06/13/2022 DAB Transcript

1 Kings 11:1-12:19, Acts 9:1-25, Psalms 131:1-3, Proverbs 17:4-5

Today is the 13th day of June welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is great to be here with you today, great to be here with you any day, great to be here with you every day as we move forward in the Scriptures and take the next step forward together. And that next step of course will lead us back into the book of first Kings. We are enjoying a time of peace and prosperity in the nation of Israel. And as we’ve talked about on a number of occasions this really is the pinnacle of the experience that we worked from Abraham all the way through all of the trials of the children of Israel until now and Solomon brings them to their finest hour. And we’ve been enjoying that for a couple of days watching all of the developments in Israel. Today is where we kinda begin to make the turn. Things begin to slide in the wrong direction and we’ll see that as we go forward. Today first Kings chapter 11 verse 1 through 12 verse 19.


Okay. So, we have some fairly profound transitions that have taken place in the Bible today in both old and new Testaments in our reading. In the book of first Kings, we have come to the hand of King Solomon’s reign, and we see that the end of his reign and his latter years were years in which he drifted and fell away from God. It was his foreign wives who worshiped other gods, grew up worshiping other gods, but he took them as wives and provided for their worship in the country of Israel to false gods and made that available and drifted away. So, like this wisest person on earth who brings Israel to their mountaintop experience doesn’t finish well. The wisest man in the world didn’t finish well. That’s pretty monumental to even consider, especially after all we read about who Solomon was and what he knew and what he accomplished. But his wives seduced his heart away from God, and he finished poorly, and God came to Solomon and stripped the kingdom away. And He didn’t do it in his lifetime, but He told him He would strip it away in the lifetime of his son. Well, we met that son, the successor to the throne. His name was Rehoboam. We also read the story of a man named Jeroboam who a prophet came and told him that he would to be the king of 10 of the tribes of Israel one day. When Solomon found out about that he tried to kill Jeroboam, who had to flee and live in exile in Egypt until Solomon died. But when Solomon died, Jeroboam returned and was a spokesperson for the people when they came to ratify Rehoboam as the King over all of the tribes of Israel, the united tribes of Israel, as it were. And this was said to take place at Shechem. And we just read the story. The people asked Rehoboam to simply lighten up on the expectations, the taxation, the workload and they would serve him as their king. He sought counsel. He got good advice that he should honor and serve the people in this way. He got bad advice from the friends that he grew up that he should act like a tough guy. And that’s what he decided to do, act like a tough guy. And, so, he told Israel not only was he not going to make their burden lighter he was going to make it heavier. If they thought that his father Solomon was tough, they had no idea what was coming, basically, and 10 of the tribes revolted. We’ll have to see how this all plays out. But like yesterday we were reading the mountaintop experience of Israel and Queen Sheba coming to visit and his wisdom being renowned all over the world one day later the whole thing is falling apart. Solomon’s died. He did not finish well. His son, Rehoboam succeeded him on the throne, but now out of the 12 tribes of Israel 10 have deserted and begun a rebellion against Rehoboam. That is indeed pretty dramatic, and transitional material that we read today, and we will continue with the story tomorrow.

In the book of Acts we also have some incredible drama and transition taking place in the life of a man named Saul who had been a witness at the stoning to death of Stephen. And we read of Stephen’s testimony, and then he got to the very very end of his testimony and connected the story to Jesus and essentially told all of the council that they were responsible for what they had done, and they killed Stephen over it. Saul was a witness to this. He saw it happen. He was glad about it. Stephen was the first recorded martyr for the name of Jesus. Blood was spilled in the name of Jesus to stamp out the followers of Jesus, and Saul was pretty glad about that. He was zealous to stamp this name of Jesus out and got authorization to travel to other cities, including Damascus which is where he was on his way when a light shone down upon him, blinding him and forcing him to the ground. And we just read this. He met Jesus who asked him, why are you persecuting me, why are you attacking me? And Saul is basically like, who are you? And Jesus is like I’m Jesus. Go into Damascus and wait for the…for the next instructions. And, so, that’s what Saul did. Blind, couldn’t see, wouldn’t eat, wouldn’t drink, just seen a vision of Jesus. You can only imagine what is going on in Saul’s heart and mind. Everything is being reframed. And a person name Ananias is sent by the Lord to lay his hands on Saul and give him his sight back which is what happens. And Saul is baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus and goes to the synagogues that he was intending to go to in order to hunt down followers of Jesus and instead speaks in the name of Jesus. We already know very likely that this Saul is the one who will become Paul the apostle. A incredibly dramatic transition in Saul’s life and in the life of the early church. And the reverberations of this echo until this very day. We will be spending a lot of time with the apostle Paul as we continue in the New Testament.


Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You for the transitions that we see in Your word. Sometimes those transitions are a downward spiral and sometimes they are a dramatic victory, and we were able to witness one of each in today’s reading. And, so, Holy Spirit we ask that You plant this in our lives as we transition through these stories and move into what comes next. Lead and guide us by the power of Your Holy Spirit we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


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Check out the different sections. Check out like the Community section. This is where to get connected on the different social media channels that we participate on the Daily Audio Bible. And, so, I don’t know…things like the Daily Audio Bible Facebook page. That's…if you’re going through the Bible in a year that’s a good thing to follow if there is an alert or release, an announcement, it’s good to know that. But then there also community groups like DAB friends, like the DAB women’s group. So, check that out. It’s in the Community section. And you can find different places to get connected. You will also notice that there’s the Prayer Wall there in the Community section. And it lives there, and it has lived there for many many many many many years and it is an always on, never off resource available to us. We are praying for one another all of the time. And, so, you can go and share your story, share what burdens are crushing you right now and allow brothers and sisters to pray. Or maybe just go there and things are going well, and you offer prayers for those who are struggling right now. Praying for one another is something that we do around here, something that knits us together in love. And, so, definitely be familiar with the Prayer Wall in the Community section.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible thank you. If this mission to continue reading the word of God fresh every day and offering it to anyone who will listen anywhere on this planet any time of day or night, and to build community around that rhythm so that we know we’re not alone and we don’t have to feel alone because we’re not alone. If that’s life-giving to you than thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit Hotline button in the app. That’s the red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi DAB this is Prairie Sky. I haven’t called in a while but I’m going through a really rough time again. My depression is really taking a nosedive lately. I’m having trouble to keep going. I’ve really having trouble finding friends making and keeping relationships and just finding a reason to stay living. I could really use some prayer right now. Thanks.

Morning it’s Eyes of a Dove. Yesterday on one of my job sites the construction bucket…actually it was Wednesday, today’s Friday June the 10th…somebody wrote that they were going to shoot everybody dead on our job site in Bellevue WA and that it would happen today and that he felt sorry for anyone that would show up today. So, they’ve closed down the job site. We’re investigating active shooting as it’s prevalent since the Texas shooting incident and now it’s just all these shootings and deaths everywhere right? And as I drive to work this morning is weighs heavy on my heart and I just pray for everybody at that Bellevue Plaza a job site that they’d be safe today although they are shut down the safety team is there investigating. Just pray for everybody on that job site. __ a hedge protection around them. And Father I pray for the gentleman that has threatened to kill people. Father I pray that You get into his heart right now, today as he thinks about this being that day. Pray for him that he seeks help, that he finds a way to deescalate his anger and that he finds You Jesus and so that the demonic is not a source of his activity but that You are in his life spring. And Father I pray for ember mini me Braden Ryland and all of our children that are attending school today in Lord Jesus. Put angels around the boundaries of their schools. Put a legion of agent angels Lord God. Protect and shelter every single student that is at school today. Father that You would provide in the budget, security they can watch over our dear ones and Father that You would be loud in the years of the children if there’s an active shooter they’d know to run and hide and not be in crowds…

Hey everyone, this is Robert and Alabama. This prayer is for Vicki in Texas. Just wanted to let you know you’re not alone. My wife and I have been taking care of my mother for multiple years now. My mother and I have always had a strained relationship but just recently had a major bearing through and it’s not surprising that the devil came calling, he attacked us by supposedly missing finances, supposedly harsh treatment of my mother. And of course, these are all my family members. I pray for you today, Vicki, I really do in Jesus’ name. We have been totally vindicated on any missing money, totally vindicated that we do not treat my mother poorly. And the family members accusing us didn’t even have the decency to say we’re sorry we accused you. Because we had a meeting that they chased destroyed us. Our hearts are so broken. And we just sat there and took it. It reminds me of the feelings that Jesus must have had when he was taking all the abuse verbally physically how we just turned the other cheek. And I felt like I can’t turn my cheek anymore. I just feel so hurt. My heart is just destroyed. We’re in a better place now slowly coming out of this. We’ve made adjustments to satisfy the family and keep our sanity, but I just want to let you know you’re not alone girl. Just keep going. We’re all gonna make it through this and the devil will not win in Jesus’ name.

