06/03/2022 DAB Transcript

2 Samuel; 20:14-21:22, Acts 1:1-26, Psalms 121:1-8, Proverbs 16:18

Today is the 3rd day of June welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it’s great to be here with you today as we gather and find a place here around the Global Campfire, let the cares of this life kind of ease into the background. We are in a little bit of an oasis that we create for ourselves each day, a place where we give ourselves permission to let everything else go so that we can open our hearts and allow the Scriptures to speak into them. And so often we can leave this campfire and go back into our day with fresh perspective. And, so, here we are around the Global Campfire for the next step forward and that next step forward leads us back into the book of second Samuel and the life of King David in the Old Testament. And then in the New Testament we’re moving into brand-new territory with the book of Acts and we’ll talk about that when we get there, but first we’re reading from the New Living Translation this week. Second Samuel chapter 20 verse 14 through 21 verse 22.

Introduction to the book of Acts:

Okay. So, as we are all aware on this journey, we concluded the book of John yesterday which concluded the Gospels, the four Gospels - Matthew Mark Luke and John, and the narrative stories of Jesus life and His ministry and of course His arrest and death and resurrection and ascension. Now we are moving into the book of Acts, the acts of the apostles, so what happened after that, what happened next. And this leads us into a new era in the New Testament, known as the church era which happens to be the times that we are in. As we read the book of Acts we’re reading of the beginning of that time. Interesting thing about Acts is that it could be also named like second Luke because the author of Luke and the author of Acts are the same author, and these were written as two consecutive volumes. And, so, the book of Acts picks up right where the gospel of Luke leaves off. And there are two main characters that we get to know. One of them we already know one of them we will meet. The first person that we will hear about is somebody that we already know, the apostle Peter. It was Peter that we were just talking about yesterday as we finished the gospel of John when he says to Jesus, “what about him Lord?” And Jesus says, “what is that to you? You follow me. This was said to Peter. The first part of the book of Acts we’ll be spending alongside of Peter and so I guess in a way we’ll get to see “what is that to you” and what Peter did with that’s encouragement and instruction from Jesus. And then we will meet a Pharisee, a very very trained Pharisee, a person extraordinarily devout and devoted to the Mosaic law and to God through the Mosaic law. His name is Saul just like the first king of Israel that we’ve spent so much time with. Saul is absolutely completely against the gospel of Jesus. For Saul, it is absolute and complete heresy. And, so, he wants to wipe the name of Jesus from the lips of the Hebrew people. Like this is somebody that has been killed, he is dead, he is gone and we need to expedite forgetting all about Him ever being here. He was a heretic. He was a blasphemer. He deserved to die. And, so, Saul is doing everything in his power to…to do just that, stamp out the name of Jesus from among the Hebrew people. And then he meets Jesus, the resurrected Christ. And when Saul meets someone who has been raised by God from the dead it rewires everything that he thought that he knew and he has to go away and spend some time hearing from Jesus, but he comes back, and this is the person that we know of as the apostle Paul. And we will have plenty to discuss about the apostle Paul because once we conclude the book of Acts we will move into the letters of Paul, the earliest Christian writings that we have preserved. And the letters of Paul are probably two thirds of the New Testament. So, we’ll be spending quite a bit of time alongside Paul and understanding kinda where he was coming from and his background and what he was after, and what the message that he was speaking actually was and what the implications are. We won’t do that right now. We’re just gonna get to meet him in the book of Acts. And one other thing that we are going to notice forefront and center and that will carry us through the rest of the New Testament is something that happens in the book of Acts, the promised Holy Spirit. The spirit of truth that Jesus promised to send after his departure falls upon the people and activates the people and really becomes in a metaphorical way that the fuel that ignites the church and the spreading of the story and the gospel of Jesus throughout the Roman Empire. And as we read these stories we need to remember it is the same spirit that empowers us to do the same thing, reveal the kingdom and share the good news. And, so, with that we begin the book of Acts. Acts chapter 1.


Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You that we have reached this point where we turn the page and are moving into new territory in the New Testament, territory we haven’t experienced before. And, so, as we move into the book of Acts and we begin to witness the work of the Holy Spirit through the apostles way we see what they’re doing as examples. May we become aware that it is the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in us. It’s Your Spirit. It’s the Spirit of truth, the same Spirit that is guiding us as was guiding them with the same wisdom the same counsel, correction, and direction. And, so, may we look at what we read and be encouraged by it and learn much from it but also apply it to our lives because it’s for us too. Come Holy Spirit into all of this we pray in Jesus name. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com, that is the website, and so that’s home. The Daily Audio Bible the app, which you can get from whatever app store is connected to your device, that is also home. And, so, have either one of those to stay connected.

Check out things like the Community section that is where the different links to social media channels are. And I’ve been mentioning for the last couple of days, tonight…it’s tonight 6 PM central standard time, Jill and I will get on Facebook live for a little bit on the Daily Audio Bible channel which is facebook.com/dailyaudioible. And, so, we will look forward to seeing you there for a little bit this evening, a little bit later. But links to the different social media channels that we participate in are posted there in the Community section, whether on the website or in the app. So, check that out.

And if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, humble gratitude. Thank you. We could not and would not be here at all if we weren’t in this together. And, so, thank you for these years of being meaningful and life-giving as we continue our steps day by day forward moving through the Scriptures. So, there is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app. That’s little red button at the top of the app screen or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

6/2/2022 DAB Transcript

2 Samuel 19:11-20:13, John 21:1-25, Psalm 120:1-7, Proverbs 16:16-17

Today is the second day of June, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It is wonderful to be here with you today, as we gather around the Global Campfire and take the next step forward together, that next step takes us back into the book of second Samuel, where we are traveling alongside King David, who was run out of Jerusalem and his son Absalom took over the kingdom for a brief moment but Absalom has died in battle. And as we ended our reading yesterday, the people were wondering why and why they wouldn’t bring the king, why they wouldn’t bringing David back. And that’s where we pick up the story in the Old Testament. And then we get to the New Testament, we will conclude the book of John. But first, second Samuel chapter 19 verse 11 through 20 verse 13.


Okay so, as we mentioned a few minutes ago before we started, we were going to and have concluded the Gospel of John today. Which means that since the beginning of the year, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are the books that we have moved through in the New Testament. And if we’re using the Daily Audio Bible app and kind of checking off the days, then today awards us the Gospels badge because we’ve moved through a grouping of books, a very important grouping of books, known as the Gospels. And so, we should have a sense of accomplishment, we have concluded the Gospels, which means tomorrow we will be moving forward into the story of what happened next, as we enter the book of Acts. And we’ll talk about that tomorrow.

But the gospel of John and the Gospels themselves and in such a beautiful and incredibly, incredibly poignant way, where each of us, there’s just so much beauty here. So, Jesus is back in Galilee, the disciples are back in Galilee. Peter says he’s going fishing, they go fishing together, they don’t catch anything. Daylight comes, there’s somebody on the shore cooking and this person, who happens to be Jesus, calls out, did you catch anything? And there like, no, we didn’t catch anything? And He tells him to throw their net on the right-hand side of the boat, on the other side of the boat. We’ve heard those words before, this has happened before, when they first met and Peter was there, Jesus was on the shores of the Sea of Galilee as they were coming in from another fishless night. Jesus told them to cast their nets on the other side and they brought in a haul, so much that it was about to capsize the boat. And when they got to shore, they left, they left everything and followed Jesus. They left the win fall, they left the big pay day, they left everything and followed Jesus. And so, here as we look at this last seen in the Gospels, this happens again and they get another haul of fish and it’s almost as if what they had left behind was restored, was given to them again. So, John recognizes that it’s Jesus and he tells Peter it’s the Lord and Peter puts on his tunic and jumps into the water and swims the hundred yards to shore, while they bring the fish in. Jesus has breakfast waiting for them. They come, sit down. He tells them to bring some fish and they have a meal together and a final conversation together. And, in this conversation, some really, well, some really poignant things happen. Jesus asks Peter do you love Me and He repeats the question three times, do you love Me. Until Peter is sort of cut to the heart, like, you know I love you, like, you know everything. And so, you know, if I’m lying, you know, I love you. Jesus keeps telling him, feed my sheep. And then He tells Peter that…that a day is coming where he will have to walk a path that he doesn’t want to walk. And the Gospel of John tells us that He is explaining to Peter how he’s going to die. And then, the most interesting thing happens and it’s the last words of Jesus, in the Gospels. And this scene for me, is one of the most poignant scenes in the Bible. It’s almost like it’s left there, these are the final words of Jesus in the Gospels. And there just left there, kind of hanging for us to truly and deeply consider every day. So, Jesus tells Peter a bit about his future and a bit about the end of his life. Peter, then looks over at John and asks Jesus a question while looking at John. Peter says, what about him, Lord. And Jesus replies with the last words from the lips of Jesus as recorded in the Gospels: if I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? As for you, follow me. Those are the last words of Jesus in the Gospels. So, we see, Jesus pressing in on Peter three times, and three times Peter affirming his love for Jesus. Many people draw correlations here to the betrayals of Peter and that Jesus asks this three times and this is restoring Peter. Peter, goes immediately to comparison, so interesting, what about him? If I have to go on a road that I don’t want to go and things are going to happen me that I don’t want to happen, what about him? If I have to endure hardship, what about him? We should be able to find ourselves in this story at this point. We should be able to hear our own selves saying that, what about him, what about them, what about her? Why do I have to do X, Y, and Z, what about them? And it’s Jesus words that answer the question, if I want them to do what they’re doing what is that to you, you follow me.

So, as we conclude the Gospels and move into our day and prepare to move forward tomorrow, may that stick with us today. In fact, may this be one of the things that stick with us for a lifetime, because our culture draws us into nonstop comparison. It’s necessary for us to feel lack and we need to feel lack because that can be manipulated into products and services that we can buy to fill the lack and so lack has to always be there for this to work. And we begin to figure out that we’re lacking something by comparison with someone else. And this is such a ubiquitous part of our culture that we don’t even really notice this, unless it’s over the top and really causing damage that we can see. It’s turned into envy and it’s a bad, bad thing. The comparison is nonstop. And we find ourselves pulled in those directions, which we do most every single day. If we could just hear our Savior, if we could just hear Him speaking calmly to us, what is that to you? If we just hear that question and try to answer it, what is that to me? Why is that pulling me in a direction that I don’t want to be going in? Why is that pulling me into an emotional state that I don’t want to be in? What is that to me? And then we hear the words of Jesus. As for you, follow me. This is about as poignant as it can get for the faith journey that we are on. And we never go through this part of the Scriptures without pointing it out because it is so pivotal. If we really could find ourselves being drawn into comparison and hear Jesus saying, what is that to you, son? What is that to you, daughter? What is that to you? As for you, follow me. That could be a game changer and a life changer for us.


