11/23/2022 DAB Transcript

Ezekiel 45:13-46:24, 1 Peter 1:13-2:10, Psalm 119:33-48, Proverbs 28:11

Today is the 23rd day of November, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and it’s wonderful to be here with you around the Global Campfire today as we gather and move forward together. Another step forward in front of us. And our next step forward will lead us back into the book of Ezekiel. We are nearing the end of the book of Ezekiel, couple more days. And then yesterday, we began first Peter which we will continue forward in today. We’re reading from the Christian Standard Bible this week. Today, Ezekiel chapter 45 verse 13 through 46 verse 24.


Okay so, here in the United States of America tomorrow, is Thanksgiving Day, that is a really, really major holiday here in this country. And then the day following that, is called Black Friday and everybody shops and shops and shops, right. And it’s Christmas season from that point forward. So were in a time of year, we’ve mentioned it a couple of times along the way, like things speed up, our rhythms shift and change. And most of that’s been said in the context of finishing well, like, day-by-day, step-by-step. This is how we will finish well and that the Scriptures are there in the chaos, if we hadn’t figured that out yet. Like, we see the chaos in the Bible, and we see God working among it. And then we see in our own lives, how disrupted things can be, and the Scriptures are there to lead and guide us and give us perspective. And so, we have some perspective, from Peter’s letter, known as first Peter, today. Although Peter wasn’t making any kind of commentary on, you know, the holiday traditions that may exist in the world 2000 years in the future. He’s speaking about what every day Christian life should look like, but he did say some things today that are particularly poignant for the season that we actually are heading into, 2000 years in the future, celebrating the holidays that we celebrate now. I mean, you just watch, if you got to make a bunch of trips to the grocery store because you’re trying to cook your Thanksgiving dinner and you find things are not in stock. I mean, this can be crazy. Or trying to find a parking place and fighting for your parking place at the grocery store, at the mall or wherever. And then it only amp up right, it’s gonna be Christmas season and we will have goodwill toward all people, like that just ascends upon the earth. But underneath that, we still are trying to not have to walk 4 miles to get to the mall, we really want that front parking place and if we can get it, we’re gonna take it. And if we were about to pull into it and somebody took it from us, well, peace on earth, goodwill toward men, takes on a different complexion. So, if we think about how chaotic it can get to try to come up with a budget for the holiday season and buy everything and run everywhere, and park here and go there and interact with these people and let’s not even get started on family traveling in from out of town and just how we can all get together and be so joyous, that we’re finally together as a family and it’s been a while, and it’s so good to be here and how quickly we just fall into the role that we’ve always played in our family. And it’s so easy for the jokes and the kind of ridicule, and the kind of stuff that all happened when we were kids to just materialize because we don’t know it any other way. But it’s amping things up inside of us, making us feel anxiety and the swirl inside of us. Peter kinda speaks words that are really, really helpful for this season, and I quote, “as obedient children, do not be conformed to the desires of your former ignorance, but as the One who called you is Holy, you also are to be holy in all your conduct. For it is written, be holy, because I am Holy.” So, again, Peter’s not talking about the holiday season in years that are millennia from when he wrote this letter. He’s talking about what our every day is supposed to look like. But there isn’t really a better time to get into that rhythm and practice this stuff, than the times that we find that our rhythms are disrupted. Think about it. You’re making stuffing in the kitchen. The cousins are running all over the place. Your siblings are in and out, everybody’s saying what they’re saying, somebody says something a little sideways about the stuffing. Oh, that doesn’t … I don’t know if you put enough sage in that. And how easily we can just flip over into a different…different zone and just start fighting back or holding bitterness in our hearts. We get, I mean, I can’t even think of how many examples we could use. Anything from stolen parking places, the family feuds. We can feel like we have walked with the Holy Spirit during this year, and he has grown us so much and we are so in a different place than we were when the beginning of the year started, but we can be around that table and something gets said and we’re just, it’s like we’re a little kid again. Just trapped in a place that we left a long, long time ago, but pulled right back into. And it’s very, very easy for us to retaliate, even if we don’t say anything out loud, we’re like, thinking it, but maybe we’re saying it. But maybe we should say something, before we say anything. Maybe we should say, you must be holy, because I am Holy. Like, what would that change? If the voice of criticism or ridicule comes our way and our reaction is typically to ball up our fists and start swinging. Right, or to start spewing angry, hurtful words. Just a small pause, you must be holy, because I am Holy, immediately resets are posture. And Peter says some other things that are supposed to be our normal everyday life but also, give us a particularly good opportunity to practice them as we’re in this, disrupted season. So, Peter says, since you have purified yourselves by your obedience to the truth, so that you show sincere brotherly love for each other, from a pure heart love one another constantly, because you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. So, if we’re sitting around the table and I don’t know, easy things to talk about like politics comes up and we’re hearing things that we don’t ascribe to or like that this is about to blow up, like the Thanksgiving table is about to be set on fire. But remembering you must be holy, because I am holy, can rescue us. Remembering what we just read, from a pure heart, love one another constantly or from our reading today, rid yourselves of all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy and all slander, like newborn infants desire the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow up into your salvation. So much there just from a little bit that we read today from this letter that can be applied to the season that we’re in because it’s supposed to be applied to the totality of our lives. And the beautiful thing is that, as we continue through, from now through the end of the year, almost every day, we’re going to be given things from the Scriptures that we need to live through the day, to navigate the day properly, if we’re paying attention, just like today. So, let’s take these things to heart, brothers and sisters, because we can change the complexion of what this holiday season looks like in our families. Like, we’re out in front and it’s just like when we come to the beginning of a shiny, sparkly, new week every week and we talk about how it’s all out in front of us and nothing good or bad has happened yet and the choices that we make, and the words that we say, and the actions that we commit, that will tell the story of the week. It’s the same for us now in this season, our thoughts, words and deeds will tell what the story of the holiday season this year is going to look like. Maybe we can sit around waiting for things to happen and maybe we just react to those things. Or maybe we decide, in advance, to love deeply, to rid ourselves of all malice and deceit, to not be an actor are a hypocrite, to not envy, not slander people, but rather to be like a newborn infant desiring the pure milk of the word. If we decide in advance and commit to a course of action that will allow us to be obedient to what is being told to us in the Scriptures; we will bring good into all the situations that we encounter. And if we get blindsided and we’re about to fall into an old trap, just remember, you must be holy, because I am holy, can reset us. And so, let’s put it into practice.


And father, we are coming into a busy season. We are indeed coming into a time when we need to put this into practice, but this should be our daily practice. And if it hasn’t been our daily practice, then we ask for Your forgiveness. We’re starting to practice right now and we’re going to practice through a season that’s going to give us plenty of opportunity to practice and then we’re gonna keep practicing, because You will lead us into all truth and it is Your desire that your sons and daughters grow up and be mature in Your kingdom, representing You as an ambassador in this world, being a witness to the light. This is our desire, that we be a witness to the light and the light will not be overcome by the darkness, because we are choosing in advance to not go into the darkness. Holy Spirit, come, we will not do this on our own and succeed. We don’t do anything on our own and succeed, we need Your help, and we ask for it and we rejoice in it in advance and thank You for it in advance. So, that we can sit back, move forward and watch You at work in our lives. Come Holy Spirit, we pray in the name of Jesus into this season. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it is the website, it is where you can find out what’s going on around here. And so, what is going on around here. So, if you live in the United States. Then tomorrow will be a national holiday that we call Thanksgiving. And there are Thanksgiving celebrations and gratitude celebrations throughout the earth. This just happens to be the one happening in the country that I live in. And what happens is, we have Thanksgiving and then the day after Thanksgiving is black Friday. And so, like all day during Thanksgiving Day, will be being festive and enjoying our families and doing whatever were gonna do. Meanwhile our inboxes are getting cram full of Black Friday deals, so that we get in the swing of things. And I just want to be out in front of that and just let you know that the Daily Audio Bible Christmas Box for the year 2022, is now available now. Now, like you go to dailyaudiobible.com or go into the app and go to the Daily Audio Bible Shop and you will find a Christmas Section there and in the Christmas Section you will find the annual Daily Audio Bible family Christmas box. This is the biggest, I think the biggest we’ve packed this one this year. We have for the very first time in the Christmas box this year, Promised Land, Photographs from the Land of the Bible, which is a beautiful photographic journey through the land of the Bible. It’s like a coffee table size addition. It’s something that is displayable in your home and a joy to kind of peruse as we’re going through the Bible. So, that is in the Christmas box this year. The God of Your Story is also included in the Christmas box this year. So, Promised Land and The God of Your Story both beautiful, hardbound, high-quality additions in the Christmas box this year. We are also including Reframe: From the God We’ve Made to God with Us, which is another written resource that that I’ve been able to write. As well as Sneezing Jesus, How God Redeems our Humanity. So, we’ve been able to put all of those together in the…in the Christmas box for the first time. So that’s exciting. Also, your choice of wind farm DAB blend coffee or we’re doing honey bush and ribose tea this year. So, your choice coffee or tea. We have the Global Campfire candle in the Christmas box this year. Love this candle, loved a couple years ago working with a perfumer, just like getting the aroma right so, that it would smell like a candle, but it would smell like a campfire, I just, yeah, the Global Campfire, just kind of bringing it right…right in, as we move through the Scriptures each day. So, the Global Campfire candle is in the Christmas box this year. The Daily Audio Bible 2022 Christmas Ornaments, with our word for the year, Rooted, on it, is in the Christmas box. And you can only get the ornaments in the Christmas box. And we have, well I have a tree, that has all of the different years going back to when we began ornaments, probably a decade ago now. And, so each year, I put a new ornament on my tree. I look at those ornaments and I’m humbled by them because each one of them represents a year in community, in the Bible. So easy to look at an ornament go well, that represents a year, even though that took a whole year to navigate. And all of the issues of life, that come in a year but it’s nice to be able to look at it and go, we’re still here, we made it through another year. So, the 2022 ornament, is in the Christmas box this year, as well as a Global Campfire pop socket, for your, well, whatever it is you need a pop socket for, for your phone, for your tablet, little way to hold it in your hand, a little way to keep it in your hand, if you are the pop socket type that’s in the Christmas box. And then two Global Campfire stickers, to put wherever…wherever you like. So, it is a jampacked full Christmas box this year. Super-duper excited. I remember when we went through COVID and trying to figure out how we would even do a Christmas box. And then being able to get back to it last year, but this this year, we’ve got it all planned out and packed full and so excited for that. You can find the Christmas box for 2022 in the Christmas section of either a dailyaudiobible.com or by going to the Shop from within the Daily Audio Bible app, and you should have no problem finding it. So, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible. Thank you, humbly, we wouldn’t be here, we wouldn’t be around a Global Campfire, if we were not in this together and so thank you, humbly for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if ever prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that’s the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Father, I come humbly and prayer before your throne, once again
Because you’re all mighty God and the deliverer of all men
There is so many people among us who are hurting and in pain
With very serious problems Father, with few options, there tears fall like rain
You said you’re keeping a skin bag, each and every one of our tears
You said every hair on our head is numbered and you know the sum of all our hairs
You said you’ve written down in your book, every one of our parts, before even one of them was ever formed and only you know our hearts
And on top of that you offered us adoption as sons, once our hearts had been conformed
So, we come to you through Jesus humble, tired and worn
Walking by faith, to this place that we consider to be safe
But then we have all these problems that don’t go away
Even though we cry out to you day-after-day
Like people with cancer, people who need a liver
And so many other problems father from which only you can deliver
Strengthen us Father so we can endure to the end
And if our faith gets a little bit shaky, please revive us again
And help us to see that when we’re under such strong attack
That it’s really just the wicked ones, trying hard to turn us back
Help us Father, to commit ourselves anew
Help us to surrender all, everyday unto you
blindtony1016@gmail.com I’d like to give a shout out to Sherlock Washington on the Case, know you’re very much loved, prayed for daily and thought of often. And once again Brian and the Hardin Family, thank you for this wonderful podcast for God’s Holy Spirit to flow, keep it flowing ya’ll. Alright, bye bye.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible. I am a member of the Daily Audio Bible and I’ve been a member since 2011 but this is just the second time, I got a chance to call in. Just wanted to touch bases with everyone and let you know I am fighting with you and praying daily. And I might not call in but I’m sending prayers us for each and every one. But this morning, I have a prayer request. Well, I call myself Waters in Virginia. Well, this morning I wake up and I have swelling all in my lower cheek. I’ve had this going on and off for about two months, maybe a little longer. And I went to doctors and they don’t know what it is. They say that it’s nothing to be worried about. Not allergy because we went through the allergy testing. But not the allergy but they actually do the allergy puncture where they do samples. They just did blood tests. But anyway, I want you guys to keep me in prayer that the Lord, I’m believing God for my healing. And I’m thanking him and praising him each and every day. I know God is an answer to all things. And prayer can never fail meaning. Just want you to keep me in prayer, that this healing ceases in the name of Jesus. And my health be restored. And I’m praying that everyone be blessed. All the calls that call in, I’m praying with you. Can’t just name each and every one of you right now. But I am with you and I know God is with all of us and God is the healer and I know God is with us and in us and we just believe, receive from God. Have a blessed day in the name of Jesus. Thank you.