Good morning family I’m calling in for a prayer request that I heard today from Richard in Ohio. His daughter is dealing with crushing anxiety, and she sees no hope in the future and he’s asking that we pray that she just turn to Jesus. Father God, I come to You on behalf of this Young lady Father God. She is Your beautiful creation, Lord God. You love and care for her more than even her own Father does Lord God, her earthly father. Gpd, that’s just who You are Father and we’re asking for a miracle Lord God. She doesn’t see any hope. And of course, there’s no hope unless we have our eyes on You Jesus. You are our hope. Lord God You’re our strength You’re our comfort. You are the lifter of our heads God. You lift up our anxiety when we come to You in prayer Father. But if someone doesn’t know You or look to You God what then Lord God? What then? We ask Lord God that You would intercede on her behalf Lord Jesus. We pray with all our hearts that You would turn this girl towards You Father, that we’re asking for a miracle Lord God, that You lift her head Father, that You bring hope into her life or God, and You would enable her to trust You Jesus Lord God and we pray be all these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Hello my DAB family I am going to try to get through this call without crying too much. This is Patty used to be from Florida now in Tennessee. I need you all to please fervently pray for my 2-day old grandson Noah who apparently was born with a blood infection that was not diagnosed for 36 hours and is now in the NICU unit in Cincinnati. Please pray for Noah. He possibly had a seizure last night and we’re just praying and praying and praying that God will completely heal his little body. Mommy and daddy are there with him. I’ll be with big sister at home. And I love you all so much. Thank you for praying.

6/12/2022 DAB Transcript

1 Kings 9:1-10:29, Acts 8:14-40, Psalm 130:1-8, Proverbs 17:2-3

Today is the 12th day of June, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and it is great to be here with you today as we approach the center of the month and greet a brand-new week together. It is wonderful to be here with you today as we come together, like we do every day to take the next step forward in the Scriptures and in life. And of course, the custom around here, as it has always been, is to pick up where we left off yesterday, which leads us back into the book of first Kings and the times of King Solomon and his reign and really the glory days of ancient Israel. We’ll read from The Voice this week, first Kings chapters 9 and 10.


Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You for bringing us safely into a brand-new week and these weeks stretch out before us and make the year and make the journey through the Scriptures and we are well underway. And we are listening and You are transforming us and we open our hearts to You fully and ask that You continue this process of transformation of sanctification within us, setting us…setting us a part, making us holy to You. And we take to heart what we read in the Proverbs silver is purified in the crucible, gold and the furnace, but motives of the hearts are judged by the eternal. You look at the why we do the things that we do, more than the things that we do. Because the why is our motivation. It’s what we’re after more what we want our motivation to be is after You. So, come Holy Spirit and make the pathway clear for us, that we might walk in Your ways. In the name of Jesus, we ask this. Amen.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Jesus, I just want to lift up my sister in Christ from Texas who said that she feels like she’s about to let everyone down. Like she’s holding it all together. Sister, I just feel like I got a word for you, that I’d like to share. I pray that it blesses you, I pray that it’s a timely word, whenever you’re hearing this. But sister, I just got this picture that you’re kind of, you’ve been in the role of Martha lately. And it’s not something you chose. But you have just been running around trying to manage everything. And I just hear so clearly the voice of the Holy Spirit daughter, come and rest at my feet. Even if it’s just for a minute or 30 or an hour today. I hear the Lord calling you to just rest at his feet and just be in His presence today. Because there is power in the presence of Jesus. It is so healing. And I encourage you to take that little mustard seed of faith and bring it to Jesus’ feet. Trust that He can restore you, trust that He can make a way in all your different situations. God Bless You.

Whitney, this is for you. It is June 20, er, June 8th when I’m sending this prayer in for you. But I heard it on May 28th but you know, I know that God, time doesn’t matter. That this prayer will be heard and whether it’s after, it doesn’t matter. I just want to say Whitney, I have been where you are at. I remember years of depression and anxiety; I remember being so sick for years. I remember one day when my husband walked in and we had four children and I was a stay-at-home mom, and he said he’d lost his job and we had $100 dollars left in our account. But God, but God. Father, I lift up my sister Whitney, Lord. I thank You Lord that those thoughts are not hers, they are the enemy. I come against them in the name of Jesus Christ. She has the mind of Christ, she has on a helmet of salvation, she has on the belt of truth, the breast plate of righteousness, the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. The lance are praying and all prayers supplication in the Spirit. The breast plate of righteousness, her feet are covered in the gospel of peace everywhere she goes. The Gospel of peace. I thank You for Your grace that is more than sufficient for her. Lord, You said to lift up our brothers and sisters in Christ to intercede for them. Lord, and I’m thanking You.

Today is June 9th and I am reaching out to my sisters, Vicki and God’s Tree, for I have many branches and I’m rooted in the Word. I want to thank you both for calling in. I feel like I can relate to you both. The _ situations in life. And the feeling depressed and discouraged, I’m right there with you, that’s where my heart is. But I wanted to share encouragement. I heard a sermon from my church this week on, Psalm 13. David cried out and told our God how he was feeling. I want you to know that King David, the man after God’s own heart, tells us that it’s okay to not be okay. We are giving love, acceptance and invited to talk to our awesome Heavenly Father about what is going on. And when we get that out, we don’t give up and throw in the towel. We surrender, give it to our wonderful advocate, Jesus, who will give us the wisdom on how to take care of it. Then, we praise God for who He is, not the circumstances. Vicki and God’s Tree, you both are following that example. I pray that God blesses you both with wisdom, clarity, strength, and a song to carry you through. God Bless you both, Love, your sister Ashley from California.

Hi, this is Skip, and I’m a first-time caller. I’ve been part of the community for a little over a year and a half, and it’s so refreshing. The biggest thing on my heart right now, is I feel very betrayed by a couple I love, very much. And they’re Christians, I know they are, but I feel so betrayed. And I just want to be able to lay that before the Lord and that, the Lord, more than anything, would restore our relationship. That’s my prayer, is that the Lord will restore our relationship. Thank you so much. It’s so encouraging to know others will be praying. Good afternoon, bye bye.

06/11/2022 DAB Transcript

1 Kings 8:1-66, Acts 7:51-8:13, Psalms 129:1-8, Proverbs 17:1

Today is the 11th day of June welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today as we gather to take the next step forward together and bring another one of our weeks to a close. I am deeply grateful that we can be here together and move forward together. And, so, let’s dive in. We will obviously be picking up where we left off yesterday which brings us back into the book of first Kings. Today we will read chapter 8. And, once again, these are the chapters, this is the point in Israel’s ancient history where they have reached an apex under Solomon’s rule where there is prosperity on every side, and there is security on every side, and the people are thriving. The things that the Lord had promised centuries before to Abraham are coming true. And, so, we’re reading from the English Standard Version this week. First Kings chapter 8.


Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for this gift, a tangible gift, something that we can hold in our hands and something that lives in our hearts. We thank You that each and every day these words are heard and they go into our minds and into our soul and they come into the fertile soil of our hearts. Cnd Holy Spirit with Your guidance and Your care and our collaboration and paying attention and cultivating what we have learned, may it grow within us choking out the weeds, choking out the things that will take us nowhere, choking out the things that will become poison to us so that we are overcome with the goodness of God in our lives because we have opened ourselves fully to Your work in our lives. And we do that, we open ourselves fully to Your work in our lives. Come Holy Spirit lead us into all truth we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it is the website, it is the home of the Global Campfire and where you find out what’s happening around here. So, check that out. You can do the same thing if you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, which you can download from the app store that is connected to your device. And the app has been developed over years and is massively being developed over the years to provide the most comprehensive and best experience of moving through the Scriptures in a year in community. And so check out the Daily Audio Bible app.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, then thank you, thank you humbly, thank you. There is a link on the homepage dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Will post community prayer and praise either later today or tomorrow… 

6/10/2022 DAB Transcript

1 Kings 7:1-51, Acts 7:30-50, Psalm 128:1-6, Proverbs 16:31-33

Today is the 10th day of the month of June, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and 10th month, the 10th day of any month is a good day to be here, any day is a good day to be here as we gather around the Global Campfire and step forward together in the book of first Kings, which is where we are right now in the Old Testament. We’re tracking alongside King Solomon, who is bringing ancient Israel to their greatest, finest moments. We’ve seen the temple of God built, the very first Temple for the Lord God in Jerusalem. And so, let’s pick up the story. We’re reading from the English Standard Version this week, first Kings chapter 7.


Okay so, in first Kings we are still alongside King Solomon watching the developments that he is doing and the improvements to the infrastructure that he is doing in Israel. And Jerusalem is certainly getting some grandiose buildings and obviously you have your capital and then it’s growing up around you and you have the temple of God, the worship of God in the city. So now, this is becoming the place like, the place of pilgrimage and a place of identity for the people as Solomon continues to reign and these pages that we are reading like, this is the culmination of all we have read and dreamed about and thought about, all the way since Abraham as we’ve mentioned. So, let’s enjoy this because it’s brief enough. So, let’s enjoy the fact that we got here because we wandered with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We saw the enslavement and were in Egypt, we saw the freedom. We wandered in the wilderness and all of the other dramas that we have experienced along the way. It has taken all lot of time and a lot of energy to get to this place and so, let’s enjoy it as we’re here.

Then in the New Testament, in the book of Acts today, we are continuing to hear the testimony of Stephen who has been arrested and has been drug before the Jewish Council to answer for what he is doing, in the name of Jesus. And what we are hearing Stephen recite is the story of the Hebrew people, which is allowing us a little bit of review, a little bit of the major stories that we have already wandered through to get to the place that we are in first Kings in the Old Testament. And so, we will obviously continue with both of these stories, the next step forward tomorrow.

Then in Proverbs today, whoever is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city. What we’re being told in effect here is, it is more powerful to have self-control then to be powerful. It is more important to rule over yourself, than to be mighty. Or maybe put another way, it is more mighty and powerful to have self-control then it is to watch someone with great strength and power obliterate something. So, if where the person who, who tends to rise up in dominance, rather than to be self-controlled then there’s a lesson here for us to learn indeed.

And then finally, in the book of Psalms today, we have the song of a sense, so these, the songs of a sense were four people on pilgrimage up to Jerusalem, the kinds of things that they would sing and the kinds of things that would be spoken over them, or spoken over their departure. These affirming words with outstretched hands, spoken over us, can be such a gift and so let’s go back to the Psalm today and just allow this to wash over us, as if it were being spoken over us, because it is. Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in his ways, you shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands, you shall be blessed and it shall be well with you. Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house, your children will be like olive shoots around your table. Behold thus, shall the man be blessed who fears the Lord.


Father, we want that to be true of us that we are blessed because we fear You, we have awe and respect we are overwhelmed with Your greatness and overwhelmed with the depth of Your love that is immeasurable and we thank You for ancient words of affirmation, words of encouragement that have been spoken over brothers and sisters for thousands and thousands and thousands of years. Thank You for these words that still resonate in our hearts and embolden us and encourage us. Come, Holy Spirit and plant these words in our hearts that they may be a part of our lives. We pray this in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home, home of the Global Campfire, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here and a direct connection to that is the Daily Audio Bible app, which you can download from whatever app store is connected to your device. So, search for Daily Audio Bible and download the app, check out things like the community section. Find out where to get connected on social media, that is also where the Prayer Wall is, resides, lives and it’s always on, and never off, always available to us. So certainly, be aware. I mean sometimes…sometimes those long hours of the night, when sleep is hard to come by, that is the time to reach for other people in prayer and let them know or just to reach out and ask for prayer, so be aware of that. That is the Prayer Wall and also be aware of the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are resources in the number of categories and the Daily Audio Bible Shop, all aimed at one goal, which is our journey through the Scriptures in a year together. So, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you. You can do that at dailyaudiobible.com or if you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

Of course, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I will be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hi, Daily Audio Bible, this is Rifka, currently in Ohio. So, I just wanted to pray for the precious lady who just called about a neuropathic issue that she’s dealing with and just her cry was just so, so touched me. God, so I ask for this lady, would You just give her healing, God. We ask that she would have no pain God, and I’m reminded of that verse in Revelation. I was just trying to find it, I know it but, I can’t find the address right now. But the one of when you know, when there will be no more pain, no more sorrow, no more hurt, no more tears. Yeshua, we just cry out for that, Yeshua, would You come, would You come for this lady. Would You touch her body? I can’t, yeah, I’ve had some pain but yeah, just the thought of having the constant pain, I mean for me, if, it comes and goes but yeah, the thought of having it all the time. So, I’m so sorry. And there was a guy also, his name was John and he is suffering from severe back pain and just yeah, it’s the same thing. Yeshua, would You come, would you just touch our body, would You just heal us that we know we’re Your, we’re Your servants, we love You God. And we know how much You love us and we know that You didn’t say that this life would be easy but we’re just asking God, for some relief, would You just come. Come and be with us God. We thank You and we ask You for all of these things, God in Yeshua’s name. Amen. 

Hi DAB family, this is Tammy from the Adirondacks. My husband and I just gone done listening to the June 7th podcast and Cindy from California, you called in about, I think you named the illness that you have and there’s no cure for it and we just wanna pray for you. And ask the Lord, who is the great physician for a mighty healing touch and just take this burning sensation and to just heal you completely from this. Father God, we come to You, we come to You Lord, You are the great Physician, You are the great Healer, You are the Lord of lords and the Kind of kings. And with You Father, all things are possible. There is no sickness, no illness, no disease, no ailment, no anything that is too big for You, Father, to heal, to cure and to just get rid of, to throw as far as the East is to the West, Lord. So, we lift Cindy up to You, Lord. We lift up her daughter, she called her, her angel, who introduced her to this family. And Cindy’s now apart of this family, Lord. And we ask You Father, to just touch her, give her a mighty healing touch, Father, that can come from only You, Lord. Because You can do anything, Father. You are God and we just praise Your precious name, Jesus. We give You the glory and the honor in every good thing that’s in our life. And we give You the glory and the honor when those bad things happen, that You love us and You take us through them, Lord. You take us through the wilderness. So, we’re asking You Father, to just pull Cindy out of this wilderness, Lord. Take her Father, reach her hand and just pull her out, Father, and heal her. In the might name of Jesus. We thank You and we love You. Be strong sister, God Bless. 

Hey DAB family, this is GG in Bama and I am compelled to call and pray for some of the people we’ve been hearing lately, who are all calling in with severe pain from one thing or another. Men, women it seems to be all ages. So, I just want to pray for those of you that are experiencing such severe pain. Father in Heaven, I ask You, right now to just reach down from where You are in the Heavenly realms and just heal these people, who are suffering mightily from one thing or another. It’s seems to be that there is so much pain among Your people, lately. And I know, that You are still in the healing business. I know, because You healed me from Plantares Facetious, I know because You healed me from infertility and You’ve given me beautiful children. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt You are still in the healing business. And I just ask You to reach out to my brothers and sisters in Christ and to heal them of the things that are causing them pain. Causing them to suffer. And I know that in suffering, we glorify Your suffering on the cross but I also know that there is power in the name of Jesus and there is power in the testimony that these people were healed and I know that they will use there healing as a testimony for You. In Jesus name. Amen.