And so, Jesus, we love You. And on one level, it's…it’s a bit of a melancholy day. We’ve been journeying at your side, the disciples, since the beginning of this year and we’ve come to this point where the narrative stories of your life and ministry are concluded. And we begin to see what unfolds next as the Holy Spirit comes. And it’s not like You’ve left and now we don’t hear about You anymore in the Bible. It’s just we’ve been specifically walking by Your side until this very day in the New Testament. And we are grateful, we are thankful, You have given us an example of what it looks like to be human. And You have given us examples of what is supposed to be normal and we look at those examples and we see Your life before us and we see that we fall short and we see also that, that is okay. We could have never lived up to anything in our own strength. You have come with the strength that we do not have and have restored us completely to God. We are deeply humbled; we are deeply grateful. And as we’ve said many times already this year, what are mere words, our lives need to match our words and Your words to us today. What is that to you? As for you, follow me. They ring in our ears and ignite our hearts. So, Jesus, we will follow You by the guidance of Your Holy Spirit. And we pray this in Your name. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com, that’s home base and the Daily Audio Bible app is home base as well, which you can download free from whatever…whatever app store is connected to the device that you use and so be aware that. That’s where you find out what’s happening around here and as I’ve mentioned the last couple of days tomorrow, tomorrow at 6 PM central standard time. The time zone that we are in here in the rolling hills of Tennessee, which, yeah, I mean you’ll have to, depending on where you are in the world, that can be any number of times, but if you can work back from there, you’ll find the right time. Jill and I are going to get on Facebook live together and just hang out with everybody for a few minutes, probably about 15 minutes. And you can find that at the Daily Audio Bible Facebook page. So Facebook.com/dailyaudiobible. And if you’re following along, or getting alerts or whatever then you’ll be alerted that but that’s where and that’s when and we’re looking forward to that quite a bit and so, looking forward to seeing you there.

Also, reminding you, if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, especially now, as we move into the summer months, thank you, humbly, thank you for your partnership. It’s a reality, we wouldn’t be here if we weren’t in this together and that has been the story since this all began to grow up out of the dust of the Internet, all of these years ago. So, thank you for your partnership. If you find Daily Audio Bible to bring hope and good news in life and encouragement, then thank you. There is a link on the homepage and dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, no matter where you are in the world or there are a number of numbers that you can call, depending on where you are in the world: in the Americas 877-942-4253 is the number to dial, if you are in the UK or Europe 44 2036 088078 is the number to call, and if you are in Australia or that part of the world 61 3 8820 5459 is the number to dial.

And that is it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hey everybody, this is Jonathan from Denver. It is the 30th day of May, lovely summer morning. It’s been a while since I called in, I kind of, fell off the bus there for a while. I’m just calling to ask for your prayers. I haven’t been doing too hot, lately. I’m looking hard for the Lord, trying to lean into Him, but it’s really hard. And I keep messing up. I just, I’ve been feeling real wretched and real gross lately, and I just don’t know how to do better, but I want to. I know you’re praying people and I know that prayers make a difference, so if you could please be with me and that would mean a lot. Just know, that I’m praying for all of you as well. I’m listening, I’m a few days behind still, but I’m catching up. Thank you.

Hello DAB family, this is New Envisioned Growth from New York. Today is May 30th and we are at the Passion Story narrative in the book of John. And we’re up to the part where Jesus has been crucified and there’s a part where the people have asked Pilot to change the sign from, He is the king of the Jews to He said, he is the King of the Jews. And Pilot refused, saying, I said what I said, basically. And it just made me think of how in peoples mess, you will be blessed. And then I heard the call from Steve in Scotland on and I am praying for your child but how he was talking about his home and how it was vandalized and you know, set a blaze and losing so many precious things. But I love the fact that his faith was not burned up. But just know Steve, I’m praying and that in that mess, you will be blessed. So, the very things that people try to hurt us with are gonna be the very things that we receive a blessing from. So, I pray that for you and all those and even myself in times when people come at us and try to persecute us. That actually, pushing us towards something even bigger and greater, in the name of Jesus. Love you DAB family.

Hi DAB family this is the Farmers Wife calling in. I just, I just wanted to call and thank you all so much for your prayers of protection for me, for Farmer and the baby. I am 26 weeks and 3 days along, and she’s growing, it is a girl, we found out. I am calling in gratitude and thanks for protection because I work with cows for a long time now and never had a problem. But for the first time today I had a mom, a new mom, I was checking on baby and the new mom charged me and hit me against the gate. And it could have ended so badly but I was, baby and I were protected. I mean, I should have had broken ribs, I, but all I have are bruises. The baby’s okay and just so grateful that we were protected. And I know that’s because in large part because you all are praying and it just reinforces that God has such a special plan for this baby. And I am just, my, my Farmer and I are just overwhelmed with…with gratitude and thanksgiving for His protection of our little girl. Otherwise, we’re doing well, babies doing well. Survived COVID and you know, just taking it one day at a time. So, praise the Lord and thank you all so much family for looking out for me and baby and the farmer. Love you all.

Good evening, this prayer is for Micah in Missouri. Father God, we ask You in the name of Jesus Christ, Father, that You would touch Micah’s body, Lord. From the inside out, Lord. You would restore him Lord, You know the prayer request that he said, he wants to be healed, he wants to breath well again, he wants to sleep well, Lord. You know all his needs, You know his concerns, You know the desires of his heart, Lord. And we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Father, for his lungs to be clear and healed, in the name of Jesus. That all side effects from COVID are gone now, in the name of Jesus. Father, restore him, Lord. From the top of his head, to the souls of his feet, from the inside out, from his soul and spirit, Lord God. Refill him, fill him new, anew fresh anointing of Your Holy Spirit, Lord. May he rise up and be the man You have called him to be, that Your plans and Your will are perfect for him, Lord. I pray, Lord, we pray for a hunger, he sounds like he’s hungry and he wants to be pulsed and he wants to be in a really good place, with You first and foremost, Lord. Let it be so, we ask You that in the name of Jesus Christ. We look forward to hearing the outcome, the great testimony of Your goodness in his life. Thank You Father, in Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

Good morning, DAB family, this is Greg-o from Texas. And, I was listening, today is the 31st, the last day of May. Hope everyone had a great Memorial weekend but everybody is going back to work today but I was listening to prayer requests this morning and it was John from New England that called in 4am in the morning. Reason I know that is he told us that but anyway he was just talking about the excruciating back pain that he has. And John, I hear you brother. On the first day of the year, New Years Day, I was checking out of the grocery store and I didn’t even bend over, I just leaned over to get some items out of the bottom of my cart and the worst pain I think I’ve ever felt. And it went from my left hip, down through my thigh, into my knee and down to my ankle. And it stayed that way for the month of January. I cried and I see a pain management doctor, I have for years. I have a back condition called Anchylosing Spondylitis, it’s a rheumatoid condition. But anyway, brother I’m praying for you. I’m gonna leave a message on the prayer wall, John. And I’ll leave my email there, if you wanna get in contact with me. I might be able to give you some ideas. I’ve been battling back pain since I was 28-years-old and I’m 66 right now. But anyway, I love you my friend and I pray that you find some relief soon. In Jesus name.

06/01/2022 DAB Transcript

2 Samuel 18:1-19:10, John 20:1-31, Psalms 119:153-176, Proverbs 16:14-15

Today is the 1st day of June welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian and welcome to a brand-new month. Today is the 152nd day of the year and the first day of the 6th month of the year. So, we’re just getting going in the 6th month which leaves us…well…leaves us seven months to go with the five months behind us. For me to think about that, t’s like wait a minute, how did that happen so fast? But it just does step-by-step day by day and we have covered so much ground in the Bible and so much of really having a look at ourselves as the Bible becomes a mirror into our souls that we should be able to look back at the beginning of the year and see that, yeah, the Bible…if you do this every day it really actually does change the way we look and feel. I mean, we can still fall under the old ruts, we can make a mess of things but now we clearly know better, and we know where a lot of these roads that we have been on for so long, we know where they’re going. And, so, the Bible indeed is a lamp to our feet and a light for our path. And, so, here we are moving into the sixth month together. We have been working our way through second Samuel, which is where we’ll pick up today. King David is on the run from his son Absalom who is trying to kill him. And that’s the weird thing. David was just a shepherd boy tending sheep and he just so quickly became a national hero when Goliath fell, and he’s had to be like a fugitive and on the run from Saul and now from his own son Absalom. So, it’s not like he doesn’t have experience being on the run, but being on the run from your own son, what a horrible thing. But as we recall, David taking Bathsheba the wife of one of his most loyal soldiers Uriah the Hittite, that just really undermined David in his own family. And, so, it’s come to this. Absalom wants his dad dead so he can take his throne. And that’s where we pick up the story. David’s on the run and Absalom is in pursuit. We’re reading from the New Living Translation this week. Second Samuel chapter 18 verse 1 through 19 verse 10.


Okay. So, in today’s reading we have one death, and we have one resurrection. What a way to begin our sixth month of the year. In the book of second Samuel, we have the death of Absalom. The battle between the forces of Israel under Absalom’s command and the forces loyal to David who were protecting him…well…they met in the woods and a lot of people died. In fact, the Bible tells us 20,000 people died over this. One of those people happened to be the king’s son and the Prince of Israel, Absalom who had beautiful hair and it was his downfall. Hung him up in a tree and he was killed while hanging from that tree. And from the narrative, we see that when King David lost his son he lost heart, like he wept bitterly to the point that all of those people, all of those who were trying to keep him alive and stay loyal to him came creeping back in ashamed like they had done something wrong. This is one of those situations where you look at King David and go man, like there’s just no…how do you respond correctly when you’ve lost a child and it’s so convoluted that that child wanted to kill you? Now that child is dead but that’s still your son. And then all the people who are loyal to you are grateful to be still alive but you’re so heartbroken over the loss of your child that you have this kind of erratic feeling like it would better off if I had died because the pain is so great. And, so, that is what we’re seeing happen in the life of the king as the people restore him to the throne and he takes over the kingdom again. And as we move toward the end of second Samuel, we’ll watch David now after this. We’ve gotten to see David go through a lot of trauma and a lot of hardship and then just a lot of heartbreaking stuff and then we’ve been able to witness his responses and his character and integrity, or for that matter lack of character and integrity the whole way. And, so, there’s so much for us to learn about ourselves. And we’ll take the next step forward in King David’s life as we…as we come back to the Scriptures tomorrow.

