10/16/2022 DAB Transcript

Jeremiah 28:1-29:32, 1 Timothy 1:1-20, Psalm 86:1-17, Proverbs 25:17

Today is the 16th day of October, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and it’s wonderful to be here with you, as we greet a brand-new, shiny, sparkly, week, step into it together and just stand here and look out over all that is to come. We can’t see, it’s not all fleshed out, it’s not all filled in. We’re gonna fill it in and how we fill it in, will be the story of our week and so let’s do it well, with honor, with integrity, with reverence and in lockstep with the leading of the Holy Spirit in our lives. And it will be a beautiful week. So, let’s aim in that direction. We obviously are in a new week, but we’ll be picking up where we left off in the book of Jeremiah. When we get to the New Testament, we’re moving into some new territory. We’re continuing with some letters. These are going to be personal letters, known as the pastoral epistles and so we’ll be moving into first Timothy today and we’ll talk about that when we get there. But first, we’ll read from the Modern English Version this week, Jeremiah chapters 28 and 29.

Introduction to the Book of 1 Timothy:

Okay so, as we were talking about a few minutes ago, we’re moving into some new territory, as we move forward on our journey through the New Testament. And so, we are coming to a collection of three personal letters, that are known as the pastoral epistles. And these letters for centuries have been debated over among biblical…biblical scholars, whether or not, I mean, it’s not, there’s not a debate about whether this should belong in the New Testament, there’s not a debate about whether or not this is something that God wants us to hear and that is incorporated in the Bible for reason, and it’s not as if these were written in the name of Paul but have nothing to do with what Paul thought about and taught. But nevertheless, whether or not was the apostle Paul wrote these pastoral epistles, is a vigorous debate that is ongoing until today. And so, like those favoring the view that Paul did not write these letters, make that assumption by…by looking at these pastoral epistles and then looking at what’s being instructed as the structure of the church and church polity, how things are governed. And then determined that some of these structures, some of the way things are done in the emerging church, in the first century, came after Paul’s lifetime. And others point out that the language in the pastoral epistles, is very different than any of the other Paul-line corpus, any of the other letters from the apostle Paul. On the other hand, those scholars favoring the…the traditional view, that this is these are letters that the apostle wrote, they believe this because the letters authenticate themselves as from Paul and during church history, the early church fathers use these pastoral epistles. So, the Christian faith as an ongoing long-running relationship with the pastoral epistles, that continues until today, we’re about to read them. So, then acknowledging that the language is different in the pastoral epistles, it is assumed that it’s because they’re different kinds of letters, like these are personal letters, the other letters of Paul were sent to churches with the intention that they would be read in front of the entire congregation, as a message directly from Paul, to be dispersed among the congregation and not private personal letters. And that’s fair right, if we’re writing a letter that’s to be read in public, we’re probably gonna write it different than if we’re writing a personal letter to somebody that supposed to be private. Now these, first Timothy, second Timothy and Titus, which is where we’re navigating into now, are known as the pastoral epistles because they’re personal correspondence to, two pastors, Timothy and Titus, who were at that time caring directly for churches that had been established by the apostle Paul. Titus and Timothy had come up under the mentorship, the spiritual fatherhood of the apostle Paul and these churches need strong leaders who understood what Paul was teaching. So, Timothy and Titus were such pastors. And we’ll talk about Titus, when we get to Titus, but were at the letters to Timothy now. And so, Timothy literally grew up in the Lord under the leadership of the apostle Paul. And we met Timothy in the book of Acts. And from the book of Acts, we know that his mom’s name was Eunice and his grandmother’s name was Lois and they were from the city of Lystra, which is part of modern-day Turkey. And Paul introduced Timothy, to the faith, and then Timothy was a loyal follower of the apostle Paul, and they work close enough that Paul called him a son in the faith, a spiritual son and led him into church leadership. And Paul mentions Timothy and six of his other letters that are in the New Testament. Timothy often was like a stand-in for Paul. Paul would send Timothy to places to speak in his name and to give Paul a report on how the church was doing. But these pastoral epistles, 1st, 2nd Timothy and Titus, were reaching the end of Paul’s ministry actually. Actually the…the end of Paul’s life and Timothy was the pastor of the church in Ephesus. Paul writes to him as a father in the faith, as someone offering guidance and counsel to a man doing a very, very difficult job, which is the job of a pastor. And it helps us understand, like if Paul understands that his life is likely to come to an end and these may be some of the last things that he gets to say to Timothy, it shows us what he thought was most important to tell his son in the faith. And this is the letter that teaches us to fight the good fight of faith. So, with that we today begin, first Timothy chapter 1.


Father, we love You, thank You for bringing us into this brand-new week, thank You for bringing us through all the beginnings, of all the weeks that we’ve been able to encounter in our lifetime, especially in this year. Thank You for Your grace, thank You for your patience and kindness. Thank You for Your comfort and compassion. Thank You for Your correction and rebuke, thank You for continually Fathering us. Father us, in this new week. May we listen to Your voice and be humbled before You and not rebellious. Where you lead, is where we need to go, where You are, is with us always. May we be aware of Your leadership in our lives. We pray in the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.

Prayer and Encouragements:

This is Patrick from Calgary Alberta, Canada. I just heard a prayer request from Jeremiah, God Gives Good Gifts and I can’t relate to my dad being in the penitentiary. But you know how you go back to your past and you remember, for me, it was being bullied unmercifully. I remember one time I had to clean up human feces in the urinal with a toothbrush. I was forced by some bullies to do it and otherwise, they would have beat me up even worse and it was the most humiliating thing that I’ve ever gone through. I can relate to pain and carrying that pain around for years and years and years. So, I’m just going to pray here for Jeremiah. I just pray Lord that You would release him from his pain, that You would release him from anger and resentment and judgment and blame and all the hurt that he’s been caring for 40+ years. And Lord, You can, You can, You can release him from that pain. So, I just pray Lord, that he can forgive his parents, he could just make a conscious choice to forgive. It’s not easy sometimes, but Lord, I just pray for a conscious choice, just to say, I’m going to forgive and bless them at the same time. So, I pray for Jeremiah, that You would bless him this day, wherever he is, in Jesus name.

Hey guys, it’s Beloved on the Beach, here in Southwest Florida. I am calling because I am tired and weary and exhausted. It’s been a crazy couple of weeks here in Southwest Florida as I’m sure you all can imagine or are experiencing, along with me, if you are a fellow Floridians. But we moved our family here, just under three months ago from Boston and this is quite a welcome, but we are praising Jesus for our home. There’s minimal damage that can be fixed. And thankful to be here to serve the community here that desperately needs hope and light and supplies and Jesus. But all that to say, last night, our car, one of cars spontaneously lit up on fire in a Dollar Tree parking lot. We are down a car; total loss and I’m currently struggling with a migraine that I’ve had for almost 24 hours. Probably stress related. Part of the reason we moved down here was for my health and the migraines. So, it’s just been a really hard 24 hours. Me and the girls, just got reunited with my husband, Collin, just two nights ago. We were displaced from one-another during the hurricane and all. So, it’s just been hard, I don’t even have the words. We just need prayer, we need prayer, we need a renewing of strength for endurance. But Lord, we thank You and we praise You. And I thank you community for praying for us. I feel it already. Love you.

Hello, Jeremiah, God Gives Good Gifts. This is Joyfully Jo and I just want to lift you up right now in my prayer. Holy Father God, You know all things Lord God, and you hear our cries. Lord God, You see each tear that falls. Lord God, and not only do you see the tears, but You save them up in Your bottle, Lord God, and You remember, Lord God. And you are the God of all comfort, Lord Jesus, You, You are well acquainted with trauma, Lord God, with beatings and verbal abuse. Lord, Holy Spirit, we know that You comfort those in need, Lord God. And my brothers in need of Your comfort, Lord God. I pray as each tear that falls, each wave of emotion that crashes to the shore, Lord God, You would strengthen him and You would heal him. Lord God, You are the God of all healing, Lord. And that You would bring him to a new level of forgiveness, Lord Father. And he just wants to be a great dad to his 8-year-old, Lord God. Father, I just pray that You would reach beyond, I know I’m not the only one that’s gonna pray for him. So, I pray that You would reach well past our prayers, Lord God. Well past the words that can be said. An And You would comfort him, Lord God. And bring him to a place of peace. In Jesus name. Amen.
Take care brother. Praying for you.

Good evening family, it’s Soaring on Eagles Wings from Canada. The prayer requests on October 11th and 12th, some of them touched my heart so deeply. Abba Father, I want to bring them to Your attention. Easy Anna, and You know everything about the situation with the parolee that is living in her building and the abuse and everything you know. She now needs a lawyer to get her evicted. Might God, our Abba, I pray that You bring the right person into her path, to help her through this. And keep her safe from such toxic environment, and through it all, may she exhibit Jesus Christ to those two. And I pray for them, Lord, that You would turn them aside from what they’re doing. May they come to know Christ Jesus as Savior and Lord, their Deliverer. Consider the Lillies, oh Lord, You see her dog Daisey, he’s wetting the carpet so frequently. She herself has fallen and it’s seems like such a big mountain because her dog is losing her sight as well. You know what she needs, You know all. I pray God, that You help her to manage the situation in a way that is best for her and Daisey. God Gives Good Gifts, oh God, Abba Father, You know what he went through with abusive parents and the memories are causing him such pain. Oh God, heal his wounds, deliver him from all that memory that comes and taunts him. And he needs, he wants to forgive them, and the road to forgiveness is not always easy. But You’re holding his hand, walk with him through it, as we pray with …

10/15/2021 DAB Transcript

Jerimiah 26:1-27:22, 2 Thessalonians 3:1-18, Psalms 85:1-13, Proverbs 25:16

Today is the 15th day of October, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian and it is wonderful like every day, wonderful to be here with you as we gather around the Global Campfire and move forward taking the next step together in the Scriptures, and of course in this month and this week and this year. And we’ve been reading from the Christian standard Bible this week, which is what we’ll do today and picking up where we left off, Jeremiah, chapters 26 and 27 today.


Thank You, Father for Your word. Thank You for another week to spend in Your word. Thank You for all that You have revealed to us in the Scriptures. Thank You for all that You have transformed within us through the power of Your Holy Spirit. And we surrender to You. We humble ourselves before You in surrender, declaring You are the only hope, You are the only hope for us and the only hope for the children of the earth, humanity, Your creation. And, so, we need Your leadership and guidance in every way. Come Holy Spirit lead us into all truth we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com that is home base and that is where you can find out what’s going on around here. The Daily Audio Bible app is also perfect for that. And that can be downloaded from the app store of your choice which ever one works with your device, whatever kind of device you might have. So, just  search for Daily Audio Bible and you’ll be able to find it.

Check out the Community section. That is how to get connected on social media. That is where the Prayer Wall lives. Check out the Initiatives section that’s stuff that’s going on. Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are a number of resources in a number of categories that are here for the community as we journey through this grand voyage of moving through the Bible together in community in a year. And, so, check all that out.