Hi, this is Richard in Ohio. I would like prayer for my daughter, she has anxiety that is crushing her. She’s sees no hope in the future. Please pray that God would relieve her of this anxiety. That she will see that God is the one who has sustained her all these years. And pray that God would soften her heart, that she will turn to Jesus for her hope. Thank you DAB family.

Father God in Heaven, I lift up your son, Ben, who has been through the ICU, been through COVID, he’s been through many ups and downs. He’s been through a miraculous recovery and now Lord, he’s back and he’s not doing so hot. So, I lift up your son as an individual, as a father, as a son. I lift him up to you today, Lord, and I pray that You would bless him and heal him and allow him to recover. If not by himself, let him do it, let him do it together, with the people he has around him. Let this maybe be a new chapter in his life where he is not relying on other people but it able and willing and acceptable and accepting. Be like, yeah, you can help me and let us come together and praise the Lord together, for there is more power in two, than there are one. His mother encouraged me today by saying, on the Prayer Wall or on the Prayer Chain, that he might be continued to be better to be strong so that he can be about his Father’s business. And may we all be about our Father’s business. I just really like that phrase. This is People on the Water from Indiana. I love you, it’s all in Jesus name that I pray and I ask. Amen.     

06/09/2022 DAB Transcript

1 Kings 5:1-6:38, Acts 7:1-29, Psalms 127:1-5, Proverbs 16:28-30

Today is the 9th day of June, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is great to be here with you today as we gather around the Global Campfire together find a place and relax and let the Scriptures come washing over us as we take the next step forward together. That next step of course, is the one that comes right after the one we just took yesterday. So, the next step forward leads is back in the book of first Kings where we are learning of King Solomon’s reign, and we are witnessing kind of the glory days. This uphill climb that we’ve been on since we’ve met Abraham is kinda fulfilled in Solomon’s reign, where he brings the children of Israel in their own land to their finest hour. And, so, we’re reading from the English Standard Version this week. First Kings chapters 5 and 6 today.


Okay, a couple of things for us to pay attention to today in what we read today. In the book of first Kings what we watched was a temple being erected to the God of Israel, the most-high God. This is the first time this has happened. We do remember when we were in that second Samuel that’s something that David wanted to do, but he wasn’t permitted, and Solomon was. And, so, he has erected the temple of God. This is a pretty big game changer. Now God is firmly placed among His people in the capital city of Jerusalem. This makes it the holy city of Jerusalem where God dwells and this temple is known as the first Temple. And the period of time that we’re in, this is the first Temple period. The temple that Solomon has built that we saw today eventually…and we will get to it soon enough…eventually is destroyed and then later there is a second Temple period. That’s the period that Jesus came and did His ministry at. But for now, as we were mentioning yesterday Solomon is bringing the people to the mountaintop experience, the apex of their civilization, the apex of ancient Israel. And, so, now there is a temple in Jerusalem, for the most-high God giving the people a national icon and identity. And the temple becomes more and more of an important thing, right? We will remember in Jesus’ lifetime that one of the accusations against Jesus was that He spoke against the temple, which is a major offense. But for now, there is a temple in Jerusalem, the Solomonic or the temple of Solomon, the temple that Solomon built the most-high God in Jerusalem. And, of course, day by day step-by-step we will continue with the story.

In the book of Acts one person did most of the talking and the narrative that we read today. His name was Stephen. We met him yesterday. One of the early…one of the first deacons, one of the first helpers to serve God’s people, while the apostles devoted themselves to sharing the gospel of Jesus. He was arrested. He has been brought to trial before the Jewish Council. He was accused of speaking against the Hebrew people, but he was also accused of being a follower of Jesus, who said he would destroy the temple and raise it back up. So, the temple figures pretty big now that it exists. So, we’ve seen it begin to exist in first Kings. In the book of Acts, we’re talking about the second Temple, but its prominence and its importance is evident. Ironically, from this point where we’re reading in the book of Acts that temple only has maybe three decades left to exist before it actually will be destroyed by the Roman Empire, but for now it’s clearly a big deal. So, Stephen is questioned, and he begins to give his testimony. And it’s not just like a defensive testimony. He’s telling the story and what we are listening to right now might very much seem like an encapsulated review of what we’ve read in the Bible since we met Abraham back in January because that’s exactly what we’re doing. And, so, the book of Acts gives us the chance through Steven’s testimony to kind of review some of the major mileposts that we visited along the way to get here so far. For Stephen this is His testimony. He is standing before the Hebrew religious counsel. And, so, what he is doing is beginning to recite the story of the Hebrew people so that the Jewish Council will understand that Stephen isn’t an outsider. He’s…He’s a Hebrew. He knows the story. He lives within that context. And we aren’t done with Steven’s testimony. We will continue it tomorrow but it…as I said, gives us a chance to just kinda have a little bit of a review of some of the major things that we have read and discussed along the way thus far. And we’ll see where Steven’s testimony leads us as we continue forward tomorrow.


Father, we love You. We thank You for Your word. We thank You for it’s impact on our lives. We thank You that it’s just a remarkable thing that allows us to look into ancient stories, but also shapes the way we view our lives today and how we live our lives today. And, so, Holy Spirit come into all that we have read. Plant it into the soil of our hearts and continue to lead and guide us on the narrow path that leads to life. We pray this expectantly in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base and that’s where you find out what’s going on around here. The great alternative to that is the Daily Audio Bible app which you can download free from the app store that is connected to your device. So, check that out. Check out the different sections.

Like, check out the Community section. You can get connected on social media from there. That’s where the Prayer Wall is.

Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are resources that are available for the journey that we are taking together across the Bible across a year together.

And, as always, if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if this…If this Global Campfire that we find a place around every day brings life and good news and hope into your life then thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app from anywhere in the world. That’ll work anywhere in the world or there are a number of numbers that you can use depending on where you are in the world. In the Americas 877-942-4253 is the number to dial. If you are in the UK or Europe 44-20-3608-8078 is the number to call. And if you are in Australia or that part of the world 61-3-8820-5459 is the number to dial.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian and I love you and I will be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Father God praying right now for Cindy in California. I ask all of you DABbers to pray with me. Fathert God, Cindy in California has pain that is driving her to despair, and we thank You that by Your stripes we are healed and that there’s nothing that You can’t do. And we long to give You the glory for her Healing. So, I ask in Jesus’ name by the blood of Jesus that You would heal Cindy in California from this condition that is causing her such pain in her body that it’s like her body is on fire. I ask for healing in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Hi DAB family I’m gonna go buy Shadow of His Wings unless that’s already been used. You can just let me know. But I had called previously and or anonymous about my marriage and just struggles that me and my wife are going through. She is no longer living with me. She hasn’t been for a few months. She doesn’t want to be a Christian anymore. And I just wanted you guys to join me in prayer. She’s going on a trip by herself to do some hiking and just time alone and I just want to take time to pray for her that while she’s out in the wilderness hiking and everything that God’s glory can be shown to her and that her relationship with God can be rekindled, that she can find all that she needs in Him. I just wanted you guys to be praying as well. I know that this prayer line is so powerful and that you guys honestly do care. I appreciate DAB and everything that the whole family has to offer and I’m just so grateful for this. I am. Thank you guys.