And then when we flip over into the book of John today, we have the accounting of the resurrection of Jesus. It is a beautiful retelling. This is the one retelling of the resurrection when Mary is in the garden and she…she comes face-to-face with Jesus not recognizing Him. She recognizes Him as a gardener and that is…I just find that to be beautiful. The whole thing. Our whole journey started in a garden back on January 1st when we were in the garden of Eden and with the resurrection of Jesus so much has been restored to mankind. And, so, for her to see him as a gardener is very poetic and very very beautiful. And, so, let’s meditate upon and drink in this story today of the resurrection, because as we’ve said a number of times this is the last time we’re coming this way and the last time we’re moving through these stories this year. And we will be concluding the gospel of John, with the final thoughts of Jesus in tomorrow’s reading. And, so, tomorrow we finish the four Gospels, which will award us that Gospels badge if we’re using the Daily Audio Bible app and keeping track of our readings but we can talk about that more then. Let us rejoice today as we meditate upon the resurrection.


Jesus, we love You. We thank You. We adore You. We worship You, we bow before You, and humble ourselves under Your authority and ask that You lead us. We ask Spirit of truth that You lead us into all truth as Jesus promised us, that You would guide our steps and direct our ways and that we would slow down enough to pay attention. We pray this in the beautiful name of the risen Savior Jesus our Lord. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base and so is…so is the Daily Audio Bible app. That’s home base as well. Either one of those will get you where you’re going. And that’s where you find out what’s going on around here.

And I mentioned yesterday this coming Friday, which will be the third day of this brand-new month that we are moving into Jill and I are going to get on Facebook and do a Facebook live for a little while. That’ll be at 6 p.m. central standard time, same time hear the rolling hills of Tennessee and that will be on the Daily Audio Bible Facebook page which you can find facebook.com/dailyaudiobible. And, so, we look forward to seeing you there for little bit in a few days. Mark that on your calendars.

And then reminding you, if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if the mission here is bringing good news and hope and life and community into your world, then…well…we wouldn’t be here if we weren’t in this together. That has always been the story. And, so, thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app. That’s the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi everyone, this is Susan from Canada God’s Yellow Flower calling and I just want to share such a beautiful praise report. I’m three weeks past my surgery now but recovery is very very slow but it’s progressing which I’m just so thankful for. Anyway, I have two sisters and we are very close. One lives five hours from here and she came and helped while I was in the hospital and stayed, you know, for a long time looking after the place and my son and did a wonderful job. Unbeknownst to me they had works in the plans to bring my sister down from the Yukon which is by Alaska, and I live by Toronto right on the opposite side of the country. And yesterday they surprised me with bringing my sister Diane and my niece down from the Yukon to here. I was so shocked I screamed. Oh, what a delight. What a delight. God is so good. I’ll tell you I haven’t seen my sister Diana since COVID because, you know, it’s the same with everybody right? And I’ve just been missing the three of us being together so much. I just praise God. Thank Him for wonderful sisters and family and all your prayers as well. Praise the Lord.

Hey DAB family this is Danny from Southern Oregon. Hey, I live in a really small town with farmers ranches and dairymen and when tragedy strikes it really affects our whole community and we just had another tragedy. So, I’m lifting both of these up to my DAB family and ask you to pray. The first one happened in the middle of March where a 15-year-old boy named Jesse was driving his car at a high rate of speed and hit a tree and he has some brain damage. He’s not able to walk or talk. He had a helmet on thankfully or he probably would be dead. But he is a twin, and they celebrated their 16th birthday recently. It’s just been really hard on the twin. It’s been hard on the parents. He is in Randall’s Children’s Hospital in Oregon and it’s just quite a distance from where we live. So, it’s hard on the family to go back and forth. And then two days ago we have a 12-year-old boy ironically also named Jesse who was walking down the street with his sister, and he was hit by a car. He’s got a broken pelvis, broken ankles and he is also in Randall’s Children’s Hospital and his dad is a single dad of five I believe and it’s just been very very difficult for that family also. So, if you guys could please pray for both Jesse’s from Bonanza I would really appreciate it. Our community is really just wrapping our loving arms around these families, but you know we just we need prayer for these guys. So, thank you so much. I love you. Bye.

Greetings DAB family this is Pamela Hopeful in Oregon it’s May 30th and I just listened to the prayer request from the father in Southampton England for his daughter Emily that’s being bullied and I just wanted you to know that I am praying for you and for her and I understand that we can certainly ask for prayer for her to be free from this mistreatment but in the heart I began to think that Jesus told us that we would face trials and tribulation and that He would equip us and so to face those. And, so, right now I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus that Emily would be equipped with power upon high, that she would be strengthened in her inner woman, and that she would be able to be…able to look at these people and have assurance in her heart that the things that they say to her don’t go into her heart, that she is approved and accepted by the Lord Jesus and that You would grow her into a strong and mighty woman of God, that she would be able to have Power over the intended hurt. And I pray for You dad too, that You would be able to give her over to the hands of the Lord daily and watch Him do what He’s famous for in Your daughter’s life. Love you all family. I pray for you. Have a blessed day.

Hi Daily Audio Bible family this is Tara in Montana. and I would just appreciate your prayers for my daughter. We just celebrated graduation yesterday which is a happy time for many many families and Tori has a bit of a broken heart and is quite angry. Her dad which was my husband died a year ago and I think she blames me for that. I sent her home to take him to the doctor and she ended up having to do CPR and he died. So, there’s trauma there. And obviously he was not here with us for graduation. And Tori is quite angry with me, and she didn’t want me a graduation. She hasn’t really talked much with me, and I have three other children and it’s just a very disheartening and troubling and full of conflict on her end time. So, I would appreciate prayers for her heart, for our family, and for my heart as well. Thank you.

Hey DAB fam this is K from Columbus OH I’m calling…I’m just praying for the mom. I did not hear a name, but you asked for prayers for your daughter who’s in 7th grade and wasn’t making great choices but now she’s deciding to and the friends that she decided not to be friends with did beat her up. God we come before You right now in the name of Jesus. I ask that You give this daughter spirit of David to be courageous when everything is falling apart. When it seems like all hell is breaking loose God give her the spirit of David, that You will surround her with Your angels, that no matter what we see what her daughter sees in the natural those kids are going to hear a roar from You the lion of Judah and they will back the heck up and they will not touch her, they will be scared and they will flee. The daughter’s not even going to understand what’s going on, but God I ask that You just deposit that strength and that power and that holy boldness in her heart, that she will realize that God came and fought for me, He came to see him above me. Middle school is hard. My oldest son went to the same thing he did not want to tell me what was going on, but I prayed over him I fasted over him I anointed him with oil. Each and every day I had to trust that God heard my prayers and that He was taking care of my children and He did. So God I ask You go before this daughter and this mother and that she will make ways plain, those crooked ways straight, and that You would remove those bullies that are attacking her God, that You would do what You need to do, that they have to go before the principal’s office, whoever, make it plane God that she doesn’t have to deal with them and she doesn’t have to live in fear, but I thank You that she gets up each and every morning and that she decides to worship You to go to school knowing that this is what she’s going to have to…

5/31/2022 DAB Transcript

2 Samuel 17:1-29, John 19:23-42, Psalm 119:129-152, Proverbs 16:12-13

Today is the 31st day of May, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. Can you believe it, we have made it to the end of five consecutive months and as we complete today’s reading, we can celebrate that, the conclusion of five consecutive months together, day-by-day, step-by-step and what a journey it has been. And as we reach this conclusion of five months, we are still working our way through the Book of second Samuel and well into the reign of King David’s life. Of course, David’s reign has problems at this point and it’s very unclear what’s going to happen to David. His son Absalom has initiated a que and is in the process of taking over and there is obviously tremendous unrest in the land. So, we are reading from the New Living Translation this week and picking up where we left off yesterday, second Samuel chapter 17.


Okay so, in the book of second Samuel, it’s pretty clear that Israel is upside down right now, like there’s a takeover happening, and the people are confused and alliances are confusing and conspiracy is everywhere, as Absalom attempts to secure his alliances and firmly grasp control of the kingdom of Israel, while David is on the run. And David is sort of like target number one, even in the advice that is given to him. It’s like this is the only like, if you can kill the king, everyone will come to your alliance, everyone will be loyal to you, you will be the king, there won’t be divided loyalties, King David will be dead. I mean the enmity between father and son, for this conversation to even be happening, is crazy. Absalom wants his father dead. Although, David doesn’t seem to feel the same way about Absalom. We are clearly in a period of unrest and we will have to watch it unfold before us as the days go by, we read step-by-step through this story.

Then in the Gospel of John, and we are just a couple of days away from concluding the Gospel of John, we are once again at the cross and this is the last time, at least in the narrative of the Gospels, we get to stand here and consider this sacrifice, this injustice, this awful scene that sets us free. And in John’s Gospel we have the telling of Jesus mother Mary, being there at the foot of the cross with a couple of other female followers of Jesus. And while Jesus is still alive, dying while hanging being crucified, He protects his mother. He looks at the disciple that He loves, people associate this with John and essentially says this is your mom now and you take care of her and he says to his mom, this is your son. And so, it’s clear that Jesus is protecting and caring for His mother before He dies. And then we witness Jesus saying - it is finished. And then He dies. On some levels, it’s like gratefully, this is the last time this year we passed this way. But in another, it’s like, this is something that reminds us of how we got here. This has shaped our very lives and so it’s something to be considered every day, but let’s at least take the time, as we close this fifth month of the year and prepare to move into the sixth month of the year, let’s meditate one more time on Jesus life and beauty of who He was, and the good news that He brought forth into the world and the healing touch, and all of that led to this cross and our ultimate redemption. Let’s meditate upon this today, as we close this fifth month and move forward together.