Hello, my Daily Audio Family. I’m listening to all the prayer requests. It breaks my heart to hear so many that I need, the girl that’s sad. And she’s tired of being sad. I pray God, that You, in Jesus name, give her the joy of the Lord. That You’ll let her know, Father, show her Lord, why she is so sad, Father God. Father, speak to her rest, she sleeps Father God. And resting, Holy Spirit, speak to her life. Father, breath joy in her life, Father. In Jesus name. I pray for the husband who’s in that big, that has a bad addiction to drugs. Lord God, I pray that You speak to him as he sleeps, as he rests and he’ll hear your voice, Father. Heal him, show him your way, Father. Make a way Father God. To all of my friends that are with Christ in Prayer, the Father. I ask you this in Jesus name. There’s nothing impossible for you, dear Father. You sent Jesus to cure the sick, to heal them all, to rescue them, to restore them, Father God. Give them the joy of salvation, Father. Reach down to those that are in need, Father God. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

Hi Shawn, I heard you and you are in my prayers. I battled addiction from 26 years old, to 41 years old, so 15 years. In my experience, and to overcome, I did four things. I stopped drinking because even the more we drink, led to drug use. This required a mindset change. I also had the support system, in my case, my wife, who assisted me to understand the reasons for my actions: past trauma, lifestyle and so on. Three, I changed the places I went to and I adopted a healthier lifestyle. I exercised frequently and felt more joy. I stopped going to locations that drug use. For example, bars, until I had the strength. I diligently studied the Bible, using the DAB platform and to apply it to my life. I have now been sober for over three years. I never felt better. I wish the same for you brother. God bless.

Good morning, this is Nobody Gets Left Behind, in Colorado. I’m thankful for all my DAB family, the multitude from around the world. That we’ll gather one day before the throne of our Father God, a throne near the sea of glass, with our mighty King Jesus, seated at his right hand. I have a praise report for you. My brother Jeremy was freed from prison, he was there for almost 20 years. He’s now able to listen to the DAB every morning with me. We get to Bible study in fellowship and go over it together. I also wanted to let you know that my daughter Halo, she’s being recorded in a music studio. She’s singing worship music that God gave me to write. I also want to give a praise report for the Wednesday Bible group that we have, that’s based off the DAB studies. It’s still going strong. Shout out to all my brothers and sisters in Colorado that are in that group that are listening. I did want to thank the gentlemen that said the prayer for the baby Storm, that has cancer. Brother, your prayer and your words just touched my heart. I just want you to know I’m very thankful for that. I’m thankful for all of your words and prayers family. It just always touches my heart; it always just fills me with so much love and gratitude. I do have one quick praise or prayer request. If you can please pray for my mother Katherine who’s been homeless since January. She lives in a tent. It’s pretty cold here in Colorado now, below freezing. And every day I wake up, I just pray that she’s not dead. But if you could just pray for that, I would really appreciate that. I love you guys so much. Until next time.

11/22/2022 DAB Transcript

Ezekiel 44:1-45:12, 1 Peter 1:1-12, Psalms 119:17-32, Proverbs 28:8-10

Today is the 22nd day of November welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is great to be here with you all cozy around the Global Campfire as we move forward together like every day the next step forward. That step forward will lead us back into the book of Ezekiel in the Old Testament, and then we get to the New Testament we have some brand-new territory to move into, the letters of Peter. And, of course, we’ll begin with first Peter, and we’ll talk about that when we get there. But first, we’re reading from the Christian Standard Bible this week. And today Ezekiel chapter 44 verse 1 through 45 verse 12.

Introduction to First Peter:

Okay. So, this brings us to our New Testament reading for today and it’s new territory that we are moving into, first Peter. And, so, like Peter is not somebody we don’t know. In fact, Peter’ somebody that we kind of met at the very beginning of the year and he was one of the disciples of Jesus. And, so, we followed along with Jesus and Peter was there many many times and many many famous stories include Peter in the Gospels. And then we get to the book of Acts, and we learned more about Peter’s transformation and how it was that he kind of move from a fisherman into a very very powerful speaker and ambassador for the kingdom and church leader. And, so, we know who Peter is and we know some of his comings and goings but this is going to be the first time that we can hear his passion in a written form, And if we’re still kind of getting over James, which we just went through. And James, kinda comes out of nowhere and smacks us upside the head and says basically you can’t read a script. If you’ve been given a Christian script and you’re reading the lines but you’re just acting, like you’re an actor carrying out the script, that’s nothing. Your changed life tells the truth about who you are, not so much what you say. Anybody can say anything, among other things that James had to tell us. So, if we’re still kinda moving past that going, wow, that was a spanking, we remember getting to know Peter a bit in the Gospels. We know that he can be feisty. So, it’s like we’re ready to dish out a second helping of what James was teaching, and we will have some more direct, forthright, look us in the face, look us right in the eyes and tell us the truth coming out of first Peter. And, so, we just need to be ready and embrace that, Now, Peter…Peter’s name is given name was Simon maybe Simeon, Simon Peter, right? But by the time Peter was a part of the inner circle of Jesus disciples Jesus was calling him Cephas. And Cephas in the Aramaic language means rock. And, so, when Aramaic is then translated into the more common Greek of the New Testament the word is Petros. Petros in Greek means rock. And this is how we get to the sort of modern day name Peter. It’s a translation out of the Greek. But having the in the advantage of knowing Peter’s story from the Gospels we know that Peter reached a very very very low moment, denying three times that he knew Jesus, that he even knew Jesus. This is taking place in the courtyard of the high priest as Jesus is being tried, and then subsequently crucified. And, so, we watched this happen to Peter. We watched Peter realize what he was doing and what he had done. We watched him weep in repentance. We watched Jesus by the shores of the Sea of Galilee restore Peter. And we have followed Peter all the way from there to the upper room in Jerusalem where the Holy Spirit came with what appeared to be tongues of fire, the coming of the Holy Spirit. And in the book of Acts we saw that pretty quickly after that. Because people were hearing people in this upper room speak in languages that they understood but not languages that they should be able to speak., And, so they’re saying these guys are just drunk. And it’s Peter that steps forward and says they’re not drunk, it’s 9 o'clock in the morning. And then he proceeds to share the gospel in a very very powerful way. Now, or later in the development of the church, Peter is a church leader. I mean there so many other things we can talk about Peter. Like we’re just skimming the surface of what we know from the New Testament. But this is who Peter is and by the time that he is writing now the church has developed a little bit. And Peter writes this letter and identifies the location as Babylon. Most scholars find that to be synonymous with Rome. And Peter addresses the letter to the chosen people of God who are foreigners living in the provinces of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia. And these were provinces of the Roman empire all now located within modern day Turkey. And Peter’s using this term God’s chosen people who are living as foreigners, that’s something that everybody, every Jewish person would’ve understand, understood. Those who had been cast away, moved away, on the way in many exiles in fleeing from persecution looking for safety and peace. Basically, the foreigners in the diaspora, those who had been dispersed all over the world. Peter is forthright, he is direct, he is not afraid to say what he needs to say, but he’s not trying to be mean or condemning. He is trying to be encouraging and lift up those who are suffering because of their faith in Jesus and to encourage them that there is hope. And it’s a glorious hope, but endurance is necessary. Endurance is necessary becomes such an important early church theme that permeates the New Testament, something that so often we think were absolved from. We don’t have to struggle. We have a mighty God. But our brothers and sisters who were founding this movement, they had to endure and endurance is part of the story. And, so, just understanding that it’s a part of the story should reframe the categories in our minds because we think that all hard things are bad things when actually sometimes there just endurance, they’re just things we have to move through. There are lessons there for us to learn. And this is certainly true of the lessons that Peter has for us to learn. And, so, with that we begin. First Peter chapter 1 verses 1 through 12.


Thank You, Father, for Your word. Thank You for this new territory that we are in in the letters of Peter. Holy Spirit, come and lead and guide and direct and correct. Move us forward. Let these letters that are straightforward and forthright speak directly the truth into our lives causing us to change, to repent, to move in new directions. We love You and You have no problem guiding us. We have problems following You. This has been the human story. This is the story that we read of through the Bible. We want to go our own way and then we hate when we get there and then we blame You that we got there. May we follow where You are leading so that wherever we go, we are with You and wherever that ends up that is good. Come Holy Spirit, we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobile.com is home base. That is where you find out what is happening around here. That is…well…it’s Thanksgiving week here in the United States and then Friday after Thanksgiving is black Friday and then we are off to the races. And, so, that’s where we are, right out in front of it by mere days. And, so, that’s exciting. And it’s exciting that regardless of what’s going on by day step-by-step we continue our journey through the Scriptures, including this week. And, so, as always, we stay connected and move forward together.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you humbly. Thank you for your partnership. As we begin to turn our way toward home, and the conclusion of another year together thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I will be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hello from beautiful Cincinnati OH this is Daniel Johnson junior. I am speaking this to you on Thursday November 17th, 2022. Today 31 years ago I was sick and tired of my life. I repented and made Jesus Lord. And I have worked and been working to make Jesus Lord every day, every moment since that time that I first made Jesus Lord and was baptized. I’ve done good day…good days and then I’ve had other days that are not so good. And more than anything it’s just continual repentance and my hope is that by the time I’m done with my journey it will be sad of me that he made Jesus Lord every day. So, I’m excited about that and of course every day in the Daily Audio Bible when we come to this day I’m reminded that we of this and also the favorite scripture that really goes along with a rebirth day is Psalm 16, which we read today. And I don’t know by heart the NIV version which is what we read today but I know the Message version and verse 12 verse through 14. What can I give back to God for all the blessing He’s poured out on me I will lift high the cup of salvation and follow through and follow the promises I have made to Him. So, Amen Lord, make it so. From beautiful Cincinnati OH this is Daniel Johnson junior God bless you and let’s make it a great day.

Hello DAB family it’s Widespread Jesus oh out of Omaha NE. I was calling regarding a couple prayer requests that I have. First is for my niece. She’s 19 years old. She’s living on her own. She’s having roommate issues where her roommate left her so now, she’s in some financial trouble. She’s having a lot of anxiety, having migraines, you know, filled with stress at that age and she’s seeking wisdom and discernment from me as her uncle, and I want to be there for her, but I don’t know exactly what…what to do for her or how to support her. So, I pray for this whole situation. I pray for relief and breakthrough for her and I pray for wisdom and discernment and for me and the whole situation to help her out. And I also have a prayer request for my job situation. It’s been a pretty struggle lately over the past few months and I have an opportunity to make a pivot within the same company which I do love. So, I really do think this is God’s calling for me but I wanna make sure that it is the right…the right move for me for the future. So, if you could look me up in prayer and that I could have clarity and the decision and I just greatly appreciate the prayers for that. And then also an update on our friend Nick who’s battling liver failure. He’s still in the ICU which is unbelievable. I mean it’s been going on five six months. There’s little progress but not major strides. So, I appreciate continued prayers for him. I thank you DAB family. I love you and I just thank you for all…all the prayers and thank you for this community and I lift up Jesus and all praise and glory to Him. Amen.