Hi DAB family this is Vicki from Texas and I’m calling to ask you to please cover me in prayer and send me as much love as you can because this is one of the hardest times of my entire life right now. I have so many people counting on me. I feel like a woman standing on the edge of a cliff holding several rope bridges while the people I love try to walk crossover this big ravine. I am the primary caretaker for my mom who has Alzheimer’s. She’s still independent enough to live on her own but it’s my job to manage all her finances, her legal affairs, her medical care, driving her anywhere she needs to go that’s beyond 15 miles of her house and protecting her from people who had taken advantage of her. And right now I suspect there’s a person who lives near here who is taking advantage of her mental condition. On top of that we got word yesterday that my father-in-law who is suffering from stage four cancer is going into Hospice or they’re bringing it to his house and the doctors have given him less than a month to live and I’ve been his daughter-in-law for 27 years and on top of that he entered our family three years ago…three years ago…when I was three years old. And, so, I’ve known him my entire life. So, I’m trying to be there for my husband and all my in-laws and help them with this. And on top of that I run a company that does clinical research internationally and there are people all over the world counting on me to hold this business together and I am just not able to think straight for the last couple of weeks and I feel like I’m about to let everybody down. And on top of that my son is getting ready to go to college and my younger son is struggling with that. So, I’m trying to be there with both of them, keep all of that running smoothly. I’m just tired. I appreciate your prayers and your love. Just…I just need help.

Hi DAB family this is God’s Tree for I have many branches, but I’m rooted in the word of God. You know, this walk you want to be here for people, and you want to pray, and you want to support and lift others up, but you go through some spaces in your life where he’s struggling yourself and today’s a real cloudy dark dark dark dark day for me today and I know the Lord is with me but sometimes you just feel like you’re by yourself. So, I ask and pray that you would pray for those who struggle with depression, for all of us that feel lonely sometimes in the world and those who try to lean and trust in God, but we still have a hard time. You know God is real. God is awesome. We gotta keep encouraging ourselves. But the enemy wants to drape us with those dark clouds sometimes. So, I ask that you pray my strength and pray strength for all of those who suffer from depression, heartache, and loneliness for God still gets the glory no matter what. He’s gonna get the glory out of this day too. Thank you. God bless.

Hi Daily Audio Bible this is New Eyes from Tennessee and I’m calling in just to agree with a fellow DABber who called in who want to bless and build up the next generation. I also agree that they have a destiny on them, and they have a calling. And so, I just want to stand and agree to all these young people who their parents or family have called in about either their health problems, problems at school, problems with anger, just whatever young people are struggling with right now in our DAB community I just wanna stand and agree with my brother in Christ that they have a destiny on them and I just break any power of the enemy has over their circumstances in the name of Jesus and that instead you would replace Lord God those doubts and fears and struggles and pain with blessing and smooth pathways and mentors and teachers and opportunities for this generation Lord. I just want to stand and say that. I also want to give a word for anyone else who made me this. I know that I consistently pray to God to be the Lord of my imagination and to take every thought captive so that any of you who struggle with fear, struggle with doubt, struggle with…just a mind that won’t rest, I just want to come in agreement that the Lord is the Lord of our imagination and He is…He is against all fear and all doubt and they do not own us and that our imagination is something that God has given us and it is blessed. So go in peace.

6/8/2022 DAB Transcript

1 Kings 3:3-4:34, Acts 6:1-15, Psalm 126:1-6, Proverbs 16:26-27

Today is the 8th day of June, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is awesome to be here with you today. Today, would have been my mom’s birthday, of course, she has left us several years ago, but I miss her, no less, and so on this, her birthday, I’m thinking about her. But I am also thinking about the next step forward and we are about to take. We’re just kinda getting moved into the book of first Kings and the books of the kings of Israel. King David has died, his son Solomon, is on the throne and we are now learning about King Solomon. We’re reading from the English Standard Version this week, first Kings chapter 3 verse 3 through 4 verse 34.


Okay, a couple of little mileposts, just to kinda, keep us in the stories that we are in. In the book of first Kings, we are obviously walking alongside the reign of King Solomon and we are seeing that wisdom has descended upon him, that respect is widespread for him, not only among his people, but all over the known world and many dignitaries are traveling to Jerusalem to hear and spend time with Solomon. We’re also seeing how he set up, setting up the organization of the country and who is responsible for what. And what we are seeing here and it will happen so fast, it will go by so fast, what we are seeing is the mountain top experience for the ancient Israelites. These people that we met, all the way back with Abraham, went all the way through the story of Isaac and Jacob and Joseph and slavery and Exodus from slavery, and the entire wilderness experience, and the crossing of the Jordan and the taking of the Promised Land. Like, we’ve been on this journey and there’s been much for us to reflect about our own journeys, but at this point, it’s the same journey and Solomon is bringing the people to the absolute mountaintop, the heights that they reach. And like I said, we’ll keep reading and we’ll see that this goes by rather quickly in the narrative and then we slide down. But we’ve been working for this place. We’ve been working to get to this place, this apex, where everything is working, everything is firing on all cylinders, it’s all working. And where there. And so. let’s enjoy it, while we’re there.

We turn into the book of Acts; we see that the community of faith is growing in Jerusalem. The growth is causing some tensions and the need to begin to build some sort of loose infrastructure, especially to care for the less fortunate, especially the widows. And as we saw in the book of Acts, there was some favoritism going on and so, we see seven people appointed to take care of these kinds of matters and that is kind of the birth of what we would know as the diaconate or deacons. And in the process, we met a person today named Stephen and the book of Acts tells us that essentially, Stevens an upstanding person, full of the love of the Lord, and full of the grace of the Holy Spirit. But he gets captured and incarcerated and accused and brought before the Council and now he’s going to have to defend himself. And we will watch that begin to unfold as well. And his testimony and its repercussions have a pretty pivotal influence on the church in Jerusalem. In fact, probably Steven’s testimony and the repercussions of it, were a major catalyst for the Gospel to begin to spread. And so, we will watch that, as we continue forward as well.


And so, Father, we thank You for Your word and as we move through these stories, and we…we witness what is going on, we are grateful for the opportunity to be a witness to what happened, and to be a witness to what is happening, both within us and in this world, and to know that the same Holy Spirit that led and directed our earliest brothers and sisters, is directing our lives. And so, come, Holy Spirit, You have been working among billions of brothers and sisters throughout thousands of years, may we be one who listens and obeys and draws near and holds on for dear life, as You lead and direct us. Come we pray, in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com that is home. That’s where the Global Campfire is, that’s where you find out what’s going on around here. The Daily Audio Bible app does that as well, just push the little drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner of the drawer screen or of the home screen and little drawer will open and you can find different sections like the…the Community Section, where you can get connected on social media, but also that is where the Prayer Wall is and that is always available to us, to pray for one another, to request prayer, to kind of pour out our hearts a little bit and allow people to pray for us. Check out the Prayer Wall, it’s always available.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if this mission to bring the spoken word of God read fresh, every day and offered freely to anyone who would be willing to listen, any time of day or night, anywhere on this planet and to build community, what we call the Global Campfire, around that rhythm of showing up every day, if that is life-giving and meaningful to you, then thank you, humbly for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

There were men in the Bible
Who were clearly God’s own
There were considered His friends 
And were intimately known
But still they had troubles, fears and great doubt
But they walked on by faith, and God brought them out
Abraham believed and left his own land
He went all the way to Cana led by God’s hand
And as soon as he got there, there was famine and drought
So, he sojourned in Egypt till God brought him out
And then he returned and was surrounded by war 
His nephew Lot got captured when 5 kings fought 4
And right after that, he got tested again
And even though God was still with him, His problems didn’t end
He had problems with Hagar, Ishmael and even Sarah too
God asked him to sacrifice his son Isaac, just to prove his love was true
But though he had troubles, fears and sometimes doubt 
He walked on by faith till God brought him out
Gideon was another one, threshing wheat in fear
Afraid of the Midianites but God still called him dear
Likewise, we too, must face trials and tests 
Give it our all and let God do the rest
I’d like to give a shout out to Mark Creet down under, haven’t heard from you in a while. I hope you’re still hanging in there. And Tony Part, the Writer, haven’t heard from you in a while either. Know that you are both thought of often and prayed for daily. And once again Brian and the Hardin Family, thank you for this wonderful podcast for God’s Holy Spirit to flow, keep it flowing ya’ll. Alright bye, bye. 

