful and thankful that we have gotten, if you have which I pray everyone has, the gift of salvation. Okay, be blessed everyone.

I’ve been thinking a lot about labor pains and the thought of having my first child came back to me. I remember vowing never to have another child because it was much too painful. But in God’s mercy, He allows us to forget that pain only until we’re in the same situation again and when I was having my second child as soon as I felt that first labor pain, I was terrified because I recognized it and I knew what I was in for. And the same thing with my third child. It wasn’t until my fourth child that I decided that I needed to embrace the pain, I needed to take control over it and to stop looking at it as an adversary but to look at it as a blessing and that new life will come forth from it. And so, I did and as a result my fourth and fifth deliveries were amazing, absolutely amazing. And so, I know that God can do the same thing in our marriages and I’m speaking of my marriage in particular, the pain of it. I just really am praising God for it because I know that it brings me closer to Him and I know that He’s going to bring forth new life. I don’t know when but I know He will. I am hopeful and I am so thankful for my Lord. This is Danny from Southern Oregon.

Hello Daily Audio Bible family. This is Karen from Washington State. This is my first-time calling in. I’ve been doing DAB for the last year or so but I served many years as a missionary in the nation of Ukraine and I just wanted to call in and ask that you would intercede for our brothers and sisters and the church there right now, is there undergoing so much. And there is so much fear among people but there’s also so much strength and faith in the church and I just pray for the protection of my friends there, my brothers and sisters in Christ that this would be a time that people would just be turning to God like never before. And as people are crying out like never before that God would hear their prayers. So, if you would just pray for protection for my friends, people still trying to get to safety and just pray that all bombing would cease and that this war would cease. Thank you, brothers and sisters, around the world. Just keep lifting up the body of believers in Ukraine and throughout the world and just pray for peace. Thank you.

Hi, this is Randy from Phoenix. And I’m calling to pray for Joel from the Bay Area. I can only imagine the challenges you may be having with your wife away and taking care of a one-year-old and dealing with financial insurance matters and all kinds of other stuff and not having that support and proximity with each other, with your wife. And pray that God would strengthen you and bring brothers alongside you that can help support you and be a blessing to you and your son. And also, others to support your wife and her time away. In Christ name. Amen.    

03/05/2022 DAB Transcript

Numbers 4:1-5:31, Mark 12:18-37, Psalms 48:1-14, Proverbs 10:26

Today is the 5th day of March welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is great to be here with you as we come around the Global Campfire together and just find our place, relax and take the next step forward together. And that next step forward will lead us back into the book of Numbers. The fourth book of the Bible. The fourth of five books of the Torah and certainly part of the giving of the law. So, we’ve been reading from the Evangelical Heritage Version this week, which is what we’ll do today. Numbers chapters 4 and five.


Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You for another week. And as we bring to a close the first week or weekend in this brand-new third month of the year, we are grateful. Every time we think of time and look forward and look back, we become grateful. You have sustained us. You are Fathering us. You are maturing us. We’re growing up. And we ask Father as we continue this journey that we would continue to put away childish things, things that go nowhere, things that do not help. We want to be mature sons and daughters of the most-high. And even saying that sentence is beyond comprehension. But that’s what we’re invited into in the Scriptures and that's…that’s how we want to live and that’s what we believe to be true. It’s just beyond our comprehension. It's…it’s so big that it makes all the things that we busy ourselves with or entrench ourselves with. These little competitions everywhere with our fellow brothers and sisters, these are going nowhere. We already one. We are children of the most-high. And, so, plant this reality in our hearts as we continue forward, as we mature, as we grow up. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, that is the website and where you find out what’s going on around here. If you are using the Daily Audio Bible app that works as well. There’s a little Drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner of the app screen that opens up drawer.

And, so, you can access things like the Daily Audio Bible Shop where there are a bunch of resources, fun resources, resources to take us deeper, resources to allow us to chronicle our journey through the Bible, all kinds of different resources. They’re in the Shop. So, check that out.

Or the Community section also. That is where the Prayer Wall lives. That is where different links to get connected on social media are. So, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you humbly, thank you deeply, thank you profoundly. Just…we wouldn’t be here if we weren’t here together around the Global Campfire. And, so, thank you. There is a link on the homepage of dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app. That’s the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

OK. This is my third attempt at this. I keep going over the two-minute limit. Hello guys thank you so much for praying for me. I didn’t get my name before it was because I was trying to conceal my identity. I didn’t want people who might know me who are listening to have a problem. I was the one who called in anonymously about having kind of screwed up my own reputation feeling like I went to Bible school for nothing. And I wanted to thank the man and the woman who answered me back. I don’t remember your names, but I wrote them down in my journal. I thank you for your words of encouragement. Thank you for your challenge to me. And I took some initiative with some of the things you both said, and I joined CR, Celebrate Recovery in my church and I was able to enter it into that group of men and tell them the truth about who I am. Some of them had known me for a long time and didn’t know this part of me. And I confessed to them about how I’ve been struggling with this abusive tendency with my mouth, how it’s been affecting my whole life and how bitterness has consumed me. And those guys just spilled over and love and embraced me right away, revealed to me that this is the gospel, this is how it works. We don’t see you any different than we did before because Jesus saved all of us while we were still sinners. Christ died for us. And I know that, we all know that as Christians but it’s so easy to forget because our flesh wants us to. And, so, I just wanted to praise God for this new group of believers that are going to help me get through this crazy time in my life. And I encourage…I encourage all of you to find gospel speaking, truth speaking people to encourage you. Thank you.

Hi, DABbers I’m Sheridan from Brighton just calling up with an amazing praise report. Firstly, just to put in context, we’re kind of __ as __ Buddhist countries around the world. I just met a Buddhist here in Brighton who was praying recently and had a vision of Jesus. She now wants to become a Christian and wants to find out everything about Jesus. Praise the Lord. Amen.