Hey DAB family, this is Jasmine calling in from New York. I haven’t called since like September of 2021 the beginning of my junior in high school. And I’m just calling in. This is my senior year in high school at the moment and I’ve been going through the same thing since last school year we’re up strong in my faith and my devotions to God during the summer but once school gets here I start to fall back on it and start to procrastinate only…not only with just getting closer with God and meditating on His word day and night but also with school work because I am a determined student and I’ve been just going through procrastination and even anxiety and low self-esteem, like all of it just hitting in all directions. And I just ask for prayer. I ask you guys to pray for me so that I would be able to just keep walking in faith and have the courage to keep moving and the strength and the…the power that the Lord has given me because I really lost the courage that I’ve had. I don’t…I feel like I don’t have anyone like around me to just uplift me and like brothers and sisters in Christ who just influence me to do what I should be doing. So, I just pray and I thank you guys for…well…I…yeah…I thank you guys for just praying for me and I’ve been praying in the background as well. Like Val in Vegas, you make us…you make me smile every single day and Blind Tony as well. So, I thank you as well. And yeah. Bye

Hi everyone, it’s David from California. I just wanted to say hello to all the DABbers out there. I haven’t called in a while but for some reason it’s been on my mind, and I just have not been able to get it out of my mind. And also, my heart, I think. So, I just want to pray. There's…there’s four people that stand out to me that I just want to pray for two of those. One of those gentlemen and the other one was a woman who one of them said that you wanted to be wiped away from existence and the other woman said she’d wanted to not wake up ever again and the gentleman had said that he’s given, and he’s talked to churches and then he said that he’s doing something wrong and everything else like that. And I just gotta say brother, you know, for…for anybody to say that you’re doing something wrong, even if it’s somebody that’s a pastor or anything like that, yes, we hold them up to a higher standard but they’re still human and they’re still not God and only God can be the one to tell you that. So, I pray for you and the woman who wanted to not ever wake up again, sister I just I pray that God is able to touch you. And then there’s the woman who I’m sorry I’m not remembering your name whose husband passed away at 1:00 o'clock in the morning after a marriage of 41 years who still called in for someone else. Man…I…it just it floors me that that you…you had the heart to call even though your husband had just passed away…

Good evening Daily Audio Bible this is Chris Ann and some of you may have heard my prayers asking for prayers in the past several years and I’m really needing them again. So, on Friday I will be going to court with my husband for our divorce that I’ve been praying for nine years that wouldn’t happen. The Lord stopped it several years ago and nothing happened until he recently and my husband filed papers again. Because everyone may know that he had an affair and left, and I have been faithful and praying and believing and trusting that we can reconcile and come back together. He has been in my life for almost 38 years, and I am absolutely just heartbroken. And as it’s getting closer it’s getting harder and I’m just asking for your prayers that I could get through this and that the Lord would hear my prayers in all of this. And even now still praying for reconciliation but I need prayers to be able to get through this. Thank you and God bless.

11/21/2022 DAB Transcript

Ezekiel 42:1-43:27, James 5:1-20, Psalm 119:1-16, Proverbs 28:6-7

Today is the 21st day of November, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It is wonderful to be here with you around the Global Campfire as we continue day-by-day, step-by-step. This is that week, where at least in my life like, it’s Thanksgiving week in the United States. That doesn’t necessarily mean something to everybody all over the world, but it’s pretty major holiday here in the United States. And then that’s always on Thursday right. And then, the day after Thanksgiving is black Friday and it’s on, all the way on, the holiday season is upon us and so here we are. And I am especially grateful that we have the Global Campfire, that there is this kind of constant. This place that we can gather, this oasis of peace that we can come into and just allow the Scriptures to wash into our lives and kind of be together and at least have this place of serenity. Everything else can be a little bit chaotic, not that we want it that way, but things can be chaotic, but we at least have an oasis that we can come to each day and feast upon the Scriptures and enjoy the fact that we are not alone, that we are in this together with our brothers and sisters all over the world. So, it’s wonderful to be here at the Global Campfire with you today. And let’s do what we do, let’s take the next step forward together. The next step forward leads us back out into the book of Ezekiel. We’re reading from the Christian Standard Bible this week, Ezekiel chapters 42 and 43 today.


Okay so, we concluded the letter of James today. And I mentioned it’s unflinching and it is, I even said, it’s a butt kicker because it is, because it’s unflinching. And we could take that directness and you know, think like, it’s condemning or brings condemnation. Or we could say, James has been honest with us and actually James coming at this point in the year is profoundly helpful for us. In fact, I encourage you to go back and read James in its entirety, it will take you like 20 minutes. It’s not a superlong letter, maybe half an hour, if you’re just kind of going slow and really, really trying to digest what is…is being told to us. So many of these things apply to this season that we’re going into, even today, brothers and sisters do not complain about one another so that you will not be judged. That is the timely word, sometimes we can come around the Thanksgiving table and give thanks and then spend the rest of the day complaining about everything else in life and everybody else in life, but it was James who looked us in the face and said, look, you can burn your life down around you with the things that are coming out of your mouth. And this is true and it’s definitely true this time of year and so spending just a little bit more time in James with that in mind, like just okay, I’m gonna read through the letter of James again with the intent of getting advanced words for the season that I'm…that I’m going into, the season of the year that it is and make some decisions in advance. Because typically, in a chaotic season, it’s the stuff that comes up unexpectedly that we then respond to inappropriately, that then sets off all kinds of chain reactions that make all kinds of things a lot more difficult than they need to be.


And so, Father, we thank You for Your word. We confess our utter dependence upon You and need for You. We need You to help us do the right thing and we collaborate in that by paying attention and submitting ourselves, humbling ourselves before You, knowing that You will raise us up. But a very important thing that James teaches us is that we can say anything, how we live is actually the truth and that we can use our words to bring comfort, or we can use them for destruction, and we can even do that all on the same day. We can worship You from our lips and then curse one another from those same lips. And as James said this, this is not, like this is not how it’s supposed to be, this shouldn’t be happening. So, we’re paying attention and we’re taking heed and we need Your help to make corrections. Come Holy Spirit, we pray, lead us into all truth, we ask, in the name of Jesus, we ask expectantly, knowing that You want to help us with these things, that You desire our maturity, that You love it when we grow, that You look at us as Your children and You celebrate the little victories that we have a long way, as we celebrate our own children. Thank You for your kindness. Thank You for your patience, may we represent You well in this season, we ask. In Jesus name. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base and that is the web that is where you can find out what is going on around here. Alternatively, the Daily Audio Bible app puts that in the palm of your hand, and you get the app free from the App Store that works with your device. So, check that out. Check out the different sections. The Community Section is where to find links to get connected on social media. It is also the place, a place of real beauty in our community. It’s the home of the Prayer Wall, and the Prayer Wall is always on this matter what time zone were in or what continent were on, doesn’t matter where we are in our lives, we need brothers and sisters to come around us and pray for us. The Prayer Wall is the place to go and go and share your story and allow brothers and sisters to come around you. It’s also a place to go and be one of those brothers and sisters and come around others who need encouragement and prayer. And that is all in the Community Section and the Prayer Wall, so, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible. If this mission to bring the spoken word of God read fresh every day and offered to anyone who will listen, anywhere on this planet, any time of day or night, and to build community around this rhythm. If that is life-giving to you then thank you, humbly for your partnership, we wouldn’t be able to be here if we weren’t in this together. Thank you. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Good morning Daily Audio Bible Family, this is Karen from Florida. So, thankful Loreli that you are okay from your experience on the I-95. I used to go to church with you and you were the one that introduced me to Daily Audio Bible Family, many years ago. I was reintroduced this year from another friend from our same fellowship. And I’m very grateful and I’m so grateful that you’re okay. God bless you sister. You are true woman of God. I would also like to request prayer for my daughter today and myself. I am visiting with her in Canada, right now. She just had my first grandson and I’m so grateful. His name is Nikolai. My daughter is not a believer. She walked away from the word years ago. And now her sinful life has created a wall between her and our Lord. I just ask that you keep my daughter, Richelle, in your prayers. And her husband James, who’s the father of this beautiful little boy. So much fear in her heart, yet she won’t turn to the Lord, who can set her free. So, I just ask for your prayers for Richelle and James and Nikolai, today. Thank you DAB Family. God bless every one of you today.

Hey DAB brother and sisters. This is Byron out in Florida. Calling for Shawn from London, England. Shawn, I heard your call, and I heard your heart breaking over how you have fallen into addiction again. And I wanna give you a word of encouragement brother. You’re disgusted with yourself, but God is not disgusted with you. You’re disappointed in yourself; God is not disappointed in you. Anything that you’ve done, that was a surprise or shock to you, not a surprise, not a shock to God. And He still sent His Son to die on the cross for you, He still extends His grace, His love, and His presence. None of it changed because none of it depended upon you. I encourage you brother, take the focus off of yourself and put it onto Christ. The day your called aired, right before, another lady called in and talked about a verse that was lined in her grandmothers Bible. I forget the verse, but the point was, God is good, glory to Him. Even in your situation now, Shawn, in the midst of your despair, look up. Look at Him, take your eyes off yourself, off your circumstances and put it on Christ. And give Him the glory that He deserves because He loves you in spite of you and wants you, in spite of your mistakes. His presence is there for you, right now, and there’s nothing standing in the way of it. Give Him praise, give Him glory and get to you moving forward, one step at a time. Love you brother.

Hi, family. I’m just calling to pray for Shawn Rodgers from the UK. He phoned on the 16th of November asking for prayer and deliverance from alcohol and drug abuse. I heard your prayer and then I’ve just been thinking about you and praying for you, this morning. And then I heard a message. And I just wanted to quote to you, Billy Graham. He once said, the closer you get to Christ, the more sinful you are going to feel. The fact that you are aware of your sin and feel guilty about it, is a sign of a spiritual life. Everyone who has ever seen a true reflection of God, is deeply convicted of his own sin. And I think that is such a important message for you Shawn. Yes, you are going through a very difficult time. And it can’t be easy, struggling and battling this type of alcohol and drug dependence or addiction. But just remember that, as you are getting closer to God, you are becoming more and more aware of your sin. And so, it’s a sign of a spiritual life. So, praise be to God. Continue listening to the word and continue growing in your faith and leaning on God, every day, no matter how many times you fall, just get back up again. Just remember that the devil wants you to think that you’re failing. When, in fact, you are succeeding, and you will succeed, and you will be delivered from this. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

Hi, DAB Family, this is God’s Gal, Minnesota. And it is Wednesday, November 16th. I’m calling today, to pray for Shawn, I believe it’s Rodgers. Shawn, from London, England in the UK. And I heard his call-in request for prayer. He is struggling with alcohol and sometimes drugs but alcohol primarily. And he just can’t seem to quit, he said, on his own. It’s an addiction. And I’m not gonna offer any advice because I’m not a professional. But and I know you just want prayer Shawn, so, that’s what I’m gonna do, right now. DABers please join me at the campfire, and we’ll pray for Shawn, in London, England. Father God, You are all knowing, all powerful, omniscient. And we’re so glad that we have You in our lives. Across the pond, Lord, I ask for You to meet Shawn, right where he is. And lift him up Lord. Help him to conquer this disease of alcoholism in any way he can. If that means, help, or, however. Lord, give him Your Holy Spirit and a peace in him that directs him to the way he should go. Let him know that we are with him, and we love him, and that You love him, Father. And I thank You Lord for watching over Shawn. In Your Holy name Father. Amen. Signing off. This is God’s Gal, Minnesota. Goodbye, DABers.

This is Victorious Soldier calling to pray for Susan in Haiti and also Shawn, dealing with drug and alcohol abuse. Gracious Father, we just ask You to touch Susan in Haiti, we just ask You to work a miracle. Father, we just ask You to have Your way. We just ask You to open doors that no man can close and ask You to bless. I ask You to touch Shawn. Father, in the name of Jesus, he’s having problems with alcohol. Rebuke that…that demon of…of, we rebuke that demon inside him Lord. Rebuke that spider of desire and cast out the cobwebs of life in him. Father, in the name of Jesus, and You give him the strength. Father, in the name of Jesus, to say no to it. Father, in the name Jesus, as You cast out that spider. And Lord, give him the desires of his heart. Put his trust in You. Fill him with Your Holy Ghost and Your fire. In the mighty name of Jesus. And Lord, we’ll give You the glory. In Jesus name. Thank you DABers. Have a good day. Bye Bye.

11/20/2022 DAB Transcript

Ezekiel 40:28-41:26, James 4:1-17, Psalms 118:19-29, Proverbs 28:3-5

Today is the 20th day of November welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is great to be here with you today as we greet a brand-new shiny sparkly week. And I mean this is Thanksgiving week here in the United States, typically travel, typically new…not new people, but like family that maybe we don’t get to see all the time. And then by the time the week is over its Black Friday and all the sudden we are in the thick of the Christmas season. And, so, here we are. This is the week. And as we’ve talked about before things get more and more busy, things speed up. This is a very different time of year than any other time of year, and it kinda…it changes, and it doesn’t really let up until we’re kind of in that week before the new year, like between Christmas and New Year’s and then we launch into a brand-new year. So, let’s remember we started this journey, and we will finish this journey and we will finish this journey strong and well. And if there is a time to stay rooted in the Scriptures it is this time of the year as we push toward the end of the year. And that’s not to say that every day isn’t a day to stay rooted in the Scriptures. Like if we’ve traveled this far then we know that the Bible makes a profound difference in many of our days and is there to speak truth when we need it. But we definitely need it at this time of the year because all of our rhythms start to shift a little bit and our interactions are with maybe people that are…like I said…family or friends or just different people that we’re not used to associating with all during the year that become part of the Christmas season and we start to feel the good will toward men and we start paying attention to each other in different ways. So, let’s just invite God into all of that as we continue forward and allow His word to continue to speak into our lives. And, so, let’s dive in. We will read from the Christian Standard Bible this week and we are moving back out into the book of Ezekiel, and we’ll actually be finishing Ezekiel by the end of this week. We are in the letter to James in the New Testament. We will be moving into new territory in the New Testament this week as well. So, let’s dive in. Ezekiel chapter 40 verse 28 through 41 verse 26.