Hey Daily Audio Bible family, David here in Norge in the UK. My wife Penny, 57 days ago went into psychiatric care after having a break down. Her delusional thoughts, that she thinks everything is of God, but her facts are twisted. She comes out with things that are just untrue. She’s twisting Scripture. And she’s really struggling. Although, she thinks there’s nothing wrong with herself. It’s been a hard time. Been hard for 57 days now. And just appreciate your prayers that she would soon be better mentally and physically and that her epilepsy would go away and that she would have no seizures. While she’s been in the hospital, she’s had some quite bad ones and she was rushed to the emergency hospital. But she’s been returned to psychiatric care. I see her only about once a week and there’s not really much of a conversation. There’s, it’s not my wife, when I see her, it’s not, she’s…she’s not my wife, she’s just somebody there, that’s very confused. It’s she’s so irritated. So, I would just ask for your prayers and support. Thank you. 

Hello, from beautiful Cincinnati, Ohio. I am ready for whatever happens. Never been this way before, don’t know what all lies ahead but I’m ready Lord, I’m ready for whatever happens. Ready for the ups, ready for the downs, ready for the straight paths, ready for the curves, because you go before me, I can follow joyfully. Yes, I’m ready Lord, I’m ready for whatever happens. Ready for the flatlands, ready for the hills, ready for the warm times, ready for the chills. For as long as I’m with you, it will always be a thrill. I’m ready Lord, I’m ready for whatever happens. From beautiful Cincinnati, Ohio. God bless you all and let’s make it a great.

Good morning, DAB family. I’m a first-time caller. My name is Sharon, I’m from Charleston, SC. I listen to the Daily Audio Bible every morning on the way to work. I’ve been doing this now for 3-4 years. And I just love listening to everyone’s prayers, thoughts. I just love this community. And when ya’ll ask for prayers, I might not call in and pray for you but I want you to know that I am praying for you, every time. I’m calling today because I need to lift my husband up to the Lord. He is going through a lot. He’s not working. He’s got anger issues, pain issues from arthritis. He was telling me last night that he just don’t feel like the Lord knows him, hears him when he prays. And he just, I just fear that he’s at the end of his rope. But if ya’ll could please lift my husband up, his name is Roy, I would appreciate it. I love you guys. Bye from Charleston. 

Good morning, this is Peggy in Texas. Child of God. I am Ben’s mother. Ben is 62-years-old, a strong Christian, a child, a disciple of our Lord. He’s a leader, a teacher, he is married and he has four children and four love our Lord. God has been good. On January the 6th however, Ben entered ICU, a local hospital, for COVID 19. And he spent 3 months on a ventilator with heavy sedation. He endured a collapsed lung and a heart valve infection, heart complications, he lost much weight and of course, he became extremely weak. And at one point the family was called to tell him goodbye. But God gave Ben breath and he lives, really a miracle. But then he was moved to one facility to another, in order to remove the ventilator and the feeding tubes. And then, he went to another facility for physical therapy but now he is a Newrou Rehabilitation Center. Ben is trying to speak. It is hard to understand him. He is, we don’t even know what he’s comprehending. It is so difficult. He cannot feed himself; he cannot sit up and of course, he cannot walk and take care of himself. Ben is trapped. And so, we would love so for our Heavenly Father to, he would love to be about his Heavenly Father’s business and to be taken care of his family and not to be dependent on others. We know that, we know his nature. And I just ask the DAB family to join this mom.  

06/07/2022 DAB Transcript

1 Kings 2:1-3:2, Acts 5:1-42, Psalms 125:1-5, Proverbs 16:25

Today is the 7th day of June welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is great to be here with you today, really great. Glad as always that we have a place to gather around the Global Campfire as we take another step forward together in the Scriptures. And yesterday we began the book of first Kings, and we talked a little bit about the territory that we are moving in or into. And yesterday we saw the next king sitting on the throne. It didn’t happen without drama, but David’s son Solomon is now King Solomon and that is where we pick up the story. King David is…well…his health is failing. He is about to pass, and he has some instructions for his son. First Kings chapter 2 verse 1 through 3 verse 2.


Okay. So, as we are continuing our journey into the book of Acts and into the church era and what happened after Jesus’ ascension back to the Father, we’re largely following alongside the apostle Peter as we look at the earliest church. And what we should be able to see is that a great amount of joy and a great amount of generosity and a great amount of community is happening among the believers in Jesus and these are Jewish people. This is where it all begins. The odd thing is that the Christian faith now is almost completely Gentile. But at the beginning here it is completely Hebrew. And that is the context in which Peter is at this point ministering to people. They’re in the temple, they’re teaching at the temple. Like everything is in a Hebrew context and their getting in trouble by their fellow Hebrews. The Romans aren’t out to get Peter at least at this point. It’s the Jewish religious leadership that wants the name of Jesus to disappear and instead of disappearing, which they had hoped for when they got him killed it seems to be spreading. So, even in today’s reading they are incarcerated briefly for a couple of times, and they are freed, and they go back into the temple, and they have been warned on a couple of occasions in today’s readings not to do any more teachings in the name of Jesus, and they threatened them. And the apostles with really a completely different kind of boldness than we experience them having in the Gospels. Like Peter is transformed at this point. He’s like a different person after the coming of the Holy Spirit and with boldness he says, you guys, look we have to obey God and not man. And the religious authority in the end are like, something has to be done. They would like to do away with these apostles as well and let this go away. And that’s when a council happens that we’re able to kinda sit in on. And amending Gamaliel…and this is interesting actually because we haven’t met Saul the person who’s going to become the apostle Paul yet but when we do, we’re going to find out that when he was trained in Jerusalem, he was trained by someone named Gamaliel. And Saul was a devout Pharisee. But a person named Gamaliel was in the Council speaks to the Council basically saying, look this kind of stuff has happened before. We’ve seen people rise up and claim to be something and gather a following and maybe even getting a little bit of a sizable following, but those people have been killed and when they are killed, then their followers disperse and the whole thing goes away. So, he’s basically saying look, let it play its course. If we intervene, if we do something we could cause humongous problems. But it’s even bigger than that. If God is not in this, it will fail. But if God is in this, nothing we can do will stop it and we could quickly find ourselves opposing God. And the Council listened. So, what we’re seeing is a great amount of joy in community and a great amount of opposition. And this is all happening within a Jewish context at this point. In fact, at this point in the early church no one was thinking that this would be anything but for the Jews, the children of Israel, the chosen ones, the set apart ones. It’s to the Jews that Jesus came and it’s a Hebrew Messiah that they were looking for. Everything is happening within this context at this point. So, if we notice that then as we continue to go forward, we will understand that a rift will develop because of this. Gentiles will come into the kingdom, and that will completely force the Jewish believers to completely rethink a lot of things. And, so, we get the idea that the early church was just a remarkably peaceful wonderful time when it was actually a very tumultuous time where really against the odds, the gospel flourishes.


Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You for these stories that we are able to immerse ourselves in and put ourselves in those positions and walk along with the apostles as they are walking along by the guiding of Your Holy Spirit. They’re not referring to any New Testament Scriptures. There isn’t a New Testament. They’re following Your leadership. And now we have the New Testament to read about this. And we thank You that it is the same Spirit, that it is the same spirit of truth, leading and guiding us that is still available to us as it was to them. Come Holy Spirit. We’re listening and we’re seeing of Your works and we open ourselves to Your work in our lives and we pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base and that is where you can find out what’s going on around here. The app does that as well. So, download the app from…from whatever app store that you use. Just search for Daily Audio Bible. But check out the different sections.