And if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible. Thank you, humbly and sincerely. There is a link on the homepage dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hey brothers and sisters I love you DAB this is rich in Arkansas calling in again. I have a monumental task to do before Saturday which all depends on my livelihood in this apartment. You know, I’ve struggled with things, and I’ve been listening to your prayers and I don’t know, I just…you know…I…I recommend anyone to their favorite part. I used to go through these messages and every day just be done with the scripture and then forget about everyone else. I’m so sorry about that because you’re also important to me. And I’m struggling with my apartment, and I don’t know. I know God is going to take care of me I but all of you I love, you know, I can’t say…reel off the names. Renzo, Victoria Soldier, my brother Tony. You know…I…over and over…I never have heard a good word in the past week and I’m still struggling. So, I would appreciate some prayer. Man, help me. Pray for me. Please. I’m kind of desperate. You know, and it’s a good place to be when you’re desperate and you definitely seek God. I mean you’re definitely…definitely the worst human being ever and…

Hello everyone, I’ve been traveling and now I have to catch up on the DAB. Catching up is OK because you get to hear the prayer requests and messages in the past. It’s as if they get heard twice by the people who are caught up and by the slow boats like me. Anyway, a young man called on September 26th. He did not give his name, but he was, I’d say, really unhappy. He said that to be honest he doesn’t think he’s a Christian. I am 76 years old and when I was 20 or 21, I threw religion away. I was angry at God. I thought Jesus was a weakling. This went on for 43 years and yet as I look back, I realize that my faith was sleep and not dead. God was knocking on my heart in the darkness. I heard him faintly or I denied it, but it was all OK with Him. When I was faithless, He was faithful. In my 60s I picked up my courage and we talked. I emerged a Christian. My dear young man God is always there in the darkness. He stays with us all the time. I respect your struggles. Please remain attentive to His grace.

Hi this is anonymous from California. This is my first year through the Daily Audio Bible. I started in mid-January and caught up and now I’m up to date and it's…it’s a blessing daily. This is my first time calling. Asking for your prayer. Last week my wife informed me that she wanted to separate, and my heart is broken. Two months ago, was our four-year anniversary. We’ve been married for four years. And I’m lost. My mind is spinning. My emotions are all over the place and out of control. Despair is probably a pretty accurate word. So, I’m reaching out to ask all you guys humbly for your prayer that the Holy Spirit would grant me peace and that most of all my marriage would be reconciled, repaired, redeemed, restored. I want to have faith that it will, but I don’t ultimately know what the outcome will be. And…yeah…so I’m just asking you family for your prayer for my marriage. Thank you very much.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible family this is Yolanda, longtime listener. I think it’s been about nine or ten years. I’m calling for prayers for my son Al. He’s called in a couple of times before asking for prayers maybe in the 6th and 7th grade for bullies and that they’re hearts would be turned over Jesus. And I also called at a point when he was dealing with thoughts of harming himself, you know because of the bullies and everything. He has started the 9th grade and things haven’t went so well for him. I believe that because of some issues that he had in middle school with a little girl that I think he had a crush on or had a little I guess relationship with. There were a lot of boys that didn’t like him because of it. So, as a result he’s gotten into fights with all of the friends, you know. One of the friends and middle school and then there was another fight where the friend of the first friend hit him in the face two times and he didn’t hit back because he was afraid, he wouldn’t get to play football because they’re not allowed to get into fights. But most recently he was attacked in the bathroom by the…the oldest or the biggest friend who’s 300 pounds 6 foot four and he was beat down until he was unconscious with twenty boys sitting around watching and recording it on their phones. They eventually made memes out of him being unconscious and also put it on Snapchat and all the social media platforms. So, please pray for my son. We’ve moved him to a new school. But please pray that he gets through this and then pray for me because it’s been very very difficult. We’ve been crying for weeks. Thank you.

10/15/2021 DAB Transcript

Jerimiah 26:1-27:22, 2 Thessalonians 3:1-18, Psalms 85:1-13, Proverbs 25:16

Today is the 15th day of October, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian and it is wonderful like every day, wonderful to be here with you as we gather around the Global Campfire and move forward taking the next step together in the Scriptures, and of course in this month and this week and this year. And we’ve been reading from the Christian standard Bible this week, which is what we’ll do today and picking up where we left off, Jeremiah, chapters 26 and 27 today.


Thank You, Father for Your word. Thank You for another week to spend in Your word. Thank You for all that You have revealed to us in the Scriptures. Thank You for all that You have transformed within us through the power of Your Holy Spirit. And we surrender to You. We humble ourselves before You in surrender, declaring You are the only hope, You are the only hope for us and the only hope for the children of the earth, humanity, Your creation. And, so, we need Your leadership and guidance in every way. Come Holy Spirit lead us into all truth we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com that is home base and that is where you can find out what’s going on around here. The Daily Audio Bible app is also perfect for that. And that can be downloaded from the app store of your choice which ever one works with your device, whatever kind of device you might have. So, just  search for Daily Audio Bible and you’ll be able to find it.

Check out the Community section. That is how to get connected on social media. That is where the Prayer Wall lives. Check out the Initiatives section that’s stuff that’s going on. Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are a number of resources in a number of categories that are here for the community as we journey through this grand voyage of moving through the Bible together in community in a year. And, so, check all that out.

And if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible. Thank you, humbly and sincerely. There is a link on the homepage dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hey brothers and sisters I love you DAB this is rich in Arkansas calling in again. I have a monumental task to do before Saturday which all depends on my livelihood in this apartment. You know, I’ve struggled with things, and I’ve been listening to your prayers and I don’t know, I just…you know…I…I recommend anyone to their favorite part. I used to go through these messages and every day just be done with the scripture and then forget about everyone else. I’m so sorry about that because you’re also important to me. And I’m struggling with my apartment, and I don’t know. I know God is going to take care of me I but all of you I love, you know, I can’t say…reel off the names. Renzo, Victoria Soldier, my brother Tony. You know…I…over and over…I never have heard a good word in the past week and I’m still struggling. So, I would appreciate some prayer. Man, help me. Pray for me. Please. I’m kind of desperate. You know, and it’s a good place to be when you’re desperate and you definitely seek God. I mean you’re definitely…definitely the worst human being ever and…

Hello everyone, I’ve been traveling and now I have to catch up on the DAB. Catching up is OK because you get to hear the prayer requests and messages in the past. It’s as if they get heard twice by the people who are caught up and by the slow boats like me. Anyway, a young man called on September 26th. He did not give his name, but he was, I’d say, really unhappy. He said that to be honest he doesn’t think he’s a Christian. I am 76 years old and when I was 20 or 21, I threw religion away. I was angry at God. I thought Jesus was a weakling. This went on for 43 years and yet as I look back, I realize that my faith was sleep and not dead. God was knocking on my heart in the darkness. I heard him faintly or I denied it, but it was all OK with Him. When I was faithless, He was faithful. In my 60s I picked up my courage and we talked. I emerged a Christian. My dear young man God is always there in the darkness. He stays with us all the time. I respect your struggles. Please remain attentive to His grace.

Hi this is anonymous from California. This is my first year through the Daily Audio Bible. I started in mid-January and caught up and now I’m up to date and it's…it’s a blessing daily. This is my first time calling. Asking for your prayer. Last week my wife informed me that she wanted to separate, and my heart is broken. Two months ago, was our four-year anniversary. We’ve been married for four years. And I’m lost. My mind is spinning. My emotions are all over the place and out of control. Despair is probably a pretty accurate word. So, I’m reaching out to ask all you guys humbly for your prayer that the Holy Spirit would grant me peace and that most of all my marriage would be reconciled, repaired, redeemed, restored. I want to have faith that it will, but I don’t ultimately know what the outcome will be. And…yeah…so I’m just asking you family for your prayer for my marriage. Thank you very much.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible family this is Yolanda, longtime listener. I think it’s been about nine or ten years. I’m calling for prayers for my son Al. He’s called in a couple of times before asking for prayers maybe in the 6th and 7th grade for bullies and that they’re hearts would be turned over Jesus. And I also called at a point when he was dealing with thoughts of harming himself, you know because of the bullies and everything. He has started the 9th grade and things haven’t went so well for him. I believe that because of some issues that he had in middle school with a little girl that I think he had a crush on or had a little I guess relationship with. There were a lot of boys that didn’t like him because of it. So, as a result he’s gotten into fights with all of the friends, you know. One of the friends and middle school and then there was another fight where the friend of the first friend hit him in the face two times and he didn’t hit back because he was afraid, he wouldn’t get to play football because they’re not allowed to get into fights. But most recently he was attacked in the bathroom by the…the oldest or the biggest friend who’s 300 pounds 6 foot four and he was beat down until he was unconscious with twenty boys sitting around watching and recording it on their phones. They eventually made memes out of him being unconscious and also put it on Snapchat and all the social media platforms. So, please pray for my son. We’ve moved him to a new school. But please pray that he gets through this and then pray for me because it’s been very very difficult. We’ve been crying for weeks. Thank you.

10/14/2022 DAB Transcript

Jeremiah 23:21-25:38, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17, Psalm 84:1-12, Proverbs 25:15

Today is the 14th day of October, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian, it is great to be here with you today, as we gather around the Global Campfire and take the next step forward together in the Scriptures. And of course, we’ll be going right back to the place where we left off, which leads us back into the book of Jeremiah today. We’re reading from the Christian Standard Bible this week and today, Jeremiah chapter 23 verse 21 through 25 verse 38.


Okay so, we read the 84th chapter of the book of Psalms today and I love this Psalm, just because of the way that it describes this desire be with God, this awareness that God’s presence is what our…our souls search for. And we fill ourselves with all kinds of things but what we really want is the presence of God. I quote from Psalm 84, “I long and yearn for the courts of the Lord. My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.” I love that. People, human beings, we’re passionate people, we get passionate about all kinds of things. But we don’t usually think about this kind of longing, this kind of desire, this passion to be in God’s presence and it gives us an opportunity to just reflect. Is that, is what we’re reading in the Psalms the posture of our heart? We probably are that passionate about any number of things, but are we that passionate about God? We can throw our passions at all kinds of things but is our deepest yearning to be with God, to be aware, to be paying attention? Because we are a passionate people, as a species and our passions lead us in all kinds of directions, all kinds of directions. And if we just take a moment to reflect about where our passions have led us, we have probably gone places that we wish we hadn’t gone. But that can never be true of God, like our longing, our yearning, our passion, our desire toward God is not going to land us where we never wanted to go. It’s going to land is where we’ve always wanted to be and that is what the psalmist is bringing to the surface. And I quote, “better a day in your courts than a thousand days anywhere else. I would rather stand at the threshold of the house of my God, than live in the tents of wicked people. For the Lord God is a son and a shield. The Lord grants favor and honor, He does not withhold the good from those who live with integrity. Happy is the person who trusts in You, Lord of armies.” Doesn’t that just awaken something inside of You? That is where we want to be. And yet our passions, pull us in all kinds of directions. So, how do we focus our passion, our yearning, our longing toward God? Intimacy. How does any relationship grow to feel like that; to yearn, to long to be together and how do we practice intimacy with God? Well, we start by making time. Like, that’s an actual thing that we want in our lives, that we actually do long and yearn, we actually do pursue. So often this is simply being aware of God’s presence and being in prayer or being in worship. And like prayer and worship, we know these things and they become cliché. We spend time in prayer because that is communication, that is talking, that is the back-and-forth of a relationship with God. And worship is giving ourselves, opening ourselves, trusting, being wide open and offering our hearts to God and God alone. There is no other, there is no other place that we want to be, there is no other destination we want to arrive at. Our whole lives are aimed in this direction, we just live such distracted lives. The psalmist is essentially saying, I would rather be on your front porch, Lord, on your front porch just there, then anywhere else that would promise me fulfillment. May we consider that today, as we consider where our passions are leading us, because if we follow them, they will lead us somewhere, may they lead us deeper into Jesus today.