Hello Global Campfire. First time calling in and just want to say happy sabbath. My heart’s heavy tonight because I keep thinking about Ukraine and what’s going on right now and the war that’s happening. And as I was praying about tonight, I was realizing like I don’t understand the scope of the prayer that I need to pray to…to…to be the hands and feet of Jesus in…in…in a place that’s so distant from me. So, I just ask that like our Global Campfire lift up Ukraine tonight. And maybe this is the harvest season, right? Maybe this is an opportunity for those people who are, you know, underground right now to be praying with their friends and family and lifting up those men and women that are out there that are fighting for their country. And…and, you know, we’ve got…we need to be praying for Russia too. You know, we’ve got a serious…serious event happening in the world and…and this is an opportunity for harvest to…to happen. So, let's…let’s pray. I just wanna lift up my prayers that that we as the body of Christ can totally understand with the scope of a prayer should be and…and that this terrible terrible war isn’t in vain and that God will use it to glorify Himself and His body and His church. So, thank you. Thank you for this community. And lift that up in Jesus’ name.

Hey family this is Melissa from Albertville AL. Bria, Jill, China, and Ezekiel thank you for all that you do for body…for the body of Christ. I just want to let a few people know I’m praying for them. BW in NC, thank you for thinking of me. And when you think of me, please pray for me. Val in Vegas I want you to know I’m praying for you sister. I understand what you’re going through. I’ve been battling upper respiratory issues and infections for months and I…I know. And the last time you call you said you want to do it and He said he would. I know what you’re talking about girl. I’m praying for you. Come on back to us. I love your energy. I love your spirit. Aaron from Vegas you said a prayer for the people whose faith has gotten weak. Beautiful prayer. Beautiful. It touched my heart. And my sister in the UK. I think her name was Julie, you have to move because your landlord is selling or something and you’re depressed, and your anxiety levels are high. Trust in God sweet sister. We’re praying for you. God is able. He will keep you. He will give you a place to live. My daughter battles depression and anxiety. I’m not touting medicine but sometimes you may have a chemical imbalance and it won’t hurt to check on that. It may…it may help you. I love you family. I’m listening. I don’t call all the time, but I am listening. Y'all have a blessed day. Bye-bye.

03/04/2022 DAB Transcript

Numbers 2:1-3:51, Mark 11:27-12:17, Psalms 47:1-9, Proverbs 10:24-25

Today is the 4th day of March welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it’s great to be here with you today. It’s really great to be here with you today. Today is my birthday and as I have said for the last many many years we come to this day, and I count the years of the Daily Audio Bible. And, so, this is my 17th birthday which I can hardly believe, but it’s true. Birthday number 17 doing the Daily Audio Bible, which means I’ve been born and grown up and can drive a car and…and now I’m a teenager who knows everything. But actually that’s worked in reverse. Now that I have the second chance at being 17, I realize that I don’t know much of anything but I’m trying really really hard. And I suppose that’s what we…we learn in life. Nevertheless, it’s great to be here with you on this 17th birthday taking the next step forward together around the Global Campfire. And we just began the book of Numbers yesterday. We will continue that journey going forward now. Numbers chapters 2 and 3 today.


Okay. So, as we continue the gospel of Mark it should be reasonably simple to see why the synoptic Gospels are called the synoptic Gospels because they share so much of the same source material and the same stories. And, so, the stories that we were reading today are stories that we also encountered in the Gospel of Matthew. And Jesus is back in Jerusalem. We are very very close to the time of…of His crucifixion, the passion narrative again. And the chief priests, the religious elite, those with the education, those in the know, those in control of the people are asking Jesus where He is…where He has gotten His authority to do the kinds of things that He is doing. And He asked them His own question. Like, He answers the question with a question. And the question is revealing. It’s about John. So, John according to the New Testament was heralded and was sent by God to prepare the way for Jesus, who is coming after him. So, John was sent, was from God and many many many many many of the people saw that, saw John as an actual profit. And that’s not a small thing. So, the religious leaders who are asking Jesus about His authority, they know there hasn’t been a prophet in Israel for centuries. And, so, we could understand a little bit of skepticism on their part. It had been 400 years until John came as a prophet. But John captured the hearts of the people and turned those hearts toward God and the people recognized Him as a prophet. But the religious leaders not so much. So, when Jesus asks the question, tell me what you think about John that is going to be very revealing. If they were to say John was from God he is a prophet, we’re just like kinda getting on board with that, we’re starting to understand what was going on there. Well then they could see God working in this plan and Jesus could speak to them however He chose too but since they answered they didn’t know, which was a kind of the only answer that they could give based upon their reasoning. If we say he’s from God, then He…then Jesus will ask us why we didn’t trust in him. And if say he was from man then the people then they’ll be afraid of the people. So, they’re kind of in this no-win situation. But it reveals what they are really trying to do which is to question and entrap Jesus. And, so, Jesus says I’m not gonna answer your question then. And He moves on and tells a parable. The parable is about a man who planted a vineyard and went away, right? And then sent at harvest time servants to collect his share for offering the property to grow the produce. That entire parable is a synopsis of the gospel. So, if we understand that the man planted a vineyard and put a fence around it is God and that the tenant farmers are the religious leaders, then we understand that Jesus is telling in advance the gospel narrative, the story of the gospel. And, so, let’s kind of end our time by thinking about this parable. It’s really short, just a few sentences. And, so, let me read it again. “A man”, which is God in this parable, “a man planted a vineyard, put a fence around it, dug a pit for the winepress and build a watchtower. Then he rented it out to some tenant farmers went on a journey. When it was time, he sent his servant to the tenants to receive his share of the vineyards produce. They took him, beat him, and send him away empty-handed.” And we can think, yeah that’s Jesus but it’s not. These are the prophetic voices that God had been sending all along to warn and correct, to reorient the people, especially the leaders to the heart of God. “The first one, they beat him and sent him away empty-handed. And again he sent another servant to them”, which would be another prophet, “but they hit him on the head and treated him shamefully. Then he sent another servant”, right? Another prophet, “but they killed that one. He also sent many others. Some they beat and others they killed. He still had one left, a dearly loved son.” And this is where Jesus is in the parable. Finally He sent Him, which is the dearly loved son to them, which is the religious leaders saying, “they will respect my son. But those tenant farmers said to one another this is the heir. Come, let’s kill him and the inheritance will be ours. They seized him, killed him, and threw him out of the vineyard.” So, through story, through parable Jesus reveals the status of what is going on in the time that He is doing ministry. And He concludes saying, “so what will the owner of the vineyard do? He will come and kill those tenant farmers and give the vineyard to others.” And we are supposed to be those others. And in response they decide to kill Jesus. They plot to kill Jesus, which once again shows us just how backward things had gotten, which shows us how backward things are. And, so, there’s plenty for us to contemplate, not the least of which is who would we be in this story?