Father, we thank you for your word. We thank you for this brand-new week and we invite your Holy Spirit into all the festivities of a week like this and the transition into the holiday season. And here we go once again. It’s a beautiful beautiful time of year, the most wonderful time of the year, and yet it can get very very discombobulated very very quickly and we can find ourselves kind of all over the map emotionally and just feel like we’re kinda getting pulled in a lot of different directions. So, we want to ask for your peace and your truth to hover and permeate this season. We learned from the book of James today that we don’t have because we don’t ask and then we do ask it’s…it’s with selfish motivations, it’s with the wrong motives so that it can kind of enhance our own pleasure. But we’re not asking for that purpose. We’re asking because we need you. We won’t navigate this well this this holiday season or any of the rest of our lives. We won’t navigate well on our own. We have already very well proven that to ourselves, and you know very well that we are not capable on our own, of navigating much of anything. And what we want to navigate is your will and your ways in revealing…the revealing of your kingdom in this world, the good news that all are welcome. And as we are learning very clearly from the book of James, we can say those words all we want but if that’s not how we live, if that’s not what our lives look like then then there is no authority behind our words. We need you. We humble ourselves before you. We submit ourselves to you and resist the evil one. This is what James is telling us to do. We need your help with both of these things. Even our own submission requires our attentiveness and our alertness and this season that we’re in can pull us in all kinds of directions so that we’re not paying attention until there’s a crisis. Help us. We submit ourselves to you. You will help us to navigate appropriately. Come Holy Spirit into this season, into this week, we pray in the precious powerful mighty beautiful name of Jesus. Amen.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hello good morning I’m a listener in Washington and I’ve been listening for probably 10 to 12 years. I would love to have prayer for my husband who has for about 10 years struggled with addiction. And the latest is that he ran away to Las Vegas and he’s staying in our condo, and he is on drugs and they are convincing him to take his life. And I…he’s a Christian and he…he says he’s waiting for the Lord to talk to him. And I know that there are so many people that will pray for him. And everything inside of me wants to go and get him and run to him but I feel the Lord telling me to wait like in Hosea. And then I…I just pray that he gets healed from the drugs and that he gets on a program that a doctor can oversee him and start there. And I just pray that he is healed from this drug addiction forever for his whole life. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much. And I listen to your prayers every single day and I love them. And I…I’d like to pray for somebody, her name was Taylor. It was just very sad, and I wrote it down. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. And I love you.

Good morning my DAB Family this is Judy from Georgia. To Laura Lee who spun out on I-95, praise the Lord you and no one else was harmed in this incident. Although you were shaken up, all praise and glory to the Lord for your safety. Prayers to Susie from Colorado in her mission to assist others in need in Haiti, that they were pre protected as they bring provisions to the ones in need. May God shield all of you in this mission so that those in need will be provided for and protected. To the woman feeling sad. I pray for you my dear sister. May the Lord comfort you and bring you out of this feeling of sadness. Please Lord give all of us Your strength, guidance, and wisdom and keep our faith strong as we go through our earthly life and help us see, here, and know all that You need us to see, here, and know. Keep us on the narrow path that leads us to You. Have a great God blessed day my DAB family. I pray for them love you all. Bye.

Good morning my DAB family today is November 16th. I’m calling regarding all of the calls at the end of today’s broadcast. So, for the young lady who called in who said she was tired of being sad. Oh my God sister I am praying for you. I know so many people who battle with depression and don’t know where to go. Please know that there’s a whole family here praying for you. Susie from Colorado, your entire story just broke my heart. The reality of the gangs or just knowing that there are people that are starving and hungry and as you said just 90 minutes away, you know, there’s a whole part of Florida, Miami, that’s just thriving. The world seems so imbalanced at times but please know that I am along with a whole DAB family of praying for you and your safety of your staff and that these children are getting this food and the help that they need, and that the UN would actually do something about these gangs. Lori from Boynton Beach what a praise report. Thank God that you are here and what a powerful statement that you made when you said I’m ready to meet Jesus. You know, that’s a question that we all can ask ourselves on a daily basis. Are we ready to see the Lord. But I’m so glad that you’re here to give that testimony. And my brother Sean Rogers, you know, in the Bible people that walk with Jesus didn’t know Jesus. You know who knew Jesus? The devil. The demons knew Jesus. And you have to understand that the word is in you. You’re reciting the word. You’re a powerhouse, my brother. And because of the God that lives you and you the enemies gonna always try you. Please know that I am praying for you and I’m praying that your mission is so great because the world needs you. The world needs people who are not perfect. And because of that God is using you and I need you to know that. I love you, brother. Stay in there. We’re praying.

Hey everybody, it’s Tony the Narrator here. Father God Lord, we pray for everybody who’s working in Port-au-Prince in Haiti. Lord we…we pray that the food will be able to get through. We pray for your miraculous protection. Be a shield to all of the people doing the work over there. But Lord, also I wanna pray for the hearts of people in this world. We’re a people who are already bored of looking at Ukraine and we’re sick of hearing about Zelinsky and Vladimir Putin’s the evil one that we can all hate. And nobody has a heart left for suffering and for the pain and for the struggle that goes through. So Lord, I pray that you will soften the hearts of everyone so that stories like the…the deaths and the pain that’s going that’s happening due to gangs in Haiti can actually get recognition, can be seen and understood. But Lord we live in a world that seems to be governed by misdirection. So, Lord we just pray that Your sanity will come upon this world and soon because we can’t do this Lord. It's…it’s coming to a close and we need You back soon. And it’s in Jesus’ precious name we pray, and we praise you. Amen.

11/19/2022 DAB Transcript

Ezekiel 39:1-40:27, James 2:18-3:18, Psalm 118:1-18, Proverbs 28:2

Today is the 19th day of November, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and it’s great to be here with you today, as we bring to a close another one of the well, actually dwindling weeks now. Not too many more of these left before we reach the end of the year. But even recognizing that, we want to get ahead of ourselves, we are here, and we are here today, and we are around the Global Campfire together and we’re here for the next step forward. And so, we don’t take steps a week at a time, we take them a day at a time. And so, here we go. We’ve been reading from the New International Version this week; we will continue to do that today and move back into the book of Ezekiel. Today, chapter 39 verse 1 through 40 verse 27.


Father, we thank You for Your word, we thank You for the beautiful Scriptures and how they speak into every part of our lives. We thank You for another week to spend together in Your word and we thank You for almost a capstone here, at the end of the week from the letter of James, speaking frankly to us, that we can burn our entire lifetime with our mouth. And…and any of us who have been around much, know that this is true. We can find ourselves in situations where we are saying things that can’t be unsaid and shouldn’t be said and aren’t what we mean, which simply reinforces what James is saying. Lots of things can be tamed, but the tongue, we struggle there. And yet, there, is one of the ways that we are created in Your image. You speak and things get created, we speak and although we create…can’t create something out of nothing, matter out of nothing, our words create things inside of each other and we can set things on fire, and they burn a long time. So, we have been told this throughout the year, that what we say matters. So very poignantly laid out for us today as we bring this week to a close, what we say matters and it matters on a number of levels, because our faith, whatever we claim with our mouths to be our faith, is reinforced by what we do. And so, Holy Spirit, come, may our words and our deeds be in sync with each other and may both of those, our words and our deeds, bring glory to You. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.


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If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible. Thank you, humbly, thank you. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Hey, DAB, and specifically Brian, this is Joyfully Jo. And I just wanted to say, thank you, for your message on Hebrews 12:18-29 today on the 15th. I listened to it last night in the middle of the night and it riveted me in my night watches. And when I woke up, I listened to it again because it was just so good and so apropos to my life. My life has been shaking. God has been shaking me for, since 19…2016 when my dad passed away. And the buffer between my dad and my mom and I was gone. And…and I became her caregiver. And it has been the hardest thing I’ve done, and I’ve done a lot of hard things. Anyway, I loved what you said about when you come out of the other side of the shaking, all that will be left in you, will be that which is unshakable. And I see God doing that in my life. Cause I haven’t turned back. Although, I do want the shaking to stop. It’s not time. So, I am going to stand firm in my resolve to keep my eyes on Jesus. Thank you, Brian, so much.

Hello, this is Prodigal Princess from Massachusetts. Going something right now involving someone from my past. It’s a restraining order. And I’ve been in fear, I’m still in fear. I can use prayer. Trying to walk in faith. Feeling very alone. Thank you.

Good morning, everybody. It’s God’s Smile here. I serve a risen savior, his in the world today. I know that He is living, whatever man may say. I see His hand of mercy; I hear His voice of cheer. And just the time I need Him, His always near. He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today. He walks with me, and talks with me, along life’s narrow way. He lives, He lives, salvation to impart. You ask me how I know He lives, He lives, within my heart. Oh, I’m so thankful that each day, He walks with me, and He talks with me and His voice I hear each day. He leads me and teaches me and guides me. I cry and I smile at His goodness and mercy. His word, sometimes, it brings me to tears and sometimes to laughter. And sometimes causes a pause and a thought. His word is active, His word is life, it’s nourishment to our bodies, our minds, our spirits, our very being. He’s our life, He’s our living, risen savior. Oh, hahahaha, what a joy it is to be called a child of God. Kiss kiss, everybody.

Good afternoon, DAB family. This is John Opara again, calling in from South Sudan. I didn’t quite get the name of the gentlemen who came on and said what is the point of all this. That he doesn’t get it. Thank you for your candor. Thank you for the question that you have asked. And I believe that there are so many of us, even people who listen, that would like to ask the same question. But all I can tell you is I would not insult you with canned answers. But keep listening, keep listening to this podcast. And I believe at some point God will speak to you personally, speak to you directly and that is what matters most. All the interpretations of people, all the preaching, none of that, just listen to the reading of the word. Keep listening to it, be patient. And let God speak to you, completely. And God is able to do it and He wants so badly that you get it. And…

11/18/2022 DAB Transcript

Ezekiel 37:1-38:23, James 1:19-2:17, Psalms 117:1-2, Proverbs 28:1

Today is the 18th day of November, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am it’s great to be here with you today as we move forward together one step at a time, day by day. And, so, our next step forward, the one we’re taking today leads us back into the book of Ezekiel. We’re reading from the New International Version this week. Ezekiel chapters 37 and 38 today.