And that is our prayer, Holy Spirit, come lead us deeper into Jesus today. May we fall more deeply in love, may we trust more intentionally, may we pay attention. Your presence it isn’t being withheld from us. Often our presence is being withheld from You but you are not withholding from us at all. You are always with us, You would not leave us or forsake us. We’re just not always paying attention to the fact that You are present, You are here and we think that You, the most-high God, would even acknowledge our presence, would even be in our presence, our hearts begin to long and yearn for You. This is how we were made to be together with You. And so, may we passionately pursue this above all. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s where you find out what’s happening around here, it’s how to get connected. The Daily Audio Bible app does all that, in the palm of your hand or your tablet which is hard to hold in the palm of your hand, but if you two-fist-it, you can do it and it can all be on whatever device that you use, just search for Daily Audio Bible in the App Store that works with your device. Check out the Community Section, this is where to get connected, this is where the Prayer Wall lives. Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop, there are resources for the journey that we are on through the Bible in a year. And so, certainly check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible. Thank you, profoundly, and with all humility, we wouldn’t be here if we weren’t here together. So, thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if ever prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that’s the little red button up at the top. Or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I will be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hey guys, how you doing? This is Lazarus, who is fighting hard to not change my name to Legion. But that’s another story. Hey, I just listened to Unashamed, yeah, I’m behind but it doesn’t matter. God’s here. And like him, I’ve been here since the first year, whatever. And you know, that’s another story too. But anyway, over the past few weeks the, years whatever, the subject of abuses come up and hey, guilty as charged man. I have, I was a verbal abuser. I’m an overachiever and I married a really great woman. She was a gift and I outpaced her, the things of this world. And you know, you get what you get, so. After 22 years, I came home and there was a 3.5 card on the counter that said, I can’t do this anymore. I’m leaving. Bye. And I haven’t seen her in 10 years. So, I talked to her a few times and every time I do, I fall in love with her all over again. And I beat myself up. Yeah, there’s a, just a long way back. So, I actually came to an emotion that I tried to come to grips with me. And it’s tough as a self-confessed abuser. What’s wrong with you dude, I mean, you know. You destroyed something, love, that you didn’t even know you were doing it, as you were doing it. I mean, Brian even remarried us, at the falls of Angeti. Come on, man. So, I’m still here, I’m still trying. Broken, broken and trying hard. It’s kind of a cosmic gotcha. And abusers, there isn’t any excuse. Anyway, I love you guys. In a lot of pain and stuff but it doesn’t matter. Pray for you all. God bless.

Hello, it’s a bit noisey here, I’m out on a long walk. My name is Francis from Miltonkeens. And this prayer is for Samantha in California. Samantha, my heart broke for you when I heard your prayer. God, I can’t even imagine what you’re going through. Dealing with one, the betrayal of your boyfriend, now husband. Two being that both you and the lady in question, were pregnant together and you lost yours. I’m __ to the glory of God but it’s hard. Where there’s not way there won’t be a little fraction of jealousy there or anger. And I just pray that the Lord will heal your heart, will give you yours in time. And most of all, that you find in your heart to forgive your husband. And that he and the baby comes safely as well. Mother and baby, we’ll pray that they do well. I pray for your heart cause your heart needs the most healing here. Oh Lord, please heal her heart. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Good afternoon, Daily Audio Bible family. I am Deb of Bleeze calling from the French Antaleze in Guadaloop. I’m a first-time caller, I’ve never succeeded to get my call through. But I’m a long time listener. I listen every day. I’m sometimes a triple DABer. But I’m mostly a double DABer. I listen to Daily Audio Bible and the lovely Bible Chronological. Today, I’m asking for your help with me in prayer. I just got the news of my cousin, who is, has been diagnosed with a brain cancer, stage 4 and has 4 months to live. She doesn’t believe in Jesus as her Savior and as her Lord. She lives like many people, believe that Jesus is a good person, He’s of the Christian religion. But please can you, please help me to pray for her. I have been shocked and touched by this bad news. And I know that God is good and I can come to Him to see me through, in my process of hurting. But thank you for your prayers for her. Her name is Mary. Thank you and God bless.

Hi, this is Laurie from South Carolina. And I am calling because my sister and brother and I, we all three, need prayer. We lost our mom, it will almost be a year in October. And we’re not doing well at all. I am a devout believer and follower of Christ and my sister and brother, both believe in Jesus, but they are, they’ve strayed away from our Father and we just need prayer. Because our mom kept everything put together and kept us together and we three our just huddling together, trying to weather this storm and it’s a horrible storm. My name is Laurie-Ann from South Carolina. Becky and Josh and we lost our mom Anne, to COVID. And we’re trying to take care of all the probate things, take care of all the power. It’s so hard and I trust Jesus for everything, I know that everything in my life, everything good comes from Him. I have been following Him and I just feel like the Devil is attacking us from every corner. That there’s more fear going on all around us. I just pray that all of my sisters and brothers and Brian and China and Jill, that you guys would pray for us and give us the courage to go on without our mom. Thank you so much. We love the Hardin Family. Bye Bye.

Hi, Daily Audio Bible family, this is Cody in Southeast Washington State, in the Alawa area. I left a message a few weeks ago but I think I was very hard to understand. It was very early in the morning and I was very emotionally just trapped. I’ve been diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer and not receptable, which means it’s not operable. And so therefore, the prognosis is really not good, not good at all. We have three kids, three of them teenagers and one of them 20 who is just starting her junior year at University of Washington. We’re really proud of her, now covering her living expenses in Seattle. Which isn’t very cheap. And it’s just the prognosis is so bad to the traditional and conventional masses, we want to try and do other things, including independent IV infusion, high does vitamin C and I need be taking therapy messages for pain, acupuncture also, etc. And a lot of those are out-of-pocket, all of that is out-of-pocket. Pain management doctors recommending opioids already. Because of the pain, I haven’t been able to eat for almost two months, very much. I’m now getting more than 3-5 hundred calories a day. So, I lost about 40 lbs. in about two months. And so, I’m very weak because of that. Anyway, DAB family, I’ve been nervous, I’ve been a DABer for five years, not consistently but this year, very consistently.

10/14/2022 DAB Transcript

Jeremiah 23:21-25:38, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17, Psalm 84:1-12, Proverbs 25:15

Today is the 14th day of October, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian, it is great to be here with you today, as we gather around the Global Campfire and take the next step forward together in the Scriptures. And of course, we’ll be going right back to the place where we left off, which leads us back into the book of Jeremiah today. We’re reading from the Christian Standard Bible this week and today, Jeremiah chapter 23 verse 21 through 25 verse 38.


Okay so, we read the 84th chapter of the book of Psalms today and I love this Psalm, just because of the way that it describes this desire be with God, this awareness that God’s presence is what our…our souls search for. And we fill ourselves with all kinds of things but what we really want is the presence of God. I quote from Psalm 84, “I long and yearn for the courts of the Lord. My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.” I love that. People, human beings, we’re passionate people, we get passionate about all kinds of things. But we don’t usually think about this kind of longing, this kind of desire, this passion to be in God’s presence and it gives us an opportunity to just reflect. Is that, is what we’re reading in the Psalms the posture of our heart? We probably are that passionate about any number of things, but are we that passionate about God? We can throw our passions at all kinds of things but is our deepest yearning to be with God, to be aware, to be paying attention? Because we are a passionate people, as a species and our passions lead us in all kinds of directions, all kinds of directions. And if we just take a moment to reflect about where our passions have led us, we have probably gone places that we wish we hadn’t gone. But that can never be true of God, like our longing, our yearning, our passion, our desire toward God is not going to land us where we never wanted to go. It’s going to land is where we’ve always wanted to be and that is what the psalmist is bringing to the surface. And I quote, “better a day in your courts than a thousand days anywhere else. I would rather stand at the threshold of the house of my God, than live in the tents of wicked people. For the Lord God is a son and a shield. The Lord grants favor and honor, He does not withhold the good from those who live with integrity. Happy is the person who trusts in You, Lord of armies.” Doesn’t that just awaken something inside of You? That is where we want to be. And yet our passions, pull us in all kinds of directions. So, how do we focus our passion, our yearning, our longing toward God? Intimacy. How does any relationship grow to feel like that; to yearn, to long to be together and how do we practice intimacy with God? Well, we start by making time. Like, that’s an actual thing that we want in our lives, that we actually do long and yearn, we actually do pursue. So often this is simply being aware of God’s presence and being in prayer or being in worship. And like prayer and worship, we know these things and they become cliché. We spend time in prayer because that is communication, that is talking, that is the back-and-forth of a relationship with God. And worship is giving ourselves, opening ourselves, trusting, being wide open and offering our hearts to God and God alone. There is no other, there is no other place that we want to be, there is no other destination we want to arrive at. Our whole lives are aimed in this direction, we just live such distracted lives. The psalmist is essentially saying, I would rather be on your front porch, Lord, on your front porch just there, then anywhere else that would promise me fulfillment. May we consider that today, as we consider where our passions are leading us, because if we follow them, they will lead us somewhere, may they lead us deeper into Jesus today.


And that is our prayer, Holy Spirit, come lead us deeper into Jesus today. May we fall more deeply in love, may we trust more intentionally, may we pay attention. Your presence it isn’t being withheld from us. Often our presence is being withheld from You but you are not withholding from us at all. You are always with us, You would not leave us or forsake us. We’re just not always paying attention to the fact that You are present, You are here and we think that You, the most-high God, would even acknowledge our presence, would even be in our presence, our hearts begin to long and yearn for You. This is how we were made to be together with You. And so, may we passionately pursue this above all. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s where you find out what’s happening around here, it’s how to get connected. The Daily Audio Bible app does all that, in the palm of your hand or your tablet which is hard to hold in the palm of your hand, but if you two-fist-it, you can do it and it can all be on whatever device that you use, just search for Daily Audio Bible in the App Store that works with your device. Check out the Community Section, this is where to get connected, this is where the Prayer Wall lives. Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop, there are resources for the journey that we are on through the Bible in a year. And so, certainly check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible. Thank you, profoundly, and with all humility, we wouldn’t be here if we weren’t here together. So, thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if ever prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that’s the little red button up at the top. Or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I will be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hey guys, how you doing? This is Lazarus, who is fighting hard to not change my name to Legion. But that’s another story. Hey, I just listened to Unashamed, yeah, I’m behind but it doesn’t matter. God’s here. And like him, I’ve been here since the first year, whatever. And you know, that’s another story too. But anyway, over the past few weeks the, years whatever, the subject of abuses come up and hey, guilty as charged man. I have, I was a verbal abuser. I’m an overachiever and I married a really great woman. She was a gift and I outpaced her, the things of this world. And you know, you get what you get, so. After 22 years, I came home and there was a 3.5 card on the counter that said, I can’t do this anymore. I’m leaving. Bye. And I haven’t seen her in 10 years. So, I talked to her a few times and every time I do, I fall in love with her all over again. And I beat myself up. Yeah, there’s a, just a long way back. So, I actually came to an emotion that I tried to come to grips with me. And it’s tough as a self-confessed abuser. What’s wrong with you dude, I mean, you know. You destroyed something, love, that you didn’t even know you were doing it, as you were doing it. I mean, Brian even remarried us, at the falls of Angeti. Come on, man. So, I’m still here, I’m still trying. Broken, broken and trying hard. It’s kind of a cosmic gotcha. And abusers, there isn’t any excuse. Anyway, I love you guys. In a lot of pain and stuff but it doesn’t matter. Pray for you all. God bless.