Holy Spirit come into that. We thank You. We thank You for the gospels. We thank You for this picture of…of perfection. We thank You for a glimpse at what it could look like to be in this broken fallen world, but to be true. And, so, as we contemplate what we’ve read today we invite Your Holy Spirit to come and plant…plant what we’ve read into our hearts. But part of planting is to prepare the soil. And, so, some that requires digging and some of that requires pulling up rocks and getting rid of weeds so that the soil may be fertile. And that is what we want our hearts to be like, and so that may require some digging and some uprooting. Show us what that looks like for us. We ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base and that is where you find out what’s going on around here because of the www you know it’s a website. But that’s where you go to find out what’s going on around here unless you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, which you can download from whatever app store you use.

So, check out things, whether on the web or in the app like the Community section. That is where to get connected or the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are resources and a lot of different categories in the Shop for the journey that we’re on. So, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if us just gathering around the Global Campfire every day and having a place to go that serene and allowing the Scriptures to wash into our lives and hearts and give us direction and clarity, if that is meaningful and life-giving to you than thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you are using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hello, DAB my name is Sarah and I’m just calling in to ask for your prayers for my daily struggle with addiction. It’s something that I struggle with daily, and I seem to be failing at it most days. I need help and your prayer to be able to get through this and to stop hurting those around me because of my addictions. Thank you. Thank you for your prayers.

Good morning DAB family this is the Farmer’s Wife calling in from a chili 12 degrees up here in upstate New York. I just wanted to give an update. I am now 13 weeks, and I heard the baby’s heartbeat for the first time on Friday and I was just in awe. And I just couldn’t wait to tell you guys Because you are my family and just to hear it…it was beautiful. It was just so beautiful. And I wanted to ask for prayer for the physician who is caring for me during this pregnancy and who will be delivering this child, Doctor John from Jordan New York. He’s the one who introduced me to this family, and I am forever grateful. And I just think it’s so amazing how the Lord put him in my past so many years ago to help me come to a healing place and then to be able to see my husband…the Farmer and I bring in new life to this world and just completely covered in prayer. It's…it’s just beautiful. It’s hard. There are definitely hard days when I’m milking cows and I’m like OK. But, you know, I’m just so grateful for all of you and I will keep you posted. So, the little munchkin and I are doing well, and the Farmer is getting excited. So, love you all.

Hey, this one goes out to Sean from London. This is Micah in Awe here in Kansas City MO. So, I had like a like a pretty…I did a lot of drugs and alcohol when I was younger, and it followed me up until I was 25. And, so, here’s what happened to me. I was just floating along doing whatever I wanted to do, whatever felt good and then I started feeling bad for what I was doing. Out of nowhere all of a sudden, they started feeling like what I was doing was wrong and was like sin. And I had a little bit of background in the church. Like my mom brought me into church as a young man. And as a teen she would take me and my friends to church promising to bring us out to eat after. So, I knew…I had some head knowledge of what was going on but I didn’t have any kind of heart knowledge and never took the time to really try to believe or care to believe. I was just, you know, doing what young guys do, just running around chasing whatever felt good. So anyway, I don’t know that I could have came out of alcohol and drugs and that lifestyle without first having the conscience…conscience issue, like where God made me feel bad like I was doing sin for what I was doing. Maybe that’s not the best way to put it. But like, I didn’t know I was sinning or I didn't…I didn’t care to know that I was sinning for a long time and then once I started seeing the consequences saw my sin and then guilt started…like Satan got in there. There was fear and guilt developing in me and growing rapidly. And I really felt like I was on death’s doorstep. And then that’s whenever I started having these feelings. So, I started running away from what I was doing. Whenever I would have a temptation sometimes, I would literally run or just…

Hi, DABbers it’s February 28th there were two calls today that I really would like to pay…pray about. The first…sorry…the first one was Sean from London who listens to DAB every day and prays for all of us and he has a problem with alcohol. Sean, I am joining many other DABbers to pray that somehow you will have the strength to not take that first drink. Try to do it one day at a time, one day at a time. When you…when evening comes find something to do and tell the evil one to get away from you, you don’t want to drink. Try it one day at a time Sean. We’re behind you. We love you. You are worthy. And then Selena praying for not only her home country Ukraine but for Russia. Spot on. The people are not the problem. It’s the evil one. And I join you in praying that God’s will be done in both countries because God is in charge. He has a plan. We need to trust Him and just keep praying for those precious people. God bless you all in Jesus’ name.

Good morning family it’s Soaring on Eagles wings from Canada. Sean from the UK I am so pleased that you called in, shared the temptations you’re undergoing, and your inability to resist them. Yet you have the knowledge of God’s word because you quoted them. So, in order to resist the enemy, you have to stand firm in God’s word and be ready to defeat it when it comes knocking at your door. I want to read a scripture for you today. It’s in Joshua 1:8 verse 8 9b. Do not let this word of the Lord depart from your mouth. Meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Abba Father, I bring Sean to you. You see the struggles he’s having. And I pray Lord that You would just guide him, help him to be an overcomer. Today I want to speak the name of Jesus over Sean. Break the addiction that is within him and declaring that he has hope and freedom in Jesus. God’s name it’s powerful, its healing, its life. So, Lord I ask that You would break the strongholds over Sean’s life, that he will be free to serve You in truth and righteousness. Bless him today and remind him that You’re always with him. Sean, I love you and I’m praying for you.