Okay, a couple of things today. We read Ezekiel chapter 37 today and that is the story of The Valley of the dry bones and it’s like a visionary experience that the prophet Ezekiel has. And it’s just…it’s been a poignant passage of Scripture in my life for so very long now. Like, one of the earliest things that really stuck out to me in the early years of Daily Audio Bible, I would look forward to getting to Ezekiel 37 because there’s this valley of dry bones. And yes, this valley of dry bones represents Israel, but just look out across the world today, right? And it feels like we’re…we’re just so beaten down in different areas of our lives. It’s like it’s strewn all across a valley. It’s just these bones. And it’s a visionary experience, but for a valley to be full of dry bones meant probably a battle happened there and, you know, the bones are the people who were the casualties and it’s been a long time because their skeletons now. And, so, they’ve decomposed, and they’ve baked out in the sun, and now their skeletons of dry bones. So, like, that’s as dead as dead gets, right? I think that’s what the imagery is supposed to be telling us. Like this is as dead as dead gets. And the Lord comes to the prophet and says, can these bones live? It’s almost like it’s a trick question. But Ezekiel answers like really well, I think you’re the only one that could possibly know that Lord. And the Lord tells him to prophesy and ultimately tells him to call to the four winds, the breath of life. And that which was as dead as dead gets was restored to life again. That imagery, that hope, that no matter how dry, how we may get in our lives there is always hope to be restored. That has really stuck with me and hopefully it sticks with you. There is always hope. Actually, this is kind of where our coffee brand, Windfarm. I know that’s like such a weird transition, but that term, Windfarm is really inspired by Ezekiel chapter 37 and the prophet calling to the four winds, the breath of life. And I just thought, what if that were happening all of the time. What if it was like a Windfarm calling to the four winds, the breath of life all the time because I was seeing these wind farms all over…well…actually all over the world, but definitely all over the country that I live in here the United States. Gigantic windmills, like so big, and just valleys of them I’ve seen in different places in this country. Hundreds and hundreds of them harvesting from the wind and that’s just always stuck with me. What if we knew that this was available, that we could call to the four winds and ask God to send the breath of life into a world that needs the breath of life’s so badly. And, so, I love when we come to Ezekiel 37 each and every year

We’re also reading other books though. We’re reading through the letter of James and we talked about that yesterday. And James is a butt kicker. If there is a butt kicker in the Bible, James at least to me, is that…well…at least me…my butt gets kicked every year. He’s unflinching. He’s not mean, he’s not arrogant, he’s not abusive, he’s just unflinching. So, today we read from that letter, and I quote, “do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom and continues in it, not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it, they will be blessed in what they do.” I’m pretty sure we get the point. Feasting on the Scriptures and then not incorporating them in any way in life, what good is that? Like, that doesn’t change anything. So, that should allow us to take a step back and pause and reflect upon our lives. Like, are we hearing and not in any way doing? Are we hearing so that we can have knowledge, but it doesn’t actually do anything within us, our lives are not transformed in any way? What good is that? What is the point of accumulating biblical knowledge if it’s not going to be used in any way? James is leading to a point and his point is direct. And I quote, “what good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds. Can such faith save them? Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them go in peace, keep warm, be well fed, but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way”…in this same way, James says, “faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead, dead faith.” So, do we have this weird letter in the New Testament that is not in sync with everything else in the New Testament? Are we needing to work for our salvation all of the sudden now that we’ve gotten to the book of James? No. You can’t save yourself. Nothing you could possibly do could save you. Only God’s mercy upon you, saves you. But if that happens to you, you have one the…the cosmic victory of victories. You got what everyone is searching for. If that doesn’t change how you live, what is that saying? Because Christ inside of us transforming us through faith should change everything about everything, because we have been made new. Like we are no longer who we were. That person died and was resurrected in Christ, a new creation. Everything should actually be different. Our faith should be borne out by the very actions of our lives. That’s not working to achieve something that is the overflow of a transformed person. If your life completely changes then your lifestyle completely changes as well, which gives us plenty. Like James has looked us in the eyes through this letter and challenged us to reflect upon ourselves very carefully. And maybe not make claims that are not borne out in our lives at all. Can’t get much more direct than that.


Holy Spirit come into that, come into that, come into the places where we are hearers, but not doers and come into the places that are just valleys of dry bones within us. You have promised that You are making all things new, which means You are putting things back together again, and that includes us. May we not interfere and may the very gratefulness of our hearts be borne out in the way that we care for one another, in the way that we treat each other, in the way that we treat our world, and in the way that we treat ourselves. Come Holy Spirit we pray into all of this we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com, that is home base and that is where you can find out what’s going on around here. The Daily Audio Bible app will do that and more right in the palm of your hand. And you can get that free from the app store that is connected to your device. And, so, check that out.

Check out the community section. This is where to get connected. This is…there are links to different social media channels that we participate in as the Daily Audio Bible. But it’s also the home of the Prayer Wall. And the Prayer Wall is a resource here for the community around the Global Campfire. It’s always available, always on, never off. We can always go to the Prayer Wall and tell our story of what’s going on and ask brothers and sisters to pray for us. It’s also the place to go and pray for our brothers and sisters who are enduring much and let them know that they’re not alone, that they’re being prayed for. That is a beautiful resource. So, be familiar with that. That can be found in the Community section of the website or the app.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if this mission to bring the spoken word of God read fresh every day and offered freely to anyone anywhere any time and to build community around the rhythm of being here every day, what we lovingly call the Global Campfire, so that we know we’re not on a solitary endeavor trying to figure this out, we are walking together through life into the Scriptures, if that is life-giving to you then thank you humbly for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement you can hit the Hotline button in the app. That’s the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hey…sorry…hey DAB family. So, I have been struggling with losing my two aunts from a year ago. I can’t get over the fact that they both died around the same time. One was closer but I had a strong connection with both. And I want you to pray for me to help me overcome the fear of them dying and me losing other people. Thank you so much. You are amazing and I love listening to you guys. So, love you.

Hi, this is Sunshine and I’m just calling. I just got through doing all of my listening and I’ve been listening probably for two years now. I’ve called in a couple of times. I’m Sunshine. I’m just going through a really hard time in my life. I have been for the last, gosh, five years. My husband has…has left and been living in the wilderness for years now and I’ve been raising our children. They’re adult children. There’s five of them. But it’s been very difficult. They’ve been so full of pain, and they don’t understand their dad and why he’s doing what he’s doing and living a very sinful lifestyle with another. And I’m just standing and asking the Lord to just intervene. And I feel like I’m in the middle trying to pray for his heart to love the Lord as well as pray for my children and to pray for my stand and justice, to love him and forgive him and to forgive others. And also just trying to find joy in…regardless of my circumstances, trying to teach my children conservative morals and first of all faith and to love the Lord because He’s victorious and faith is…is #1 as well as love. So, if I could just ask for you guys to for your prayers for restoration…

Hey guys this is Brooke from Texas. I was just calling in to ask for prayer. I’ve been just kind of in a rut with a Lord for about the past five years, which was kind of spurred on from just a really bad and confusing breakup that just led to a lot of questioning. And I’ve always been someone that has struggled with anxiety and fear and it just feels like in these past few years any fears and anxieties I’ve felt like I’ve conquered in the past have just kind of come back in different ways and a little bit stronger. And it’s just been really hard to…to trust in the Lord. And I don’t know, I just feel like I’m getting everything wrong or I don’t even know but just being riddled with…with fear and anxiety. And the other night I actually woke up after a horrible nightmare and having a bit of a panic attack and I put on the Sleep resource from Brian and I just remember hearing Psalm 34 four through five which says I pray to the Lord and He answered me. He freed me from all my fears. Those who look to Him for help will be radiant with joy. No shadow or shame will darken their faces, which was actually the verse of the day that I saw the next morning. And that’s just my prayer right now. And if you guys could just join me in praying that over me that I would be freed from all of these fears and just be able to live in freedom and in joy with the Lord. Thanks.

Good morning DABC family, this is Rodney from Atlanta. Blessings to all of you. And I want to pray for the lady that called in about the little baby that was sick. She’s very sick apparently. The baby’s name is Storm. I want to pray for that little child. Jesus really concerned about children. He told the disciples, let the children come to me. Forbid them not. Because He is concerned about children. He loves children. I wanna encourage the young lady that called in, maybe talk to the parents and ask them to consider not calling her Storm. The Bible says we have what we say. Maybe consider changing the name or calling her by another name and maybe the deliverance will come. But I want to pray. Father, I thank the Lord right now for touching this baby. Lord lay your nail scarred hands on that baby now. They put 39 stripes on your back. You were wounded for our transgression, You were bruised for our iniquity. The chastisement of our peace was upon You and with Your stripes you are healed. Heal that baby now from the crown of her head to the soles of her feet. I curse the spirit of cancer to die in her body. And God raise this baby up for your glory for a great testimony that she will have in the name of the Lord Jesus. Touch the parents. Give them wisdom Father in how to minister this baby. And Lord we praise you in advance for what you’re going to do. We know you are concerned about children. You love children. So, God heal this little baby. Touch her, heal her. Raise her up for your glory. And God we will praise you in advance. It’s in the matchless, the mighty, the marvelous, and majestic name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

Hello, this is iris from Sun City AZ and I’m calling on behalf of John from Florida who has lost everything in the terrible hurricane. Lord God, I pray that You would come through for John and You would send him help in Jesus’ wholly powerful and precious name. Amen.

11/17/2022 DAB Transcript

Ezekiel 35:1-36:38, James 1:1-18, Psalm 116:1-19, Proverbs 27:23-27

Today is the 17th day of November, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian, it is great to be here with you today as we gather around the Global Campfire and move forward together. And moving forward, will lead us back into the book of Ezekiel in the Old Testament and then we completed Hebrews yesterday in the New Testament, which brings us to some brand-new territory. The book of James, and we’ll talk about James when we get there. But first, Ezekiel chapter 35 and 36.

Introduction to the Book of James:

Okay, so like we talked about at the beginning, we have new territory that we have come upon the epistle of James, the letter of James. We’ve heard of James before, but we’ve never really heard from James, like in James’s voice. So, this is a new voice for us, brand-new territory for us. Although this letter, the letter of James has had its share of scrutiny over the millennia since it was written. So, like one of the problems is who, which James, like what James wrote this letter, who wrote this named James, so that makes dating James difficult. But there is kind of a scenario that has stood the test of time and that is that this letter probably was written by James, who was the half-brother of Jesus, who did not believe in Jesus during his earthly ministry, but after Jesus resurrection. Then James became a pillar of the early church in the church of Jerusalem, the mother church. And so, it’s James presiding over, like world changing fundamental choices, like the one that was held at the Jerusalem Council, when it was decided that Gentiles could be accepted into the faith, and we’ve talked about this many times and we’ll probably to talk about it many more times before the years over. That was a controversy, and it was a big controversy. So, James is a candidate for writing this letter, that’s pretty solid, if he’s leading the Jerusalem church and he is related to Jesus the Savior, then yeah, something that he wrote would probably be preserved and treated accordingly. Now we just finished Hebrews and we talked about Hebrews being written to Hebrews, so Hebrews being very rooted in a Hebrew context, James is very much written from a Hebrew perspective. Like when we start this letter, we’ll see that it’s addressed to the 12 tribes, to the Jewish believers in the Diaspora: people who have been spread and scattered all around, which gives us at least a clue about who this was sent to, and it may have been addressed this way because of the persecution that was beginning to arise, causing people to move away to look for safe places to practice their faith. Maybe the stoning of Stephen, that we read about in the Book of Acts was a catalyst for this. And if these things are true then…then this letter was written to believers who had fled in all directions to find peace, but who felt connected, not only to Jesus, but felt connected to their faith community, the Jerusalem church. So, a letter that was passed around and arrived from the Jerusalem church, this would’ve been a treasure, especially if James, the half-brother of Jesus, wrote it. And that being the case, James preserves for us some of the earliest traditions and thought in the faith in Jesus, in what we now know as Christianity. And it preserves in ways that no other letter or book in the New Testament does, some of the postures of the Hebrew, the earliest Hebrew believers. So, James teaches that how we actually live, says the most about our faith. In fact, people can say anything but how they live, this is more true to who they are. And so, James tells us that faith without works is dead and that idea…that idea is at its detractors and has been fought about for a very, very long time. Even though those in the Protestant persuasion who look back to people like Martin Luther as kind of a leader in the Protestant Reformation, should understand that Martin Luther did not like the letter to James because sola fide right, by faith alone. And here we have James saying, yeah but faith without works is dead. The funny thing, like when we read James and we start to understand the personality of the writing here, we would realize that James couldn’t care less who was his detractor in the future, like he didn’t care that someday some Protestant reformer would not like his letter. His letter was written because it’s what he wanted to say, it’s what he was convicted to say and it needed to be said and it needs, it needs to be said today, because in our world today, anybody can say anything about anything and do. How we actually live is telling more truth about us than anything we say. And so, I come to the book of James every year and I come here for the purpose of getting my butt kicked and I’ve mentioned many times this is the butt kicker. It’s not the only one, we have some more territory that will be forthright and direct and look us right in the eyes and confront us. But James definitely does that. It is bold, it is direct, it can be confrontational, it does have a tendency to kick our butts, and make us question our motives for why we do what we do. But James wasn’t mad and just needed to be forthright and direct and wanted to write something mean. Like, that’s not the point, it’s really underneath all of it is a plea, a plea begging followers of Jesus to live by faith and to live out our faith through what we do. So, it’s interesting that this is a couple thousand years old and that this was going on in the early church and so much so, that this letter needed to be written and that this needed to be said. Because James could have been written, really at any point in church history, but it could have been written last week and still hold its power for who we are today. So, here we go, James chapter 1 verses 1 to 18.