Hello, it’s a bit noisey here, I’m out on a long walk. My name is Francis from Miltonkeens. And this prayer is for Samantha in California. Samantha, my heart broke for you when I heard your prayer. God, I can’t even imagine what you’re going through. Dealing with one, the betrayal of your boyfriend, now husband. Two being that both you and the lady in question, were pregnant together and you lost yours. I’m __ to the glory of God but it’s hard. Where there’s not way there won’t be a little fraction of jealousy there or anger. And I just pray that the Lord will heal your heart, will give you yours in time. And most of all, that you find in your heart to forgive your husband. And that he and the baby comes safely as well. Mother and baby, we’ll pray that they do well. I pray for your heart cause your heart needs the most healing here. Oh Lord, please heal her heart. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Good afternoon, Daily Audio Bible family. I am Deb of Bleeze calling from the French Antaleze in Guadaloop. I’m a first-time caller, I’ve never succeeded to get my call through. But I’m a long time listener. I listen every day. I’m sometimes a triple DABer. But I’m mostly a double DABer. I listen to Daily Audio Bible and the lovely Bible Chronological. Today, I’m asking for your help with me in prayer. I just got the news of my cousin, who is, has been diagnosed with a brain cancer, stage 4 and has 4 months to live. She doesn’t believe in Jesus as her Savior and as her Lord. She lives like many people, believe that Jesus is a good person, He’s of the Christian religion. But please can you, please help me to pray for her. I have been shocked and touched by this bad news. And I know that God is good and I can come to Him to see me through, in my process of hurting. But thank you for your prayers for her. Her name is Mary. Thank you and God bless.

Hi, this is Laurie from South Carolina. And I am calling because my sister and brother and I, we all three, need prayer. We lost our mom, it will almost be a year in October. And we’re not doing well at all. I am a devout believer and follower of Christ and my sister and brother, both believe in Jesus, but they are, they’ve strayed away from our Father and we just need prayer. Because our mom kept everything put together and kept us together and we three our just huddling together, trying to weather this storm and it’s a horrible storm. My name is Laurie-Ann from South Carolina. Becky and Josh and we lost our mom Anne, to COVID. And we’re trying to take care of all the probate things, take care of all the power. It’s so hard and I trust Jesus for everything, I know that everything in my life, everything good comes from Him. I have been following Him and I just feel like the Devil is attacking us from every corner. That there’s more fear going on all around us. I just pray that all of my sisters and brothers and Brian and China and Jill, that you guys would pray for us and give us the courage to go on without our mom. Thank you so much. We love the Hardin Family. Bye Bye.

Hi, Daily Audio Bible family, this is Cody in Southeast Washington State, in the Alawa area. I left a message a few weeks ago but I think I was very hard to understand. It was very early in the morning and I was very emotionally just trapped. I’ve been diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer and not receptable, which means it’s not operable. And so therefore, the prognosis is really not good, not good at all. We have three kids, three of them teenagers and one of them 20 who is just starting her junior year at University of Washington. We’re really proud of her, now covering her living expenses in Seattle. Which isn’t very cheap. And it’s just the prognosis is so bad to the traditional and conventional masses, we want to try and do other things, including independent IV infusion, high does vitamin C and I need be taking therapy messages for pain, acupuncture also, etc. And a lot of those are out-of-pocket, all of that is out-of-pocket. Pain management doctors recommending opioids already. Because of the pain, I haven’t been able to eat for almost two months, very much. I’m now getting more than 3-5 hundred calories a day. So, I lost about 40 lbs. in about two months. And so, I’m very weak because of that. Anyway, DAB family, I’ve been nervous, I’ve been a DABer for five years, not consistently but this year, very consistently.

10/13/2022 DAB Transcript

Jeremiah 22:1-23:20, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12, Psalms 83:1-18, Proverbs 25:11-14

Today is the 13th day of October, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today. Here we are now. In these next few days we move through the center of another month and the time…well…the times not speeding up, it’s just going the same as it always does day by day step-by-step but sometimes it sure feels like time is flying. And here we are in the middle of another month. But that’s that is how it works, day step-by-step. So, we will dive back in picking up where we left off yesterday, which in the Old Testament will lead us to the book…back into the book of Jeremiah and then we get to the New Testament portion of our reading today we have new territory to move into, second Thessalonians, another letter from the apostle Paul and we’ll talk about that when we get there. First, we’re reading from the Christian Standard Bible this week. Jeremiah chapter 22 verse 1 through 23 verse 20.

Introduction to second Thessalonians:

Okay. So, as we were mentioning at the beginning a little bit ago we have some new territory to move into in the New Testament, another letter. This letter known as second Thessalonians. And obviously, we read first Thessalonians over the last couple of days. And, so, now we’re at second Thessalonians, which is another letter to the church in Thessalonica. And if we remember, persecution descended upon this congregation, and people were after Paul right from the get-go. And, so, this is a brand-new baby church of believers that has never ever been anything but under fire. And now second Thessalonians is a little bit different than first Thessalonians in terms of scholarship. There is division about the authorship of second Thessalonians in a way that first Thessalonians isn’t questioned. Most biblical scholars believe first Thessalonians is an authentic…authentic letter written by the apostle Paul and many biblical scholars believe first Thessalonians is the first preserved letter of the apostle Paul, which would make it likely the oldest Christian document in the Bible in the New Testament. But when it comes a second Thessalonians there’s a little bit more division. There is a different tone and there are nuances theologically, that aren’t in any of the other letters of Paul. And, so, this makes scholars who are trained in like textual criticism, to question, is this the same person. Doesn’t mean the material doesn’t belong in the Bible. We don’t know who the author of the letter to the Hebrews is, for example. Although talk to 10 people and you’ll get a bunch of opinions if they’ve ever thought about this. And, so, it's…it’s like that. There are so many aspects of the Scriptures, because, well, first of all, the Bible is quite old. It’s been around on earth for a very very long time but it’s also the most studied book the world has ever known. And scholars come to nuanced convictions about what they’re studying. And, so, nuanced or different discoveries have been made that are not all compatible with each other. We’re human beings and we draw different conclusions about different things based on all kinds of different criteria. And there are plenty of scholars who determined this is letter written by the apostle Paul, not somebody writing in Paul’s name because they subscribe to Paul’s theology or Paul’s way of living, or they were familiar with Paul’s teaching and the church is that he founded. For our purposes, and this isn’t that long of a letter, for our purposes, this is Paul’s second letter to the church in Thessalonica and it probably was written not too long after the first letter to the Thessalonians was written. And Paul clarifies some of what he had said, but he also uses the letter to correct some inaccuracies. Like Paul stresses the importance of people needing to work to provide for themselves and their families and the community because some people were believing that the return of Christ was imminent and so there’s no point in working anymore. And, so, they’re quitting their jobs and doing nothing but meddling, meddling in each other’s business. My goodness, this is 2000 years ago, but if you’ve been around church culture that long, you realize that’s still going on and meddling in each other’s business in our faith communities is usually a recipe for bad things. And, so, Paul ends up telling them, look if you’re not gonna work then you can’t eat. You…like, nobody just gets a free ride here and just lives off the community. Everybody’s got to do their part. But there’s other things Paul’s correcting in this second letter to the Thessalonians. Some had come and told the Thessalonian church that Jesus already came and basically, they just missed it. And these things were being told to the Thessalonians in Paul’s name as if this is what Paul had said. And, so, Paul corrects that basically, saying I…I would never say such a thing. But it’s not only correction that is in this little letter that we know as second Thessalonians. Remember, these guys, the way that this church was formed was under pressure and so this little congregation hadn’t known anything else. And if you’re under pressure continually you know you need encouragement continually, that you can make it, that It’s gonna be okay, that you can endure this, that you’re not alone, that you’re not abandoned. And, so, partly Paul wants to encourage them that their endurance and what they’re facing isn’t going unnoticed, it’s not being overlooked, that the process that they’re going through makes them worthy of God’s kingdom. And he reminds them that in the end, justice will prevail. And, so, once again with these letters we get a glimpse, we get to look back at our brothers and sisters as this story was forming and being carried forward, the story that we are still living and carrying forward ourselves. What a rare and beautiful opportunity to look at the kinds of things that they were facing and realize they may have different nuances and complexions but we’re still facing so many of the same things and we still have so much to learn. And, so, with that we begin. Second Thessalonians chapter 1.


Father, we thank you for your word. We thank you for another day together around the Global Campfire. We thank you for this community. We thank you for giving us to each other and letting us share these days, day by day step-by-step as we immerse ourselves in the Scriptures. Thank you. Thank you for all that you have done in this year so far. Thank you for what you are doing in us and thank you for what you are yet to do as we continue this journey. And as we now move through second Thessalonians, Holy Spirit come. Lead us into all truth. As we continue Jeremiah, lead us into all truth. As we step forward each and every day it is you we seek, your guidance in our lives, and the truths that we need to know. And not just now but understand and live into. And as with all things we’re only so strong we’re only so powerful. We can’t do any of this on our own. We need you in all of it. And, so, we humble ourselves before you, inviting you to continue the work that you have begun in us. And may we not be an impediment to our own growth. May we not rebel against you, but rather collaborate with you. We pray this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com, that’s home base and that is home of the Global Campfire and that is where you can find out what’s happening around here. As I often say, that can also be done in the palm of your hand by using the Daily Audio Bible app, which you can download free from whatever app store is associated with your phone or your tablet. And, so, certainly check that out.

Check out the different sections. Check out the Community section. This is where to get connected. This is where the Prayer Wall lives.

Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are resources there for the journey that we are on.