03/03/2022 DAB Transcript

Leviticus 27:14- Numbers 1:54, Mark 11:1-26, Psalms 46:1-11, Proverbs 10:23

Today is the 3rd day of March welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is great to be here with you today as we continue the journey and gather around the Global Campfire and find our place and exhale and relax and allow the Scriptures to speak to us. It’s a little bit of a special day today. We’re going to finish a book. We’re going to finish the book of Leviticus and the giving of the law and one of the books that lots of people think lasts forever and ever. But we have navigated, and we will be coming to the conclusion of the book of Leviticus today and then entering the book of Numbers. And then when we get there to the book of Numbers, we’ll talk a little bit about what we’re going to read as we navigate Numbers. And, so, let’s dive in. We’ll pick up where we left off yesterday. Leviticus chapter 27 verse 14 through the end of the book and then we’ll begin Numbers and read chapter 1 verses 1 through 54 today.

Introduction to the book of Numbers:

Okay, so that’s the conclusion to the book of Leviticus which brings us to the opening of the book of Numbers. And as we enter into Numbers, we’re gonna…it’s gonna feel a little a little like déjà vu, like haven’t we covered some of this before? And the truth is, yes, some of this we have covered before, but we are in a transition now. We’re beginning…like the second generation is beginning to grow up and it is now time to go to the promised land. And, so, there is some review about the expectations because now the law isn’t being given. Now they have this. Now it’s not a concept or a book. It’s something that they have to live. And they need to begin to live it now as they head toward the promised land so that they can enter into the promised land and establish all of this in the land of promise. And God continues to remind them as He does through the entire Torah that He is holy, and He expects His people to be holy. And, so, as we enter into this, like the first nine chapters are going to be some review and some structure being put into place. Like I said, it’s time to move into the promised land. So, we’ll see censuses being taken, laws being given, review of laws, we’ll…we’ll see the purification celebrations happening. And then it’s time and we’ll see some spies sent into the promised land, this mythic land that we’ve been moving toward for centuries. So, we got to go into the promised land with Abraham. We saw the land get promised. We were in that land with Isaac and Jacob. But we ended up in Egypt for four centuries. And since the children of Israel have been delivered from slavery in Egypt they’ve been in the wilderness. So, we haven’t been back into that land since Jacob. And, so, spies are sent into the land to scope it out, find out what’s going on. What’s there? What does it look like? Who’s there? Do they have walls in their cities? What are the people like? The things…reconnaissance, basically. What’s going on here? And what are we moving into? And, so, they await the spies return so that they can prepare and the spies come back with messages and some very crucial critical decisions have to be made and they carry great weight in the story. But we’ll get there soon enough. And, so, let’s begin. Numbers chapter 1.


Okay. So, we’ve already talked about the book of Numbers and moved into that new territory. Just one thing to point out from the Gospel of Mark today because we passed our relatively famous passage of Scripture, right? “Whoever says to this mountain, be lifted up and thrown into the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. Therefore, I tell you everything that you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours.” And that is typically where the quotation and the point ends except for in the Bible. The Bible actually goes on to finish the paragraph and it’s really really important to entering into what Jesus is saying. And, so, I want to…even though I just read it really fast…I want us to absorb the full passage what Jesus actually said. And I quote, “have faith in God. Amen I tell you, whoever says to this mountain, be lifted up and thrown into the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. Therefore, I tell you everything that you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours. Whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive your sins. But if you do not forgive your Father in heaven will not forgive your sins.” We have encountered these kinds of statements before. There’s a reason we encounter these concepts many times. It’s because they’re very very important to how this faith journey works, life with God works. And, so, we have talked about forgiveness before. Where we found it in the Gospel of Matthew was the very next thing Jesus said after the Lord’s prayer. Here we find it in the Gospel of Mark. Forgiveness is not optional. It may take time. It may be a process but it’s not optional in God’s kingdom because when we harbor unforgiveness then we do have something between us and someone else. Freedom is that we don’t have that. We don’t have anything between us anyone else. If we can even imagine what that would be like, but it would be freedom. That begins in us not in the one that we think has offended us. It begins in us with an act of forgiveness. And we’ve already talked about this before. That doesn’t mean we deny or suppress what we think happened or what did happen or that we ignore it or that we just say it didn’t matter it did. Forgiveness isn’t about that. It’s about our freedom. It’s about us unchaining ourselves from that offense and releasing it to God. God will judge this. God will take care of this. We untangle ourselves so we don’t have anything between us and that person anymore, which doesn’t mean that we have dinner every night or that we meet once a month and try to talk through things. Maybe it does. Maybe it doesn’t. What it means is there’s nothing chaining us to that person anymore. We have released it to God, and we have hidden ourselves in Christ releasing these things and allowing the Holy Spirit to mend and comfort and heal us. That activates things like Jesus is talking about, that whatever we ask, believing that we have received it, it will be ours. Maybe the first place to start believing that we have received it and it will be ours would be forgiveness, believing that we can do this, believing that we can release this incident, this event, this person to God, just believing that it’s possible is the first step toward achieving the impossible. And, so, let’s give that some thought today.


Jesus, we love You. We thank You for this. This is one of the hardest things for us. We have memories. We can look back into the past and we can hold onto things that have happened back there and carry them forward into the present and into the future. And it’s hard for us not to do that. But You are inviting us to be free from all of the energy that that takes to maintain. And, so, the first step is to believe that it’s possible. And we believe that it’s possible. And, so, come Holy Spirit into these broken places in us that are attached to events or people and lovingly and carefully as we trust in You like a little child would, untether us from these things so we open ourselves to release them to You, we pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.


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And, of course, as always if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app and that will work wherever there is an Internet connection no matter where you are in the world or there are a number of numbers that you can dial if you want to use the phone. In the Americas 877-942-4253 is number to call. If you are in the UK or Europe 44-20-3608-8078 is the number to dial. And if you are in Australia or that part of the world 61-3-8820-5459 is the number to dial.