Father, we thank You for Your word, we love You, Lord, we thank You for bringing us this far into the year. We are definitely in a place where we’re about to hit warp speed on this year and so, we look back with gratitude for all that You have brought us through, all that You have spoken to us. We thank You for this new territory that we’ve entered into today and that we’ll spend the next few days in, this letter of James. We open ourselves to your correction, Holy Spirit, and we invite You to speak to us very clearly about…about our actions and our words being in alignment. That our thoughts, words and deeds are saying the same thing, and that they are speaking the truth about You. We pray this in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is home base, that’s the website, that is where you can find out what is happening around here. The Daily Audio Bible app does that as well and you can get that from the App Store that works with your device, that puts it in the palm of your hand, as well as a bunch more stuff. Check that out and while you’re checking out, check out the Community Section. This is where links to different social media channels that we participate in are, this is also where the Prayer Wall, that we talk often about, is, lives there in the Community Section, so check that out. Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are resources in the Daily Audio Bible Shop that are tailored for the, for the journey that we are on, they’re here for the Global Campfire community to take our journey deeper and wider as we navigate every day through the Bible in a year, in community, so check that out.

And if you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible. Thank you, we would not be a Global Campfire if we were not in this together and so thank you, humbly for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that’s the little red button up, little red button up at the top or there are a number of numbers you can call. In the Americas 877-942-4253. In the UK or Europe 44 2036 088078. And in Australia or that part of the world 61 3 8820 5459, is the number to call.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I will be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragement:

Hey DAB Family, this is Michael from ___ Texas. I haven’t called in a quite a long time, but I do listen everyday with you guys. I just heard a guy call in, Vincent. Very distraught. I guess he was talking about love, and he was questioning the Lord, our God. Didn’t know why the Lord would take something away but Vincent, just wanted to tell you sir, it’s not the Lord. That’s Satan talking to you, tell you that. God is only good, and He can only do good. But the world we live in is full of sin because of the fall out in the garden. So, God is good and always good. So, don’t blame God for love that has been lost.

Hi this is Audrie from Reno Valley, California. Want to thank you first Brian, for this platform. And thank you fellow DABers who have continued to pray for myself and my son Christian. We appreciate your prayers greatly. Hey DABers, this is Christian Smith. And I was fighting with addiction and just to give you guys an update, I’m 142 days clean today. So, your prayers worked. Continue to pray for me and my mother and our journey of getting to love each other more and getting to know each other better. And just to give you guys an update it is amazing being home, clean and sober. And spending this time with my mom watching tv shows, football games, watching her yell at the tv. And thank you guys. And we just wanna let you know that we’re praying for those of you, who have lost loved ones, those of you who are struggling, yourself in addiction, those of you who love those who struggle with addiction. And we just pray for all of them, as I listen, I pray. And I want you to know that I do, even though I may not shout you out by name. Thank you for your prayers, we covet them. Continue to pray for us, we continue to pray for you. God is good, He’s faithful, He’s true to His word and His promises. His timing may not be our timing, but it is perfect timing. And so, DAB on DABers. Have a blessed evening everyone. Thank you and we love you.

Hi, this is Right Ellen in New Jersey, and I would like to pray for Kathy in Kentucky. She called; I heard her prayer today. And she’s, she, she works, and she lives alone. And she’s getting her house ready for wintertime. And you know, she seems to be older cause it’s tough for her to be working at her age. And she’s, she lost a lot of family members. So, I would like to pray for her. Dear Lord, I lift Kathy from Kentucky. Lord, I just pray that You bless her efforts and working that you know, that’s she’s able to keep up with inflation. And bless her health, Lord. And she often says that’s she’s lonely Lord, and in Your wisdom, I pray, and I may not be right but maybe she needs to take steps of faith to be more socialful with other people. And so, Lord, just, I just praise her that she seems to really have the will to live, it’s just you know, in her, you know, give her the encouragement that she needs to put out the effort that cause, you know, we have to seek You every day. Okay. I thank you, bye.

Hi, this is Carlo from the Philippines. Yeah, I liked to pray for Kathy from Kentucky. First of all, I’d like to say that you are not alone. The DAB family is with you, they always pray with you, they always pray for you. And that, you are with us spiritual. But nonetheless, I pray that you…you are able to find friends, you’re able to find a community in the place where you live. I pray that God blesses you financially, that you are able to do your work well, without any injuries and yeah. And that you find comfort and peace and joy in the daily trials that you face. Thank you, thank you family. Thank you, bye.

Hi, this is Anita, praising God. I’m calling in to asking you all for, for prayer for me for. I call in before about my grandson, that they found him dead at the lake. Love will, and detective called last that he committed suicide. So, I’m asking you to please lift us up again, we need your prayers. Today, is November 14 or 15. And I called in before, I called in before and I left a message about prayer for my daughter and me for strength. I want to thank you for all the prayer warriors that lift us before. And now, I thank you for you Brian Hardin and your family and this broadcast system that is lifting us up. I’ve been on this broadcast system for a long time. And I really enjoy it and I thank you that we can come into this broadcast and lay out our burdens and ask all you people for to pray for us. And I ask God forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Thank you very much for your love and support in this time of sorrow. Thank you, I love you all.

11/16/2022 DAB Transcript

Ezekiel 33:1-34:31, Hebrews 13:1-25, Psalms 115:1-18, Proverbs 27:21-22

Today is the 16th day of November welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian and it’s wonderful to be here with you today as we gather around the Global Campfire and move forward by one step. One step forward each and every day leads us through the Bible in a year. So, it is wonderful to be here with you today around the Global Campfire taking the next step forward. This week we’re reading from the New International Version and our next step forward will lead us back into the book of Ezekiel. And the journey continues with chapters 33 and 34 today.


Okay. So, we concluded the letter to the Hebrews today and along the way we…we noticed many times that Hebrews is written to Hebrews and presents the gospel of Jesus in a Hebrews centric…from a Hebrew centric perspective, which is a very important for we who are Gentiles who never grew up in Judaism to have because it’s the context Jesus did His ministry in. And, so, we watched as the writer of Hebrews laid out the argument that all that is happening was expected to happen, was foretold in Hebrew prophecy, that all that is surrounding Jesus was foretold. And among other things we walked down the hall of faith, realizing that in the Hebrew story, because the hall of faith is all references to the Hebrew Scriptures and people in the Hebrew Scriptures. So, it's…it wasn’t just like random people around the world who were famous for their faith. This is all part of the Hebrew story. We walked down the hall of faith, recognizing that it’s faith that changes the story, it’s faith that changes our story. And we also learned about endurance, which is something we will continue to learn about all the way through to the end of the year, but we learned even while walking down the hall of faith in all of those examples that endurance was a part of the story too. The people in the hall of faith had a promise and in faith they marched toward that promise whether they experienced it in life or not paving the way for we continue with that mission. So, the letter to the Hebrews provides us tremendous context for what makes the good news the good news. And, so, we’ve completed that letter and it ends with the benediction and it’s in a very Hebrews centric context that this benediction is pronounced. Everything in the benediction is referring back to what we understand about the work of Christ from a Hebrew perspective. “Now may the God of peace through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus the great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing His will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to Him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.”


Father, we thank You for allowing us again to move through the letter to the Hebrews, to move through the story again reminding ourselves that faith is the activator of the story. Without faith it is impossible to please. So, Holy Spirit come. Plant the words from Hebrews into the soil of our hearts. May it yield fruit in our lives, the fruit of Your Spirit. May it enrich and educate us and transform our hearts, we pray. In the precious and mighty name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com is a homebase, that is the website, that’s where you find out what’s going on around here. The Daily Audio Bible app can be downloaded free from the app store that works with your phone or tablet. And that puts all of this in the palm of your hand pus, a lot more. And, so, check that out.

Check out the different sections like the Community section. This is where links to get connected on social media can be found and this is also the home of the Prayer Wall right there in the community section. The Prayer Wall, always on, never off, always available for us to come and ask for prayer and come and offer prayer and that can be found in the Community section.

Also, check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are resources there in the Shop for the journey that we are on. And, so, check that out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if this mission that we share around the Global Campfire to take the next step forward each and every day together moving through all of the Bible and talking about it…we’re pretty far in the year now, so we realize the Bible…the Bible has a way of getting under the skin and getting to the…the actual issues and confronting us in a very direct, truthful but very loving way, becoming a mirror so that we can see things that we couldn’t see any other way. If that has been life-giving to you then thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app. That’s the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow

Community Prayer and Praise:

Hi, DAB I’m feeling sad and I don’t want to be sad and I’m missing out on a lot of good things. I’m so tired of being sad. I would like your prayers please. Thank you.

High DAB family this is Susie from Colorado I am calling begging for you please every single person that hears this please pray for us. We have lost almost all ability to transport food from the port in Port-au-Prince to our orphanages and schools. We are getting daily requests for food from people in four different villages and people are literally dying of starvation right now. And we just…we are…every time we try to bring the food we incur heavy gunfire, threats of kidnapping, and we just are really worried. So, I beg for your prayer and especially for our staff, our orphans who are no longer orphans because they have us. And we just pray for safety and for help to come to Haiti soon. We need help. Please pray pray that the UN will intervene and that they will come with boots on the ground and annihilate these gangs. They are killing people. I get videos of mass slaughter that I’m not seeing on the news, and I don’t know why the world isn’t seeing this. It's…it’s literally less than 90 minutes from Miami that this is all happening. Thank you. God bless. Bye.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible it’s Laura Lee in Boynton Beach. It’s Saturday the 12th of November. It’s seven in the morning. I really thought about an hour ago I was about to see Jesus, face to face. It was foggy and I just dropped my cousin off at the airport early in the morning and I was on I-95…I-95 on the way home to Boynton Beach from Fort Lauderdale. I spun out on 95, did two 360s and landed in a lot of water on the…in the culvert. I’m just praising God that I did not hurt anyone else or that anyone else was involved that might not have been ready to see the Lord. Me, I’m ready. But I saw that…I saw that post coming at me as I was turning, called out His name. So, it’s not today. I was able to drive out and drive home. Transmissions not too good on the car but who cares. I love you all I. just wanted you to know that. And I thought, my goodness I haven’t told you recently, so I thought I’d call you. I love you all. Praying for you all. God bless you all.

Vincent Walking in Love this is God’s Life Speaker I had to sit a little bit and just ponder and pray about just your heaviness and your question. And I mean, you know, Deuteronomy 29:29, some things we would just never know and maybe we’ll know them when we get to heaven but for here on earth. I have my Hungarian grandmother’s Bible. It’s in Hungarian or it was actually a Czechoslovakian and she only had one verse underlined and the entire Bible. I never really knew her. I was 11 the last time I saw her and she was this small, looked like so meek kind of woman but I bet she was a powerhouse. It would have been nice to get some lessons from her. But the one verse she has underlined is Ephesians 1:12 and it’s all glory to God. And that is His purpose, for us to bring him glory. Though, we suffer here as people with all these things that we just don’t understand that happen to us, around us. And these circumstances are never really that great, but God is. God is good regardless of all the suffering. And we need to believe that He is who He says He is, and He will do what He says He will do and that is give us salvation and eternal life. So, through these hard parts Vincent who walks with love, eyes on God, all of us we need it and we ask it in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Hello, my DAB family it’s Sean Rogers here from London England UK. I phoned in a couple of times regarding my alcohol and substance misuse issues. I’m very sad to say it’s been a terrible terrible day. I…I thought to myself last night I’ll have a couple of beers which is always a mistake because then two could always turn it to 10 beers and on this occasion unfortunately it did. I’m fooling myself to just think I can have just one I control it. And I’ve been praying today on my knees. I’ve just got back from a massive crack and heroin and all sorts of like anti-anxiety medications. Just abusing everything I get my hands on and I’m disgusted with myself because I’m defiling the God has given me, a temple of God. This is God’s temple. He built us and He created us and I’m abusing it and throwing it in His face, and I’m absolutely disgusted. Now I feel out of despair, I feel so disappointed to myself. Like, I can manage to go for a few days here and there and then I always go back to it, and I hate it. I hate it so much. Like, I don’t know what it is. I would never do drugs without alcohol. So, I need to knock alcohol on the head. And alcohol just destroys me. I don’t know what it is. Why am I escaping reality? Why do I want to feel different to what I’m feeling naturally? Why do I have to take that drink to try and take my mind…why am I not happy? Because I think it’s fine. Like, I’m so involved in the word and God and…oh…I don’t know what is going on. Like, it has a massive hold of me. So, I ask family please pray…pray for me. I know you’ve prayed for me before and I’ve made some progress but family please pray for me to abstain from alcohol because one day I’m gonna drop dead. And the Lord has kept me alive for so long because He must have a plan for me that I don’t know about. But He knows and I have been yet to fulfill it. But please pray for me people. Please pray for me to get away from this alcohol and get away from the devil, be sober, be vigilant, for the devil seeks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. I need your help guys. I love you all. Sean from England London.