If you want a partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if life and good news are coming through and landing in your life and the Scriptures are there each and every day and that we have a sense of moving through this together as a community, if that brings hope and clarity and direction in your life then thank you profoundly for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you are using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request encouragement, you can Hit the Hotline button in the app. That’s the little red button up at the top no matter where you are in the world or there are a number of numbers depending on where you are in the world that you can call. In the Americas, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial. If you are in the UK or Europe 44-20-3608-8078 is the number to dial. And if you are in Australia are that part of the world 61-3-8820-5459 is the number to dial.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Will be posted soon…

10/13/2022 DAB Transcript

Jeremiah 22:1-23:20, 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12, Psalms 83:1-18, Proverbs 25:11-14

Today is the 13th day of October, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today. Here we are now. In these next few days we move through the center of another month and the time…well…the times not speeding up, it’s just going the same as it always does day by day step-by-step but sometimes it sure feels like time is flying. And here we are in the middle of another month. But that’s that is how it works, day step-by-step. So, we will dive back in picking up where we left off yesterday, which in the Old Testament will lead us to the book…back into the book of Jeremiah and then we get to the New Testament portion of our reading today we have new territory to move into, second Thessalonians, another letter from the apostle Paul and we’ll talk about that when we get there. First, we’re reading from the Christian Standard Bible this week. Jeremiah chapter 22 verse 1 through 23 verse 20.

Introduction to second Thessalonians:

Okay. So, as we were mentioning at the beginning a little bit ago we have some new territory to move into in the New Testament, another letter. This letter known as second Thessalonians. And obviously, we read first Thessalonians over the last couple of days. And, so, now we’re at second Thessalonians, which is another letter to the church in Thessalonica. And if we remember, persecution descended upon this congregation, and people were after Paul right from the get-go. And, so, this is a brand-new baby church of believers that has never ever been anything but under fire. And now second Thessalonians is a little bit different than first Thessalonians in terms of scholarship. There is division about the authorship of second Thessalonians in a way that first Thessalonians isn’t questioned. Most biblical scholars believe first Thessalonians is an authentic…authentic letter written by the apostle Paul and many biblical scholars believe first Thessalonians is the first preserved letter of the apostle Paul, which would make it likely the oldest Christian document in the Bible in the New Testament. But when it comes a second Thessalonians there’s a little bit more division. There is a different tone and there are nuances theologically, that aren’t in any of the other letters of Paul. And, so, this makes scholars who are trained in like textual criticism, to question, is this the same person. Doesn’t mean the material doesn’t belong in the Bible. We don’t know who the author of the letter to the Hebrews is, for example. Although talk to 10 people and you’ll get a bunch of opinions if they’ve ever thought about this. And, so, it's…it’s like that. There are so many aspects of the Scriptures, because, well, first of all, the Bible is quite old. It’s been around on earth for a very very long time but it’s also the most studied book the world has ever known. And scholars come to nuanced convictions about what they’re studying. And, so, nuanced or different discoveries have been made that are not all compatible with each other. We’re human beings and we draw different conclusions about different things based on all kinds of different criteria. And there are plenty of scholars who determined this is letter written by the apostle Paul, not somebody writing in Paul’s name because they subscribe to Paul’s theology or Paul’s way of living, or they were familiar with Paul’s teaching and the church is that he founded. For our purposes, and this isn’t that long of a letter, for our purposes, this is Paul’s second letter to the church in Thessalonica and it probably was written not too long after the first letter to the Thessalonians was written. And Paul clarifies some of what he had said, but he also uses the letter to correct some inaccuracies. Like Paul stresses the importance of people needing to work to provide for themselves and their families and the community because some people were believing that the return of Christ was imminent and so there’s no point in working anymore. And, so, they’re quitting their jobs and doing nothing but meddling, meddling in each other’s business. My goodness, this is 2000 years ago, but if you’ve been around church culture that long, you realize that’s still going on and meddling in each other’s business in our faith communities is usually a recipe for bad things. And, so, Paul ends up telling them, look if you’re not gonna work then you can’t eat. You…like, nobody just gets a free ride here and just lives off the community. Everybody’s got to do their part. But there’s other things Paul’s correcting in this second letter to the Thessalonians. Some had come and told the Thessalonian church that Jesus already came and basically, they just missed it. And these things were being told to the Thessalonians in Paul’s name as if this is what Paul had said. And, so, Paul corrects that basically, saying I…I would never say such a thing. But it’s not only correction that is in this little letter that we know as second Thessalonians. Remember, these guys, the way that this church was formed was under pressure and so this little congregation hadn’t known anything else. And if you’re under pressure continually you know you need encouragement continually, that you can make it, that It’s gonna be okay, that you can endure this, that you’re not alone, that you’re not abandoned. And, so, partly Paul wants to encourage them that their endurance and what they’re facing isn’t going unnoticed, it’s not being overlooked, that the process that they’re going through makes them worthy of God’s kingdom. And he reminds them that in the end, justice will prevail. And, so, once again with these letters we get a glimpse, we get to look back at our brothers and sisters as this story was forming and being carried forward, the story that we are still living and carrying forward ourselves. What a rare and beautiful opportunity to look at the kinds of things that they were facing and realize they may have different nuances and complexions but we’re still facing so many of the same things and we still have so much to learn. And, so, with that we begin. Second Thessalonians chapter 1.


Father, we thank you for your word. We thank you for another day together around the Global Campfire. We thank you for this community. We thank you for giving us to each other and letting us share these days, day by day step-by-step as we immerse ourselves in the Scriptures. Thank you. Thank you for all that you have done in this year so far. Thank you for what you are doing in us and thank you for what you are yet to do as we continue this journey. And as we now move through second Thessalonians, Holy Spirit come. Lead us into all truth. As we continue Jeremiah, lead us into all truth. As we step forward each and every day it is you we seek, your guidance in our lives, and the truths that we need to know. And not just now but understand and live into. And as with all things we’re only so strong we’re only so powerful. We can’t do any of this on our own. We need you in all of it. And, so, we humble ourselves before you, inviting you to continue the work that you have begun in us. And may we not be an impediment to our own growth. May we not rebel against you, but rather collaborate with you. We pray this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com, that’s home base and that is home of the Global Campfire and that is where you can find out what’s happening around here. As I often say, that can also be done in the palm of your hand by using the Daily Audio Bible app, which you can download free from whatever app store is associated with your phone or your tablet. And, so, certainly check that out.

Check out the different sections. Check out the Community section. This is where to get connected. This is where the Prayer Wall lives.

Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are resources there for the journey that we are on.

If you want a partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if life and good news are coming through and landing in your life and the Scriptures are there each and every day and that we have a sense of moving through this together as a community, if that brings hope and clarity and direction in your life then thank you profoundly for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you are using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request encouragement, you can Hit the Hotline button in the app. That’s the little red button up at the top no matter where you are in the world or there are a number of numbers depending on where you are in the world that you can call. In the Americas, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial. If you are in the UK or Europe 44-20-3608-8078 is the number to dial. And if you are in Australia are that part of the world 61-3-8820-5459 is the number to dial.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Will be posted soon…

10/12/2022 DAB Transcript

Jeremiah 19:1-21:14, 1 Thessalonians 5:4-28, Psalm 82:1-8, Proverbs 25:9-10

Today is the 12th day of October, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and it is great to be here with you today, as we gather every day, take the next step forward together in the Scriptures. And our next step forward leads us back into the book of Jeremiah in the Old Testament and then we’re working our way through Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians in the New Testament. We’re reading from the Christian Standard Bible this week so, let’s dive in Jeremiah chapters 19, 20 and 21 today.


Okay, so we concluded first Thessalonians today, in our reading, which means obviously we have new territory tomorrow and not so terribly new. Second Thessalonians is on deck and we’ll talk about that tomorrow. But as we finish first Thessalonians, we see something that is a common characteristic in Paul’s letters, he likes to list things out. Like, not just one example of something, but many examples of something so that the point is quite clear, but also so that it’s comprehensive and helpful. And so, sometimes that these are lists of things that are to be avoided like the plague like, totally stay away from these things. Sometimes they’re characteristic of what we’re living into in our what our lives should look like. And often there’s a couple of lists there we can contrast and go okay these things, remember when we were talking about clothes and our wardrobe, like somethings you cannot wear together, they don’t go. Some things you can’t mix together in your life because they won’t work. So, first Thessalonians concludes with…with a list. So, let’s take a look, “we ask you, brothers and sisters to give recognition to those who labor among you and lead you in the Lord and admonish you and to regard them very highly in love because of their work.” Okay, there’s something we should do. “Be at peace among yourselves,” that’s something we should do. “We exhort you brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle,” something to do. “Comfort the discouraged,” again, something to do. “Help the weak. Be patient with everyone. See to it that no one repays evil for evil to anyone. Always pursue what is good for one another and for all. Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in everything, for this is God’s will for you, in Christ Jesus. Don’t stifle the spirit. Don’t despise prophecies. But test all things. Hold on to what is good, stay away from every kind of evil.” And so, wrapped up in this paragraph that brings first Thessalonians to its conclusion, we have a list of things we should do and we have a list of things we should not do. And this is the guy that has told us, there’s nothing we can do to achieve salvation. So, and we, and I’m not denying that, I’m just saying but also, even though there’s nothing we can do to achieve salvation, it should transform us to the point, like our faith is what we believe but living our faith or putting our faith into action, is what we do with it. And there are a couple ways that we can look at lists like this one. One, we can read it and look for the places where we struggle. For example, we could read from first Thessalonians today that we’re supposed to be patient with everyone, and we can think heck, I’m not patient with anyone. And then we could realize we got some work to do in the area of patience, and that can, that can compel us forward or that can heat condemnation upon us, where we feel like, I’ll never, I’ll never be patient, I’ve never been patient, I’ll never be patient. I’m gonna fail at this. I’m an awful person. That’s not the point, though. Godly conviction is important, that’s where our conscience comes in. When we’re stepping into something that we know for sure is wrong and we do it anyway, we should feel conviction about that inside of ourselves, as children of the most-high God and correction from the Holy Spirit. But we can look at these lists and go, I’m a failure, I’m a failure on so many levels, I’m a failure, and walk away from anything like this just feeling like the Bible is speaking the truth to me, it is rightfully condemning me and so I am therefore condemned and I will walk around in condemnation, feeling like trash and a failure from this point forward, because I can’t live up to these things. Or, we can look at the list like this and realize, this is what I am becoming, because of Jesus. This is what things are supposed to look like. And if I collaborate with that and move in that direction, then step-by-step, day-by-day, I get to become like this because this is what Jesus looks like, these are the things he avoided. These are the things he embraced, I get to become that and all I need is an open heart and to be paying attention and I have a bit of self-discipline and I can collaborate in becoming what I am supposed to be. And so, let’s look at this list again with that in mind, this is where my life is heading. This is what I get to become, this is what I am to live into, this is the work of sanctification in me. And so, Paul says, give recognition to those who labor among you and lead you in the Lord and admonish you and regard them very highly in love because of their work. If you hate your pastor, if your pastor’s message is what you have for Sunday lunch every day, by simply trashing your fellow congregants in the leadership of your church or anyone else that you consider to be in leadership spiritually in your life. Then we can look at this and go okay, I have some work to there, to do there. But we can also realize, this is the natural flow of my life. This is where things are headed. And so, we continue. “Warn those who are idle, comfort the discouraged, help the weak. Be patient with everyone.” This is what we are living into, this is what we get to become. “See to it that no one repays evil for evil to anyone. Always pursue what is good for one another and for all.” So, like even that last statement, is a statement essentially against being completely self-absorbed and selfish, which doesn’t lead anywhere good. But we realize, this is where our lives are headed. When we are in collaboration with the Holy Spirit’s leadership in our lives. “Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in everything, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Don’t stifle the spirit, don’t despise prophecies, but test all things. Hold on to what is good, stay away from every kind of evil.” This is the trajectory of our story. This is what we get to become. This is what we are becoming. And so, we can read these lists and feel conviction because we’re failing in certain areas. But we can also realize, that doesn’t have to be the rest of the story. This is the roadmap for where the stories going. I get to learn to rejoice always, it’s part of my relationship with God. I get to pray constantly, I am never out of touch with the Lord, His presence is with me always, at all times. I get to give thanks in everything, I get to learn how to do that, even for things that would’ve sent to me over the top. That would’ve been the last straw, I can find gratitude even in those places. I get to be transformed like that, because of Jesus. That’s good news because we all know our deficits and we work really, really hard to cover them. It’s tremendously encouraging to understand we’re not the only one in the story. This isn’t just our personal struggle that we’ll never overcome. The Holy Spirit is invested into moving us from darkness to light, from death to life, we get to become these things. Let’s rejoice. Yes, there is work to do in all of us, thank God the work is being done, unless we are just simply rebelling against the change that the Holy Spirit brings in our lives. And one of the things we should know intuitively but also clearly in the Scriptures is that that doesn’t work. We won’t rebel against the Holy Spirit and then harvest the fruit of the spirit in our lives. If we want the fruit of the spirit to be very evident in our lives, then we will have to collaborate and move in that direction. And the good news is, that our faith is moving us in that direction. If we’re not determined, to simply not follow the way, the path.