So, Jesus, we are grateful whatever word we would choose to describe humble gratitude, the words in any language wouldn’t be adequate, it is our lives, lived after the fashion that You modeled for us this is our daily sacrifice. This is our true gratitude, when we follow in Your footsteps, part of that is speaking
it out loud, we are grateful, we are beyond grateful, we are humbled beyond what our vocabularies can say, thank You for rescuing us and modeling life for us. Help us Holy Spirit to live this life that You have given us, a life of freedom. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base and its where you find out what’s going on around here and there is something going on around here later this week. This Friday 6 PM central standard time, Jill and I are going to get on Facebook Live for a few minutes and just hang out with everybody. We’re not gonna stay on too long but we’re gonna come on and say hi, and I mean the attention span of the Internet is like 30 seconds I guess, so we’ll be there longer than that. But we will look forward to seeing you and so, Facebook.com/dailyaudiobible is the Daily Audio Bible channel. So, follow that, check that out and we will see you on Friday and looking forward to that. Also, we want to remind you of the Daily Audio Bible Shop that can be accessed from the Daily Audio Bible app or from the Daily Audio Bible website, there are resources there that are restocked and ready for the journey. The continuation of the journey that we are on, as we continue to navigate day by day, step-by-step, week-by-week, month-by-month, through the entire year. A year of our lives together, a year of our lives immersing ourselves in the Scriptures every day. So, check out the resources that are available in the Shop.

And if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible. Thank you, humbly, this mission, to keep doing what we’re doing, reading the word of God fresh, every day and offering it freely to anyone who will listen, anywhere on this planet, any time of day or night and recognize that we’re showing up every day around the Global Campfire and so we’re a community here, we care for one another, we pray for one another, love one another. If that is life-giving to you then thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that’s the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Will be posted later this evening.

05/30/2022 DAB Transcript

2 Samuel 15:23-16:23, John 18:25-19:22, Psalms 119:113-128, Proverbs 16:10-11

Today is the 30th day of May welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it’s great to be here with you today as we gather around the Global Campfire and take the next step forward together. That next step is waiting for us in the book of second Samuel. We’re reading from the New Living translation this week. Second Samuel chapter 15 verse 23 through 16 verse 23. And just by way of reminder, Absalom has come back from Geshur to the city of Jerusalem, and he has slowly, methodically gained the loyalty and the hearts of the people. He has gone to Hebron where he is staging a coup against his father to take over the kingdom. Word has gotten to King David who is now fleeing Jerusalem and that’s where we pick up the story.


Okay. So, in the book of second Samuel we see very very clearly that things have shifted for King David and this all started when King David took Bathsheba the wife of Uriah the Hittite to his own bed and she became pregnant and he was killed in battle on purpose and then he became…and she became King David’s wife. A really big shift inside David’s family happened and it has lead us all the way to what we read today with Absalom, David’s son, one of the princes of Israel taking over, marching into Jerusalem taking over and King David and his entourage fleeing the city of Jerusalem to escape. One of the things that we should notice is David’s posture because even as he is fleeing he is acknowledging his utter dependence on God even…even at those who are cursing him. He is in his own mind and even as he says it out as his mouth if…if the Lord wants them to curse me then we won’t stop them. I’m in the hands of the Lord, the Lord will do with me what he seems is right. This is a familiar posture with David. This is how we saw him behave when he was on the run from King Saul. Now he’s on the run from his son Absalom. So much of what is happening now are repercussions that begin with Bathsheba and just undermine and tear apart the fabric of the family of the king. And we will of course continue that journey and that story tomorrow.

And then as we come into the book of John today, we are experiencing yet again the passion narrative, the story of Jesus arrest and trial and crucifixion and death. And each time we’ve passed through this territory in each of the Gospels we’ve paid attention to this because we should. This is a salvation story. This is also a story of unbelievable injustice and the story of a Savior willingly laying down His life on behalf of others. It’s important to pay attention to the story because this story shapes everything in the life of a believer, a disciple, a follower of Jesus. And we only have just a small handful of days left before we will conclude the gospel of John. And when we conclude the gospel of John, we will have concluded the Gospels and the narrative stories of Jesus life and teachings and ministry. And, so, this is the last time we’re going to be moving through this territory this year. And, so, it is particularly important for us to totally immerse ourselves to the best of our ability to truly focus on the sacrifice and the profound love that is beyond description on our behalf. We are the beneficiaries. We are the recipients of the rescue and the reunification of mankind and God without this chasm separating them so that we can now go boldly into the throne of grace. Because when we go boldly into the throne of…throne of grace, we are going to visit with our Father. The sacrifice of Jesus paved the way. So, we may have heard it 10,000 times, and we may have heard it to the point that it’s just another story because we’ve heard it so much but we slow down, consider then the utmost of humility should wash over us, the awareness that we were in a predicament there was no hope to get out of until Jesus. But with Jesus all things have become possible. This is a story we should think about most every day with a grateful heart. And, so, let’s embrace it as we move through the gospel of John, the final of the four Gospels before we move forward into what happened next.


Jesus, we love You. We hear the echoes of what You told Your disciples, that we would be known by our love for one another and You said that and then demonstrated a love that is so profound it is nearly impossible to understand. And, so, it is that love that is rescued us, it is that love that has pursued us, it is that love that dwells within us as we believe and walk in Your footsteps and follow Your path so that that love may spill out of us into the world. May this be true for each and every one of us we pray. In Your precious name, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com, that is home base, that’s where you find out what’s going on around here. And, so, check that out. If you’re using the app you can do that as well. You can find out what’s going on around here by pressing the little Drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner of the app screen and opens a drawer and you can navigate from there.

And, so, check out things like the Community section. This is where different links to connect and follow along with the Daily Audio Bible on social media can be found. It is also the home of the Prayer Wall. And that’s the only place to find the Prayer Wall for the Daily Audio Bible is in the Community section. And that is a resource that allows anyone no matter where you are, no matter what’s going on you can tell your story and your brothers and sisters can read that and pray for you and let you know they’re praying for you, or you can go and just pray. Maybe things are going fine in your world right now and you want to reach out and bless those who are struggling and needing to endure right now, bless them with confidence and encouragement. You can do that at the Prayer Wall as well. And, so, check that out. That is in the Community section, both on the web and in the app and that is one of the beautiful distinctives of who we are as a community. We pray for each other. Like, we hold each other up without all this pretense and prejudging and all this advice. Like we just come together and accept each other where we are in the journey knowing that the best thing we could possibly do for each other’s talk to God on each other’s behalf. It’s a beautiful thing. And, so, check that out in the Community section.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if this mission to bring the spoken word of God read fresh every day and given freely to anybody who will listen anywhere on this planet any time of day or night, and to build community around that rhythm so that we’re not on a solitary endeavor. We are in this together. If that is life-giving to you than thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app. That’s the little red button at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hey DAB family this is Steve from Scotland. I will give You thanks with all my heart. Before the heavenly assembly I was sing praises to You. From Psalm 138. Do you know what guys? You are the heavenly assembly. Those of us who know, and love of the Lord Jesus are already living in eternity. Isn’t that amazing? You are part of that heavenly assembly today even though you’re here on earth. And I just want to give thanks to God for my son Josh who’s gone through a pretty last cancer experience. But he’s been given the all clear. And that’s because of the love and the dedication of health care professionals who dedicate their lives to serving others. They’re just amazing people, aren’t they? I’ve also got a prayer request. A couple months ago somebody broke into our home, burgled us, and then set fire to it and we’ve lost every earthly possession, but we’ve not lost a single thing that we now can’t now take to heaven. And I just give thanks again to God that he is present in the process that we’re going through. So would you just pray that God would give us favor wisdom and discernment in terms of where we live? We’ve been pretty nomadic the past couple of months and a home where we can rebuild from would be just awesome at the moment. And God’s been so clear that the vision that he’s had for our property, the place that we were just called to love and serve others still remains and we know His word won’t come back empty. Also, if you could just pray for the young man that did this, that he would know the love of God and that he would forgive himself. That would be amazing. And finally Sparky, brother, just keep rocking it. I just loved hearing you praying out the other day and just encourage you keep going man. I love you all. Have an amazing day.

Hello this is Bob from Arizona I believe it’s the 25th of May podcast. I really…I have to react and call quickly even though I still don’t have my thoughts gathered Brian, but you are…you’re teaching is profound to you and profound to me in that our love for one another is paramount in the Lord’s teaching to us and as you said as he’s modeled to us. And certainly not young new to that. I, you know, I’m in my 70s, saved at 25. Speaks nothing to, you know, my closeness of the Lord. Every day’s a walk. But I do know when I hear the truth over and over again like you’re teaching that it’s so profound, so essential. I believe you said if we don’t get this, you know, it's…it’s essential. We need to get this. And I need to get this. You know totally. I guess practically I’m thinking I do want to call someone for coffee, a brother of mine seems to be troubled. Even though I drink coffee I’ll have something. But I…just to do something to start there. You know. Every day’s…somehow I’m trying to reach an understanding of the Lord, what is your will or this is your will show me how to how to live out your will Lord. Thank you so much Brian. You put our hearts in the right spot, you direct us well. I appreciate that and I thank You Father, Son, Holy Spirit for leading Brian’s teaching and for leading us in our hearts and for Your…just Your mercy to us, that we are capable of doing so much…so much more.

Hello my DAB family this is Jamie in New Jersey Standing on the Word of God. I humbly ask you to please pray with me. Dear Father in heaven thank You that You have plans for us that are for our good and Your glory. Everything You touch is powerfully transformed. Let us know that powerful touch in our lives. Lord, we confess that often we believe we have no choices or no possibilities for success in the situations we face. We kindle our unwavering belief in You and remind us to put our lives in Your hands every day. We trust You will guide us toward those things that are meant for us. Help us to fully believe You are God of all that is possible. Give us the strength to follow You. Your word says that to those who ask it will be given for those who seek it will be found and to those who will knock the door will be open. Here our prayers for miracles and grant our requests we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen. Thank you for praying along with me my brothers and sisters. I want to mention that today was my son’s college graduation. As I told you before he was diagnosed with autism when he was three hours old and many predicted that this day would never come. But I want to give God all the glory that He’s heard my prayers and answered them on His behalf. I want to encourage every parent and grandparent who has a child in the autism spectrum that nothing is impossible with God. God will guide them, God will teach them, God will get them to where they need to be. I lift them all up in Jesus’ name and I ask that He would touch each and every one of them as He has my son. Thank you all so much for praying me with me. I love you all. I bless you all. Have a good night.