Like, check out the Daily Audio Bible shop. There are resources in the Shop. And several resources that we’ve been out of stock on for a while we have back in stock now. There have been…definitely challenges along the way on some things to get them. That seems to be somewhat smoothing out but nevertheless most everything is available in the Daily Audio Bible Shop. So, check it out. Resources are there for those of us around the Global Campfire to take this journey as far and as wide and as deep as we can as we spend a year together in the Scriptures. So, check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if being around the Global Campfire together every day is a life-giving thing and encouraging thing in your day and your weeks and your months then thank you, humbly, deeply, for your partnership. As I’ve said many many times, we’re in this together and if we weren’t in this together, we…we wouldn’t be in this at all. And, so, we’re deeply grateful that we have a Global Campfire that we can come around. Thank you for your partnership and keeping it burning. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app. That’s the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

I recently just finished treatment for addictions. God has been a part of my life for many years however I battled with addictions. I’m in the recovery process right now. God is front and center of my recovery and I just ask for prayer. I’m fortunate to have God in my life and I’m very very thankful for His patience and forgiveness. I lost a brother through addictions, and I just want to do this right. I want to be a witness of God and do good. My name is Jonathan Riplick. Thank you.

Hello, my DAB family this is Chicago Peg and I want to lift up prayer for a couple of DAB family. And Jerry from Wyoming I hear…I hear you. I heard you crying even as you…oh…you have this grieving and for your sister and brother-in-law who are in Arizona and you’re in Wyoming and you’re sad because you can’t be with them and they’re both going through such a horrible time. And I’ve been praying for you and want to encourage you now over the airwaves with prayer. And oh, it’s so good to hear prayer out loud and shame the devil and cry out in the name of Jesus whom we trust. And Jerry I’ve been praying for you that you would be encouraged and strengthened. I know your heart is breaking for your sister and brother-in-law in Arizona. I’m praying that the Lord will be with them, that He will take care of them. And we believe and know that God will. And I’m praying with you Jerry that it may be the Lord’s will to heal both of them in the powerful healing name of Jesus. And that whatever is the Lords will, oh Father I pray that You would keep our focus on You, let Your praise always be on our lips in the mighty name of Jesus. And real quick if I have time, also Lisa the Encourager, I’m praying for you and for your mom that has terminal cancer and I just…I love you all and praying for you. Amen and Amen and Amen.

Hello everyone, this is broken man of God and I’m calling in to pray for Jonathan from Denver. You had a prayer request on the 2nd of June. Lord, I pray for Jonathan that no matter what he’s going through, no matter what trials tribulations, folly, no matter how deep the waters that he’s treading through are, Lord I pray You shower him with Your grace Your mercy and Your strength. I pray that You help him find godly people, men and women that he can surround himself with and just help lift him lift him up, that he can be vulnerable with to confess whatever’s going on with his life and that they can help lift him up and guide him back on the path that You have planned for his life Lord. You tell us that You won’t rescue us necessarily from trials and difficult situations, but You will guide us through them because in the fire that’s where iron is hardened. And just as iron sharpens iron, I pray that one man can sharpen another. In Your holy name I pray. Amen. Jonathan man if you hear this, we’ve all had some pretty terrible times in our lives. And I pray that you find some godly men and some godly women that can help you through this time. Don’t be a stranger. Put up those prayer requests. We’re all here rooting for you bud. Take care.

Hello, my wonderful DAB family this is Rosie AKA Great to be Free in Jesus. I was calling in for the lady who called in a few days ago because her husband had died, and her daughter is angry with her because she wasn’t there. I went through a similar situation 30 years ago. We went to church. It was on a Wednesday night. And my husband didn’t want to go to church but, you know, we had just made a covenant with each other to go to church every time the doors were open. And, so, we went and, on the way, home we were in a terrible accident. I got thrown from the car with my seat belt on broke my ribs and punctured my lung. My oldest daughter broke her hip in three places. My youngest daughter broke her hip and her leg. My son didn’t have any broken bones, but he was bruised up pretty bad and my husband broke his neck. And my husband was in the hospital for nine months…well…six months he got to come home for a month and then he went back in the hospital for three months and he died. And my youngest daughter was very angry with me for pressing the issue to go to church and that he would still be alive. And of course, I was blaming myself as well. I will…

Hi this is Cindy from California. I was introduced to Daily Audio Bible by my angel, my daughter Kathy. I have reflex sympathetic dystrophy. It’s a horrible condition that there’s no cure. Right now, I am hiding in the closet with the pain, burning sensation that feels like my whole body is on fire. I had two __ injection 2 weeks ago on my back which my condition they’re three times worse. I’m asking everyone to please pray. I know the doctor says there’s no cure for this condition but God has the final word. Please, pray for me. __. And God I know you’re the doctor. Even if they say no, I know you’re only giving me this because I’m strong and I am going to do it, but I just want to have this burning pain go away. Thank you, Brian for this amazing podcast. I’m so blessed my angel introduced me to it. God bless all of you and with God everything is better. He’s our doctor, our hero, our savior. God bless all of you. Cindy from California.

6/6/2022 DAB Transcript

1 Kings 1:1-53, Acts 4:1-37, Psalm 124:1-8, Proverbs 16:24

Today is the sixth day of June, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It is awesome to be here with you today. It is awesome for us to have a place to gather around the Global Campfire, as we move into some new territory.

Introduction to the Book of 1st Kings:

So, yesterday we concluded the two books of Samuel, first and second Samuel, which leads us today, in just a couple of minutes, into the book of first Kings, which implies that there is a second Kings and there is, these were the books of the Kings and we talked about all this, we began Samuel because they were all one text, at one time. And then, they were broken apart for the ease of finding things in the first Samuel, second Samuel, first Kings second Kings. But we finished the books of Samuel which largely dealt with who Samuel was and then who the first king of Israel was, King Saul, which brought us to a new era in the life of the children of Israel, called the monarchy. A time, when they actually had kings. And then in second Samuel, we followed along with the second king of Israel, King David’s life. And as we begin first Kings, it will seem like or just simply continuing on with the story because we are, but there are some differences. We are about to read first and the second Kings over the next weeks, and then we will read the books of Chronicles, 1st and 2nd Chronicles after that. First and second Kings and first and second Chronicles cover the same general part of history, it’s just that they’re coming from a couple of different perspectives. So, as we move into the books of the Kings, we’ll be given the perspective of royalty, of the kings and the ways in which they interacted with some of the prophetic voices that were in the land at the time. Then when we get to the book of, the books of Chronicles, we’ll look at the same period of history from the perspective of the priestly and Levitical offices. So, that is the general territory that we’re heading into for the next stretch here, a couple of viewpoints on the same time. And as we begin today with first Kings, we will be witnessing the end of David’s reign and then we will see his son, Solomon, in pretty dramatic fashion ascend to the throne of Israel and in very short order, we will reach the apex, the mountain top of the ancient children of Israel. Solomon, will lead the children of Israel into a time of prosperity and peace and respect, as they had never had before, he brings them to this the mountain top experience, this kind of experience that we’ve been working toward since we met Abraham. But then before Solomon’s reign ends, towards the latter part of his life, it’s like we’ve gone over the top of the peak and were starting our way on a long dissent downward. And so, we will see the children of Israel reach their peak and enjoy that for a brief moment and then we will start sliding downward until the children of Israel disappear into obscurity and exile. And of course, we’ll tell the story day-by-day, step-by-step as we do around here. And with that little bit of a flyover of where we’re going, let’s begin, we’re reading from the English Standard Version this week, first Kings chapter 1.


Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You for this brand-new territory that we are moving into, as we move into the books of Kings and as we travel along King Solomon’s side now and see his reign and find again, as with all of the Bible, a mirror into our own soul, as we look into the stories of people’s lives and the paths that they chose and where those roads lead. We ask that You guide us through this, we ask that Your Holy Spirit, come, and lead us, as we ask, so often, because we always needed that You would lead us into all truth, as was promised by Jesus, and we thank You for that and we rest in it, and trust in it, in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com that is home base and that is where you find out what’s got going on around here, that’s the home of the Global Campfire. The Daily Audio Bible app is the same thing in the palm of your hand and the app can be downloaded from whatever app store is available to your device, so check that out. Check out things like the Community Section, that is where different links to get connected on social media are found. It is also where the Prayer Wall lives, and the Prayer Wall is a resource for us here around the Global Campfire that we can reach out, any time of day or night, share our story and our brothers and sisters will begin to pray. That’s also a place where we can go and offer prayer and encouragement to our brothers and sisters who are struggling right now, just to let them know we are praying for them and giving…giving the word of encouragement. So, that is the Prayer Wall and that can be found in the Community Section of the website or the app, so check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if what’s happening here, us showing up around the Global Campfire together, finding our place, allowing the Scriptures to wash into our lives, wash into our minds, wash us clean, set us straight, inform the decisions that we’re going to make, if that is life-giving and meaningful to you, then thank you, humbly for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Will be posted shortly.