So, Holy Spirit, come into this we pray. It is such good news to know that You can transform what we cannot. Your power is vastly beyond our own and where our strength ends, Yours is barely even begun. All we have to do is rest and flow with where You are leading and going. And we see in letters, like this one from Paul, what that’s going to look like. We understand, we fail at this a lot. But what it is such a comforting piece of good news to know, that we we’re never going to be successful on our own anyway. This is what we get to become because of You in our lives. And so, we take a deep breath and exhale it in relief, the utter relief of it. We get to become like You, unless we are absolutely determined to become anything but. And we get to see clearly where both of those choices will lead us in the Scriptures and we choose You, we choose light, we choose life, we choose the good news. Holy Spirit come, and lead us into all truth. We pray in Jesus’ name we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com, that’s home, home base, home of the Global Campfire. And so, that’s how we find out what’s going on around here. The Daily Audio Bible app is also available from whatever, whatever app store is associated with whatever device that you use and have an App Store to download apps from. Search for and you can download that free and then can have it in the palm of your hand and keep track of the days that we are listening to, we can work through it together. Be familiar with that, check it out. And while you’re kind of check-in out, whether on the web or in the app, check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are resources there, in a number of categories that exist for our community here around the Global Campfire to accompany us and deepen and widen the journey, as we go through the Bible together. And so, certainly check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if being around the Global Campfire, if even knowing that it exists and knowing that it’s always there, we can come to it and find a place and take another step forward together. If that is life-giving to you, then thank you for your partnership deeply. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that is the little red button up at the top. That will work anywhere in the world as long as you have an internet connection, or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hello, my wonderful DAB family, this is Rosie, also known as Great to Be Free in Jesus. I’m calling in today with a prayer request for my grandson, Daniel. I know I’ve called and asked for prayer for him, two or three times at least. He called me yesterday, wanting me to come pick him up. He says, someone had beat him with something like a baseball bat, which is something that has happened many times because the life that he has chosen to live. I told him I couldn’t come pick him up because I was working. But I know, what I’m going to do, if he calls me like that again. I’m going to tell him the only way I will come pick him, is to take him to get help. Because he told me yesterday, he didn’t have anywhere to go. So, it was very heartbreaking for me to not go get him. But I learned from my daughter, that I would only be enabling him, and I don’t want to do that. So, please pray that God will get a hold of him and protect him. I love you, my DAB family. God bless you. Bye.

Hi, this is Jenny from Central PA. I’ve been listening since January 1st of this year. And I’m just so grateful for this family. The lady with the bed bug situation, I came across 2nd John 1:5 and 6 from the Passion Translation and I felt the Holy Spirit wanted me to share that with you, so be encouraged. People On the Water from Indiana, you shared that you’re suffering from depression and you’re opening a men’s life group in your college, and I just want to tell you, I can sense the fire of God inside of you. And I know that many men will be impacted with the ministry. And I see that even in, you know, through your depression, how God is using you and I just declare victory over your life, and you are more than a conqueror. Val, with your shoulder pain, you are a beautiful soul and I’m praying for supernatural healing and I’m trusting the Lord is gonna come in your situation. And the lady that called in with the pastor that was in Germany that had a car accident, I just pray that all of us together would agree as touching this one thing, that healing would come over his life. And the man who, Brian was one of your groomsmen, I just want you to be encouraged. I want to tell you, trust in the Lord and know that He resurrects the dead in the word of God, we see brings life to bones. So, He can surely resurrect your marriage. So, I pray the resurrection power over your marriage. I plead the blood of Jesus and that the covenant made 30 years ago, would still stand. And the man whose wife is pregnant and lost two children, I just wanna say that He sees you, He loves you. And I just decree that your wife’s womb is blessed and fertile. Love you DABers. Blessings to all. From Jenny, from Central PA. God Bless. Bye Bye.

After hearing the nameless gentlemen who requested prayer for his marriage, I was reflecting on my own separation from my husband, 5 years now. And realizing the need for prayer is really the restoration of the relationship between each individual and God. Because once that happens then the restoration of the relationship, here on this earth, can take place. So, Father, I lift up every person who has ever called in or is out there listening, who has gone through a crisis of their marriage and their relationship Father. And I pray that You would restore each individual to open their eyes and have a relationship with You God. A relationship that transcends all other relationships. And in that, Father, we ask healing in this physical realm of their relationship with one another. Thank You, Lord Jesus for that opportunity and that Spiritual healing that can take place, Father, in our lives. We just give You the glory. In Jesus name.

Hello, this is John Ransom calling from Budapest. I just wanted to let you know that about a month ago now, I’ve been meaning to call earlier. There was one day where two or three calls were about praying for our children and for the youth, both in the United States and around the world. And I’ve been meaning to call so, let’s go right to prayer about this. Abba, in the name of Jesus, I come before You, with the entire DAB family and we know it’s a critical hour in the world and it’s so important that we cover our children, our teenager, preteens, and young adults with a canopy of prayer and with the blood of Jesus for protection. We have been lax in this, we have been lax in understanding how important the youth leaders are, the Sunday Schools are. You know, as a matter of fact, we sing the praise to You and then, in many churches, the kids go off and we feel like, okay, well somebody’s got them and that’s the end of the story. But Father, we also lift up, especially the Youth Pastors, the song leaders, the activity coordinators. Also, those youth leaders that are there counseling the children one-on-one, they’re building those relationships, so that these kids have a safe person to talk to, along with their parents, of course. And Lord, we ask You to completely strengthen them. Give them the status they deserve. Give them all the support. Help us to remember to pray for those who take care of our children. And Lord, we ask You also, to rescue our children from all of the dangers, be they spiritual, threw the Satanic movements, pedophilia, then also the drugs of pentenyl and the mobbing and the bullying at schools. And You would fill them with the power and the presence of Jesus and just make them immune to the terrible messages from this culture. And we ask of this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Hey DAB family, this is Jeramiah, God Gives Good Gifts. And I could just use your prayer right now. I’m a trucker for UPS and I’m over the road right now. I’m headed to Sioux Falls, South Dakota. And I haven’t been here in almost 40 years. It’s where I visited my dad when he was in the state penitentiary when I was just a little boy, at 8-years-old. I have an 8-year-old son now. And just getting flooded with a lot of pain and just remembering a lot of the abuse that I went through. And it’s just, I’m having a hard time facing it. And even though it’s so long ago, it’s still is in there. And I know a lot of you guys understand that, that we go through hard things and other people’s choices can really cause us a lot of pain for our life and really break our hearts. And I’m just asking for your prayers of strength and healing. And that I would be able to go to a new level in my forgiveness for my dad and my mom. And that God would just continue to heal me, continue to make me a father that He wants me to be. And thank you so much for your prayers. I listen every day and I pray for all of you. I love you. And I’m so grateful that I can just bare my heart to you. So, God Bless you guys. Jeramiah, God Gives …

Hello DAB family, this is God’s Tree, for I have many branches but I’m rooted in the word of God. I’m coming to you this evening asking for a prayer request for my little cousin, she goes by the name of Ty. She has suffered with Juna Diabetes all her life and she struggle; she’s spent 75% of her life in hospital. And she’s 29 now and she had a stoke on dialysis today and she stopped breathing. They were able to resuscitate her but at the same time she got a call from the hospital, saying that, she has a pancreas and kidney transplant on the way. So, they stabilized her tonight. And they’re air lifting her to Charleston. And prayerfully, she would get this transplant and she would be healed totally on this side of glory. Our families really emotional right now. We’re all praying for this little girl so that she could have a full life. She’s never had normal things that other teenagers have had experiences, cause she stay sick all the time. So, I ask You to send Your angels God, be with her tonight and her mother and her father. And I pray God, that this transplant will take, and it would make her whole, Lord. And I also pray God, for the soul that was lost because, providing this transplant. May You bless that soul and bless that family as they grieve for their loss Lord. But let them see Your glory in Ty’s life. Please pray for her. Please pray for her. We need all the prayers that we can get right now. Bless this little girl. I thank you. God Bless you and I continue to pray for you.

10/12/2022 DAB Transcript

Jeremiah 19:1-21:14, 1 Thessalonians 5:4-28, Psalm 82:1-8, Proverbs 25:9-10

Today is the 12th day of October, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and it is great to be here with you today, as we gather every day, take the next step forward together in the Scriptures. And our next step forward leads us back into the book of Jeremiah in the Old Testament and then we’re working our way through Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians in the New Testament. We’re reading from the Christian Standard Bible this week so, let’s dive in Jeremiah chapters 19, 20 and 21 today.