My goodness it’s Susan from Canada God’s Yellow Flower. This is my third or fourth attempt. Something’s always going wrong. But anyway, I’ll try again. Dobson and your buddies know that I am praying for you deeply. I’m so…I worked with people in prison for over 10 years and I made some really good friends there and actually married one. But anyways that’s all I the past. But anyway, I want you to know I’m praying for the ministries in the prison to…to flourish and grow and change lives. So, dear God I just want You to…to…I’m asking You Lord God to raise Your hand over these prisons and change these hearts of stone into hearts of flesh that You can mold and shape into what You want them to be. You never create junk Lord. You only create good and beautiful things and there’s a beautiful gem inside each of them that needs to be polished up and molded into something wonderful. So, we pray dear God in the blessedly of Jesus that You would move in these prisons, that You would bless the people who are bringing the good news to You…the good news to them and that You would just bless them mightily in Jesus’ precious and holy name. Amen.

5/29/2022 DAB Transcript

2 Samuel 14:1-15:22, John 18:1-24, Psalm 119:97-112, Proverbs 16:8-9

Today is the 29th day of May, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian, it’s great to be here with you today as we throw open the threshold and walk into this brand-new week together and now, we are walking into a new week and before this week is out, we’ll be walking into a new month. So that’s exciting but we are here now taking the next step forward together and that leads us back into the family drama of King David in the book of second Samuel. Today, chapter 14 verse 1 through 15 verse 22.


Father, we thank You for Your word, we thank You for this brand-new week that we are walking into, a week that will lead us into a brand-new month. And so, we recognize the passing of time once again, that gives us the opportunity to reflect back and to dream forward and to be in this very moment with You and every moment that will ever come again with You and Your presence, as you lead, guide and direct us forever and ever. And so, we rest in that, we thank You for that promise and that hope, and we ask Holy Spirit that You would come seal what we’ve read this week in our hearts and lead us forward in the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hey DAB family, it’s Dr. John from Jordan, New York. I’m asking us to gather around someone I’m gonna call New to This because I enjoy dad jokes. She introduced herself as I’m New to This, but she has suffered two miscarriages and that is devastating. And so, I’m going to tell you, New to This, that you grieve and that’s part of the process is that yes, you lost a baby and all that hope that you had with that positive pregnancy test, all the dreams that you had already made until you started bleeding and it sucks and I’m sorry for you. But there is hope and the story I’m gonna to tell you is about a patient of mine who had two miscarriages for her first two pregnancies and subsequently delivered two babies, a boy and a girl, both beautiful. And so, we will have that hope for you. So, DAB family, please join together with me as we pray for her. Heavenly Father, I ask You to open up her womb. I ask You to bless her with children and to provide many arrows in the quiver of her husband. Father, please comfort her and her husband through this time of grief and be there with them. And I pray this in Jesus’ holy, mighty and victorious name. Amen. Thank you DAB, Dr. John signing off.

Hi, this is Victorious Soldier just calling to pray for some of the DABers. I wanted to pray for Ethen, he was having some problems with his car. And I just wanted to say, depending on how new your car is Ethen, it’s probably still under warranty. So, I pray that it is and that God will open doors in every aspect of your life, even in what you seek. I want to pray for Samone, I want to tell her thank you for how wonderful her testimony of what she’s been through and how God is able to heal and deliver and God is able to do anything. I remember the time that God had brought me to the place where I have and like Joseph say, he brought you there to save lives and also to have life. I thank God for Lisa the Encourager, want to continue to encourage you. So good to hear your voice, Lisa. I want to also pray for David, from Alaska and he was talking about his eyes and how he’s still able to see. I just wanna pray that God continue to bless him to see and even to see better. Gracious Father, we just lift You up, we praise You, we magnify You Lord. We just thank You because You’re still the same God yesterday, today and tomorrow. You’re still healing, You’re still delivering, You’re still working miracles, Father. In the name of Jesus. Lord, we just ask You to touch our people today who are going through, even going through depression, even those who have been through what my precious sister Samone in Texas, has been through. Lord, we just ask You to continue to bless her, continue to bless her family, Lord. In the name of Jesus. And Lord, we give You the praise and the glory and the honor. We ask You to continue to bless Brian and tell him thank you for the podcast. Have a great day my dear DABers. Love you all. Bye Bye.

Good evening family, it’s Soaring on Eagles Wings from Canada. Abba Father, I bow my head in your presence as my heart is over burdened with grief for a town in Texas where lives have been lost and it doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to it. We ask why, how did this happen? You knew that this time would come Lord. We didn’t. Moms and dads are crying for their babies and two teachers’ families. And the shooter also has a family that’s crying as well. And I ask You God, Abba Father, that You would pour Your Holy Spirit out on this whole town. And instead of division because of anger or whatever, it would reunite people and that the enemy would see that he is defeated. The name of Jesus brings peace and harmony and comfort. Comfort the mourning, wrap Your arms round about them, Lord. Be very real to them, and weed through this horrible situation, many come to know you as Savior Lord. Oh, my heart aches for those parents. God!

Hey, DAB family, this is Dani from Southern Oregon. Hey, I wanted to share some news with you today. I am down in Southern California visiting my 89 and 91-year-old parents and my mom has been a closet smoker forever. And today, she started an accidental fire and it was a big fire and it was in the garage. And I was on my way to the shower, which is attached to the garage and I noticed smoke and I opened the door and sure enough the whole recycle can was fully engulfed and right next to it, is course all of the Costco toilet paper, paper towels, all her cleaning products and all these flammables and I’m like oh no. And so, I go to grab the fire extinguisher and it’s old and it’s empty and so I run and I get a robe on. I run outside and unhooked the hose from the whatever, anyway, and I squirt the hose on it and I put the fire out and thank God I was there at the right time, at the right place. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Because if I wasn’t there, my parents didn’t have a clue, my mom was actually watching me from the kitchen window and she told me later, I was wondering what you are doing outside watering the lawn in you robe. I was gonna tell you, you know they might do that in the country but we don’t do that kind of thing. She had no clue what was going on. So, thank You Jesus. Thank You for sparing my parents home, thank You for sparing their lives and thank You for using me to help keep them safe. I just wanted to share that with my family.

Hi DABers, this is Micah in Aw, in Kansas City, Missouri area. I wanted to ask for your prayers for energy for me and I don’t know, will and strength. I got COVID last year in August and it just really jacked me up. I feel like I’m a different person now, like, I don’t have the energy that I used to have, I don’t have the ability I used to have, doing like, like just small things gets me out of breath. It’s really weird, like, just doing dishes can wear me out, it’s crazy. So, I just really obviously want to be restored back to some kind of semblance of the man I used to be and have the ability I used to have and the drive and the want to get out and walk and start, start building my endurance again. And spiritual as well, like, I don’t know what has been going on but I cannot walk up early, I wake up just, like, like with just enough time to make my espresso and go, go to my office and start work. I’m like, I turn on Daily Audio Bible but I rarely make it to the end. I’m not hearing the prayer requests as much as I should or want to. And I just, like, today, I woke up at 430 for some reason and haven’t been able to get back to sleep and it’s been nice just sitting here looking out my back window and having my espresso and actually having time to go through the, todays reading and listen to the prayers. I want that again. Like, I have sleep apnea and my sleep apnea machine is messed up, they had a national recall and I haven’t, I haven’t been having that so I’m thinking that probably has a lot to do with it as well. But anyway, if you would just pray for me, that God would restore me to some semblance of good health and give me good will. Thank you.  

05/28/2022 DAB Transcript

2 Samuel 13:1-39, John 17:1-26, Psalms 119:81-96, Proverbs 16:6-7

Today is the 28th day of May welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is great to be here with you as we close another week. We won’t make it through another week before we cross the threshold into a new month. That’s crazy but that’s where we are. And, so, while we have a couple days left in this fifth month of the year let’s reflect, reflect upon where we have been and where we are going and what the Scriptures are saying to us. We start a new month well by finishing what we started, like by finishing the previous month well. And, so, we’ve got a little time, a couple days in front of us. And, so, let’s do that. Let’s finish well. And one of the ways that we finish well is by continuing the rhythm that we’ve started on 1st of January, day by day step-by-step around the Global Campfire moving forward through the Scriptures. And, so, let’s move in that direction. We have been following the story of David throughout the book of second Samuel, which is what we’re reading from in the Old Testament. We’ve seen a lot of character and integrity in David. In fact, profoundly so, but we’ve also seen just a dramatic fall and the taking of Uriah’s wife, Bathsheba, and the foretelling from the prophet Nathan that really David’s closest enemies will be within his own household. And in some ways, we can understand maybe the loss of respect. Maybe nobody’s talking about this or charging the king with some sort of crime, but within the walls of the palace, within the family, I’m sure that…well dads got a new wife. And we knew her. She was Uriah’s wife. Like, we can begin to put some things together, especially since Bathsheba was already with child when she came into the palace to be the wife of the king. And, so, now we begin to watch that deterioration within David’s family begin to happen. We’re reading from the New English Translation this week, which is today. Second Samuel chapter 13.


Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You for another week that we’ve been able to spend in Your word, the last full week of this month. So, we’re starting to think about the future days, but we are also reflecting back on all that You’ve brought us through and into and invited us into and all that You have shaped inside of us already. And even today, as we read the high priestly prayer of Jesus over his friends and through his friends to all of us, make us one as You are one. You in us and we in You. Holy Spirit, we invite You to come and lead us into all truth, including the mystery of the fact that You are within us. The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in us. Lead us into that truth. Lead us to become aware of what that means. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home, hone base, its where you find out what’s going on around here. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can do that as well. And the app is free. You can download it from the app store that works with the smart phone or device or tablet that you have. And, so, check that out. It is definitely the best way to move through the Scriptures in a year in community here at the Daily Audio Bible. So, check that out.

Check out the resources that are available in the Daily Audio Bible Shop. We…we’re excited to finally be able to restock several things, the…the Global Campfire fleece jackets, the Shalom fleece jackets as well as all the Black Wing pencil stuff. Finally, that’s all back in stock. And, so, yeah, check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop for resources that are unique and tailored to our journey through the Bible together in a year in community.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if the mission to continue step-by-step day by day through the Scriptures in community is life-giving and brings something that you can expect and that is solid that is meaningful to you and your life in your journey then thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you are using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app. That is the little red button at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian and I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi, I just wanted to comment on the May 23rd message Brian and it’s amazing. I’m just so amazed how God our Creator our Father He comes in a form of a human being Jesus Christ and yes washes our feet. There are no words. I just could say it’s so amazing. And when we get it, that we too can be that, just wash other people’s feet for an example in humbling ourselves and being humbled and serving others whether in private or out in the open on the mission field, wherever. It’s our hearts. And it’s amazing how busy we can become from one time at work or at home and then when we have quiet time when we have those times when we are…experience that blessing of giving of ourselves and then you have that a-ha moment, you have that revelation that is…is really amazing how the Holy Spirit moves in us and then the next day comes when we get busy again and, you know, it’s like we forgot. But what’s wonderful is our Father God doesn’t forget us. He just loves us no matter what and He says continue, just pick up where you left. and you will guide us. That’s awesome. Thank you, Lord.