11/15/2022 DAB Transcript

Ezekiel 31:1-32:32, Hebrews 12:14-29, Psalm 113:1-114:8, Proverbs 27:18-20

Today is the 15th day of November, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It’s great to be here with you today. I guess this is the…the dead center day of the month of November. So, here we are in the middle again and continuing to take our steps forward. So, we are reading from the New International Version this week and our next step forward leads us back into the book of Ezekiel in the Old Testament. Today, Ezekiel chapters 31 and 32.


Okay so, in the book of Hebrews today, the writer is telling the Hebrews, and we remember Hebrews is written to Hebrews and so, the writer of Hebrews is telling the Hebrews, who believe in Jesus but who are being tempted by culture and oppression and persecution to sort of shrink back into traditional Judaism that they’re not going back to Mount Sinai, they’re not going back to a mountain that can be touched with burning fire and darkness and gloom, to the trumpet blast, all of the things that we saw when we left Egypt with the children of Israel and camped out at the mountain of God. That terrified the people. The writer of Hebrews is saying, you’re not going back to that. Rather, you have come to Mount Zion to the city of the living God that heavenly Jerusalem, you have come to the multitude of the Angels, you have come to Jesus, you have come to God the judge of all, you’ve come into a new covenant. And so, there is a warning here about sort of shrinking back and disappearing into the wall work, as it were. And that is basically look, if our ancestors were terrified at the voice of God in Mount Sinai so that the whole earth shook and trembled and we said we can’t hear the voice of God, and we needed Moses to speak on behalf of God, then what do you suppose? Because now the veil is torn and we can go into the Holy of Holies, we can go right into the presence of the Almighty God, who shook Mount Sinai. So, if you’re trying to go back to that tradition, now, knowing that there is no separation anymore, like how is that gonna work out? And so I quote from Hebrews, “see to it that you do not refuse Him who speaks, if they,” speaking of the ancestors around Mount Sinai, “if they did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth, how much less will we. If we turn away from Him who warns us from heave. At that time, His voice shook the earth, but now He is promised once more, I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.” And that part right there, once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens, is from the prophecy of Haggai. So, once more “I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens. The words, once more, indicate the removing of what can be shaken, that is created things, so that what cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe for our God is a consuming fire.” So basically, we have Hebrew believers who believe in Jesus and were in the first century. They had become aware of this new covenant through Jesus. They had become aware that the sacrificial system of atonement was complete and they were a part of the people who work to let the entire world know this good news. But even among the other Hebrew people, most people did not get on board with this. If they had done away with Jesus, than the Jesus message was still being opposed, and so people who thought that there was an eminent arrival of Jesus and the kingdom of God was about to be set up and then that didn’t happen but what happened instead was marginalization and oppression and persecution that made them sort of shrink back into the wall work. Because the more that they believed in Jesus and the more that they shared their belief in Jesus, the more they were finding aggression against them and opposition against them. The more that they shared the good news, the more shaken their lives became, the more things got shaken up all around them. So, in quoting Haggai, I the writer of Hebrews is telling the Hebrew believers in Jesus, yeah, not only was Jesus foretold, this shaking was foretold. Nobody likes their lives to get shaken up. Nobody wants to get shaken upside down. We typically prefer our lives to be orderly and, in our control, fully, not shaken. And so, the believers in the first century, whose lives were being shaken, and they were trying to figure out what to do and they were disappearing back into Judaism, etc. etc. The writer of Hebrews is saying this is all part of it. This was foretold long before this. We find this in our books of prophecy what can shake is going to shake. And so, rather than looking at this as a bad thing or looking at this as like we’ve been fed a line here and this isn’t true and all that’s happening is my life is getting ruined, I’m going back to where I was before. The writer of Hebrews is saying no, this is how it’s supposed to be, everything that can shake is going to shake. And that might sound ominous and you may not want to go through this shaking but when you come outside the other side of the shaking, all that will be left in you is that which is unshakable. So, the writer of Hebrews is encouraging the Hebrew believers. And since we’re reading this in the Scriptures, encouraging us to be aware that life has its shaking’s and to embrace the shaking, knowing that it isn’t for nothing. God is establishing what cannot be shaken, and part of that is inside of us. And where we can take this to heart is in simply reflecting back, maybe back to the beginning of the year, maybe back to the beginning of the summer, back to any point that we want to and look at the ways that our lives have been shaken since that season began. And what has that shaking done to us. Nobody likes that, nobody likes it, so it's…it’s probably made is very, very uncomfortable. But we might find ourselves rebuking all kinds of things to get the shaking to stop, not understanding that this shaking may have purpose in our lives. Maybe we’ve been using all of our energy to stay in control because we don’t like the shaking. When actually God has been trying to shake loose our need for control. And so, we’re working against the whole process and what we need to understand is that in the end, all that can be shaken will shake, so that all that is left is that which is going to endure, that which cannot be shaken. It’s funny, we pray these kinds of prayer’s, make me a solid foundation, make me a rock, make me immovable, set my face like a flint. We’re saying like, make me stable, make me a pillar. And asking that, essentially, we’re saying is, strengthen me and shake all that can be shaken loose, so that all that remains is unshakeable. So, let’s give it some thought today, how are we shaking, what is being shaken, how are we responding to that? Are we responding in trust, knowing that as difficult as some of these seasons can be they are not purposeless, they are unto something. And that thing that they are unto is that we will not be shaken. Even having a little bit of perspective along those lines can be a tremendous help as we move through the shaky seasons of our lives.


And so, Father, we invite You into that. We’re not assuming that everything that ever happens to us that we find to be negative, is You shaking something loose in our lives, but we normally don’t even have this as a category. Anytime we find ourselves uncomfortable, we want to rebuke that thing, we want to get back to comfortable and You do too. But sometimes getting back to comfortable is getting back to the foundation of what cannot be shaken because there are things that need to be shaken loose. And that, may at times be a little uncomfortable, if we don’t have any perspective at all. So, Holy Spirit, give us perspective, show us the things that You are prying loose and shaking off of us, things that are weights, that are holding us down exactly like we were talking about yesterday, things that we’re carrying around that are deadweight, brambles that are around us that are keeping us from moving. We need those things to be shaken loose, so that we are unshakable. And so, give us perspective as we move through these seasons, we ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com that is home base, that is where you can find out what is going on around here and so certainly check it out. You can also check all this out using the app, which you can get from the App Store that works with your phone or tablet. So, check that out as well. Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop. There are resources that are in the Shop that have been created over time for the community here, for those of us around the Global Campfire taken the next step forward every day. Ways to…to go deeper, ways to go wider, things to enjoy as we take the journey through the year together, they can be found in the Daily Audio Bible Shop. And so, check that out, either on the web or in the app.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, that can be done on the web or in the app as well. On the web, there’s a link on the homepage, the app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner, or the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Springhill, Tennessee 37174. And thank you, humbly and profoundly for your partnership. There wouldn’t be a Global Campfire if we weren’t here together. So, thank you deeply for your partnership.

And as always if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that’s the little red button up at the top or you dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today, I’m Brian, I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Prayer and Encouragements:

Shalom Daily Audio Bible, this is Duane from Wisconsin. All praise and glory to our wonderful Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Calling in today for Vincent who called in and is struggling with a question that many have asked, what is the meaning, why would God put love into your life and then take it away. Well, how about why would God put love into your life in the first place. People always want answers for that, we always look for the answers. We want to know what God knows. Go back to the garden. What did Satan tempt Eve with? Oh, you’ll know everything that God knows. And that’s what tempts us, we want understanding. And we strive for it and we struggle with it and it’s hard at times. You know, I’ve raised my kids well, why is one in jail? Why is another homeless? I haven’t seen my daughter in 5+ years. Why did my nephew die at such a young age. Yes, it’s hard. We understand, we wonder why. But there’s so much of God’s glory, that’s why He created us, in this place to live on. The sunset this time of the year, the fall colors, the look in my wife’s eye, know that yes, at some point we will all pass on. But we have to embrace that as Christians. We cannot fear death and not let sin be what, what we look at. We look at the good and glory that the Lord has given us. And we will pray for you, we pray that you will have the peace you are looking for. In Jesus name, Amen. And God Bless.

Hey, DAB family, Reday Alsovey here, aka Kathleen in Illinois. I was just listening on the tenth or eleventh, I think it was the tenth, and I heard Barbara’s call who said just lost her husband. And I just wanted to let you know, I’m praying for you, Barbara. We all, you know, as we get older, we know these things are coming but it’s just, got to be a shock when it does. I just am glad that you found this family, and I’m glad that the DAB can bring comfort to you. And I just lift you up to the Lord. Just want you to know that. Have a good day everybody.

Hey, Daily Audio Bible family. Hey, this is Crystal. Hey this is like the 3rd time I’ve got in this. And really, please go through this time. I just want to say hey, everybody. Hi, my names Crystal, I’m from Nottingham here in England. I have been listening to the Daily Audio Bible for about 4/5 years. I’ve listened to it all the way through. I’m literally, how I got through the entire Bible by listening to this amazing podcast. I just want to say, I hear all of your prayers and I do pray for people, especially when something really tugs at my heart. I will be in prayer for my brothers and sisters around the world. I’m actually on here today to just share, just how faithful God has been. So, I’ve been on here a couple of times, and I’ve actually submitted prayers, maybe three or four. Over the past 5 years, I’ve been struggling with an addiction to alcohol. I also home educated my school; I home educate my children. I have been incredibly worried at times and was really facing like, insanely dark days. Just like being worried about my children, being worried that you know, I’m so stuck in this addiction. January of this year, I went into rehab. And today, I have been sober about 9 ½ months. I can’t begin to express how God has been so, so good. Like, I just, you know, just to be free all of this time, it’s just so freeing for me. It’s been so helpful, like so beautiful for my family. And I’m just so grateful that God has delivered me, that He has set me free from this generational curse. I really wanted to go on but times gonna go. But I just wanted to say that God is faithful. Love you all. Speak against …

This is for Dennis and Walking in Love. Vincent, this is your brother in Baltimore. I heard your…your request, your prayer on the, on the 11th of November and you’re asking the question to the Lord, what is the meaning of it all? Solomon had the same question. And there are a lot in the Bible who have the same question. You’re not alone. I’m not gonna pretend I know the answer though. Because that would be just endless. But I pray that the Lord comes along side of you and give you comfort and peace, in your sense of loss. And I pray that you would receive the comfort and strength in you. And that He would meet you at the point of your need. We pray this in Jesus name. Amen.

This is John in Florida. I am so wiped out. We just had a second hurricane come through here. It’s like we’re in the crossfire here in Central Florida. Just got things cleaned up from Ian and now Nicole comes through here yesterday and just pretty much, all the work I did, out the window. I found this program about ten years ago and I haven’t listened in quite a while, but I listened today. And it’s ironic is you know; I was thinking about the Book of Job. And in chapter 40 verse 6, it says the Lord answered him out of the whirlwind and told him gird up his loins and He will answer him. And that’s the whole of this point that God would just answer me. Because I am so wiped out and exhausted. I’m not going to go into all the losses I’ve had in my family. But just here on my property, these two hurricanes, it just is one thing after another. So, I thought maybe, if I’m not hearing from God, maybe some other people out there, I know it doesn’t sound logical but maybe some other people out there, I mean, John’s such an uncommon name, right? But maybe some other people out there are praying for me if God won’t answer me. Pray for me.

Hey family, this is Rosanna from East Tennessee. I’ve been listening for about 3 years now and Brian, I just want to say, oh my goodness, thank you. I, my…my spiritual walk has been, my walk with Jesus has been so much deeper since I’ve been able to get in the Word with the Daily Audio Bible. And so, I’m calling today to thank Brian for creating Sleep, A Contemplating Journey. And I want to say, I feel like this is, that this music is anointed. Because not only is it peaceful and you can play it through the night, but it literally impacts the spiritual realm. When the spoken word of God is spoken into a house. I have kids who have struggled with night terrors and I’m going, that’s demonic. And when…when you have Scripture that is spoken into the spiritual world, which is, when we speak out Scripture, there is power in the Word of God. I mean, Scripture tells us that, that the Word of God is sharper than any two-edge sword and it can cut between bone and marrow and it’s the only offensive armor weapon that we have. So, Brian, thank you, thank you, thank you. I’m letting it play through the night on replay for my kids as they sleep. There is power in the name of Jesus and there is power in His spoken Word. So, Brian, thank you. And guys I pray for you every single day. I don’t call in that much but I just wanted to say I love you and Brian; the Lord has used you. And guys, Isaiah ___ says ___. So, it’s really true. If we are receiving from something then we need to give back. We really need to give back.