Okay, so we concluded first Thessalonians today, in our reading, which means obviously we have new territory tomorrow and not so terribly new. Second Thessalonians is on deck and we’ll talk about that tomorrow. But as we finish first Thessalonians, we see something that is a common characteristic in Paul’s letters, he likes to list things out. Like, not just one example of something, but many examples of something so that the point is quite clear, but also so that it’s comprehensive and helpful. And so, sometimes that these are lists of things that are to be avoided like the plague like, totally stay away from these things. Sometimes they’re characteristic of what we’re living into in our what our lives should look like. And often there’s a couple of lists there we can contrast and go okay these things, remember when we were talking about clothes and our wardrobe, like somethings you cannot wear together, they don’t go. Some things you can’t mix together in your life because they won’t work. So, first Thessalonians concludes with…with a list. So, let’s take a look, “we ask you, brothers and sisters to give recognition to those who labor among you and lead you in the Lord and admonish you and to regard them very highly in love because of their work.” Okay, there’s something we should do. “Be at peace among yourselves,” that’s something we should do. “We exhort you brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle,” something to do. “Comfort the discouraged,” again, something to do. “Help the weak. Be patient with everyone. See to it that no one repays evil for evil to anyone. Always pursue what is good for one another and for all. Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in everything, for this is God’s will for you, in Christ Jesus. Don’t stifle the spirit. Don’t despise prophecies. But test all things. Hold on to what is good, stay away from every kind of evil.” And so, wrapped up in this paragraph that brings first Thessalonians to its conclusion, we have a list of things we should do and we have a list of things we should not do. And this is the guy that has told us, there’s nothing we can do to achieve salvation. So, and we, and I’m not denying that, I’m just saying but also, even though there’s nothing we can do to achieve salvation, it should transform us to the point, like our faith is what we believe but living our faith or putting our faith into action, is what we do with it. And there are a couple ways that we can look at lists like this one. One, we can read it and look for the places where we struggle. For example, we could read from first Thessalonians today that we’re supposed to be patient with everyone, and we can think heck, I’m not patient with anyone. And then we could realize we got some work to do in the area of patience, and that can, that can compel us forward or that can heat condemnation upon us, where we feel like, I’ll never, I’ll never be patient, I’ve never been patient, I’ll never be patient. I’m gonna fail at this. I’m an awful person. That’s not the point, though. Godly conviction is important, that’s where our conscience comes in. When we’re stepping into something that we know for sure is wrong and we do it anyway, we should feel conviction about that inside of ourselves, as children of the most-high God and correction from the Holy Spirit. But we can look at these lists and go, I’m a failure, I’m a failure on so many levels, I’m a failure, and walk away from anything like this just feeling like the Bible is speaking the truth to me, it is rightfully condemning me and so I am therefore condemned and I will walk around in condemnation, feeling like trash and a failure from this point forward, because I can’t live up to these things. Or, we can look at the list like this and realize, this is what I am becoming, because of Jesus. This is what things are supposed to look like. And if I collaborate with that and move in that direction, then step-by-step, day-by-day, I get to become like this because this is what Jesus looks like, these are the things he avoided. These are the things he embraced, I get to become that and all I need is an open heart and to be paying attention and I have a bit of self-discipline and I can collaborate in becoming what I am supposed to be. And so, let’s look at this list again with that in mind, this is where my life is heading. This is what I get to become, this is what I am to live into, this is the work of sanctification in me. And so, Paul says, give recognition to those who labor among you and lead you in the Lord and admonish you and regard them very highly in love because of their work. If you hate your pastor, if your pastor’s message is what you have for Sunday lunch every day, by simply trashing your fellow congregants in the leadership of your church or anyone else that you consider to be in leadership spiritually in your life. Then we can look at this and go okay, I have some work to there, to do there. But we can also realize, this is the natural flow of my life. This is where things are headed. And so, we continue. “Warn those who are idle, comfort the discouraged, help the weak. Be patient with everyone.” This is what we are living into, this is what we get to become. “See to it that no one repays evil for evil to anyone. Always pursue what is good for one another and for all.” So, like even that last statement, is a statement essentially against being completely self-absorbed and selfish, which doesn’t lead anywhere good. But we realize, this is where our lives are headed. When we are in collaboration with the Holy Spirit’s leadership in our lives. “Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in everything, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Don’t stifle the spirit, don’t despise prophecies, but test all things. Hold on to what is good, stay away from every kind of evil.” This is the trajectory of our story. This is what we get to become. This is what we are becoming. And so, we can read these lists and feel conviction because we’re failing in certain areas. But we can also realize, that doesn’t have to be the rest of the story. This is the roadmap for where the stories going. I get to learn to rejoice always, it’s part of my relationship with God. I get to pray constantly, I am never out of touch with the Lord, His presence is with me always, at all times. I get to give thanks in everything, I get to learn how to do that, even for things that would’ve sent to me over the top. That would’ve been the last straw, I can find gratitude even in those places. I get to be transformed like that, because of Jesus. That’s good news because we all know our deficits and we work really, really hard to cover them. It’s tremendously encouraging to understand we’re not the only one in the story. This isn’t just our personal struggle that we’ll never overcome. The Holy Spirit is invested into moving us from darkness to light, from death to life, we get to become these things. Let’s rejoice. Yes, there is work to do in all of us, thank God the work is being done, unless we are just simply rebelling against the change that the Holy Spirit brings in our lives. And one of the things we should know intuitively but also clearly in the Scriptures is that that doesn’t work. We won’t rebel against the Holy Spirit and then harvest the fruit of the spirit in our lives. If we want the fruit of the spirit to be very evident in our lives, then we will have to collaborate and move in that direction. And the good news is, that our faith is moving us in that direction. If we’re not determined, to simply not follow the way, the path.


So, Holy Spirit, come into this we pray. It is such good news to know that You can transform what we cannot. Your power is vastly beyond our own and where our strength ends, Yours is barely even begun. All we have to do is rest and flow with where You are leading and going. And we see in letters, like this one from Paul, what that’s going to look like. We understand, we fail at this a lot. But what it is such a comforting piece of good news to know, that we we’re never going to be successful on our own anyway. This is what we get to become because of You in our lives. And so, we take a deep breath and exhale it in relief, the utter relief of it. We get to become like You, unless we are absolutely determined to become anything but. And we get to see clearly where both of those choices will lead us in the Scriptures and we choose You, we choose light, we choose life, we choose the good news. Holy Spirit come, and lead us into all truth. We pray in Jesus’ name we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com, that’s home, home base, home of the Global Campfire. And so, that’s how we find out what’s going on around here. The Daily Audio Bible app is also available from whatever, whatever app store is associated with whatever device that you use and have an App Store to download apps from. Search for and you can download that free and then can have it in the palm of your hand and keep track of the days that we are listening to, we can work through it together. Be familiar with that, check it out. And while you’re kind of check-in out, whether on the web or in the app, check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are resources there, in a number of categories that exist for our community here around the Global Campfire to accompany us and deepen and widen the journey, as we go through the Bible together. And so, certainly check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if being around the Global Campfire, if even knowing that it exists and knowing that it’s always there, we can come to it and find a place and take another step forward together. If that is life-giving to you, then thank you for your partnership deeply. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that is the little red button up at the top. That will work anywhere in the world as long as you have an internet connection, or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hello, my wonderful DAB family, this is Rosie, also known as Great to Be Free in Jesus. I’m calling in today with a prayer request for my grandson, Daniel. I know I’ve called and asked for prayer for him, two or three times at least. He called me yesterday, wanting me to come pick him up. He says, someone had beat him with something like a baseball bat, which is something that has happened many times because the life that he has chosen to live. I told him I couldn’t come pick him up because I was working. But I know, what I’m going to do, if he calls me like that again. I’m going to tell him the only way I will come pick him, is to take him to get help. Because he told me yesterday, he didn’t have anywhere to go. So, it was very heartbreaking for me to not go get him. But I learned from my daughter, that I would only be enabling him, and I don’t want to do that. So, please pray that God will get a hold of him and protect him. I love you, my DAB family. God bless you. Bye.

Hi, this is Jenny from Central PA. I’ve been listening since January 1st of this year. And I’m just so grateful for this family. The lady with the bed bug situation, I came across 2nd John 1:5 and 6 from the Passion Translation and I felt the Holy Spirit wanted me to share that with you, so be encouraged. People On the Water from Indiana, you shared that you’re suffering from depression and you’re opening a men’s life group in your college, and I just want to tell you, I can sense the fire of God inside of you. And I know that many men will be impacted with the ministry. And I see that even in, you know, through your depression, how God is using you and I just declare victory over your life, and you are more than a conqueror. Val, with your shoulder pain, you are a beautiful soul and I’m praying for supernatural healing and I’m trusting the Lord is gonna come in your situation. And the lady that called in with the pastor that was in Germany that had a car accident, I just pray that all of us together would agree as touching this one thing, that healing would come over his life. And the man who, Brian was one of your groomsmen, I just want you to be encouraged. I want to tell you, trust in the Lord and know that He resurrects the dead in the word of God, we see brings life to bones. So, He can surely resurrect your marriage. So, I pray the resurrection power over your marriage. I plead the blood of Jesus and that the covenant made 30 years ago, would still stand. And the man whose wife is pregnant and lost two children, I just wanna say that He sees you, He loves you. And I just decree that your wife’s womb is blessed and fertile. Love you DABers. Blessings to all. From Jenny, from Central PA. God Bless. Bye Bye.

After hearing the nameless gentlemen who requested prayer for his marriage, I was reflecting on my own separation from my husband, 5 years now. And realizing the need for prayer is really the restoration of the relationship between each individual and God. Because once that happens then the restoration of the relationship, here on this earth, can take place. So, Father, I lift up every person who has ever called in or is out there listening, who has gone through a crisis of their marriage and their relationship Father. And I pray that You would restore each individual to open their eyes and have a relationship with You God. A relationship that transcends all other relationships. And in that, Father, we ask healing in this physical realm of their relationship with one another. Thank You, Lord Jesus for that opportunity and that Spiritual healing that can take place, Father, in our lives. We just give You the glory. In Jesus name.

Hello, this is John Ransom calling from Budapest. I just wanted to let you know that about a month ago now, I’ve been meaning to call earlier. There was one day where two or three calls were about praying for our children and for the youth, both in the United States and around the world. And I’ve been meaning to call so, let’s go right to prayer about this. Abba, in the name of Jesus, I come before You, with the entire DAB family and we know it’s a critical hour in the world and it’s so important that we cover our children, our teenager, preteens, and young adults with a canopy of prayer and with the blood of Jesus for protection. We have been lax in this, we have been lax in understanding how important the youth leaders are, the Sunday Schools are. You know, as a matter of fact, we sing the praise to You and then, in many churches, the kids go off and we feel like, okay, well somebody’s got them and that’s the end of the story. But Father, we also lift up, especially the Youth Pastors, the song leaders, the activity coordinators. Also, those youth leaders that are there counseling the children one-on-one, they’re building those relationships, so that these kids have a safe person to talk to, along with their parents, of course. And Lord, we ask You to completely strengthen them. Give them the status they deserve. Give them all the support. Help us to remember to pray for those who take care of our children. And Lord, we ask You also, to rescue our children from all of the dangers, be they spiritual, threw the Satanic movements, pedophilia, then also the drugs of pentenyl and the mobbing and the bullying at schools. And You would fill them with the power and the presence of Jesus and just make them immune to the terrible messages from this culture. And we ask of this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Hey DAB family, this is Jeramiah, God Gives Good Gifts. And I could just use your prayer right now. I’m a trucker for UPS and I’m over the road right now. I’m headed to Sioux Falls, South Dakota. And I haven’t been here in almost 40 years. It’s where I visited my dad when he was in the state penitentiary when I was just a little boy, at 8-years-old. I have an 8-year-old son now. And just getting flooded with a lot of pain and just remembering a lot of the abuse that I went through. And it’s just, I’m having a hard time facing it. And even though it’s so long ago, it’s still is in there. And I know a lot of you guys understand that, that we go through hard things and other people’s choices can really cause us a lot of pain for our life and really break our hearts. And I’m just asking for your prayers of strength and healing. And that I would be able to go to a new level in my forgiveness for my dad and my mom. And that God would just continue to heal me, continue to make me a father that He wants me to be. And thank you so much for your prayers. I listen every day and I pray for all of you. I love you. And I’m so grateful that I can just bare my heart to you. So, God Bless you guys. Jeramiah, God Gives …

Hello DAB family, this is God’s Tree, for I have many branches but I’m rooted in the word of God. I’m coming to you this evening asking for a prayer request for my little cousin, she goes by the name of Ty. She has suffered with Juna Diabetes all her life and she struggle; she’s spent 75% of her life in hospital. And she’s 29 now and she had a stoke on dialysis today and she stopped breathing. They were able to resuscitate her but at the same time she got a call from the hospital, saying that, she has a pancreas and kidney transplant on the way. So, they stabilized her tonight. And they’re air lifting her to Charleston. And prayerfully, she would get this transplant and she would be healed totally on this side of glory. Our families really emotional right now. We’re all praying for this little girl so that she could have a full life. She’s never had normal things that other teenagers have had experiences, cause she stay sick all the time. So, I ask You to send Your angels God, be with her tonight and her mother and her father. And I pray God, that this transplant will take, and it would make her whole, Lord. And I also pray God, for the soul that was lost because, providing this transplant. May You bless that soul and bless that family as they grieve for their loss Lord. But let them see Your glory in Ty’s life. Please pray for her. Please pray for her. We need all the prayers that we can get right now. Bless this little girl. I thank you. God Bless you and I continue to pray for you.