Hey family this is Bridget from New York city and I just finished listening to today’s word from Brian. Today is Tuesday May 24th and he talked about loving one another. And, so, we’re coming up on the 4th year of my son in law’s murder and, you know, my daughter has had difficult four years. And I used to think I knew what love was because you see it right on TV, you experience it, and we’re taught. And one thing I’ve learned of these past four years is that love truly doesn’t think look like what I thought it did. What it really looks like is what Jesus says. It’s the way that He lived. And when you look at how He lived, you know His heart was for the broken for the last for the sick. His heart was for even further religious. You know there was a scripture that I read a while ago where He talks about, he was, you know, hurting basically because of the cup that He’s gonna take and how He wished that, you know, He could get Israel to listen to Him basically. And I’m really paraphrasing. And, you know, it just reminded me so much of how He was a wounded healer, a broken savior, broken for us, broken for our hearts, broken for the love that He has for us. And I just want to encourage you guys, you know, to not look at love the way that you understand it but to really seek God about it and pray that the Holy Spirit will show you what love looks like in the eyes of the Gather. God bless you guys. I love you and I pray this blesses you all. Have a great day.

Lord my prayer right now is for Ethan. Thank You for Ethan. Thank You because you made Ethan. And thank You for this massive step that he has taken today to call and to be able to share so if his struggles. Father this is a big step towards healing. And he has also indicated that it is a condition He does not need and he does not want in his life. And it is a very good place to be. And this is where You, the God of heaven will step in and show Ethan how much You love him. Touch him and help them to rise above and beyond whatever this struggle is so that in all things all glory and honor would be Yours forever and ever. Amen. God bless you, Ethan. You are on your way to the victory. Bye-bye.

Afternoon all. It's…the day is the 24th of May today recording this. And sunny __ in England. It’s our weather today, hot cold windy __. __ for ya. Anyway, I’m just praying for the DABbers today, especially Victoria Soldier. Makes my day when she comes on with her fervent…fervent spirit there. But just asking for prayer just for my daughter. She’s 14 and she’s __ at school and it’s been getting on a little while not but here __ she said something to her so called friends and its sort of spiraled out of control and now the whole __ and the whole __ are up against her. And she’s got friends and so on but it's…it’s difficult to see your young…your daughter go through __ you want to do things but there’s only so much you can do. You can go to the school and __. And you want to do things, but you can’t do things. So, I don’t know. I’m still leaving it up to God. And I thought He might be able to do His bit and I’m just waiting for His __ thing to happen. So, just to pray for Emily. Emi, her name is. And pray…just pray for me as well for…to keep…keep my mind focused and so on. Thanks guys. Speak to you soon.

Hello Daily Audio Bible community this is People on the Water from Indiana, and I was thinking that it’s kind of funny, more or less, it’s kind of interesting that we tend to be the greatest minister…ministers to our own self. This is in regard to Ethan, Ethan from the greater Phoenix area. First of all, welcome to the area. I’m not there right now but I hope you’re finding your home to be nice and the community around you that you might be built up. In your call I heard you are dealing with us in that you are ashamed of and should feel. Sins not something you want to be proud about. But sin is also something that is hard to share, it’s hard to break. And man do I get that. So, I would like to pray for you brother. Just lifting you up to the Lord that He might take your condition and He…then go deeper and take your condition and how it makes you feel, how it affects you. And Lord I pray that You would just heal with Your right hand, heal Ethan in Your way Lord. In Jesus’ name I pray, and I ask. Amen.

5/27/2022 DAB Transcript

2 Samuel 12:1-31, John 16:1-33, Psalm 119:65-80, Proverbs 16:4-5

Today is the 27th day of May, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It is great to be here with you today, as we close in on another week and for that matter closing in on another month. But we are where we are and today is the 27th day of May and our next step forward, which is what we do every day, will take us back into the book of second Samuel, where we have seen a sharp turn in the life of David, who has been a man of character and integrity before the people and before God. He’s now the king of Israel and has done some horrible, horrible things: adultery, murder, cover-up, conspiracy, just the whole 9 yards. Bathsheba is now the wife of King David because he had her husband who was a loyal, very loyal elite warrior Uriah the Hittite, has been killed in battle on purpose. And so, let’s see where the story takes us. Today, second Samuel chapter 12.


Okay so, in the book of second Samuel, we see that a shift has indeed taken place in David’s life. The prophet Nathan comes to him, tells him a story about a poor man who had only one sheep and that sheep was taken by a rich person and cooked and eaten, just so he didn’t have to provide food for a traveling guest. David was incensed and furious and this person should die and the whole time, Nathan is describing, metaphorically, what David has done. And so, the payoff line there is when Nathan says, you are that man and that hits David between the eyes and squarely in the heart and he gets a glimpse of how far he has slid, how far he has fallen, and he is told that he won’t experience the kind of peace that he had before. And that turmoil would come from within his own house. So, this is a big shift indeed and will watch as this unfolds in the coming days.

And then when we turn the page into the New Testament and back into the book of John, the Gospel of John and we are kind of rounding the corner on the Gospels themselves. Jesus is talking to his friends, having His final discussion with them. Telling them that He’s going to be leaving, which He has been telling them all along, and they’re confused about it, as they’ve been all along. And He tells them something kind of strange. He says, it’s to your advantage that I go, and you can’t, really, I can’t anyway, wrap my mind around, if I’m one of those disciples, how that in anyway sounds like good news, that He’s going be gone and where He’s going, I can’t go and I won’t be able to see Him anymore, I would be confused. And so, they probably had some confusion and then what happened over the course of the next couple of days, had to just break their hearts and crush them completely. But Jesus is here in this last time with them, saying these last words and telling them it’s actually a good thing, it’s to your advantage because if I go away, then I will send the Advocate to you, the Spirit of truth. This is really remarkable because if there is an accuser, which is a way that the evil one is described in the Scriptures, an accuser, then an advocate is a defender. So, if there’s a prosecutor, then there’s a defender, and this Defender, this Spirit of truth, this Advocate, is coming because Jesus is returning to the Father. And so, He’s explaining to them why this is good news, but you still have to think that they were, well, I just put myself in that position and I’m not sure I can get my mind around it, being good news, that Jesus, the one that I gave up everything to follow, I’m not gonna, He’s gonna be gone, I’m not gonna see Him anymore. But this, in a way, is where Jesus explained, it is, beginning to explain the changes that are to come. They won’t be able to see Him but He won’t be absent. They won’t be able to see Him but the Spirit of truth, the Advocate will come and always be available, to all of His family, all who believe. Which means that geography right, like, physicality isn’t the important thing anymore, the Spirit of truth is located in the hearts of believers all over the world. We carry it together if we’re listening. And so, Jesus then goes on to say but when He, the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. That is something Jesus promises and that is something that we ask for regularly here, as we move through the Scriptures is that, the Spirit would lead us into all truth, as we devote ourselves to the Scriptures and understanding what God is saying to us through them. But it seems like Jesus, as He has been doing, but more intentionally now since this is their last conversation in total freedom, is planting within them that a shift is happening, it’s gonna look different but He isn’t going to abandon them. And we will certainly continue with the story that is unfolding in the Gospel of John, as we push toward the end of the Gospels, for our adventure this year.


And, Jesus, we love You, we thank You for this example that we have in the pages of the Gospels, we thank You for Your work on our behalf, Your love that is beyond description, Your sacrifice, that is beyond our understanding, Your rescue of our very selves, our souls and our forever, so that we might be with You and we thank You that you promised to send the Spirit of truth. And we thank you, Holy Spirit that You lead and guide us, correct and reprove, discipline us, encourage us, comfort us, lead us, and we open ourselves to Your authority and Your leadership and ask that You lead us into all truth. We ask this in the name of Jesus, who told us that this was going to happen. And we thank You for Your patience and kindness in leading us, because we know we can be as stiff-necked as we have seen in the Scriptures. We can be that way too. And You have been patient with us. We ask for Your continued guidance in our lives and that we would have the discipline to slow down and listen and obey. We pray this in the mighty and majestic name of our Savior Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, that is the website and it is where you can find out what’s going on around here. The Daily Audio Bible app does that as well. And you can download the app from whatever app store is connected to your device. And so, check it out. Definitely check out the Community Section, there are links to get connected on social media there, that is where the Prayer Wall lives and we all know the Prayer Wall is an always on, never off resource for us where we can always, no matter what’s going on, share and ask for prayer, but we can also offer prayer and offer encouragement to one another. So, be familiar with that. Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are resources there for the journey. Everything from things to write with now that we’ve got all restocked up on the best pencils in the world and all that writing paraphernalia, as well as a Daily Audio Bible journals that we painstakingly crafted to be that kind of journal that you can carry around and chronicle what’s happening in your life and how you felt in that moment and man, we’re writing the story of our lives and so, when we review back at what we’ve written in our journals, over the course of the year or years, it’s amazing how perspective has changed, as we learn from the things that come our way. And so, all that’s available in the Daily Audio Bible Shop and a lot of other things as well. So, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if gathering around the Global Campfire every day is a life-giving thing, then thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that’s the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hey DAB family this is Zac from Phoenix, it’s May 23rd and I just got done listening to Ethan’s prayer request. I want to say that I, like many other people, understand what is to struggle with sin and I hear my brother’s broken heart and just hurting over the sin that he is struggling with. And so, I would like to lift him up in prayer today and just ask God to be with him. Lord God, I want to lift up my brother Ethan. I hear his…his pain and his brokenness over his sin. And Lord, I intercede on his behalf. And I ask Lord, that You would deliver him from this sin. Lord, You say that You are the God who heals, You are the God who restores. And Lord, thank You so much for not leaving us in our broken state. Lord God, I ask that You would help Ethan identify the lies that the enemy is using to initiate the sin. Lord God, You heal the pain and the wounds that have been caused by this sin and what…what started this sin. Lord God, I ask that You would deliver him, fully and completely, so that his life would become a testimony to You of Your miraculous healing and restoration. Lord, I thank You for everything that You’re doing, all that You have done. It’s in Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Hi neighbors, it’s Lisa the Encourager. I covet your prayers right now. I just found out that my mom, her cancer is terminal and they basically gave her two months. So, I just really covet your prayers right now. And I would appreciate you lifting me up. Thank you so much. I love you all, bye.