And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Greetings Daily Audio Bible family I’m calling as Patrick from Malta. I’m here with Maria my wife and we’re praying today for the tragic events in Ukraine. It’s the 27th of February and I don’t know what it would have progressed you by now, but it seems like it could escalate very badly. I know Jesus said they'll…they’ll be wars and rumors of wars and these things must happen but don’t let your heart be troubled. But just seeing the suffering and it just seems so unnecessary. And to see this man just lead so many people into suffering and bring like a dark cloud upon the nations and possibly the world upon Europe. And I’m just praying Lord that You would be set upon this, that You would be in control, and that You would have Your way, that Your will be done. We…we don’t want to see any suffering. I experienced a revolution 36 years ago in the Philippines where it was a peaceful resolution revolution. There was no bloodshed and the military actually turned around and joined the people. And that’s my prayer, that the military, that their conscience would be…would be pricked, that the soldiers themselves the generals, the army. I’m sure there are so many people in Russia that do not want this war and yet maybe are pressured by fear. We just pray that there would be a turnaround in their hearts, and we pray for peace and Jesus’ name. Amen.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible family this is Egbert from California by the way of Belize, city of Belize. I haven’t called in for quite a while. Just enjoying a mountain top experience with the Lord working in and through my life. And at this point I’ve held onto the name Giant Slayer for a while just thinking about David and his experience with Goliath. And right now, I need the prayers of the Saints to pray for me to strengthen me to continue this pilgrim journey that we’re all on. And I covet your prayers. I pray for you every day and I’m just thankful that we have this community. A shout out to the Hardin family, Biola, Blind Tony, Delta Alpha Foxtrot and all the other members from earlier on. I covet the prayers of everyone. I thank God for the new members as the community continues to expand globally as we are continually preparing ourselves daily for the return of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ that made the ultimate sacrifice for us. So, please pray for me that God would strengthen me. We all fall but we get up. And as we continue this journey and this battle, we know that we have the victory in Jesus Christ. Whatever the enemy comes to us with we know that God will make a way where there seems to be no way. God bless and make it a great day. Love you all. Amen.

This is from treasure to treasure, and I ask my DAB community to please go to the Lord and plead my case before Him and ask the heavenly Father to come with vengeance against the enemy for all that he has stolen from me and asked the Lord to allow me to have a blessing in place of my sorrow and anguish. Thank you for lifting me to the throne of Christ.

Hi DAB family this is Tom from Australia, and my call is for Jackie from Canada who doubts that her calls or even being heard. She has a struggling business and has been trying unsuccessfully to have children. Jackie, I want to say that I hear you. I’m a traveler on that same road. I started a business back in 2014 and it has struggled. A few years ago, I went back to 9 to 5 job to make ends meet while trying to continue with the business after work hours and…and on weekends. My wife has…has been helping as well doing the same thing.  We’ve basically been burning the candle at both ends with very little to show in the business for our efforts. So, I’ve made the decision that, not to…we’re going to mothball the business and just focus on our health and our day jobs. But now we’re facing an uncertain future with our…with our day jobs as well, both my wife and I. We’ve been married for coming on 16 years and we haven’t been able to have children in that time. So, we’ve been through that valley of heartache and disappointment, and we’ve come to the point of surrendering the outcome to the Lord and not just for having children but with our day jobs and with the business as well. We feel like we’re in the wilderness, but we also feel His presence at the same time. Jackie, just know that I’m praying for you from the depths of my heart as someone that can identify with your journey. Heavenly Father I ask You to fill Jackie with Your peace and surround her with Your love. Give her a tangible sense of Your presence and comfort and also Your guidance. And Father I ask You to bless her business and if it be Your will to bless Jackie with children. I ask all this in a loving name of Jesus our Lord and savior.

Hey everybody I’ve called a handful of times over the years to pray for people and that’s what I love about this family is now I am in need of prayer. I just jumped in the car and I’m going from Oregon down to Southern California because my mom has maybe had a stroke and we don’t know what’s going on and the doctors don’t know what’s going on. So, I’m on my way down. I will be listening to DAB probably for the next 12 hours even though I’m caught up, but will you join me in prayer for her? Her name is Kathy and I’m praying for healing in the name of Jesus asking for a touch on her body for wisdom for the doctors to figure out what’s going on right now, that she would have restored vision and restored words and that she would be able to tell what’s going on and that her body would miraculously be healed in the name of Jesus right now as I’m driving. Father keep me safe on this trip down. Speak to her heart God. Keep her from fear. Let her know that You’re with her, that You are speaking on her behalf and that You’re fighting for her. Father, thank You for my mom. Thank You for the beautiful woman that she is. Be with Kathy right now. Fill her with Your Spirit. I place her in Your hands Father, in Your very capable and good hands. Amen.

03/02/2022 DAB Transcript

Leviticus 25:47-27:13, Mark 10:32-52, Psalms 45:1-17, Proverbs 10:22

Today is the 2nd day of March welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today as we get moved into this brand-new month that we find ourselves in, the third month of the year. And I’m having a hard time believing that it’s the third month the here already. It seems like we just got started, but here we are day-by-day, step-by-step. And, so, let’s continue the journey. We’re reading from the Evangelical Heritage Version this week and picking up where we left off yesterday in the book of Leviticus. Today, Chapter 25 verse 47 through 27 verse 13.