10/11/2022 DAB Transcript

Jeremiah 16:16-18:23, 1 Thessalonians 4:1-5:3, Psalms 81:1-16, Proverbs 25:6-8

Today is the 11th day of the month of October welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian and it is great to be here with you today. I am thrilled. I was thrilled to walk in and find a place around the Global Campfire. Some days it’s like…it’s like the best place to be and I indeed look forward to being in this place each and every day as we gather and take the next step forward in the Scriptures. And that next step leads us, as we know, to the place where we left off yesterday, and that happens to be in the book of Jeremiah. We’re reading from the Christian Standard Bible this week. And today Jeremiah chapter 16 verse 16 through 18 verse 23.


Okay. So, in the book of Jeremiah today we have a really good opportunity, there are many opportunities in the Scriptures to see this, but we have a really good opportunity to see something and then kind of contrast it with some of the things that we say and think. And specifically, we’re talking about God’s plan. We all seem to think that God has a plan and usually when we say something like that it’s not because things are going so great. It’s because things are not going so great. And it’s a way to kind of bring comfort to each other by just encouraging each other - well, there’s a big master plan here and we don’t understand this, we don’t understand what’s going on right now, but God has a plan. And, so, we have to step back and go, does He have a plan like that though? Like, something terrible has happened to us. It’s part of God’s plan. We don’t understand it now, but we’ll trust in His plan. And it’s…it’s easy to just kind of go in that direction because then we don’t have to press in and pay attention to anything about anything that got us in the predicament that we’re in. It’s all God’s plan. And, so, we have the ultimate excuse. Whatever we navigate ourselves into, it’s not our fault. It’s God’s fault. He has a plan. We’re not culpable. This is all God’s plan. And it doesn’t just have to be in our lives, it can be in the world, any kind of event, anything that’s going on. This is my fault. I can’t do anything about this. God has a plan. The thing is…that means God is to blame for everything. And I don’t think it’s a stretch. I think we would all agree that God’s plan is redemption, that God’s plan is to put things back together and make all things new. And He wouldn’t need to have that plan if things weren’t broken, right? And they got broken somehow, right? And if we just come back to our own lives here instead of like making it cosmic and global, God’s plan is to put back together what is broken in us. His plan is redemption, and He wouldn’t need to have that plan if there were no brokenness. And how did that happen? How much of what we would consider to be our brokenness is the choices and decisions that we’ve made to not collaborate in the process of redemption? Instead, being our own guide, our own sovereign, and navigating wherever we want to go. And then so often blaming God for where we end up because He has a plan. Well…He has a plan, and so do we and we get to choose whether were on board with God’s plan or if we’re trying to get Him to be onboard with ours. And, so, that leads us to Jeremiah. And I quote from the book of Jeremiah. “At one moment”, this is the Lord speaking, “at one moment I might announce concerning a nation or a kingdom that I will uproot, tear down, and destroy it. However, if that nation, about which I have made the announcement turns from its evil I will relent concerning the disaster I had planned to do to it. At another time, I might announce concerning a nation or a kingdom that I will build and plant it. However, if it does what is evil in my sight by not listening to Me, I will relent concerning the good I had said I would do to it.” So, what we see is there is a plan, and human beings have a role to play in that plan. What we choose actually matters - matters individually inside of ourselves and inside of our households, but it also matters as a species, the whole of humanity and God will adjust His plan accordingly. His plan will always be to put back together what is broken, to bring redemption, to make all things new. If that were God’s plan for you and you did everything you could to destroy yourself would it be God’s fault because He has a plan? And this shouldn’t be like so completely foreign as a concept to us because one of the things that we also often quote from the Scripture is the concept of sowing and reaping. You reap what you sow. That is certainly a spiritual concept in the Scriptures. It is also a very observable natural law. You don’t get green beans from corn seeds. You won’t be able to plant squash and get a palm tree. You reap what you sow. We can’t sow lust or greed or selfishness and then reap the fruit of the Spirit. We reap what we sow. And if we are reaping destruction that’s not because God has a plan and this is just His plan that we are destroyed. It’s actually in that moment that we can surrender and get on board with God’s plan of redemption so that we can begin moving in that direction so that we sow fruit of the spirit and reap it and sow it and reap it and sow it and reap it all the time. God’s plan isn’t an excuse for not paying attention to what we’re doing. And He is not to blame that we reap what we saw. God’s plan is good, its redemptive, it’s life bringing, it brings shalom. It restores order and makes things how they were supposed to be. That’s a good plan. And, so, often that is not anywhere near our plan. God’s plan is good. And, so, let on board with that plan.


Holy Spirit come into that as we consider how we sidestep so many things or navigated ourselves into the unknown and just situations that we don’t understand. And, so, we just blame it on you. It’s your plan. When so much of the time we’ve simply ended up where we were going and when we get there we don’t like it because it’s not bringing redemption or shalom. Forgive us. Forgive us for the things we have blamed on you that you had nothing to do with. Set us right. Lead us into the truth we pray in the mighty name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base. It’s where you can find out what’s going on around here. And, so, certainly check it out. The Daily Audio Bible app will lets you do that as well. And you can download the app from the app store that works with your phone or your tablet. And, so, check that out. It’s free. Check it out. It’s a great way to go through the Scriptures and keep track of where we are and take notes and stay connected and keep it in the palm of our hand. And, so, certainly check that out.

Check of the different sections like…like the Community section. That is kind of the jumping off point. That’s where links to different social media channels that Daily Audio Bible participates in are. It is also the home of the Prayer Wall, which is our own little place, always on, never off, always available, no matter day or night. We always have a place in the community here around the Global Campfire to go and ask for prayer and to go and offer prayer for one another and share with each other what’s going on, knowing that we are not gonna walk through it alone. Our brothers and sisters are here with us. So, the Prayer Wall is in the Community section. And, so, certainly be familiar with that.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if the mission to bring the spoken word of God read fresh every day and offered freely to anyone who will listen anywhere on this planet any time of day or night and to build community around that rhythm what we love…lovingly call the Global Campfire around here, to build community around that rhythm of being in the Scriptures each day together, the next step forward together, if that brings life and good news and hope to you then thank you profoundly and with all humility for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that’s the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Good morning DAB family this is Jimmy from the East Coast. I haven’t called in a little bit but I’m just a little behind. Calling on the 7th of October. Just hearing a lot of tragedies and pain in our community and I just I want to cover our whole community in prayer right now. I feel like we need comfort and I just know that the Lord is comfort. The comforter is with us. So, Father, I just thank You for my DAB community. I thank You for their hearts and I thank You for each and every one of them that tune in. Lord we love You and we want to get close to You and we…we know that You appreciate that and You…and it’s by Your power that we’re even coming. So, Father we…I just pray for comfort for those who have tragedies that have lost loved ones and…and…and children, have lost children, have lost loved ones, they’ve had injuries, they’ve had deaths, they’ve had…they’ve had members of their family that they’re praying for for salvation God. I just pray right now God for Your strength and Your comfort over them all in Jesus’ name. I love you family. I’m always praying behind the scenes. Thank you.

Hi, my name’s Anna. I stumbled across the dab in July I think and have been listening every day since and it’s been a huge blessing in my life. It’s my first time calling and I just wanna say thank you to everyone. And getting to pray with you guys has been such a blessing. And I’m just struggling right now. I have a really really hard ministry and I let a girl parole into my building where I live and own and it’s been so stressful and full of drama and her husband was using and hurting her. And, so, anyway if you could just pray because I think I have to get a lawyer now to evict her and I just really need strength and for God to provide and for her to leave because she hasn’t been paying me and she’s just been really mean. Thank you all. Bye.

Hi this is Lacey also known as Consider the Lilies. I fell last night and mercifully I’m not terribly hurt, just badly shaken up and more achy than usual, but I’m so down and sad and discouraged because Stacy has wet the rug so many times lately. And last night after my fall I was so shaken, and she wet the bedroom rug and I had to deal with that. I didn’t sleep. I just am worn out and I love her so much and she has sundowners now and she’s going blind and it’s just so hard. I really need your prayers please. I need uplift. I’m worn out. Thank you. God bless.

Hi DAB family this is Tina God’s Chosen calling from California. I’m so grateful to be a part of this community. Brian, Jill, China, and Ezekiel thank you for all you do for God’s Kingdom. May the mighty God continue to strengthen you all daily. Celeste I heard your prayer request for your niece AD. Lord almighty in the name of Jesus I pray for a supernatural healing on AD. According to Your promises of Isaiah 53 You are wounded for our transgression, bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement of Your peace was upon us and by Your stripes AD’s healed. Father, I pray for AD’s parents not to give up because You are very able to restore and heal her body. I declare Isaiah 41:10 over the parents that fear not for I am with You. Do not be dismayed for I’m Your God. I will strengthen You. I will help You. I will uphold You with my victorious right hand of righteousness and justice. I also pray for Celeste for her salvation. I pray that You continue to refresh her and You baptize her with Your Holy Spirit. I pray that You would fill her Lord. Where she feels she’s lost I pray Holy Spirit that You fill her afresh. Father, I thank You that You’re the way maker, You’re the promise keeper, and You are the greatest healer above every situation. Waymaker miracle worker promise keeper light in the darkness my God that is who You are. You are Waymaker miracle worker promise keeper light in the darkness my God that is who You are.

Yeah, my name is Jokan from Seattle and I’m a worship leader at my church and my prayer request is that I…that I walk in humility, and I serve my church as a servant…as a humble servant. I struggle with lust, and I want to let it go. I want to die to my flesh. My prayer request is simple, and I just want to…I just want to serve God with grace and truth. And I love God and I ask God that God open my ears to have compassion for people and to open my heart to care and to love people and just to accept things as they come…

Hello, I pray for the renewing of my mind for fears to be cast forth for my mind and to be filled with God’s love and God’s peace because sometimes I feel really scared of my own mind. I pray for peace. Lord, please help me…