Hey DABers, this is Bill, actually, I left a message a few months back. And let you all know that I just got out of prison in March, this past, few months back. And anyway, I just want ya’ll to pray for me, you can call me Billy or Bill, that’s fine. I’m just needing ya’lls prayer. I have a court date on June 9th and I’m supposed to be going to. I’m praying the Lord would work a miracle, that I don’t have to go. It should have already been taken care of back in 2017 and apparently, it hadn’t been and so, ya’ll please pray for me and intercede on my behalf. I’m doing my best to live righteous and love the Lord and love my neighbors, love ya’ll and encourage ya’ll today, so ya’ll just do your best. I thank you Brian Hardin, thanks so much for your ministry. Bless your wife Jill and your daughter China and your son, little E and Maxwell and all your family. Bless ya’ll. Thank you so much Blind Tony for your beautiful rhymes. Thanks for just all the prayer requests and intercessory prayer that ya’ll have for us, we’re a family. God’s using us in a mighty way to change this world for His glory and for our souls to be saved. I heard a lady talk today about her daughter that got beat up, I’m praying for her. I pray for the youth, just for their hearts to be changed, not to laugh about that stuff, that stuff is so demonic. I just got done doing a 45-day DOC, they call it DOC here in Alabama. I went to see my children; they live in Florida and I crossed the border. I live in Alabama and I crossed the border without permission from my parole officer and so I had to do a 45-day DOC. That’s why you haven’t heard anything from me in the past few months. But listen up, God is good, I got to witness to this men in there, they need Jesus really bad. And there in there smoking dope and doing things that are just, you know, ungodly. And just not trying to even hear the Gospel but I was in there faithfully reading the word, praying for them. Ya’ll pray for little D, cause he’s a little nasty. And he’s 23 years old and he’s lost, he needs Jesus really bad. He’s just really addicted to marijuana and just, he needs, he got shot 13 times ya’ll and he survived and he’s still living like the Devil. So, ya’ll please pray for little D.

Hello DAB family, this is Brother’s Keeper from North Georgia. I haven’t called in, probably around little over four years, going through a lot of stuff. I listen to this every day, I have for a long time and lost my brother, which was my best friend, right at about four years ago. And I was doing really good at being in the faith for, going on, 27 years and did really good until I lost my brother. And somewhere along, over the last four years, from losing him, working side-by-side with him my entire life, did the same type of work, worked the same places. The, finally came back to the faith about three years ago, about four, right before four years ago. And made things right with God and that He just kind of faded away and then he was gone before I knew it. And I just was not prepared to handle it, it has really affected me in a negative way. I have tried to since recover and I’m struggling. I know where I stand with God and everything, I’m faithful in every way that I know how to be. But for some reason, I feel like, when my brother passed away, that apart of me is gone. And I don’t know at this point, I don’t know how to get that back. And I finally tonight, surrendered my heart back to Christ, on my knees in prayer, begging and just weeping before God and I feel better. But that’s mainly because of the encouragement I hear from you guys on a daily basis. So, thank you for that. Please pray for me. This is Brother’s Keeper from North Georgia, struggling but still going, in the name of Jesus.

Good morning DABers, this is Age of Grace from Kentucky. I want to lift up the mom, you called in about your 7th grade daughter and you said that she made some bad friends and now she’s decided that she doesn’t want to be friends with these people anymore because they’re a bad influence in her life. And now she’s being bullied. Heavenly Father, I just lift up this situation. Lord, I know how much pressure these children are under, Father God, at such a young age and my heart breaks for them, Father. And I just pray that all of our hearts break for these children. That You will put people in their lives that will love them and be there for them. And God, that we will literally come around them as warriors, ready to defend and protect them. God, to protect their honor, to protect their integrity, to pray for them. Lord, I just pray for their hearts and their minds God. I pray against every fiery dart and I just pray God, that the right people will come into this 7th graders life. Lord, I pray against any thoughts of harm or suicide. And Lord, I just pray that you heap sorrow on the heads of her aggressors of these kids that are bullying her, the one that has decided to beat her up. And also, the ones that have stood by and watched as she’s being ridiculed and hurt. And I just pray God, against that evil. This same evil that, the same evil that allowed Jesus to be hit, spat on, beaten to death, hung on the cross for our sins. We pray against that sinful nature, Father God. And we just lift up this baby girl.    

05/26/2022 DAB Transcript

2 Samuel 9:1-11:27, John 15:1-27, Psalms 119:49-64, Proverbs 16:1-3

Today is the 26th day of May welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it’s great to be here with you today and every day. Great to be here with you for another day and another step forward on the adventure that we embarked on all these months ago. Doesn’t seem like that long ago but we’re approaching the end of our fifth month together. So, it’s been a while and we’ve covered a lot of ground together and we have so much yet in front of us. And, so, let’s dive in for today. We’re reading from the New English Translation this week and we move ourselves back into the book of second Samuel. Today, chapters 9, 10, and 11.


Okay. We met David when he was a shepherd boy, and we followed his life all the way until he is now the King of Israel. We met him in first Samuel. We’re following along with his life and reign as king in second Samuel. And if we look back at the trajectory, David has been a humble person well aware of his utter dependence upon God. He has had to be a fugitive. He’s had to be on the run. He’s had to grow up quick. He has had to deal with becoming a celebrity like a national hero overnight with no training for that. And he’s done well, and we began to read today that David was thinking about Saul’s family and found out that his beloved Jonathan had a son named Mephibosheth. And, so, he restores the lands that Saul owned to his family, to Mephibosheth and invites him around the King’s table. Everything is going well and then we turn a corner today and then things are not going well at all. And unfortunately, there never really going to go well again for David, at least in terms of his family. So, David doesn’t go to war. Sends the Army out with Joab. He gets up from a nap, looks out over the city from his palace roof, and sees Bathsheba bathing and she’s beautiful and he desires her, and he inquires about her, and he finds out who she is and she is the wife of Uriah the Hittite. Uriah is one of the top warriors that David has. In fact, when we get a little bit further into the story we will see the mighty men of David, the elite heroes listed and when we read that list of names will find Uriah the Hittite. So, this isn’t just somebody David doesn’t know. This is somebody fiercely loyal to David and Uriah believes that the king is fiercely loyal to him and to God. He knows this when he calls for Bathsheba. And, of course, you don’t get summoned to the king and not go. And, so, she comes, and the result is a pregnancy which is a problem. David’s character and integrity are the things that the people have been watching and that has drawn him to them. And now this? How do you defend this? Ironically, he tried to do what still happens today, a giant cover-up, right? So, he sends for Uriah from the battle lines thinking he’ll bring him home, give him a little bit of a break, a little furlough, he can go home. He and Bathsheba can have relations together and then this whole thing can maybe go away and only he and Bathsheba know about this. It’s just that all the sudden when Uriah gets back and meets with the king Uriah starts looking more like King David than King David does. Its Uriah’s character and integrity that won’t allow him to go have the comforts of home while everybody else is sleeping on the ground and in battle. Uriah has watched this kind of behavior from his own king, the one he is loyal to, which puts David into an even worse predicament, and he makes a very evil decision. He sends Uriah back into battle and Uriah has to carry his own death warrant back to the general, back to Joab. Like, he’s carrying a letter from the King and the contents of the letter are instructions for how to get Uriah killed which Joab obeys. And Uriah is killed because he was faithful, because he had integrity, because he was loyal, and because King David needed to cover up what he had become. This is a turning point. David indeed brings Bathsheba to be his wife after Uriah the Hittite has been killed and is dead and she has mourned for him. She is pregnant. We’ll have to see about that in the coming days. But David looks more like Saul than David in this moment. And in David’s family respect is lost. Things won’t be the same in David’s family anymore and we will see that very very much unfold before us. But this is sort of the moment, at least in the scriptural account of David’s life, this is the time, the moment that things change, which doesn’t mean that all the sudden David is turned into a bad man, he’s evil now and everything that he does is evil. That’s not the case. It’s just what David is chosen to do here can certainly be forgiven, but there are certainly repercussions. And there is much for us to learn and that alone. But there is much for us to observe and learn as we go forward.


Father, we thank you for your word. And we reach this point. It’s kind of a down moment as we watch King David do what King David did. And as we move through the next days we’ll see the effects that this has. And as we watch this Holy Spirit, we invite you to help us self-examine. Maybe none of us have the kind of story that we’re talking about today. Very likely none of us have the kind of power to pull off what David was trying to do. Like anybody can have an adulterous affair of some sort. It’s another thing to take by force or by power another man’s wife when she very likely has no choice in the matter. It’s another thing to be conniving and try to find a way to make a cover-up that ends up resulting in like military murder. Very unlikely that any of us have that kind of power. But it’s really a matter of scale because all of these things begin in the heart before they are ever enacted with our bodies. They are decided in our thoughts and then they become our words and deeds. And we can be moving along walking a narrow path and make a decision that takes us thousands of miles away from that path. And we need your Holy Spirit’s guidance. We need your guardianship over us. We need to be protected. We need to see what’s going on before we make catastrophic mistakes in our lives as we’ve witnessed today. And, so, come Holy Spirit. We humble ourselves before you. We open ourselves to you. Our hearts and our hands, our very lives are open to you. Nothing is hidden from you, and nothing is off limits to you. Come Holy Spirit and lead us into the truth. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.


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And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app anywhere in the world or there are a number of numbers that you can call. In the Americas 877-942-4253 is the number. If you are in the UK or Europe 44-20-3608-8078 is the number to dial. And if you are in Australia or that part of the world 61-3-8820-5459 is the number to call.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Ethan, Ethan in Phoenix I just listened to your call, and I know you touched so many hearts today and I just want you to know…this is One Penny Saved in southwest Missouri, and you did such an amazing thing to call in today not just for yourself but for all of us listeners. I was so touched. I have so many issues in my past. I have so many titles, you know? It doesn’t matter what the title of your so called hang up is. It is what Satan is using to destroy you. And, so, I just claim authority in the name of Jesus that whatever it is that Satan is using to destroy Ethan, I claim authority over that right now. In the name of Jesus, I claim authority over that. Ethan you just stay in the word. I have had so many of the titles to try to destroy me, but I stayed in the word through Daily Audio Bible. I have had so many titles in the past 15 years, but I am free. And you just stay absorbed in the word and you will find that freedom. I love you. I’m praying for you.