06/05/2022 DAB Transcript

2 Samuel 23:24-24:25, Acts 3:1-26, Psalms 123:1-4, Proverbs 16:21-23

Today is June 5th welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is great to be here with you today as we greet a brand-new week and do what we normally do which is to stand here and look out over it all, take stock and understand that this week is ours and this week has a story for us to tell of God’s glory in our lives or we can do just the opposite of that. What this week is going to look like depends on the words that we use, the choices that we make and that the deeds that we instruct our bodies to conduct our thoughts, words, and deeds. And, so, let’s choose wisely. And a wise decision is what we do every day around the Global Campfire and let the Scriptures inform our thoughts, words, and deeds. And, so, let’s dive into this brand-new week. We are reading from the English Standard Version this week and we will actually conclude the book of second Samuel today before we move forward into some new territory tomorrow. So, today second Samuel chapter 23 verse 24 through 24 verse 25.


Father, we thank you for your word and for this brand-new shiny week that you have granted to us that we are in, and that we look forward to invite your Holy Spirit to lead our steps, illuminate our path, and give us the grace to slow down and listen to you. Thank you for all that we learned through the books of Samuel now that we have concluded second Samuel from the life of Saul from life of David. Thank you for the journey and we look forward with great anticipation for all that you have yet to teach us. Holy Spirit come. Lead us into all truth we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Stay tuned. Community prayer and praise will be posted later in the week.

6/4/2022 DAB Transcript

2 Samuel 22:1-23:23, Acts 2:1-47, Psalm 122:1-9, Proverbs 16:19-20

Today is the fourth day of June, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It’s great to be here with you today as we bring another week to a close, first time we get to do this in the sixth month of the year, the month of June, but here we are. So, let’s dive in and take the next step forward together. We’ve been reading from the New Living Translation this week, which is what we’ll do today, second Samuel chapter 22 verse one through 23 verse 23.


Thank You Father for Your word. Thank You for another week in Your word, the week of transition where we’ve moved into a new month. Thank You for bringing us safely here, for speaking to us each and every day, directly into our life circumstances and situations through the power of the Scriptures. We ask Holy Spirit that all that we have considered this week, may it be planted deep within the soil of our hearts. I pray that we would be aware and vigilant and collaborating with You and cultivating and tending what has been planted. Come, Holy Spirit, there is never a time that we don’t need You but we need You now as much as ever. Lead and guide us into all truth. We pray, in the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudioible.com is home base, it is the website and it is where you can find out what’s going on around here, so be sure to do that. If you’re using the app, you can do all that from within the app, but in the palm of your hand and the Daily Audio Bible app can be downloaded from whatever app store is connected to your device. And that is definitely the most comprehensive way to go through the Bible with the Daily Audio Bible Community. And so, check that out.

Check out the Community Section, there are links to get connected there on social media. The Community Section is also the home of the Prayer Wall. It’s a resource for the community here that is always on and never off and we can always, always find someone to pray for, and we can always, always share our story and that our brothers and sisters lift us up in prayer, and so that can be found in the Community Section. Also, check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are a number of resources in a number of categories for the journey that we are on through the Bible this year and so, check that out as well.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible. If you find life and meaning going through the Scriptures and going through the Scriptures together in community then thank you for your partnership, profoundly. There is a link on the homepage and dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner of the app screen or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

That’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hey faith fam, it’s Holly Heart. Hey, I got an update for you, my struggles in this world and I have good reports. My rotator cuff is starting to heal. I can’t do certain things, like shut my hatch on my car still but it’s getting better. I was baptized Friday and that was awesome, I really loved that feel anew. I am going to be running in a 5k today, so that exciting. Also, I wanted to share this story that I started to find, I started, you know I’m going to church and I also started to go to a Vine Group and in my Vine Group, it was a DABer, a long time DABer. So, that was exciting. It just goes to show you how far reaching this platform really is and it’s, it’s pretty exciting. And his name is Steve and I really like my Vine Group and I really love my church too. And I just feel really blessed. Shelly in Central California, I know the pain of a bad biopsy on the thyroid, it’s terrible. And I hope that the next time that you go is much better. Dear Lord, please watch over Shelly and her next thyroid biopsy and please guide the techs and prevent her from receiving any harm from the biopsy, Lord. I also pray that You would make the biopsy show that there’s no cancer, Lord. And I pray all this in Your mighty name, Amen.

Hey, it’s Katie here. I just got done listening to the June 1st Daily Audio Bible and I was listening to the story of David’s son Absalom. And how he was grieving for him. So, I was just like, oh yeah, wow. Every time I hear this story. But today, it just hit me different, I guess. It’s, kinda makes me think of the relationship we have with God. That no matter what we do, no matter if we’re against Him or for Him, or if we’re running away from Him or anything, He’s always gonna be there. And He cares for us no matter what. And so like, David was still grieving even when his son was chasing him. And it just makes me think that God loves us no matter what. I didn’t know if someone needed to hear this today, but I believe God just placed it on my heart. So, thank you. Bye.

Father God, in heaven, I lift up a prayer before Your throne. I acknowledge that You are the most powerful, most strong and I thank You for that and allowing Your children to come to You and to pray to You. In Jesus name, I lift up Tory and her mother’s relationship. It seems as if they’re relationship or not that is being pulled, maybe one side being pulled harder than the other, there’s a lot of tension in that relationship. As of the recent passage of their husband and fathers. Lord, I pray that You would just loosen the grip that Tory places above her mother. Let her see her mother for who she truly is. Let it be a loving relationship as she looks at her mother with loving, grateful eyes. And I pray for the mother, that over the next few weeks, as she she’s all her kids, maybe in the same room or what not, that she might take a step back and just enjoy it. And above all else, take a step back, pause and be quiet for a moment. Just imagining heaven and imagining the power and the reign on both the righteous and the unrighteous. How God is the most awesome God. So, it’s in Jesus’ name I pray and I ask.

Hi, this is Victorious Solider just calling to pray for some of the DABers. I wanted to pray for our brother Patrick who made it in the law enforcement for 32 years and he’s got another job ready for him. I’m just asking for the Lord to bless him. Father in the name of Jesus, we thank You for Patrick. We thank You for and the things that he’s done. He knows all the things that he’s been through and how You brought him through day-by-day. We just ask You Lord, to open up his investigation job. We ask You to bless him, we ask You to give him the wisdom and everything he needs, even the strength and the fortitude and bless him in Your mighty and special way. Oh Lord, in the name of Jesus. And Lord, we’ll give You the glory and the praise. We ask You; we also want to pray for Marie, the first-time caller about her daughter Annie. We just ask you to bless her daughter and the one that was praying for her brother. We just ask You to have Your way in that family’s life. In the name of Jesus. We just ask You to touch John in England, he has been having a sleep problem. Father, we just ask You to touch him, Lord. We just ask You to bless him with Your peace, we just ask You to take away the pain. Lord, he needs a miracle, Father. In the name of Jesus. Take away that pain that he can get some rest that he needs. In the name of Jesus. And Lord, we’ll give you the glory, we’ll give you the honor and the praise. In Jesus name. We thank You Lord for Brian and for all the people of God. For Jill and for China and for precious little Ezekiel. And I’ve been praying for baby, little baby, our little precious baby of China. We just ask You to have You way. Continue to bless the family. And thank You so much for the podcast. And say hi to my brother Blind Tony. May God Bless you. And also, Your people Father, in the name of Jesus. Have a great day DABers. Love ya’ll. Bye Bye.