11/14/2022 DAB Transcript

Ezekiel 29:1-30:26, Hebrews 11:32-12:13, Psalms 112:1-10, Proverbs 27:17

Today is the 14th day of November welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it is wonderful to be here with you today as we approach the center of another one of our months together. And we reach the beginning of a month or the middle of a month or the end of a month the same way, step-by-step day by day together. And, so, our next step forward leads us back into the book of Ezekiel. This week we’re reading from the New International Version. And today, Ezekiel chapters 29 and 30.


Okay. So, for the last several days in the letter to the Hebrews we’ve been walking down what is famously known as the hall of faith. And the writer of Hebrews spends quite a generous amount of time, walking through the biblical stories that we’ve been walking through all year while pointing out very specifically that these stories all had something in common. The people had faith in the promises of God regardless of what they saw. And, so, in effect their stories couldn’t have been their stories without faith. They may have had stories. They would have just been totally different stories and we probably wouldn’t be reading about that, but for faith. So, this hall of faith is this march through the biblical narrative of examples of people’s great faith that changed the story, stories that wouldn’t have been the same without faith. So, we’ve kinda been walking through the hall of faith for a couple days. We finished the hall of faith today and that little journey and by revealing to us that our story as well is not the same story without faith. Our story requires faith just like the examples of the people in the hall of faith. And we saw as we walked down the hall of faith that most of these people believed in a promise that they never got to see. They knew they were carrying the story forward and their faith didn’t always just make them blessed and prosperous. Some of them died for their faith, believing that what was to come in faith was greater than what they had to lose, which was their lives. The writer of Hebrews is revealing to us that we’re no different. Faith is the ingredient that is irreplaceable in the recipe that is our lives. So, as we’re coming out of the hall of faith we are told how to not be stuck or how to lose weight, how to understand that faith is the central piece of our lives and not all the other things that entangle us. And, so, we encountered a very famous passage in the letter to the Hebrews. And I quote, “since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.” Many translations tell us to throw off every weight, the things that we are carrying that are excess, that aren’t doing anything, the things that we are dragging around that are slowing our progress down that do not build and encourage and establish our faith. So, Hebrews says, “since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.” Basically, we’re being told that we’re running a race, an endurance race, a long race, like a marathon, a life-sized marathon. If you’ve ever seen a marathon or seen that kind of race, whether in person or on TV you understand that the runners are very light weight as far as what they’re carrying with them. You don’t see people with 80-pound backpacks running marathons because the excess weight would keep them from enduring enough to complete the race. You don’t see runners following a well-marked path, the path of the race who decide simply to run through fields of brambles and entangle themselves and fall down and get all caught up trying to stay on course. But if we think about our lives and think about our lives using the metaphor of a marathon then we realize we’ve been trying to run this marathon in a way that we can’t really achieve. We’ve been cutting through fields of brambles. We’ve been carrying backpacks. We’ve been chaining things around our ankles. We’ve been trying to run a marathon with all the weights that drag us down, that don’t keep faith out in front of us as the central thing that we are running toward. Looking at the examples in the hall of faith we see that the promise was the prize. Faith was the path. Endurance was what needed to be built up to follow the path to the promise. And this is a good time to point out what we’ve pointed out before, because the further that we go into the New Testament, and it’s not as if we have forever to go, but the further that we go toward the end of the year the more we’re going to see this theme on every page, that endurance is part of the story, that there is no escaping endurance, that even runners who want to win a race have to endure. They have to train then they have to run the race with endurance in order to win. And, so, the writer of Hebrews tells us as we ended our reading in Hebrews today, and I quote, “therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees. Make level paths for your feet, so that the lame may not be disabled but rather healed.” What we are learning is that there is a precedent for faith. We walked down the hall of faith and saw all the examples, that that precedent is attached to our lives, that faith is the era personable part of our story, and that faith requires endurance, that we keep running in faith, even though we can’t see the promise. Because it is faith that tells us it’s there. It’s out there. We must keep going. We cannot give up, we cannot surrender. We must endure. We must persevere. It’s out there, we can see it through the eyes of faith. These kinds of things are so encouraging when they come up in the Bible because life is an endurance race, is it not? Like that’s a good metaphor. And there are times where we feel like we are weighed down to the point that we can’t move. And there are times we feel like we have endured until there’s nothing left. And we have run in the dark when our faith seems dim. Life has a way of pulling us off the path and inviting us into the brambles where we find ourselves entangled in all kinds of things, weights that we don’t need to be carrying around, shackles that aren’t ours, things that we’re dragging and carrying that they’re best let go of because they’re not going to be helpful on the race ahead, whether that be wounds in our lives, assumptions about other people, anything in our story. Anything that we’re believing about anything, we’re or sending out our faith in that direction. And sometimes we can be believing things about ourselves that we have honestly been set free of. We can carry weights around inside of ourselves because of regret or failure or things that have been done to us and we carry these things as a burden like it’s the burden of our lives when we have honestly been set free from those things and our Father, is saying hey sweetheart, son, son, you can let that go. You can put that down right here. You don’t have to carry that another step. It’s not your story anymore. Your story is a promise in front of you that you run toward in faith and let go of everything that is tangling you. And, so, as we continue through this day that is worthy of contemplation, that is worthy of inviting the Holy Spirit into. What are the tangles? What are the things that I have entangled myself in that now are trapping me? What are the weights that I am carrying around that are slowing everything down and making me exhausted so that I don’t feel like I can persevere, so that I don’t feel like I have the endurance to finish this race. Those things need examination. It doesn’t mean that we just selfishly jettison everything and everybody because it would make our lives so much simpler if we didn’t have any entanglements whatsoever. It’s worth inviting the Holy Spirit into what is the dead weight that I am carrying around. Because that’s what it is. Dead weight. I am carrying around dead weight in my life and I have full permission by the lover of my soul to set that weight down and run forward without it.


Holy Spirit, we all have these things. We all have things that have slowed us down and are slowing us down that are entangling us and trapping us and weighing us down. Each of our stories is different. You know all of our stories. You have been here with us every step of the way. You know what’s going on in each one of us. Show us the dead weight that we may set down and run with freedom because we’re going to need more endurance and perseverance. Letting go of the things that are weighing us down is necessary for our future. Help us Holy Spirit, we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.


dailyaudiobible.com, that is home base, home of the Global Campfire. That’s where you can find out what’s going on around here. The Daily Audio Bible app puts that in the palm of your hand with a bunch of other stuff, especially just keeping track of where we are, where we’re going, how far we’ve progressed, how that’s all working out and just notes that we can jot down. Just a number of things that enhance the experience of moving to the Bible together are in the Daily Audio Bible app. So, check that out.

Check out the Community section of the website or app. That is where you can find the links to get connected on social media. That is also where the Prayer Wall lives and breathes and continues to have its being. It’s a resource here for us around the Global Campfire so that we know no matter what…no matter how much the bottom might fall out of any given day, we’re not alone, we can reach out. There is a place that we can go and reach out and that would be the Prayer Wall. So, check that out.

Reminding you once again of our most recent resource, our brand-new resource, Sleep, a contemplative journey. That can be found wherever it is that you stream or download your music wherever that might be, whatever service you may use, wherever you are in the world. And, so, check that out. That is a resource created to make space for rest, for calm, for sleep. And as these weeks continue to progress in this month…I mean before this month is over we will be in the thick of the holiday season and I just really felt like releasing Sleep at this time in…in advance of that can give us a resource that we can turn to if we’re finding ourselves restless. Because we need rest. We are at our best if we’re arrested. So, check that out as well

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, if this mission to bring the spoken word of God read fresh every day and offered freely to anybody anywhere anytime and to be the Global Campfire together, to be in community together as we navigate through every verse of the Scriptures, if that is life-giving to you than thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you’re using the app, you can press the give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.

And if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app. That’s the little red button up at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I will be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer and Praise:

This is Jersey Jane for Jesus. It is November 10th. I heard Barbara call in. Barbara, your husband of 41 years passed away you said at one in the morning, and you downloaded the Sleep album by Brian. It rested his restlessness. It calmed him. You said he passed away with a smile. Oh, Barbara, I’m so sorry but as you said he is lifted now to the Creator to our Lord. He is in heaven, but it leaves you alone down here until it is your time. So, I pray for you for comfort through Jesus. And Barbara, I was astounded that because of your grief you still reached out to Kayla. You still had the heart to think of other people during your time of deep grief. You are precious Barbara. You are loved. God sees your work. He sees how you care. I…I have never heard of someone losing a partner and then in turn praying for someone else. Kayla, call in to us. Let us know you are OK. God bless.

Hi Barbara this is God’s Life Speaker I’m listening to November 10th and you came on as the first prayer after Brian’s commentary to tell us that your husband is now in the arms of Jesus and after 41 years. And I just loved your testimony. It was 1:00 o'clock in the morning and this is your story, yet I wanted to just…I’ve never heard anybody say that even though they were there with their loved one they were wrestling but as they departed you felt that you saw a smile on your husband’s face, and I’ve never heard anybody say that. And my mom had had a stroke and it was another 43 days before she would depart and be with Jesus. And she couldn’t smile and that was like the one thing that we were missing and when she took her last breath also at one in the morning, she left us with a smile. So, Barbara, that was so beautiful and it was just so heartwarming to feel like we were there with you and your husband. You are now on a different path as this is airing behind and in a new place that we just hold you up. In the name of Jesus we pray for your strength to be given by the Lord, that your joy would be of the Lord, that He would just be flooding your mind with memories of the past 41 plus years, that you are surrounded by beautiful believers and family and all that just cherished your husband is a friend, dad, son whomever…whomever is there, that it is just joyful even in the hard spots, but that you cling to that smile because you know why he was smiling. He was standing in the arms of the savior. Amen.

My heart was touched today by a call from Barbara. In tears you told us that your husband had just passed away on November 10th. We care about you Barbara. We love you and want to support you. I was amazed that in your tears you also shared with a grateful heart how much DAB has encouraged you and helped you and I really related to your call. My husband passed away in a similar situation three years ago and DAB has always been an encouragement to me and a comfort. And I know it will be for you as you go through this journey. Know that I’m praying for you, I care about you, and I know there are many others who feel the same way right now. You’re loved.

Please please please family pray for my nephew Sam. He’s a marine veteran. He has PTSD and he stepped out on his marriage. He’s got four beautiful children and now he’s suicidal and it has been…has been admitted to veterans’ hospital. He knows he did something so foolish and we’re just desperate for him and his…his children can’t lose their daddy. And we just pray for some miracle for their marriage. Please pray for his wife Kelsey and their four beautiful children. Lord please please please make a way where there seems to be no way. Rescue Sam. Rescue his family…the family and thank you family for praying. Just in desperate need. Thank you so much. This is Sarah from Colorado.

Hello Daily Audio Bible I’m asking you all to pray with me. I wanna thank the Lord for the sister who called in from Waco TX on 10/21. It was the last call, and it is so awesome how God is working in your life, how He’s blessing you in your recovery. I am so so proud of you. And I just thank You Lord for putting people in this sister’s life who can identify with her and love her. And I thank the Lord for everybody who’s been in recovery that’s calling in and talking about being set free. I’m thankful for the guy who works in the prison who called in talking about the water and comparing it to the Holy Spirit. That was a great analogy. God bless your work. I’m praying for all the ministry that goes on in the jails and the prisons, that the prisoners would be set free just like God has set all of us free who have been in prison to sin, that God would give them freedom. And I’m thanking God for Echo Hope who called in on November the 7th when it was played. Praise God for how He is working in your life. Joyful James, how all the letters have made a difference in that prison. And pray for my friend Marty who’s on Hospice who’s trying to decide whether to stay with her brother or what. God bless you guys. Bye-bye.

DAB family I have been a long long long-time listener and this podcast has been a huge blessing to me in my life. All throughout the trials and tribulations I’ve had this has been my foundation. Every morning before I start my day I am blessed by this podcast, by your spirits, by your prayers. Each and every one of you are truly a blessing in my life because you pour out your heart and soul to my God my Lord my Savior and to thank you each and every one of you. And I’m just calling now finally after so many years because of the podcast that just played where a guy said I don’t understand. I just don’t understand. And I feel you my brother because I…I have gone through the same…same state of mind, same perspective that I just don’t understand, especially because I’ve gone through my Job moments. I’ve lost everything and I am the only one left in my family that’s alive trying to honor their lives the way that I live my own by honoring God and allowing Him to be the forefront of everything that I do. But you’re gonna have moments where you just don’t understand but you gotta take that leap of faith. It’s all about that faith that you have to have and remembering the blessings even when the prayers don’t go answered and your voice is not heard. Have faith. In Jesus’ name I pray that we all continue to stay in love. Hoping you all have a blessed day.