Okay. So, in the Gospel of Mark we are on our way with Jesus and His disciples and those following along toward Jerusalem. This is not just any trip to Jerusalem. This is the trip that Jesus will be arrested, and He won’t leave before He dies and is resurrected. And we talked about some of this as we went through the Gospel of Matthew, and we will talk about it every time that we encounter it because there’s only four times that we’ll encounter this territory. And there’s a lot for us to learn about what it is supposed to look like, what our lives are actually supposed to be shaped like and oriented toward in this long walk to Jerusalem. And, so, we encountered the story today of James and John wanting to be on His…on Jesus left and right when He enters His glory. In the Gospel of Matthew, it's…it’s their mom that does the asking. In the gospel of Mark, they’re asking themselves. But that ask and Jesus’ response gives us the shape of life and an understanding of authority in a different way and God’s kingdom. So, they are expecting something to happen in Jerusalem. Jesus has explicitly told them what’s going to happen, but the Gospels tell us that they don’t…they don’t get it. They don’t understand what He’s saying. And, so, they are expecting something to happen. And in their worldview the Messiah does things. And what they want the Messiah to do what they are expecting the Messiah to do if He were to come in their time would be to defeat Rome or at least to defeat it to the point that all of the Romans and all the Roman things, the Roman culture, any kind of inbred culture would be pushed out, pushed away and that the land will be restored completely to God. And, so, if there is even a remote chance that this is gonna happen then they want on the ground floor. Like, they have left everything to follow Jesus. They believe in Him. And, so, when He comes into His kingdom or into His glory and things get set in motion they want to be there in authority on His right and on His left. Of course, He tells them that’s not it His to give, but they will have to drink from the same cup that he is about to drink from. And then there is this teaching moment about authority in God’s kingdom, about kinda climbing the ladder of success, as it were in God’s kingdom. Trying to be the one on the right or the left, trying to be the one that’s seen, trying to be the one…trying to be the one that’s famous. Jesus says, “look” and I quote, “you know that those who are considered rulers over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great one’s exercise authority over them. But that is not the way it is to be among you. Instead, whoever wants to be great among you will be your servant and whoever wants to be the first among you will be a slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many.” That is a very, very, very different posture and look at the world than the way we normally look at things and the way that our cultures operate. What Jesus is telling his disciples, and we are also His disciples friends, is that we must lead with humility, that we must serve and that is actually leadership. Not the big bluster and authority and commands and demands. But leading by example two humility, this is what is supposed to be common and utterly normal among disciples, among the body of Christ, among those who follow Jesus. And it’s not like we weren’t just kind of talking about this even yesterday. It’s not like we haven’t encountered this before. But we’re encountering it over and over for reason. This is really really important because all…all of our climbing and all our demands and all of our condescension and all of our arrogance, this doesn’t do anything in God’s kingdom. This is just us operating in the culture where Jesus is saying this is totally different way to do this. Humble yourselves. Watch what you do and say. Understand that you are commissioned as an ambassador of the king, the most high king, the most high God. You are commissioned as an ambassador. You are carrying the authority of heaven, not to rule over people or condescend to people or demand things of people, to serve people with the same posture that our Father has toward us. Love, love, and more love. Patience, long-suffering, kindness. We could name all of the fruits of the Spirit. These are the things that are to be cultivated within us. These concepts aren’t going to go away, at least in the Bible. We can close the Bible and walk away from them, but they’re not going to go away in the Bible. This is the posture of God’s people. This is what things are supposed to look like. And that is very different than what we get seduced into in our culture. And, so, let’s just give some thought, right, some time, some openhearted time to what we’re actually after here, what we’re going for. What do we get if we win? What is this supposed to look like if we continue on the journey that we’re on? And maybe it’s time to get on a different path, the narrow one, the one that leads to life, the one that few ever find.


Holy Spirit, come into this because these postures that we learn by example from the Savior and from His lips, they show us the posture that we are to assume in our lives, and we confess that although we walk that path from time to time many times, we’re nowhere near it. And that has got to change. We must consistently walk in a straight line toward the goal of being holy and set apart and available to You to be Your hands and feet in this world, which means we got to pry our gripping hands off of some things and let them go. Show us what that’s supposed to look like for us because this can make remarkable remarkable change in the rest of this year. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In the name of Jesus we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com, that is home base and it is the website and its where you find out what’s going on around here.

What is going on around here right now around the world is that today is…is a special day on the Christian calendar. This is known as Ash Wednesday. And, so, for some of you, you’re well aware of that. This is the beginning of the season of lent and maybe you’re attending a Ash Wednesday service of some sort today during the day or this evening. But you also may be like, what are you talking about? This is like all new to me. I don’t know. But maybe you have been at a gas station or in a grocery store somewhere and you’ve seen people with ashes rubbed on their forehead. That is because they have gone to some type of service or some kind of observance and had those ashes applied to their foreheads. And they walk around. It’s sort of like a modern-day expression of sackcloth and ashes, which is a symbol of what can be a symbol of mourning, but of repentance, of humbling oneself. And, so, those ashes, they represent our awareness of how undeserving that we are in and of ourselves to have any hope in any way of being made right before God. It is through Jesus that these things are possible, but this season that begins on Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent and brings us all the way until Easter morning. Is a season of repentance and a season of contemplation and a season of withdrawing from ourselves some things that can be very, very distracting to us focusing on the fact that it cost something precious to give us what we take easily for granted. And that is the ability to enter boldly into the presence of God as a son or a daughter. The season of Lent, leading us to such an important day, resurrection day, the day that we hang all of our hopes on, that Jesus rose from the dead, victorious. Before we just celebrate that there is a season that allows us to focus on what it cost. And a lot of times you hear people say, yeah, I’m given up the nightly news for Lent or I’m giving up chocolate candy bars for Lent or…or whatever. Fasting is definitely part of it, withholding from ourselves certain gratifications or pleasure, something that we withdraw from so that when we think of that thing and it’s missing from our lives right now, we are reminded, we are focusing on something. We are giving our hearts to contemplating what it cost, what sin does to us, what sin is doing to our species, what sin does to humans. Because at its most basic level, it separates us from God. And we were not made that way. And, so, certainly if you’re observing Lent and candy bars are the thing that will help you remember that the most, then certainly follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. Really what we’re doing by withholding something from our lives or fasting from something in our lives is to begin to be aware that everything needs to be on the table, everything about us. It’s a time where we humble ourselves under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and open our hands, just open our hands and walk openhanded and say I am nothing without You, I have learned the lesson of the wilderness. I am utterly dependent upon You. And, so, whatever I’m holding onto, whatever is in my life I offer up to You. And not everything is bad in our lives. Like, we have some things that we struggle with that we know we shouldn’t be doing or we shouldn’t be involved in or that we need to move away from or that they are simply not helpful or healthy. We know those things. But to be openhanded and say even the good things, maybe I have subtly and slowly put something between You and I Lord. And this thing is good thing and belongs in my life but I’m putting it in a place that makes it idol in my life, which makes it a profoundly bad thing for me. I need You to shift the furniture of my life around. I need You to move in what needs to be here and I need You to move out with does not, and I open my hands and I humble myself openly before You as I contemplate the fact that You gave everything for me, and I didn’t deserve anything, and You didn’t owe anyone anything. Your love would not stop pursuing me and I will have nothing between us because anything between us is not healthy. This is the essence of the season of Lent that leads us to resurrection day, and we get to resurrection day…well…when we reach Holy week and Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday and Holy Saturday and then Easter Sunday. But if we have been contemplating, if we have been preparing our hearts to move through those days, then we can fully celebrate and rejoice on Easter because we have been contemplating how sin separates us from God and how sin brings us to death, but that we have been rescued from that outcome because of what Easter represents, the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. And, so, that’s where we find ourselves in the year so far. That’s the season that we are moving into. You won’t find Lent or anything like that in the Bible although you’ll certainly find the principles of fasting, withdrawing, and humbling ourselves and getting rid of the idols and all of the things that we just talked about are certainly in the Bible. But Lent is a season where that is consolidated, and it’s been this way for well over a millennia. It’s certainly not a command in the Scriptures. And, so, we’re not trying to any way say you need to observe Lent. I didn’t grow up observing Lent. But I do now. It’s meaningful to me. There is a rhythm to it. It has made Easter a lot more than, you know, looking for hidden eggs or candy baskets or for that matter even just jumping up and down and singsong songs of victory over death. And when you have really really contemplated that you shouldn’t be here, you don’t deserve what God has giving you, but He has loved you. Well…that’s that causes love to well up inside of our hearts in gratitude and it’s meaningful as we use a season to do that. So, that’s what’s going on around here. And if you want to do it and embrace Lent, then do it. If it’s not your thing and you don’t want to, then don’t. But it is a season that our brothers and sisters have been observing for an awfully long time because it can be very meaningful. And that is Ash Wednesday and the season of Lent that we’re moving into.