Good morning, everybody this is Stew from Irvine CA I’m calling to first give thanks to Brian Hardin, his entire family, and all those who work behind the scenes to make the Daily Audio Bible a part of our daily lives. It’s an incredible blessing to be able to have this presentation of God’s word each and every day and I feel very blessed to be able to partake in that with each and every one of you. I wanted to give thanks to those who also call in on regular basis, Victoria Soldier, and Blind Tony and so many others. You guys bless us with your continued prayers and your encouragement. We thank you for that. I wanted to pray this time as well and ask for prayers for Terry the Trucker and all of those who are involved in transportation of goods and services across the nation and all around the world but certainly here in America and I think that that’s something that they are encountering…they are encountering some significant challenges these days. So, we are in strength reducing times and this is a time when we can all gather and pray for one another lift one another up and encourage one another. And, so, I certainly offer my prayers to Terry and also ask for prayers for my wife who sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas the last year she started to exhibit some serious challenges and mental illness and she’s very depressed. She has been so. She’s not able to do anything with the family other than to be cared for. So, I’d ask for your prayers for her and thank you everyone for that. And I am so happy to be part of this family. Take care.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible family this is Samuel from Texas it’s Monday the 23rd and, you know, I’m reaching out. I haven’t left a prayer request since I think last summer. The past year has been a lot of trials coming, you know? I made a compromise in my recovery too choose a specific way of recovery that isn’t usually taken, you know? It involved a medication that was used as like a maintenance and currently I, after a year of just feeling empty and not feeling any emotions other than numbness and anger and losing a lot of significant things in my life I just decided I would bite the bullet and I’m seven days into a detox right now. And I’m just reaching out to my Daily Audio Bible family ‘cause y'all have been like the only consistent Christians in my life and I don’t even see y’all’s faces. And it’s so beautiful. So, I just knew that I could get on here and trust y'all. I know I could get on here and ask for prayer and I know that people all around the world would be praying. And for a long time, you know, taking these medications and calling it recovery just silenced my voice. It’s silenced my testimony. It silenced who I was. You know, it distracted me from my real purpose. And yeah, that’s why I’m here, because I know that there’s a lot more than what I’m experiencing over the past year, and I know the Lord is faithful. I love you guys. Thank you for letting me share. I’m praying for y'all. I honor y'all. And thank you Brian.

Dear DAB family this is your sister Ashley from California and My Heart Belongs to Jesus from Minnesota and Christy, the other Christy, from Kentucky you may have been responding to that beautiful nurse mom in soccer coach, her call for prayer, but you all encouraged my heart. Thank you. To that wonderful mom who is overwhelmed, has an adult child who lives with her parents and a whole circus, I just want you to know you’re not alone. Your love towards your daughter may not be appreciated now but I will say thank you for her. I will be asking God to open her eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart soften to see His goodness flowing through you. I have to tell this to myself, but this is a season, and it will pass. I’m going to pray with you. Dear Lord thank you for the DAB community. Thank you for these beautiful souls who reach out for support and those that bring it. Your faithfulness is demonstrated in their calls. Please bless my sister who is overwhelmed and give her the wisdom and peace to take things one step at a time. Remind her of the hope You offer. Help her to see a small glimpse of gratitude from those around her. Remind her she’s not alone. Lord, please bless the faithful sisters who called in on May 22nd. It’s in Jesus’ mighty name I pray. Amen. DAB family, I also need to ask you for prayer. So, not only are we working on my dad’s recovery and my grandmother being in the hospital again for her leukemia with an infection but my grandfather, my Papa Lee, is in the hospital now with pneumonia. So, please keep our family in prayer as it is really intense. But I just want to thank you all for your encouragement. I’ll talk to you soon.

Hey DAB family this is…my name is Moses I’m a long-time listener first time caller. I heard a gentleman’s call back on the 19th of May about his eye disease. I think his name was Daniel Robertson. Brother, I know exactly what you’re going through. I know exactly the anguish or the somber frustration. I have that same eye disease. I was diagnosed back in…when I was seven years old and, you know, it is…it’s kind of frustrating. I mean, you go to doctors every year, specialists who is…who tries to tell you, you know, what the limitation is, but I know I serve a limitless God. I know it’s just by His words it can all happen. You know, and there was some point in my life where I just constantly, that’s all I thought about. But I didn’t realize that every day that I wake up and every day I see my loved ones, people on the street people in the store, these are gifts, gifts of grace and mercy. I no longer pay attention to my disease. I pay attention to the beautiful things that God has surrounded me with. And that’s my advice to you. You guys stay up. Love God, love people.

5/25/2022 DAB Transcript

2 Samuel 7:1-8:18, John 14:15-31, Psalm 119:33-48, Proverbs 15:33

Today is the 25th day of May, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It is wonderful to be here with you today, as we gather around the Global Campfire and take the next step forward together. Our next step leads us back into the book of second Samuel, where we are getting to know David and getting the opportunity to kind of contrast David with Israel’s first King Saul, who has died in battle with the Philistines. So, let’s pick up the story, we’re reading from the New English Translation this week, second Samuel chapters 7 and 8.


Okay so, in the book of second Samuel today, we see that David is firmly planted and established as the King of Israel, not just the King of Judah. And over the last couple of days, we’ve read of the different kind of, maneuvering and intrigue that’s involved in…in this happening and indeed it’s David’s character, it’s his responses to things that are happening in this tumultuous time that gets the people’s attention, they’re watching him. So, for example, David and his men were sent away from the battle with the Philistines, they were supposed to be Philistines in the battle but they were sent back to Ziklag right, and Ziklag was burned down by the Amalekites and they had to chase them down and get all their stuff back. When they get back to Ziklag, a man comes into the camp with news and the news tells about Israel’s defeat at the hand of the Philistines and the death of Saul and his sons and the man bringing the news claimed to have been the one to kill King Saul, after he had been mortally wounded. Well, David had already established his position on, never raising his hand against God’s anointed and this person was claiming to have done just that. And so, the person who is expecting to be rewarded and maybe elevated in David’s kingdom, well, his life comes to an end. And David goes to Hebron within the lands of the tribe of Judah. He is made king over the Judains, the people of the tribe of Judah. And incidentally, just as a little aside, this is where the term Jew comes from, Judah, someone from the tribe of Judah because, as we will see, as we continue our journey, that’s pretty much all that’s left. Back to David, David is the King of Judah. He has a bit of a military, he has a military commander named Joab. The house of Saul, also has a military commander, his name is Abner. Abner, is backing Saul’s son, Ish-bosheth as the king of Israel. They meet together, there a battle begins Joab’s brother, Asahel. So, Joab is the military commander for David. David, his brother, Asahel is chasing Abner who is the military commander for Israel. Abner ends up killing Asahel in battle then later, Joab assassinates Abner for killing his brother in peacetime. And we can be like, well, doesn't…hasn’t that stuff happened all along. Like, what’s the big deal? The big deal is how David responds. David grieves and mourns and fasts and weeps over Abner, who was a military hero, protecting the king of Israel. The people are watching this because it would make sense for David to have Abner assassinated in order to completely disrupt anything but Ish-bosheth, who is Saul’s son, laying claim to the throne, but the way David reacts to this loss, is that, it’s a loss, it wasn’t an assassination, it wasn’t a hit. It’s a loss for the people and they see this in David and it’s drawing them to David. And like in yesterday’s reading we read of a man Recab and his brother Baanah who assassinated Ish-bosheth and brought Ish-bosheth’s head to David, thinking that they might be elevated in David’s kingdom by getting rid of his enemy, the only one standing in the way of the throne. But again, David’s character about not raising your hand against the anointed of God, let like allowing God to work these things out. The people, once again, see like, David didn’t have anything to do with the assassination of Abner or Ish-bosheth, he didn’t have anything to do with it. And the people that were involved in it were punished so Recab and Baanah were punished by death for killing Ish-bosheth, which brings the people together. A covenant is made. David becomes king, he conquers Jebuse the Jebusites the city of Jerusalem makes it the city of David and then in today’s reading, God comes before David making a covenant with him and David’s response again is that of utter humility, like who am I, who is my family. How did I get here, what is going on, why would the most high God look down upon me to make this happen? Then we see David dancing before the ark of the covenant coming back into Jerusalem. And one of David’s wives Saul’s daughter, Michael she despises, and David says that he’ll act like a fool for God and any day. Basically, all make a fool of myself to dance before the Lord. This is just in sharp contrast to what we saw in Saul, who was hiding in the baggage at his coronation and always try to puff himself up, always afraid of his imaging, was always trying to get the respect of the people by being sort of the tough guy. Where is David is trying to be as humble as possible. And that humility is what is drawing the hearts of the people to clearly make him their leader. And we’re just getting started in the story of David, but that is kind of the transition between the house of Saul and then David fully becoming the king of Israel, which he is. And we will watch that unfold in the coming days.


And so, Father, we thank You for Your word. Thank You for the kindness of Your word. The gift of Your word that allows us to look back at ancient stories, but to find those stories to be very, very relevant to humanity in the way that human beings think and do things. And we see character shining through right now in the life of King David and may we learn much because we all need to be people of integrity, people of character. So, come Holy Spirit into this we pray in the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, home of the Global Campfire that we gather around every day. And the Daily Audio Bible app is that as well. And you get the download, you can get that, you can download, you can get, you can get the app at whatever app store is connected to the device that you use just search for Daily Audio Bible, you can download it for free. Take the journey from there, which is the best way to take the journey so, check that out. Either way, check out the Community Section. This is where social media channels are listed links to get connected where we’re connected is also where the Prayer Wall lives. Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are resources in different categories there that are specifically tailored to taking the journey through the Bible in a year and so, check that out. I mentioned yesterday, we have a bunch of replenishment, finally, got well, we got the Shop stocked backup. There have been definitely some delays in shipping and manufacturing, stuff like that over the last months. But check that out Daily Audio Bible Shop.

And if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible. Thank you, thank you, we would not be here. We would not be here at all, if we weren’t in this together. So, thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that’s little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

This will posted later this evening.