And that is it for today. I am Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hey DAB family this is Beloved in Texas and I just wanted to reach out to Shenna from Saskatchewan, just lift you up in prayer sister. I know that maybe the court thing has already gone through, but I just wanted to lift you up because I may not know the specific situation but the struggle to not stay in bed and cry, I totally get that, and I just wanted to lift you up in prayer. I just wanna pray for supernatural peace and understanding over you. I just pray for joy…just joy beyond measure in the midst of whatever circumstance in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Good morning DAB this is Nola calling from Grants Pass OR. Today I would like for the DAB family to all come together in a prayer to our Lord that we lift up the Ukraine nation right now Lord and we just ask that Your hand be upon it. Be with the people that are going to be displaced from their homes and from their cities and from their jobs and the list goes on. So, I just ask our family, the DAB family to come together and pray for this nation. We know Lord, we have our trust in You and our faith in You. So, we just ask Lord that You just please cover this nation. In Your most precious name Lord. Amen. Thank you DAB family. Thank you, Brian for this ministry. It has been such a blessing to so many thousands of people. God bless you and your family.

Hi this is Andy from Birmingham I just wanted to call in and respond to prayer request from Kim made in the 25th of Feb. I related to what you said so much, and I think of my own family. My family aren’t believers, and we have a situation I never thought would happen with my dad and I haven’t seen him since 2016. And we…we speak now on birthdays and Christmas and that’s it. So, I wanted to pray for you because I think the one thing I found with it, it’s left me with anxiety. And I don’t know whether I’ll see my dad before he dies. I’m not quite sure. That aside, as God gave me a moment earlier in the week when it was difficult and what He did was He showed me a picture of me as a child and it really felt real and He was the Father and I was able to hug Him. And that embrace, that just was so profound. And…and…and the thing…and then what I said to Him was I want to come home. And I guess I…if…if anything you know that He's…He’s your father and He…He will give you the best embrace and He will comfort you through situations you don’t understand why they’re happening maybe or…or that that you haven’t put in place yourself. So, you know, I will pray for you and…and God bless you.

Hey family this is Lazarus feeling today and felt like a while the worst the worst of…worst sinners. So, come to you with confessions and I come to with prayers today. I’ve not been able to breathe for almost a week now since being informed that…well…that I finally lost my ability to…to have a company. Long story but I screwed it up. I…in my pride again, I did it myself and I made every wrong move possible. And just came to a point where the government said no. Done. So, now I’m staring out into a brave new world at the age of 69 trying to fix things that are way broken. I’m cleaning my heart and my soul. So, I just need your prayers. I don’t have a dime for retirement and I’m now probably I have a…I’m challenged but I have His hand. I’m in His hands. I have His help and His commitment that He and I walk out together every day. So, I’m just ready to go through a new door with Jesus and encourage everybody who is going into some tough times, that’s the way to look at the way to pray for. Ask, seek, knock, right? So, thank you everyone. Thank you for praying. Yeah, for Val in Vegas. Worst I’ve ever heard you baby. I lift you up. Victoria Soldier, Blind Tony, Brian and Jill and…and everybody. We pray together and we form an incredible vibration full of the Holy Spirit, full of God. And I just hope that I pray for all of us that we have more courage to reach out. And that’s what I’ve been doing recently. I’ve just been preaching and it’s amazing the effect it has on others and on yourself on your heart. So, God bless you. I’m out.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible family this is Elder Cambre from __ and I’m calling in this morning to give encouragement to those who have called in with their issues, fear, circumstances, their need for healing. Father God we come before Your presence this morning Lord God giving You thanks, giving You praise, giving You the honor and the glory and thanking You for who You are and thanking You Father God for being our God. Father God we put each and every one in front of You this morning Lord God and we ask Father God that You grant them their needs Lord according to Your will Lord God. Help them Father God to focus on You, to keep You…to put You first Father God and to always give You thanks, the praise, the honor, and the glory. All these things we pray in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

03/01/2022 DAB Transcript

Leviticus 24:1-25:46, Mark 10:13-31, Psalms 44:9-26, Provers 10:20-21

Today is the 1st day of March welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian and it’s great to be here with you today as we greet the threshold, the brand-new beginning of a brand-new month. We’ve never lived this month. We’ve lived other March’s, but not this one. And there’s a story to tell. Out there, the story of this month. How are we gonna tell it. We’re gonna tell it with the choices that we make and the words that we say and the actions that…that we enact. And one of the ways that we can shepherd that, shepherd ourselves is by pouring the word of God into our lives each and every day. And that’s what we do here around the Global Campfire. So, it’s exciting to step through this threshold into the third month of the year, day 60 of our journey of 365 days. And even though we’re stepping into a new threshold in a brand-new month we’ll pick up right where we left off, working our way through the book of Leviticus and the giving of the law. And, so, today Leviticus chapter 24 verse 1, to 25 verse 46.


Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You for bringing us safely here to this threshold, stepping into this brand-new month, this third month of the year on our journey. And we look back over the first two months and thank You. Thank You. You have rescued us, You have given us wisdom, You have helped us, You have redeemed us and we are grateful, and we are grateful for the instruction. But if we just hear the word but don’t become doers, something that we’ll learn about later in the Scriptures, if it’s just words it’s not doing anything but when those words go inside of us and begin to move around and they begin to become concepts to us and they begin to become realities to us than transformation is happening and that is what we’re looking for. And, so, even in the story in the Gospel of Mark today we’re Jesus, You talk about the little children coming to You, the same thing that we were talking about yesterday. Give us this heart. Give us the heart of a child when it comes to You and give us the wisdom to navigate this world with all of its splendor, but with all of its evil. But when it comes to You may our hearts be pure, trusting like a little child. You are our source. Whenever we can’t see You may we get like a little child looking for his parents. We don’t want to be out of Your sight. We don’t want to wander anywhere ever again. We want to walk with You and You want to walk with us and that is staggering. And, so, as we walk together into this month help us humble ourselves before You and trust like a child even as we move forward in our days. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.


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If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, humble and profound thanks. Thank you. We are a community, and we…we wouldn’t be that or anything else if we weren’t in it together. And, so, thank you deeply for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you are using the app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that would be the little red button at the top that looks like a…sort of like hotline button or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I am Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hello DAB family this is B from Mississippi and today, today, today, today makes…today is February 23rd, 2022. Today makes four years that they found the tumor on my brain. You guys, I am happy that God spared my life. And it just tells me that I am here for a reason because people some people don't…don’t or didn’t get the outcome that I got. No, my vision is not 2020 but it will be. I’m happy that I’m here and I wanna lift up Val from Vegas. Val, I love you. Happy belated birthday. And I wanna lift up everybody that’s dealing with mental illness, depression, anxiety, anything. I lift you guys all up. And we have to understand we’re in…even myself. And I want to thank Kingdom Seeker Seeking Daniel for his prayer. You guys our faith has got to be bigger than our fear and I thank you so much Lord God that you spared my life. There’s a purpose for my life and there’s a purpose for all of our lives. Ad your plan is the best plan for our life and we wanna just thank…thank the Brown family, the Hardin family for this podcast. I love you guys. This is B from Mississippi.

Hi this is Dave, David the beloved child of God in Northern California. I call myself that to remind myself because it…it’s not it’s not in my heart completely. Anyways the reason I’m calling in is because I need prayer about my anger issues. It’s been a continual battle for me over the last…probably most of my life but definitely the past couple of years, especially towards my…my daughter and son in law. And they’re coming to visit. So, when you hear this message they will probably be in my home with me for a couple days. And I’m anxious about them coming because they trigger me and make me upset and they… Anyways, it’s not about their actions it’s about my anger. Please pray that the Lord will uproot this bitterness inside of me. Brian was talking the other day about being clean and unclean and how sores underneath the skin and mold and mildew below the surface can cause so much destruction. And that is apropos for my anger issue. It is exactly something that is festering, and I need help. So…and I need prayer. So, I’m praying for anyone else dealing with issues in anger and their…their tension and their relationships with their adult children. I get it. And I ask that you be praying when you hear this message because my kids will probably be in my home. So, pray for peace and honesty and love and that the Lord would be glorified. Thank you.

Hello everybody this is God’s Smile here and Peter’s here too. And Tom. Tom’s here. We’re gonna __ We’ve got all the __ lined up and we’re gonna put our feet up and give it to our Lord. We’re gonna __  Him we are. Let’s sing. Ready? Yeah. [singing starts] Father, I place into Your hands things I cannot do. Father I place into Your hands the things that I’ve been through. Father I place into Your hands the way that I should go for I know I always can trust You. Father I place into Your hands, friends and family. Father I place into Your hands the things that trouble me. Father I place into Your hands the person I would be. Lord I know I always can trust You. Father we love to see Your face we love to hear Your voice. Father we love to sing Your praise and in Your name rejoice. Hallelujah!!! Father we love to work with You and in Your pleasure trust for we know we always can trust You. Father I want to be with You and do the things You do. Father I want to speak the words that You are speaking to. Father I want to love with __ You for I know __ one with You [singing stops]. Oh!!! 3 seconds kiss kiss. Bye-bye.

Hello this is Joel from Texas I just wanted to call and pray for Jimmy from the East Coast I believe is your name. I was working and I just stopped here and wanted to pray for you. So, Father I pray for my friend right now who is dealing with various attacks Lord various loneliness or whatever exactly Lord You know better than even he does God what he’s going through. I just pray that he would know that there’s people who are lifting him up and experiencing Lord a lot of the same things Lord, but we have encouragement in Christ our solid rock all other ground is sinking sand. Jesus help us to keep our eyes fixed on You and to surround my brother today with Your love Your provision Your closeness. Help him to be aware of Your presence in Jesus’ name Lord make him a man of encouragement to many and give him a testimony Lord through this trial that he’s going through in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Hey DAB fam this is Preston from the Bay Area I’m calling to lift up Daniel Johnson Junior. Father we lift up Daniel to you. We just ask that your Holy Spirit would please strengthen him, that your Holy Spirit would just be with him in this…in this journey working at…working with seniors. Father we ask that Your Holy Spirit would lead him to be what his employee…employers are seeking him to be at the job and that he would be able to meet and exceed their expectations in what they…what they want. We lift all of this up in Your precious name Jesus Christ we pray. Amen. I have a prayer request. So, my wife Miriam joined the National Guard, she’s off at boot camp she’ll be gone at bootcamp and at technical school until June and that leaves me as a single dad with a one-year-old. His name is Samuel. I just ask that you guys would lift me up and prayer. I’ve been struggling with lustful thoughts. And, you know, it’s hard being a…you know, with my wife away it’s tough. I’m also struggling with just a host of other things with paperwork and getting insurance figured out for, you know, various things. I just asked that you guys would lift me up. Thanks so much.